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"I Want To Do This...But The Jews..." - STOP THIS: WAKING YOU UP

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
GoldenxChild1 said:
What do we do about professions that have been infested with enemy teachings?

I am pursuing a Bachelors in Psychology, and much of the teachings are about well known Jews like Sigmund Freud. Is an education like this, followed by a specialization, worth it?

I feel as if I was lead by the Gods to this is all, I'd like your reassurance my choice was sound.

I will teach everyone how to truly deal with the Jews in your life and not in some imaginary fairytale where you are a pure butterfly and jews are the boogie man. Jews are humanlike shit conspirator and somehow smart things [because they study in general and others don't] with an agenda and they aren't nothing more from anyone else.

Not only this, but they are infiltrators inside what is right, noble, true, and has always existed, which is our societies and civilizations. Nobody invited them, they infiltrated.

This mentality of giving up is prevalent in many people in life because of Christian programming and inner problems, which they later make up theories about why they should do that giving up in life. Christianity manufactures droves of people like this, who simply give up everything, and in. Europeans are giving up their Nations to invaders, and others are now even here trying to make these theories which are NOT A PART OF SPIRITUAL SATANIST AND THEY NEVER WILL BE.

Cursed are those of our folk who abandon the physical and spiritual goalposts of power that we are meant to have to support our own people, the Gentiles, in their existence.

Blessed are those of our folk who go after the physical and spiritual goalposts of power that we are meant to have to support our own people, the Gentiles, in their existence.

Yes, and don't listen to people who disregard the messages in Spiritual Satanism and are making up a false case on themselves to justify the need to be losers who always try to make up a different case in regards about why you shouldn't do anything in your life, because some jew somewhere existed.

Certain people are still programmed with Christianity inherently. In their mind, they believe they are "pure" if they do not "engage" in society or anything, because now a new boogie man like the devil exists, which is "jews", who must be avoided at all costs instead of being actually faced as a reality and then dealing with this reality.

Meanwhile, that allows the enemy to have a free reign all the same in society all the same. Spiritual Satanism wants to actually create people that will deal with this, not people that will cry about this.

Of people that cry, Christians cry for generations about the "evil jews" and how evil they were. They believed in a Rabbinical Jew and they cried about jews. What was the result? Nothing really, it only got worse.

Therefore, the jews have a free reign over society because these people don't want to do anything. This is the same method jews did by saying that borrowing money on interest was "of the devil" and therefore, stupid Christians eventually gave this power to the jews, calling it "usury", and the jews became so powerful from this and other practices that they took them over.

Many of the mistakes underlying this behaviour are actually present in the same way to every person that has been born today, because the enemy has the brainwashing facility of both religion and philosophy going, and I am here like Morpheus to wake you up from this right now and forever.

That's antithetical to the values of Spiritual Satanism. It was borne out of feelings of denial, or the need to deny life as "corrupt" which is not a part of Spiritual Satanism at all.

Long ago, the conversation on if people should buy certain things because they have the "Kosher" symbol on them, or what one should do, because this is "jewish", was done. Some people literally said misguided things which are born out of irrationality, such as "if it is of the jews then we aren't getting it".

Chances are high now that water companies might be headed by jews. What are you going to do, not drink water? Does not drinking water do anything besides kill you, furthering the already done mistake of jews owning the literal water companies in your Nation and succeeding? Will this cup of water that you don't drink "prove yourself" to Satan, or actually taking back segments of whatever you can?

First of all, one must consider if they can get something that is not of the enemy. If you can, then you should get it. If not, then you should get it from them if it's essential for existence.

And yes, you should drink the fucking water. You will not prove yourself as easily as this to the Gods by pretending to be a useless "purist" that only furthers our destruction by literally promoting the nonsense of giving up on everything. There are things that have to be done.

Further, these things belong to society, and not to the jews, who put themselves on top of these and try to force.

While I understand why some people might not want to get all into this, everyone must choose the extent. This is like fools like the Christians who literally spew out the nonsense that "Meditation is of the devil" and others who also whine the Jews do "Kabbalah", which is essentially a stolen teaching from the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Babylonians.

Then they say since it's all spirituality, that all spirituality is evil.

No, it is not. If one is here, you understand that. Therefore, you must also understand how other things they have stolen, are not bad. They were always here.

Don't be dumb. Be an SS who is smart.

It's unavoidable to exist in one's own society without facing, encountering and having to deal with Jews in whatever form nowadays. This in the first case has arose as a problem because certain Gentiles decided to not do much and not occupy these seats that now jews occupy, a success the jews had due to Christianity, laziness and carelessness.

The thinking of a Spiritual Satanist should be all in reverse: If the jews are everywhere, then we must get everywhere ourselves. I don't care if they are employed in a shop or if they are considered "heads of psychology".

These are rightful positions that exist for people who made these things and jews had no idea WTF these things even were until they came to Europe, or Ancient Greece, and the smart people there taught them the basics, and now they parade around as the leaders of these sectors while the goy sits on the corner and complains that "you are taught about jews" in your curriculum because simply they are in control now.

To that I have to say wow, what suffering? Who cares? Do what you have to do and then go forward in trying to change the sector. Even denying the theories of the jews in a sector without saying too much, will eventually minimize their power.

The very word "Psychology" is Ancient Greek. Who cares about Sigmud Fraud and his company? Time for Spiritual Satanists to get in there, too.

Therefore, general quitter based conversations, I will not tolerate to hear this nonsense one more time.

In fact, exactly because jews occupy all these seats, Spiritual Satanists must be insistent on advancing their life and existence to stop this situation or mitigate it, or to simply take something out of the enemy. People deserve existence and whatever this entails in their own land, and the jews are just sitting there placed falsely.

Lastly, I have to tell everyone, as I have been in the scientific field, that many of the things "professed" by jews, are actually stolen from people before of them or Ancients, and many of the theories that they later corrupted, have substantial basis in reality. Many are also there to be re-checked, and the jews won't do that rechecking.

This situation won't stop until all of this is taken out. Also, there are endless Gentiles and the striking majority of Gentiles who do the actual work in there.

