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The Outlaw Torn said:
Dahaarkan said:
Others should likewise be wary of this creature outlaw torn whose only purpose in life is to try to draw out and prolong conflicts between members in this group. He is forever present in any disagreement posting bait and provocation attempting to pit members against each other for his own entertainment. I know I made the point several times that one should be respectful when discussing things but there's no polite way to put it.
You can’t put all of this on me.Like you said I come into existing conflicts and I enjoy throwing tomatoes at whoever I think is in the wrong. Am I really harming anyone by doing that? It’s a lot less harmful than being a landlord that steals from the little man

Yes, it can be harmful. I have come to realize how fragile some people's circumstances are. They really don't need another problem from someone else, especially if they are actively seeking a solution.

If you are trying to merely be critical, yet constructive, then "throwing tomatoes" can be helpful. However, if you are being lazy with the helpful aspects of your comments, or are insulting others for personal entertainment, then this is plainly destructive. In that case, you cannot be surprised when others don't hold you in high regard.

I am not convinced you want to be totally "evil", but I do think you need to put a little more effort into your comments. If you have decided that someone or something is wrong, then surely you can elaborate beyond just an initial insult.

It should be a good thing when Outlaw Torn comes into a thread, and not a bad thing.
The Outlaw Torn said:
Wah wah wah. Everyone I don’t like is a Jew or troll. This Crybaby mentality of slander against anyone one doesn’t like is too prevalent on ancient forums.

You still just don’t like me because I exposed you as a hypocrite on the psychic vampirism thread. A landlord cannot be robinhood. Nothing will ever change that.

I called you outkike torn for the meme. I don't actually think you're a kike. You're definitely trolling though.

The robinhood meme is created by you. I've stated from the start, and repeatedly that what I do, I do it for personal gain. There is no virtue in vampirism and I never said there was. There is virtue in power and success. You imagine things in your mind and then argue against these same things that nobody actually said. You're not fooling anyone besides yourself.

It's not slander if it's true. Your behavior is deplorable and this is undeniable. You are either dishonest or clinically insane imagining things that people never said and then arguing against those same things that were never said.

And your criticisms are completely pointless because they are not made with the intent of being constructive but purely destructive as you have stated you just want to add fuel to the fire. You are sticking up for jack now because it is convenient to your agenda of resurrecting dead topics to perpetuate conflict between members. Next week you will be first line to condemn jack if it's useful to do so to create conflict.

You were likewise condemning and making a mockery of the joy of satan guardians when this was initially announced. Claiming this was simply over glorifying stupid people with god complexes. Now it is useful to instead praise the guardians so you do a 180 on your opinion on them. This is why you cannot be taken seriously and are a blatant troll. You don't actually have any opinions or views on anything, your opinion changes every week depending on what's better to cause problems or pit members against each other.

You already admitted yourself you draw entertainment from tossing coals on the fire and further aggravating people who are already pissed off or confused. Perpetuating conflict. And for what? For your entertainment?

Fuck that. And fuck you.

I remember you using the term integrity before how about you start applying that to yourself and stop being obnoxious and dishonest. If you're going to criticize someone at least be honest about it and have the integrity to stand by what you say, instead of changing your opinion every time the weather changes. And then you will actually start being respected instead of being the mascot troll of the forums that everybody mocks and no one takes seriously.

As for "exposing" me for anything, you and others with these motives should learn that you cannot expose me, because there is nothing to expose. I am fully transparent and honest with the group about what I am and what I do. I have nothing to hide and thus you have nothing to expose. What you try to do is make up things about me and then try to project and parade these made up things as if they were true. Which just ends up making an ass of yourself.

And you are completely wrong. I do like you, actually. You're just immature and kinda dumb tbh.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
as far as the meditation i keep trying just i'm not sure how to do it i keep visualizing yet i don't feel really anything to know that i'm doing it right.
There are many possibilities you might not feel a thing. Including; Planetary transits, your elementary composition and overall level of advancement. However feeling something is not something you should be overly worried anyway. You can do things such as Kundalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga to open up your body and mind to new levels of energy resulting in a possibility of feeling energy. There are more things to consider, but one should not be too concerned with this. As long as you consistenly do everything that is required from you to do then results will follow, sometimes taking very long time due to aforementioned reasons.
tabby said:
Jack said:

Jack, is it alright if I ask you a question? Unrelated to the discussion and arguments at hand.
You can feel free to place this in a separate thread if you feel it's necessary.
Please do.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Also, you didnt need to reply to AgainstAllAuthority; this person has been accusing multiple people of the same thing. Someone like that is just a nutcase to me.

