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I am desperate to save my dog, but anything i do doesnt work


New member
Sep 20, 2017
My dog just had operation, vet says chances 50-50. I am ruined. I adopted dog about 2 years ago, he had hard life and he was in not good health. We tried to sort his health problems, one after another and it worked, but soon is one problem disappears and soon another problem comes. about a year ago my dog got problem with his anal gland, he has got a sore there, and there was infektion. Vet triying to cure it but his wounds wont hill . . We have been through 5 courses of antibiotics, and he is having steroids. I am giving him many supplements also. I started giving him colloid silver from 13 february, but it didn't help. Today his wounds started bleeding heavy so vet sewed up his wounds, he said there were so many holes, he has dome most of them, but he said he can not guarantee that it all will hill. He said 50 -50. We have this problem so long time but its getting only worse. Now I am just watching my dog feeling really sick after operation. Of course I tried to do witchcraft to cure him but I am panicking too much and nothing works. And sometimes it feels like this dog trying to take some of my diseases to himself I dont know how to stop him, f, ex I have also bleeding problems
I just want to die because i dont know how to live without him. And it been its been only 2 years since my old dog died, that destroyed me completely for long time But this dog is very special, he is my soul mate. Dogs means everything for me, dogs are my family, since I was little, only family. Please, if anybody could help us, its my last hope
Would it honestly be fair for the dog to be suffering with all these injuries? Does it deserve to be in so much pain all the time, only to probably keep getting worse? Or would it be best to end it painlessly and allow it to reincarnate into a healthy new body? Be a healthy puppy again with no pain. And also give a chance to another dog who needs your help too, rescue a healthy dog from a shelter so the healthy dog has a chance to have a real life! Instead of being in a small cage forever or even being killed because the shelter doesn't have enough room.
If your dog is suffering through all these surgeries and pain, with no immune system to even hope of recovering it, keeping it alive any longer sounds absolutely cruel and selfish to me. Letting this dog suffer such extreme pain because YOU don't want to deal with some emotional pain, which is nothing compared to the physical pain you have that dog in. So many wounds the vet can't even close them all! Let it be euthanized painlessly so it doesn't have to suffer. And give the opportunity also to another dog have a real life outside of a tiny cage! Stop worrying only about your own emotions and actually consider the big picture reality of the situation!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Would it honestly be fair for the dog to be suffering with all these injuries? Does it deserve to be in so much pain all the time, only to probably keep getting worse? Or would it be best to end it painlessly and allow it to reincarnate into a healthy new body? Be a healthy puppy again with no pain. And also give a chance to another dog who needs your help too, rescue a healthy dog from a shelter so the healthy dog has a chance to have a real life! Instead of being in a small cage forever or even being killed because the shelter doesn't have enough room.
If your dog is suffering through all these surgeries and pain, with no immune system to even hope of recovering it, keeping it alive any longer sounds absolutely cruel and selfish to me. Letting this dog suffer such extreme pain because YOU don't want to deal with some emotional pain, which is nothing compared to the physical pain you have that dog in. So many wounds the vet can't even close them all! Let it be euthanized painlessly so it doesn't have to suffer. And give the opportunity also to another dog have a real life outside of a tiny cage! Stop worrying only about your own emotions and actually consider the big picture reality of the situation!
This is very cruel what you say to someone who is begging for help.if you cant help why bother to say anything.
Would you talk this way if it would happened with your child? Like "let go this sick child, have another baby healthy one " My dog is my child. And until yesterday he was very happy and active dog, he really enjoys life with us, wounds didnt disturb him much. He was in real pain first time yesterday after operation, Of course things maybe change after this operations, if wounds will not hil,and if my dog will be in pain all the time of course we will think, of course i dont want my dog in pain all the time and i might going to have to let him go. I am not stupid and I am not saddist, of course I am not going to watch my dog suffering and will let him go But i am not doing it if i see that he wants to live. I knew i shouldnt ask for help here, i wanted right to yahoo groups but there is no group for animal care
I wrote the answer but its disappeared, so I wright again, Would you say that about your own child "let him go and have another healthy baby"? My dog is my child, This is very cruel things to say to someone begging for help, if you can see you can not help why bother to say anything and upset someone who destroyed even more. My dog wasn't suffering until yesterday, after his operation he was in real pain for the first time, and of course we are thinking if he going to be I pain and suffer we must let him go. But until yesterday his wounds didn't disturb him much, he is wary active and happy dog, he really enjoying life with us, life witch he had never had before. He loves his walks, he loves going by car with us everyday, he is crazy about his car, he barks so loud when we start driving and jumping in his back seat, he likes walks by the sea, he to likes travel with us, he likes everything we do. If he would just lying down on his bed in pain all the time, do you hink I would just watch it? of course I would let him go, and I might going to have to if after operation he start suffer. But it is not what I ask about when I came to ask for help here. I knew I should not right here, I wanted wright in yahoo groups but here is no group for animal care
Marella said:
And until yesterday he was very happy and active dog, he really enjoys life with us, wounds didnt disturb him much. He was in real pain first time yesterday after operation, Of course things maybe change after this operations, if wounds will not hil,and if my dog will be in pain all the time of course we will think, of course i dont want my dog in pain all the time and i might going to have to let him go.
Then I'm sorry for how I answered. :( If it only got bad yesterday then maybe you have a good chance of heeling him and I hope you can! Just from the first comment, it seemed like he was in really bad shape for a year and getting worse the whole time, and I didn't want him to suffer. But if he can be rescued I hope you can do it! The wunjo rune can help with healing, and also sunlight helps. The dog's immune system needs more energy going to it, you can build up your own energy however you can and then program it to make the dog's immune system healthy and strong. If you are desperate, you may be just putting all your focus into giving energy to the dog. But remember you have to build up your own energy first or you won't have anything to give to him. I'm sorry for being so rude earlier, just I love animals so much I hate to think that one is suffering. :cry:
I am sorry too, I was too stressed when I answered you, my dog was in pain all night after operation. Thank you so much for help. You are right, one of vets also said his immune system is very poor that is why he has health problems. My dog is active but not healthy, he just dont feel that he has so many wounds, they not really disturbing him, that is why he is happy dog even though he is sick. But problem is wounds wont go and there coming more wounds and vet is not sure that wounds can hill, he said after operation chances are 50/50, if not hill so probably dog will die. That is why i said it is not getting better only worse. i have tried bild him with sunlight, but you are right i forgot about me, i didnt do it for myself that is why it didnt work. I want start to bild his immune system ( and mine to) like you said and Wunjo, but now Moon is waning, so i am not allowed to start now, is that right?
It's just a very emotional situation, we both maybe overreacted but really we want the same thing!  :D  We both just want what is best for your dog, I just didn't understand the situation before. You can still use a waning moon to help you, you just might need to work in a different way. Like instead of doing a working all about making his immune system bigger, you can now do a working to REMOVE the bad energy. Waning moon helps with removing things! Then when the moon is waxing you can focus again to make his immune system bigger.

