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Ideas on how to psychically harvest energy from the vaccinated?

All this talk of morality and personal philosophies is so tiring. Everyone thinks they're right and wants to impose their personal views and interpretations and principles on others. Well guess what. Your morality is a leash, and in a retarded self righteous fashion you want to fasten it to the necks of others too. Universal morality is the most retarded thing ever, and was most certainly hatched from the minds of some scheming scum of the enemy. There are going to be many cases where your absolute ethics don't apply, and just like lazy lawgivers who want everything to be simple and not have to deal with the more complex shades of life, you refuse to even bother imagining them or considering them. You just want your black and white.

Everyone should form their own principles and set of ethics, their own code to live their life by. No one should force their own code onto others unless they are willing to fight. If I saw someone raping another person in the streets, and I was either unwilling or unable to go out there and stop it, then I should just stay inside my home with the curtains closed like a pussy. If I can't beat the perp within an inch of his life then I have no business imposing my view on him that he shouldn't rape people.

If I decided to make certain gentiles my enemy (and I HAVE), and if I decided to devour their life force simply because I can and it's useful to me, then there isn't anything you all can say to dissuade me, shame me, or change my ways. Group morality is ridiculous. If it's the laws of society then that's agreed upon by all members of society, and that's different - just to note.

I'm 100% with Dahaarkan on this. And personally I would condone a level of morality even lower than he would. If I find a treasure chest full of gold hidden underneath some deadbeat's home, and they don't even know it's there and they are obviously going nowhere in life and won't advance, then that treasure is going to be more useful to me than it is to them. If I choose to take it to help me in my own life and pursuits then it's fine. Karma isn't going to whip me for it. The Gods aren't going to punish me for it because I didn't do anything "wrong" or against them. Even if the hapless person didn't "deserve" it, it's irrelevant. It would simply be a matter of I saw something I wanted so I took it. What someone "deserves" has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't feel the need to justify it either. I don't limit my will by notions of right and wrong when it's low level beings who aren't worth such considerations. Would they have shown me the same courtesy during the witch burnings in another life? Fuck no they wouldn't. They would have spat in my face while insulting and berating me as I burned to death. Not everyone is worth empathizing with or showing kindness to. It's better to take it case by case and treat everyone differently.

Another thing. Notions of "right" and "wrong" are dependent on who is inconvenienced and who benefits from an action. If something is inconvenient for someone then they will try to claim that it was morally "wrong." If it positively affected them then it's "good." If you turn on the masters who have dog trained your minds like this, and you decide to be a taker in life and take what you want regardless of who it inconveniences in society, then they will surely yell at you for it and tell you what a bad person you are, and how "wrong it is" what you did. You will shrug it off knowing they have no power to stop you, and you will walk into a new world of unbound freedom. Knowing that you have the power and freedom to do whatever you want, and then after that YOU are the only one who decides what you're not willing to do. You draw your own lines, you make your own code for yourself. Your own rules. Until you can do that then you are all mental slaves to the law book of your enemies. "Don't kill, don't steal..." Root it out if you know what's good for you, and stop hiding behind a shield and calling it Satanism. Satanists think for themselves, and they certainly don't push their own absolute notions of morality onto others like a damned xian.

I for one don't want to be "all the same" and follow the same prescribed set of rules as all of you. What a joke. As long as I don't go against Satan then he allows me to be myself and make my own decisions. And I would rather be me than be a hive mind with all of you who are too afraid to take a stand against the restrictive popular consensus. If taking energy from others was forbidden then Maxine never would have written a page about it and shared how to do it.

I'm sure some of you would complain as well if I cursed a competitive co-worker in order to secure a promotion. If the boss liked them and they seemed like a threat to my objective then I would curse them to make them fail because they're in the way. It's not a big deal, and you all should stop moral preaching and virtue signaling, and just admit that you don't like Dahaarkan. You're all just embarrassing yourselves and then disliking him when your group attacks fail. Each time you all try to take him down, he grows stronger while you all lose more credibility and social standing. Your public images are eroding, and it's not Dahaarkan's doing - it's your own.

If you want to "not be like jews" then all you have to do is commit to the Truth and avoid being a liar when you don't need to be. Being in alignment with Truth makes you fundamentally different from jews, and the "morality" of your actions is irrelevant. Parasitism like the jews practice is destructive to nature and goes against the flow of nature and evolution, but the strong taking from the weak is not the same thing as what they do. Go nuke some forests because some great elk disagreed with you and refused to come offer itself on a plate to you for your convenience instead of hunting it properly because you're a weak specimen that can't compete and survive even on the same level as a tick because you hate doing work (jew), and then you will be like them. Until you reach that point, stop being anxious and comparing yourselves to jews to determine "right and wrong." The ancients didn't think like this. If they wanted something when they had the power to take it then they took it. They conquered lands and absorbed it within their growing empire. Look what that led to - prosperity for everyone. Taking life force from some ignorant unspiritual people who serve no purpose in life other than to serve the jews is hardly a crime. They're not doing anything useful with their life force, and they're not going to for a long long time. What's more is that they will recover it over time through natural energy intake, and even faster if they open their chakras and become spiritual beings. Best of all is that their energy is going to something useful that benefits the whole world rather than being wasted on an empty husk sack of rotting meat which is all modern humans are and want to be. Why should anyone care about ethics towards those who are without? That's stupid. Again, they would never show us the same courtesy, consideration, and empathy. Wanting the best for humanity as a whole doesn't have to mean restricting your actions and options for the sake of useless individuals who make up that whole.

I'm not like certain people here who believe EVERYONE has potential and deserves to be uplifted. I never waste time uplifting people who are obviously incapable of advancing. Only when someone is an obvious gem do I bother helping them and investing in them. The ones who choose to remain on a low level and don't benefit humanity in anyway should either be disregarded and left alone, or fed on if one is so inclined. Judging others with that inclination in some stupid morality contest is just an embarrassment to Satanism. You all should waste less time philosophizing and spend more time working through your karma and inner hangups. I can't believe some of you would watch an ignorant gentile prosper right in front of you while you suffer and starve, if you had the knowledge and means to take what they have with the power of your mind so that you are the one prospering while they can't afford to eat. You all really wouldn't choose yourselves in a binary scenario like that? Oh you're going to work hard instead in a system that is engineered to make you fail and suffer, and with all kinds of negative forces working against you? Cool. Enjoy going hungry. This is why none of you will ever be wolves as you asserted to me that you are. At the very least, wolves don't willingly CHOOSE to go hungry, especially when food is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. Stop choosing other people instead of yourselves, or else suffer silently and stop complaining about people who DO choose themselves. This is literally a fucking witch hunt... like holy fuck how stupid can you all be.
Stormblood said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Dahaarkan said:
On the topic of arguing with you, yes, I very much enjoyed discussing things with you before you became...this. I often enjoy discussion with people who have different views to mine, but for some reason now you take everything personally and see any form of disagreement as a personal attack. It's become quite boring admittedly. We used to be able to have a discussion without you being passive aggressive constantly, that was nice.

Back in the day we could even agree to disagree and leave it at that, imagine!

The reason why Stormblood no longer agrees to disagree with you is because what you advocate and practice is no longer Spiritual Satanism.

Why would Stormblood, or any dedicated SS for that matter simply agree to disagree with someone practicing psychic vampirism in any form, and associating it with Spiritual Satanism?

Practice it if you like, but do not expect us to agree or accept your views on it, which are incompatible with the Spiritual Satanic spirit and way, if you come here to advocate such methods.

Hail Satan!

Great way to put it.

He's also way off-base about how I am feeling about him, which is simply nothing. Coldness if anything. On the other hand, his aura is pure hostility whenever I focus on him, remaining on the shallowest of levels of focus. This means hostility is his basic unconscious state when he comes in contact with me or my energies in general. He is just projecting his feelings upon me, falsely attributing them to me.

Not that I care, but that's obviously not true. If you were completely indifferent towards him as you say then you wouldn't have name dropped him in a snarky and petty fashion. One couldn't be faulted either for suspecting you of baiting him with those comments before he even joined the thread. He's right that you give him free rent in your mind. He occupies a place in your thoughts whether you admit it or not, and the proof of that is just what I referred to. Your attempt at posturing is transparent and pointless.

I just wanted to expose that.
Kinda been pondering a bit after skimming through the comments here. Bare in mind new members can have pretty awkward and sometimes less than glamorous first appearances on the forums. Questions and ideas can look really stupid and even down right retarded to us but remember these people don't have the knowledge, understanding, and practice in meditation that we do yet. Some are sheltered and their heads filled with enemy brainwashing, their potential is the last thing that will reveal itself the first time they open up. Yes there are trolls and enemies trying to stir shit, but not everyone. Be on guard, listen to your gut, and play it by ear. Reserve the dog piles for obvious enemies and trolls until you know what's up.

As for the topic, I think Soaring Eagle already made a great comment regarding that as did the HP.

To add my 2 cents on the arguments between Dahaarkan and the others, it's more wise to shape your moral code based on what is or isn't allowed under Satan's laws, and the consequences you're willing to handle, everything else is freedom of personal choice. Basing moral codes on things you associate with the enemy is useless because they use quite a lot of magick tools that they stole from our people. Are you going to up and abandon every magickal tool just because the kikes use it? The issue here isn't energy ripping or psychic vampirism itself, but who does it, how they use it, and who they use it on. You don't have to use every tool you are given, but your personal code doesn't make a tool forbidden.

I have my own code I follow shaped by what I'm willing to do should a situation present certain decisions. If you need justice on some sorry-ass and decide to use energy ripping, it's just a tool to use as you wish so long as it doesn't violate Father Satan's laws. Karma isn't going to bite you for going after people who waste their lives away to nothing. The Gods won't punish you unless you violate Father's laws, or you punish yourself through stupidity and the consequences. But energy ripping and taking someone else's energy isn't forbidden, just frowned on by those who have a different code.
Stormblood said:
Great way to put it.

He's also way off-base about how I am feeling about him, which is simply nothing. Coldness if anything. On the other hand, his aura is pure hostility whenever I focus on him, remaining on the shallowest of levels of focus. This means hostility is his basic unconscious state when he comes in contact with me or my energies in general. He is just projecting his feelings upon me, falsely attributing them to me.

You feel that I'm hostile to you because everything I say to you, you take to heart. At this point you've grown so frustrated towards me to the point where you subconsciously see me as your enemy. You carry these frustrations for so long you couldn't help but complain about a discussion we had MONTHS ago.

You really just need to relax, this isn't the first time you assume someone is out to destroy you just because they had a disagreement with you. Just because I get frustrated with your stubborn nature and call you an idiot from time to time doesn't mean I hate you, or even mean it.

This isn't just you. Most of you guys are extremely tense and defensive in my opinion. I'm guilty of it too at times.
Stormblood said:
Dahaarkan said:

Ignore me if you want to ignore me but I just want to say one thing. And my intentions about this are good.

I have a lot of respect for both of you. Both of you are really good people. But your personalities just don't fit together well. I've watched both of you for years arguing about stuff in a way that is not really productive or important. And I have participated in it too a few times with both of you, and I'm sorry for wasting your time.

Everybody here has a different personality and some people are just not meant to fit together. There are a small number of people here who I just don't fit with and I just have to ignore them because I know if I say anything it won't be useful and will just be another dumb argument. I think it would be better for both of you to just ignore each other and not make any reply to each other. I've seen both of you for years disagreeing about things and I can't remember any time where it ended in a productive way for anybody.

All of us are not perfect. But all of us are important and useful in our own way. So I think it would work better to just keep doing the good things we are doing, and ignore anything that would slow us down.
Stormblood said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
so how will wealth be justly transferred in a SS system like workers who work low wage jobs will they still live paycheck to paycheck or live with roommates or work 40 to 80 hours a week cause i remember a sermon from HPHoodedCobra that an SS society would be something like as long as you work and contribute you'll have a place and not be in poverty and not live paycheck to paycheck also by merit do you mean working hard? having a college degree? having a trade/skill? what do you mean cause nowadays working hard doesn't mean much in jobs unless you have some kind of skill. also would low wage jobs be replaced by robots since the logic on the internet is that everyone should be a doctor or engineer to not live paycheck to paycheck.

also is Dahaarkan being hated because he's promoting psychic vampirism if so he deserves it fuck jewish practices!

i kindly request some answers to my questions if you got the time Stormbro

also do you like my insult to reptilians bitchtilians? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We don't know yet how it will work. It will be an evolving situation. You can imagine what HP Hooded Cobra stated as a mission statement, and the wise people of a country will gradually manifest it in reality. What we have today is a completely poisoned system. What we will have in the future will be completely unbelievable for most, especially for people who have not freed themselves yet from the enemy shackles. However, not as unbelievable as the system of the Gods, as we are still so far away from that level.

well thats true i was just wondering will all the basic labor be replaced by skills like trade and college for example cause people have argued that you shouldn't really be independent unless you have a skill to make enough to live comfortably unless you wanna work 40 to 80 hours with most of your life just working and surviving and after several years go on a week or so vacation even though the country i live in the United States apparently overworks itself and produces more than enough goods and services(maybe) but its getting way more expensive which is strange and also housing for even just a 1 bedroom apartment is getting thru the roof in some areas like the state i live in.

so will those non-skills be replaced with Robots cause capitalists and many baby boomers give the same answer such as become a doctor or engineer yet if everyone was that whos gonna do the other stuff.

also do the Gods and Goddesses do any manual labor or do they all have skills/trades or something more advanced or beyond our comprehension cause i remember HPHoodedCobra said they don't use money they use Energy which i have no idea how that would even work seems really science fiction and fantasy to me hope i can see it one day :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stormblood said:
Dahaarkan said:

Ignore me if you want to ignore me but I just want to say one thing. And my intentions about this are good.

I have a lot of respect for both of you. Both of you are really good people. But your personalities just don't fit together well. I've watched both of you for years arguing about stuff in a way that is not really productive or important. And I have participated in it too a few times with both of you, and I'm sorry for wasting your time.

Everybody here has a different personality and some people are just not meant to fit together. There are a small number of people here who I just don't fit with and I just have to ignore them because I know if I say anything it won't be useful and will just be another dumb argument. I think it would be better for both of you to just ignore each other and not make any reply to each other. I've seen both of you for years disagreeing about things and I can't remember any time where it ended in a productive way for anybody.

All of us are not perfect. But all of us are important and useful in our own way. So I think it would work better to just keep doing the good things we are doing, and ignore anything that would slow us down.

I don't hate stormblood though. He is a beautiful soul, and I like him really. Stormblood has a problem though, he is a slave to his public image and will go as far as to be dishonest in an attempt to preserve it.

This is why regardless of what I discuss with him, he will end up looking like he's in denial or delusional, and more importantly, dishonest. Because in the JOY OF SATAN forums, dishonesty doesn't get far, and it gets exposed constantly. All my discussions with him come down to this point which I will hammer into him until he understands.

His "image" means nothing. He doesn't need it, and shouldn't care about it. He should instead focus on being honest with his fellow Satanists at all times. This is what will have him receive true respect from the real SS here. Not the adoration and worship of idiots who will always validate him no matter what, and the keen eyed of you know exactly what I'm talking about, it happened on this very thread. He is addicted to this.

I respect stormblood in a deeper way than he even understands. These mosquito members that just follow him around giving him pointless praise don't respect him the way he thinks they do, and will be his downfall.

Aldrick and Stormblood are more similar than either will ever admit. Both are addicted to the same drug. Aldrick being banned is the best thing that ever happened to him, and I have high hopes that he's on the right track now that his drug was taken away. These arguments are not pointless, believe me.

You've argued with me before also, and I have a deep respect for you for being honest about your thoughts. Even if they differ to mine, and even if we end up insulting each other for hours. Being honest with someone is a sign of respect, even if that honesty can be frustrating or even hurtful to hear. I'd like stormblood to give me the same level of honesty that I give him, is all. He can't even admit he dislikes me personally, when this is extremely obvious. This level of dishonesty really gets to me.