Women that don't know how to be women is the real pandemic in our nation. However it's probably not your fault as no one has taught you. Maybe you can read a book on how to be a woman? I don't know how to help you but I can offer you my sympathy and you have all of my pity.
Dahaarkan said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
Wah wah wah. Everyone I don’t like is a Jew or troll. This Crybaby mentality of slander against anyone one doesn’t like is too prevalent on ancient forums.

You still just don’t like me because I exposed you as a hypocrite on the psychic vampirism thread. A landlord cannot be robinhood. Nothing will ever change that.

I called you outkike torn for the meme. I don't actually think you're a kike. You're definitely trolling though.

The robinhood meme is created by you. I've stated from the start, and repeatedly that what I do, I do it for personal gain. There is no virtue in vampirism and I never said there was. There is virtue in power and success. You imagine things in your mind and then argue against these same things that nobody actually said. You're not fooling anyone besides yourself.

It's not slander if it's true. Your behavior is deplorable and this is undeniable. You are either dishonest or clinically insane imagining things that people never said and then arguing against those same things that were never said.

And your criticisms are completely pointless because they are not made with the intent of being constructive but purely destructive as you have stated you just want to add fuel to the fire. You are sticking up for jack now because it is convenient to your agenda of resurrecting dead topics to perpetuate conflict between members. Next week you will be first line to condemn jack if it's useful to do so to create conflict.

You were likewise condemning and making a mockery of the joy of satan guardians when this was initially announced. Claiming this was simply over glorifying stupid people with god complexes. Now it is useful to instead praise the guardians so you do a 180 on your opinion on them. This is why you cannot be taken seriously and are a blatant troll. You don't actually have any opinions or views on anything, your opinion changes every week depending on what's better to cause problems or pit members against each other.

You already admitted yourself you draw entertainment from tossing coals on the fire and further aggravating people who are already pissed off or confused. Perpetuating conflict. And for what? For your entertainment?

Fuck that. And fuck you.

I remember you using the term integrity before how about you start applying that to yourself and stop being obnoxious and dishonest. If you're going to criticize someone at least be honest about it and have the integrity to stand by what you say, instead of changing your opinion every time the weather changes. And then you will actually start being respected instead of being the mascot troll of the forums that everybody mocks and no one takes seriously.

As for "exposing" me for anything, you and others with these motives should learn that you cannot expose me, because there is nothing to expose. I am fully transparent and honest with the group about what I am and what I do. I have nothing to hide and thus you have nothing to expose. What you try to do is make up things about me and then try to project and parade these made up things as if they were true. Which just ends up making an ass of yourself.

And you are completely wrong. I do like you, actually. You're just immature and kinda dumb tbh.

If the only thing anyone has to “get-ya” on is literally just being a landlord, I’d say you’re doing very well for yourself.
Lunar Dance 666 said:

Let me ask you this: what exactly are you gaining by engaging in conflict with a man? I don't see any gain. The woman gains nothing by winning nor does the man. There are no victors but at least one party is going to lose, if not both. The result is always going to be a net negative for society.
I see conflict between man and woman as simply stupid. It's a completely pointless waste of time and effort that could be better spent elsewhere.
I don't know how else to explain this to you. I think it's fairly obvious to lots of women so perhaps you should ask another woman. Maybe they can elucidate it better than I can.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:

Let me ask you this: what exactly are you gaining by engaging in conflict with a man? I don't see any gain. The woman gains nothing by winning nor does the man. There are no victors but at least one party is going to lose, if not both. The result is always going to be a net negative for society.
I see conflict between man and woman as simply stupid. It's a completely pointless waste of time and effort that could be better spent elsewhere.
I don't know how else to explain this to you. I think it's fairly obvious to lots of women so perhaps you should ask another woman. Maybe they can elucidate it better than I can.

