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I am at an angry loss - holohoax - Hitler - spirituality and so fort

Light Yagami

New member
Jul 8, 2011
I will rant a bit, but please, please hear me out.

I am getting extremely frustrated at my inability to properly converse with others about the subject of Hitler, the holohoax, Nazism and such.I HAVE watched documentaries... I HAVE read the Satanic website about Hitler, Nazism and such (but we all know I can't bring up Satanism like that lol; it would have the opposite effect). I HAVE read articles about Nazism and the holohoax.
I get it. I understand it. I believe the holohoax of the jews is a hoax. I understand what National Socialism wanted to accomplish. I do believe in Hitler as our Antichrist. I have no doubts of these things (a few years ago I did have many doubts, and less knowledge).
BUT!!! FUCKING BUT!!!! When the times comes that, for whatever reason (I may, or may not.... most likely I am the cause of this) a conversation about the holohoax stirs up... all my arguments are gone. All my knowledge has vanished. Instant fucking amnesia. I can understand it all in my mind. When I had watched the documentaries and when I had read the articles, EVERY THING made fucking sense! But now?? Now I'm left with nothing! I can't even open my mouth!And the other person ALWAYS FUCKING ALWAYS!!!! uses this reason: my great grandfather died in the war against Germany! Or something of that nature. I know the other person is not lying about it and I can not really... I can not give them any (any, any at all) reason as to what Germany wanted to do, and how they were trying to save us all. In all honesty, I am not educated enough about this either (why did the people of my country had to die in this war, if these people were not jews? Yes, I most certainly know hardly enough).

I understand I shouldn't start a conversation at all, seeing how I hardly have enough knowledge about it.But... I am upset at myself. Today, a conversation of that nature stirred up, and I was saying "I need historical evidence to prove me that the holocaust happened" and the other person asks "Alright. What historical evidence do you need? If you say that you do not count people's testimonies as facts, then what do you need?" and... I had nothing to say. I literally had NOTHING to say!

I don't doubt our High Priest/esses' words (about Nazism, and such and such) and they HAVE given us evidence about the things they say (either through documentaries, the Black Sun website and such and such, there are numerous articles and evidence about all the things they support) but, in all reality, if it wasn't for my religion, if it wasn't for Spiritual Satanism, I wouldn't even DARE touch the subject of Nazism and Hitler. I wouldn't even CARE about it. But I do, because I know the true face of the jews and what they're trying to accomplish (and of course it goes much deeper than that).BUT HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SAY ALL THAT TO ANYONE?? You can't! You shouldn't! (I mean, you should be careful as to what you say to whom)

I am very frustrated.

Even if the subject is not about Hitler or Nazism... If the subject is HISTORICAL, EVEN IF IT'S ABOUT FUCKING XIANITY, I am left with no words...I KNOW how xianity has stolen ALL of its concepts by religions (the Pagan religions) preceding it. I know that even xianity's symbols are Pagan in origin, but xianity converted/distorted them (like the cross and such).
I've read the entire exposingchristianity website, and certain articles I've read more than once or twice.

But when someone starts talking about HISTORY... My country's history and they tie christianity somehow in there... and they say things I have absolutely NO knowledge about.... I am just left speechless. And angry. Very angry. Outraged, furious. I fucking burn with anger, I wanna break the other person's skull. Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE FUCKING SMART, AND THEY STILL BELIEVE IN THAT BULLSHIT!!!!!!!And I am left there, speechless. Nothing to say, nothing to do.

Then, spirituality...... Dear god... DEAR GOD!
I meditate for some years now. More than four years.I most certainly know the basics about meditations, how energy works and so on.
I have understood some allegorical symbolism (not even half of it, and the ones I've understood, I needed to examine them many times before I was able to do so) in regards to spirituality, chakras, energy, male/female energies and such and such.
Then, here comes someone along my way. Someone, who meditates. God knows what he/she does. But... he/she tells me stuff... I have nothing to respond with. I have absolutely no knowledge about them! I was so foolish, thinking I could, somehow, help this person out, or educate them since they were interested about it. Foolish and ignorant. I thought I have knowledge? Where is my knowledge now?
Yet, everything is in my mind. Everything is in my subconscious. I understand how things work, but I have no knowledge of the things the other person talks about. And even the things I KNOW, I can not actually give a concrete explanation of them! Or proof! How do you go about proving that astral projection exists? Did you just read an article about it? You'll need some science here. And what if the other person knows more behind this, than you do?

And so, once more... where do I stand? With fucking nothing to say, I stand like an idiot, wondering why do I even open my mouth.

I am very frustrated. At myself. I can't blame anyone else.
I just can not understand.... how can I fix that? How many more years do I need? What are even the AREAS that I need to study on???? History??? Politics??? Spirituality?? And WHICH spirituality?? Ancient India? Ancient Egypt??And where do I even FIND THE FUCKING SOURCE THAT IS NOT JEWISH CORRUPTED???!
MAN AM I FUCKING ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The above that I wrote are *not* always the case. There are many people that I helped in regards to meditations, or they even became Spiritual Satanists etc. But even today, four out of five of these people don't support Nazism and Hitler. And yes, they are Spiritual Satanists. They have not studied enough and such and such... but the worst thing is that I, WHO HAVE FUCKING STUDIED, can not explain to them the truth.

