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Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:
That's how he is, and he's not going to change any time soon. He likes to throw shade at everyone.

"Cock sucking" here is being used as a dysphemism for praising people, and that is indeed something that Ol Argedco does excessively. Some might find this annoying or odd, but that's how he is, and he's not going to change any time soon.

I would say that Ol Argedco and Outlaw Torn are almost like two extreme sides of the same coin, an antithesis. Ol Argedo frequently dishes out excessive praise, and Outlaw Torn frequently throws shade.

You think it is a problem that I am generally a friendly and respectful person to our family members? The ones who I have seen for years working and contributing a lot of good and helpful things, and for this reason I respect them. Yes, I do have an extremely high respect for many of our family here.

I thought the main reason for you getting involved in so many arguments here was usually you attempting to get us to treat each other better? You arguing with people who you think are bad because you want to get them to change the way they act. And I have seen you admit to purposefully creating arguments with "bad" people just as a distraction to draw their attention away from a third person who you thought was being treated badly by the bad guy. Even when you personally did not have any bad interaction with the person or any personal reason for the fight. So if you care so strongly about wanting everybody here to be treated very nicely, why is it a problem that I do? You have said multiple times that this is your intention and goal.

One person who I have absolutely zero respect for is Outlaw Torn. Really less than zero. I believe that he is probably a gentile, but I personally don't consider him any different than any infiltrator troll who comes here. Actually I think he is worse than many of them were. And my opinion of you is not very good either. So maybe this is why the two of you don't like that I am friendly and respectful to family members, because I don't respect either of you in that same way and I don't feel that either of you are like family. I respect you some small amount because I think that you have good intentions, but I feel a much higher respect for most of the new people who come here who have good attitudes.

First of all, I don't care what you think of me. I just wanted to get that out of the way.

Now, I have another pending comment that should hopefully better explain or at least elaborate on what I'm saying, but I'll say it partially here too since you quoted me and I'm supposing that you expect an answer to your loaded rhetorical questions. I'm not going to answer your loaded rhetorical questions directly, but rather I'm going to explain what is actually going on here.

I don't really have an issue with your excessive praise of other people even if it might appear cringy or off-putting to some. It's not a big deal to me. You're allowed to be how you want to be, and in the wide sense this is obviously not a threat to the fabric of the community. What I was explaining, specifically, was that this is something that is mostly exclusive to you based on my own observations - as in not many others appear to have this tendency, or others appear to be more sparing with their praise. I didn't say whether I personally feel that this is good or bad because that wasn't the point, and it doesn't really matter to me. I was simply explaining to Outlaw Torn that I don't share his view of this being commonplace as a behavior.
Ramier108666 said:
What is your problem Outlaw? Is there something that is causing you to act in anger? If it’s the Jews, you know what to do. If it’s somebody else, either talk to them in other channels without causing a ruckus, or take it to the Gods. You could not really care and just go about your day and meditate as that can be of benefit. Belittling is not however.
Yeah I’m an angry person in general
NinRick said:
Ramier108666 said:
NinRick said:
Sureee you pointed that on both of us riiiiigght what ever you say. :p

NinRick pointed things out a while ago, which people realise now, and is the bad guy for telling how he feels about them for doing so. :p

Not at all. The topic was set for you to stop going off, the next part had you been reading it thoroughly is that you two are wasting your time bickering like children. I believe that has been my whole point each time.

Meh, I still stand for what I said.

Your false vindication will not be achieved. Give it up already.

You want to have your cake and eat it too. You want to speak your mind, AND have it seen as justified. You also want to be seen as the hero or some shit.

I'm not like you. I don't worry so much about whether my actions are justified or not all the time because I don't feel a deep need to justify myself to others. I'll offer explanations to others for understanding, but that's it. It's up to them to make up their minds about me, and whether they like me or not, whether they think I'm a good guy or a bad guy, none of that crosses my mind or makes me lose any sleep. Everyone can have their opinions about me or anyone else. Many are going to like me, and many are going to dislike me - that's normal.

What I absolutely hate and cannot and will not tolerate is people fucking lying about me. I will fight against that to the bitter end, and you assholes are going to tire of it long before I ever run out of fuel. You're all wasting your breath with this propaganda campaign against me, and you will never tire me out. Ever. In the end, all of your positions will be seen plainly by everyone as indefensible if that's not already the case. For those with eyes and functioning brains, it already is seen as indefensible. You all never should have fucking lied about me. It's not going to save you and your worthless reputations that only matter this much to you and no one else.

You all spend your days calling other people out, but you feel established with your post count and number of years spent here so you freak out whenever someone dares to challenge you and call you out for things you do. Well start getting comfortable with being called out because NEWS FLASH: you're in the wrong.

I have ripped this false feeling of security away from you, and this is why you hate me. That is the real root of all of this, and it's the reason why you and your merry band of overlords are so fixated on me and determined to oppose me no matter what I do or say. You're all fucked in the head and absolutely oblivious to yourselves. Stop thinking you're always right and always justified, or else this will never end.

Time for you all to finally look in the mirror instead of blaming me. I will never accept this blame shifting from all of you. NEVER.
NinRick said:
Ramier108666 said:
NinRick said:
Sureee you pointed that on both of us riiiiigght what ever you say. :p

NinRick pointed things out a while ago, which people realise now, and is the bad guy for telling how he feels about them for doing so. :p

Not at all. The topic was set for you to stop going off, the next part had you been reading it thoroughly is that you two are wasting your time bickering like children. I believe that has been my whole point each time.

Meh, I still stand for what I said.

You can do as you please as things will set thing in motion that will either help you and you advance, or you get crushed and then you get hurt to a point that will make open your eyes. But I cannot say. That is your path. However I do wish you luck on it. Hail Satan.
Almost every single frequent member here has had the exact same kind of bad experiences with Jrvan. The way he creates arguments with everybody, twists everything around, contradicting himself, and always changing the subject to something completely different every time you make a point.

All of us have very different personalities, so every one of us should have interactions with different results. Every person should naturally have their own unique set of other personality traits that each person clashes with. But Jrvan has managed to have the exact same kind of friction with almost everybody which is strange if all of us are different. And every time what he does is blame every single other person and refuse to look at himself.

This has been going on for long enough now, repeated exactly the same way with so many people, that there are many of us who are becoming tired of it. We do not have endless amounts of patience. There is no more supply of "benefit of the doubt." He just chooses to have a personality that many of us are not very well going to align with.

He has only been here a pretty short time, and has ended up in the center of more arguments than almost anybody. Every day he is starting shit with someone else again.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Almost every single frequent member here has had the exact same kind of bad experiences with Jrvan. The way he creates arguments with everybody, twists everything around, contradicting himself, and always changing the subject to something completely different every time you make a point.

All of us have very different personalities, so every one of us should have interactions with different results. Every person should naturally have their own unique set of other personality traits that each person clashes with. But Jrvan has managed to have the exact same kind of friction with almost everybody which is strange if all of us are different. And every time what he does is blame every single other person and refuse to look at himself.

This has been going on for long enough now, repeated exactly the same way with so many people, that there are many of us who are becoming tired of it. We do not have endless amounts of patience. There is no more supply of "benefit of the doubt." He just chooses to have a personality that many of us are not very well going to align with.

He has only been here a pretty short time, and has ended up in the center of more arguments than almost anybody. Every day he is starting shit with someone else again.

You all started it with me first. When people don't start shit with me, I'm very friendly and peaceful. Anyone with eyes can see this is the case. It's the same trend whenever people start to leave me alone for more than a day - I'm not involved in any fights because obviously I don't START shit. If you want to talk about chronic problems then how about your serial tendency to exaggerate. I'm pretty tired of that myself.

You are a fucking liar and you can go fuck yourself.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Almost every single frequent member here has had the exact same kind of bad experiences with Jrvan. The way he creates arguments with everybody, twists everything around, contradicting himself, and always changing the subject to something completely different every time you make a point.

