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I am tired of wasting time...!!

Most people are working on projects like translations, personal businesses or skills, programming/coding, creating memes/art, writing posts of information they have learned, and things of this nature. Maybe there is something in here you feel comfortable trying out, but otherwise, don't feel bad if not. JoS is continuing to expand and there will be more opportunities in the future.

Giving donations to JoS, or doing spiritual warfare, is also extremely important, even if it is not as visible for others on the community. Similarly, taking your own advancement seriously is also important as well, especially for the future when more jobs are available.

You had mentioned sometimes feeling like you don't want to do anything, but consistency is important. Earth energies help us be consistent, and fire energies help us feel motivated. You can chant the runes for these. For example, chant Sowilo and affirm it is making you motivated to work! Nauthiz can also be used to create discipline.

What sort of meditations or exercises do you do normally? Maybe it would help you if you wrote out what you do and others can give you some advice

Most people are working on projects like translations, personal businesses or skills, programming/coding, creating memes/art, writing posts of information they have learned, and things of this nature. Maybe there is something in here you feel comfortable trying out, but otherwise, don't feel bad if not. JoS is continuing to expand and there will be more opportunities in the future.

Giving donations to JoS, or doing spiritual warfare, is also extremely important, even if it is not as visible for others on the community. Similarly, taking your own advancement seriously is also important as well, especially for the future when more jobs are available.

You had mentioned sometimes feeling like you don't want to do anything, but consistency is important. Earth energies help us be consistent, and fire energies help us feel motivated. You can chant the runes for these. For example, chant Sowilo and affirm it is making you motivated to work! Nauthiz can also be used to create discipline.

What sort of meditations or exercises do you do normally? Maybe it would help you if you wrote out what you do and others can give you some advice about this.
Actually I would like to do something. At this point I don't know where I could fit in? Or what I can do? They'll be more than happy to take whatever job is offered. Starting with something simple and work my way up. I think it's cool! What you people are doing with this website and how far in advanced it's become. And it's nice to know that we've got the modern technology to go along with it to expand it more and more.
And I think it would be an honor and a privilege to me to work for the joy of Satan. And to be a part of this team. When I said I didn't want to do anything? It was because I was angry and didn't know what to do. Not knowing what the future holds for me? Because of the problems that I have. And what I have learned next! Could help me in many ways! And I think it would be awesome! If I can get a job working with the joy of Satan and to work with the clergy I think it would help me in many ways overcome a lot of boundaries and obstacles. And I do have a few Montrose that I chant Fehu, ALGIZ, THRISAZ, and Tiwaz. A couple of these are Sound Vibrations that I've learned to enjoy practicing the power rituals of the Gods. They help me find comfort and they help me with my stomach issues, and help me with my migraine headaches another one I like is Satanam, SATYA AND Sa- Ta- na-ma the chanting as well as the vibration in both of them seem to help me relax at night especially when I log off social media the sound of satana ma puts me back in the perspective. And then I try to put in an hour or two of meditation
I just feel like I totally complete failure. That thread that Ethan set up to where everybody was talking shit about me is what got me the hardest.
It reminded me of being back in high school being beat up in the girl's bathroom everyday and getting my lunch money stolen from me by rich girls everyday! And seeing all those people on that page that Ethan created it remind me of the faces of every girl I literally want to punch and beat up! For the crap they put me through all through High School! It brought back so many bitter memories of my teen years.. and that awkward feeling and that anger hit me all at once and I didn't even know what to do or say other than lash out I could just picture every one of those girls and then bathroom this snare on their faces and they're laughing smirks and they're remarks! Of all of those people that were on that thread! That was what fueled me with the anger right there and that