One day he will admit that he's been very silly over the years, and even dishonest. And when he does that all the mosquitos whose worship he loves so much will turn their back on him, but he will gain respect and status he can't even fathom right now. The mosquitoes surrounding him worship the image of an all knowing, correct in all things entity that he pretends to be. They only worship this "image", and have no respect for him as the person he really is.

I respect him as a person, flawed as he is. He is a beautiful soul.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
Stormblood said:
Dahaarkan said:
In my experience completely draining a person is not really efficient. Like I said in another post, psychic vampirism is like sticking your arm in a sewage pipe. You have to know what you're looking for and where to find it, as you don't want to get all that filth on yourself. Intense draining is extremely dangerous if you take that mass of energy into yourself carelessly. You ought to be selective and subtle.

Without saying much, draining specific parts of the soul, that are connected to certain material things can transfer that defining piece of their existence, for example wealth, to you.

Doing this correctly overtime their wealth begins to dissipate, expensive legal trouble befalls them, their business loses customers and revenue, and they have financial mishaps and misfortunes.

On the other side of this transaction you get a raise or promotion, or maybe find a job that pays better, or sell something for extravagant price, or gain a new asset etc.

You go up, they go down. You can complain eternally about how this is a jewish practice and it's evil and bla bla bla. I say find the people who deserve to lose everything, and show them the same level of mercy they give to their employees. No mercy for slavers, take everything from them.

Transferring of wealth should be done by someone and wealth should be transferred to people based on merit, hence why a SS justice system will deal with this in the future, not edgy people moving blood money to themselves without having done much to deserve them.

Yes, this people should be punished. No, nobody appointed you to be judge and executioner. Those roles you can assume when you have been personally wronged. For your sjw needs, an appropriate authority that exact actual justice needs to be involved. This is clearly not you, or wealth would be appropriately redistributed amongst the people affected.

These things require conscience and judgement, which you lack. You are only in it for yourself. Hence why you are having backslash on here. Not just by me but by nearly everyone. You are no different than a thief.

In logic, just because a premise is correct it doesn't imply that the result is too. And if you reply 'better an SS Gentile than a slaver', anyone can see how short-sighted of a statement that would be.

How about you try to redistribute wealth properly to the people affected and stop being a thief? Maybe the Gods would be on your side and would be even willing to help you in this endeavour by showing you who these need to be bestowed upon, rather than yourself.

For your own personal gain, there are ways that do not involve thievery. Spiritual Satanism has moral and ethics too. The Gods teach them. You should attend some classes.
so how will wealth be justly transferred in a SS system like workers who work low wage jobs will they still live paycheck to paycheck or live with roommates or work 40 to 80 hours a week cause i remember a sermon from HPHoodedCobra that an SS society would be something like as long as you work and contribute you'll have a place and not be in poverty and not live paycheck to paycheck also by merit do you mean working hard? having a college degree? having a trade/skill? what do you mean cause nowadays working hard doesn't mean much in jobs unless you have some kind of skill. also would low wage jobs be replaced by robots since the logic on the internet is that everyone should be a doctor or engineer to not live paycheck to paycheck.

also is Dahaarkan being hated because he's promoting psychic vampirism if so he deserves it fuck jewish practices!

i kindly request some answers to my questions if you got the time Stormbro

also do you like my insult to reptilians bitchtilians? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We live directly under a communist system they just call it Capitalism or democracy or a republic or whatever.

Now obviously Capitalism and Democracy is preferable to overt Marxism but the problem with it is people don't see the chains that bind them. We are free in that there is no overt force behind a lot unlike communism but we are not free in that we live under the same kind of system communism is.
Dahaarkan said:

What I believe you like about this method of Black Magick and self defense [which is why it's given in the JoS anyway, it will be moved into the appropriate section] is that it exposes you to different types of energies, which could for all intents be generated and approached from the perspective of invocation or other avenues, especially so because they would be cleaner and far less problematic to work with.

On a sense of lifeforce absorption, psychic vampirism to regular people is like stealing 5$ from an already homeless person. Most people are energetically destitute as it is.

Certain cases of even poorer magicians and meditators who cannot really articulate what to clean, have went to ranges of insanity such as losing their identity or having even gender identity confusion, or other strange things like this, which makes the whole method at least in my perception of not that much importance compared to being able to absorb, articulate, and self generate your energy or work with natural forces which you can later on transmute as you see fit.

In the end what I believe is the most important reason for you for applying this technique is that it exposes you into certain energetic forms that you find very nice, long story short. These can be generated and tapped into from other methods [which can be similar to invocation], but without the negative hassle of absorbing human sludge involved from these.

The above is not a judgement of moral pretext here, but rather an analysis of function, which you might find useful. The perceived power this gives you is always secondary to the first power that develops or articulates these, as is the case with anything parasitic in nature.
VoiceofEnki said:
NinRick said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Greetings brother, may I ask you a question?
I think that there are good chances that you know the answer.
In the Sigil of Lady Inanna, there are two straight lines, that go from top to bottom, which are parallel. Are those nadhis?

Hail Lady Inanna!

Yes and no. The sigil is actually extremely deep and complex, where I do not understand it all yet either.

In some way, one can say the two straight lines represent the Ida and Pingala, but that is not all.

The pentagram represents the 5 elements, while the two lines represent the two polarities that are born from the elements, and the two, or the duality, then comes together to create a whole all pervading force/power, and also the reverse, how the all pervading force/power can divide into polarities and then diffuse into the elements to create invocatively or evocatively.

All together it shows the permutation of the spiritual energies as one performs the spiritual alchemy, and contains within the full secret of the spiritual alchemy and force of creation/destruction.

It also shows a concept of infinity, the perpetual generation of energies without dissipating, which is the state the soul attains when the Godhead is reached.

HP HoodedCobra understands it better and can explain it better, but I think it is something that should be figured out on ones own by meditating upon it.

I remember a while back I mentioned during yoga i felt like i was being told about another chakra in the back of the head. I looked it up and found it to be something called the moon center. Maybe it was a back extension of the 6th chakra or the 3rd eye, and i felt like i was being told it could help see into the past like past lives.

I posted it here in the forums and chaosbringer speculated with me that this could have been Lady Inanna, and the conversation was brought up that the 3 dots in several spots on her sigil could signify the 3 major clairaudience points.
jrvan said:
All this talk of morality and personal philosophies is so tiring. Everyone thinks they're right and wants to impose their personal views and interpretations and principles on others. Well guess what. Your morality is a leash, and in a retarded self righteous fashion you want to fasten it to the necks of others too. Universal morality is the most retarded thing ever, and was most certainly hatched from the minds of some scheming scum of the enemy. There are going to be many cases where your absolute ethics don't apply, and just like lazy lawgivers who want everything to be simple and not have to deal with the more complex shades of life, you refuse to even bother imagining them or considering them. You just want your black and white.

Everyone should form their own principles and set of ethics, their own code to live their life by. No one should force their own code onto others unless they are willing to fight. If I saw someone raping another person in the streets, and I was either unwilling or unable to go out there and stop it, then I should just stay inside my home with the curtains closed like a pussy. If I can't beat the perp within an inch of his life then I have no business imposing my view on him that he shouldn't rape people.

If I decided to make certain gentiles my enemy (and I HAVE), and if I decided to devour their life force simply because I can and it's useful to me, then there isn't anything you all can say to dissuade me, shame me, or change my ways. Group morality is ridiculous. If it's the laws of society then that's agreed upon by all members of society, and that's different - just to note.

I'm 100% with Dahaarkan on this. And personally I would condone a level of morality even lower than he would. If I find a treasure chest full of gold hidden underneath some deadbeat's home, and they don't even know it's there and they are obviously going nowhere in life and won't advance, then that treasure is going to be more useful to me than it is to them. If I choose to take it to help me in my own life and pursuits then it's fine. Karma isn't going to whip me for it. The Gods aren't going to punish me for it because I didn't do anything "wrong" or against them. Even if the hapless person didn't "deserve" it, it's irrelevant. It would simply be a matter of I saw something I wanted so I took it. What someone "deserves" has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't feel the need to justify it either. I don't limit my will by notions of right and wrong when it's low level beings who aren't worth such considerations. Would they have shown me the same courtesy during the witch burnings in another life? Fuck no they wouldn't. They would have spat in my face while insulting and berating me as I burned to death. Not everyone is worth empathizing with or showing kindness to. It's better to take it case by case and treat everyone differently.

Another thing. Notions of "right" and "wrong" are dependent on who is inconvenienced and who benefits from an action. If something is inconvenient for someone then they will try to claim that it was morally "wrong." If it positively affected them then it's "good." If you turn on the masters who have dog trained your minds like this, and you decide to be a taker in life and take what you want regardless of who it inconveniences in society, then they will surely yell at you for it and tell you what a bad person you are, and how "wrong it is" what you did. You will shrug it off knowing they have no power to stop you, and you will walk into a new world of unbound freedom. Knowing that you have the power and freedom to do whatever you want, and then after that YOU are the only one who decides what you're not willing to do. You draw your own lines, you make your own code for yourself. Your own rules. Until you can do that then you are all mental slaves to the law book of your enemies. "Don't kill, don't steal..." Root it out if you know what's good for you, and stop hiding behind a shield and calling it Satanism. Satanists think for themselves, and they certainly don't push their own absolute notions of morality onto others like a damned xian.

I for one don't want to be "all the same" and follow the same prescribed set of rules as all of you. What a joke. As long as I don't go against Satan then he allows me to be myself and make my own decisions. And I would rather be me than be a hive mind with all of you who are too afraid to take a stand against the restrictive popular consensus. If taking energy from others was forbidden then Maxine never would have written a page about it and shared how to do it.

I'm sure some of you would complain as well if I cursed a competitive co-worker in order to secure a promotion. If the boss liked them and they seemed like a threat to my objective then I would curse them to make them fail because they're in the way. It's not a big deal, and you all should stop moral preaching and virtue signaling, and just admit that you don't like Dahaarkan. You're all just embarrassing yourselves and then disliking him when your group attacks fail. Each time you all try to take him down, he grows stronger while you all lose more credibility and social standing. Your public images are eroding, and it's not Dahaarkan's doing - it's your own.

If you want to "not be like jews" then all you have to do is commit to the Truth and avoid being a liar when you don't need to be. Being in alignment with Truth makes you fundamentally different from jews, and the "morality" of your actions is irrelevant. Parasitism like the jews practice is destructive to nature and goes against the flow of nature and evolution, but the strong taking from the weak is not the same thing as what they do. Go nuke some forests because some great elk disagreed with you and refused to come offer itself on a plate to you for your convenience instead of hunting it properly because you're a weak specimen that can't compete and survive even on the same level as a tick because you hate doing work (jew), and then you will be like them. Until you reach that point, stop being anxious and comparing yourselves to jews to determine "right and wrong." The ancients didn't think like this. If they wanted something when they had the power to take it then they took it. They conquered lands and absorbed it within their growing empire. Look what that led to - prosperity for everyone. Taking life force from some ignorant unspiritual people who serve no purpose in life other than to serve the jews is hardly a crime. They're not doing anything useful with their life force, and they're not going to for a long long time. What's more is that they will recover it over time through natural energy intake, and even faster if they open their chakras and become spiritual beings. Best of all is that their energy is going to something useful that benefits the whole world rather than being wasted on an empty husk sack of rotting meat which is all modern humans are and want to be. Why should anyone care about ethics towards those who are without? That's stupid. Again, they would never show us the same courtesy, consideration, and empathy. Wanting the best for humanity as a whole doesn't have to mean restricting your actions and options for the sake of useless individuals who make up that whole.

I'm not like certain people here who believe EVERYONE has potential and deserves to be uplifted. I never waste time uplifting people who are obviously incapable of advancing. Only when someone is an obvious gem do I bother helping them and investing in them. The ones who choose to remain on a low level and don't benefit humanity in anyway should either be disregarded and left alone, or fed on if one is so inclined. Judging others with that inclination in some stupid morality contest is just an embarrassment to Satanism. You all should waste less time philosophizing and spend more time working through your karma and inner hangups. I can't believe some of you would watch an ignorant gentile prosper right in front of you while you suffer and starve, if you had the knowledge and means to take what they have with the power of your mind so that you are the one prospering while they can't afford to eat. You all really wouldn't choose yourselves in a binary scenario like that? Oh you're going to work hard instead in a system that is engineered to make you fail and suffer, and with all kinds of negative forces working against you? Cool. Enjoy going hungry. This is why none of you will ever be wolves as you asserted to me that you are. At the very least, wolves don't willingly CHOOSE to go hungry, especially when food is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. Stop choosing other people instead of yourselves, or else suffer silently and stop complaining about people who DO choose themselves. This is literally a fucking witch hunt... like holy fuck how stupid can you all be.

Let's see.

Buer heals all diseases, and teaches moral, natural, and logical philosophy. He discourages drunkenness, and provides familiars. He also teaches the properties of all herbs and plants.

Source: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONIV.html/index.html

He can make one charismatic, wise, wealthy, and invincible. He restores lost property and teaches logic and ethics. He reveals the powers of herbs and precious stones and has the power to make one invisible, have a long life, and to have charisma.

Source: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONV.html/index.html

She teaches astrology and the magickal uses of stones and herbs. She also provides familiars, teaches astronomy and the liberal sciences. She is the Goddess of truth, order, and justice. She is very respected among the other Demons. She has jet-black hair with bangs, and tan skin, with an ancient Egyptian type of hair style. She has large white wings and is very tall.


Then, even more important, there is Lord Azazel, who literally oversees over justice. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AzazelHC.html

Lord Baalzevulon:
As a symbol, he is the God of Paternal Order. Due to His extremely high authority, he has been the leader of the Greek Pantheon [and many others], and is symbolic of the Paternal, Firm and Justice oriented ruler-ship
Beelzebul can drive away all sorts of pestilence, be this in the form of physical illness [as his healing capacity], social perils [restorer of Justice], or other spiritual curses.
the Rune Tyr is symbolic of the decrees of Satan being imposed through the hand of Beelzebul, and in his symbolic issuing of Justice.


Lady Astarte literally has an aspect that relates to justice too.

But, yeah, you guys can keep living in a world of moral relativism where there is no justice system and you are judge, jury and executioner. Stealing from a thief and becoming a thief yourself because you move the wealth from thief to yourself, instead of moving it back to whom it belongs to. Very honourable, just and fair.
jrvan said:
Stormblood said:
VoiceofEnki said:
The reason why Stormblood no longer agrees to disagree with you is because what you advocate and practice is no longer Spiritual Satanism.

Why would Stormblood, or any dedicated SS for that matter simply agree to disagree with someone practicing psychic vampirism in any form, and associating it with Spiritual Satanism?

Practice it if you like, but do not expect us to agree or accept your views on it, which are incompatible with the Spiritual Satanic spirit and way, if you come here to advocate such methods.

Hail Satan!

Great way to put it.

He's also way off-base about how I am feeling about him, which is simply nothing. Coldness if anything. On the other hand, his aura is pure hostility whenever I focus on him, remaining on the shallowest of levels of focus. This means hostility is his basic unconscious state when he comes in contact with me or my energies in general. He is just projecting his feelings upon me, falsely attributing them to me.

Not that I care, but that's obviously not true. If you were completely indifferent towards him as you say then you wouldn't have name dropped him in a snarky and petty fashion. One couldn't be faulted either for suspecting you of baiting him with those comments before he even joined the thread. He's right that you give him free rent in your mind. He occupies a place in your thoughts whether you admit it or not, and the proof of that is just what I referred to. Your attempt at posturing is transparent and pointless.