All of us have very different personalities, so every one of us should have interactions with different results. Every person should naturally have their own unique set of other personality traits that each person clashes with. But Jrvan has managed to have the exact same kind of friction with almost everybody which is strange if all of us are different. And every time what he does is blame every single other person and refuse to look at himself.

This has been going on for long enough now, repeated exactly the same way with so many people, that there are many of us who are becoming tired of it. We do not have endless amounts of patience. There is no more supply of "benefit of the doubt." He just chooses to have a personality that many of us are not very well going to align with.

He has only been here a pretty short time, and has ended up in the center of more arguments than almost anybody. Every day he is starting shit with someone else again.

Call me a feminist, but I'd like to point out that jrvan has only had issues with a small regular group of men, whom many others have had off and on issues with over the years. All who seem to have a macho traditionalist mindset of what men are supposed to be, and how they are supposed to behave and think, and love to think they are perfect and superior in some way.
NinRick said:
Ramier108666 said:
NinRick said:
Just recently you were telling me not to seek any disharmony when arguing with this person, now you understand why I behaved the way I did I guess.

I made a point for both of you. One wrong does not excuse another’s wrong. It is a learning point and curve, I’m pointing out his flaw in this circumstance. The other topic dictated a necessary change of tone. This does not excuse the other topic at all for what you said not the drama associated with it. We need to balance out and it is required.

„ I find it just outstanding that most things you two do is to argue with people.
I am not even reading your stuff anymore, so yes, I do not like you.“

This is exactly what I said, and I still stand by that.
And people point that out more and more now. (I pointed this out multiple times, months ago even)

Why do I have to like him, and pretend to do?
Why am I not allowed to express myself?
I do not have to like everyone, do I?

You idiot. You brought that up on a thread that was a poem for Satan and had no place or context there, and had a go at me for some stupid shit you made up about the poem's meaning, twisted my words, and couldn't be arsed to make a response when I further explained and corrected you on it. jrvan stood up for me on that thread because you were being a flat out dick for no reason.

Get real, Ninrick, and have some sense of responsibility.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

And I have seen you admit to purposefully creating arguments with "bad" people just as a distraction to draw their attention away from a third person who you thought was being treated badly by the bad guy. Even when you personally did not have any bad interaction with the person or any personal reason for the fight. So if you care so strongly about wanting everybody here to be treated very nicely, why is it a problem that I do? You have said multiple times that this is your intention and goal.

Correction. jrvan did not say this as you have exaggerated. Personally, I once said, "Neither jrvan or I are afraid to make ourselves the targets of people's fire in order to stop someone else from getting burned." - this is something I stated to Dahaarkan when he expressed disapproval of us defending him, and getting hurt for his sake, when Jack was being a royal ass to him. Do NOT mistake this to mean we start things on purpose to distract assholes from their targets.

We will step in and defend those who we see are being unjustly targeted, and act to nullify the abuse towards the target. This naturally ends up causing the ones doing the attacking to start attacking us to force us to shut up and let them have their way with their target, because abusers and people who like to hold control over others do not like it when you call them out and tell them their shit stinks. When this happens we do not shy from it, we continue to stand against it - that is what I mean by we are not afraid of having that fire on us. We do not tolerate abuse and lies of any kind.

HP Hoodedcobra declares repeatedly that we are all family. As a sister here, I will not let liars and fucktards get away with abusing my SS siblings and making things up. I will be as diplomatic and polite as possible until I am insulted myself, and diplomacy fails to end the abuse.

We do NOT enjoy it or purposely make this happen. Abusers will always target anyone who defends their original targets and call them out for being dicks. Some of them will even attempt to scapegoat the defenders so they don't get in trouble for their shit. That's just how it is.

Your statement here is an inaccurate one:
"Even when you personally did not have any bad interaction with the person or any personal reason for the fight".

As far as I am aware of, all the people who we have defended have had issues with the same people we personally have had issues with. No personal reason for the fight would suggest we do not care for our SS siblings. Another SS being attacked IS personal, because we are family. You don't let people get away with targeting your family unjustly.

On a separate note:
Personally, I myself find your version of praising to often feel shallow. There is no weight behind it, and often comes across in a creepy uncomfortable fashion rather than genuine praise. Praising someone with the same go-to phrase, just to give praise and be nice, ends up lessening the value of the praise itself.

As an example, you have praised Jack in the same way, calling him a good guy and denying anything bad he has done, despite the many people he has insulted and abused, and the problems on topics he has caused, continually. Then you use this same phrase "they're a good guy, they never do anything bad" for FancyMancy, and then again the same one for Ramier. These guys have not caused problems in the forums nor harassed others, but the same praise is used for them by you just as you used it for someone who was doing these negative things. There isn't any deeper meaning in it nor is it personal.

While your intention may be that you genuinely think these people are good people... using the same praising phrase and defense of multiple people (both negative and positive people), can cause your praise to lose value and meaning. I would suggest to not generalize your praise with feel-good go-to's, and take the time to think of something more meaningful and individual to the person for your praises, that way they don't continue to come across as automated and cheap.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Almost every single frequent member here has had the exact same kind of bad experiences with Jrvan. The way he creates arguments with everybody, twists everything around, contradicting himself, and always changing the subject to something completely different every time you make a point.

All of us have very different personalities, so every one of us should have interactions with different results. Every person should naturally have their own unique set of other personality traits that each person clashes with. But Jrvan has managed to have the exact same kind of friction with almost everybody which is strange if all of us are different. And every time what he does is blame every single other person and refuse to look at himself.

This has been going on for long enough now, repeated exactly the same way with so many people, that there are many of us who are becoming tired of it. We do not have endless amounts of patience. There is no more supply of "benefit of the doubt." He just chooses to have a personality that many of us are not very well going to align with.

He has only been here a pretty short time, and has ended up in the center of more arguments than almost anybody. Every day he is starting shit with someone else again.
Aside from that on a side note, i truly do not understand the purpose of many members being needlessly rude and arrogant. Like just why would you be like that. Why would you decide to always be egotistical and start fights. this place is literally the only pathway and bridge of communication that the gods have with their disciples. Its really shameful and embarrassing to be acting like a child in such a sacred place. Of course this also has to do with many factors ( mercury retrograde, people's astrology, enemy interference....) but we are SS we arent supposed to bicker like kids and aim to hurt each pthers egos just so we can feel better about ourselves. We shouldn't bash someone on the head just because they asked a question about something they dunno or are completely new, and then think that we are the shit or something. This reeks of emotional immaturity.
NinRick said:
This is exactly what I said, and I still stand by that.
And people point that out more and more now. (I pointed this out multiple times, months ago even)

Why do I have to like him, and pretend to do?
Why am I not allowed to express myself?
I do not have to like everyone, do I?

Perhaps your observations weren't clear at the time. Or, perhaps you were being overzealous within the scope of a particular interaction. Maybe it was just that your conclusion seemed overly rude, despite being true.

There are tons of different factors involved, which can make these sorts of discussions difficult. To some degree, everyone has to take this forum drama lightly, be willing to forgive when appropriate, and so on.

This is by no means easy to accomplish, and there shouldn't be any expectations of perfection. However, if a thread is flying off the rails with fighting, then all parties need to take steps to disengage.

Usually, once a point is made to another, this is all you can do. You can point them in the right direction, then move on. It is their responsibility to plug their personality holes.
Dahaarkan said:
The reason people behave like apes towards others is precisely because they do it repeatedly and with impunity. And begin to develop a sense of superiority and ego from disrespecting others.

This stops when you show they aren't an all important, all knowing figure with the right to freely disrespect anyone at their discretion. When you break this bubble of self importance, and show them how petty and pathetic they really are, you are bringing them out of that bubble and back into reality.

People who behave like apes must be addressed on the spot. Otherwise ape behavior becomes the norm. Nobody should post in these forums and constantly have to worry if an ape will join the conversation and start shitting all over the thread spitting insults indiscriminately. People should be able to discuss without having to constantly deal with this kind of garbage.

