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I could use a little advice for my meditation program


New member
Sep 25, 2022
Hello brothers and sisters! I am writing this post to gain some insight for my meditation program, the 40 day program posted by Hooded Cobra, anyways, i am currently struggling with the void meditation...i find that my mind tends to race from one thing to the next no matter how hard i try to turn it off, turns out thinking about absolutely nothing is quite hard heh, also on a positive note, i have noticed a DEFINITE improvement already, hell i used to wake up with such a bitter and overpowering weight weight on my mind, but since properly cleansing my aura and putting up my aura of protection i actually havent been feeling like total crap when i wake up anymore, in fact im starting to look forward to the next time i can do it...anyway i digress - i suppose the last question i have is after the forty day meditation program what can i expect? I'm not yet at a point where i can see or speak to my guardian for example, so im curious if i would be able to after the 40 days have run their course..anywho any help is greatly appreciated, Hail Satan!
Very well done. Keep it up. My Guardian Demon first came to me on Her own. I was sitting on the couch and going through Her depictions from ancient Egypt and she suddenly appeared. I couldn't see or hear Her at the time but she made sure Her presence was felt. Her energy was so powerful, I felt like I had a powerful current passing through me but very painless. It's like I was buzzing but without the sound. First talked to Her months later in a deep trance.

She is very kind and understanding and extremely high ranking.

When you're ready your GD will revel Him or Herself to you. Be patient, they already know you want to reach out to them. In fact, mine doesn't have a sigil on the JoS and is easy to reach.
Thank you very much for your reply! And it’s good to hear about your experience, I’ve had some similar experiences myself before, usually during times of hardship for myself, but I can definitely relate to that, it feels like a current of power just passing through you, it isn’t harmful in any way but you DEFINITELY feel it, I’m trying to learn to live in the present more and not focus on what will be, but I will admit I’m
Very dead set on wanting to be able to speak to them and hear them as normally as I might speak to someone face to face haha any who, thanks again and Hail Satan!
Unholypoptart666 said:
Thank you very much for your reply! And it’s good to hear about your experience, I’ve had some similar experiences myself before, usually during times of hardship for myself, but I can definitely relate to that, it feels like a current of power just passing through you, it isn’t harmful in any way but you DEFINITELY feel it, I’m trying to learn to live in the present more and not focus on what will be, but I will admit I’m
Very dead set on wanting to be able to speak to them and hear them as normally as I might speak to someone face to face haha any who, thanks again and Hail Satan!

Use this desire as drive to advance spiritually.

Hail Satan!
Unholypoptart666 said:

If you study your astrology chart, you will see a prominent air or other mutable signs, likely aspecting your Mercury. In another case, if Mars or Jupiter air signs, then this would amplify those areas of your soul and increase the speed of your thoughts.

In reality, you are not struggling with void meditation. You are actually doing well by practicing this, as this is where you need to grow more. In addition to lots of void, you can use a full energy working to more quickly bring your mind under control.

In regards to your GD, seeing them as a beginner is not super likely, but the framework of practice provided by the 40 day program would support for this eventually. Such an ability is dependent on your 6th chakra, moon, time spent empowering the third eye, and training astral sight.

Continue the basic practices of the 40 day program, but you can modify them. For example, don't stop your mind training, cleaning, or empowerment just because you have finished the 40 days, but you can modify them to something stronger.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