I am at a loss of words. Standing like an idiot.
I know better not to open my mouth again but still... I am very frustrated, at my inability to FUCKING REMEMBER!!!!!!! I am very frustrated at my ignorance of the knowledge the OTHER people have.
How can you know everything? And if not everything, then WHAT do you know? What do you NEED to know?? Since one subject ALWAYS jumps to another (you talk about xianity and you ALWAYS end up talking about history! Because xianity CAN be debunked historically!), if you don't know everything, then what DO you know? How can you converse? How can you persuade the other person, or at least give them a different point of view? If you know HALF of what they know, and even the things YOU know, you know them based on a gut feeling, based on someone else's words, and even the information you've read, you just can't fucking remember!!! Is there even a point of owning a freakin' tongue??????

Alright, rant is over. Any, any, any kind of advice or opinion on this is appreciated.All I know is that I won't be opening my mouth again, as I've gotten tired of bringing myself to such a humiliating situation. It's a promise to myself, unless my instinct tells me otherwise.
You can use positive affirmations to fix any problems in your life. This includes difficulty with remembering information during debates. You can use an affirmation like, "In a positive manner I am always remembering all Satanic information," or some variant of that. You can also use the rune MANNAZ or a Mercury square to increase your intelligence and improve your memory. A potential affirmation is, "In a positive manner my intelligence is permanently and drastically improving in all ways."

You should check your natal chart and see if you have bad planetary placements for memory and the mind, such as Saturn in the 3rd house or a debilitated Mercury. Debilitated planets can be strengthened by doing the planetary square for the planet. Do NOT do a Saturn square even if your natal Saturn is debilitated. Doing a Saturn square will make the problems caused by Saturn worse.

The Runic Kabalah and Satan's Magickal Squares PDFs and Audio Mp3s
lol you cant pursuade these people or even dream of changing their point of viewif you make a perfectly legitimate point and make someone out to be wrong they will return with a completely unimportant although slightly related question (their brains are windmills of sperratic thought) that they try and stumble you with DONT LET THEM DO THISits important to pick your battles as some people cannot be pursuaded and those who havent found satan are on their own(for good reason) so leave them aloneremember, if you cannot defend yourself with words, that not everyone is a gifted speakeri know this might sound super gay but if theres a debate team at your school maybe check  it out and see whos there
there are definitely gonna be idiots,but at least youll be learning somethingthere will come a time when we get to "blank" peoples skulls then again for avoiding any kind of issues such as having the hps ban me there will umm..never be a time where we ever use our hands be a good boy and drink your cool aid 
You don't need to persuade anyone most ppl will be sheep their whole lifes. You can't just expect to deprogram someone any given person believes what they see to be true and for the most part their is no way around it unless their open and willing to believe as well. It took me years to accept the truth reading the joy of satan years ago and yet still remaining christian due to excessive programing my whole life. I have only just recently deprogramed Christianity completely and feel no ties to it. I do feel you on the amnesia thing you may just not be good at explaining things same with me.
On Feb 13, 2017 3:37 PM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  I will rant a bit, but please, please hear me out.

I am getting extremely frustrated at my inability to properly converse with others about the subject of Hitler, the holohoax, Nazism and such.I HAVE watched documentaries... I HAVE read the Satanic website about Hitler, Nazism and such (but we all know I can't bring up Satanism like that lol; it would have the opposite effect). I HAVE read articles about Nazism and the holohoax.
I get it. I understand it. I believe the holohoax of the jews is a hoax. I understand what National Socialism wanted to accomplish. I do believe in Hitler as our Antichrist. I have no doubts of these things (a few years ago I did have many doubts, and less knowledge).
BUT!!! FUCKING BUT!!!! When the times comes that, for whatever reason (I may, or may not.... most likely I am the cause of this) a conversation about the holohoax stirs up... all my arguments are gone. All my knowledge has vanished. Instant fucking amnesia. I can understand it all in my mind. When I had watched the documentaries and when I had read the articles, EVERY THING made fucking sense! But now?? Now I'm left with nothing! I can't even open my mouth!And the other person ALWAYS FUCKING ALWAYS!!!! uses this reason: my great grandfather died in the war against Germany! Or something of that nature. I know the other person is not lying about it and I can not really... I can not give them any (any, any at all) reason as to what Germany wanted to do, and how they were trying to save us all. In all honesty, I am not educated enough about this either (why did the people of my country had to die in this war, if these people were not jews? Yes, I most certainly know hardly enough).

I understand I shouldn't start a conversation at all, seeing how I hardly have enough knowledge about it.But... I am upset at myself. Today, a conversation of that nature stirred up, and I was saying "I need historical evidence to prove me that the holocaust happened" and the other person asks "Alright. What historical evidence do you need? If you say that you do not count people's testimonies as facts, then what do you need?" and... I had nothing to say. I literally had NOTHING to say!