Therefore, people need to actually start entering with the highest integrity in mind, and putting the Truth first, in order to make this happen, and then to act. This practice by itself will invalidate the existence of the jews, which was based on lies and deception.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

becoming rich through some sector and expanding over time being an SS, is it activism and resistance?

i remember the 10 year plan letter about occupying worldly power
I have written about this before but we need to get away from this attitude of 'the Jews are ruling us like the Eye of Sauron and we are their slaves' and 'I hate the world', this type of stuff has stewed too long among some people and personally I don't think this is helping us in any way whatsoever.


People need to internalize the message of someone like Nietzsche in Twilight of the Idols and Genealogy of Morality especially - that as one spiritually evolves weakling behavior and behaving like some monk who spites everything is to be despised. If Nietzsche is too much for you, read something like The Christian Destruction of the Classical World over and over again.

Or read Tertuillian, Chrysostom or Clement's deranged rants about how the gourmands, the sexual, the actors, the athletes, the educated, people who wear thin fabrics and dual patterns and the wealthy and anyone enjoying life on any level will be tortured over and over again in the most intricate ways in the pit of fire. Understand these weaklings and filth on their own terms - that internally THEY are slaves, that THEY hate the world because they don't belong in any dimension and that THEY are scum. It should inspire you to usurp EVERY POSITION they have, like a bird throwing a weaker bird out of their nest.

If there is a jewish message in any academic discipline, like Fraud's theories about his own race, sneer at it, dissect it as much as woke bullshit allows, then move on. If it's something like being forced onto some horrible CRT coruse as part of your job, you need to be inventive in order to get the position. The position is where you enact maximum power.

Spiritual Satanism should never be an excuse not to engage with the world. Granted some people absolutely need to do Returning Curses and the Munka karma working before they can fully socially/professionally blossom or get away from their familes, others might need more than this, but many don't even need these immediately.
Indeed a lot of this gets a lot easier if we collaborate properly though no jew operates alone they operate in groups clans tribes we need to also get back to operating this way to some extent atleast we need to create tight knit powerful covens if you have 13 people all contribute money towards buying a business or buying your way into a field the cost of doing so is split between the 13 people.

An example here would be to run a political campaign most low level government campaigns aren't usually very costly but you get some small amount of power over your area for achieving this position you can manage business rates you can allow or disapprove of certain activities taken out by all sorts of companies example you can deny Jews setting up a business in your area or even hit them with much higher business rate costs just because they are Jewish obviously make up an excuse for doing this but this is the kind of low level basic power you can have you can also silence certain unwanted voices and promote certain other voices example you see some BLM ass hats want to have a parade you can deny them of this and even bring the weight of the police force down on them hard while you can allow the more populist type political groups have a much easier time speaking to the public to sway people's opinions in your area.

You can allow certain propaganda to be left up deliberately while removing say example church related propaganda you can allow for some JOS propaganda to be left up there for everyone to see.

Generally a good political campaign to win a local electorate seat over here in AUS usually costs around 40,000$ and that's just pamphlets or flyer bombing never mind things like signs shirts flags etc it all adds up quite quickly paying for a small team of people if you don't have volunteers to help manage your campaign office and track the progress of your campaign keep in mind that is to have a chance in winning a state seat and not a mayor position this campaigns are much much cheaper we are talking like 5k-15k Max.

But divided between 13 of us it becomes a little over 3000$ of an expense we can claim on tax 1500$ a year in political donations so between this many backers its got our costs down to about 1560$ a head we can actually do a lot more but a lot of people in this community like to sit here and bitch about the world they live in.

True the world is a fucking mess right now but it could have been a lot worse total collapse, total all out war and total mass death from disease as the Jews have been cursing on us for centuries have all failed or have only succeeded to a far lesser extent compared to this time 100 years ago they have lost much of their bite.

Now is the time for us to actually get serious instead of leaving it up to like what 30 members to carry the whole fucking team so far like what is 5$ to you it's nothing but if we had the 70,000 people who are members in this forum give 5$ then fuck me we might actually get some where as a movement and a species if your on the fence about it but you want to see change real world change then donate towards the change and start your own thing invest in it because news flash for all you butt fucks in this forum whether you achieve the magnum opus or not your still going to be here till we succeed or fail like you can do the magnum opus great you don't die from old age anymore good for you so now you can live eternally as a slave or eternally in this shit show of a wrestling match or if you don't succeed in the magnum opus the gods will reincarnate your ass here and you will be straight back into the match in 20 years time no worries except you have to re learn everything from scratch again like what do you people not get about this.

Or fuck I don't know maybe you could step the fuck up and do something about it the nazis never went around saying they were Satanists they said you know we are spiritual and then they shut the fuck up about it to all the normies but they rallied the people to their cause with all the spiritual symbols of satan and the gods all over them they just didn't say nothing about them because they weren't morons about the way they operated it took the whole world to take down the Nazis and even then if they weren't so nice when dealing with their opponents they would have won.

We are the 4th empire the last one to rise so let's get up there and make it happen you are descended from the most powerful beings in this galaxy all alien races who have space technology unless they are retarded like the lizards know better to not fuck with the Orion empire our gods fuck shit up they have obliterated countless idiot alien empires who have tried to fuck with them before Baal especially is literally like one of the most feared beings in exisitence because he is literally death incarnated some of you are related to this guy and your seriously going to sit there on your computer and cry about your situation bitch please grow the fuck up make like your ancestors and steam roll these rats.

They are weak now and in case you hadn't noticed everyone hates them they hate their ideologies they hate the way they have been treated but they don't want to go back to the bigotry of right wing capitalism they don't want to go towards leftist shit hole commie garbage we are the only ones that know about the other way the 3rd option the best option some people get close to it with these "freedom" party's and populist style governments but not quite we can show the way in all fields of work we can show the way.
nebu said:

becoming rich through some sector and expanding over time being an SS, is it activism and resistance?

i remember the 10 year plan letter about occupying worldly power

It's a start
Strengthen our sense of community so that we are able to apply societal change more efficiently. Helping each other out, discriminating heavily against enemies and collaborators. All this sounds only logical, right? But how do we recognize a fellow SS? Can an opened third eye be the ultimate method of evaluating a client, coworker, employer, employee...? Obviously we're not all going to get matching tattoos or anything physical. An energy signature can't be faked as easily as other characteristics. Any thoughts on this?
We satanists being the people of higher spirituality compared to the average thus closer to the Gods we should follow our will and goals. Doesnt matter what it is. Our will and sentiment are of greater purpose. Which doesnt mean that the expression of them is infalible and perfect due to our limited awareness. We can make mistakes. The more we advance the greater the range and deepness of expression.