I've been ignoring this kind of shit for years and it doesn't change anything. If anything these people only become more self important and even more toxic the more they are permitted to do this with impunity.

Ramier's point is that you can do this without also fighting the other person. For example, if you are disciplined by an adult, do they beat you up, or are their stern words enough to make you change?

Even if you believe that you must initially strike hard to shatter the person's unjust self-importance, then steps should be made to make the situation constructive.

So yes, you are justified in saying something, but it shouldn't devolve into a fight. I am not saying this is easy, either, just that that is the ideal goal.


I remember you saying something to Jack about making his authority more charismatic or something along those lines. That is the same thing here, where one needs the ability to discipline someone without making the target feel attacked.

Following your analogy, you have to civilize the ape, not just leave him flattened. Sure, this is harder than just flattening him, but it is better for society as a whole.

Again, that does not mean you shouldn't say something, it is just that there are additional steps that need to be taken.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=348652 time=1651130072 user_id=21286]
NinRick said:
This is exactly what I said, and I still stand by that.
And people point that out more and more now. (I pointed this out multiple times, months ago even)

Why do I have to like him, and pretend to do?
Why am I not allowed to express myself?
I do not have to like everyone, do I?

Perhaps your observations weren't clear at the time. Or, perhaps you were being overzealous within the scope of a particular interaction. Maybe it was just that your conclusion seemed overly rude, despite being true.

There are tons of different factors involved, which can make these sorts of discussions difficult. To some degree, everyone has to take this forum drama lightly, be willing to forgive when appropriate, and so on.

This is by no means easy to accomplish, and there shouldn't be any expectations of perfection. However, if a thread is flying off the rails with fighting, then all parties need to take steps to disengage.

Usually, once a point is made to another, this is all you can do. You can point them in the right direction, then move on. It is their responsibility to plug their personality holes.

It is no fighting if I say I don’t like someone and won’t waste time on their essays of arguments for no reason.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Almost every single frequent member here has had the exact same kind of bad experiences with Jrvan. The way he creates arguments with everybody, twists everything around, contradicting himself, and always changing the subject to something completely different every time you make a point.

All of us have very different personalities, so every one of us should have interactions with different results. Every person should naturally have their own unique set of other personality traits that each person clashes with. But Jrvan has managed to have the exact same kind of friction with almost everybody which is strange if all of us are different. And every time what he does is blame every single other person and refuse to look at himself.

This has been going on for long enough now, repeated exactly the same way with so many people, that there are many of us who are becoming tired of it. We do not have endless amounts of patience. There is no more supply of "benefit of the doubt." He just chooses to have a personality that many of us are not very well going to align with.

He has only been here a pretty short time, and has ended up in the center of more arguments than almost anybody. Every day he is starting shit with someone else again.

Yes Yes Yes
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=348654 time=1651130634 user_id=21286]
Dahaarkan said:
The reason people behave like apes towards others is precisely because they do it repeatedly and with impunity. And begin to develop a sense of superiority and ego from disrespecting others.

This stops when you show they aren't an all important, all knowing figure with the right to freely disrespect anyone at their discretion. When you break this bubble of self importance, and show them how petty and pathetic they really are, you are bringing them out of that bubble and back into reality.

People who behave like apes must be addressed on the spot. Otherwise ape behavior becomes the norm. Nobody should post in these forums and constantly have to worry if an ape will join the conversation and start shitting all over the thread spitting insults indiscriminately. People should be able to discuss without having to constantly deal with this kind of garbage.

I've been ignoring this kind of shit for years and it doesn't change anything. If anything these people only become more self important and even more toxic the more they are permitted to do this with impunity.

Ramier's point is that you can do this without also fighting the other person. For example, if you are disciplined by an adult, do they beat you up, or are their stern words enough to make you change?

Even if you believe that you must initially strike hard to shatter the person's unjust self-importance, then steps should be made to make the situation constructive.

So yes, you are justified in saying something, but it shouldn't devolve into a fight. I am not saying this is easy, either, just that that is the ideal goal.


I remember you saying something to Jack about making his authority more charismatic or something along those lines. That is the same thing here, where one needs the ability to discipline someone without making the target feel attacked.

Following your analogy, you have to civilize the ape, not just leave him flattened. Sure, this is harder than just flattening him, but it is better for society as a whole.

Again, that does not mean you shouldn't say something, it is just that there are additional steps that need to be taken.

I think you're right. The point of the tone in which I respond is to prove a point, which is when you are disrespectful to others you make it only fair that they disrespect you also. But people seem to miss this simple point and see it as a personal attack. It's not working.

I do not agree with the argument that one is simply "expressing" how they feel and this shouldn't be inhibited. Sometimes I also feel like expressing my feelings towards my loud neighbors by bashing their heads in with a rock. The reason I don't do this is the same reason one shouldn't go off insulting and demoralizing other people just because of one's feelings or emotions.

Because when everyone starts behaving like impulsive apes and have no respect for those around us, civilization collapses and everything becomes a circus. This happens here also. As much as someone might be in the wrong, correcting them in an insulting and demoralizing fashion only has 2 possible outcomes:

1 - The person accepts this abuse and then begins to repeat this behavior towards others.

2 - The person feels personally attacked and rejects all the truthful content of your message, and begins to respond in the same tone creating another circus thread.

And then typically the person who initially provoked this simply pins the blame on the guy who responded. Sorry but even if you weren't the spark that started the fire, you covered the place in gasoline and provoked someone to blow it up. When you are rude and disrespectful and cause someone to start being like this towards you also, you are not at all the victim here.

Nobody likes to see 200 reply argument threads, but ironically nobody wants to address the behavior that is the root of this issue. Is it really that difficult to be respectful and calm when explaining things to people...

The point I made to jack, and I made that point more than once but he never got it. Is that the manner in which you word your statement is more important than it's contents.

You can be saying absolute undeniable truth, and your message be completely rejected by the recipient simply because of the way you have conveyed your message.

Likewise you can be saying total bullshit and blatant lies, and people completely believe you and stand behind you simply because you worded your statement in a convincing and charismatic manner.

Charisma isn't just a useful thing for a leader it is an absolute necessity if you hope to get anyone to support and follow you.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=348652 time=1651130072 user_id=21286]
NinRick said:
This is exactly what I said, and I still stand by that.
And people point that out more and more now. (I pointed this out multiple times, months ago even)

Why do I have to like him, and pretend to do?
Why am I not allowed to express myself?
I do not have to like everyone, do I?

Perhaps your observations weren't clear at the time. Or, perhaps you were being overzealous within the scope of a particular interaction. Maybe it was just that your conclusion seemed overly rude, despite being true.

There are tons of different factors involved, which can make these sorts of discussions difficult. To some degree, everyone has to take this forum drama lightly, be willing to forgive when appropriate, and so on.

This is by no means easy to accomplish, and there shouldn't be any expectations of perfection. However, if a thread is flying off the rails with fighting, then all parties need to take steps to disengage.

Usually, once a point is made to another, this is all you can do. You can point them in the right direction, then move on. It is their responsibility to plug their personality holes.

He literally asked me if I have a problem with him. I said it honestly and to the point.

Should I tell him „omg nahh dude I love youuuu haaaayyy ^_^“

Ramier108666 said:
NinRick said:
Ramier108666 said:
Not at all. The topic was set for you to stop going off, the next part had you been reading it thoroughly is that you two are wasting your time bickering like children. I believe that has been my whole point each time.

Meh, I still stand for what I said.

You can do as you please as things will set thing in motion that will either help you and you advance, or you get crushed and then you get hurt to a point that will make open your eyes. But I cannot say. That is your path. However I do wish you luck on it. Hail Satan.