I don't doubt our High Priest/esses' words (about Nazism, and such and such) and they HAVE given us evidence about the things they say (either through documentaries, the Black Sun website and such and such, there are numerous articles and evidence about all the things they support) but, in all reality, if it wasn't for my religion, if it wasn't for Spiritual Satanism, I wouldn't even DARE touch the subject of Nazism and Hitler. I wouldn't even CARE about it. But I do, because I know the true face of the jews and what they're trying to accomplish (and of course it goes much deeper than that).BUT HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SAY ALL THAT TO ANYONE?? You can't! You shouldn't! (I mean, you should be careful as to what you say to whom)

I am very frustrated.

Even if the subject is not about Hitler or Nazism... If the subject is HISTORICAL, EVEN IF IT'S ABOUT FUCKING XIANITY, I am left with no words...I KNOW how xianity has stolen ALL of its concepts by religions (the Pagan religions) preceding it. I know that even xianity's symbols are Pagan in origin, but xianity converted/distorted them (like the cross and such).
I've read the entire exposingchristianity website, and certain articles I've read more than once or twice.

But when someone starts talking about HISTORY... My country's history and they tie christianity somehow in there... and they say things I have absolutely NO knowledge about.... I am just left speechless. And angry. Very angry. Outraged, furious. I fucking burn with anger, I wanna break the other person's skull. Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE FUCKING SMART, AND THEY STILL BELIEVE IN THAT BULLSHIT!!!!!!!And I am left there, speechless. Nothing to say, nothing to do.

Then, spirituality...... Dear god... DEAR GOD!
I meditate for some years now. More than four years.I most certainly know the basics about meditations, how energy works and so on.
I have understood some allegorical symbolism (not even half of it, and the ones I've understood, I needed to examine them many times before I was able to do so) in regards to spirituality, chakras, energy, male/female energies and such and such.
Then, here comes someone along my way. Someone, who meditates. God knows what he/she does. But... he/she tells me stuff... I have nothing to respond with. I have absolutely no knowledge about them! I was so foolish, thinking I could, somehow, help this person out, or educate them since they were interested about it. Foolish and ignorant. I thought I have knowledge? Where is my knowledge now?
Yet, everything is in my mind. Everything is in my subconscious. I understand how things work, but I have no knowledge of the things the other person talks about. And even the things I KNOW, I can not actually give a concrete explanation of them! Or proof! How do you go about proving that astral projection exists? Did you just read an article about it? You'll need some science here. And what if the other person knows more behind this, than you do?

And so, once more... where do I stand? With fucking nothing to say, I stand like an idiot, wondering why do I even open my mouth.

I am very frustrated. At myself. I can't blame anyone else.
I just can not understand.... how can I fix that? How many more years do I need? What are even the AREAS that I need to study on???? History??? Politics??? Spirituality?? And WHICH spirituality?? Ancient India? Ancient Egypt??And where do I even FIND THE FUCKING SOURCE THAT IS NOT JEWISH CORRUPTED???!
MAN AM I FUCKING ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The above that I wrote are *not* always the case. There are many people that I helped in regards to meditations, or they even became Spiritual Satanists etc. But even today, four out of five of these people don't support Nazism and Hitler. And yes, they are Spiritual Satanists. They have not studied enough and such and such... but the worst thing is that I, WHO HAVE FUCKING STUDIED, can not explain to them the truth.

I am at a loss of words. Standing like an idiot.
I know better not to open my mouth again but still... I am very frustrated, at my inability to FUCKING REMEMBER!!!!!!! I am very frustrated at my ignorance of the knowledge the OTHER people have.
How can you know everything? And if not everything, then WHAT do you know? What do you NEED to know?? Since one subject ALWAYS jumps to another (you talk about xianity and you ALWAYS end up talking about history! Because xianity CAN be debunked historically!), if you don't know everything, then what DO you know? How can you converse? How can you persuade the other person, or at least give them a different point of view? If you know HALF of what they know, and even the things YOU know, you know them based on a gut feeling, based on someone else's words, and even the information you've read, you just can't fucking remember!!! Is there even a point of owning a freakin' tongue??????