I myself was very disobedient to my own will. I believed to be doing the right thing somehow. Now I feel ashamed for not living my dreams when I could because it was the expression of the Gods through me at my level and awareness. How could I say no to them when they were clear through my heart? I am and was free to say. I faced the wall as I had to. Anything it takes for evolution.
Thank you very lots,that you have clarified psychology.

Personally, I was also somewhat disgusted by the jEwIsH affiliation[origin](source) of psychology.

Btw,although psychology is a powerful weapon that can be used to control others,or at least influence others.Which is why also psychology is such a favourite of the jews.So it's good to be aware,so that they cannot use it against us!
Too many people use the Jews as excuses to not do anything. Crying about the Jews being a problem is absolutely baffling to me.

If there is an obstacle in your way, why would you complain? Thank Satan you were given a chance to prove your strength, and delight in destroying the enemy in your path.

Do not forget that we are the strong. This path we take is for the strong, not for people who will sit and cry about the big strong Jews who have ruined their lives.

You contribute nothing by sitting home and analysing every single tiny step the jews have taken to advance their plans. Go out into the world, and disrupt them. Do rtrs and advance, yes, but don't forget about the physical aspect of things.

Discipline yourself by training your body. Make money, build connections, plan for the future and don't just turn your other cheek. Read books and become knowledgeable. Yes, they might be corrupted with enemy filth. Are you an idiot? Use your judgement and discernment to find the truth hidden within the lies. Truth leaves clues wherever it goes. You can learn even from corrupted knowledge.

Too many people take a lacklustre approach to their lives, myself included. It is important to prune ourselves and reflect daily, so that we cut down what impedes us and go forward as stronger and smarter individuals.

Nothing is given to you. If you want something, take it with your own strength. We do not believe in the dirty Nazarene to come and save us, and we do not need him. This is our own responsibility.

Do not disappoint yourselves. Do not disappoint those who came before. And above all do not disappoint the gods.
So true. I tried to talk about a similar idea once before if I recall, about how we need to put ourselves first in society. A Spiritual Satanist in a position of influence, no matter how big or small, is always a gain for our side. This is the attitude we need to adopt. Victory isn't just handed to the righteous; we need to grasp it ourselves. The reins of power are neutral, and anyone can wield them if they are allowed to. That is why we are in this mess, as you said, because jews were allowed to seize the reins of power. Because people moved over for them.

The jews did the work of building themselves up while whispering in the ears of Gentiles to stay down and not do anything, to "think not of the 'morrow" and live as cattle for the fleeting "today" while surrendering everything. What good is it to sit on a pile of gold if you just watch in a catatonic state as looters come in and out of your dwelling to carry off your gold elsewhere? And they just keep coming back to take more and more while you do nothing to stop them? Then they use that gold against you, and you still do nothing. Start taking it back.

We must be proactive in securing our existence. It's our world, our life, and our future, and we need to fight for it or lose it.
Please please I beg you to those who haven’t awoken! LISTEN to hp hoodedcobra! READ what joy of Satan has to say! It’s the truth. The gods are REAL! I’ve experienced certain things, I’ve become more adept in learning how to think properly, becoming more free and wise. You can see the brainwashing for what it is!

I’m becoming more liberated as time goes. It takes patience but you do get supernatural experiences to.

Perform the dedication ritual.. i implore you!

For me it’s been an intense ride, but I have learned dearly to trust myself.. in knowing what the Jews are really all about..
nebu said:

becoming rich through some sector and expanding over time being an SS, is it activism and resistance?

i remember the 10 year plan letter about occupying worldly power

This is essentially working to balance out the power structure as our people need to be wealthy and in positions of power.

This is so we can oppose and stand against the jew and cast them out gradually.