Figure out the answer for yourself. I am not going to entertain this discussion any longer.
A lot of snarky comments here but does anyone here realize what is really going on.

This is our RTRs at work. It is turning the enemy's own stupidity on themselves. This is a victory for us. A common tactic of black magick is pumping up one's adversary and use their own incipient stupidity/ignorance back on them. Or else take curses sent on you and return same directly right back to senders. This appears to be the preferred stratagem, rather than directly attacking with death energy or whatever. Use their own stupidity -- the only real sin in SS -- against them. Like in Jiu Jitsu.

Don't puzzle and wtf over how someone would after a whole bunch of participation on this forum suddenly jump the shark and say, ha, ha, ha, and stick out their tongue with a raspberry. This is a sign of incipient rashness, stupidity and/or ignorance which has come to a head in this individual, with the help of RTRs and other spells recommended by Clergy, so now that their stupidity fully shows.

Instead, expect a lot more of this, and smile. Much more of this is coming. Including from those at the top who think they are "controlling" things. They will similarly have no choice but to dash off superficial, joking and or degrading confessions and run off like rabbits. They think this will save them. Guess again, except for those who sincerely turn away from their evil ways, retract, and turn toward Satan's side. And don't hold your breath expecting this from any J00. But their will be a good number of those gentiles working for the enemy who will turn and in multitudes join our family and join forces with us. Rest assured many more enemy agents and their pawns will similarly run off with their tails between their legs like this, or else join our side.

This is the force of Satya and Truth at work. Patience is called for here, and expect a lot of individuals to give the most unlooked-for reactions. These can be head-scratching and puzzling until one realizes they are just succumbing to their own stupidity, much of this with the help of our spiritual warfare efforts. Keep up those FRTR's folks!

I really hope this individual can turn from his ignorance and join our side. I clicked on the video link and he appears Gentile (I may be wrong about that) and only seriously deluded, not deep-down bent on trying to destroy us. I really wish the best for him because he appears bright and deep down a good soul.

Coming from Scientology I offer this bit of advice. Text in [square brackets] are my own observations not LRH's:

[Paraphrasing a bit from LRH (L. Ron Hubbard):] An anti social personality [read for the most part: J00 or agent working for them] will freely confess to the most heinous crimes without assuming the slightest responsibility for them.
The social [true, noble] personality is reluctant to confess his [severe, grave] misdeeds, and is ashamed of them. He works to correct his errors and assumes responsibility for them where possible.

Much love in our Father Shaitan
Smite said:
why not start with yourself and just stop replying, leave the conflict and set the example

I do not generate conflict. My posts are only aimed at helping others and society.
Guys. I know that debating and arguing is a lever for growth, but i think that OWP has kinda reached what he wanted without even planning for it- creating discord. His post of revealing himself as a jew should have only risen up to 2 pages of replies at most but now people are arguing under his post with their own other topics, it has been more than a week this is going on. And due to this his post stays relevant. Right now OWP is enjoying see us fight. Which means even though his infiltration was frutiless, he still managed to somehow inadvertently cause strife. If you guys want to argue about other topics lets make a new thread for it and stop making OWP's thread always appear in the first three topics of this forum. He doesn't deserve shit.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Jack said:

Jack, is it alright if I ask you a question? Unrelated to the discussion and arguments at hand.
You can feel free to place this in a separate thread if you feel it's necessary.
Please do.
I thought you were going to ask me a question. Do it quickly.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Guys. I know that debating and arguing is a lever for growth, but i think that OWP has kinda reached what he wanted without even planning for it- creating discord. His post of revealing himself as a jew should have only risen up to 2 pages of replies at most but now people are arguing under his post with their own other topics, it has been more than a week this is going on. And due to this his post stays relevant. Right now OWP is enjoying see us fight. Which means even though his infiltration was frutiless, he still managed to somehow inadvertently cause strife. If you guys want to argue about other topics lets make a new thread for it and stop making OWP's thread always appear in the first three topics of this forum. He doesn't deserve shit.

THIS. This right here.
Jack said:
Jack said:
tabby said:
Jack, is it alright if I ask you a question? Unrelated to the discussion and arguments at hand.
You can feel free to place this in a separate thread if you feel it's necessary.
Please do.
I thought you were going to ask me a question. Do it quickly.