Do both parts of the returning curses exercises http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html

Do this for yourself, and again seperately do this for the dog. There is even a picture and instructions for how to do this for a dog!
Here is more instructions for healing http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Healing.html  I hope it works!
I dont know how to thank you enough for your help and for your kind words. This is also support for me, i think i am going crazy, i cant even talk to people normal any more because i am worrying too much and its been so long time. But i will try to do everything to help my dog and to help myself
I started working on it, but it its gone worse. What do I do wrong or maybe I am panicking too much
I started working on it, but it its gone worse. What do I do wrong or maybe I am panicking too much
It looks so weird, dog recovered so fast after operation, started eating well ind very active, but his wounds and anal gland problems getting worse, like those parts live theirs own life and it can kill my dog if I dont stop that.
Affirmaton "The disease is leaving my dog s anal gland and his body completely and permanently. My dog is strong, healthy and normal in every way. ( I am using his name), That what it says on page about healing, I cant think , my brain is not working now.
I suggest you two things to do in the same time.
1. On spiritual level, start a 40 days magik work of healing the dog. Vibrate a healing rune (thurisaz for example I know is for healing) and develop energy and visualize the dog full of white light and after say an afirmation 9 times like 'My dog is fully healthy and happy forever' or something like this.
2. On physical level, give the dog food grade hydrogen peroxide. This will empower his immune system and it might push it to heal the wounds. For this, I recommend you the book "One Minute Cure" by Madison Cavanaugh. The book is normally meant for the human body but there is also a small text about how to put a very small amount of food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide in your dog's drinking water. This will help his immune system. DO NOT do this without reading the entire book first. Is not very big, just a bit over 100 pages. You can find it for free on the internet.