As they fall spiritually and their power diminishes in the physical sectors they occupy, we must rise and take their place.
HP I personally dont like to talk to people that are not Satanists (not because I dont like them) because then I will have to pretend to be someone Im not.I will have to lie about everything because the truth is that if someone is really a Satanist,the way we see anything in this world is really different than other people.They are really close minded and judgmental.Also I hate lying so it sometimes feels really bad to lie.
I know that there's a lot of people out there! The don't seem to understand who their enemy is! Who don't even understand who their enemy is! Being taught and trained to feel sorry for the jews! And to feel sorry for jebus! Because it was programmed through the government! To get people to fall into that trap! So that the enemy could have full control of you! That is the enemies way of getting you to feel guilty for yourself! And get you to buy into your death! Giving up your money and your belongings to some Make-Believe god! And expecting you to bow to your enemy! Getting you to surrender when you don't have anything of your own to consider! People don't realize the Trap that they had fallen into throughout the centuries! After losing family members and having families shredded apart because of the enemy! Bringing forth war and all different kinds of problems throughout the centuries! If it isn't one problem it's always another! And the Christians and the Jews are always behind it! And yet people are dumb enough to fall to their knees and accept them! In spite of all the crap they have been through! And yet you couldn't do or say anything! You couldn't say a word to them without getting killed! And you couldn't speak your mind back in the days! You would end up executed tortured and beaten to death! Just to accept the royal family of europe? Or to accept the Catholic church! Or the Bible or the fact that were some kind of an animal! And the fact that people really couldn't do or say anything to protect their homes and their family against the enemy! The where in the tear and the destruction throughout Europe! As people were dragged out of their homes and put to death! And how people were led to believe that people were going to be saved! Forcing people to believe in some Bible or in some make believe God if they don't pay into their teachings and accept! That it was supposed to be a form of punishment upon us! Just because we practice witchcraft! Or because of who and what we are! Gentile people! And that the gentile people were always sought out and falsely accused of all kinds of things! With the Jews have done and has gotten away with it throughout the centuries and would turn around and use us gentile people! For their blame! So a lot of us would end up dragged out of our own home accused of killing people when we didn't even do anything wrong! The Catholic church was also responsible for killing a lot of people throughout the centuries and they have done some heinous crimes of hatred! And nasty acts of torture and torment on innocent children women! Or just anybody who was accused of doing something! Accusing people of being a witch and practicing witchcraft! Just because somebody had a nicer vegetable garden or because somebody had a cat on their property! Or whatever excuse! How is it that anybody would feel sorry for the Jews!? And how was it that anybody would feel sorry for some Jebo-Jew? Especially! What they have done all throughout europe! Taking over jobs and businesses! Torturing and abusing and destroying innocent children and families! Tearing families apart! And trying to get into your head that you're a bad person and that you should be punished and that you should be ashamed of yourself! When they are the ones that are the evil! The Jewish people put that image out there! Like they are somebody special and want people to look at them like they're a special people! And they prance around like there's some gift of the world! Getting you to fucking feel sorry for them! Because people were so dumb and blind that they couldn't help it! Stupid programs throwing out there by the government and throughout the United States to get people to feel sorry! Will sorry for what! It is nothing more than a fucking guilt trip that has been enforced on a lot of people throughout the centuries! Just to get people to read the Bible and go to church! To have a lifetime of fucking problems hating yourself! And being taught to hate yourself! And live a life of punishment and cruelty! Just because a human being is a human being! And people of God to realize the Jews are the ones that are the enemy! They hate the human race! And they have no consideration for women and children! Creating religion and religious programs that are controlled! Were people live by a certain amount of rules! Given very limited access to their higher intelligence! Telling people how to live and give in certain rules to live by! If not give them a guilt trip! Just because somebody shows an interest in intelligence! Or just because somebody is interested in being different! They always go after! The person who is different who stands out! Just because you happened to know something! And it doesn't matter how old you are as a child! And how other people in the neighborhood would complain about your child just because he or she shows an interest in magic or has an interest in spirituality? And whether you're a woman or not just because you're beautiful and because you're smart! That you were taught to hate yourself and be discriminated! Worst of all being ashamed of yourself because you're a female! And a lot of women throughout the United states! Also had to endure a lot of that pain not being able to express themselves and be happy for who and what they are laugh out loud without being put to shame and embarrassed! Little girls would not even allowed to learn or have an education of any kind! On top of that girls and boys being segregated just to go to school and get an education throughout Europe for many years! Because the school system and the government being under control by the Catholic church! And the United States being controlled by the judicial Christian rules! And that the schools were programmed with Christian rule for children to be taught and trained differently! Boys were getting more of an education and was getting more out of the schooling system literally being taught and trained about money business and finance! Were girls were taught to be prim and proper and how to behave themselves and prepare for marriage and all of that nonsense! And not to mention the fact dressing in uniform! That was fitting for the school rules and treating people like animals! And if it isn't bad enough parents were rough and abusive and violent with their own children and treated them like absolute shit! Just because I thought it was proper and fitting as a christian! Being taught and trained that children are bad! That children were severely punished for whatever reason! Just because of the church or somebody in the neighborhood bitching and gossiping! Always looking to blame it on somebody's child! And when children got punished they've got beaten bad! And the Christian family the Christian parents made sure of it! So that these children grew up living a rough miserable life! And hating and resenting their parents as they get older more and more! And raising their own children as well to be in the same misery! So it was generation after generation of misery! And torture and abuse! And you wonder why? This world is so full of fucking pedophiles and sex offenders! Children who have been brought up angry and Confused towards their own family! But when it comes down to these churches and these religions? You can't say shit! Without getting punished and how people would go out and express their anger and their weird ways instead of going into get help! And people can talk all the crap they want about their problems! Trying to figure out where they come from when they know very well that they were abused and they can talk a lot about their families! But when it comes down to a lot of these churches? Instead of speaking up and telling it like it is! Like a lot of people are nowadays? You couldn't get away with it back in the days! Even if a lot of the problems did come from the Catholic church or some church in your neighborhood! Expecting you to have a guilt trip all the time! And growing up with that guilt trip! And expecting people to be in that same Vortex of darkness and misery! Keeping people in the darkness and keeping people in the shadow! Feeling miserable just because they're interested in something such as reading and going to school and getting a higher education! That it was taught and told throughout the years and throughout the centuries that children were not allowed to be heard that they were only meant to be seen! And that women were only allowed a certain amount of Education in schools when girls were allowed to go to school and people were not allowed to speak up about their churches because it was considered treason! And anybody who had a different opinion on things questioned authority? Was considered a heretic! And they end up dead just because you believe in something and because you see things differently! You were told by people in your family that you had problems! Or that you were retarded? Or that you had autism or something like that! Just to get you to walk away from whatever it is that you're interested in? Or just because you happen to like a certain type of music because it makes you feel good! Anything that has to do with freeing the mind! And freeing the spirit! Was considered bad! So a lot of people really couldn't enjoy anything much? Other than to sit and complete utter darkness and guilt! And think of all the things that they had been through? And having to deal with unusual punishment and cruelty! To even show an interest in talents dancing and music etc etc it was controversial especially if it was a girl who wanted to play something like the piano or get up and sing! That it was hard for a lot of these Christian families to accept their children as it is let alone accepting the fact that they're smart and that they have an interest in learning things talents and abilities! People gossiping around the neighborhood thinking that so-and-so's daughter is possessed with the devil? When there was nothing wrong with her! Anybody that had any