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I have a bone to pick with Cobra

Leucofan said:


So not only you hate everyone, but you hate your own mother and women too.
Yet you still submit to your superior fictitious rabbi jewsus.

You must be jewish, not "white".

My suggestion is go fuck yourself with something non-human and then hang and kill yourself, you piece of shit.
Btw someone should kick this dirt out
The Alchemist7 said:
Leucofan said:
I've had a shit ton of my posts trying to fight for my Beloved Race disapproved.
The difference between our ideas and your ideas is that we are more centered around Nazism, while you are centered around jewish-created neo-Nazism. By the way you speak you are exactly the kind of White the jews are depicting globally as racist, evil and supremacist.

Nazi Germany was none of this, except for when it was about the jews being removed from power positions and plenty of them sent out from Germany as well, because they are a threat to the national security and indepenence of any country. However the Nazis were not racist with other gentile races and they didn't consider Blacks as insects as you consider them in your signature. Racialism (aknowledging racial differences) is not the same as racism (hate for other races). Hate is a subjective feeling and should be used in particular cases when there is a strong reason to hate, not to hate some people only because they are of different race. However the final goal is to uplift the White race isn't it? This can be achieved without manifesting unjustified hate or acts towards other races. Race mixing can be peacefully ended, however sending non-Whites out of White countries and back to their countries will not be as peaceful but racial laws should protect all gentile races even where they live together and cannot be separated.

If you go back to "christian NS", what will happen is that we will grow in power and influence and at a point we might become able again to protect and uprise the White race (and all the other gentile races), while the christians will dissapear, and is them who preach communist teachings like equality and universal love. You won't see any of that here, however radical views such as your might get the forums into trouble because as far as I understand, the forums exist on the internet under the auspicies of religious freedom. Promoting criminal activities is as illegal here as anywhere else on the internet, because aparently although internet is "free", is still subject to a legislation that applies here as well, so we are forced to follow it, and still even in this case the forums and the sites are still being attacked cibernetically on a constant basis, either without the knowledge of competent authorities, or with their aknowledgement (law is law but people who made it are corrupted).

The jews have created neo-Nazism and "white-supremacy" to picture an evil image of Whites all over the world, and you seem to be heavily influenced by their ideas. Same goals can be achieved with more balance and more rational judgement in decision making, The Whites don't need to prove their "supremacy" by actually doing the things jews accuse Whites of, but we have already proven it by all the great Whites in history who uplifted the entire humanity with their inventions and ideas and talents in all reas of life, this is where our "supremacy" really is and we fight here for these ideals.

So true.

By the way, I think we all know who his real (((Beloved Race))) is.
Big Dipper said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=351918 time=1651932201 user_id=21286]

Understanding reality through the lense of Spiritual Satanism shows how each race is a unique elemental composition:

Blacks: Earth and Fire racial group.

Whites: Balanced race.

Asians: Air and Water racial group.

That's cool and makes a lot of sense. What about mexicans?

They are mixed. In regards to Mexicans specifically, there are the spanish pure descendants, mestizos, and full natives.
The spanish are Mediterranean white, which is mostly balanced. The natives are more water + fire. The mestizos are a mix of those two.

It can get a little confusing, but you can sort of judge based on their main racial group. Then, you can tell how much fire they have based on their aggression/energy. This generally correlates with skin color, it seems. I also believe this trend may not just be more fire, but also fire + earth, although that makes it confusing.

Native mexicans are comparable to south-east asians, but there are slight differences. Perhaps more air in the south-east asians. Compared to blacks, for example, both have more water and air, though.

You have to evaluate any race based on how they act and look, basically.
The Outlaw Torn said:
I understand why the OP interprets this as a Christian message because everyone is basically saying to turn the other cheek when it come other entire races.

I hate those who hate me and the and that includes most nonwhites. Too bad. People are more optimistic than me. I think a RaHoWa is inevitable atleast in America.

When the enemy is destroyed, each race will gravitate back to nationalistic/racial ideals. Then, each will willingly self-segregate. Do not forget that each race is supposed to mediate and advance, so they should not be stuck in the stone age forever.

That is why this problem of race is already on track to be solved by us, and why everyone is "turning the other cheek". In reality, we have already working on the solution, that is why we are calm about it.