The notification for your first quote got buried under a bunch of other ones. I did not see that you had quoted me until now.
If you're going to be rude, I won't ask you anything.
tabby said:
Jack said:
Jack said:
Please do.
I thought you were going to ask me a question. Do it quickly.

The notification for your first quote got buried under a bunch of other ones. I did not see that you had quoted me until now.
If you're going to be rude, I won't ask you anything.
This is just how I speak in all of my interactions. I'm not trying to be rude. Please continue with the question which I'm considering answering with my infinite divine wisdom.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Jack said:
I thought you were going to ask me a question. Do it quickly.

The notification for your first quote got buried under a bunch of other ones. I did not see that you had quoted me until now.
If you're going to be rude, I won't ask you anything.
This is just how I speak in all of my interactions. I'm not trying to be rude. Please continue with the question which I'm considering answering with my infinite divine wisdom.

Jaaack! :lol:
Jack said:
tabby said:
Jack said:
I thought you were going to ask me a question. Do it quickly.

The notification for your first quote got buried under a bunch of other ones. I did not see that you had quoted me until now.
If you're going to be rude, I won't ask you anything.
This is just how I speak in all of my interactions. I'm not trying to be rude. Please continue with the question which I'm considering answering with my infinite divine wisdom.

Jack use your old account again, it is like Ol said, people need to know that you are the GOOD GUY! :lol:
NinRick said:
Jack said:
tabby said:
The notification for your first quote got buried under a bunch of other ones. I did not see that you had quoted me until now.
If you're going to be rude, I won't ask you anything.
This is just how I speak in all of my interactions. I'm not trying to be rude. Please continue with the question which I'm considering answering with my infinite divine wisdom.

Jack use your old account again, it is like Ol said, people need to know that you are the GOOD GUY! :lol:
It wasn't Jack to be the good guy, but the guy in the profile picture.
NinRick said:
Jack said:
tabby said:
The notification for your first quote got buried under a bunch of other ones. I did not see that you had quoted me until now.
If you're going to be rude, I won't ask you anything.
This is just how I speak in all of my interactions. I'm not trying to be rude. Please continue with the question which I'm considering answering with my infinite divine wisdom.

Jaaack! :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: One day they'll all understand my sense of humor. One day
Jack said:
tabby said:
Jack said:
I thought you were going to ask me a question. Do it quickly.

The notification for your first quote got buried under a bunch of other ones. I did not see that you had quoted me until now.
If you're going to be rude, I won't ask you anything.
This is just how I speak in all of my interactions. I'm not trying to be rude. Please continue with the question which I'm considering answering with my infinite divine wisdom.


During my research it states there are different Brahmin castes, ones of the north and ones of the south of India. Would you be willing to share some of what you know regarding the differences between the north and south castes, maybe a little of the history?

I’m also curious about some the ceremonial dress the Brahmins wear, if you’re willing to share some knowledge on that as well? As long as it’s not identifying or inappropriate to answer such a question. (I guess that’s technically two questions… my bad). You know I study historical clothing, and clothing of other cultures. Some of their dress seems to hold spiritual meanings to different Brahmin castes, like the Upavita (I hope that’s the correct spelling), and this fascinates me.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Jack said:
I thought you were going to ask me a question. Do it quickly.

The notification for your first quote got buried under a bunch of other ones. I did not see that you had quoted me until now.
If you're going to be rude, I won't ask you anything.
This is just how I speak in all of my interactions. I'm not trying to be rude. Please continue with the question which I'm considering answering with my infinite divine wisdom.

Charming as always
serpentwalker666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Guys. I know that debating and arguing is a lever for growth, but i think that OWP has kinda reached what he wanted without even planning for it- creating discord. His post of revealing himself as a jew should have only risen up to 2 pages of replies at most but now people are arguing under his post with their own other topics, it has been more than a week this is going on. And due to this his post stays relevant. Right now OWP is enjoying see us fight. Which means even though his infiltration was frutiless, he still managed to somehow inadvertently cause strife. If you guys want to argue about other topics lets make a new thread for it and stop making OWP's thread always appear in the first three topics of this forum. He doesn't deserve shit.

