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[HELP-ME] Duration of Meditations

Spiritualist Human

New member
Aug 6, 2024

How much time meditations should last? I am trying to do them very quickly, can someone tell me the right amount of time to do meditation?


I do meditations with those durations (40 days program):

Cleaning Aura: I visualize the bright light over all of my body for 10 seconds, and for each chakra 5 seconds average. So, I do that meditation in a few minutes average.

Spining Chakras: Just I spin them quickly, it is 5 seconds for each chakra. This meditation takes 1 minute probably.

And third eye meditation: I vibrate mantra THAUM, after that I visualize the bright-white triangle at third eye's place for 10 seconds, I close my eyes and turn my eyes to top to focus for third eye, this focusing takes 10 seconds too.

So, I try to do everything quickly. Am I doing something wrong? Do my meditations do their job? Do my meditations work?

How much time meditations should last? I am trying to do them very quickly, can someone tell me the right amount of time to do meditation?


I do meditations with those durations (40 days program):

Cleaning Aura: I visualize the bright light over all of my body for 10 seconds, and for each chakra 5 seconds average. So, I do that meditation in a few minutes average.

Spining Chakras: Just I spin them quickly, it is 5 seconds for each chakra. This meditation takes 1 minute probably.

And third eye meditation: I vibrate mantra THAUM, after that I visualize the bright-white triangle at third eye's place for 10 seconds, I close my eyes and turn my eyes to top to focus for third eye, this focusing takes 10 seconds too.

So, I try to do everything quickly. Am I doing something wrong? Do my meditations do their job? Do my meditations work?
Why are you in such a rush? To see results and improve, you need to pay attention and be in the moment, not try to do everything as fast as possible.

Do your meditations work? If you ever find yourself questioning your work, you are probably doing something wrong. There is a certainty and knowingness that comes with doing anything well, including meditation. You will know when it's enough if you are serious.

How much time meditations should last? I am trying to do them very quickly, can someone tell me the right amount of time to do meditation?


I do meditations with those durations (40 days program):

Cleaning Aura: I visualize the bright light over all of my body for 10 seconds, and for each chakra 5 seconds average. So, I do that meditation in a few minutes average.

Spining Chakras: Just I spin them quickly, it is 5 seconds for each chakra. This meditation takes 1 minute probably.

And third eye meditation: I vibrate mantra THAUM, after that I visualize the bright-white triangle at third eye's place for 10 seconds, I close my eyes and turn my eyes to top to focus for third eye, this focusing takes 10 seconds too.

So, I try to do everything quickly. Am I doing something wrong? Do my meditations do their job? Do my meditations work?
well, you should be able to tell. How do you feel during and After the mediation? Powerful? Do you feel the energy?
Probably not.

It’s like you are going to the gym, just to drive back home after arriving there.

Take your time. Try to meditate for 20 - 30 Minutes.
Why are you in such a rush? To see results and improve, you need to pay attention and be in the moment, not try to do everything as fast as possible.

Do your meditations work? If you ever find yourself questioning your work, you are probably doing something wrong. There is a certainty and knowingness that comes with doing anything well, including meditation. You will know when it's enough if you are serious.
well, you should be able to tell. How do you feel during and After the mediation? Powerful? Do you feel the energy?
Probably not.

It’s like you are going to the gym, just to drive back home after arriving there.

Take your time. Try to meditate for 20 - 30 Minutes.
Actually it is not rush. I go crazy when I am meditating, it is really hard to visualize. I already spend 30 minutes in the morning-evening for doing basic meditations because of that visualizing problem. Even though I try to do meditations very quickly.

So, I have to really give time, try to enjoy the energy, try to feel energy and try to visualize more deeply right? And when I feel something, I will be focusing on it when I felt like I focused and absorbed it, when I felt like I am filled with energy, I should skip to next meditation?

It should be like that?

Usually, I visualize while meditating but I only visualize. I don't try to feel that my chakras are really spining, I don't try to feel that I am absorbing energy.

Finally, how to do meditations properly actually?
I go crazy when I am meditating, it is really hard to visualize.
That is because you probably don't want to meditate at all. Are you getting distracted and fighting thoughts of other things, like work, video games, etc.? It's not difficult if you actually want to do it.
That is because you probably don't want to meditate at all. Are you getting distracted and fighting thoughts of other things, like work, video games, etc.? It's not difficult if you actually want to do it.
Yes, I don't enjoy it, I don't feel anything doing it and at the beginning of day, I don't meditate. I do other stuff in first 2-3 hours of day, sometimes that is 5-6 hours and I decide to not meditate if I spent first 5-6 hours of day. But I am afraid to see a nightmare so I always clean my aura quickly before going to bed.

I use social media a lot, it is hard to wake up early and I really feel that social media harms me as a teenager.

I found Zevism at 2021, and I didn't understand how to meditate really.

So, I didn't do something until 2023. I understood how to meditate at 2023. I started 40 days program but never finished and trying to start again and again for this 2 years.

Still I am trying to finish 40 days program. I am wasting time for 4 years.


And could you explain how to feel energy? As I said, I only visualize and thats it. You are saying "You should feel, it is not about duration", even I don't really feel.