Christians have no answer beyond praying to the Jews who created this problem in the first place. Beyond that, only SS recognizes the true qualities of race, on a deeper level than a Christian ever could.

Hopefully that clear this up for you.
FancyMancy said:
Oh. You're not a christian; you're a muslim. Understood.

In fact Christianity in its true form is just same or worse for women when compared to Sheria Islam. If their guardian (father, husband, or brother) decide that women ''need'' a beating, they have the right to ''discipline'' them in Christianity, as in Islam. Women have no custody rights over their children, as in Islam. Women have very little property rights if any, as in Islam.

I don’t know if it’s written in bible but I know it’s practiced. Let me check it.

Okay, so women are supposed to be ruled by men, their bodies belong to the men, and beating is a acceptable way of education though wifebeating is not directly adressed in bible.

I know nobody here needs that quotes to be taught about Christianity’s evil. The search is mostly for myself.

Beating people for whatever reason that the god or the ruler sees fit is acceptable in Christianity:

A severe beating can knock all of the evil out of you! (From the Contemporary English Version (CEV) Bible, Proverbs 20:30)

If you have good sense, it will show when you speak. But if you are stupid, you will be beaten with a stick. If you have good sense, you will learn all you can, but foolish talk will soon destroy you. (From the Contemporary English Version (CEV) Bible, Proverbs 10:12-14)"

Horses and donkeys must be beaten and bridled— and so must fools. (From the Contemporary English Version (CEV) Bible, Proverbs 26:3-4)

If servants are not ready or willing to do what their master wants them to do, they will be beaten hard. (From the Contemporary English Version (CEV) Bible, Luke 12:46-48)

Women have to obey to men.

Genesis 3:16 "To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."

1 Corinthians 11:3 "Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God."

1 Corinthians 11:6-7
6 If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head.
7 A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man."

Cover your head? Hmm… This sounds familiar. Where was it? Oh! Quran!

Fathers can sell their daughters as sex slaves.

Exodus 21:7-8 "And in case a man should sell his daughter as a slave girl, she will not go out in the way that the slave men go out. If she is displeasing in the eyes of her master so that he doesn't designate her as a concubine but causes her to be redeemed, he will not be entitled to sell her to a foreign people in his treacherously dealing with her."

WTF. What kind of scenario is this.

Deuteronomy 25:11-12 "And in case men struggle together (in a fight) with one another, and the wife of the one has come near to deliver her husband out of the striking one (to save her husband), and she has thrust out her hand and grabbed hold of his private (the other man's groin), she must then get both her hands cut off, and the eyes of the men must feel no sorrow."

Leviticus 21:9 "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire."

"If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives. (From the NIV Bible, Deuteronomy 22:28)"

I’m stunned. I have nothing to say.

The quotes are from a website that exposes Christianity to promote Islam. Heh. https://www.answering-christianity.com/wife_beating_not_forbidden_in_bible.htm

Plus this one, Bible did not forbid beating women but the Church did promote it:

A fifteenth-century Sienese church publication, “Rules of Marriage” (Cherubino de Siena, Regole della vita matrimoniale, Bologna, 1888), which was endorsed by the Catholic church, instructed men to “…scold her sharply, bully and terrify her. And if this still doesn’t work ... take up a stick and beat her soundly … not in rage, but out of charity and concern for her soul. …” Dillard writes that wife beating, permitted in canon law, was not altogether unknown and possibly even recommended. She describes how in the Leonese town of Benavente (Spain), and other communities that adopted its customs in the late twelfth and thirteenth centuries, a husband was granted immunity when, by chance, his wife died after he had thrashed her. The assumption was that he was beating her for educational and correctional purposes.

https://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/wifebeating-in-jewish-tradition jwa.org=jewish women’s archive.org

Funny that I learned Jewish God banned braiding your hair, pearls and gold
In like manner also, that women should adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobermindedness, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly array,

The day after I told my friends we should start wear our hair with flowers and adornments everyday, not only at the wedding.
Jack said:
Where is the wife though ?
Probably out fighting bad guys Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_theme_tune.mp3 or topless while raiding tombs.