THIS. This right here.
tabby said:
Jack said:
tabby said:
The notification for your first quote got buried under a bunch of other ones. I did not see that you had quoted me until now.
If you're going to be rude, I won't ask you anything.
This is just how I speak in all of my interactions. I'm not trying to be rude. Please continue with the question which I'm considering answering with my infinite divine wisdom.


During my research it states there are different Brahmin castes, ones of the north and ones of the south of India. Would you be willing to share some of what you know regarding the differences between the north and south castes, maybe a little of the history?

I’m also curious about some the ceremonial dress the Brahmins wear, if you’re willing to share some knowledge on that as well? As long as it’s not identifying or inappropriate to answer such a question. (I guess that’s technically two questions… my bad). You know I study historical clothing, and clothing of other cultures. Some of their dress seems to hold spiritual meanings to different Brahmin castes, like the Upavita (I hope that’s the correct spelling), and this fascinates me.
A Brahmin anywhere around the world can marry another Brahmin so I don't think there's a fundamental difference between the North Brahmins or the South. The difference might be in the mentality of their families where they might nor consider another Brahmins family if no one knows them by their surnames. There are certain surnames when uttered you'd immediately know that ones a Brahmin from that Area.

Most of the spiritual knowledge that is from the South is more sound, in depth and free from corruption than the north because the Muslims couldn't penetrate that far.

The Eight Fold path was discovered by an unknown Kapalika ,meaning "Skull Bearer" a kind of Yogi who doesn't follow the Brahmanic Right Hand Path. So I give credit where credit us due. It was expounded upon in the Gheranda Samhita.

A lot of useful information is from the South ,However there is a massive language barrier there. A lot of the North is Vaishnavites (Devotees of Vishnu) and a lot of South are Shaivites (Devotees of Shiva.)

I don't know if the ceremonial dress contains any symbolic meaning because I've never cared about any of that stuff. I only care about meditation techniques.

However there is a ceremonial thread ceremony every Brahmin Boy goes through where they do hymns and put a sacrificial thread which you have to wear at all times throughout your life. During that ceremony they Pierce the ears with earrings which is something of an initiation ceremony from being a boy to a man due to the pain.

This practice is called being Twice born. The boy must die and a man is then born. During the ceremony the boy makes a decision whether to become an ascetic Immediately thereafter or a marriage able man. It's just a weird thing that's in there for some reason. No one in their right mind would choose to be an ascetic.

All of this in my view is mostly tradition. My boys will go through this ceremony as I've gone through it and it will continue like that for hundreds of years.

I follow the path of Yoga. These side traditions help keep the family lineage but there is nothing of profound personal spiritual benefit to them. The one good thing Brahmins did was to be extremists about marrying only within their own castes. This made it so that the IQ would be preserved as well as the Special Spiritual gifts. This is the only reason why the Brahmin iq, along with some certain other Higher Castes is the same as Whites and Japanese. The western world is full of these high castes who occupy a lot of good positions in those countries.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Jack said:
This is just how I speak in all of my interactions. I'm not trying to be rude. Please continue with the question which I'm considering answering with my infinite divine wisdom.


During my research it states there are different Brahmin castes, ones of the north and ones of the south of India. Would you be willing to share some of what you know regarding the differences between the north and south castes, maybe a little of the history?

I’m also curious about some the ceremonial dress the Brahmins wear, if you’re willing to share some knowledge on that as well? As long as it’s not identifying or inappropriate to answer such a question. (I guess that’s technically two questions… my bad). You know I study historical clothing, and clothing of other cultures. Some of their dress seems to hold spiritual meanings to different Brahmin castes, like the Upavita (I hope that’s the correct spelling), and this fascinates me.
A Brahmin anywhere around the world can marry another Brahmin so I don't think there's a fundamental difference between the North Brahmins or the South. The difference might be in the mentality of their families where they might nor consider another Brahmins family if no one knows them by their surnames. There are certain surnames when uttered you'd immediately know that ones a Brahmin from that Area.

Most of the spiritual knowledge that is from the South is more sound, in depth and free from corruption than the north because the Muslims couldn't penetrate that far.

The Eight Fold path was discovered by an unknown Kapalika ,meaning "Skull Bearer" a kind of Yogi who doesn't follow the Brahmanic Right Hand Path. So I give credit where credit us due. It was expounded upon in the Gheranda Samhita.