And one more thing.
Marella said:
Would you talk this way if it would happened with your child? Like "let go this sick child, have another baby healthy one " My dog is my child.
I understand how much you love your dog but comparing him to a human being, especially to one's child, is not a very wise comparation from you. Of course a normal human being would not choose to euthanize his child because is suffering, but also a normal human being do not put his dog on the same level with his own kid. I guess you won't really understand this because you don't have kids yet?
The Alchemist7 said:
And one more thing.
Marella said:
Would you talk this way if it would happened with your child? Like "let go this sick child, have another baby healthy one " My dog is my child.
I understand how much you love your dog but comparing him to a human being, especially to one's child, is not a very wise comparation from you. Of course a normal human being would not choose to euthanize his child because is suffering, but also a normal human being do not put his dog on the same level with his own kid. I guess you won't really understand this because you don't have kids yet?

Thank you so much for your help.

I have my own child too. But its strange to hear those words from satanist because you sound like a real christian or muslim. Here in Joy of Satan pages you can find a lot of sermons or articles about all Animals are Sacred in Satanism. Here in JOS is also article about familiars, that one who s got familiar must treat him/her like your own child. In Satanism it doesnt say that you cant put animal the same level as human
Marella said:
I have my own child too. But its strange to hear those words from satanist because you sound like a real christian or muslim. Here in Joy of Satan pages you can find a lot of sermons or articles about all Animals are Sacred in Satanism. Here in JOS is also article about familiars, that one who s got familiar must treat him/her like your own child. In Satanism it doesnt say that you cant put animal the same level as human

I know animals are sacred in SS. What I said is that we should not put our animals with the same level with our own kids because our kids are more important than our animals. Obviously, what you do with your kid and your dog is only your problem, but other people might not feel the same like you.
And you never said that that dog is your familial. There is truly a difference between our animals and our familials. The familial is offered by Satan to us and is implied in our spiritual protection.
The Alchemist7 said:
What I said is that we should not put our animals with the same level with our own kids because our kids are more important than our animals. .
why can t one treat a pet like his own child? what is wrong with that if all animals are sacred. Why kids are more important? Kids can grow up and become maniacs, sadists, pedophiles, serial killers, etc. etc. what will never happen to animals
The Alchemist7 said:
What I said is that we should not put our animals with the same level with our own kids because our kids are more important than our animals. .
why can t one treat a pet like his own child? what is wrong with that if all animals are sacred. Why kids are more important? Kids can grow up and become maniacs, sadists, pedophiles, serial killers, etc. etc. what will never happen to animals
Marella said:
why can t one treat a pet like his own child? what is wrong with that if all animals are sacred. Why kids are more important? Kids can grow up and become maniacs, sadists, pedophiles, serial killers, etc. etc. what will never happen to animals
Because a kid is born from your own body by yourself and your husband. Is what you leave on this planet after you die {well, in the actual life). Your kid himself will give birth to his kids and your family name will go on and on across the generations. You can't give birth to an animal, you can just grow him. But as I said, if you love both in the same way, then it's perfect if this is what you want. If I consider the places where I lived, definitely nobody loves their dogs in the same way like their kids. If you are different, then it's perfect and nothing wrong. It was just weird (and abnormal for me) to put your dog on the same level with someone else's kid. Is you would have said "What if it was about your dog" then it would have sounded more normal.

By the way, kids won't become any maniacs and serial killers if their parents would make sure to give him proper education and would make sure that he will not have such friends or such entourages. In a satanic family there is no way for a child to become such a person because his parents have the responsability to teach him what ethics are. As you advance more and more, you become more and more ethic.

Maniacs and sadists are forming mostly in christian degenerated families.
How is your dog now? Have you started a working yet? You can do a working without affecting yourself. Just make sure to clean yourself afterwards with the ball of light method. And take vitamin D.

Clean your dog's aura every day before you apply the vibrations. You can find the instructions for this on the Joy of Satan website, meditations section (Returning curses).

If your dog is in critical condition, maybe a Demon would be willing to help you. But you need to apply energy yourself and then repay the Demon afterwards with energy.
The Alchemist7 said:
. Your kid himself will give birth to his kids and your family name will go on and on across the generations.

Why dont you take your religious christian sermons and not walk away from my Subject , ( and preferably from Satanism). I dont understand is moderators watching anything here, why is it allowed when someone in pain begging for help, but get some religious Padre instead with his sermons and criticism
Nick Vabzircnila said:
How is your dog now? Have you started a working yet? You can do a working without affecting yourself. Just make sure to clean yourself afterwards with the ball of light method. And take vitamin D.

Clean your dog's aura every day before you apply the vibrations. You can find the instructions for this on the Joy of Satan website, meditations section (Returning curses).