Bright Truth said:
FancyMancy said:
"jesus" never existed. You prove that time and time again simply be being a christian.

Meanwhile Jewsus Christ:

There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28

Real Jewsus according to one of his oldest depictures found in Rome [never been alive though]:


He seems like descended to save Jewish race. Jewsus, what a reformist rabbi you are!
So that Black mary that "the" pope had behind it was actually more accurate! :eek:

The Alchemist7 said:
Leucofan said:

Lol he considers himself the biggest ultra White, yet he is submitting to a non-existent jew, that's among the most paradoxal and delusional things I ever encountered in my life.
Lol. If he is super straight, then he should be bowing down not before a fantasy jew; rather, bowing down before his wife. That's how it goes! Then again, she's probably killing vampires while raiding tombs without anything covering her voluptuousness, so...

Pammy said:
I know the same "god" of christianity who hates Women is the same "god" in islam. It is very misogynistic, and I used to be a christian. I was being sarcastic, trolling the troll, when I said that. :)

Based on those... erm... teachings?, I wonder how the OP would be contradictory and which cherries it would pick when deciding to listen to jewsus "the old ways are meh; I come to tell you about the bloody good new ways, baybay! (Oh, and only the father is good and the father admits it is the same yesterday, today and forever, so me being here to say 'old way bad' is pointless and stupid and one of the many contradictions in literature which I will appear in, but you don't realise that!)"... From the "oy" to the "vey".
Leucofan said:
Hello everyone,

I have a serious bone to pick with Cobra and his, (((staff))).

I've had a shit ton of my posts trying to fight for my Beloved Race disapproved.

Ironically, others can post their love for their race, but not me. It seems that they have something against me personally, because I was sent, and I quote:

From when I tried to post on that pinoy's post about a non-colonial Philip-ines:

Post disapproved: "Kumusta! Greetings! Filipino for Satan here! A Case for Filipino Satanism and True Philippine Religion"

Reason: The reported message is off topic. This universal racial hatred and baseless neo-nazi white supremacism, (or however you want to call it), is nothing more than an enemy ideology, no different than how the jew believes they should run the world and have all people be subservient to them (which the jew believes firmly is their birthright). As the Joy of Satan explains, the gentile races are created by Satan and the Gods, and the races are meant to live within their own cultures in their own nations without enmity or excessive strife between them. Asians to live among themselves and rule their own, blacks to live among themselves and rule their own and Whites to live among themselves and rule their own. The Earth can accommodate all gentile people and facilitate the growth and advancement of each gentile race in their own time. Racism as it is, is a jewish creation and does nothing to further the human understanding or facilitate the development of the gentile people on Earth. It only serves to distract, cause strife and conflict, where nobody but the jew benefits as it is their life's mission to subvert all gentile cultures and enslave all gentile people of the Earth in an irreversible technocratic dystopia. To which there is no better way for the jew to accomplish this than by having the gentile races stagnate perpetually and destroy each other through turning all gentile people against each other instead of having the gentile races realize we all have a common enemy that must be destroyed in the jew and we should work to overthrow them and every last bit of their influence from our midst instead of waste time causing and perpetuating strife among ourselves and each other. As such, any further posts advocating racial strife and thoughtless hatred are disapproved. A critique on conduct of foreign peoples or different cultures or races would be fine to post and can even be enlightening when done well, but not in the manner of purely hatred and disparaging of an entire gentile people with what can only be considered as ignorant insults. For further learning, read the Joy of Satan website and also read the sermons by HP HoodedCobra about the Gentiles, our ideology, history, origins, etc. He explains in great depth better than anyone else on the planet the reality behind this and the reasons for why the world has been and has become what it is today..

Like what sort of liberal jew shit is this? I thought that this was meant to be an NS site? Instead, I get a giant-ass paragraph of anti-White drivel...

And next, I tried to ask how the British Monarchy and Churchill could be so based to create the British Empire but be unbased enough to fight Hitler, I get this:

Topic disapproved: "How can you be so based and unbased at the same time"

Forum: Joy Of Satan 666

Reason: The reported message does not fit into any other category, please use the further information field. Post is meant to instill race aggitation, division..

Cobra, come on brother, you can do better than this...