kind of a talent was considered a heretic or a threat! Even when it come to the school programs that there was a certain amount of time to be in a music class! And there was only certain things that were taught in schools! When it comes to talents and music and such kids were usually taught things like that at home by their parents if they had that kind of a family! And I know that a lot of families were always question? Because of the way they look at things and how they live! And how a lot of these families were discriminated because they had an open mind and because they would dare question authority! Teaching their children to be the same and teaching their children to be strong! And independent and self-reliant! That if there were any girls or young children that were brought up that way! Other people in the neighborhood were taught to shun them and have nothing to do with them! And they had struggles all through school because of the way people have treated them! And if any of these kids got by a successfully growing up learning things and picking up on things and forging ahead! People were aware of it and would figure out a way to get in the way of this person's interest and goals by giving them some kind of a guilt trip just because they're smart! People Like Us for always targeted! Because of who and what we are and what we believe in! Religion is an enemy and religion itself is always been an enemy! I always looked at the Jewish people like they were filthy dirty! They have an odor to them! Evil does have an odor! And I also noticed this with some christians! They do have a stink to them! And they have a very distinctive odor to them! Jewish people have an extreme odor to them! With the things that they do and what they practice! It makes sense! You can't even have a conversation with any of these people you can't even express your opinion! Without being judged or put to shame or put down! Because they want you to think that you're stupid and that you were down here to be a slave no more no less and that us human beings us gentle people have a life or to be happy! That they expect us to bow down to them like a little puppy dog at the end of their leash and bow to them and serve them and give them what they want when it's not even necessary! You can't have a conversation with these evil people! The enemy wants to keep us captive and keep us miserable! All because they're jealous of who and what we are! And yeah they want us to look up on them like there's something special! Calling themselves that shows in people and the fact that they get away with such heinous acts of crime! I've also tried to explain this to my mom and other members in my family! Who are still very confused about Adolf hitler! And his Nazis thinking that he's an evil person! When he is not an evil person at all! She's also confused about some family names? Going clear back! She thinks that she should respect the Jews and be a Jew lover! Then I try to explain to her about the difference between the jews! And the nazis! Trying to get her to notice the difference! Who killed off half of her family on her side! And she wears up and down to this very day! And swears by it that it was Hitler and her nazis! And she has this hatred towards the germans! For absolutely no reason! Being brought up and taught and trained by Hollywood and the influence of churches and religion! She will soon realize that it was the jews! That killed her family the guys that served in the military! The Jews not only killed off a lot of innocent gentile people throughout the centuries laugh out loud and they would even turn on their own families and kill them as well! There is a lot of people out there who are confused! And don't even know who their enemy is! And with the enemy has been famous for throughout the centuries! People still need to take a good look at the world! And do some good hard reading and studying on here! And wake the fucking hell up! Find out the truth! Do some genealogy research! And have respect for your own flesh and blood!? And learn to know the truth and find out who your enemy is! Take a good look at this world! And see what the enemy has done! Before anybody has a belly ache! We've got a lot of people out there that are very wishy-washy! And apparently we have a few people on here in this group that are wishy-washy as well? Who don't even know the difference between who their enemy is? This so-called good guy bad guy thing? People need to know the difference! The Jews and the Christians are not good people! And yet they put that message out there there they're a good people that they will serve and help you with this and that! No! Laugh out loud you're the one that fucking serves and gives up your clothes and your fucking money and everything that is precious and valuable! And you're the one that ends up being taken advantage of! While they take everything and anything from you! For their own benefit just to have control of you! Until you wake up and realize what is going on and take justice! For what you feel is right for you sticking up for yourself and what you own and what belongs to you! That you are not property and you're not a slave! And even if you do get a ripple of angry Christians after you or a bunch of angry enemies after you! Is best that you learn to stick up for yourself and learn the truth! And know the difference!? Between who's good and who's bad? You've got to realize that you're not the bad guy! But they like to think that you are? So that they can have full sole custody of you! And how full ownership of you and your soul and your mind! Keeping you in the dark keeping you from knowing the truth and what is really going on they will lie to you and convince you that they're a good people when they're obviously not! Christians and Jews are nothing but a bunch of fucking parasites! The way they think the way they live! The way they treat their neighbors around them judging one another and stirring hatred all over the place and getting gossip and talk going on in town! And everywhere they go no matter where people move no matter where people live! Christians are always the ones that start the shit in each and every neighborhood! Just to put people to shame and to keep people scared bringing forth guilt trip and shame! And always looking to plan out at somebody? Cherry-picking people in a neighborhood or a city or a town somewhere looking for someone to blame? It's usually a woman or a child! Or a young man who is successfully doing well in the business world! Whatever it is? Whoever it is? Christians and Jews are always looking for trouble and they're always the ones that start the trouble! They're never happy and they're never satisfied about anybody! They're always jealous throwing out negative energy in anybody they want to just because they can just to build up themselves or fill in some void? Or to build up their empire letting the world know that they are here! And that they can't do anything about it? When there is many things that you can do about it! People can always turn off the TV and walk away! People have their choices? They don't have to sit and listen to the Christian bullshit on tv! And the people should have the sensitive to wake up and realize? That that crap is nothing but brainwashing and poison! And the people should know the difference between hogwash and what makes sense and what is real question mark and what isn't! The Christians are not good people! They've always been the negative and they were always bad people! Anybody who would go out there and kill off children and wipe out families! Is obviously something evil and a fucking plague! The Jews of the nothing but a fucking plague and pichlins from the very beginning! And they still are and they always will be! And it is their job to teach people and to wake people up! And to know the difference! That's why it's important to study and read! And that's why it's important to meditate! If you can't find the truth written in a book somewhere? Then that is you're cute? To sit down and meditate and find out the truth for yourself! If you're willing to give yourself the time to! And open up to Satan and his gods and demons! If you're willing to be teachable and know the difference? And if you're dedicated and serious! And if you want to take this program seriously! Pull your head out of your ass! And take the time to read the content! And read as much of it as you can! And as many times as you want to! And educate yourself! And know the difference! Between people who are enemy and those that are truthful and honest. And to recognize the enemy! And their works! The enemy will lie to you and try to convince you that he or she is a good person and take advantage of you! Still people look up on the Christians and the Jews as some kind of a friend when they're not! It is no wonder the people live throughout the years and throughout the centuries and sheer misery a lot of families out there dying of all different kinds of diseases! Because they've been taught and trained to feel miserable discriminating their own family and their own flesh and blood! Taking it out on their ancestors and those before them! With cursing and prayer! Turning against their own they not only turn their back on Father satan! Their own god! They also turned their own back on their own families and their own blood and their own ancestors as well! Which explains why a lot of Christian families are not healthy people! Mentally physically spiritually emotionally and sexually being taught and trained to like it and to deprive themselves hating everything about themselves because of some Jew fucking lying to them and bullshiting with you! Teaching you to be this way and that way when it's not even necessary! Jews fucking hate the human race! They hate everything and anything that is natural and everything and anything that is beautiful and pure! Because the Jews are nothing but a bunch of empty Souls they don't even have a soul! They are empty people! They are nothing but aliens! The way they live and the way they choose to live! It sounds like somebody needs to sit down and read the talmud! And then sit down and read the Al jjewia and educate yourself on Real education about the enemy!! And find out something about yourself as well?
I apologize for being CRAZY! This morning... But WHEN I SEE a post like this!!...
It brings out the inner BEAST in me. And my PTSD fears up. I HATE JEWS!!!
And ignorance. WTAF... and WHY would ANYBODY? Just stop waking up...?