A lot of useful information is from the South ,However there is a massive language barrier there. A lot of the North is Vaishnavites (Devotees of Vishnu) and a lot of South are Shaivites (Devotees of Shiva.)

I don't know if the ceremonial dress contains any symbolic meaning because I've never cared about any of that stuff. I only care about meditation techniques.

However there is a ceremonial thread ceremony every Brahmin Boy goes through where they do hymns and put a sacrificial thread which you have to wear at all times throughout your life. During that ceremony they Pierce the ears with earrings which is something of an initiation ceremony from being a boy to a man due to the pain.

This practice is called being Twice born. The boy must die and a man is then born. During the ceremony the boy makes a decision whether to become an ascetic Immediately thereafter or a marriage able man. It's just a weird thing that's in there for some reason. No one in their right mind would choose to be an ascetic.

All of this in my view is mostly tradition. My boys will go through this ceremony as I've gone through it and it will continue like that for hundreds of years.

I follow the path of Yoga. These side traditions help keep the family lineage but there is nothing of profound personal spiritual benefit to them. The one good thing Brahmins did was to be extremists about marrying only within their own castes. This made it so that the IQ would be preserved as well as the Special Spiritual gifts. This is the only reason why the Brahmin iq, along with some certain other Higher Castes is the same as Whites and Japanese. The western world is full of these high castes who occupy a lot of good positions in those countries.
Here some additional information -

Unfortunately this is the only legitimate video I found in English.
Jack said:
Jack said:
tabby said:

During my research it states there are different Brahmin castes, ones of the north and ones of the south of India. Would you be willing to share some of what you know regarding the differences between the north and south castes, maybe a little of the history?

I’m also curious about some the ceremonial dress the Brahmins wear, if you’re willing to share some knowledge on that as well? As long as it’s not identifying or inappropriate to answer such a question. (I guess that’s technically two questions… my bad). You know I study historical clothing, and clothing of other cultures. Some of their dress seems to hold spiritual meanings to different Brahmin castes, like the Upavita (I hope that’s the correct spelling), and this fascinates me.
A Brahmin anywhere around the world can marry another Brahmin so I don't think there's a fundamental difference between the North Brahmins or the South. The difference might be in the mentality of their families where they might nor consider another Brahmins family if no one knows them by their surnames. There are certain surnames when uttered you'd immediately know that ones a Brahmin from that Area.

Most of the spiritual knowledge that is from the South is more sound, in depth and free from corruption than the north because the Muslims couldn't penetrate that far.

The Eight Fold path was discovered by an unknown Kapalika ,meaning "Skull Bearer" a kind of Yogi who doesn't follow the Brahmanic Right Hand Path. So I give credit where credit us due. It was expounded upon in the Gheranda Samhita.

A lot of useful information is from the South ,However there is a massive language barrier there. A lot of the North is Vaishnavites (Devotees of Vishnu) and a lot of South are Shaivites (Devotees of Shiva.)

I don't know if the ceremonial dress contains any symbolic meaning because I've never cared about any of that stuff. I only care about meditation techniques.

However there is a ceremonial thread ceremony every Brahmin Boy goes through where they do hymns and put a sacrificial thread which you have to wear at all times throughout your life. During that ceremony they Pierce the ears with earrings which is something of an initiation ceremony from being a boy to a man due to the pain.

This practice is called being Twice born. The boy must die and a man is then born. During the ceremony the boy makes a decision whether to become an ascetic Immediately thereafter or a marriage able man. It's just a weird thing that's in there for some reason. No one in their right mind would choose to be an ascetic.

All of this in my view is mostly tradition. My boys will go through this ceremony as I've gone through it and it will continue like that for hundreds of years.

I follow the path of Yoga. These side traditions help keep the family lineage but there is nothing of profound personal spiritual benefit to them. The one good thing Brahmins did was to be extremists about marrying only within their own castes. This made it so that the IQ would be preserved as well as the Special Spiritual gifts. This is the only reason why the Brahmin iq, along with some certain other Higher Castes is the same as Whites and Japanese. The western world is full of these high castes who occupy a lot of good positions in those countries.
Here some additional information -

Unfortunately this is the only legitimate video I found in English.