I know this guys not on here anymore, but at least become a Norse pagan at asatru. Protestant church had too many negroes and beaners. Asatru folk assembly isn’t betrayal of your race and submission to the kikes and they’re whites only.

Christianity is universalist. Most likely religion in Christianity you’ll find that’s close to whites only is the Mormon church, if you like spiritual incest.

I agree with this guy on one thing, it’s the solution to America’s diversity, or the splitting up of different autonomous regions for each race to exist in peace. Race mixers get the rope.

Hard to tolerate some other groups, race mixers or negroes usually.

Another thing, Neo nazism isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Those are the ones most likely to fight and die for the cause, with skinheads beating the shit out of the punks and antifa. That’s probably the biggest threat outside of the Jews and race mixers.

Go on the “antifa” tag on Reddit, these no life pieces of shit dedicate their lives to surveillance of religious organizations. Yet get rushed off the yard in prison when the Aryan brotherhood finds out what they are. Even with their drug degeneracy they still beat the shit out of race mixers and practice gentile spirituality, Norse paganism, etc.
There are many sects, or rather 'neo-nazi' terrorist groups, whose activities and attitudes are those of muslims + drug and arms trafficking.

Most are christian and are all movements led by obvious crypto-jews who want to make rivers of gentile blood flow in the name of 'jesus' or something similar (a concept that is confused with race, thanks to their insanity).

They are dangerously ignorant and are absolutely to be avoided, they are not so different from the Islamic 'ISIS'.

These groups are also allied with the terrorist group O9A, and according to wikipedia, Joy of Satan is an enemy of all groups allied with O9A.


Take a look at the criminal activities section, the allies section (and their criminal activities) and the known members section and those of their allies, you will realise that they are all troubled jews.

The crazed and sketchy ideologies of the retard who made the post initially, are those propagated by the terrorist organisations in the link above.

To better understand the reality of the Gentile races and its enemies, knowledge is necessary, and sites



explain the necessary knowledge, and also explain what National Socialism is really about, which is totally different from the bullshit of those terrorist organizations.
You are mad just because you can't share something you think is true national socialism but is actually created by the same fabricators of the holocaust and Xtianity? How the fuck does that way more to you than its true Pagan form that has to do with the betterment of one's own race without making an ass out of yourself but instead proving it with the proper action of doing what's best for your kind and helping other gentile races when it really is needed?

And also, that doesn't mean one has to go to the extreme lengths of race mixing which is AGAINST NATURE and the development of stronger generations of a certain sub-species. I advise you read Marcus Eli Ravage's book, A real case against Jews which has to do with how you should be really hating the kike instead of acting like what the kike defined as "people making more laughable excuses and reasons to hate them". The kike who wrote and admitted all this himself can give you an answer to your misguided beliefs.

People like you need a big ego check, or at least be the ideal member of your race like how we're doing it here. Nobody would understand a damn thing about the need to go out and hunt down other races to extinction just because you are commanded to do so by some asshole, do you think you have a sound way of thinking if you just do what you're told without any second thoughts? Join someone or die? You sir sound like the hatred the kikes project on and blame their enemies for.

The kikes started this entire global bullshit and made world factors worse like the violent disunity of gentile races you want so the kikes win in the end, so what do you think is a rightful end to THAT abominable amount of crime? I think we all and natural law herself knows.
Wildfire said:

Don't worry too much about crazy people who are not willing to listen.

Also, please modify your signature, because we cannot have anything which may be construed as illegal or violent.
The original poster here is so clearly a deliberate dissenter trying to create confusion and spurn newer SS away. I vote for him to be banned.
HPHC, Blitz, infinite respect for you, Gentlemen.
Hail Satan, Hail Eternal Truth Hail the True 1488
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=458722 time=1692217875 user_id=21286]
Wildfire said:

Don't worry too much about crazy people who are not willing to listen.

Also, please modify your signature, because we cannot have anything which may be construed as illegal or violent.

Just needed to let out some frustration after a screwed research paper. And I should have gained more brain cells to know that I already own a punching bag at home so I won't end up doing this, lmao what the hell is wrong with me? I cannot just keep apologizing so I'm just going to take a timeout until everything's normal with me. Maybe this coming weekend day right after one more attempt to redeem my report related to some special better career I want.