That is NOT COOL!!!! AND DO WE NOT HAVE OUR CHOIC3S @NYMORE....!!!??? BECAUSE WE DO!!! Especially on here!. And to
CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS ON HERR... WHO DON'T APPROVED OR APPRECIATE ANYTHING WE TEACH OR LEAR ON HERE... YOU ARE MORE!!! THAN WELCOME TO LEAVE. I DON'T LIKE HIPPOCRITS ....!!!! AND BIG BABIES!!!! Who let the enemy control them. And run like a pussy...!!! From word of TRUTH AND ENLIGHTENMENT!!!... you only have one life to live and you value it!?....G9 HOME!!! OR GROW THE FUCK UP...!? 😬🤐🫡
Dragonheart666 said:
colossal wall of text

Paragraphs are your friend.

As for the topic, this has been my main answer to all those who want to run innawoods or countryside.

Dont get me wrong, I have nothing against countryside living if that is what you would find fulfilling, in that case go for it, by all means.

But it should not be seen as a response to jewish control. We need to stop running away from the problems.
Message received. Thanks HP, my goal is to eventually get in with with the CPA or the APA.
Larissa666 said:

But it should not be seen as a response to jewish control. We need to stop running away from the problems.

The only inexcusable thing is to do nothing. One must do SOMETHING.

"Run away to the countryside goy, this will save you from the AI apocalypse they are trying to bring on us and from spy drones that will move faster than 500 miles per minute. Let them steal your civilization as you produce it, it will all go well.

You'll survive in the hut or something and then the Golden Age will arrive out of nowhere, and you will suddenly find yourself in Ancient Babylon again because you sat in the middle of nowhere and just did nothing but wait it out or something.

Seriously, I have nothing against people who want this type of life, I love it on a functional level, big respect for those who live it.

But they too must do their own part, in country or in city. Nobody keeps you from being "away" and present in the struggle in the same time.

Much of this talk is to merely justify their exit from anything that has to do with any responsibility of anything civilized or any social problems that have to do with our species.
People are afraid of a kosher mark on food? It most likely means the food is cleaner and safer to eat because they are very happy to poison us but less likely to poison themselves.

The McDonald's cheeseburger with meat made from ritually murdered children and roadkill is not called kosher. But the basic food with 5 real ingredients is called kosher. What does that say?
This is absolutely important.

I strongly feel the great Guidance of Gods into my sphere. Basically I asked Father Satan many years ago to guide me to my chosen profession that will make me happy and in the same time will serve him and his agenda. And gradually I was led to the dream. And now I feel that Gods help and guide me in this dream so that it was not unattainable for me. And I strongly feel their will behind all my endeavors - everything strangely fall into place where it seemed impossible all decades before, coincidences, etc.

Some people are cut for specific sphere. Psychology is great Ancient Science that existed long before jews raised their ugly heads and will exist after their total annihilation. Remember their kingdom (as well as their life) is only a season. They will pass, and great science they pollute now, will stay forever. Our goal is eternity, not a season. Just trust in Gods and ask for their guidance to the dream. Imagine how Tesla is now giving himself with great happiness and altruism to his purpose in the better worlds he is in.

My sphere is also shock full of kikes, and on my request and magical working Gods successfully trod the way for me in this sphere without kikes as leaders and personal instructors, and literally cleansed them off of my way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:

But it should not be seen as a response to jewish control. We need to stop running away from the problems.

The only inexcusable thing is to do nothing. One must do SOMETHING.

"Run away to the countryside goy, this will save you from the AI apocalypse they are trying to bring on us and from spy drones that will move faster than 500 miles per minute. Let them steal your civilization as you produce it, it will all go well.

You'll survive in the hut or something and then the Golden Age will arrive out of nowhere, and you will suddenly find yourself in Ancient Babylon again because you sat in the middle of nowhere and just did nothing but wait it out or something.

Seriously, I have nothing against people who want this type of life, I love it on a functional level, big respect for those who live it.

But they too must do their own part, in country or in city. Nobody keeps you from being "away" and present in the struggle in the same time.

Much of this talk is to merely justify their exit from anything that has to do with any responsibility of anything civilized or any social problems that have to do with our species.

We villagers have our specific responsibilities as well. A whole new topic needs to be written for the subtly balanced relationship we should be maintaining with city folks.

Never felt like running away, more like returning to where I need to be in order to have more power and be in a better position to fight.

People that live outside urban areas are in a particularly disadvantaged position because of how things are set up. Our duty as providers of some products and services has been neglected and everything related to the countryside is depreciated to further mankind's downfall.

Well I won't take it. No matter where I'm at I have vowed to woop their reptard asses back to oblivion.

Proud to be what I am and with time as we grow together in strength and numbers and support each other, we can finally restore our world, elevate civilization to new heights and concentrate on building not just fighting and rebuilding.

Sterilize reality from enemy filth concepts that have no place here on this world which belongs to Satan so in turn is ours to manage as we see fit
Once you are spiritually mature and not a baby anymore you can deal with any adversary, there are no limits.
Instead of whining about the jews all the time, try to be better and have better positions in life/society.
Fortunately, life and the universe doesn't revolve only around a virus aka reptilian fart.
Our focus is/should be much much greater than dealing with a reptilian fart virus that hides behind something all the time.
Once you look them in the eye as a Spiritual Satanist, mature spiritual person, you know and you just go on..
There is levels to everything.
I agree and this is a necessary lesson. It is necessary for all of us to go in, and all-in, and not be scared. We have the Gods on our side, what is there to be fearful of, what is it there to stand as an obstacle in this?
Sociology, A cousin of psychology, is also infiltrated by jews past and present, but that doesn't mean they were the geniuses that originally thought of studying human social behaviour and how society, culture, and institutions influence it.

Actually, sociology can help give a Satanic mind context as to why the andrapoda behave the way they do, and how to best approach the masses with the intent of bettering their lives and guide them towards a higher level of consciousness, dealing with the root of the issues.