I just wanted to expose that.
Yeah, because when you remember a meme or a joke someone else told, you must be harbouring hostility toward that person. Spot on.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dahaarkan said:

What I believe you like about this method of Black Magick and self defense [which is why it's given in the JoS anyway, it will be moved into the appropriate section] is that it exposes you to different types of energies, which could for all intents be generated and approached from the perspective of invocation or other avenues, especially so because they would be cleaner and far less problematic to work with.

On a sense of lifeforce absorption, psychic vampirism to regular people is like stealing 5$ from an already homeless person. Most people are energetically destitute as it is.

Certain cases of even poorer magicians and meditators who cannot really articulate what to clean, have went to ranges of insanity such as losing their identity or having even gender identity confusion, or other strange things like this, which makes the whole method at least in my perception pale to importance compared to being able to absorb, articulate, and self generate your energy or work with natural forces which you can later on transmute as you see fit.

In the end what I believe is the most important reason for you for applying this technique is that it exposes you into certain energetic forms that you find very nice, long story short. These can be generated and tapped into from other methods [which can be similar to invocation], but without the negative hassle of absorbing human sludge involved from these.

The above is not a judgement of moral pretext here, but rather an analysis of function, which you might find useful. The perceived power this gives you is always secondary to the first power that develops or articulates these, as is the case with anything parasitic in nature.

I am writing an article to finally put this topic to rest. You won't say it but I know this topic's being discussed more and more because of me, and it's becoming problematic. I will try to close this topic for good.

Hopefully it will satisfy the curiosity of both new and advanced people so threads like these stop happening.

My motivation to pursue this is primarily PERSONAL, rather than PRACTICAL reasons. It satisfies a deep rooted desire to topple people who exploit others, in a ruthless and poetic manner, which I will explain in this future post. Draining a rich man's soul is not even close to the wealth workings most people here are familiar with. It can supplement them though, in my experience. And considering the risks, these are the reasons I haven't fully explained what I think are the best methods to achieve this, and just suggest advanced people consider experimentation. Inexperienced people will pollute themselves immensely attempting this.

I also believe this has many applications, parasitism is one of many applications of this knowledge. Connecting with other people and transferring energies between you and them is always dirty and potentially hazardous, but I always believed these are important things to learn.

Knowledge of this practice's inner workings makes psychic vampires a non threat in my experience which I think is the highlight and most valuable thing to take from this. I just fear some will take this knowledge and ruin themselves with it.
Stormblood said:
In my opinion, what you say it's wrong. Satanists are not frail beings that need protection. Satanists can take care of themselves. Violence is part of nature and you can't take it away just by imposing regulations to supposedly stop. In nature, the fittest survive and this applies on any level from the spiritual, to the mental, to the emotional, to the physical. The only violence that should be prohibited is that of adults against underage people because an underage is usually not able to stand up to an adult.


Stormblood this is a post you made the last time we discussed laws and justice. You strongly advocate that individuals (especially Satanists) should take justice into their own hands, even in violent manner. You literally claimed it should be legal to be the judge jury and executioner and make justice with your own hands.

In this same discussion you vehemently express that you should have the right to physically and spiritually harm people who disrespect you verbally. This is the real YOU by the way. Before you became addicted to your image, and spoke up for what you thought was right, no matter who contested you. When you didn't twist yours and other's words to appear knowledgeable.

When you were just YOU.

But now, since it is useful for you to do so, you do a complete 180 and propose that all justice should be handed to the gods. Once again being dishonest about your beliefs and feelings just so you can appear knowledgeable and superior.

Why do you keep doing this, man?
Dahaarkan said:
Stormblood said:
In my opinion, what you say it's wrong. Satanists are not frail beings that need protection. Satanists can take care of themselves. Violence is part of nature and you can't take it away just by imposing regulations to supposedly stop. In nature, the fittest survive and this applies on any level from the spiritual, to the mental, to the emotional, to the physical. The only violence that should be prohibited is that of adults against underage people because an underage is usually not able to stand up to an adult.


Stormblood this is a post you made the last time we discussed laws and justice. You strongly advocate that individuals (especially Satanists) should take justice into their own hands, even in violent manner. You literally claimed it should be legal to be the judge jury and executioner and make justice with your own hands.

In this same discussion you vehemently express that you should have the right to physically and spiritually harm people who disrespect you verbally. This is the real YOU by the way. Before you became addicted to your image, and spoke up for what you thought was right, no matter who contested you. When you didn't twist yours and other's words to appear knowledgeable.

When you were just YOU.

But now, since it is useful for you to do so, you do a complete 180 and propose that all justice should be handed to the gods. Once again being dishonest about your beliefs and feelings just so you can appear knowledgeable and superior.

Why do you keep doing this, man?

First of all, let me ask you if you quoted the right topic. If so, let's see what happened here.

You quote a topic from nearly four years ago. That's the first thing that came to mind before even reading all of it it. This leads to the assumption you believe that people just remain stagnant in 4 yours, do nothing to grow and improve themselves. This assumption raises several red flags about yourself already, and is very insulting toward Spiritual Satanism specifically, more than for NPCs. Now, let's see the content of the topic.

Reading all of the topic, it just shows you lack the most basic reading comprehension skills, which is why you would arrive to those conclusions you are using to accuse me. You take things out of context by switching to a personal wrongdoings context (what is discussed in the nearly 4 year-old topic) from a public matters context (what is discussed in this topic).

You can continue to twist my words and bring them out of context. You will be the only one who is exposed as dishonest (and more) for doing this. Differently from you, people who are serious in this path actually grow and meditate upon things. That doesn't always result in a change of morality or the non-existent 180 you are raving about. Private matters and public matters are different contexts, hence public law and private law are different branches of law.

You can also continue with your crusade against 'public image' or whatever bullshit is going through your mind. Those who actually know me also know there is not much - if any - different between my public persona and my private persona. The real issue at hand is that you are jealous of me and VoE because we spend most of our time helping people on here, while your contribution in several years amounts to nearly zero. You resent us for this.

I don't care if you admit it or not, but please keep going. Everyone with basic reading comprehension skills and logical skills in general can you dig your own grave, metaphorically speaking. However, if you keep going with the absurd accusation, after a certain point I will just put you on ignore. I am here on the forum to help people and to expand my knowledge and my awareness, not to be baited in endless conversations with someone is either stupid or has an agenda in mind against this forum.
jrvan said:

I certainly can pinpoint a couple of scales in which the present human life manifests. Maybe I can give a better depth to what these “things” mean and what the functions are. I understand what are you trying to say, yet let me add some depth.

Argumentative and speculative mind plays. Your statements against morality and ethics, are, believe it or not, a form of morality and ethics. There’s nothing outside of these, and everything is justified exactly by the complexity of the matters and life. The fact that everything a human can do, think, feel can have a justification or causality and effect to it, doesn’t mean it is exempt from the rules of nature, doesn’t go against it, or that it is not a low manifestation of the nature - that can be lower than that of an animal as we have instruments to go both ways.

This lack of proper judgment in this thinking sustains the lack of hierarchy, promotes nihilism and makes the comparable null - this, in turn, breeds the unity and communistic approach of the enemy. Let me better say it as lack of analysation and comprehension. The fact one has desire, energy and premeditates a manifestation constitutes the opposite of this nihilistic approach that is founded by ignorance and limitation.

Let me help. The conflict exists in the subjective justification versus the objective cause and effect.

Right and wrong are ultimate conclusions as a whole cause and effect and are categorizations of the complexity of the matters, and it is needed to be so in a linear mental way. This kind or rebellious approach isn't fitting to a thorough analysis of the matters. This, being attributed to the collective mind mass of lethargy and illiteracy of the people makes for the real meaning of right and wrong misunderstood. There will always be two descriptive instances to everything, no matter what. The mastery of knowledge makes us expand these and make it discernable, in the end summarizing and making it digestible for the normal human. Kids need to have the notion of right and wrong, and adults as well, as these anchor the mind in two types of processes and makes the discernment, conscience of the person easier to conceptualize.

Ultimately, one by this -an existent - nonexistent inner sense of “goodness” and morality- (describing your statements by my view), breeds the survival of the fittest, which isn’t and will never be real or active in our world, as it is simply a procreational descriptive idealization of inner ego. We are not animals, our diversity of intelligence and ways of life creates in itself a bigger spectrum than to be fitted onto a single aspect of survival by the “fittest”. This is also born from spirituality. We are social and connected beings that necessitate harmony in order to exist and procreate. To prove that point, you wouldn’t be able to read this, not if you’d be really in a survival scenario. At one point you would return to a status quo, which is the static of being, neutral, and you’ll find yourself engaged with the world in any possible way, more or less. The fittest implies a conclusive “remaining just one”, singularity, that by default is conflictive to everything it exists.

In low consciousness survival and the animal world, yes of course the “fittest” by all qualities “survives”, but this is a different observation than the concept of “survival of the fittest”. After little meditation on it, you’ll find this pillar of thought incompatible with the chronological aspects of life and time, the concept being an instance and act of life that is mistifyed by the mind, while reality represents this as only a process of overcoming. Real survival reroutes the conscious thinking in reactive flight or fight responses, which are not rational, but instinctual. To transform the irrational into rational necessitates overcoming, which defeats the transformation itself as a teaching, and ultimately it is only an observation of nature and life.

Survival creates situations where morality is naturally adjusted to the circumstances found within. It is moral for a homeless person/ family in need/mentally incapacitated person to steal bread as if they do not, they die? Based on subjective reality and also objective reality it is 100% “moral”, “ethic”. In general, everyone has this basis of morality, but the difference stands in the subjective versus objective. The law is structured upon the moral codes, moral codes which are based on the nature discernment, tendency, and control. The cause and effect based upon nature discernment are first subjected to be analyzed. The cause is death, the aim is survival, and the effect, a stolen bread. Which is the choice, to allow death or to allow yourself to live by a stolen bread.

This is where common sense and discernment are instated. The right to live prevails. Another discerning tool of the law is the circumstances that created the stance of being obliged to choose.

These are the very very simple terms and openers for the further complexity of judgment of life. Everything has a reason, a process of thought, of initiation, of manifestation that can be categorized, judged, and expanded upon. The same thinking is of scientific progress, which is also of social and spiritual aims. Nothing is wild enough to not be comprehended and improved, learned upon.

Ethics and morality are born as the person is created and it is the extension, existence, and potential of creation. Ethics are the modality, circumstance, intent, reason, and structure in which the creation and destruction are desired to be manifested. These both are coming as well from a creative process or from a destructive process. Ethics being the mirror and proof, self-attested of the consciousness, these are just as you are. A motive to do something or to be somehow. And the higher the consciousness the more complex and higher the reason of ethics, which I again say are extremely circumstantial dependant, but with the same structure of growth. What I say here is very simple yet very important.

Now with the above stated, changing the circumstances, relating to as the subjects propose, vampirism. This is grossly misrepresented indirectly as an ethical dilemma.

This course of action doesn’t stem from a survival situation. It does stem if we were to compare with the survival (reality), from comfort, and to compare with the subjective reality, from lack of more desired comfort. By default, the ethics surrounding this are justified falsely, upon the premise of survival of the fittest, while giving even more depth by rationalizing the action as justified in an ecosystem of exchange.

The person isn’t obliged to choose, rather he is free by all means to choose either one without any real negative prospects. Going further, the person also has other options of overcoming and growing their comfort by options that are more suitable, fruitful, and easier. Even so, without any external obligations, no justified survival prospects, the person has a tendency to justify this action of parasitic nature. All is alright, yet to say this is normal and ethical, is false. Upon observation, we see that, a choice of lesser manifestation of nature.
NakedPluto said:
jrvan said:

I certainly can pinpoint a couple of scales in which the present human life manifests. Maybe I can give a better depth to what these “things” mean and what the functions are. I understand what are you trying to say, yet let me add some depth.

Argumentative and speculative mind plays. Your statements against morality and ethics, are, believe it or not, a form of morality and ethics. There’s nothing outside of these, and everything is justified exactly by the complexity of the matters and life. The fact that everything a human can do, think, feel can have a justification or causality and effect to it, doesn’t mean it is exempt from the rules of nature, doesn’t go against it, or that it is not a low manifestation of the nature - that can be lower than that of an animal as we have instruments to go both ways.

This lack of proper judgment in this thinking sustains the lack of hierarchy, promotes nihilism and makes the comparable null - this, in turn, breeds the unity and communistic approach of the enemy. Let me better say it as lack of analysation and comprehension. The fact one has desire, energy and premeditates a manifestation constitutes the opposite of this nihilistic approach that is founded by ignorance and limitation.

Let me help. The conflict exists in the subjective justification versus the objective cause and effect.

Right and wrong are ultimate conclusions as a whole cause and effect and are categorizations of the complexity of the matters, and it is needed to be so in a linear mental way. This kind or rebellious approach isn't fitting to a thorough analysis of the matters. This, being attributed to the collective mind mass of lethargy and illiteracy of the people makes for the real meaning of right and wrong misunderstood. There will always be two descriptive instances to everything, no matter what. The mastery of knowledge makes us expand these and make it discernable, in the end summarizing and making it digestible for the normal human. Kids need to have the notion of right and wrong, and adults as well, as these anchor the mind in two types of processes and makes the discernment, conscience of the person easier to conceptualize.

Ultimately, one by this -an existent - nonexistent inner sense of “goodness” and morality- (describing your statements by my view), breeds the survival of the fittest, which isn’t and will never be real or active in our world, as it is simply a procreational descriptive idealization of inner ego. We are not animals, our diversity of intelligence and ways of life creates in itself a bigger spectrum than to be fitted onto a single aspect of survival by the “fittest”. This is also born from spirituality. We are social and connected beings that necessitate harmony in order to exist and procreate. To prove that point, you wouldn’t be able to read this, not if you’d be really in a survival scenario. At one point you would return to a status quo, which is the static of being, neutral, and you’ll find yourself engaged with the world in any possible way, more or less. The fittest implies a conclusive “remaining just one”, singularity, that by default is conflictive to everything it exists.

In low consciousness survival and the animal world, yes of course the “fittest” by all qualities “survives”, but this is a different observation than the concept of “survival of the fittest”. After little meditation on it, you’ll find this pillar of thought incompatible with the chronological aspects of life and time, the concept being an instance and act of life that is mistifyed by the mind, while reality represents this as only a process of overcoming. Real survival reroutes the conscious thinking in reactive flight or fight responses, which are not rational, but instinctual. To transform the irrational into rational necessitates overcoming, which defeats the transformation itself as a teaching, and ultimately it is only an observation of nature and life.

Survival creates situations where morality is naturally adjusted to the circumstances found within. It is moral for a homeless person/ family in need/mentally incapacitated person to steal bread as if they do not, they die? Based on subjective reality and also objective reality it is 100% “moral”, “ethic”. In general, everyone has this basis of morality, but the difference stands in the subjective versus objective. The law is structured upon the moral codes, moral codes which are based on the nature discernment, tendency, and control. The cause and effect based upon nature discernment are first subjected to be analyzed. The cause is death, the aim is survival, and the effect, a stolen bread. Which is the choice, to allow death or to allow yourself to live by a stolen bread.

This is where common sense and discernment are instated. The right to live prevails. Another discerning tool of the law is the circumstances that created the stance of being obliged to choose.

These are the very very simple terms and openers for the further complexity of judgment of life. Everything has a reason, a process of thought, of initiation, of manifestation that can be categorized, judged, and expanded upon. The same thinking is of scientific progress, which is also of social and spiritual aims. Nothing is wild enough to not be comprehended and improved, learned upon.

Ethics and morality are born as the person is created and it is the extension, existence, and potential of creation. Ethics are the modality, circumstance, intent, reason, and structure in which the creation and destruction are desired to be manifested. These both are coming as well from a creative process or from a destructive process. Ethics being the mirror and proof, self-attested of the consciousness, these are just as you are. A motive to do something or to be somehow. And the higher the consciousness the more complex and higher the reason of ethics, which I again say are extremely circumstantial dependant, but with the same structure of growth. What I say here is very simple yet very important.