People like that Leucofan shithead are why it's so hard to get people to join us, plus he dared to try spitting on a thread of my race.

The signature got toned down into a PG level version of itself. I hope this is okay now.
Bright Truth said:
FancyMancy said:
Leucofan said:
"jesus" never existed. You prove that time and time again simply be being a christian.

Meanwhile Jewsus Christ:

There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28

Real Jewsus according to one of his oldest depictures found in Rome [never been alive though]:


He seems like descended to save Jewish race. Jewsus, what a reformist rabbi you are!
Dont show me that fucking photo hurt my third eye like hell!
Almost all neo nazis i have met in real life, were skinny, shy, and possibly retarded. They only have loud mouths and overdramatically aggressive dispositions when they are online.

The same Andrew Twat lovers, have their hips wider than their shoulders, and call themselves "Übermensch".

The same groups of people they hate, they wouldnt stand a chance of defending themselves from them.

Satan brings peace of mind, body and soul, and guides us to balance our being into ultimate harmony and perfection. Divine masculiuity and femininity.

Having heard High Priests voice and having seen a few SS, I can tell you that they are certainly nothing like your average scrawny quiet kid who shoots schools while slandering Hitlers name, or is basically an SJW that uses Father's Pentagram as their frontier.

True SS are rare, beautiful, and godly.
Leucofan said:
Cobra, come on brother, you can do better than this...

Apart everything that have been said, this is a clear sign of inferiority complex.
HP HoodedCobra has been appointed by the Gods to guide the JoS and you are trying to show he is kind of non-skilled figure, of whom you are clearly (((better))). I like to believe in authority and I respect authority, in this case, there is nothing to be criticized about HP's ideals, that are our ideals too. We feel empathy with the JoS "line", that is not a line but a truth in itself, we know what we believe in.

This may be a deep ingrained belief you have inside that you cannot in anyway refuse or correct, same as you hold some "eternal truth" . If this "truth" falls down, your ego would fall down at the same time so you will defend your extreme points till death.
A part of you may have been listening to all the answers you get, but you will consciously refuse them.
This is a sign of weakness that is ingrained in xian minds, refusing any kind of argument, this is a part of development I experienced too.
Just, try to be open to some correction in racial views you have.
TheWhiteGiant said:
Almost all neo nazis i have met in real life, were skinny, shy, and possibly retarded. They only have loud mouths and overdramatically aggressive dispositions when they are online.

The same Andrew Twat lovers, have their hips wider than their shoulders, and call themselves "Übermensch".

The same groups of people they hate, they wouldnt stand a chance of defending themselves from them.

Satan brings peace of mind, body and soul, and guides us to balance our being into ultimate harmony and perfection. Divine masculiuity and femininity.

Having heard High Priests voice and having seen a few SS, I can tell you that they are certainly nothing like your average scrawny quiet kid who shoots schools while slandering Hitlers name, or is basically an SJW that uses Father's Pentagram as their frontier.

True SS are rare, beautiful, and godly.

Well said.

Every respectable racially aware man I've met has always had a masculine and mature disposition about themselves and never acted like loud mouth degenerates spewing racial insults since they don't have any inferior complexes and try to cover it with acting out in stupid ways.
WhiteFoos said:
If I remember correctly there was a black actor sent to a labor camp and died soon after

Evidence or did you just make it up? There was no policy in NS Germany for persecution of non-Whites. None, whatsoever. This is just a lie made up by antifa and other lefties. They didn't even persecute the gypsies, in fact, many of the gypsies were in camps because they were thieves (just like many of today's gypsies steal things), not because of their race.

Hitler shook hands with Black American athlete Jesse Owens, something that no American would ever conceive of doing because of their prejudice. This is a fact.

Also BTW regarding your signature: Odin is Satan, and he is also known as different names in non-White mythologies, he's not a White-only god. Seethe more now.
Satanic Avenger 666 said:
WhiteFoos said:
If I remember correctly there was a black actor sent to a labor camp and died soon after

Evidence or did you just make it up? There was no policy in NS Germany for persecution of non-Whites. None, whatsoever. This is just a lie made up by antifa and other lefties. They didn't even persecute the gypsies, in fact, many of the gypsies were in camps because they were thieves (just like many of today's gypsies steal things), not because of their race.