Alternatively, in the wrong hands (jews), the opposite can be done. Jews enjoy having humans behaving like predictable animals, and by having infiltrated, and therefore controlling, several societal institutions, they can easily manipulate the masses, almost as if to their amusement.

To give examples of what I mean (for the few that don't already know), think social media like TikTok, which is tailored towards further degrading our civilizations by promoting some of the vilest brain poison as viral content to stupefy the masses further. Now think of our education system, and how it is currently brainwashing our youth into embracing jewish filth as progressive and enlightened thinking.

The above two examples are only surface level, as there are many more ways that humanity is being manipulated towards the benefit of the jew.

In my case, studying the masses has further opened my eyes to the sad reality that, yes, most of humanity lives in an animal-like state; predictable, and therefore, easily manipulated. It's really no wonder why the jews flock to this profession.

More of us should reclaim professions like these to steer them towards humanity's best interests, while cleansing them of the jewish filth that has corrupted them.
Freud was a member of the first b’nai b’rith lodge, his work is based on Jewish Kabbalah and plagiarism/corruption from Nietzsche. It’s useful if you want learn about the enemy, just be careful not to fall for Jewish teachings as it’s corrupted from Greek/Egyptian Kabbalah.
I realized this giving up mentality in other areas made after the same pattern. I realize they're wrong.
Facing situations is the just thing to do even if they're smeared in filthy influences and that's not where our Souls should be functioning. Especially because that's where not our Souls should.
I have decided one thing in the end, due to my age and that I never managed to find my professional vocation and neither am I going to do things like start a family, just get a part time job that will give me enough money to support myself and cover my needs and dedicate the rest of my time to work for the gods and my advancement.
Wotanwarrior said:
I have decided one thing in the end, due to my age and that I never managed to find my professional vocation and neither am I going to do things like start a family, just get a part time job that will give me enough money to support myself and cover my needs and dedicate the rest of my time to work for the gods and my advancement.
And that sounds like a good plan to me.
Great. During the covid scam, I researched the Public Health Director for this county. they had a website where you could send a message and attachment. I had not encountered JOS at that point but was well aware of the jew problem. Turns out the Public heath Director was a jew and a daughter of a holocaust survivor., so I suspect she may have had a subconscious or conscious agenda to eliminate the goyim. She was shipped in from the east coast to take her position here. So I would regularly send massages to her through the website exposing the covid lies etc. On the last message I got a little closer to home with an implication that I knew she was jewish and her action towards the goyim. An unrelated maybe Interesting thing is that the website for vaccines in this county has vanished. She was a child nurse and was probably responsible for injecting countless kids with the toxic vax. So in one of my many hours of deliberation and thought. I came up with a carefully thought out letter to send these people. that uses psychology...... Assumption of letter is its from another jew sending out a dire warning ..... :)

"We Have been Outed
Put your affairs in order
Pack up and be with your family
the pogrom has begun."

It could have some kind of symbol or mark on it as well.
the letter is a thought about some other things that can be done on the here and now physical level. See how many leave town shaking in their boots.

Banish them. http://www.valueproducersalliance.com/images/Screenshot43.gif
Wotanwarrior said:
I have decided one thing in the end, due to my age and that I never managed to find my professional vocation and neither am I going to do things like start a family, just get a part time job that will give me enough money to support myself and cover my needs and dedicate the rest of my time to work for the gods and my advancement.

Everyone must measure where they are at this point in time, so one plan for one is not the aim of another. Yet in all situations, one must always focus to have an output for the Gods and out collective endeavour here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
What do we do about professions that have been infested with enemy teachings?

I am pursuing a Bachelors in Psychology, and much of the teachings are about well known Jews like Sigmund Freud. Is an education like this, followed by a specialization, worth it?

I feel as if I was lead by the Gods to this is all, I'd like your reassurance my choice was sound.

I will teach everyone how to truly deal with the Jews in your life and not in some imaginary fairytale where you are a pure butterfly and jews are the boogie man. Jews are humanlike shit conspirator and somehow smart things [because they study in general and others don't] with an agenda and they aren't nothing more from anyone else.

Not only this, but they are infiltrators inside what is right, noble, true, and has always existed, which is our societies and civilizations. Nobody invited them, they infiltrated.

This mentality of giving up is prevalent in many people in life because of Christian programming and inner problems, which they later make up theories about why they should do that giving up in life. Christianity manufactures droves of people like this, who simply give up everything, and in. Europeans are giving up their Nations to invaders, and others are now even here trying to make these theories which are NOT A PART OF SPIRITUAL SATANIST AND THEY NEVER WILL BE.

Cursed are those of our folk who abandon the physical and spiritual goalposts of power that we are meant to have to support our own people, the Gentiles, in their existence.

Blessed are those of our folk who go after the physical and spiritual goalposts of power that we are meant to have to support our own people, the Gentiles, in their existence.

Yes, and don't listen to people who disregard the messages in Spiritual Satanism and are making up a false case on themselves to justify the need to be losers who always try to make up a different case in regards about why you shouldn't do anything in your life, because some jew somewhere existed.

Certain people are still programmed with Christianity inherently. In their mind, they believe they are "pure" if they do not "engage" in society or anything, because now a new boogie man like the devil exists, which is "jews", who must be avoided at all costs instead of being actually faced as a reality and then dealing with this reality.

Meanwhile, that allows the enemy to have a free reign all the same in society all the same. Spiritual Satanism wants to actually create people that will deal with this, not people that will cry about this.

Of people that cry, Christians cry for generations about the "evil jews" and how evil they were. They believed in a Rabbinical Jew and they cried about jews. What was the result? Nothing really, it only got worse.

Therefore, the jews have a free reign over society because these people don't want to do anything. This is the same method jews did by saying that borrowing money on interest was "of the devil" and therefore, stupid Christians eventually gave this power to the jews, calling it "usury", and the jews became so powerful from this and other practices that they took them over.

Many of the mistakes underlying this behaviour are actually present in the same way to every person that has been born today, because the enemy has the brainwashing facility of both religion and philosophy going, and I am here like Morpheus to wake you up from this right now and forever.

That's antithetical to the values of Spiritual Satanism. It was borne out of feelings of denial, or the need to deny life as "corrupt" which is not a part of Spiritual Satanism at all.