I feel energy only at God Rituals, and the feeling in god rituals is only a powerful tingling on my hands.
Especially, when I dedicated my soul to zeus at 2023, I felt nothing. I only felt something in god rituals. That affects my faith because I generally don't feel something.
Yes, I don't enjoy it, I don't feel anything doing it and at the beginning of day, I don't meditate. I do other stuff in first 2-3 hours of day, sometimes that is 5-6 hours and I decide to not meditate if I spent first 5-6 hours of day. But I am afraid to see a nightmare so I always clean my aura quickly before going to bed.

I use social media a lot, it is hard to wake up early and I really feel that social media harms me as a teenager.

I found Zevism at 2021, and I didn't understand how to meditate really.

So, I didn't do something until 2023. I understood how to meditate at 2023. I started 40 days program but never finished and trying to start again and again for this 2 years.

Still I am trying to finish 40 days program. I am wasting time for 4 years.


And could you explain how to feel energy? As I said, I only visualize and thats it. You are saying "You should feel, it is not about duration", even I don't really feel.

I feel energy only at God Rituals, and the feeling in god rituals is only a powerful tingling on my hands.
Especially, when I dedicated my soul to zeus at 2023, I felt nothing. I only felt something in god rituals. That affects my faith because I generally don't feel something.
You will never feel or see anything if you don't want to do it. I don't know how else to say it. If you don't want to do it, you literally lack the faculties it takes to meditate because all your attention is elsewhere.
Yes, I don't enjoy it, I don't feel anything doing it and at the beginning of day, I don't meditate. I do other stuff in first 2-3 hours of day, sometimes that is 5-6 hours and I decide to not meditate if I spent first 5-6 hours of day.
This can be changed by doing affirmations in a light trance. Instead of avoiding meditation, you could affirm before falling asleep, or after waking up relaxing in the bed, "I like meditation, I want to meditate, I enjoy meditation.", or something along these lines. This will be the first line to break the walls of the mind against mediation. Then, gradually, introducing other meditations such as aura cleaning, aura of protection, and void meditation into your routine along with these affirmations, all the while repeating them to further anchor the mind to these practices and their usefulness.
But I am afraid to see a nightmare so I always clean my aura quickly before going to bed.
If you would understand the implications of not wanting to advance on this Path, you could likewise be a little startled, perhaps even scared that the consequences are unfavorable to you as a human being by staying as a passive regarding this topic. It is not only is a duty to us but a virtuous thing to do to reach new heights as a human being and being a student of the Gods.
I use social media a lot, it is hard to wake up early and I really feel that social media harms me as a teenager.
Simple: Restrict the use of social media. By doing so, you will let your mind acclimatize towards more normal dopamine levels. This will help with meditation as your mind is not constantly bombarded with stimuli. Combining void meditation with this will bring great fruits. And yes, it will be difficult at the beginning. There is no question about that. However, that's beginnings in general, and by pushing through we see rewards.
I found Zevism at 2021, and I didn't understand how to meditate really.

So, I didn't do something until 2023. I understood how to meditate at 2023. I started 40 days program but never finished and trying to start again and again for this 2 years.

Still I am trying to finish 40 days program. I am wasting time for 4 years.
The silver lining here is that you struggle. If you would give up, then there is nothing to be done. But you have not given up, so there is much hope for you.
And could you explain how to feel energy? As I said, I only visualize and thats it. You are saying "You should feel, it is not about duration", even I don't really feel.
First, by calming the mind. This is a pre-requisite for meditation. Preferably a calm setting as well, especially in the beginning, as distractions are most likely going to ruin the practice. Then, by being relaxed and doing the meditations as instructed, you pry your mind and soul open bit by bit, which result in feeling energy, among other things. You can try props such as candles and various scents to set the stage for meditation, so to speak. Over time, the mind will be favorably conditioned towards meditation and so on.
I feel energy only at God Rituals, and the feeling in god rituals is only a powerful tingling on my hands.
Especially, when I dedicated my soul to zeus at 2023, I felt nothing. I only felt something in god rituals. That affects my faith because I generally don't feel something.
Yes, that is good. And many people do not necessarily feel much or anything at all during their dedication. All of this depends on the status of the individual during that time--not all are psychically open to begin with, or perhaps there are other factors that play into not feeling much. But this can be corrected by the meditations of ToZ.
You must change your view on what meditation is. Instead of seeing it as a "chore" or an "extra" part of your life, think of it as a necessity just like water and eating. Introduce it into your life as a healer, a helper and you will over time begin to crave meditation and it will become second nature to do it. The most important thing to do when meditating is to really take time to feel and harmonize with the energies of your chakras and aura. There are times even I myself rush my meditations or working to either fall asleep, go play a game or do some other activity. Other days, I sit down and really focus on my meditations. Never feel guilty that you "rushed it" or didn't reach your full potential. Your 100% will look different each day. Some day's you will only be able to meditate for 10 min, others you might be able to do so in 30 min! What is important is learning from mistakes, not brewing on them, but learning and using the lesson in other situations.

Take time and analyze, why was I unable to feel and focus on my meditations? If it was your phone going off, next time, make sure to silence it so you can focus. If it was the want to go watch T.V, next time tell yourself that I need to meditate for my own sake and material pleasures come later. Prioritize your own health and eternal well-being over materialist one-time pleasures.

I still struggle with really focusing and not rushing through to go do something else. This journey is not easy, and can take as much as you yourself need to fix yourself. Trial and error is the way to go, learn from mistakes and try to use them to push forward. Guilt is of the enemy.

Stay safe and bless you on your journey Brother.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