If your dog is in critical condition, maybe a Demon would be willing to help you. But you need to apply energy yourself and then repay the Demon afterwards with energy.
Hi, Nick, thank you for helping and not criticizing me, you will be the first person here who does that. Dogs condition is very strange, he is active in a day time and eating wel., but vet gave up on him, he said his wounds will not hill he cant help him. He was treating my dog since september and he never said that it could go so bad way, so i cant understand how could it happened if vet were seen my dog every month and every 2 weeks sometimes. So we will try another vet of course, but …i dont know what to expect from them any more.

I started working of course, i do cleaning everyday, applying energy, spelling. Yesterday my dog was feeling really well so i thought it started working, i was so happy but at night time he became so restless, he didnt sleep at all. So he became better and than worse right away. I want so much to ask for help Demon, but now i am so stressed so i cant feel any conection so i dont know what to do. Seems like my energy is not enogh to help my dog. I didnt try Runes because i am scared a litl bit, i dont know Runes very well, ones i tryed heal myself with Runes and things became only worse, so i did something wrong.
A few days before my dogs helf gone so wrong way, a felt like i am under under enemy attack, many thing gone wrong than. So last few days a prayed to Father Satan for protection, only yesterday i didnt pray, maybe that is why my dog condition gone worse last night. I dont know is that allowed to pray everyday for protection or only once.
Marella said:
Why dont you take your religious christian sermons and not walk away from my Subject , ( and preferably from Satanism). I dont understand is moderators watching anything here, why is it allowed when someone in pain begging for help, but get some religious Padre instead with his sermons and criticism
I don't understand what you saw to be "christian" in my comments and I don't want to know neither. If this is how you felt, then leave it as it is.

And I don't understand also why this reaction. I gave you two advices when you was begging for help. Or the "christian sermons" are just your excuse?
Marella said:
The Alchemist7 said:
. Your kid himself will give birth to his kids and your family name will go on and on across the generations.

Why dont you take your religious christian sermons..

I shouldnt say that, it was wrong. I wanted deleted this but i dont know how. I had no sleep all night because of my dog so i am not fresh in my had. But what i do want to say to you, dear The Alchemist 7, that real love its not only something to do with peoples body and blood. People can adopt children and love them like theirs own even if it not part of your genetic. I know there are many who things the same way like you, because family tree means everything for them and they will never get off of that tree til rest of theirs lifes. I am not like that. My mother and her sisters hated me for i was born. They said many times that should no t be happened. if you think those people were scumbags you are wrong, i am talking about teachers, doctors etc, this level. My father and his parents just felt sorry for me but didnt want to know. And only soul who loved me was my dog. Ones i was allowed to have my dog, she was everything for me. My mother was a sadist, she was beating me brutally and as a kid i used to hide with my dog in the bathroom so my mother could not get me there, my dog was hiding with me. We were sitting there for many many hours with no food or anything like that, sometimes with no light. But my dog would never leave me, she could just ask for let her out but she never did.
My sadist mother didn't like that love to my dog makes me happy so she had to stop it . One day she said that i could go visit my grandma just for week end. She said "dont worry i look after your dog". I should know, i should feel that something is not right but i was too little and to stupid. That night at grandmother s i felt something and i was sick all night and next morning i rushed home. When i came home my dog wasn´t there. I was waiting all day worrying but stil with hope until my mother came home. She came and said that i will never see my dog ever again. I only remember that i felt on the floor and couldn t get up. It feels like i died that day.
For me real love is nothing to do with body or blood, my own kid is my soul mate in first place.
Marella said:
I shouldnt say that, it was wrong. I wanted deleted this but i dont know how. I had no sleep all night because of my dog so i am not fresh in my had. But what i do want to say to you, dear The Alchemist 7, that real love its not only something to do with peoples body and blood. People can adopt children and love them like theirs own even if it not part of your genetic. I know there are many who things the same way like you, because family tree means everything for them and they will never get off of that tree til rest of theirs lifes. I am not like that. My mother and her sisters hated me for i was born. They said many times that should no t be happened. if you think those people were scumbags you are wrong, i am talking about teachers, doctors etc, this level. My father and his parents just felt sorry for me but didnt want to know. And only soul who loved me was my dog. Ones i was allowed to have my dog, she was everything for me. My mother was a sadist, she was beating me brutally and as a kid i used to hide with my dog in the bathroom so my mother could not get me there, my dog was hiding with me. We were sitting there for many many hours with no food or anything like that, sometimes with no light. But my dog would never leave me, she could just ask for let her out but she never did.
My sadist mother didn't like that love to my dog makes me happy so she had to stop it . One day she said that i could go visit my grandma just for week end. She said "dont worry i look after your dog". I should know, i should feel that something is not right but i was too little and to stupid. That night at grandmother s i felt something and i was sick all night and next morning i rushed home. When i came home my dog wasn´t there. I was waiting all day worrying but stil with hope until my mother came home. She came and said that i will never see my dog ever again. I only remember that i felt on the floor and couldn t get up. It feels like i died that day.
For me real love is nothing to do with body or blood, my own kid is my soul mate in first place.