I listen to my feelings and like those I like and dislike those I dislike.
I love those who want to advance and want to be more than they currently are. And I respect those who are strong. This is why I try to help newer members, who genuinely want to advance. Not because I think it is my duty, just because I like those people.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=348652 time=1651130072 user_id=21286]
NinRick said:
This is exactly what I said, and I still stand by that.
And people point that out more and more now. (I pointed this out multiple times, months ago even)

Why do I have to like him, and pretend to do?
Why am I not allowed to express myself?
I do not have to like everyone, do I?

Perhaps your observations weren't clear at the time. Or, perhaps you were being overzealous within the scope of a particular interaction. Maybe it was just that your conclusion seemed overly rude, despite being true.

There are tons of different factors involved, which can make these sorts of discussions difficult. To some degree, everyone has to take this forum drama lightly, be willing to forgive when appropriate, and so on.

This is by no means easy to accomplish, and there shouldn't be any expectations of perfection. However, if a thread is flying off the rails with fighting, then all parties need to take steps to disengage.

Usually, once a point is made to another, this is all you can do. You can point them in the right direction, then move on. It is their responsibility to plug their personality holes.

He's referring to this thread, if you wish to look through it to have a fuller picture.

Ramier108666 said:
One wrong does not excuse another’s wrong.

I find it detestable to say that one is doing something wrong for defending himself. That's what xians do.
One's honor is sacred and it is recognized under the law that one has the right to defend his honor, even going as far as killing another person if that's the only way to restore honor.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
10 out of 10 points for infiltrating

Even Cobra can admit to that


Fuck's sake. And to think I actually provided full-on art advice for this ugly son of a bitch.
My 3rd eye must suck ass if I couldn't even see through this kind of bullshit, I swear. Guess I know that now, lmao.
tabby said:

You are wrong by assuming that I was talking about you or remembering wrong. I like you, I respect you, and I have no problem with you. What I was talking about was on the Psychic Vampirism topic when Jrvan purposefully created an argument between himself and Outlaw Torn. Anybody can see this for themself. Outlaw Torn made a comment about Dahaarkan on page 3, and on page 4 Jrvan places himself into the center of it and creates an argument where none existed before. There was no argument between Jrvan and Outlaw before this, at least not in this situation and not on this topic. And it was Jrvan who started it even though I know he is just going to lie and try to twist it and pretend it was Outlaw's fault.

When Blitzkreig wrote something to Jrvan about how it is not good to purposefully create arguments with people, this was Jrvan's answer.

jrvan said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338463 time=1648330731 user_id=21286]
jrvan said:

This applies to you two, as well. I would appreciate it if you read it.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338462 time=1648330401 user_id=21286]
I know you are not a bad person, and I can see from this post and others that you have genuinely tried to help. The situation is more complicated than what any of these insults describe the other person as. Don't think I am talking to just you; I have written and had just written some posts to Jack elaborating on emotions and so forth.

Unfortunately, people who have problems also need help, even if it may seem they don't deserve it. In this way, I ask for your continued patience, just as I expect of everyone. Yet, I can also respect your desire to act against what you believe is wrong.

All of these issues will be solved as we advance, but as you say, we cannot let JOS get overrun with incorrect thinking either. However, vicious infighting is counterproductive to any advancement.

There becomes a bit of a balancing act where you have to either decide to act or decide to be diplomatic and harmonious. We know that Aries and Libra are opposites and this is a reflection of that. In many instances, taking the "high road" and holding back your feelings is the better option. The most advanced version of this skill would be to be able to blend your thoughts and ideas into a sweet-sounding package.

Due to high emotions, many false accusations and other faults are made. Yes, just as two armies that sign a ceasefire have to overlook the carnage each inflicted on the other, there is a degree of restraint that is required for peace to exist.

As far as your personal image goes, have faith that those who are more perceptive can see through the lines here. Just as you gain respect for standing up for yourself, you also gain respect in instances where you appropriately prevented unnecessary conflict and drama.

What I don't believe you perceive here is how much messier and out of control this would have gotten if I hadn't tried to douse the fire that Outlaw Torn was pouring gasoline on for no good reason. I was working to subdue the situation here before it got even more out of control from the useless baiting. I became the lightning rod to direct Outlaw Torn's energies for his verbal attacks so he stopped focusing on others. I've attempted to do this before in the past with others.

Believe it or not, I have very little fire in my chart. It's mostly earth and water. I desire harmony here, but I also know that true harmony and understanding can take hard effort to achieve - and I'm also mindful of others who attempt to thwart this. My methods might seem questionable, but I want to assure you that my intentions and goals are pure.

This is why I said how he admits to purposefully starting arguments between himself and "bad" people to distract the person and take their attention away from some more innocent person that the "bad" person was going against. Because this is exactly what he has done many times, it is what he has done in this situation, and here he is admitting to it and explaining it.
"I was working to subdue the situation here before it got even more out of control from the useless baiting. I became the lightning rod to direct Outlaw Torn's energies for his verbal attacks so he stopped focusing on others. I've attempted to do this before in the past with others."

And of course when I mention this both of you have to immediately go to lying, twisting, denying, pretending that it never happened, and pretending that I am lying or I am wrong. Always denying, always blaming everything on all of the men here, and always refusing to admit any of his own participation in creating problems.

And myself and many of the other people here really have run out of patience for this behaviour. And we have run out of "benefit of the doubt." He is doing the exact same thing to many different people, many of us have had the same thing directed at us by Jrvan, and we are tired of it. At first we were more patient to try to ignore it or excuse it, but now more of us are starting to directly address it.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Ramier108666 said:
One wrong does not excuse another’s wrong.

I find it detestable to say that one is doing something wrong for defending himself. That's what xians do.
One's honor is sacred and it is recognized under the law that one has the right to defend his honor, even going as far as killing another person if that's the only way to restore honor.

What was honorable about blurting out a dislike of someone? That is actually dishonest and a flat out smack in the face. What you have stated is radical and it cannot be applied to natural understanding. Yes on can defend honor if it dictates it properly, and do mean properly. Not because egotistical mindset dictates it.
I was just being curious of how this thread has evolved over 5 pages. Can't say I'm surprised some disagreements have unfolded, but this is a gem of a response from Blitzkreig:

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=348652 time=1651130072 user_id=21286]
Usually, once a point is made to another, this is all you can do. You can point them in the right direction, then move on. It is their responsibility to plug their personality holes.
NinRick said:
It is no fighting if I say I don’t like someone and won’t waste time on their essays of arguments for no reason.

The focus should be on whether you are being hostile or not. Yes, it is better if you don't waste time, but it is still possible to hurt feelings within a short post.

I looked at the thread that Tabby linked showing you interacting with her and Jrvan. In that instance, it seemed like you were overly aggressive, even if honest.

Perhaps you did not like Jrvan for good reason, and perhaps you were trying to be honest, but you have to structure your communications to be constructive. This is because Tabby and Jrvan are fellow Satanists, not just random people. Therefore, you are obligated to uphold some level of decency and respect.


At the same time, I can only respond to what I directly see. It is impossible for me to read everything you have. So please excuse me if I missed a part where you have felt wronged, and so on.

It takes too much time to figure out who is right and who is wrong between 20+ threads of interactions. Both parties need to overlook some amount of past transgressions if they are going to achieve peace later.

Maybe you don't want anything to do with Jrvan. What if there is an instance where you could help him, or he could help you? Maybe you guys who actually bring good results on a project together. These are the sorts of things lost when you burn the bridge with them.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=348801 time=1651167562 user_id=21286]
At the same time, I can only respond to what I directly see. It is impossible for me to read everything you have. So please excuse me if I missed a part where you have felt wronged, and so on.

It takes too much time to figure out who is right and who is wrong between 20+ threads of interactions. Both parties need to overlook some amount of past transgressions if they are going to achieve peace later.

This exactly true.

To add my own views on this, At some point one needs to asses if their ego is taking precedence over reason, and at some point one should be reasonable and restrain the egoistic desire to cling to past transgressions by bringing them along to other and different topics.