Alright, rant is over. Any, any, any kind of advice or opinion on this is appreciated.All I know is that I won't be opening my mouth again, as I've gotten tired of bringing myself to such a humiliating situation. It's a promise to myself, unless my instinct tells me otherwise.
I get the exact same way, and feel the same. I think we should reread (for the hundredth time) and this time take short, to the point notes on points we would make when talking to another person, answers to common questions, etc. I always learn better when I take notes, maybe you do too?
I used to be very bad at this too, arguing about those topics or even speaking about them to others.. 
So I understand your frustration, your frustration of knowing everything but not knowing how to put it into words or how to argue with others about it. 
The thing which helped me was building my confidence and having absolute confidence in my knowledge and words, that no matter what the other person would bring up, whether it be that their grand father died in the war or that they read testimonies of 66 million people regarding the holohoax, or whatever else they would bring up, I would always be confident in my knowledge and never crawl back or show weakness. 
I started believing in myself and thinking of myself as an Elite, because we SS are Elite and when I'm arguing with anyone, whether they be a historical "expert" or a religious idiot, they are inferior to me and we are not arguing, but I am merely educating an inferior person. I am the one who knows Truth, whether they understand or believe my Truth or not, whether they have other opinions or not, that doesn't matter, because our Truth is absolute and always prevails. 
Instead of standing there speechless like usual, I opened my mouth and just spoke. The first time it was the most difficult, but I noticed that the reason I was never able to argue or speak back to those people is becasue I was not confident in my words, not confident in my knowledge. 
When I started believing in my knowledge fully and looking at other people who try to argue against me like inferior individuals, or poor misinformed victems of the jewish system, I gained the courage to stand up to them and speak back. 
Instead of thinking of it as an arguement, I thought of the people arguing with me as children stampeding in disagreement to their parents. Because that is what they are, those people are simply regurgitating what the jews want them to say, while I say what I want to say and what I believe, what I have learned by my own research and power. 
So I have absolute confidence in myself that never wavers, no matter what kind of opposition I face and if I do lack knowledge on a certain subject I still don't back down, but I take responsibility and let them have it this time, then the next time I wil have researched the subject indepth and will be able to uncover the jewish lies this person has been told about the subject and convince them otherwise. 
Also in case of educated people who seem to have a lot of knowledge, know that what knowledge they have is full of jewish corruption, so even if they are more educated than you on certain aspects of history you can know the truth behind those things and counter any arguement they come up with. 
For example, one basic arguement that helps to shut down any educated know it all is: "The victor writes history." 
Tell them to look who is in control now, and then tell them who is behind the so called history he speaks of. It's the jews in both cases. The jews write history the way they want us to see it and rob us of our real history, but we know the real history, so we can shut down any historical experts by using this against them. 
Ask them for their sources and then tell them to look up who wrote those sources and tell them to look up who would benifit the most from writing those books. 

Ooh and when arguing about the world war, and people bring up the "my grandpa died" arguement, just let them know what happened to the Russians under stalins rule, or what the polish did to the german civillians during and before the war, what happened to the germans after world war 1 was lost. 
And what would have happened to his grandpa is the russian communists had been allowed to attack europe and subjugate it. I can guarantee that this poor fools grandpa died a much more pleasant death than he would have under communist rule. 
In war people die and yes civillians have died because of the germans too, because it was war and collateral damage is difficult to avoid when your opponenst couldn't care less about the civillians in the area, but the amount of civillian casualties were kept at a minimum by the Germans in world war 2, while their enemies on the other hand went out and slaughtered their own people and any other civillians for giggles. Literally. 
Those are some things to bring up. That yes, the germans couldn't avoid all colateral damage and couldn't avoid all civillian deaths and that some did die by their hand, but that dispite the fact it was the worst war the world has ever seen the Germans kept civillian deaths at a minimum and killed less than any of the other parties involved and that also Germans never went out to purposely kill or threathen the lives of civillians unless those civillians had a hand in the persecuting of the German people. 
While on the other hand the russians slaughtered them like wild beats on a hunt and the britons bombed the german cities to nothingness using fire bombs and other chemical ordinance which transformed the targeted city into a literal oven of death and 3000 degree hot destruction, causing millions of deaths on purpose in an attempt to wipe out honest and good civillians who wanted nothing but peace and prosperity for their people and themselves. 
I could go on and on, but you already know all this. 

Try to be confident in what you know and put those people who try to argue with you down like you would a whining child that tries to argue with you over their bed time. 
You have the knowledge and you have the tongue to speak it, now have the confidence and will to prevail in any arguement regardless of the opposition people present. 
Maybe you have other talents than oratory, you don't need to be the best argumenter ever or argue smartassly like other people do. I suppose since you are 3rd Sex you may have other talents like military/directed violence.
I don't like arguin' either but usualy I'm a good teacher for younglins when they are open minded to hear about true NS - and there's a lot in this category. I'd feel better shotting and fighting than arguin' shit with assholes, anyway. Put what you think you wish X what is your natural talent, you'll be happier. You can do Mercury squares as well if you really suck at explaining the basics for open minded people, and add Sun to increase the confidence at standing your side.
Ah, and ask this person how pointless was this death of his relative, fighting his own fellows who wanted to preserve Europe from Communism. Ask if his relative would want his wives raped to death and his children burned alive if the Allied power of Communism have acutaly succeded. More Frenchmen died fighting FOR Hitler (for Europe) than against him. Food for thought.

Yagami.....You are not alone in this. Everyone here knows exactly how you feel. Four years is not that long. Do not be so hard on yourself. I am dedicated 9 yrs to Father Satan and I am very careful what I say and to whom. As you work on yourself, on your Aura, you will "shine". You will develop a Charisma and people will be drawn to you and your words without knowing why, like moths to a flame. But you need to start slowly with your message like planting seeds, a hint here and there, like a trail of bread crumbs for a mouse. People do not react well to direct confrontation or being preached at.
Thank you everyone for your responses.

