Me? Well, I majored in psychology in university because I wanted to know how people worked. What makes everyone tick. But psychology didn't have the answers I was looking for. After becoming SS I ordered my natal chart reading by Hps Maxine and she wrote astrology would be a good career choice for me. So I said to myself "well she was dead accurate about everything else, I might as well try to learn this". After a month or so, everything started to click.
I didn't set out to make astrology a career, or side-career. People randomly started to email me asking me to do their charts, and as I was unemployed for a while with nothing better to do (this was 4-5 years ago) I was happy to oblige. And some people insisted on paying me. After a few years of this I decided to make an official website and see what happens. I am currently up to my eyeballs in orders with no time for anything else. Not that I'm complaining, it would be perfect if someone at my day job didn't quit leaving me with extra hours to cover even though I'm only supposed to be part-time there as I am also leaving due to moving away.
I love astrology <3
[email protected], <enki66614@... wrote :
By no reason do I want to be rude I'm glade

I don't know where to start either I guess I could ask how did u begin ur trip to more knowledge about the stars and planets