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I'm a seventeen year old, I'm 100 percent sure that I'm a Satanist but have a lot of questions.


New member
Apr 15, 2021
I'm really unsure about a lot of things. Should I actively be telling people I know about Satanism and the truth, because I know it's the truth, or should I take another route? I'm yet to even dedicate my soul as I'm a little overwhelmed by college and such, but as soon as I get time, I'm gonna start with everything. Do I need to start with an astral temple and the ritual in order to successfully reap the benefits of Satanic witchcraft and such. Is it okay for me to treat and sort of worship Satan as a father figure rather than a deity or as the xians put it "God"? This is my final question, I have a person who I believe is the bane of my existence and has absolutely made my living an absolute nightmare, if I were to use things like a stagnation ritual, or deliver unto him the evil eye, will I Father Satan be mad?
Absolutely do not tell anybody about it. Keep it a secret. You do not know if someone who is your friend today, may be your enemy a year from now. People do this at that age. People will not understand, they will slander you, and they will make your life difficult.

You do not need an astral temple. I never made one. But you can do that if you want to.

It is good to treat Satan like a father figure, because he is our father. He created us, he created our souls, and he guides us and helps us. Memorize one of Satan's sigils, whichever one is easiest for you to memorize. At any time, you can focus on this symbol in your mind, and speak to Satan in your mind. And remember that even if you are new, even if your senses are not opened yet, Satan is still able to hear you. Relax, and be open to any feelings or messages that he may give you. It is common to feel an electrical feeling in your body, or a feeling like wind is blowing on you. Your body relaxes, and you may feel an emotional energy like somebody cares about you.

Do a binding ritual against that person, so that they are unable to act against you. And also do an aura of protection around yourself. The Returning Curses part 1 and part 2 are very helpful for this.
Thank you for informing me and clearing some of my doubts! I also needed to ask if it is okay to form a relationship, romantic or sexual, with a demon, or is that not possible? (I'm asking this for when I would be serious about such a thing).
Thank you for informing me and clearing some of my doubts! I also needed to ask if it is okay to form a relationship, romantic or sexual, with a demon, or is that not possible? (I'm asking this for when I would be serious about such a thing).
ronaldhitherto said:
Thank you for informing me and clearing some of my doubts! I also needed to ask if it is okay to form a relationship, romantic or sexual, with a demon, or is that not possible? (I'm asking this for when I would be serious about such a thing).
Having a sexual/romantic relationship with a Demon has already been explained on Joyofsatan.org, you should keep reading the JoS website.

Incubi and Succubi: Sexual Relations With Demons

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