Setting ones ego aside in favor of maintaining a mature, positive and beneficial environment for all members of our SS family is very much required when disagreements go on too long or go too far.

Advanced members are not here to babysit or play judge, but to guide and help as well as to inspire by setting worthy examples to look up to and follow.

Defending oneself should be done, but it should not be hard to do so within reason, instead of continuing to act self important and hold on to grudges like teenagers in school.

If another person offends one, it is personal choice to feel offended and lash out in return to even a score. Such a thing is not necessary, and only appeals to emotion, which while a human thing to do, does not facilitate an environment with enlightened standards and maturity.

Impartial judgement should be learned and practiced by all SS to avoid such long lasting disagreements and conflicts between members.

This space is first and foremost about the advancement of Spiritual Satanism and its whole membership as a whole first and foremost.

A place for SS from across the Earth and from all walks of life to come together, have a space away from the enemy ideology and all the crap that comes along with it to discuss subjects together and learn from each other, exchange ideas, information and converse with likeminded individuals, etc.

Personal conflicts dragging out across multiple topics, flooding the forum for literally months only degrade that desired atmosphere to something unrecognizable as Spiritual Satanic, especially if it becomes a norm due to people seeing this constantly and more and more people coming here to engage in that sort of crap behavior.

Where is the enlightenment in that? The elite standard? The spirituality? The Satanic?

This is not to say people shouldn't feel free to discuss with each other, but perhaps one can reflect upon their contribution to the forum once in a while and try to judge oneself impartially to see all the aspects one can improve upon in order to facilitate a more beneficial, constructive and enlightening contribution to our Spiritual Satanic family.

Not only this reflects better upon the Joy of Satan as a whole, one will also have a much more positive and beneficial stay on the forum as an individual, and one will gain a lot more from their stay here than spending most of ones time arguing and disagreeing with other members for purely emotional and ego driven reasons.

Hail Satan!
tabby said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=348652 time=1651130072 user_id=21286]
NinRick said:
This is exactly what I said, and I still stand by that.
And people point that out more and more now. (I pointed this out multiple times, months ago even)

Why do I have to like him, and pretend to do?
Why am I not allowed to express myself?
I do not have to like everyone, do I?

Perhaps your observations weren't clear at the time. Or, perhaps you were being overzealous within the scope of a particular interaction. Maybe it was just that your conclusion seemed overly rude, despite being true.

There are tons of different factors involved, which can make these sorts of discussions difficult. To some degree, everyone has to take this forum drama lightly, be willing to forgive when appropriate, and so on.

This is by no means easy to accomplish, and there shouldn't be any expectations of perfection. However, if a thread is flying off the rails with fighting, then all parties need to take steps to disengage.

Usually, once a point is made to another, this is all you can do. You can point them in the right direction, then move on. It is their responsibility to plug their personality holes.

He's referring to this thread, if you wish to look through it to have a fuller picture.


I was not only referring to this post, I read comments from you in other topics, and responded to all of them in this one topic.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
tabby said:

You are wrong by assuming that I was talking about you or remembering wrong. I like you, I respect you, and I have no problem with you. What I was talking about was on the Psychic Vampirism topic when Jrvan purposefully created an argument between himself and Outlaw Torn. Anybody can see this for themself. Outlaw Torn made a comment about Dahaarkan on page 3, and on page 4 Jrvan places himself into the center of it and creates an argument where none existed before. There was no argument between Jrvan and Outlaw before this, at least not in this situation and not on this topic. And it was Jrvan who started it even though I know he is just going to lie and try to twist it and pretend it was Outlaw's fault.

When Blitzkreig wrote something to Jrvan about how it is not good to purposefully create arguments with people, this was Jrvan's answer.

jrvan said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338463 time=1648330731 user_id=21286]

This applies to you two, as well. I would appreciate it if you read it.

What I don't believe you perceive here is how much messier and out of control this would have gotten if I hadn't tried to douse the fire that Outlaw Torn was pouring gasoline on for no good reason. I was working to subdue the situation here before it got even more out of control from the useless baiting. I became the lightning rod to direct Outlaw Torn's energies for his verbal attacks so he stopped focusing on others. I've attempted to do this before in the past with others.

Believe it or not, I have very little fire in my chart. It's mostly earth and water. I desire harmony here, but I also know that true harmony and understanding can take hard effort to achieve - and I'm also mindful of others who attempt to thwart this. My methods might seem questionable, but I want to assure you that my intentions and goals are pure.

This is why I said how he admits to purposefully starting arguments between himself and "bad" people to distract the person and take their attention away from some more innocent person that the "bad" person was going against. Because this is exactly what he has done many times, it is what he has done in this situation, and here he is admitting to it and explaining it.
"I was working to subdue the situation here before it got even more out of control from the useless baiting. I became the lightning rod to direct Outlaw Torn's energies for his verbal attacks so he stopped focusing on others. I've attempted to do this before in the past with others."

And of course when I mention this both of you have to immediately go to lying, twisting, denying, pretending that it never happened, and pretending that I am lying or I am wrong. Always denying, always blaming everything on all of the men here, and always refusing to admit any of his own participation in creating problems.

And myself and many of the other people here really have run out of patience for this behaviour. And we have run out of "benefit of the doubt." He is doing the exact same thing to many different people, many of us have had the same thing directed at us by Jrvan, and we are tired of it. At first we were more patient to try to ignore it or excuse it, but now more of us are starting to directly address it.

It seems the psychological projection charge should be applied to you rather than me.

So much subtle manipulation here. You're trying to paint a picture in people's minds. I'll just point out one obvious thing and then be done with it, and others can find the other manipulations for themselves.

You said that I'm just going to accuse you of lying about the part you quoted, and that sets the stage and trap for when, if I accuse you of lying in general (or say any valid remark like that you're bullshitting or whatever), you're going to say that I said you were lying about that one part just like you predicted, and that I'm denying it. It forces me into the position of having to address each one of your subtle sneaky points of your message and the underlining manipulations, and basically work uphill just to reply to you. And if I don't address it then presumably the points "stand" because they weren't addressed. To be honest, Ol, I just don't think you're worth the effort.

Maybe a small amount of people are too stupid to see through what you have done here, but I believe the majority are intelligent enough to see it clearly. Not everyone in the grand audience that you're trying to persuade with your rhetorical propaganda is as stupid as you believe they are. And this IS a game of persuasion that you are playing. It's clear that you are trying to appeal to an audience rather than a single person with your recent comments. Educated people are able to distinguish between a message intended as rhetoric, and a message that is intended as an exchange between two people alone. Rhetoric is for persuasion, and that's what you're doing - and it is very telling in many ways here, including in regards to your character and integrity. It's impossible after seeing this for me to give YOU the benefit of the doubt and conclude that you don't know exactly what you are doing, because it's now obvious that you do know what you are doing. You have now revealed your true colors.
NinRick said:
tabby said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=348652 time=1651130072 user_id=21286]

Perhaps your observations weren't clear at the time. Or, perhaps you were being overzealous within the scope of a particular interaction. Maybe it was just that your conclusion seemed overly rude, despite being true.

There are tons of different factors involved, which can make these sorts of discussions difficult. To some degree, everyone has to take this forum drama lightly, be willing to forgive when appropriate, and so on.

This is by no means easy to accomplish, and there shouldn't be any expectations of perfection. However, if a thread is flying off the rails with fighting, then all parties need to take steps to disengage.

Usually, once a point is made to another, this is all you can do. You can point them in the right direction, then move on. It is their responsibility to plug their personality holes.

He's referring to this thread, if you wish to look through it to have a fuller picture.


I was not only referring to this post, I read comments from you in other topics, and responded to all of them in this one topic.

You brought over a quote that was referencing that thread directly, so I provided the link to JG Blitz so he could see the full picture of what happened under that thread. For how you have worded your comments here, you paint yourself as if you didn't start something under that thread and are now attempting to justify what you said there, despite behaving like a hypocrite in the same thread by starting an unrelated argument in a place where it had no relevance.