Ok then I apologise for what I said. Fortunely I haven't had a brutal family, but I come from a place where a lot of people are beating and even killing their animals, also a city where you could see tens of dogs on the streets without a house or someone to take care of them. Maybe I don't fully understand how important are animals for us as living beings. In UK where I live now people take way more care of animals. I never seen a homeless dog here. Also animals are not afraid of the people as here people give them way more respect.
I hope you curse your mother
Marella said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
How is your dog now? Have you started a working yet? You can do a working without affecting yourself. Just make sure to clean yourself afterwards with the ball of light method. And take vitamin D.

Clean your dog's aura every day before you apply the vibrations. You can find the instructions for this on the Joy of Satan website, meditations section (Returning curses).

If your dog is in critical condition, maybe a Demon would be willing to help you. But you need to apply energy yourself and then repay the Demon afterwards with energy.
Hi, Nick, thank you for helping and not criticizing me, you will be the first person here who does that. Dogs condition is very strange, he is active in a day time and eating wel., but vet gave up on him, he said his wounds will not hill he cant help him. He was treating my dog since september and he never said that it could go so bad way, so i cant understand how could it happened if vet were seen my dog every month and every 2 weeks sometimes. So we will try another vet of course, but …i dont know what to expect from them any more.

I started working of course, i do cleaning everyday, applying energy, spelling. Yesterday my dog was feeling really well so i thought it started working, i was so happy but at night time he became so restless, he didnt sleep at all. So he became better and than worse right away. I want so much to ask for help Demon, but now i am so stressed so i cant feel any conection so i dont know what to do. Seems like my energy is not enogh to help my dog. I didnt try Runes because i am scared a litl bit, i dont know Runes very well, ones i tryed heal myself with Runes and things became only worse, so i did something wrong.
A few days before my dogs helf gone so wrong way, a felt like i am under under enemy attack, many thing gone wrong than. So last few days a prayed to Father Satan for protection, only yesterday i didnt pray, maybe that is why my dog condition gone worse last night. I dont know is that allowed to pray everyday for protection or only once.

It seems like you haven't had a protective aura. You need to protect yourself first and foremost. You can do the prayer of protection all you want, but you need to do your part by doing a protective aura meditation every day. 111 or 216 vibrations of SURYA every day, for example. This is on the JoS website. Many times when people are in a bad or hopeless situation, the enemy will use this to keep people down. You need to stop the negative thought pattern by protecting yourself.

Have you kept up your working, and how is your dog now?
:) Keep doing healing magic ask the gods for help. And with magic it isn't just the spells on the site you can also make your own to help your dog sleep peacefully at night. And look at the certain colors associate with and use the one that brings peace.
Hail Satan
Nick Vabzircnila said:
It seems like you haven't had a protective aura. You need to protect yourself first and foremost. You can do the prayer of protection all you want, but you need to do your part by doing a protective aura meditation every day. 111 or 216 vibrations of SURYA every day, for example. This is on the JoS website. Many times when people are in a bad or hopeless situation, the enemy will use this to keep people down. You need to stop the negative thought pattern by protecting yourself.

Have you kept up your working, and how is your dog now?