It is thorough enough for my purposes and curiosity. You've revealed a lot here, so I will take my time to meditate on it.
If I have any further questions, I'll comment them.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Your need to belittle others is indicative of abuse and trauma. The way to solve your problems is not to try to take others down but to heal yourself. Do you even meditate? When was your last meditation?

i mean yes i have certain traumas and fears of stuff happening to me mainly from when i was a child even though that was more than a decade ago and i can't really seem to move on unfortunately.

although i lost all trust and respect to basically any authority figure at this point especially since i've been lied to about a lot of stuff and found out in many cultures and how i was raised that certain harmless things are "evil" and "wrong" and worthy of punishment etc. and how i've been suggested to do stuff i never wanted such as have kids and get married and if i have a son i'm "allowed" to circumcise etc. which i've completely refused to do and if i had a son and did that then i would want my son to severely harm me. i basically feel anxiety to having consensual sex and relationships outside religiously approved kosher straight marriage and never understood why people kept telling me that maybe i'll like it when they don't do that themselves. also i have certain anxiety about religion taking over the united States since i live there due to all the stupid shit happening and the people getting fed up over anti religious stuff and parroting the same stupid lines of "sinners burn in hell" yet claiming to stand for freedom which is a lie.

i'm at the point where i want these religions and most people on the planet to be punished severely and no i don't trust them anymore i don't even trust strangers at all and feel empty around even my friends or when good things happen to me. basically i feel the good things that have been happening lately are just pointless.

however i do technically have a boyfriend now that i'll be able to meet in a few months and some others who want to hook up with me however i haven't done any of it yet since i'm trying to be careful of what i'll get myself into.

also a part of me feels that i'm not allowed to defend myself even under an obvious threat to my life because the authority figure said so.

as far as the meditation i keep trying just i'm not sure how to do it i keep visualizing yet i don't feel really anything to know that i'm doing it right.

also as far as the belittling i was trying to imitate FancyMancys way of insulting as a joke

You need to pick your partner carefully. I dont think it is necessary to wait until marriage (xian programming), but you shouldnt be a slut or someone who does whoever basicly having sex with people without knowing them.

And you dont have to be gay bi or lesbian either.

Try to come to terms with your own sexuality first. It is okay to feel desire and it is okay to lust.

Also, you didnt need to reply to AgainstAllAuthority; this person has been accusing multiple people of the same thing. Someone like that is just a nutcase to me.
well i understand its better for me to pick my partner carefully its just that no one showed any interest like that to me in person just on dating apps which quite alot of people have shown interest in me. also like i said i'll be able to meet him in a few months to see what he's like in person.
Smite said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
You need to pick your partner carefully. I dont think it is necessary to wait until marriage (xian programming), but you shouldnt be a slut or someone who does whoever basicly having sex with people without knowing them.

And you dont have to be gay bi or lesbian either.

Try to come to terms with your own sexuality first. It is okay to feel desire and it is okay to lust.

Also, you didnt need to reply to AgainstAllAuthority; this person has been accusing multiple people of the same thing. Someone like that is just a nutcase to me.
well i understand its better for me to pick my partner carefully its just that no one showed any interest like that to me in person just on dating apps which quite alot of people have shown interest in me. also like i said i'll be able to meet him in a few months to see what he's like in person.
If you are a girl and your on dating apps of course a lot of thirsty guys will show Interest in you, your gonna get a lot of attention especially if your fine but most of them are just looking for sex.
Personally I won't use dating apps, why not just wait till the right person comes around, Instead of rushing. Let things come to you instead of chasing them.

i'm a Man and i'm bisexual. i'm using dating apps since no one in person in my life has ever been interested in me that way thats why i'm using them and thats how i know theres people out there who like me in a romantic/sexual sense.
Smite said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
You need to pick your partner carefully. I dont think it is necessary to wait until marriage (xian programming), but you shouldnt be a slut or someone who does whoever basicly having sex with people without knowing them.

And you dont have to be gay bi or lesbian either.

Try to come to terms with your own sexuality first. It is okay to feel desire and it is okay to lust.