I always thought that knowledge goes hand-in-hand with being good at debates and arguments. Apparently, it doesn't seem to be that way.
I have no doubt that I STILL need to learn many many more things to be fully confident in what I know, but putting these things on the table for other people to understand is a different and difficult task to perform.

Mannaz rune is really something I should use, thank you johnson_akemi. :)

Writing notes on what I read, is also a good idea.

You all gave me food for thought, thank you. :)
I will put more time into studying instead, and I'd rather leave for... well, whenever I feel ready enough, or whenever I feel that *others* are ready enough, to start these ""sensitive"" conversations.
"A Lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep...."
Stay strong and true to yourself. 
Hail Satan

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On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 7:09 AM, Leon Kennedy kundalini699@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   You don't need to persuade anyone most ppl will be sheep their whole lifes. You can't just expect to deprogram someone any given person believes what they see to be true and for the most part their is no way around it unless their open and willing to believe as well. It took me years to accept the truth reading the joy of satan years ago and yet still remaining christian due to excessive programing my whole life. I have only just recently deprogramed Christianity completely and feel no ties to it. I do feel you on the amnesia thing you may just not be good at explaining things same with me.
On Feb 13, 2017 3:37 PM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  I will rant a bit, but please, please hear me out.

I am getting extremely frustrated at my inability to properly converse with others about the subject of Hitler, the holohoax, Nazism and such.I HAVE watched documentaries... I HAVE read the Satanic website about Hitler, Nazism and such (but we all know I can't bring up Satanism like that lol; it would have the opposite effect). I HAVE read articles about Nazism and the holohoax.
I get it. I understand it. I believe the holohoax of the jews is a hoax. I understand what National Socialism wanted to accomplish. I do believe in Hitler as our Antichrist. I have no doubts of these things (a few years ago I did have many doubts, and less knowledge).
BUT!!! FUCKING BUT!!!! When the times comes that, for whatever reason (I may, or may not.... most likely I am the cause of this) a conversation about the holohoax stirs up... all my arguments are gone. All my knowledge has vanished. Instant fucking amnesia. I can understand it all in my mind. When I had watched the documentaries and when I had read the articles, EVERY THING made fucking sense! But now?? Now I'm left with nothing! I can't even open my mouth!And the other person ALWAYS FUCKING ALWAYS!!!! uses this reason: my great grandfather died in the war against Germany! Or something of that nature. I know the other person is not lying about it and I can not really... I can not give them any (any, any at all) reason as to what Germany wanted to do, and how they were trying to save us all. In all honesty, I am not educated enough about this either (why did the people of my country had to die in this war, if these people were not jews? Yes, I most certainly know hardly enough).

I understand I shouldn't start a conversation at all, seeing how I hardly have enough knowledge about it.But... I am upset at myself. Today, a conversation of that nature stirred up, and I was saying "I need historical evidence to prove me that the holocaust happened" and the other person asks "Alright. What historical evidence do you need? If you say that you do not count people's testimonies as facts, then what do you need?" and... I had nothing to say. I literally had NOTHING to say!

I don't doubt our High Priest/esses' words (about Nazism, and such and such) and they HAVE given us evidence about the things they say (either through documentaries, the Black Sun website and such and such, there are numerous articles and evidence about all the things they support) but, in all reality, if it wasn't for my religion, if it wasn't for Spiritual Satanism, I wouldn't even DARE touch the subject of Nazism and Hitler. I wouldn't even CARE about it. But I do, because I know the true face of the jews and what they're trying to accomplish (and of course it goes much deeper than that).BUT HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SAY ALL THAT TO ANYONE?? You can't! You shouldn't! (I mean, you should be careful as to what you say to whom)

I am very frustrated.

Even if the subject is not about Hitler or Nazism... If the subject is HISTORICAL, EVEN IF IT'S ABOUT FUCKING XIANITY, I am left with no words...I KNOW how xianity has stolen ALL of its concepts by religions (the Pagan religions) preceding it. I know that even xianity's symbols are Pagan in origin, but xianity converted/distorted them (like the cross and such).
I've read the entire exposingchristianity website, and certain articles I've read more than once or twice.

But when someone starts talking about HISTORY... My country's history and they tie christianity somehow in there... and they say things I have absolutely NO knowledge about.... I am just left speechless. And angry. Very angry. Outraged, furious. I fucking burn with anger, I wanna break the other person's skull. Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE FUCKING SMART, AND THEY STILL BELIEVE IN THAT BULLSHIT!!!!!!!And I am left there, speechless. Nothing to say, nothing to do.

Then, spirituality...... Dear god... DEAR GOD!
I meditate for some years now. More than four years.I most certainly know the basics about meditations, how energy works and so on.
I have understood some allegorical symbolism (not even half of it, and the ones I've understood, I needed to examine them many times before I was able to do so) in regards to spirituality, chakras, energy, male/female energies and such and such.
Then, here comes someone along my way. Someone, who meditates. God knows what he/she does. But... he/she tells me stuff... I have nothing to respond with. I have absolutely no knowledge about them! I was so foolish, thinking I could, somehow, help this person out, or educate them since they were interested about it. Foolish and ignorant. I thought I have knowledge? Where is my knowledge now?
Yet, everything is in my mind. Everything is in my subconscious. I understand how things work, but I have no knowledge of the things the other person talks about. And even the things I KNOW, I can not actually give a concrete explanation of them! Or proof! How do you go about proving that astral projection exists? Did you just read an article about it? You'll need some science here. And what if the other person knows more behind this, than you do?