That was not a wise move on your part, and imo, WHO THE HELL DOES THAT UNDER A POEM FOR SATAN? Seriously, THINK next time. It was really disrespectful. It's clearly visible from how the comments are set out that you were behaving like a dick for no reason other than you wanting to have a go at us, because you twisted my comment to you to fit your bill, so you had some "magickal foundation" to lay out your argument on since there was no way you were going to be able to pull that shit there without fabricating it yourself.

Wrong place, wrong time, and a terrible approach.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

My correction was accurate. You are indeed exaggerating, and also manipulating the meaning of his words to suit your argument.

You are incredibly literal, so I suggest you avoid analyzing descriptive language and metaphors. There is nothing wrong with what jrvan said in his quote there, and it is not the same as you claim he has said. And no, he did not START that argument. Outlaw made an unreasonable stab at Dahaarkan all because of the kind of job he has, and so jrvan stepped in to address it so that Outlaw wouldn't go around on that thread taking stabs at others and further igniting shit and reactions, to try prevent Dahaarkan's thread from being further ruined for no reason.

jrvan said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
I would like to remind everyone that darakhan or however you spell that dumb name is literally a LANDLORD, the most parasitic “Job” one can have. It is no surprise that he supports and practices psychic vampirism because he is also housing vampire.

This again? If not for landlords then you ingrates would have to sleep on the streets. Not all landlords are as bad as yours.

Seriously, take it up with your government, but be sure to offer alternative solutions because otherwise they're just going to laugh at you, and probably tell you to join the other ideological choirs who don't have practical solutions other than complaining. As for me, I want to thank you for your contributions, Mr. Karl Marx. You and your proletariat legions have been heard.

Frankly, I think you're just simply angry for what happened under the sheep thread and also the masculinity and makeup/clothing thread, and in denial that your buddy Jack is actually not a "good guy". And are choosing this time to jump on the bandwagon and bark at jrvan to vent your previous frustrations because in reality, you haven't actually had many issues with jrvan yourself personally.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
tabby said:

You are wrong by assuming that I was talking about you or remembering wrong. I like you, I respect you, and I have no problem with you. What I was talking about was on the Psychic Vampirism topic when Jrvan purposefully created an argument between himself and Outlaw Torn. Anybody can see this for themself. Outlaw Torn made a comment about Dahaarkan on page 3, and on page 4 Jrvan places himself into the center of it and creates an argument where none existed before. There was no argument between Jrvan and Outlaw before this, at least not in this situation and not on this topic. And it was Jrvan who started it even though I know he is just going to lie and try to twist it and pretend it was Outlaw's fault.

When Blitzkreig wrote something to Jrvan about how it is not good to purposefully create arguments with people, this was Jrvan's answer.

jrvan said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=338463 time=1648330731 user_id=21286]

This applies to you two, as well. I would appreciate it if you read it.

What I don't believe you perceive here is how much messier and out of control this would have gotten if I hadn't tried to douse the fire that Outlaw Torn was pouring gasoline on for no good reason. I was working to subdue the situation here before it got even more out of control from the useless baiting. I became the lightning rod to direct Outlaw Torn's energies for his verbal attacks so he stopped focusing on others. I've attempted to do this before in the past with others.

Believe it or not, I have very little fire in my chart. It's mostly earth and water. I desire harmony here, but I also know that true harmony and understanding can take hard effort to achieve - and I'm also mindful of others who attempt to thwart this. My methods might seem questionable, but I want to assure you that my intentions and goals are pure.

This is why I said how he admits to purposefully starting arguments between himself and "bad" people to distract the person and take their attention away from some more innocent person that the "bad" person was going against. Because this is exactly what he has done many times, it is what he has done in this situation, and here he is admitting to it and explaining it.
"I was working to subdue the situation here before it got even more out of control from the useless baiting. I became the lightning rod to direct Outlaw Torn's energies for his verbal attacks so he stopped focusing on others. I've attempted to do this before in the past with others."

And of course when I mention this both of you have to immediately go to lying, twisting, denying, pretending that it never happened, and pretending that I am lying or I am wrong. Always denying, always blaming everything on all of the men here, and always refusing to admit any of his own participation in creating problems.

And myself and many of the other people here really have run out of patience for this behaviour. And we have run out of "benefit of the doubt." He is doing the exact same thing to many different people, many of us have had the same thing directed at us by Jrvan, and we are tired of it. At first we were more patient to try to ignore it or excuse it, but now more of us are starting to directly address it.

I just realized that you're taking the exact same argument verbatim (practically as a copy pasta) that was made against Jack recently, and attributing it to me. That's literally scapegoating. Unlike Jack, I don't go around abusing people to bait them into an emotional response only to turn around and say "You're guilty of being emotional and that means you're not a real SS" or whatever the fuck, and then play the victim and pretend that I had no hand in instigating fights. I don't do that shit because it's retarded and destructive to the forums and community. I will not be blamed for Jack's crimes.
VoiceofEnki said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=348801 time=1651167562 user_id=21286]
At the same time, I can only respond to what I directly see. It is impossible for me to read everything you have. So please excuse me if I missed a part where you have felt wronged, and so on.

It takes too much time to figure out who is right and who is wrong between 20+ threads of interactions. Both parties need to overlook some amount of past transgressions if they are going to achieve peace later.
If another person offends one, it is personal choice to feel offended and lash out in return to even a score. Such a thing is not necessary, and only appeals to emotion, which while a human thing to do, does not facilitate an environment with enlightened standards and maturity.

I do not think it is a personal choice to feel offended. That would place blame onto the target and doesn't hold people responsible for the things they say to others, especially if to purposefully ignite a specific emotional reaction. To put that into an example:

Person 1: [states something to deliberately offend another, say they attack their personal life]
Person 2: [reactions emotional and lashes out]
Person 1: "Why are you reacting like that? It's your choice if you feel offended by what I said. I did nothing wrong."

This is a form of manipulation and gaslighting, to deny the person the right to their side of the relationship, and acts to control person 2. It changes the power dynamic from being reasonably level to person 1 holding power over person 2 in an unfair manner. Things like this when enacted on a continual basis can actually drive a person into madness.

What one does with that feeling of offence, is something one can choose to do. However, that would suggest one is already at a high level of thinking for oneself and control over their emotions to be able to consciously decide how they direct it, which comes with consistent void meditation and practice. The way in which we deal with that feeling will be different for everyone, so personally, I don't think it's fair to expect people to react in the same way we might personally choose to for ourselves, because we deem our own way to be the "right" or "better" way.

Words have energy, and we react to that naturally. One might say something polite and perfectly reasonable, but the recipient reacts in a bad way. Does this mean they are immature and unstable? That entirely depends on the individual's case. This person might have a negative memory or feeling from subconscious trauma triggered that they were not aware of in their soul, and that comes out in the interaction. Perhaps transits or negative karma. Rather than condemn this person for their emotions, approaching them in a more understanding and gentler way, asking questions that does not make this person feel accused or like there's something wrong with them, is more likely to result in little more than simmering reactions rather than boiling point, and aid in bringing a discussion to a peaceful resolution.

This requires effort to accomplish from both parties however.
NinRick said:
Ramier108666 said:
NinRick said:
Meh, I still stand for what I said.

You can do as you please as things will set thing in motion that will either help you and you advance, or you get crushed and then you get hurt to a point that will make open your eyes. But I cannot say. That is your path. However I do wish you luck on it. Hail Satan.

I listen to my feelings and like those I like and dislike those I dislike.
I love those who want to advance and want to be more than they currently are. And I respect those who are strong. This is why I try to help newer members, who genuinely want to advance. Not because I think it is my duty, just because I like those people.

Congratulations on expressing your feelings. This is the result, enjoy.

Do you really not see the irony here?

You do not like these people and intend to ignore them and their activity and this is all well and good. But the way in which you "ignore" them is to comment on threads they open and provoke a reaponse from them. Do you not see the irony?

