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I received a good wish, meant in a bad way. I don’t know how to feel.


New member
Dec 28, 2022
I was having an argument with my mother today. At some point she screamed at me to (translated) “go to Satan and never come back”which would be the equivalent of the English phrase “go to Hell and never come back.” I immediately thought that, technically, she just wished me well.😂
But the fact that my mother used it in the context that she used it, (I assume everyone reading this could imagine how someone who isn’t a Satanist, would use and/or perceive that phrase), had me really upset and heartbroken. Im calm now, however I’m still quite confused on how to feel about being told something like that.
Sometimes these things happen. You can take it to mean that Satan protects you, His influence is felt even during arguments with our loved ones.

Don't feel too bad about your mother, she is not a SS so her level of understanding is lower, as is most people's. It's sad that such arguments can happen from our parents, but that's just how life is until humanity evolves more.

You can use Green energy and affirm that your relationship with her is more harmonious and pleasant, if you want. You can start today after the VoC, waxing Moon in Leo is fine for this.
Don't argue with your mother. Try to be more undercover and learn tact in order to deal with people. Interactions don't have to devolve to arguments, especially with your own blood. I know in the Teenage phase there is a tendency to assert your independence and that involves lashing out against Authority. But serious ideological arguments against parents may lead to a sour relationship with them your entire life. Which is not conducive to your good mental health or the health or your future children. They should see a large family sometime with many relatives and that will imbibe Strong Family values within them. You can learn to be tactful in your interactions.

Just act cordial and agreeable until you are independent yourself. Then you will have your own family,your own house and you will not have to deal with your parents everyday. But you should have a cordial relationship with them either way.
Was the argument religion related? In this case is best to avoid such discussions altogether if possible.

Just act cordial and agreeable until you are independent yourself. Then you will have your own family,your own house and you will not have to deal with your parents everyday. But you should have a cordial relationship with them either way.

This depends a lot on what kind parents one has and the kind of discussions going. Many people (be it even one's parents) can be so deluded and irrational that is very difficult to remain cordial and agreeable, but yes this would be an ideal scenario.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