Long ago, the conversation on if people should buy certain things because they have the "Kosher" symbol on them, or what one should do, because this is "jewish", was done. Some people literally said misguided things which are born out of irrationality, such as "if it is of the jews then we aren't getting it".

Chances are high now that water companies might be headed by jews. What are you going to do, not drink water? Does not drinking water do anything besides kill you, furthering the already done mistake of jews owning the literal water companies in your Nation and succeeding? Will this cup of water that you don't drink "prove yourself" to Satan, or actually taking back segments of whatever you can?

First of all, one must consider if they can get something that is not of the enemy. If you can, then you should get it. If not, then you should get it from them if it's essential for existence.

And yes, you should drink the fucking water. You will not prove yourself as easily as this to the Gods by pretending to be a useless "purist" that only furthers our destruction by literally promoting the nonsense of giving up on everything. There are things that have to be done.

Further, these things belong to society, and not to the jews, who put themselves on top of these and try to force.

While I understand why some people might not want to get all into this, everyone must choose the extent. This is like fools like the Christians who literally spew out the nonsense that "Meditation is of the devil" and others who also whine the Jews do "Kabbalah", which is essentially a stolen teaching from the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Babylonians.

Then they say since it's all spirituality, that all spirituality is evil.

No, it is not. If one is here, you understand that. Therefore, you must also understand how other things they have stolen, are not bad. They were always here.

Don't be dumb. Be an SS who is smart.

It's unavoidable to exist in one's own society without facing, encountering and having to deal with Jews in whatever form nowadays. This in the first case has arose as a problem because certain Gentiles decided to not do much and not occupy these seats that now jews occupy, a success the jews had due to Christianity, laziness and carelessness.

The thinking of a Spiritual Satanist should be all in reverse: If the jews are everywhere, then we must get everywhere ourselves. I don't care if they are employed in a shop or if they are considered "heads of psychology".

These are rightful positions that exist for people who made these things and jews had no idea WTF these things even were until they came to Europe, or Ancient Greece, and the smart people there taught them the basics, and now they parade around as the leaders of these sectors while the goy sits on the corner and complains that "you are taught about jews" in your curriculum because simply they are in control now.

To that I have to say wow, what suffering? Who cares? Do what you have to do and then go forward in trying to change the sector. Even denying the theories of the jews in a sector without saying too much, will eventually minimize their power.

The very word "Psychology" is Ancient Greek. Who cares about Sigmud Fraud and his company? Time for Spiritual Satanists to get in there, too.

Therefore, general quitter based conversations, I will not tolerate to hear this nonsense one more time.

In fact, exactly because jews occupy all these seats, Spiritual Satanists must be insistent on advancing their life and existence to stop this situation or mitigate it, or to simply take something out of the enemy. People deserve existence and whatever this entails in their own land, and the jews are just sitting there placed falsely.

Lastly, I have to tell everyone, as I have been in the scientific field, that many of the things "professed" by jews, are actually stolen from people before of them or Ancients, and many of the theories that they later corrupted, have substantial basis in reality. Many are also there to be re-checked, and the jews won't do that rechecking.

This situation won't stop until all of this is taken out. Also, there are endless Gentiles and the striking majority of Gentiles who do the actual work in there.

Therefore, people need to actually start entering with the highest integrity in mind, and putting the Truth first, in order to make this happen, and then to act. This practice by itself will invalidate the existence of the jews, which was based on lies and deception.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Just because the Jews are in the music industry shouldn't stop one pursuing their musical career dreams. Just because they own hollywood doesn't stop a person on our path from being a great actor or movie producer.

The Crypto industry, the commodity industry, technology industry...... Let's all take back our great civilization each according to their gifts and power.
Just because Jews are in something doesn't mean the thing is Bad.
A fantastic topic, I think I needed to read this. I have certainly been a bit depressed lately about how many jews are out there and they are truly fucking everywhere. But we cannot give up hope simply for this fact, through the Gods truly anything is possible and able to be overcome. I hope I can advance my career, maybe one day invest and start my own business, and do good, create jobs for society without the terror of the evil fucking jew.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This mentality of giving up is prevalent in many people in life because of Christian programming and inner problems, which they later make up theories about why they should do that giving up in life. Christianity manufactures droves of people like this, who simply give up everything, and in. Europeans are giving up their Nations to invaders, and others are now even here trying to make these theories which are NOT A PART OF SPIRITUAL SATANIST AND THEY NEVER WILL BE.

Cursed are those of our folk who abandon the physical and spiritual goalposts of power that we are meant to have to support our own people, the Gentiles, in their existence.

Blessed are those of our folk who go after the physical and spiritual goalposts of power that we are meant to have to support our own people, the Gentiles, in their existence.


Certain people are still programmed with Christianity inherently. In their mind, they believe they are "pure" if they do not "engage" in society or anything, because now a new boogie man like the devil exists, which is "jews", who must be avoided at all costs instead of being actually faced as a reality and then dealing with this reality.

Man, I quit med school because of the Jewry and corruption. I feel like an idiot now. I should have stayed. :(
Missrainbow1 said:
HP I personally dont like to talk to people that are not Satanists (not because I dont like them) because then I will have to pretend to be someone Im not.I will have to lie about everything because the truth is that if someone is really a Satanist,the way we see anything in this world is really different than other people.They are really close minded and judgmental.Also I hate lying so it sometimes feels really bad to lie.

This is one of my most annoying issues right now. I hate feeling the need to lie. I hate being asked to lie by people who lie without issue. I hate being asked to lie to survive or get money or just be left the fuck alone. It's aggravating
SleepingWolf said:
Missrainbow1 said:
HP I personally dont like to talk to people that are not Satanists (not because I dont like them) because then I will have to pretend to be someone Im not.I will have to lie about everything because the truth is that if someone is really a Satanist,the way we see anything in this world is really different than other people.They are really close minded and judgmental.Also I hate lying so it sometimes feels really bad to lie.

This is one of my most annoying issues right now. I hate feeling the need to lie. I hate being asked to lie by people who lie without issue. I hate being asked to lie to survive or get money or just be left the fuck alone. It's aggravating
A society that is intolerant of differences deserves to be lied to)Dont worry
This is for our own protection)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