And so, once more... where do I stand? With fucking nothing to say, I stand like an idiot, wondering why do I even open my mouth.

I am very frustrated. At myself. I can't blame anyone else.
I just can not understand.... how can I fix that? How many more years do I need? What are even the AREAS that I need to study on???? History??? Politics??? Spirituality?? And WHICH spirituality?? Ancient India? Ancient Egypt??And where do I even FIND THE FUCKING SOURCE THAT IS NOT JEWISH CORRUPTED???!
MAN AM I FUCKING ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The above that I wrote are *not* always the case. There are many people that I helped in regards to meditations, or they even became Spiritual Satanists etc. But even today, four out of five of these people don't support Nazism and Hitler. And yes, they are Spiritual Satanists. They have not studied enough and such and such... but the worst thing is that I, WHO HAVE FUCKING STUDIED, can not explain to them the truth.

I am at a loss of words. Standing like an idiot.
I know better not to open my mouth again but still... I am very frustrated, at my inability to FUCKING REMEMBER!!!!!!! I am very frustrated at my ignorance of the knowledge the OTHER people have.
How can you know everything? And if not everything, then WHAT do you know? What do you NEED to know?? Since one subject ALWAYS jumps to another (you talk about xianity and you ALWAYS end up talking about history! Because xianity CAN be debunked historically!), if you don't know everything, then what DO you know? How can you converse? How can you persuade the other person, or at least give them a different point of view? If you know HALF of what they know, and even the things YOU know, you know them based on a gut feeling, based on someone else's words, and even the information you've read, you just can't fucking remember!!! Is there even a point of owning a freakin' tongue??????

Alright, rant is over. Any, any, any kind of advice or opinion on this is appreciated.All I know is that I won't be opening my mouth again, as I've gotten tired of bringing myself to such a humiliating situation. It's a promise to myself, unless my instinct tells me otherwise.
You we will always gladly hear out. There are morons who prattle on about kikeianity, like the recent troll knottedpup, and there are Spiritual Satanists who, when they rant, they are Serious, and have Serious issue to rant about.

A fact you should always remember - nothing revolutionary, sure, but still:

When the Truth is revealed, your acquaintances, friends, family, WHO, oh WHO will they go to in order to understand WTF is going on in the world? It’s that simple.

Now, since your mind is chock full of knowledge, allow yourself to engage in mental race - if you enjoy it that is. What I mean by it - when making scripts for my recordings (sermons... I don't like this name in regards to my work), I sometimes allow myself to come up with retarded arguments. Why? Because xians are this way. Look how much you can do – answering questions to Spiritual Satanists who are not convinced, answering xians who believe Anti-christ, or NS was xian.   When the time comes, they will ask and LISTEN to YOU – not to some retarded alt-kike poo-liticians.Becasue they fukn' REMEMBERED you talked about it.
  Recall every retarded argument you’ve ever heard, jot it down – perhaps other retarded arguments can crop up to further increase your repertoire. How would you link them, what other things you need to add to shatter one’s erroneous beliefs? The though depth of a Satanist is far greater than that of a sheep.   HS! 88!

---In [email protected], <tapapakiastinseira@... wrote :

I will rant a bit, but please, please hear me out.

I am getting extremely frustrated at my inability to properly converse with others about the subject of Hitler, the holohoax, Nazism and such.I HAVE watched documentaries... I HAVE read the Satanic website about Hitler, Nazism and such (but we all know I can't bring up Satanism like that lol; it would have the opposite effect). I HAVE read articles about Nazism and the holohoax.

What I can clearly see right now is the enemy is mocking you and trying to make you come to a direct halt in your Spiritual Journey. I would personally practice more patience in knowing that our Spiritually Satanic Efforts will pay off in the end and the enemy will no longer be able to send these people against we Spiritual Satanists to either mock us or try to shut us down. The enemy will intentionally even make Christians smart to try and shut down people who are seeking the Truth, or have already come to it and are a Dedicated Spiritual Satanist.

As for people's testimonies about World War II it's all rubbish and should be treated as such. Why? Because the enemy is the king of fake. From fakes lives to fake memories to fake names to fake experiences to fake spirituality etc.. I really hope my message helps you to better see and track the enemies movements against you and those around you because that is my direct intent so you don't get fooled or uneccesarily riled up again which the enemy is playing on to try and frusterate your path.

Don't let the enemy keep you down, you are more powerful, and smarter than the enemy which is why it is reduced to petty bullshit like reverse psychology, and playing on personal weakenesses like this. Also more studying will also shut these people down as well. I know a thing or two as well, but I still lack a lot of crucial knowledge that I need to learn which will take years, maybe even decades to learn. The key here is patience and trust in Satan. It is also possible the enemy is using Dark Magick to erase thoughts from your head as soon as they pop into your head before you become fully and consciously aware of them( I have personal experience with this kind of attack). If there is any other thing the enemy can be noted for it is the extreme cheating it does in order to score a fake victory.