This is the point I'm trying to make which is you can word your thoughts in non provocative manner or simply say nothing at all to avoid pointless arguments. But you just HAD to express your dislike of someone in a provocative tone.

To what end? What did you hope to accomplish in doing this?
tabby said:
I do not think it is a personal choice to feel offended. That would place blame onto the target and doesn't hold people responsible for the things they say to others, especially if to purposefully ignite a specific emotional reaction. To put that into an example:

Person 1: [states something to deliberately offend another, say they attack their personal life]
Person 2: [reactions emotional and lashes out]
Person 1: "Why are you reacting like that? It's your choice if you feel offended by what I said. I did nothing wrong."

This is a form of manipulation and gaslighting, to deny the person the right to their side of the relationship, and acts to control person 2. It changes the power dynamic from being reasonably level to person 1 holding power over person 2 in an unfair manner. Things like this when enacted on a continual basis can actually drive a person into madness.

What one does with that feeling of offence, is something one can choose to do. However, that would suggest one is already at a high level of thinking for oneself and control over their emotions to be able to consciously decide how they direct it, which comes with consistent void meditation and practice. The way in which we deal with that feeling will be different for everyone, so personally, I don't think it's fair to expect people to react in the same way we might personally choose to for ourselves, because we deem our own way to be the "right" or "better" way.

Words have energy, and we react to that naturally. One might say something polite and perfectly reasonable, but the recipient reacts in a bad way. Does this mean they are immature and unstable? That entirely depends on the individual's case. This person might have a negative memory or feeling from subconscious trauma triggered that they were not aware of in their soul, and that comes out in the interaction. Perhaps transits or negative karma. Rather than condemn this person for their emotions, approaching them in a more understanding and gentler way, asking questions that does not make this person feel accused or like there's something wrong with them, is more likely to result in little more than simmering reactions rather than boiling point, and aid in bringing a discussion to a peaceful resolution.

This requires effort to accomplish from both parties however.

Rather than say "it is a choice to feel offended and lash out in return", I should have been more specific and said, "it's a choice to lash out in kind after receiving offense".

That said, if my post is taken as a whole, the message comes across as intended, since I do explain in proper depth what I meant to get across.

As for the example you gave, it is part of what I was alluding to. Person 2 doesn't have to lose his reason just because person 1 is aggravating them.

If I acted as person 2 in your example my conduct would be unrecognizable compared to what it is.

Since the Joy of Satan as a whole, through the posts over the years and the influence of the Gods one connects to while following this path, a lot of these things go without saying.

Self reflection, healing of the mind, mature conduct, awareness of ones acts, reason and understanding about the self and the people one converses with, etc, are all very basic concepts that one comes in contact with.

If someone has serious issues that causes them to act out against others due to past trauma, perhaps rather than continuing to do so ad nauseam, it is helpful to reflect upon the self and take a step back.

Even with certain kinds of trauma involved, as mature adults who are also dedicated to Satan by blood there should be certain standards or at least awareness on all the above mentioned things that can be reasonably expected from a person.

If one is here to heal from things, then it stands to reason one should try to heal, by following the useful and good advises from members and especially the wisdom from the sermons of the HP's, past and present, while ignoring the things which trigger a persons trauma or hangups and impede this healing process.

Self reflection is the key principle here that must be applied at all times, and can be applied by anyone regardless of what level one is at, or what history one has.

Ask yourself what your time spend on things brings to you, what your conduct to others brings to you, how this reflects on your needs and expectations, if this is beneficial to you or not, etc.

Reflect, and learn. Avoid things which impede your growth or which bring you no results.

Don't engage with people whom you gain nothing from. Refrain from letting your triggers control you, instead learn to recognize when something triggers you and exercise control over it or take a step back if you cannot control your emotional response.

Letting things go brings more release than compulsively engaging others because one lets ones feelings rule over their mind and remains stuck in that level of ego ruling the self.

To take myself as an example,

I hold in a lot of things, a lot of emotions, I restrain myself greatly on many occasions, especially in my conduct in the public eye.

For one because it reflects poorly upon myself if I act on emotional impulse without restraint, and for two because it is not appropriate for a close follower of the Gods to act out in a mindless manner, then last because it would cause me to make a lot of mistakes and go overboard due to purely acting on ego and impulse rather than impartially and with greater deliberation.

Does this make me weak, or lesser? Does this restraint mean I am emotionless? Or does it mean I reject part of myself? Or anything of the sort?

Obviously not. I am better of for it in every way and on every level.

That is not to say people should act as I do, or that I make no mistakes, or whatever.

It is the idea by which I act, the standard I aim for which is inspired by the Gods, that can benefit all people if applied on a personal level, adapted to suit the individual.

It is not something I created or made up, but a standard and way of conduct which can be seen in enlightened minds, people and beings throughout history and as what can be seen on the highest level with the Gods.

What I mean by that is, reflect upon yourself and reflect upon the Gods, then determine what you can do better to be closer to them.

Ask yourself "what would Satan do or say in my shoes?". How does what comes to mind compare with what you were about to do or say, or with your past conduct?

From there try to use that example of what came to mind when thinking of Satan, or any other God whom you are familiar with, and try to learn from this, tap into this influence, and let this inspiration drive you forward towards growth and advancement in life.

This is one beginner friendly way to learn and grow in conduct and to recognize which parts of ego are vain embellishments best left aside and which are worthy manifestations of self and desire that should be held on to and manifested.

Hail Satan!
Dahaarkan said:
NinRick said:
Ramier108666 said:
You can do as you please as things will set thing in motion that will either help you and you advance, or you get crushed and then you get hurt to a point that will make open your eyes. But I cannot say. That is your path. However I do wish you luck on it. Hail Satan.

I listen to my feelings and like those I like and dislike those I dislike.
I love those who want to advance and want to be more than they currently are. And I respect those who are strong. This is why I try to help newer members, who genuinely want to advance. Not because I think it is my duty, just because I like those people.

Congratulations on expressing your feelings. This is the result, enjoy.

Do you really not see the irony here?

You do not like these people and intend to ignore them and their activity and this is all well and good. But the way in which you "ignore" them is to comment on threads they open and provoke a reaponse from them. Do you not see the irony?

This is the point I'm trying to make which is you can word your thoughts in non provocative manner or simply say nothing at all to avoid pointless arguments. But you just HAD to express your dislike of someone in a provocative tone.

To what end? What did you hope to accomplish in doing this?

And you think you need to teach me?

Aren’t you passive aggressive pretty frequently?
Aren’t you arguing many times?

What do you want to accomplish?
tabby said:

I have to ask you something, and I have asked you the same thing multiple times recently. Why are you talking to me about Jack? Why does it seem like you keep bringing up Jack in every discussion with me, and what does he have to do with me? I am not talking about Jack, I am not Jack, and Jack and I are two seperate people with no connection between us. In all of these discussions I have had with you recently I have never mentioned Jack until you bring up his name to me and my response is always to ask why you are talking to me about him.

In any time that I have said that Jack is a good guy, you will see it was several months ago. And you were not here for this so you don't understand the reference, but his username used to be Jack The Good Guy. So I joked that he needs to change his name back to this to let everybody know, because it would not be obvious from his behaviour if he is a good guy. You misunderstand one joke that I made months ago, and you try to spin it like I am every day showing "excessive praise" for him. When I plainly almost never talk about him. But for some strange reason it seems like you and Jrvan can't go even a few days without crying about Jack when he barely even posts anything here anyway. Like Jack is your strawman that you have to cry about every day meanwhile he isn't even here.

Actually the most recent thing I said about Jack is that he has contributed many good things in the past, but that he has multiple personality traits that I am absolutely discusted by and that he definitely is very far from perfect. I felt this discust when I saw how he was acting in the Psychic Vampirism topic and it changed my opinion about him. When before that happened, most of what I saw people give as examples of why everybody has to hate Jack were topics that only showed two people having a difference of opinion. This topic showed him actually acting in a discusting way. And I did write about this in pretty clear detail some time in the past few weeks.