You are right, my aura not protected, i am still can not work it out what to do for protection. I have tryed SURYA but 108 times it was on the JOS web site, but now it says 111 times. I need protection, i dont know what is best thing what will work Dog is feeling better but still not perfetly well. Sorry for late answer i had kind of breake down
Naziss3.0 said:
:) Keep doing healing magic ask the gods for help. And with magic it isn't just the spells on the site you can also make your own to help your dog sleep peacefully at night. And look at the certain colors associate with and use the one that brings peace.
Hail Satan
My dog still have problems with sleep at night, he is actially never sleeps all night long, he wakes up nearly every 2 hours. I did healing magik and i was praying to our Father Satan and Gods every day, now i have a little break because now i need to recover myself after all that stress we had. But of course i am going to start magik work again , because we are only in a half way to victory
Marella said:
Naziss3.0 said:
:) Keep doing healing magic ask the gods for help. And with magic it isn't just the spells on the site you can also make your own to help your dog sleep peacefully at night. And look at the certain colors associate with and use the one that brings peace.
Hail Satan
My dog still have problems with sleep at night, he is actially never sleeps all night long, he wakes up nearly every 2 hours. I did healing magik and i was praying to our Father Satan and Gods every day, now i have a little break because now i need to recover myself after all that stress we had. But of course i am going to start magik work again , because we are only in a half way to victory
. Don't give up and like how Maxine says if your dog needs medical help do it. Go to the vet get medical help and heal her. We are not xtian so we don't hate meds.
Hi, Naziss. Thank you. I am not going to give up. We were under vet treatment about 9 month, vet was stupid and did wrong operation, that I why my dog still having problems . Now no vet can help because my dog reacting very bad for any antibiotics because he had them so many times so his body can not take them any more. And he can t have no operation, So we are giving him "golden seal", its nature antibiotic, I found information about it here on Joy of Satan forum or one of our yahoo groups, it saved my dog s life. I want to thank our JOS for that. Now my dog is living a good life, he is eating very well, he walks about 1, 5 hour and he likes it very much. But he is still not healthy and he sleeps not very well
Marella said:
The Alchemist7 said:
And one more thing.
Marella said:
Would you talk this way if it would happened with your child? Like "let go this sick child, have another baby healthy one " My dog is my child.
I understand how much you love your dog but comparing him to a human being, especially to one's child, is not a very wise comparation from you. Of course a normal human being would not choose to euthanize his child because is suffering, but also a normal human being do not put his dog on the same level with his own kid. I guess you won't really understand this because you don't have kids yet?

Thank you so much for your help.

I have my own child too. But its strange to hear those words from satanist because you sound like a real christian or muslim. Here in Joy of Satan pages you can find a lot of sermons or articles about all Animals are Sacred in Satanism. Here in JOS is also article about familiars, that one who s got familiar must treat him/her like your own child. In Satanism it doesnt say that you cant put animal the same level as human

I agree with you. Christians and Muslims frequently downplay other's love for animals. I've been told to stop loving my animals so much because they're not kids.

Well, they're kids TO ME.

Once on youtube someone had posted something about helping animals. Here comes this GD christian chastising us and telling us we should think less about animals and give to the hungry kids.

I came unglued. I will love what I choose to love and spend money where I choose to.

Then I told her why not go to the hungry kid sites and tell the 3rd world to quit popping out kids they couldn't take care of.

I hope your pet is better.
High Priest Maxine years ago recommended food grade 35% h202 and a book called one minute cure, for myself. however 1-20 drops for human beings, I have given my dogs 1 drop if they are sick in luke warm bowl of water, ive seen it work miracles, it heals the body from the inside out by giving oxygen to the body, don't do more than 1 drop for a dog in a bowl of water, 2 drops if the bowl is very large and problem is serious
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Sound like he is getting better! :D :p :D
Thank you, he is much better now, very active and strong. But some of his fistula wounds are not healing, and its disturbing him a lot. I have not enough energy to start again magic work to help him, I used all my energy trying to help him when he was in bad condition.
Cathy said:
Once on youtube someone had posted something about helping animals. Here comes this GD christian chastising us and telling us we should think less about animals and give to the hungry kids.

I came unglued. I will love what I choose to love and spend money where I choose to.

Then I told her why not go to the hungry kid sites and tell the 3rd world to quit popping out kids they couldn't take care of.

I hope your pet is better.

I feel the same about all this. People are programmed and brainwashed, that is why it is pointless even to talk to them about helping animals
SATchives said:
High Priest Maxine years ago recommended food grade 35% h202 and a book called one minute cure, for myself. however 1-20 drops for human beings, I have given my dogs 1 drop if they are sick in luke warm bowl of water, ive seen it work miracles, it heals the body from the inside out by giving oxygen to the body, don't do more than 1 drop for a dog in a bowl of water, 2 drops if the bowl is very large and problem is serious

I have read this book and I even have bought a little bottle 35% long time ago. But I never heard about someone could help his pet ,so I was not sure about there is no harm for pets. It is first time I read about someone s good experience. Thank you for sharing
I would like to change name of Subject to " My dog is getting better", i just dont know how to do it ;)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