Now with the above stated, changing the circumstances, relating to as the subjects propose, vampirism. This is grossly misrepresented indirectly as an ethical dilemma.

This course of action doesn’t stem from a survival situation. It does stem if we were to compare with the survival (reality), from comfort, and to compare with the subjective reality, from lack of more desired comfort. By default, the ethics surrounding this are justified falsely, upon the premise of survival of the fittest, while giving even more depth by rationalizing the action as justified in an ecosystem of exchange.

The person isn’t obliged to choose, rather he is free by all means to choose either one without any real negative prospects. Going further, the person also has other options of overcoming and growing their comfort by options that are more suitable, fruitful, and easier. Even so, without any external obligations, no justified survival prospects, the person has a tendency to justify this action of parasitic nature. All is alright, yet to say this is normal and ethical, is false. Upon observation, we see that, a choice of lesser manifestation of nature.

You're digging into my loose and sloppy hypothetical examples that I used for my rhetoric. The points I'm trying to emphasize are that morality isn't some absolute dictate from some mystical cosmic force, and people have the right to draw their own lines for what they are willing and unwilling to do. The only ones who can tell them otherwise are those with power. There is no inherent cosmic wrongness to most actions.

It's not nihilism on my part. It's simply asserting my right and the right of others to choose our own actions and decide our own moral codes, especially with regard to our own magick practices. I also don't believe in the "survival of the fittest" meme as many today mistakenly understand it. "Fittest" has been conveniently misinterpreted to mean "strongest," "most macho," "best survivalist" while failing to account for situations and unique ecosystems where the physically strongest creatures are not the fittest to survive. "Fittest" involves adaptation, and rarely involves only strength or whatever. The fittest to survive in the human "society" that we know today, are simply the best con artists, crooks, liars, and perhaps financially blessed innovators who can make tomorrow's best trash to sell to low quality consumerist humans who are empty on the inside. You don't get rewarded for being "good" right now. When Pagans take over then perhaps this will be different, but even then I imagine a revolution of values will take place in which I doubt there will be rewards for who can be the kindest, sweetest, most generous humans. It will probably be the same as always - if you want something then go after it and get it yourself. Whether that involves taking it, or building it up over time through hard work, it still requires one to act, and more specifically to act in favor of one's self as I said before. It's the mindset of the weak and trampled in life to consider the welfare of others before (or at the expense of) their own, and it's usually followed by complaining. No matter what the circumstances in life, you can't get what you want in life if you aren't willing to take it. Anyone who isn't willing to do that shouldn't complain about others who do. Like I said, if they want to enforce their own view of right and wrong, their own personal morality spectrum, on others then they need the power to do so. If they don't have the power to force me to follow their definitions of right and wrong then all they can do is whine.

I'll do what I want, and I will live by my own code. If anyone wants to change that then they will need to overpower me. I believe that is the proper stance as far as universalism goes. After all, justice can only be achieved, or enforced, with power. The rulers of society wield power so they are able to enforce their laws, for better or worse. Someone who has soul power, knowledge, and experience in black magick is able to gain justice - because they have power. In fact, black magick is in large part for the purpose of gaining justice. And finally, someone who has physical strength and fighting experience, or a gun or other weapon, is able to push their will on others and even enforce their own personal sense of ethics because just like the law enforcement agencies, they have power to do so. Even Antifa is trying to do that right now, for example. Most people don't feel or believe that Antifa is in the right or has any moral justification to be bossing people around, but they do it anyway. Why? Because they use violence, and they have people with power backing them. Thus they have power. I'm sure plenty of people hate the IRS, but can they do anything about it? They don't have power so they can't. If the jews manifested another middle ages scenario, and we were all living in villages without guns, defenseless, and with no means of organizing together either physically or with our joint magick will, then what would we do? The people that Stormblood insists we empathize with and show consideration towards and refrain from harming, many of them are the same ones who would turn on us in that scenario and hand us over to the enemies. There wouldn't be any consideration of ethics or if it's right/wrong. They would just do it. There would be no justice because we wouldn't have the power to resist. The jews would do to us whatever they wanted because we wouldn't have power. How are we fighting the enemy right now at all? How are we finally securing justice against them little by little? Because we have power. No power = no justice. That's reality.

I do somewhat believe in an objective sense of right and wrong, but it's very limited in scope. I think there's more things that are allowed than there are things forbidden, in an objective sense - as in an inherent "cosmic" morality. There's probably a very short list of actual things that are forbidden, and then everything else is left to the individual to decide for themselves based on their unique circumstances and their own nature. Many don't even reach that point of even thinking that they can decide for themselves because as I called it before, morality is a leash for them. It binds their actions and limits their number of options in any situation. People like that regularly practice self denial which in my view is sickening. Refusing to go after your desires because your inherited moral views which you didn't even decide for yourself are getting in the way, is stupid and even has the potential to be suicidal in specific circumstances. It's in the same category as refusing to lie even to save your life, or worse, the lives of your family members. Such self restrictions are unnecessary because every situation is different. It's not wise to apply a strict set of moral principles to every single situation in life. That's moral absolutism, and it's both useless and dangerous.

Things I personally believe are objectively forbidden: harming the young, attempting to stop the flow of nature, refusing to evolve. These are all things that seem to happen all the time in this world, and I believe there will be punishment in all instances if punishment hasn't already been delivered. Violating such unquestionable tenets as those I truly believe will always come back upon the perpetrators even if it takes time. That's my belief based on my personal experiences and my interpretation of those experiences. Maybe I'm wrong about it, but it's my belief for now. But for the most part I think inherent cosmic morality as most wish for is just hogwash. In most cases it naturally falls to the individual to secure justice for themselves. If the "universe" isn't going to do it for you, and your own society isn't going to do it for you (as in the crooked legal system) then obviously only you can get justice. Thank goodness we have magick.

Most of your points I'm in agreement with, for what I can understand anyway. You have a mystical way of talking which can be hard for me to comprehend, but I do my best. I'll read it again later on with a fresh mind and meditate on your words further. I hope this is helpful in clarifying my views. What I was most unhappy about was that they were dogpiling Dahaarkan and trying to force their own moral code on him. My own integrity pushed me to speak up because I couldn't tolerate it. I also don't want to see mini cult of personalities forming on these forums, and I get pissed off when I see certain members getting cocky and full of themselves and trying to speak with high authority. Knocking such people down from their righteous high horses is a side objective of mine. It's not their place to boss people around, and it's definitely out of line for someone to claim that their "side" or their little "team" is backed by Divine justice and even the Gods themselves. That really, really pissed me off. Trying to bully Dahaarkan and claim that it was the will of the Gods that he be "exposed." Maybe I went overboard, but that all was what triggered my passionate reaction. I don't want to see such things from high profile members. I don't want that to be the future of our community. That's all my motivation and comes from my own moral code and my own desires. There are surely others who don't align with my moral code, and they're free to argue with me if they want to.
Dahaarkan said:

I am writing an article to finally put this topic to rest. You won't say it but I know this topic's being discussed more and more because of me, and it's becoming problematic. I will try to close this topic for good.

Hopefully it will satisfy the curiosity of both new and advanced people so threads like these stop happening.

My motivation to pursue this is primarily PERSONAL, rather than PRACTICAL reasons. It satisfies a deep rooted desire to topple people who exploit others, in a ruthless and poetic manner, which I will explain in this future post. Draining a rich man's soul is not even close to the wealth workings most people here are familiar with. It can supplement them though, in my experience. And considering the risks, these are the reasons I haven't fully explained what I think are the best methods to achieve this, and just suggest advanced people consider experimentation. Inexperienced people will pollute themselves immensely attempting this.

I also believe this has many applications, parasitism is one of many applications of this knowledge. Connecting with other people and transferring energies between you and them is always dirty and potentially hazardous, but I always believed these are important things to learn.

Knowledge of this practice's inner workings makes psychic vampires a non threat in my experience which I think is the highlight and most valuable thing to take from this. I just fear some will take this knowledge and ruin themselves with it.

I can relate to the same desire, at least to your brief description of it. I'm personally glad you'll be writing a post about this topic, as someone who has both been a victim of energy ripping as well as used it for justice myself. The method used on me was something close to energy replacement. Energy was ripped and stolen from me while they pushed their own energy into me. Others they did this to developed personality traits and mindset of that of the person ripping from them, it was like watching a bunch of mini-me's being created. However, the person doing the ripping also became like a completely different person as they were taking the energies into themselves. I'm gaining back what belonged to me little by little, but I hope to deal a finishing blow some day to ensure they can't ever do what they did to me to others again.

Tools in foolish or corrupted hands is always going to end in disaster. We can't stop people from going off and ruining themselves, but we can educate people enough on the risks and warnings, how to be safe when choosing and performing certain methods, then just hope that they are wise enough to heed your words.
jrvan said:
I'm not sure if I should say my piece on this or not but I find a fundamental disconnect between this overtly militant Liberatarian understanding of the world about personal morals and ethics and a Vedic Perspective. I think it's coming from the early Satanic movement of the 60s and later with punk rock and metal ,and that anti establishment vibe. Compare that with the SS which was an extremely organized group of people who did have a strong sense of moral code they were trying to impose upon their members and the countries they were inhabiting.

You can have this discussion between people here but it's just a discussion between people who are already mentally more sound and consciously aware that 99% of people. In essence, this is a discussion inside of a bubble. And this view of personal moral and ethics is also inside of a bubble.

The real truth is that most Human beings are born followers and will die followers due to their lack of consciousness. So when one leader with extremely strong views about something comes along ,he starts gathering followers and makes organizations.

The Liberatarian minded individuals do not want to impose their personal morality upon others so they do not grow in organizational strength and power. They have no structure and mode of conduct because they have different belief systems.

The organized group of people continue to grow in numbers attracting more and more people who diligently believe and trust in the leader and his beliefs and militantly refuse to listen to anything contradicting their philosophy.

And when the militant group grows enough in number ,they massacre the Liberatrians and the people who refused to Follow a stringent code of conduct and Moral Philosophy.

You've seen this time and te again in history, and the same groups of people keep reincarnating again and again playing this sick joke. Empires fighting against each other ,Military invasions, Crusades ,The World Wars and the list goes.

When a small group of ascended individuals create moral Philosophies and have their members with magical oratory abilities link emotions of crowds ,making them followers. Growing this phenomenon from a base state of humanity banding together in a group for a common cause.

Those small group of ascended individuals will be able to topple and eliminate other ascended individuals who believe in "Freedom" and other made up bs. No one cares about moral Philosophy or ideology when your head is on a guillotine.

If tomorrow militant Christians took over America ,we'll enter into a brutal period of crusades and mass bloodshed and a second dark age for all humanity. Infact were currently fighting an organized group of psychopaths who believe in a Philosophy that Daharkhaan here believes in which is "Beyond Good and Evil" and at the sane time disconnected from Universal Good. That's why it's justified to him when Bill Gates says he wants to reduce the world population by 15% due to climate change. And these groups of people, the Jews and Illuminati have decided to impose their moral philosophy (which is that they want others to be cyborg slaves to them because they think they are better) upon the populace.

And they have an extremely organized and cultist group which blindly followers orders. People who believe they cannot or should not impose their own beliefs upon other people are doomed to fail against an organized group of people who think they can.

If organized Good is not imposed upon people in a large scale, organized bad will. It's that simple. Sure a small minority will be dissatisfied but that's a small price to pay for order and expansion of a society. If my views were imposed upon this world, small groups of people would be militantly opposed to it but in the end we'll be happy as a society.
Stormblood said:
First of all, let me ask you if you quoted the right topic. If so, let's see what happened here.

You quote a topic from nearly four years ago. That's the first thing that came to mind before even reading all of it it. This leads to the assumption you believe that people just remain stagnant in 4 yours, do nothing to grow and improve themselves. This assumption raises several red flags about yourself already, and is very insulting toward Spiritual Satanism specifically, more than for NPCs. Now, let's see the content of the topic.

Reading all of the topic, it just shows you lack the most basic reading comprehension skills, which is why you would arrive to those conclusions you are using to accuse me. You take things out of context by switching to a personal wrongdoings context (what is discussed in the nearly 4 year-old topic) from a public matters context (what is discussed in this topic).

You can continue to twist my words and bring them out of context. You will be the only one who is exposed as dishonest (and more) for doing this. Differently from you, people who are serious in this path actually grow and meditate upon things. That doesn't always result in a change of morality or the non-existent 180 you are raving about. Private matters and public matters are different contexts, hence public law and private law are different branches of law.

You can also continue with your crusade against 'public image' or whatever bullshit is going through your mind. Those who actually know me also know there is not much - if any - different between my public persona and my private persona. The real issue at hand is that you are jealous of me and VoE because we spend most of our time helping people on here, while your contribution in several years amounts to nearly zero. You resent us for this.

I don't care if you admit it or not, but please keep going. Everyone with basic reading comprehension skills and logical skills in general can you dig your own grave, metaphorically speaking. However, if you keep going with the absurd accusation, after a certain point I will just put you on ignore. I am here on the forum to help people and to expand my knowledge and my awareness, not to be baited in endless conversations with someone is either stupid or has an agenda in mind against this forum.

When the hypocrisy, delusion and denial in your words is dissected and exposed, all you have left is this repeated argument of simply saying the other person lacks comprehension skills and didn't understand what you meant. What you meant is there in plain english for all to see.

If we shouldn't take justice into our own hands and be the judge jury and executioner, explain to me why JoS teaches curses, how to take revenge and how to make justice with spiritual means. You don't actually need me to educate you on this, you already know. You're just going to be dishonest and twist things to appear superior as usual.

People should take matters into their own hands legally with spiritual means. JoS advocates this. JoS teaches this.

I never devalued what you do in the forums, this is why I respect you deeply. But you also do indulge in the addiction I have repeatedly warned you about. Yes stormblood the mosquito members that follow you around, that didn't even read this discussion, will repeatedly tell you that you are right and I'm an evil jew, and that you are correct in all things always.

I will not take the bait of dick measuring about our contributions, this is incredibly childish of you, which at this point is unsurprising. I never devalued anything you do. But the automatic assumption that you contribute more than me is foolish, there is an entire world outside of these forums, and you have no clue what I'm doing, or what my contributions are outside of this bubble of yours.

And the comment about jealousy, completely confirms my suspicions about you. Sorry to break it to you, but no stormblood, I don't have the same obsession with public image that you do, and am not jealous about how many posts you have or how many people you've helped. Unlike you I don't have an addiction to being praised and worshiped.

This is becoming undeniable and the more you argue the more delusional and dishonest you become, making it apparent to everybody else. But continue flailing about how I have an agenda against the forum, about how I'm being "exposed" or whatever other vague bullshit you resort to when you have nothing left to say. And never forget, that no argument we had was ever started by me, you wanted this.

Your problem is the mosquitos buzzing around you have made you delusional. No you don't automatically become right in all things because you have 5k posts, have helped countless people, and have been praised by many. You've done a lot of good, you've also several times done and said outrageously retarded things. As have I, as has anyone whose been here for a long time.

But you're one of the people who cannot admit any flaw or error in your character or behavior, because it's more comfortable to revel in the praise of idiots, and act like you are all-knowing. You just prove to everybody more and more how immature, delusional and dishonest you are. Especially with the extremely low blow of measuring contributions. I figured your contribution was a source of pride and accomplishment, not something to weaponize against your fellow Satanists, thoroughly repulsive.