But again I have to ask you, why does it seem like every single discussion I have with you always has to go back to what you think my opinion is of Jack? When I talk about how you and Jrvan are incapable of having a discussion without twisting things around and frequently changing the subject to absolutely unrelated nonsense, it is exactly this kind of thing that I am talking about. This is a perfect example. You don't want to respond to the point I am making, so you maintain your anger over the discussion of the past subject and channel this anger into a completely new and unrelated subject that has nothing to do with me. It is very difficult to have a conversation with somebody who does this kind of thing.

If you have a problem with Jack, bring it up with him. If it is about his personality problems, I will most likely be agreeing with you. But I just don't have anymore patience for every conversation between us to turn into you bitching at me about Jack. I don't know him and I am not able to pass to him your message.
Dahaarkan said:
NinRick said:
Ramier108666 said:
You can do as you please as things will set thing in motion that will either help you and you advance, or you get crushed and then you get hurt to a point that will make open your eyes. But I cannot say. That is your path. However I do wish you luck on it. Hail Satan.

I listen to my feelings and like those I like and dislike those I dislike.
I love those who want to advance and want to be more than they currently are. And I respect those who are strong. This is why I try to help newer members, who genuinely want to advance. Not because I think it is my duty, just because I like those people.

Congratulations on expressing your feelings. This is the result, enjoy.

Do you really not see the irony here?

You do not like these people and intend to ignore them and their activity and this is all well and good. But the way in which you "ignore" them is to comment on threads they open and provoke a reaponse from them. Do you not see the irony?

This is the point I'm trying to make which is you can word your thoughts in non provocative manner or simply say nothing at all to avoid pointless arguments. But you just HAD to express your dislike of someone in a provocative tone.

To what end? What did you hope to accomplish in doing this?

Have you ever seen Monty Python's Life of Bryan? There's this one scene where Pontius is sticking it to some cheeky jew, and the centurion in the chamber is taking commands from Pontius but misunderstands him because Pontius is depicted with a speech impediment. Pontius makes the remark that "The jew has spirit" and the centurion asks him to repeat himself because he didn't understand what he said, and Pontius clarifies what he meant because he thought it was ignorance, and then the centurion answers "Oh, er, elleven sir"

It's the look that Pontius gives the centurion following that response that cracks me up every time. He does a damn double take and gives this inquisitive look towards the centurion like "Is this guy fucking stupid?"

It's so funny and meme worthy, and I just think it would be perfect as a gif response to Ninrick with the reply he made to this message of yours. It's too bad it's not a meme.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
tabby said:

I have to ask you something, and I have asked you the same thing multiple times recently. Why are you talking to me about Jack? Why does it seem like you keep bringing up Jack in every discussion with me, and what does he have to do with me? I am not talking about Jack, I am not Jack, and Jack and I are two seperate people with no connection between us. In all of these discussions I have had with you recently I have never mentioned Jack until you bring up his name to me and my response is always to ask why you are talking to me about him.

In any time that I have said that Jack is a good guy, you will see it was several months ago. And you were not here for this so you don't understand the reference, but his username used to be Jack The Good Guy. So I joked that he needs to change his name back to this to let everybody know, because it would not be obvious from his behaviour if he is a good guy. You misunderstand one joke that I made months ago, and you try to spin it like I am every day showing "excessive praise" for him. When I plainly almost never talk about him. But for some strange reason it seems like you and Jrvan can't go even a few days without crying about Jack when he barely even posts anything here anyway. Like Jack is your strawman that you have to cry about every day meanwhile he isn't even here.

Actually the most recent thing I said about Jack is that he has contributed many good things in the past, but that he has multiple personality traits that I am absolutely discusted by and that he definitely is very far from perfect. I felt this discust when I saw how he was acting in the Psychic Vampirism topic and it changed my opinion about him. When before that happened, most of what I saw people give as examples of why everybody has to hate Jack were topics that only showed two people having a difference of opinion. This topic showed him actually acting in a discusting way. And I did write about this in pretty clear detail some time in the past few weeks.

But again I have to ask you, why does it seem like every single discussion I have with you always has to go back to what you think my opinion is of Jack? When I talk about how you and Jrvan are incapable of having a discussion without twisting things around and frequently changing the subject to absolutely unrelated nonsense, it is exactly this kind of thing that I am talking about. This is a perfect example. You don't want to respond to the point I am making, so you maintain your anger over the discussion of the past subject and channel this anger into a completely new and unrelated subject that has nothing to do with me. It is very difficult to have a conversation with somebody who does this kind of thing.

If you have a problem with Jack, bring it up with him. If it is about his personality problems, I will most likely be agreeing with you. But I just don't have anymore patience for every conversation between us to turn into you bitching at me about Jack. I don't know him and I am not able to pass to him your message.

Can you please tone down the exaggeration for once?

I have mentioned Jack exactly three times to you in our "conversation" here... the first was as an example referencing a situation between Dahaarkan and Jack as context to something I was explaining (this had nothing to do with you). The second, was an example relating to your praises and to help give constructive criticism about how to improve them. This criticism was not to have a go at you. And the third was referring to the very few times you've ever actually had an issue with jrvan, where my levels of annoyance with you were beginning to grow and my own patience rather thin from how you are framing things.

I am well aware that Jack's name was once 'Jack the Good guy'. It's kind of a meme in the forums and is easily found in the forums. I did see your comment to him about that to change his name back to it, that was only March of this year that was made. While a joke, you seemed to feel he was indeed a good guy even then. Jan 30th this year, this is from you "And there is nothing even bad about him, Jack is a perfectly good person." from this comment:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Right on a thread where he was mocking and being an ass to me and jrvan for "fun". This was after the incident of what happened under my sewing thread mid 2021. If you so desire and have time to look at what happened there, it is in my signature.

Jack's history towards others has been going on a long time, though you seemed to have been oblivious to it until it was unable to be argued against and addressed AGAIN in jrvan's recent post. The times I have out right complained about Jack from a personal point is when he has been abusive towards me and my partner, or someone who didn't earn it. I would say my thoughts towards him are justified. So forgive me if I found your above defense of Jack to be unusual and insensitive, perhaps a level of obliviousness to Jack's behavior in the forums, thereby denying the hurt he has caused others all these years.

You have not asked me this multiple times. And not every discussion I have had with you has related to Jack in any fashion. This is the first time you have asked me this, if you care to look back over your comments here as once again, you are exaggerating.

I have already well and truly told Jack how I feel about him, and that is done with. If you continue this I will not answer you.
NinRick said:
Aren’t you passive aggressive pretty frequently?

It seems many people are using psychology terms incorrectly lately. He's hardly passive aggressive. It would be more accurate to say he is frequently aggressive in a direct way while defending himself and others.

Aren’t you arguing many times?
Aren't you as well, Mr. Inquisitor?

What do you want to accomplish?
What about you? What are you trying to accomplish here?
I will just say in previous times that you have mentioned Jack to me, the comments from each of us both contained more than just that. And I did start my reply to you by asking why you are talking to me about Jack when that has nothing to do with me and nothing to do with what we were talking about. But then I wrote a lot more after that that was a different subject so you probably forgot that I said it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Like Jack is your strawman that you have to cry about every day meanwhile he isn't even here.

It seems that many are misunderstanding both psychology concepts and logical fallacies lately
(see what I did there? ;) I bet you didn't ;)). [Okay fine, I'll tell you what I did there. You and others haven't been openly misunderstanding logical fallacies lately, but rather it's an isolated incident here - and that's the irony of it and the joke that I made. You would never have picked up on that in a million years unless I told you so here you go.]

Make sure you are aware of what a strawman actually is. Strawman arguments are actually precisely what you and others have done to me a LOT. Then people wonder why I get pissed off. I just REALLY hate lies, Ol.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
