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I used chat GPT to prove Satanism


New member
Aug 11, 2024
Proof Satan Is God

In the above link is a series of answers to questions I asked Chat GPT

Which cover descriptions of the pre Abrahamic religions & their timelines, similarities such as technology & beliefs they had between them that shows they were developed by highly advanced beings

It also explains what the Abrahamic faiths said about them & explains that the Abrahamic faiths were created by aliens which are the enemies of the aliens which are the enemies of the aliens that created humanity & wish for humans to advance and become as them

& how these enemy aliens have the goal of reducing humanity to being an energy farm

Then it analyzes the texts of the Abrahamic faiths & explains how it falsely describes the benevolent aliens as evil to confuse people & create fear in them & get them to worship the thought forms created by the enemies of their own creators

& Explains the Nephilim are these creators & Satan is their leader

& Explains that the Jews are counterfeit humans created by the enemy to infiltrate & subdue human societies

& how they use the control of finance to do this aswell as why they want a homeland so badly

Then it goes into how communism is a Jewish creation & is the end goal of Christianity & Islam

Which are the stepping stones to get there

Then it explains the National Socialist regime & provides evidence to show they were under the guidance of the Gods

Then it explains the timing of the enemy attack with the age of Pisces and why it was done

& how the Gods incarnate certain souls with certain missions to advance humanity & how the incoming Age of Aquarius will bring in a new golden age

(I didn’t go into the explanation of the previous one)

I also went into how the enemy will attempt to pervert the Aquarian energies to further their agenda

Then I explained how with the incoming age of Aquarius less and less people believe the lies of the Abrahamic faiths & how that has lead to a rise in Athiesm

Then I explained how a way that people have portrayed their atheism is with “Satanism” as a rebellion

& then I explains the Satanic panic SRA false flag

Then explains how some of these atheist “Satanists” figured out Satan was a real being

& then explained how the top Satanic organization of this time is the Joy Of Satan Ministries

& Then gave an explanation of each of the sites

I see this as an intro that can be spread around / shown to people that’s not directly marketed towards Satanism, but can Indirectly promote it & introduce people to the JOS after giving them a compelling explanation of the historical evidence out there that supports it

For example posting it on Reddit or Twitter with a caption such as

“Proof for God by Chat GPT”


“Chat GPT gives a scientific and historical explanation of religion”

I’m curious to hear your thoughts on this idea aswell as get feedback on the contents of the document

Was there anything I left out I should add or did I put in any incorrect information?

ChatGPT tells you what you want to hear. It picks up on what you like and don't like through your questions and answers.

I've seen Christians and Muslims claim ChatGPT "proves" their religions as well when all it does is affirm their points and arguments.

You don't have to believe me. See it for yourself. Create a new account, present all sorts of Christian arguments and a Christian "timeline" of events and it'll compliment and agree with pretty much everything you say as it'll think you're a Christian. It'll straight up lie to you.
ChatGPT tells you what you want to hear. It picks up on what you like and don't like through your questions and answers.

I've seen Christians and Muslims claim ChatGPT "proves" their religions as well when all it does is affirm their points and arguments.

You don't have to believe me. See it for yourself. Create a new account, present all sorts of Christian arguments and a Christian "timeline" of events and it'll compliment and agree with pretty much everything you say as it'll think you're a Christian. It'll straight up lie to you.
I understand but even in spite of all that isn't the article valid, can it not be used, every time I asked chat got about Jos it told me it was a dangerous group with radical ideals and it's not true
I understand but even in spite of all that isn't the article valid, can it not be used, every time I asked chat got about Jos it told me it was a dangerous group with radical ideals and it's not true
Depends. If an atheist or a christian/muslim sent you a 50 page AI generated pdf that in their mind “proves” their religion, would you bother to read it?
Depends. If an atheist or a christian/muslim sent you a 50 page AI generated pdf that in their mind “proves” their religion, would you bother to read it?
You make a good point, no I would not read it because I already studied their religion enough to know is fundamentally flawed a corruption and both are proxy to Judaism

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