My contributions are there for all to see, and I've contributed to revolutionize some things, have created, and inspired people more talented than myself to create visual aid unlike anything JoS has ever seen before. You can complain that I could have done more, but don't ever devalue my contributions, this an extreme low blow, disrespectful and disgusting behavior. On the topic of growth, sorry stormblood, I don't just assume you've stagnated, I know it, it's apparent to anybody reading this discussion. Your knowledge and understanding has vastly increased, but you've done no real growth as a person. You're still as stubborn as always, but now you've devolved to also being delusional and dishonest, if anything you've gone backwards.

As for VoE, I don't even bother. I've been reviewing his activity, and I just, wow. But I don't even know who this guy is and don't really care. When a guy makes an account called "voice of enki", and then presumes to start dictating what is and isn't Satanic, as if he is Satan himself, while also being totally ignorant and delusional about what he's trying to dictate, and even contests this when pointed out and insists he has the right to do so, I know this person is hopeless.

Satan himself, the literal, physical GOD we are all dedicated to and serve in his designs, does not intrude in any of our lives to dictate to us what we can and cannot do. But we must take this kind of thing from some username on the internet, right.

Now go on, run to your little worshipers and hear them whisper in your ear that I'm just a jealous jew and evil vampire that wants to destroy you, and you are always right in all things. And make another delusional post about how I have an agenda, am exposing myself, am jealous or don't comprehend what you said etc etc.

I have no resentment towards you, never have. I become frustrated with you often, but never resentful.
jrvan said:

Of course, you do what you want, but what can you do? To what limits, to what freedom? There are so few things that you can do, and honestly, this whole motto is no different than the 17-year old rebelling against “the world” and doing drugs at the party, in a self victimized stance giving them fuel to reason this lack of perspective thinking. There’s a reason why the law is “blind”.

This lack of perspective from your part is also creating the fruits that you deny, such as nihilism and “survival of the fittest”, even though you deny them. You have the claim to refute analysis and scientific thought of actualizing the ways of nature, the philosophy, the science, the law and order by justifications of superiority being in fact, immature. Given this is a thought in relation to the advancement and perception of the consciousness, this is perceived as being something irrational and at the control and comprehension of the simple opinion, but this is like engineering is, like complex math theories, structured and complex to expand and understand.

I repeat again, the fact that a human has the right to be stupid and a killer from a subjective view, destructive force, doesn’t mean it is not wrong, against nature or its people, just because the subjective reality of the individual feels right to them. The objective doesn’t conform to the subjective this way. The "pe do" on the street feels very justified in his feelings and actions to rqape the children of a family. The psychopath in his mind is very right to eliminate and ruin innocents, just because he can, and can impose his morals in the world, he has the freedom to act. Everyone has the freedom to act in any way they like. Isn’t this the fruit of this thinking?

This destroys the natural assumption of innocence and the act of being also neutral.

People doing what they want to do. Nothing stops you. So to delimit this branch of thinking and fruits to only certain aspects of it invalidates the perception of the basis and consequences of this, which is in plain sight nihilism. You want for people to act with full allowance and power in this by the justification of ethics without any consequence, punishment, but limited to “a forbidden list”, that list being the basis upon which the primary reply was made, and the basis upon what this branches out and evolves. You cannot negate the concept of negation, no matter the spectrum, and by logic standards this negation cannot be argumentative, being that negation in this is a function of truth, making it either false or truthful. Just as easily you understood that some things are wrong, you can do it further and further.

A point missed in this, is also that there’s always one higher than the other, this seeding the basis of chaotic cause and effect, does this mean we don’t need to regulate the chaos and harmonize it?

You do not like the categorization of “right” and “wrong”, yet you use it to justify and judge the present social construct. It is of the same reasoning why the values of humans revolve around conning and false aims in life. They are certainly desiring this, resonating with this, and like the game of permutations. When one changes their output values, this shows in the surroundings of their life, in their preoccupations and manifestations., which is cause and effect and vice versa. I would love to talk to you about the implications, but it seems I have to lay out the basis of ethics and life and argue the claim of its denigration, talking about this further seems rather impossible.

The fact that the "right and wrong" oscillation was used against the nature of the people, and became from an initiator in knowledge and opener, a closer by the actions of the enemy doesn't mean anything else but corruption at the core level of understanding. Knowing this you also unknowingly promote the same corruption, as the negation stands falsely projected, nothing changes. Just because a fat person is hurt by the telling that it is fat, doesn't mean that being fat is erased from the vocabulary and reaction of the people, because of the feelings of a person feeling entitled to change the nature of things. Being wrong is wrong, it is not changed by the sudden mental escapism, but what can be changed is the process and thought that concludes these, right and wrong being values of truth related to a process of understanding.

The above enables also, for the more powerful to control and slave the other lesser. The higher ethic consensus, leader-follower now it is turned in your dystopian process of thinking in master-slave. This comes from not satisfying the self-serving, by the incapacity and false foods. So this is a promotion of this reality, indirectly. Jack told this already.

It also enables the mind to not seek reason and aim in life, external anchors to bind it to, in turn letting the mind of the human unable to control reality, which is complex and unforeseen at many levels. Ethics is the structure in which consciousness can pursue and seek an answer, conforming this to the harmony of ideas, inner and outer, that validates self-serving and also collective serving. What does it mean? For life to grow and advance, and not remain in a primal state of chaotic survival-ism, one must seek the reason for their actions.

A good ethical course actually enables the individual to act in more expanded ways, in turn giving liberty and value to things and more power to sustain an action given it is born from strong grounds, etched in sustenance from the natural laws and inner sense of things.

I don’t see the reason for you to not understand the above, because putting the higher emphasis upon the individual morality, based on their limited conclusions and life experience, higher than the observations of nature and evolution in this, the harmony, law, and standard of ethics ideally imposed on the people, creates in fact a survival, chaotic scenario, which I already said, it is a transformation to instinctual reactions, with no potentiality of reason of fulfillment.

I think you grossly misunderstand these things and associate these with sociological paradigms, self-serving dilemmas, which stand upon rational and common sense. Given this is a complex discussion, and the feedback is at the level of not even understanding the necessity of it, it is pointless to assume more discussion on this front with you. But I would be happy if anyone could enter in these discussions with me to expand these, as this is something where I can give valuable input.

Look, an ethical question, do I simplify in order to make it understandable and persuade by positive elements, or do I state the matters that reflect the depth of the things, which self serve the ego but also give valor to the subject of discussion, being a complex front. Do I seek to help or do I seek to tell the truth? Does the truth imply gradual initiation and misrepresentation in many ways? How do you answer these and adjust yourself? By ethics, and my ethic now was to give a platform for a real representation of thinking, not to help.
Henu the Great said:
Cool story Bro.

Is cleaning, purification and applying empowerment to excel your competition too vanilla for you...

I have to wonder, and not a personal criticism of you individually because you're not the only one. But do you truly believe that these vague, meaningless 1-2 phrase posts are of any use to anybody?

What did you explain, what did you convey, what did you clear up with this post. Just snarky bait. It's like you have to answer every topic, even when you don't have an answer or any insight to give, but you absolutely MUST post something. So since you have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation, you just make a lazy, snarky remark and leave.

And pose as if you've just addressed every flaw in this person's thoughts and provided some spectacular fire of knowledge in your 10 word post. Thank you for dropping in to bless us with your incredibly insightful post, now run along and let the grown men talk.
NakedPluto said:
jrvan said:

Of course, you do what you want, but what can you do? To what limits, to what freedom? There are so few things that you can do, and honestly, this whole motto is no different than the 17-year old rebelling against “the world” and doing drugs at the party, in a self victimized stance giving them fuel to reason this lack of perspective thinking. There’s a reason why the law is “blind”.

This lack of perspective from your part is also creating the fruits that you deny, such as nihilism and “survival of the fittest”, even though you deny them. You have the claim to refute analysis and scientific thought of actualizing the ways of nature, the philosophy, the science, the law and order by justifications of superiority being in fact, immature. Given this is a thought in relation to the advancement and perception of the consciousness, this is perceived as being something irrational and at the control and comprehension of the simple opinion, but this is like engineering is, like complex math theories, structured and complex to expand and understand.

I repeat again, the fact that a human has the right to be stupid and a killer from a subjective view, destructive force, doesn’t mean it is not wrong, against nature or its people, just because the subjective reality of the individual feels right to them. The objective doesn’t conform to the subjective this way. The "pe do" on the street feels very justified in his feelings and actions to rqape the children of a family. The psychopath in his mind is very right to eliminate and ruin innocents, just because he can, and can impose his morals in the world, he has the freedom to act. Everyone has the freedom to act in any way they like. Isn’t this the fruit of this thinking?

This destroys the natural assumption of innocence and the act of being also neutral.

People doing what they want to do. Nothing stops you. So to delimit this branch of thinking and fruits to only certain aspects of it invalidates the perception of the basis and consequences of this, which is in plain sight nihilism. You want for people to act with full allowance and power in this by the justification of ethics without any consequence, punishment, but limited to “a forbidden list”, that list being the basis upon which the primary reply was made, and the basis upon what this branches out and evolves. You cannot negate the concept of negation, no matter the spectrum, and by logic standards this negation cannot be argumentative, being that negation in this is a function of truth, making it either false or truthful. Just as easily you understood that some things are wrong, you can do it further and further.

A point missed in this, is also that there’s always one higher than the other, this seeding the basis of chaotic cause and effect, does this mean we don’t need to regulate the chaos and harmonize it?

You do not like the categorization of “right” and “wrong”, yet you use it to justify and judge the present social construct. It is of the same reasoning why the values of humans revolve around conning and false aims in life. They are certainly desiring this, resonating with this, and like the game of permutations. When one changes their output values, this shows in the surroundings of their life, in their preoccupations and manifestations., which is cause and effect and vice versa. I would love to talk to you about the implications, but it seems I have to lay out the basis of ethics and life and argue the claim of its denigration, talking about this further seems rather impossible.

The fact that the "right and wrong" oscillation was used against the nature of the people, and became from an initiator in knowledge and opener, a closer by the actions of the enemy doesn't mean anything else but corruption at the core level of understanding. Knowing this you also unknowingly promote the same corruption, as the negation stands falsely projected, nothing changes. Just because a fat person is hurt by the telling that it is fat, doesn't mean that being fat is erased from the vocabulary and reaction of the people, because of the feelings of a person feeling entitled to change the nature of things. Being wrong is wrong, it is not changed by the sudden mental escapism, but what can be changed is the process and thought that concludes these, right and wrong being values of truth related to a process of understanding.

The above enables also, for the more powerful to control and slave the other lesser. The higher ethic consensus, leader-follower now it is turned in your dystopian process of thinking in master-slave. This comes from not satisfying the self-serving, by the incapacity and false foods. So this is a promotion of this reality, indirectly. Jack told this already.

It also enables the mind to not seek reason and aim in life, external anchors to bind it to, in turn letting the mind of the human unable to control reality, which is complex and unforeseen at many levels. Ethics is the structure in which consciousness can pursue and seek an answer, conforming this to the harmony of ideas, inner and outer, that validates self-serving and also collective serving. What does it mean? For life to grow and advance, and not remain in a primal state of chaotic survival-ism, one must seek the reason for their actions.

A good ethical course actually enables the individual to act in more expanded ways, in turn giving liberty and value to things and more power to sustain an action given it is born from strong grounds, etched in sustenance from the natural laws and inner sense of things.

I don’t see the reason for you to not understand the above, because putting the higher emphasis upon the individual morality, based on their limited conclusions and life experience, higher than the observations of nature and evolution in this, the harmony, law, and standard of ethics ideally imposed on the people, creates in fact a survival, chaotic scenario, which I already said, it is a transformation to instinctual reactions, with no potentiality of reason of fulfillment.

I think you grossly misunderstand these things and associate these with sociological paradigms, self-serving dilemmas, which stand upon rational and common sense. Given this is a complex discussion, and the feedback is at the level of not even understanding the necessity of it, it is pointless to assume more discussion on this front with you. But I would be happy if anyone could enter in these discussions with me to expand these, as this is something where I can give valuable input.

Look, an ethical question, do I simplify in order to make it understandable and persuade by positive elements, or do I state the matters that reflect the depth of the things, which self serve the ego but also give valor to the subject of discussion, being a complex front. Do I seek to help or do I seek to tell the truth? Does the truth imply gradual initiation and misrepresentation in many ways? How do you answer these and adjust yourself? By ethics, and my ethic now was to give a platform for a real representation of thinking, not to help.

I feel misunderstood. I'm not advocating for libertarianism. I'm saying that in order to punish others and impose our morality on them, we need power. Who would stop the jews from raping children as you put it, if not for us? They used magick over time to become immune to our societal laws. Who would fight and punish the higher enemies behind the jews, if not the Gods? And if we weren't organized like we are and gaining power, then how exactly would we punish the jews for their obvious crimes? There's no cosmic force that will act as a machine for some sort of automatic justice like many wish for. How many planets were enslaved or destroyed by the enemy and their galactic organization? When has some mysterious force ever punished them? It's always been the Gods fighting them. What if, hypothetically, the Gods didn't have power to fight and resist their will?

Yes, everyone does have the freedom to act. Psychopaths, murderers, etc... they can do literally anything they want. That doesn't (necessarily) mean they are free from consequence or punishment. But as we see in society, who is delivering justice exactly? Where is the justice? I don't see it. No punishment is being delivered. No negative consequences are happening for many criminals. Or at least not until we started doing group rituals against the jews and reversing their magick. It's because we grouped together and combined our power in order to do something about it, and we are stopping them and attempting to punish them for their crimes against humanity.

I'm saying ultimately that unless all of you decide to take matters into your own hands and punish me for my magick acts, or the Gods punish me, then it's not worth bickering about what anyone here "can't" do with their magick practice, and trying to enforce that with social pressure, bullying, and basically whining. Everyone here decides on their own their magick practice and what they will or won't do. Trying to establish group limits for that is just... what would you call it? I think it's both futile and stupid.

I'll say it again. If I'm a member of a society/nation then I'll obey the established laws of that place. Obviously it's inconvenient to the advancement of humans and society to have a bunch of murderers running around freely doing whatever they want. It's up to the people of that society to control them and punish them accordingly for taking such actions.

My problem with "right and wrong" is that the current perception of that for most people is colored by conditioning by others whether they realize it or not, and also the conditioned concepts being too basic and unrefined and applied universally to all situations. I'm saying people should figure out for themselves how they feel about what they believe is right and what they believe is wrong instead of having it dictated to them without questioning it. If we don't have an independent, individual moral compass then we are having it forced on us by another. It's best to free the mind of such things, and figure it out for one's self. What are you willing to do? What are you not willing to do? What are you not okay with? What can't you accept or tolerate? This removes the leash on our actions and number of options in any situation. To choose not to do something, not because others told you not to or because they told you it's wrong, but you decided on your own that you shouldn't or that you don't want to - that is ideal to me. Let the criminals be criminals and punish them accordingly for disobeying the rules of society. To shout at them "Don't you dare do that, it's naughty" in that fashion is just imposing mental slavery and that's what I oppose.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
I'm not sure if I should say my piece on this or not but I find a fundamental disconnect between this overtly militant Liberatarian understanding of the world about personal morals and ethics and a Vedic Perspective. I think it's coming from the early Satanic movement of the 60s and later with punk rock and metal ,and that anti establishment vibe. Compare that with the SS which was an extremely organized group of people who did have a strong sense of moral code they were trying to impose upon their members and the countries they were inhabiting.

You can have this discussion between people here but it's just a discussion between people who are already mentally more sound and consciously aware that 99% of people. In essence, this is a discussion inside of a bubble. And this view of personal moral and ethics is also inside of a bubble.

The real truth is that most Human beings are born followers and will die followers due to their lack of consciousness. So when one leader with extremely strong views about something comes along ,he starts gathering followers and makes organizations.

The Liberatarian minded individuals do not want to impose their personal morality upon others so they do not grow in organizational strength and power. They have no structure and mode of conduct because they have different belief systems.