was what hurt me the most! And this is supposed to be the joy of satan? And we are supposed to be spiritual satanist? Ethan to me is not a spiritual Satanist He's a Bully and all of those that were on that thread act like they were about 15 years old and they call themselves spiritual satanist? They reminded me of all the rich bitch Christian snob girls I had to put up with and got into fights with them over my money my code everything they wanted to steal from me.. and this is the shit that I had to put up with all throughout my teen years! Fighting for what? Some kind of social status! The most popular name brand clothes? How somebody's lips should look? How somebody's hair should look according to their face and their nose and chin? Getting made fun of? Or getting beat up? Just because you're you and just because you're different? And it doesn't matter whatever reason? Being called out just because I said something or did something? And how people would write it and read it and read it and read it and push it and push it and push it! Until I would gradually lose interest and walk away! And after being on that threat and after watching all of those people laugh at me and getting off their remarks to me making me look like some poor pathetic little dumbass! That just about did it I just about lost my interest in Satan and I just about lost my interest in the joy of Satan and I almost logged off! And I don't want to have to do that! I tried so desperately to find friends and to be accepted and to be somewhere where I can learn and be happy! Without all of the fucking high school fucking drama and all the fucking snickering and lies and bullshit! Facebook was no more different only it was 15 times worse! And so was Google and twitter! And I am not going to go on some website like that and get beat up and put down day after day! Everyday I had to fight to learn to look at myself in the mirror everyday I had to learn to overcome this anger and this hurt! Evolve this shit everybody put me through as a kid growing up! The fights that I got into and the battles that I got into help people with piss me off so bad! Laugh out loud no it's not cool to end up in the principal's office or to be picked up by the police and to be arrested! Just because I got into it with somebody and because I had enough! Of being put down and called names! I literally had to fight my way through school! And still I am fucking fighting with idiot people to this very day! Just because I'm me and just because I'm who and what I am! And maybe I'm not pretty and maybe I'm not perfect! Maybe I'm not rich and maybe I'm not a movie star! And maybe I don't have some fancy ass college degree! And whether I'm normal or not handicapped or not black or white! With differences it make! So I made a mistake and I should have mentioned something about it I had technical issues and people were tired of hearing about it so I try to take issues and matters on my own and it just got worse and worse and then when rumor was going around that I was on a rampage? And seen my profile name and Avatar picture on it that was what set me off! Something a little high school girls would do just to get back at me and it wasn't funny! The things that they were saying making me look like I'm some poor pathetic child that doesn't know anything and then somebody assuming that I'm a handicap? And that little laughing emojis that I got underneath every one of my pictures and my posts even on my own threads! I honestly felt like I was back in high school on here! Dealing with all of my enemies! And that was what pushed me and that was why I got angry and that was what got me all upset and worked up and why I said the things that I said about myself! I hate going through this shit and I don't like being a loser and I don't like being a failure! And I hate it when I make mistakes and I hate it when I get yelled at and I hate it when I get called out! And when I do at least I speak up and talk about it and tell it like it is with nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of and still I get spanked and slapped and told to go to my room and treated like I'm some dumb little kid some mindless idiot teenager on drugs or something being chastised by my folks because of one little thing I did one little simple glitch because of some type of graphical error or because of some technical problem?
You seem to express yourself candidly and authentically and that's very endearing, and your sensitivity seems to get the better of you sometimes. It seems like you get overwhelmed by emotion and react strongly, perhaps out of proportion with the stimulus at times, which can lead to making mountains out of molehills and percieving constructive criticism or harmless banter as a flat out rejection of you as a person, which is not the case here.