Hitler shook hands with Black American athlete Jesse Owens, something that no American would ever conceive of doing because of their prejudice. This is a fact.

Also BTW regarding your signature: Odin is Satan, and he is also known as different names in non-White mythologies, he's not a White-only god. Seethe more now.

Read this

“initially worked as a porter in a Berlin hotel, but was dismissed due to a guest's complaint about his skin colour. His German passport was revoked and he became stateless. He was not drafted into the Wehrmacht because of his skin colour. He earned his living as a circus actor and as an extra in colonial movies made by UFA. Until 1942 he made about 100 colonial movies on behalf of the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda which glorified the German colonial era. The films were shot in Germany with black actors and offered black Germans and African migrants employment and protection from persecution. Prisoners of war were also used. Theodor Wonja Michael was clear about the intention of the films: "We were the Moors you needed. For us this was a question of existence".[3] He also played a minor role as an extra in the film Münchhausen (with Hans Albers and others). In 1943 he was imprisoned near Berlin and forced to labor until the labor camp was liberated by the Red Army in May 1945.”
Documented by theodor michael himself. This is persecution. I’m sorry Mr avenger your super powers don’t work when you’re ill-informed.
WhiteFoos said:

It is very ironic to accuse another person of being jewish, whilst you use a source from a Holocaust Memorial Museum as proof for your arguments.

Instead of fighting to the death with people who are very similar to you in beliefs, you should instead make an attempt to integrate and grow spiritually, see: https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf

Arguing about the details of Jesse Owens does nothing for our current situation. Similarly, we don't care about these random articles about alleged human sacrifices.

We do not promote sacrifice. The enemy does clearly in their Bible. We know how to advance our own soul without robbing another person of their energy or life. Whatever happened in the past does not matter, nor reflect us. The Gods made it clear that sacrifice is not allowed. You can ask them yourself.
Guys, will you allow such trolls to steal your attention from doing what is meaningful?

The vibe that I get is of an angry teenager who's head far too much kosher bs and now thinks it is superior.

Ban it and be done with it.
If someone is a supposed Filipino or Portuguese or a Jew like OP Leucofan etc.
he shouldn't talk about other people's as if he is one of them or knows them,
talk about your own you complexed hypocrite.

"White people" themselves will tell and show you and the rest,
what they think about themselves, how they feel, who they are etc.
They don't need a dirty Jew or supposed "Filipino" to talk for them.

Go pick up your bone and go back to your Dog shelter and bark over there.
VoiceofEnki said:
This piece of trash is a complete and total nutcase.

Takes a special kind of xtianised brainwashing to actually have these psychopathic and completely insane beliefs.

The only place this person belongs is either permanently in the grave, or in isolated confinement for the rest of its life, deep underground somewhere, since anyone with such beliefs is a literal threat to the safety of woman and children alike.

Blitz and HP HoodedCobra deconstructed his insane shit perfectly already, therefore I have nothing more to say than a complete condemnation of this absolute madness.

People have rightfully been investigated for speaking such shit online, because of how outrageously insane it actually is.

Hail Satan!

I was just skimming through, this fucking piece of trash moron has made other accounts before, using similar signatures along the likes of "Proud Neo-colonial white" or some bullshit. From my understanding, the JoS is very-much against neo-colonialism and has spoken out against neo-colonialism.

Definitely either a Kike or just some gentile who doesn't like us and is trying to make us look bad. Like all else, he's back because his posts have been banned for being complete and total garbage like his "god".
Wait a minute, this stupid post is literally from 2022. Da fuck....I should read the dates first to stay with the times..
Hilarious that this is still active, what went on in my head at that time is that there was no way that Leucofan would show up in a PH related topic and try shitting on it. No way I can let that slide.

Good god my anger issues were stupid big back then, and this is all thanks to my natal chart calling me a fighter berserker mofo but that's fixed now. I know how to turn my anger around into something that can grant me better results. If anyone here is a fan of a YouTuber named Packgod then they'll understand.

By the way, can we all talk about what great stuff happened last blessing schedule to any of us instead?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