The organized group of people continue to grow in numbers attracting more and more people who diligently believe and trust in the leader and his beliefs and militantly refuse to listen to anything contradicting their philosophy.

And when the militant group grows enough in number ,they massacre the Liberatrians and the people who refused to Follow a stringent code of conduct and Moral Philosophy.

You've seen this time and te again in history, and the same groups of people keep reincarnating again and again playing this sick joke. Empires fighting against each other ,Military invasions, Crusades ,The World Wars and the list goes.

When a small group of ascended individuals create moral Philosophies and have their members with magical oratory abilities link emotions of crowds ,making them followers. Growing this phenomenon from a base state of humanity banding together in a group for a common cause.

Those small group of ascended individuals will be able to topple and eliminate other ascended individuals who believe in "Freedom" and other made up bs. No one cares about moral Philosophy or ideology when your head is on a guillotine.

If tomorrow militant Christians took over America ,we'll enter into a brutal period of crusades and mass bloodshed and a second dark age for all humanity. Infact were currently fighting an organized group of psychopaths who believe in a Philosophy that Daharkhaan here believes in which is "Beyond Good and Evil" and at the sane time disconnected from Universal Good. That's why it's justified to him when Bill Gates says he wants to reduce the world population by 15% due to climate change. And these groups of people, the Jews and Illuminati have decided to impose their moral philosophy (which is that they want others to be cyborg slaves to them because they think they are better) upon the populace.

And they have an extremely organized and cultist group which blindly followers orders. People who believe they cannot or should not impose their own beliefs upon other people are doomed to fail against an organized group of people who think they can.

If organized Good is not imposed upon people in a large scale, organized bad will. It's that simple. Sure a small minority will be dissatisfied but that's a small price to pay for order and expansion of a society. If my views were imposed upon this world, small groups of people would be militantly opposed to it but in the end we'll be happy as a society.

You're right, but I was talking about Satanists. We're not the 99%, and it's kind of stated in our religion to think for ourselves. Group bullying someone for what they choose to do with magick is a waste of time unless they intend to use force to overpower Dahaarkan and make him conform to their will. All to protect who, again? Those who are without. Not our own, but those who are without. Turning on our own because we disagree with their magick practice and we have a different idea of what's allowed and what isn't... and out of some heroic desire to protect those who don't even know their own maker.

But it's actually worse. The heroics and virtue signalling is only a disguise for what is really going on. The ones ganging up on Dahaarkan are those who simply don't like him, and they have dug themselves in too deep to back down without embarrassing themselves and forsaking their credibility and public image (which they are unwilling to do). That's what this is really about. It's disgusting. It's even more disgusting because they won't admit it to themselves, and even if they did then they wouldn't admit it publicly. Given all of this, I personally would say they have no right to judge anyone. Their level of integrity and honor is insufficient. That's usually the case for people who falsely but righteously believe they are right.
Henu the Great said:
Cool story Bro.

Is cleaning, purification and applying empowerment to excel your competition too vanilla for you...

You can express your distaste for what I choose to do with my will if you want, but beyond that - what are you going to do about it? Are you going to try to stop me? If not then you are tolerating the existence of my magick will even if you say you have a problem with it. So practically you have no problem with it because you won't attempt to stop me. My existence as I am now is allowed by your existence. Since there is no problem then there's nothing worthwhile to say. Keep tolerating and tacitly accepting my existence, or else do something about it.
Henu the Great said:
Cool story Bro.

Is cleaning, purification and applying empowerment to excel your competition too vanilla for you...

No need to say it that way, Henu. I’m starting to think that some mistakenly assume that when one chooses to take energy from others that is all they do to advance. Taking someone else’s energy isn’t the first choice and in fact it’s not even the second or third. We clean, we meditate, we privately work through the dross and aid each other to heal our scars. I’m sure Dahaarkan spends far more time doing the same methods of advancement that we all do than you guys give him credit for or want to acknowledge. He chooses to use a magickal tool that he is completely allowed to use, and you assume that it’s all he does to advance. You only need to pay attention to how he talks about the subject to know that he doesn’t go around foolishly ripping from withouts wherever he goes. He’s careful, precise, and goes after only specific energies when and if he chooses to use the method. I’ve had my fair share of watching people who rip energy slowly turn insane, how their behaviour changes, their mentality, their reactions to people, and Dahaarkan is not exhibiting those traits either in behaviour or energy.

We do all those things to advance like all SS do, we’re just not afraid of the tools given by the Gods should a situation call for the use of it or we desire to use different methods to deal with certain people.

When you’ve had to deal with being owned and work for nothing but cold concrete as a bed, while you’re shaped and moulded by the hands of abusive crazies, and you barely remember your name - the world looks very different. We’ve lived at extremes, so if we’re given tools by the Gods the last thing we ever consider is tossing it away over moral codes from those who have never had to think about the food in their bellies, or lack thereof.

Those who can afford to be picky, let them be, but we’re not going to limit our tool belt just because others have a problem with it. A tool is only a tool, we can choose to wield them or not at all.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
I'm not sure if I should say my piece on this or not but I find a fundamental disconnect between this overtly militant Liberatarian understanding of the world about personal morals and ethics and a Vedic Perspective. I think it's coming from the early Satanic movement of the 60s and later with punk rock and metal ,and that anti establishment vibe. Compare that with the SS which was an extremely organized group of people who did have a strong sense of moral code they were trying to impose upon their members and the countries they were inhabiting.

You can have this discussion between people here but it's just a discussion between people who are already mentally more sound and consciously aware that 99% of people. In essence, this is a discussion inside of a bubble. And this view of personal moral and ethics is also inside of a bubble.

The real truth is that most Human beings are born followers and will die followers due to their lack of consciousness. So when one leader with extremely strong views about something comes along ,he starts gathering followers and makes organizations.

The Liberatarian minded individuals do not want to impose their personal morality upon others so they do not grow in organizational strength and power. They have no structure and mode of conduct because they have different belief systems.

The organized group of people continue to grow in numbers attracting more and more people who diligently believe and trust in the leader and his beliefs and militantly refuse to listen to anything contradicting their philosophy.

And when the militant group grows enough in number ,they massacre the Liberatrians and the people who refused to Follow a stringent code of conduct and Moral Philosophy.

You've seen this time and te again in history, and the same groups of people keep reincarnating again and again playing this sick joke. Empires fighting against each other ,Military invasions, Crusades ,The World Wars and the list goes.

When a small group of ascended individuals create moral Philosophies and have their members with magical oratory abilities link emotions of crowds ,making them followers. Growing this phenomenon from a base state of humanity banding together in a group for a common cause.

Those small group of ascended individuals will be able to topple and eliminate other ascended individuals who believe in "Freedom" and other made up bs. No one cares about moral Philosophy or ideology when your head is on a guillotine.

If tomorrow militant Christians took over America ,we'll enter into a brutal period of crusades and mass bloodshed and a second dark age for all humanity. Infact were currently fighting an organized group of psychopaths who believe in a Philosophy that Daharkhaan here believes in which is "Beyond Good and Evil" and at the sane time disconnected from Universal Good. That's why it's justified to him when Bill Gates says he wants to reduce the world population by 15% due to climate change. And these groups of people, the Jews and Illuminati have decided to impose their moral philosophy (which is that they want others to be cyborg slaves to them because they think they are better) upon the populace.

And they have an extremely organized and cultist group which blindly followers orders. People who believe they cannot or should not impose their own beliefs upon other people are doomed to fail against an organized group of people who think they can.

If organized Good is not imposed upon people in a large scale, organized bad will. It's that simple. Sure a small minority will be dissatisfied but that's a small price to pay for order and expansion of a society. If my views were imposed upon this world, small groups of people would be militantly opposed to it but in the end we'll be happy as a society.

You're right, but I was talking about Satanists. We're not the 99%, and it's kind of stated in our religion to think for ourselves. Group bullying someone for what they choose to do with magick is a waste of time unless they intend to use force to overpower Dahaarkan and make him conform to their will. All to protect who, again? Those who are without. Not our own, but those who are without. Turning on our own because we disagree with their magick practice and we have a different idea of what's allowed and what isn't... and out of some heroic desire to protect those who don't even know their own maker.

But it's actually worse. The heroics and virtue signalling is only a disguise for what is really going on. The ones ganging up on Dahaarkan are those who simply don't like him, and they have dug themselves in too deep to back down without embarrassing themselves and forsaking their credibility and public image (which they are unwilling to do). That's what this is really about. It's disgusting. It's even more disgusting because they won't admit it to themselves, and even if they did then they wouldn't admit it publicly. Given all of this, I personally would say they have no right to judge anyone. Their level of integrity and honor is insufficient. That's usually the case for people who falsely but righteously believe they are right.

So, let me get this straight. I'll paint the picture to make it personal, so maybe you now understand what Dahaarkan is advocating.

:arrow: There is a wealthy capitalist called Joe.
:arrow: Joe has stolen from you, your wife, your family, your wife's family all his life.
:arrow: Joe comes under Bob's attention for his thievery.
:arrow: Bob is another SS like and your wife.
:arrow: Joe has never stolen a penny from Bob and anyone related to him.
:arrow: Bob decides to steal from Joe and keep all the loot to himself.

You are saying this is fine and that Bob is free to do as he pleases, even if Bob is now the thief because he owns the part of the loot that belongs to you, your wife, your family and your wife's family.

What I am advocating instead is either one of these patterns:

:arrow: Joe should come under investigation from the SS police.
:arrow: The SS police should turn the evidence to the SS justice system.
:arrow: The SS justice system should evaluate the evidence.
:arrow: Then the SS justice system should seize Joe's assets and imprison Joe.
:arrow: Joe's assets would then be divided between the people he stole from including you, your wife, your family, your wife's family.
:arrow: The victims could be given reasonable options of how to deal with the criminal, Joe.

Option 2:

:arrow: You and your wife decide to take action against Joe.
:arrow: You and your wife, through spiritual endeavours, recover the part of Joe's assets that belongs to you and your families.
:arrow: You then report Joe to the police
:arrow: Then a protocol similar to option 1 ensue to make sure all other families recover what's owed to them, as they are too weak, still not SS or there is some other issue preventing them from taking action on their own.

Option 3:

:arrow: All wronged families take action together against Joe.
:arrow: All wronged families recover what it's owed to them, and deal with Joe within the limits of the law.

Is it more understandable now?

Spiritual Satanism is not chaos and left-hand path or whatever goes through your minds. It is also not right-hand path, extreme restriction and so on. The Code of Hammurabi is clear that justice is proportional to the crime. If you steal from someone who has never wronged you, like Dahaarkan stated he does, you are a thief. The only way to rectify this is to distribute the loot back to the people it belongs to. Thievery is a crime in Spiritual Satanism too and in any advanced civilisation. It will always be a crime, no matter what you people say or do.
Dahaarkan said:
Henu the Great said:
Cool story Bro.

Is cleaning, purification and applying empowerment to excel your competition too vanilla for you...

I have to wonder, and not a personal criticism of you individually because you're not the only one. But do you truly believe that these vague, meaningless 1-2 phrase posts are of any use to anybody?

What did you explain, what did you convey, what did you clear up with this post. Just snarky bait. It's like you have to answer every topic, even when you don't have an answer or any insight to give, but you absolutely MUST post something. So since you have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation, you just make a lazy, snarky remark and leave.

And pose as if you've just addressed every flaw in this person's thoughts and provided some spectacular fire of knowledge in your 10 word post. Thank you for dropping in to bless us with your incredibly insightful post, now run along and let the grown men talk.

I couldn't be mad at him for it. I found it really funny, and I was laughing on and off the whole day.
Stormblood said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
I'm not sure if I should say my piece on this or not but I find a fundamental disconnect between this overtly militant Liberatarian understanding of the world about personal morals and ethics and a Vedic Perspective. I think it's coming from the early Satanic movement of the 60s and later with punk rock and metal ,and that anti establishment vibe. Compare that with the SS which was an extremely organized group of people who did have a strong sense of moral code they were trying to impose upon their members and the countries they were inhabiting.

You can have this discussion between people here but it's just a discussion between people who are already mentally more sound and consciously aware that 99% of people. In essence, this is a discussion inside of a bubble. And this view of personal moral and ethics is also inside of a bubble.

The real truth is that most Human beings are born followers and will die followers due to their lack of consciousness. So when one leader with extremely strong views about something comes along ,he starts gathering followers and makes organizations.

The Liberatarian minded individuals do not want to impose their personal morality upon others so they do not grow in organizational strength and power. They have no structure and mode of conduct because they have different belief systems.

The organized group of people continue to grow in numbers attracting more and more people who diligently believe and trust in the leader and his beliefs and militantly refuse to listen to anything contradicting their philosophy.

And when the militant group grows enough in number ,they massacre the Liberatrians and the people who refused to Follow a stringent code of conduct and Moral Philosophy.

You've seen this time and te again in history, and the same groups of people keep reincarnating again and again playing this sick joke. Empires fighting against each other ,Military invasions, Crusades ,The World Wars and the list goes.

When a small group of ascended individuals create moral Philosophies and have their members with magical oratory abilities link emotions of crowds ,making them followers. Growing this phenomenon from a base state of humanity banding together in a group for a common cause.

Those small group of ascended individuals will be able to topple and eliminate other ascended individuals who believe in "Freedom" and other made up bs. No one cares about moral Philosophy or ideology when your head is on a guillotine.

If tomorrow militant Christians took over America ,we'll enter into a brutal period of crusades and mass bloodshed and a second dark age for all humanity. Infact were currently fighting an organized group of psychopaths who believe in a Philosophy that Daharkhaan here believes in which is "Beyond Good and Evil" and at the sane time disconnected from Universal Good. That's why it's justified to him when Bill Gates says he wants to reduce the world population by 15% due to climate change. And these groups of people, the Jews and Illuminati have decided to impose their moral philosophy (which is that they want others to be cyborg slaves to them because they think they are better) upon the populace.

And they have an extremely organized and cultist group which blindly followers orders. People who believe they cannot or should not impose their own beliefs upon other people are doomed to fail against an organized group of people who think they can.

If organized Good is not imposed upon people in a large scale, organized bad will. It's that simple. Sure a small minority will be dissatisfied but that's a small price to pay for order and expansion of a society. If my views were imposed upon this world, small groups of people would be militantly opposed to it but in the end we'll be happy as a society.

You're right, but I was talking about Satanists. We're not the 99%, and it's kind of stated in our religion to think for ourselves. Group bullying someone for what they choose to do with magick is a waste of time unless they intend to use force to overpower Dahaarkan and make him conform to their will. All to protect who, again? Those who are without. Not our own, but those who are without. Turning on our own because we disagree with their magick practice and we have a different idea of what's allowed and what isn't... and out of some heroic desire to protect those who don't even know their own maker.

But it's actually worse. The heroics and virtue signalling is only a disguise for what is really going on. The ones ganging up on Dahaarkan are those who simply don't like him, and they have dug themselves in too deep to back down without embarrassing themselves and forsaking their credibility and public image (which they are unwilling to do). That's what this is really about. It's disgusting. It's even more disgusting because they won't admit it to themselves, and even if they did then they wouldn't admit it publicly. Given all of this, I personally would say they have no right to judge anyone. Their level of integrity and honor is insufficient. That's usually the case for people who falsely but righteously believe they are right.

So, let me get this straight. I'll paint the picture to make it personal, so maybe you now understand what Dahaarkan is advocating.

:arrow: There is a wealthy capitalist called Joe.
:arrow: Joe has stolen from you, your wife, your family, your wife's family all his life.
:arrow: Joe comes under Bob's attention for his thievery.
:arrow: Bob is another SS like and your wife.
:arrow: Joe has never stolen a penny from Bob and anyone related to him.
:arrow: Bob decides to steal from Joe and keep all the loot to himself.