Don't let the enemy get you down and play you like this, I have seen you here long enough to know you are far superior, and better than that.

Hail Satan.
Hail Lady Agares.
Hail Lady Beleth.
Hail My Demoness Lover.

I am sure I was guided by all of the above with this post.
I've had that too for a while that I had trouble to say things. Reason was, that I simply didn't know enough to connect certain dots. Those come with study. And practice. And dare to speak up.

As for spiritual things. Every person is individual and one shouldn't depend upon another for spiritual experiences. That is something you could tell them if those people ever go over you about something they experienced. You don't know everything. You are still learning. You don't experience the same things they do. Simple as that.
If it does not hurt or feel in any other way negative to you or your wellbeing it should be fine.

There is someone I know.. when this person explains something it is somewhat lengthy because he makes a story or example which is not like core points, but it builds upon, while not being too lengthy.
Was very interesting to watch how the person explained something.

And then I realized, to be able to pull that off you have to at least be very interconnected with a subject.

Maybe it was of any help, maybe it wasn't. maybe you don't even like me saying this.. xD
Here is a copy-paste to prove others that the 6 gorillion goys did not die in the holohoax:
Of course, the jews try to pretend that they are good and innocent like any other time, and that gentiles are somehow worse. The jews made gentiles worse than they ever were. They are aware they created everything that destroyed all these people and now they also want to get on top and reap benefits. This is a common jewish tactic. The jews know they have a bandit state, they know they are murderers, war criminals and filthy garbage- on the top level they know and they reveal their mission as well. 
The jews want to destroy all healthy world powers that can potentially stand in the way of that. The basis of any Nation or State, is Racial. By destroying this base, they destroy everything that can oppose them or has the decent intelligence to go against this.
The jews did 9/11 in order to get help from the Americans in destroying and wiping out people in the Middle East, and create the “Greater Israel”. Part of this is to expand Israel so when they make the “Great March” into the Globalist Society, (With their appointed Jewish Leader as “Messiah”), the “World State Capital” will be in “Greater Israel”. They need ground expansion and survival place, until the rest of the work is done by their cousins abroad. Israel is the headquarters for most of these things. New York is called “Baby Israel” and most people know this.
The jews also call all non-jews "Goyim" Which literally means | Slave of the jew |
https://arthuride.files.wordpress.com/2 ... s-jews.jpg
Jews are also master pedophiles, that work hollywood sex rings that rape, torture and abuse innocent children:
http://www.dailystormer.com/talmud-pedo ... nder-nine/
Jewish rabbis, upon circumcision of a young baby boys penis, suck the blood out of the penis:
A quote from the jewish Talmud  "In most cases, the Talmud affirms the innocence of male and female victims of pedophilia. Defenders of the Talmud claim this proves the Talmud’s amazing moral advancement and benevolence toward children; they say it contrasts favorably with “primitive” societies where the child would have been stoned along with the adult perpetrator."
Jews also torture, slaughter and abuse innocent animals for their holy rituals, as torturing animals is considered a jewish right of law, and is a passage in their holy book, the Torah.
Jews also have a fascination for rape, child-abuse and other sexual acts:
http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/ ... oth402.jpg
Jews also call themself the "master race" ( They lied, saying the Nazi's called themselves the "Master Race" when it was really the jews):
Jewish bankers are also the reason WW1 and WW2 happened, as the jews have a death grip over the world's economy:

The jews also control 95% of the world's media, including The New York Times, NBC, and CNN:
https://undertheradarmedia.files.wordpr ... edia-1.jpg
Jews also run the federal reserve, the federal reserve is a privately owned institution that prints money with interest, and then lends it to the U.S government. This puts the whole country in debt, and devalues the currency as currency with interest on it can never be paid back, forever enslaving the country and all it's people:
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_Xrq_n2VFfY/U ... -quote.jpg
(The Rothschild, Rockefellers and Morgans are worth over 650 Trillion dollars. They own 99% of the worlds currency and are the reason everyone on the face of the earth is poor. They are all Jewish)
Jews also want to kill the white race specifically:
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/imag ... gGjl6yoYKc

After that, they want to enslave every race and then kill off the rest :
http://holodomorinfo.files.wordpress.co ... l-marx.png

The greatest story never told goes into great detail of Hitler's motivations, legacy and vision for what original basis the Third Reich was established on.
The holocaust was actually a controverted lie to extort Germany out of 650 billion euros in war reparations to Israel, also to further delude the masses.
The real holocaust was the gulag camps in soviet Russia, where 80 million gentiles were put under slave labour under Bolshevik rule, Bolshevik standing for "Russian Jew":
http://www.angelfire.com/dawn666blacksu ... ocaust.htm
Also, Israel is bombing innocent Palestinians with US tax-dollars:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgRFe3sfbJc&t=26s

Now you know the truth, please help spread this message and help stop the world from being destroyed by the jews.