It's okay to be sensitive and to want to be social, but a forum has its own style of etiquette, more like email than facebook or other social media. It's a place to slow down and really be economical and intentional with the words you use and the topics you want to discuss. That is part of what some of the others have been trying to tell you.

In one of your posts I saw that you started to use paragraphs, that's one big improvement that you can make consistently that will make your posts easier for others to digest.

Just formatting your posts so that they are not like word walls will make an improvement in how they are percieved, and they won't be as overwhelming for others to read, because they are formatted in bite sized chunks, that aren't as much of a raw stream of consciousness.

Giving each point its own space to breathe will also give you a chance to slow down and collect your thoughts and organize them. This would be beneficial to you, most of all.

Just like you can arrange your writing to be taken one little bite at a time, so too can you arrange your life. Breaking things down into small pieces will turn a big, overwhelming task into a manageable one.

Try this with cleaning around the house or meditating. Set a small goal to do a little bit each day, just enough to get you doing it, and then when you feel ready, you can aim to do more. Just do 3 minutes of void meditation, or clean along 1 wall of a room for example, and go from there.

Do this every day until it becomes a habit. Decluttering your living space will help you declutter your mind. As within, so without.

You seem to have alot of energy and harnessing it and directing it with intention to create discipline in your life, will set you free, and pay dividends for your future self.
Dragonheart666 🤣🤣🤣 YOU ARE A WARRIOR! Either that you are the waste of time? You give people the impression that you're on a rampage? Trying to impress people knocking over the beehive! Not realizing that you're making enemies of others and making yourself into a bigger enemy every time you open your mouth and fight back. Maybe you're nice and maybe you're trying to prove a point? But to other people they don't know who you are therefore they're not going to understand? Just because you're under a fucking screen! Doesn't mean you have to play games! If you think you're wasting time? Maybe you need to wake up and pay attention to what you're doing and what is going on and learn to fucking focus and take your time and do things right! And stop worrying about what others are doing and thinking! Stop paying attention to what other people are saying! Especially if you're going to take things the wrong way and make a bigger mess out of it! If you're on here to learn something? Why don't you act like you care! And show some respect to other people on here! Pull your sorry head out of your sorry little shitty ass! Stand up straight grow up! Wipe the fucking dirt off your fucking ass and eat some raw meat and act like an adult be a dragon! And act like a fucking human being and act like you care and act like you give a shit! Show some interest! If you want to learn that is entirely up to you...🤣🤣
YOU! Are fine. You just needed to get over yourself, stop worrying about what other people are thinking? Or saying! It's almost like.. you're obsessing" over that when it's not even necessary,! You just need to let go of this silly nonsense" why do you always let things affect you? And you take things the wrong way. The only thing you should worry about is yourself. Changing a few habits. Overcoming fears and phobias of the social world. Taking your time to explain things properly! By being open and honest. Instead of hiding under a bunch of pathetic childish nonsense! Trying to make a big impression on people..!! Like a silly teenager" at the old rip age of 52.. you're too old' to worry about a social life at your age... and what you look like? Is entirely upon you? and your attitude? Based it on what you think" 😉 ...? of yourself " and how you carry yourself? Is a whole different" chemistry. And how you treat others? Is a different ball game! But it all goes hand in hand..🙂 it's the fact that you get all offensive when somebody gives you a compliment? Pointing... out at your flaws! You can expec? Some big job promotion? walk around... with your head up in the clouds? Thinking you're going to get somewhere big! Living in a world of your own is not going to cut it. When you're dealing with the spiritual Satanist dear you're going to be dealing with the facts and you're going to be dealing with the painful truth of reality! Because they will tell you what your problem is. And they will tell you straight out what you're doing right. And what you're doing wrong!. They tell you the truth and they tell it like it is! With no ifs ands or buts. And with nothing to fucking hide! They are the most forward and they're the most blunt people that you will ever come to know! And without any hesitation if they're going to come out with it. Until you what you're doing wrong. And all you have to do is just simply tell them thank you! And be a responsible adult about it and take care of the situation. After all we are on here to help one another just the same as you helping others. Wouldn't you help somebody else too? If you seen that they had a problem.? It's just common sense! Everyone is on here for the same thing just like you yes! Then yes there are those that are older than you. There are those that are prettier than you yes! That is a fact there are those that are smarter than you who know what they're doing and what they're talking about. And can recognize the fact that you're trying to make a big ass of yourself. And know what you need to do to change something. If they see that you're not making sense. They will tell you straight out and if they care about you they will help you and they will give you advice. Because they can see that you need it! Just the same as you would. If you cared about your little brother or sister! If you cared about your mom you would do anything in the world to help her and to correct her flaws or get her to open up and pay attention to what she's doing.? It is all out of kindness another thing that is spiritual Satanist is known for is to help their own! Nobody is perfect! And it doesn't matter how attractive or smart the other person is even he or she has their days and makes their mistakes. And you have your mistakes and they stand out like shit all over a baby's ass!... and know this for a fact! Dragonheart666 🤣 🤣 🤣 if seeing is believing! With you it stands out! Just the same as everybody else's work on here that you admire and read. If you want Improvement then listen to those who care! Pay attention to what you're doing and what is going on? And take action! And have respect for those who put themselves out there to help you! Whether you want the advice or not! You're on here to learn and you're a spiritual Satanist laugh out loud! Then act like one and act like you fucking have a brain. And be considerate of others. You're more of a spectator on here! Because you act like one! You read through all the content and browse around and stick your nose and everything! And whether you are invited on there or not! You go ahead and throw a comment where you're not welcome! With that even asking or getting an invitation? It is called spamming! And yes it is! Because I fucking looked it up! And it's not so much just a problem on this website dear it is all over social media! 😗🙄 YES... and people get sick and tired of it! And you of all people should know better than that! And why do you keep putting yourself down?... that is an Open Door for other people to attack you and put you down to! And then you wonder why you have so many problems! It's almost like you want The Unwanted attention and you deliberately go for it. Like foolish child up in the night..🤣🤣😀... well if you want an honest answer dear you've got one! And you shouldn't be ashamed of the fact that people are bold enough and brave enough! And kind enough to come out and say something to you and help you! You should at least be thankful for that! And be lucky that you're on here! If I were you my dear I would take my time and just study and read the content and chill out. Get a fucking grip. 😤 and yes" people !!!
are still reading...." all of your lengthy posts. And your Talk to Satan content. And it is not funny honey. And then you wonder why people get on here and scream and rant and Rave about you! And then you wonder why I get on here? And have to say what I have to say......

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