You are saying this is fine and that Bob is free to do as he pleases, even if Bob is now the thief because he owns the part of the loot that belongs to you, your wife, your family and your wife's family.

What I am advocating instead is either one of these patterns:

:arrow: Joe should come under investigation from the SS police.
:arrow: The SS police should turn the evidence to the SS justice system.
:arrow: The SS justice system should evaluate the evidence.
:arrow: Then the SS justice system should seize Joe's assets and imprison Joe.
:arrow: Joe's assets would then be divided between the people he stole from including you, your wife, your family, your wife's family.
:arrow: The victims could be given reasonable options of how to deal with the criminal, Joe.

Option 2:

:arrow: You and your wife decide to take action against Joe.
:arrow: You and your wife, through spiritual endeavours, recover the part of Joe's assets that belongs to you and your families.
:arrow: You then report Joe to the police
:arrow: Then a protocol similar to option 1 ensue to make sure all other families recover what's owed to them, as they are too weak, still not SS or there is some other issue preventing them from taking action on their own.

Option 3:

:arrow: All wronged families take action together against Joe.
:arrow: All wronged families recover what it's owed to them, and deal with Joe within the limits of the law.

Is it more understandable now?

Spiritual Satanism is not chaos and left-hand path or whatever goes through your minds. It is also not right-hand path, extreme restriction and so on. The Code of Hammurabi is clear that justice is proportional to the crime. If you steal from someone who has never wronged you, like Dahaarkan stated he does, you are a thief. The only way to rectify this is to distribute the loot back to the people it belongs to. Thievery is a crime in Spiritual Satanism too and in any advanced civilisation. It will always be a crime, no matter what you people say or do.

Ideals are for an ideal society which is not the one we live in right now. There is no SS Police force right now, and out of interest, what would their purpose be exactly as applied to this analogy? Investigating astral crimes? On whose dime, and for what greater purpose? What does it accomplish in the bigger picture of things? And how would their spiritual training be facilitated? Are you suggesting cops meditate for hours a day at the office learning to feel their astral bodies, learning siddhis, and practicing astral projection? All so that some victims don't have to do the work themselves? That sounds so unfeasible.

Why don't I just go for option 2 while foregoing steps 3-4, and instead drain everything Joe has and put it in a crystal or something so that he can't mess with me again. While I have him at my mercy I can also opt to do all sorts of other things to him as well. And better yet, if some of the stuff he stole from others looks appealing then perhaps I might choose to take it for myself. It's not like it belongs to them anymore.

You're advocating the same thing you claimed that Dahaarkan is, but you want the government to do it for you. You only have a problem apparently with people who do their own dirty work. All of that wealth redistribution that you love to talk about so much. What is the government going to do with it do you think? It's not like they have a list of names with specific quantities to return to people. People are inevitably going to have to build up their wealth again. That's just life. You get back up and you start again.

What constitutes thievery in your mind? Is it just the act of taking what belongs to someone? Is it doing it in a sneaky way without telling them? Is it also thievery if you conquer others and THEN take what they have? You know, like when one nation absorbs another after conquering them through war? Is land expansion considered land theft because the conquering army is taking the land from the native peoples?

If I beat someone up first before I take their belongings is it okay then? Let me know.
jrvan said:

I understand you fully, believe me, my responses and elaboration are to put emphasis on the bad seeds that disable a natural growth of perspective and advancement in this. As I said this is nihilistic, and for reference, if you’d like, it is called moral nihilism:

“Moral nihilism (also known as ethical nihilism) is the meta-ethical view that nothing is morally right or wrong. Moral nihilism is distinct from moral relativism, which allows for actions to be wrong relative to a particular culture or individual. ... Therefore, morality in the traditional sense does not exist.”

“For example, a moral nihilist would say that killing someone, for whatever reason, is neither inherently right nor inherently wrong. Moral nihilists consider morality to be make-believe, a complex set of rules and recommendations that may give a psychological, social, or economical advantage to its adherents, but is otherwise not in accord with fact or reality. [1]

Moral nihilism is distinct from moral relativism, which does allow for moral statements to be true or false in a non-objective sense, but does not assign any static truth-values to moral statements, and of course moral universalism, which holds moral statements to be objectively true or false. Insofar as only true statements can be known, moral nihilism implies moral skepticism.”

From the above, you see the tendency and error in this, the decay and limitation in the mental loop of some people. It is also called Error theory, which is very representative, as it dissects and advocates the spiritual decay, lack of vision, and promotion of dissipation. This is also born from existential nihilism, which states life has no intrinsic meaning or value. I could argue why these are born and exist in the mind and why they are adopted, but it would be tiring to explain the contradiction of the jews and their doctorates for perversion in this world.

The discussion gathers complexities given your questions, but this is the right way already to pursue the thoughts. Really who establishes the law, who judges, who imposes and punishes. What is the meaning of punishment?

Everything of this sense was given already by the Gods, and in time we have established the pillars of societal realms, that promote the value and the quality and procreation of life, to depart from the survival, chaotic primal developments of organic life. This is why there are ethics, there’s is law, there is structure and academy study, judges and forms of active and passive punishment, to seek to establish control, justice and order. This could not be done without higher beings, totally superior in every aspect from us.

Another thing, that you are correct but in a different way, is that judgment and punishment, is always done by a superior human being, meaning yes, superior power. Power to analyze, power of justice and of decision. A judge can be very few people of the population.

Of course, the enemy by cutting the spiritual enforced a decay of colossal proportion and also aimed to destroy the very basis of a healthy society by all means existent. Justice, morality and ethics by implied action. They attack and destroy justice, as Satan represents perfect justice.

To argue the fact that suffering and injustice exist, as a form of contradiction and negation to the moral and ethical advancement and absolution of these problems in the end, is a notion that jews wet their pants at its existence. Also, the fact that people partake in suffering by any direct or indirect means by simply existing in self-created social construct of this kind, that is damaged and can only value other damage, won’t and will never conquer, prevail over the eternal truths and aim of perfection. This is also embodied in the soul of the gentile people who are really beneficial to life itself.

Other qualities of humans are easy to be analyzed. The empathy, the just inner sense. All of these are natural reactions that by experience and knowledge gather around principles and ways of construct, ethics. There is a cosmic law that is enforced by eternal beings onto sections of life development and other higher perspectives that create the opportunity for life to advance, this implying restoration of justice, which is something it is done now. Besides this, there is a punishment from nature by its design, one being mortality. Yes the general look on nature, it is brutal. Cause and effect, there are a lot of factors and reactive things in any situation. A truth is that the aim of justice is extremely powerful as a feeling, same as revenge, sentiments, and energies which cannot be stimulated only by a sense of reaction to great harm and injustice. The other part, the criminal side of things is cold, insensible, and with no real stimulation to life, but quite the opposite.

This is also the very meaning of our teachings, to instate a harmonious and powerful life. These things do not happen in a day or 10 years or more. But are conducted in, the dependence of the collective consciousness and transformation of the world, which again does not and will not invalidate the pursuit and establishment of the aims.

The matters are very complex and to specifically address things is extremely tiring and can be a book, considering all the avenues of scientific thought, from psychology, philosophy and spirituality, law and political avenues. This is a direction of thought which resonates with the disabling of the fore-mentioned seeds and ideologies, which can stem and be by any kind of justification but can do harm when publicized in a manner that is not corrected by the likeness of the above arguments. One can read your replies and resonate with them, and go in the world on an ego-trip, justifying actions of no true value and positive consequence.
Dahaarkan said:
I have to wonder, and not a personal criticism of you individually because you're not the only one. But do you truly believe that these vague, meaningless 1-2 phrase posts are of any use to anybody?

What did you explain, what did you convey, what did you clear up with this post. Just snarky bait. It's like you have to answer every topic, even when you don't have an answer or any insight to give, but you absolutely MUST post something. So since you have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation, you just make a lazy, snarky remark and leave.

And pose as if you've just addressed every flaw in this person's thoughts and provided some spectacular fire of knowledge in your 10 word post. Thank you for dropping in to bless us with your incredibly insightful post, now run along and let the grown men talk.
It’s about time sometime told him something. He goes on every post just acting like a bot repeating the same things as a solution to every problem and he gets to be the special boy with moderator privileges because of it. Be the most borg like to become a “reputable” member.
NakedPluto said:

I'm curious. The concepts of right and wrong, good and evil came about through xtianity, so what came before? People weren't at each others throats doing whatever they wanted because they just could. A lot of what falls under those branches are subjective in the sense "what does me benefit and what does me harm? Are my actions beneficial to another, neutral, or harmful?". The enemy is "evil" because they defile and destroy everything we hold sacred, they attack our Gods, they attack our people, and destroy our home and the creatures that live there. So by the laws of the world, we fight back. We punish them and fight because we protect what is ours and refuse to allow ourselves to be enslaved. One of our core teachings is freedom and not tolerating abuse.

There's always been actions that are absolutely not tolerated on the highest level, such as harming children. There are rules put in place to keep the peace and create a beneficial existence for everyone to prosper. There is truth and lies. There are actions to do harm, and actions to do good. What is right for someone else could be damaging for another. If we stand our ground and defend our homelands that requires losing lives either on your side or the others who invade you. What is good for us becomes bad for them. We are "evil" for stopping the kike agenda, we are "good" for fighting back and protecting what's ours. Depending on who's side you're on, we are either "good" or "evil". So the concept is subjective based on where you stand.

I decided to break the concept of inherent right and wrong in my own mind, and I learned something that contradicts this idea that total chaos would befall if such things aren't taught. I developed a deeper sense of empathy and ability to connect with others, as well as a bit better grip on emotional reactions. You are much more likely to listen to truth and accept truth instead of attack it in defense of your ideas simply because you believe you're "right" even if you are not. You start to become hyper aware of how what you do effects you and everyone around you. You understand deeper that every action you take, every decision you make comes with it's own ripples that could be benefit or determiner for yourself or another down the river. You become no longer blind and ignorant to your own actions and behavior. Instead of believing completely that an action is "right" inherently, you know the full weight of what you do and can make better decisions based on that awareness. Rather than making irrational or impulsive actions based on inherent belief of what is right or wrong, you think deeper and analyse the potential ripples before making a decision. It forces you to think and introspect about your own impact on yourself and others.

People who are honorable and upstanding will have a code and principles they follow that won't cause unnecessary harm and detriment to others, those who aren't will simply take the lacking inherent "right and wrong" to the extremes and do whatever they please because they can. How you stop people from going wild like that is ensure the society is aligned with Satan - which we are far from, so right now with the way things are, many can't live without the concept because it keeps most people from going rogue. However, we have the luxury to outgrow old concepts and create for ourselves what kind of people do we want to be because we are stable enough and learned enough to do so without going crazy.

Sometimes we have to lie to protect ourselves from even our own families, because what we are as SS is something they wouldn't approve of or even get us into serious trouble should certain people know about it. Lying is considered "wrong" yet becomes good to keep yourself safe, breaking the entire idea that one should never lie because it is bad. Needlessly lying is frowned on because it's useless and serves no benefit to anyone except the liar, and sometimes not even themselves. But if we never lied we would be in big trouble, because we are not yet accepted in the current society. What is right and wrong is determined by who has control and can impose those rules, so at the moment it is considered "right" to watch your country be taken away from you and "wrong" to fight against it. In the face of truth, "right" and "wrong" becomes irrelevant if they are not aligned with it, and so truth is higher and older than this concept.

This is why the enemy gets away with the shit they do. The world doesn't run on the concepts of right and wrong and punishes accordingly. If not for the Gods, nothing would stand in the enemy's way from destroying everything. If we fail to get strong enough to change the tide and bring everything back into alignment with truth, then we'll be swept away into the drain and the enemy will end us. Some will take this to extremes and that's because they haven't developed their own code and don't follow Father's ways. People like that should stick to the concept until they are learned enough to not be stupid or do dishonorable things unless they favor to be dishonorable - but in that case there's more than enough people who are honorable to keep them in check.
LoL thanks for the laugh 😂 seriously though, with all due respect...why would you want to connect energies with these people? It's a bad idea in my opinion, and can only yield negative results. Just got a couple of texts from a friend: "Happy New year." "I have covid." "What a way to spend the New Year." Womp woooomp-- see how negative that shit is? I'm like of course you do bitch bcuz you so negative. Ugh. Don't try to absorb other people's energy, especially these days. Get your energy from the sun instead.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
I'm not sure if I should say my piece on this or not but I find a fundamental disconnect between this overtly militant Liberatarian understanding of the world about personal morals and ethics and a Vedic Perspective. I think it's coming from the early Satanic movement of the 60s and later with punk rock and metal ,and that anti establishment vibe. Compare that with the SS which was an extremely organized group of people who did have a strong sense of moral code they were trying to impose upon their members and the countries they were inhabiting.

You can have this discussion between people here but it's just a discussion between people who are already mentally more sound and consciously aware that 99% of people. In essence, this is a discussion inside of a bubble. And this view of personal moral and ethics is also inside of a bubble.

The real truth is that most Human beings are born followers and will die followers due to their lack of consciousness. So when one leader with extremely strong views about something comes along ,he starts gathering followers and makes organizations.

The Liberatarian minded individuals do not want to impose their personal morality upon others so they do not grow in organizational strength and power. They have no structure and mode of conduct because they have different belief systems.

The organized group of people continue to grow in numbers attracting more and more people who diligently believe and trust in the leader and his beliefs and militantly refuse to listen to anything contradicting their philosophy.

And when the militant group grows enough in number ,they massacre the Liberatrians and the people who refused to Follow a stringent code of conduct and Moral Philosophy.

You've seen this time and te again in history, and the same groups of people keep reincarnating again and again playing this sick joke. Empires fighting against each other ,Military invasions, Crusades ,The World Wars and the list goes.

When a small group of ascended individuals create moral Philosophies and have their members with magical oratory abilities link emotions of crowds ,making them followers. Growing this phenomenon from a base state of humanity banding together in a group for a common cause.

Those small group of ascended individuals will be able to topple and eliminate other ascended individuals who believe in "Freedom" and other made up bs. No one cares about moral Philosophy or ideology when your head is on a guillotine.

If tomorrow militant Christians took over America ,we'll enter into a brutal period of crusades and mass bloodshed and a second dark age for all humanity. Infact were currently fighting an organized group of psychopaths who believe in a Philosophy that Daharkhaan here believes in which is "Beyond Good and Evil" and at the sane time disconnected from Universal Good. That's why it's justified to him when Bill Gates says he wants to reduce the world population by 15% due to climate change. And these groups of people, the Jews and Illuminati have decided to impose their moral philosophy (which is that they want others to be cyborg slaves to them because they think they are better) upon the populace.

And they have an extremely organized and cultist group which blindly followers orders. People who believe they cannot or should not impose their own beliefs upon other people are doomed to fail against an organized group of people who think they can.

If organized Good is not imposed upon people in a large scale, organized bad will. It's that simple. Sure a small minority will be dissatisfied but that's a small price to pay for order and expansion of a society. If my views were imposed upon this world, small groups of people would be militantly opposed to it but in the end we'll be happy as a society.

You're right, but I was talking about Satanists. We're not the 99%, and it's kind of stated in our religion to think for ourselves. Group bullying someone for what they choose to do with magick is a waste of time unless they intend to use force to overpower Dahaarkan and make him conform to their will. All to protect who, again? Those who are without. Not our own, but those who are without. Turning on our own because we disagree with their magick practice and we have a different idea of what's allowed and what isn't... and out of some heroic desire to protect those who don't even know their own maker.