Also, you didnt need to reply to AgainstAllAuthority; this person has been accusing multiple people of the same thing. Someone like that is just a nutcase to me.
well i understand its better for me to pick my partner carefully its just that no one showed any interest like that to me in person just on dating apps which quite alot of people have shown interest in me. also like i said i'll be able to meet him in a few months to see what he's like in person.
If you are a girl and your on dating apps of course a lot of thirsty guys will show Interest in you, your gonna get a lot of attention especially if your fine but most of them are just looking for sex.
Personally I won't use dating apps, why not just wait till the right person comes around, Instead of rushing. Let things come to you instead of chasing them.

I have actually been contemplating deleting all my profiles. I log in forums again hours later and this is the first post i see. I don't think its a coincidence.
tabby said:
Jack said:
Jack said:
A Brahmin anywhere around the world can marry another Brahmin so I don't think there's a fundamental difference between the North Brahmins or the South. The difference might be in the mentality of their families where they might nor consider another Brahmins family if no one knows them by their surnames. There are certain surnames when uttered you'd immediately know that ones a Brahmin from that Area.

Most of the spiritual knowledge that is from the South is more sound, in depth and free from corruption than the north because the Muslims couldn't penetrate that far.

The Eight Fold path was discovered by an unknown Kapalika ,meaning "Skull Bearer" a kind of Yogi who doesn't follow the Brahmanic Right Hand Path. So I give credit where credit us due. It was expounded upon in the Gheranda Samhita.

A lot of useful information is from the South ,However there is a massive language barrier there. A lot of the North is Vaishnavites (Devotees of Vishnu) and a lot of South are Shaivites (Devotees of Shiva.)

I don't know if the ceremonial dress contains any symbolic meaning because I've never cared about any of that stuff. I only care about meditation techniques.

However there is a ceremonial thread ceremony every Brahmin Boy goes through where they do hymns and put a sacrificial thread which you have to wear at all times throughout your life. During that ceremony they Pierce the ears with earrings which is something of an initiation ceremony from being a boy to a man due to the pain.

This practice is called being Twice born. The boy must die and a man is then born. During the ceremony the boy makes a decision whether to become an ascetic Immediately thereafter or a marriage able man. It's just a weird thing that's in there for some reason. No one in their right mind would choose to be an ascetic.

All of this in my view is mostly tradition. My boys will go through this ceremony as I've gone through it and it will continue like that for hundreds of years.

I follow the path of Yoga. These side traditions help keep the family lineage but there is nothing of profound personal spiritual benefit to them. The one good thing Brahmins did was to be extremists about marrying only within their own castes. This made it so that the IQ would be preserved as well as the Special Spiritual gifts. This is the only reason why the Brahmin iq, along with some certain other Higher Castes is the same as Whites and Japanese. The western world is full of these high castes who occupy a lot of good positions in those countries.
Here some additional information -

Unfortunately this is the only legitimate video I found in English.

It is thorough enough for my purposes and curiosity. You've revealed a lot here, so I will take my time to meditate on it.
If I have any further questions, I'll comment them.

Brahmins are broadly classified into following categories:-

Smarta brahmins :- follow advaita/non duality philosophy (God and Human is one and the same)

Ramanandi and Sri Vaishnava brahmins :- follow vishishtadvaita/qualified non duality philosophy (Human is a small fragment of God and eternally devoted to him) .I belong to Sri vaishnava category.

Saiva Brahmins:- Similar to Smarta brahmins except they are devoted to Shiva.

Madhva Vaishnava Brahmins:- follow dvaita/dualism philosophy (God and Human are eternally different).This is quite similar to a non violent form of christianity.
You never deceived me, kike.
Your reptilian nature was always quite apparent in your schizo ramblings.
Good riddance, scum.
Yurei said:
You never deceived me, kike.
Your reptilian nature was always quite apparent in your schizo ramblings.
Good riddance, scum.

Why are you replying to a dead topic?
Such a totally off value topic in such a valuable forum takes above 350 posts. And after so long still someone manages to post here… :D why this jewdas has enough power to take so much attention of us even after revealing himself… it had to be left first minute after seeing the name of this topic… 😂 it this really worth for us to even look at this with such enthusiasm to comment…
Wow… Just wow what an idiot get out of here Jew!!!
One Wire Phenomenon said:
10 out of 10 points for infiltrating

Even Cobra can admit to that


Maybe you're delusional, are you sure you're Jewish?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