But it's actually worse. The heroics and virtue signalling is only a disguise for what is really going on. The ones ganging up on Dahaarkan are those who simply don't like him, and they have dug themselves in too deep to back down without embarrassing themselves and forsaking their credibility and public image (which they are unwilling to do). That's what this is really about. It's disgusting. It's even more disgusting because they won't admit it to themselves, and even if they did then they wouldn't admit it publicly. Given all of this, I personally would say they have no right to judge anyone. Their level of integrity and honor is insufficient. That's usually the case for people who falsely but righteously believe they are right.
People here just don't like sniveling rat like behavior. Most people here believe that which is not earned is not deserved and that stealing someone's essence to get rich without grit is Rat like behavior. When one was in organizations with a strong sense of moral conduct it passes through lifetimes and its still ingrained in this day and age. For Example, I don't do debts ,even with close family members unless I'm in a really precarious situation. I dislike getting free stuff that I haven't earned.

In India we have a system of dowry in many poor places where a man can request money or different kinds of possessions to a woman's father in exchange for marriage. If Daharkhaan was born here what he'd do is get a good paying respectablw job then go to the countryside or a socially backwards place and extort money or possessions from a woman's father for marriage, just so he can have an unfair advantage in life and get something that he didn't earn or deserve. I on the contrary would prefer to remain poor rather than extort someone or suck the Essence out of someone for an unfair advantage. I prefer to become rich through Grit and my personal actions, that includes personal workings not Sucking someone's life-force.
NakedPluto said:
jrvan said:

I understand you fully, believe me, my responses and elaboration are to put emphasis on the bad seeds that disable a natural growth of perspective and advancement in this. As I said this is nihilistic, and for reference, if you’d like, it is called moral nihilism:

“Moral nihilism (also known as ethical nihilism) is the meta-ethical view that nothing is morally right or wrong. Moral nihilism is distinct from moral relativism, which allows for actions to be wrong relative to a particular culture or individual. ... Therefore, morality in the traditional sense does not exist.”

“For example, a moral nihilist would say that killing someone, for whatever reason, is neither inherently right nor inherently wrong. Moral nihilists consider morality to be make-believe, a complex set of rules and recommendations that may give a psychological, social, or economical advantage to its adherents, but is otherwise not in accord with fact or reality. [1]

Moral nihilism is distinct from moral relativism, which does allow for moral statements to be true or false in a non-objective sense, but does not assign any static truth-values to moral statements, and of course moral universalism, which holds moral statements to be objectively true or false. Insofar as only true statements can be known, moral nihilism implies moral skepticism.”

From the above, you see the tendency and error in this, the decay and limitation in the mental loop of some people. It is also called Error theory, which is very representative, as it dissects and advocates the spiritual decay, lack of vision, and promotion of dissipation. This is also born from existential nihilism, which states life has no intrinsic meaning or value. I could argue why these are born and exist in the mind and why they are adopted, but it would be tiring to explain the contradiction of the jews and their doctorates for perversion in this world.

The discussion gathers complexities given your questions, but this is the right way already to pursue the thoughts. Really who establishes the law, who judges, who imposes and punishes. What is the meaning of punishment?

Everything of this sense was given already by the Gods, and in time we have established the pillars of societal realms, that promote the value and the quality and procreation of life, to depart from the survival, chaotic primal developments of organic life. This is why there are ethics, there’s is law, there is structure and academy study, judges and forms of active and passive punishment, to seek to establish control, justice and order. This could not be done without higher beings, totally superior in every aspect from us.

Another thing, that you are correct but in a different way, is that judgment and punishment, is always done by a superior human being, meaning yes, superior power. Power to analyze, power of justice and of decision. A judge can be very few people of the population.

Of course, the enemy by cutting the spiritual enforced a decay of colossal proportion and also aimed to destroy the very basis of a healthy society by all means existent. Justice, morality and ethics by implied action. They attack and destroy justice, as Satan represents perfect justice.

To argue the fact that suffering and injustice exist, as a form of contradiction and negation to the moral and ethical advancement and absolution of these problems in the end, is a notion that jews wet their pants at its existence. Also, the fact that people partake in suffering by any direct or indirect means by simply existing in self-created social construct of this kind, that is damaged and can only value other damage, won’t and will never conquer, prevail over the eternal truths and aim of perfection. This is also embodied in the soul of the gentile people who are really beneficial to life itself.

Other qualities of humans are easy to be analyzed. The empathy, the just inner sense. All of these are natural reactions that by experience and knowledge gather around principles and ways of construct, ethics. There is a cosmic law that is enforced by eternal beings onto sections of life development and other higher perspectives that create the opportunity for life to advance, this implying restoration of justice, which is something it is done now. Besides this, there is a punishment from nature by its design, one being mortality. Yes the general look on nature, it is brutal. Cause and effect, there are a lot of factors and reactive things in any situation. A truth is that the aim of justice is extremely powerful as a feeling, same as revenge, sentiments, and energies which cannot be stimulated only by a sense of reaction to great harm and injustice. The other part, the criminal side of things is cold, insensible, and with no real stimulation to life, but quite the opposite.

This is also the very meaning of our teachings, to instate a harmonious and powerful life. These things do not happen in a day or 10 years or more. But are conducted in, the dependence of the collective consciousness and transformation of the world, which again does not and will not invalidate the pursuit and establishment of the aims.

The matters are very complex and to specifically address things is extremely tiring and can be a book, considering all the avenues of scientific thought, from psychology, philosophy and spirituality, law and political avenues. This is a direction of thought which resonates with the disabling of the fore-mentioned seeds and ideologies, which can stem and be by any kind of justification but can do harm when publicized in a manner that is not corrected by the likeness of the above arguments. One can read your replies and resonate with them, and go in the world on an ego-trip, justifying actions of no true value and positive consequence.

I hunt therefore I am. jk.

Well I don't want to be problematic. I should hope that others won't be so detached from their own character as to imitate me exactly. That's not the kind of people I expect to find here, but they probably exist. In a better society I wouldn't consider distasteful methods to attempt to better my own life.

I still think it's better for people to develop and refine their own moral compass through life experience rather than behaving a certain way because the morality has been prescribed to them. That's my opinion. If certain individuals aren't at a level where they can handle that then they should rely on their simplistic approach to it I guess. I've had to make hard decisions and be selective with my empathy for years now. I don't look at things the same way I used to. Maybe I've become numb. I'm definitely more tribal now because I think in terms of what is good for me and those under my protection first and foremost while not caring what happens to others. That's how I have become. I guess it's short-sighted, but everyone has to do what they have to do in this currently depraved world until things change. Higher morality won't manifest until people make it manifest.

Adapt or die. That's Nature's law in my mind, and that's the one I'm going to obey until I don't need to anymore. Other people should make their own decisions and figure out where they stand rather than listening to me, especially Satanists.

Thanks for looking out for everyone, NakedPluto. I didn't consider how others might take it to extremes. I just assumed that most are at a level here where they won't go around senselessly destroying only because they can. But I've been wrong before.

As for me, don't worry - I'm not going to murder for the wrong reasons. :lol:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
I'm not sure if I should say my piece on this or not but I find a fundamental disconnect between this overtly militant Liberatarian understanding of the world about personal morals and ethics and a Vedic Perspective. I think it's coming from the early Satanic movement of the 60s and later with punk rock and metal ,and that anti establishment vibe. Compare that with the SS which was an extremely organized group of people who did have a strong sense of moral code they were trying to impose upon their members and the countries they were inhabiting.

You can have this discussion between people here but it's just a discussion between people who are already mentally more sound and consciously aware that 99% of people. In essence, this is a discussion inside of a bubble. And this view of personal moral and ethics is also inside of a bubble.

The real truth is that most Human beings are born followers and will die followers due to their lack of consciousness. So when one leader with extremely strong views about something comes along ,he starts gathering followers and makes organizations.

The Liberatarian minded individuals do not want to impose their personal morality upon others so they do not grow in organizational strength and power. They have no structure and mode of conduct because they have different belief systems.

The organized group of people continue to grow in numbers attracting more and more people who diligently believe and trust in the leader and his beliefs and militantly refuse to listen to anything contradicting their philosophy.

And when the militant group grows enough in number ,they massacre the Liberatrians and the people who refused to Follow a stringent code of conduct and Moral Philosophy.

You've seen this time and te again in history, and the same groups of people keep reincarnating again and again playing this sick joke. Empires fighting against each other ,Military invasions, Crusades ,The World Wars and the list goes.

When a small group of ascended individuals create moral Philosophies and have their members with magical oratory abilities link emotions of crowds ,making them followers. Growing this phenomenon from a base state of humanity banding together in a group for a common cause.

Those small group of ascended individuals will be able to topple and eliminate other ascended individuals who believe in "Freedom" and other made up bs. No one cares about moral Philosophy or ideology when your head is on a guillotine.

If tomorrow militant Christians took over America ,we'll enter into a brutal period of crusades and mass bloodshed and a second dark age for all humanity. Infact were currently fighting an organized group of psychopaths who believe in a Philosophy that Daharkhaan here believes in which is "Beyond Good and Evil" and at the sane time disconnected from Universal Good. That's why it's justified to him when Bill Gates says he wants to reduce the world population by 15% due to climate change. And these groups of people, the Jews and Illuminati have decided to impose their moral philosophy (which is that they want others to be cyborg slaves to them because they think they are better) upon the populace.

And they have an extremely organized and cultist group which blindly followers orders. People who believe they cannot or should not impose their own beliefs upon other people are doomed to fail against an organized group of people who think they can.

If organized Good is not imposed upon people in a large scale, organized bad will. It's that simple. Sure a small minority will be dissatisfied but that's a small price to pay for order and expansion of a society. If my views were imposed upon this world, small groups of people would be militantly opposed to it but in the end we'll be happy as a society.

You're right, but I was talking about Satanists. We're not the 99%, and it's kind of stated in our religion to think for ourselves. Group bullying someone for what they choose to do with magick is a waste of time unless they intend to use force to overpower Dahaarkan and make him conform to their will. All to protect who, again? Those who are without. Not our own, but those who are without. Turning on our own because we disagree with their magick practice and we have a different idea of what's allowed and what isn't... and out of some heroic desire to protect those who don't even know their own maker.

But it's actually worse. The heroics and virtue signalling is only a disguise for what is really going on. The ones ganging up on Dahaarkan are those who simply don't like him, and they have dug themselves in too deep to back down without embarrassing themselves and forsaking their credibility and public image (which they are unwilling to do). That's what this is really about. It's disgusting. It's even more disgusting because they won't admit it to themselves, and even if they did then they wouldn't admit it publicly. Given all of this, I personally would say they have no right to judge anyone. Their level of integrity and honor is insufficient. That's usually the case for people who falsely but righteously believe they are right.
People here just don't like sniveling rat like behavior. Most people here believe that which is not earned is not deserved and that stealing someone's essence to get rich without grit is Rat like behavior. When one was in organizations with a strong sense of moral conduct it passes through lifetimes and its still ingrained in this day and age. For Example, I don't do debts ,even with close family members unless I'm in a really precarious situation. I dislike getting free stuff that I haven't earned.

In India we have a system of dowry in many poor places where a man can request money or different kinds of possessions to a woman's father in exchange for marriage. If Daharkhaan was born here what he'd do is get a good paying respectablw job then go to the countryside or a socially backwards place and extort money or possessions from a woman's father for marriage, just so he can have an unfair advantage in life and get something that he didn't earn or deserve. I on the contrary would prefer to remain poor rather than extort someone or suck the Essence out of someone for an unfair advantage. I prefer to become rich through Grit and my personal actions, that includes personal workings not Sucking someone's life-force.

And that's okay because everyone is different. To someone like me, that only seems self limiting. To you it seems noble and virtuous. We have different values. For example, the idea of "deserve" really bothers me. I've rejected that concept for a long time now. I don't concern myself with whether or not I deserve something, but only if I want it and have the ability to get it.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
You're right, but I was talking about Satanists. We're not the 99%, and it's kind of stated in our religion to think for ourselves. Group bullying someone for what they choose to do with magick is a waste of time unless they intend to use force to overpower Dahaarkan and make him conform to their will. All to protect who, again? Those who are without. Not our own, but those who are without. Turning on our own because we disagree with their magick practice and we have a different idea of what's allowed and what isn't... and out of some heroic desire to protect those who don't even know their own maker.

But it's actually worse. The heroics and virtue signalling is only a disguise for what is really going on. The ones ganging up on Dahaarkan are those who simply don't like him, and they have dug themselves in too deep to back down without embarrassing themselves and forsaking their credibility and public image (which they are unwilling to do). That's what this is really about. It's disgusting. It's even more disgusting because they won't admit it to themselves, and even if they did then they wouldn't admit it publicly. Given all of this, I personally would say they have no right to judge anyone. Their level of integrity and honor is insufficient. That's usually the case for people who falsely but righteously believe they are right.
People here just don't like sniveling rat like behavior. Most people here believe that which is not earned is not deserved and that stealing someone's essence to get rich without grit is Rat like behavior. When one was in organizations with a strong sense of moral conduct it passes through lifetimes and its still ingrained in this day and age. For Example, I don't do debts ,even with close family members unless I'm in a really precarious situation. I dislike getting free stuff that I haven't earned.

In India we have a system of dowry in many poor places where a man can request money or different kinds of possessions to a woman's father in exchange for marriage. If Daharkhaan was born here what he'd do is get a good paying respectablw job then go to the countryside or a socially backwards place and extort money or possessions from a woman's father for marriage, just so he can have an unfair advantage in life and get something that he didn't earn or deserve. I on the contrary would prefer to remain poor rather than extort someone or suck the Essence out of someone for an unfair advantage. I prefer to become rich through Grit and my personal actions, that includes personal workings not Sucking someone's life-force.

And that's okay because everyone is different. To someone like me, that only seems self limiting. To you it seems noble and virtuous. We have different values. For example, the idea of "deserve" really bothers me. I've rejected that concept for a long time now. I don't concern myself with whether or not I deserve something, but only if I want it and have the ability to get it.
If you don't have the ability to get something then by default you do not deserve it. That's the entire point. Stealing someone's essence because you do not have the ability to generate money ,is the very simple explanation of an undeserving asshole. It's like I'm not smart enough to generate wealth through Crypto so I'll suck the Essence of my friend whose a Crypto millionaire. It's the same thing with Jewish Bankers.

"Hey man I don't have any creative ability to create products and services and I'm too lazy to work a job ,please give me money and I'll keep it safe and then I'll loan your money to another person and charge him interest, take my cut and then I'll return it back to your savings account. Nice idea huh,bitch."

It's the exact same mentality. Weakness and undeserving. The only reason we're in such a precarious situation I'd because undeserving pieces of trash gained power and are now abusing it because they've never gone through trials and tribulations to become deserving of power. They got there by corruption.
jrvan said:
You can express your distaste for what I choose to do with my will if you want, but beyond that - what are you going to do about it? Are you going to try to stop me? If not then you are tolerating the existence of my magick will even if you say you have a problem with it. So practically you have no problem with it because you won't attempt to stop me. My existence as I am now is allowed by your existence. Since there is no problem then there's nothing worthwhile to say. Keep tolerating and tacitly accepting my existence, or else do something about it.
I'm simply going to move forward, as I've always done. I'm not going to "stop you", since I can not attack a Brother, you know this. I simply stated my grievance for encating justice in an unjust way. I'm also wondering why does a person choose to do this indiscriminately (were you wronged by someone specific, I would understand this method) over personal development of invoking and transmuting energy from cleaner sources.

The Outlaw Torn said:
It’s about time sometime told him something. He goes on every post just acting like a bot repeating the same things as a solution to every problem and he gets to be the special boy with moderator privileges because of it. Be the most borg like to become a “reputable” member.
To end this fork here, I want to say that you should open a separate topic if you want to have a go with me, or better yet you can contact Cobra directly.
Henu the Great said:
over personal development of invoking and transmuting energy from cleaner sources.
Leaving aside any moral argument, this is the most important point, it simply makes no sense, what literally goes on in the mind of an SS who prefers leeching instead of using the extremely powerful solar energy?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