One last note... If it's an attitude/thought that creates a negative response within you [losing your train of thought] then it is a joo-kiki subconscious program. They always want you to be less than you are! The runes are very good at over coming these. 
Meditations from jos also to remove thoughtforms and joo programming. Should be done for 40 days straight...
Information Concerning the Mind [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
Hail SatanHail Lilith
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 6:22 AM, tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Thank you everyone for your responses.

I always thought that knowledge goes hand-in-hand with being good at debates and arguments. Apparently, it doesn't seem to be that way.
I have no doubt that I STILL need to learn many many more things to be fully confident in what I know, but putting these things on the table for other people to understand is a different and difficult task to perform.

Mannaz rune is really something I should use, thank you johnson_akemi. :)

Writing notes on what I read, is also a good idea.

You all gave me food for thought, thank you. :)
I will put more time into studying instead, and I'd rather leave for... well, whenever I feel ready enough, or whenever I feel that *others* are ready enough, to start these ""sensitive"" conversations.

 Hmm this is interesting. What if.. Someone made a book. 
 The National Socialist Manifesto. 
  Or A Manual For Creating National Socialists. 
 Where one could simply study and pull out for instant use. 
What if that someone were YOU, Aldric?
If the book you are looking for, doesn't exist...it's up to you to write it.
That's paraphrasing a quote I read on social media. I forgot who the quote is from.

On Wednesday, February 15, 2017 6:52 PM, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:


 Hmm this is interesting. What if.. Someone made a book. 
 The National Socialist Manifesto. 
  Or A Manual For Creating National Socialists. 
 Where one could simply study and pull out for instant use. 

Ahem ahem, I agree with Magus and I shall be waiting for that book, my dear friend.
Until you write it, I'll make sure to have improved my english to the point of making a translation to my native language for it. :D
Great idea! Should start a thread! What retarded arguments do xions come up with? And how can an SS counter those arguments? What else can be said about those lame arguments so that the xions aren't turned off? So that our answers don't go so far over their heads?
I know much of this knowledge is in jos and on these forums. However, it can give ammo to those who get brain freeze, or just wanting to work on future events. 
Remember, pearls before sheep are nothing more than rocks in the dust if they don't realize the value of the pearl.
Hail SatanHail Lilith

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 3:40 AM, sable.wolf616@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   You we will always gladly hear out. There are morons who prattle on about kikeianity, like the recent troll knottedpup, and there are Spiritual Satanists who, when they rant, they are Serious, and have Serious issue to rant about.

A fact you should always remember - nothing revolutionary, sure, but still:

When the Truth is revealed, your acquaintances, friends, family, WHO, oh WHO will they go to in order to understand WTF is going on in the world? It’s that simple.

Now, since your mind is chock full of knowledge, allow yourself to engage in mental race - if you enjoy it that is. What I mean by it - when making scripts for my recordings (sermons... I don't like this name in regards to my work), I sometimes allow myself to come up with retarded arguments. Why? Because xians are this way. Look how much you can do – answering questions to Spiritual Satanists who are not convinced, answering xians who believe Anti-christ, or NS was xian.   When the time comes, they will ask and LISTEN to YOU – not to some retarded alt-kike poo-liticians.Becasue they fukn' REMEMBERED you talked about it.
  Recall every retarded argument you’ve ever heard, jot it down – perhaps other retarded arguments can crop up to further increase your repertoire. How would you link them, what other things you need to add to shatter one’s erroneous beliefs? The though depth of a Satanist is far greater than that of a sheep.   HS! 88!

---In [email protected], <tapapakiastinseira@... wrote :

I will rant a bit, but please, please hear me out.

I am getting extremely frustrated at my inability to properly converse with others about the subject of Hitler, the holohoax, Nazism and such.I HAVE watched documentaries... I HAVE read the Satanic website about Hitler, Nazism and such (but we all know I can't bring up Satanism like that lol; it would have the opposite effect). I HAVE read articles about Nazism and the holohoax.

@descipleofthegods13 - Thank you! Say it again! In an expo for the groups! We all need this occasional reminder!!
Hail SatanHail Lilith

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 5:59 PM, descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   What I can clearly see right now is the enemy is mocking you and trying to make you come to a direct halt in your Spiritual Journey. I would personally practice more patience in knowing that our Spiritually Satanic Efforts will pay off in the end and the enemy will no longer be able to send these people against we Spiritual Satanists to either mock us or try to shut us down. The enemy will intentionally even make Christians smart to try and shut down people who are seeking the Truth, or have already come to it and are a Dedicated Spiritual Satanist.

As for people's testimonies about World War II it's all rubbish and should be treated as such. Why? Because the enemy is the king of fake. From fakes lives to fake memories to fake names to fake experiences to fake spirituality etc.. I really hope my message helps you to better see and track the enemies movements against you and those around you because that is my direct intent so you don't get fooled or uneccesarily riled up again which the enemy is playing on to try and frusterate your path.

Don't let the enemy keep you down, you are more powerful, and smarter than the enemy which is why it is reduced to petty bullshit like reverse psychology, and playing on personal weakenesses like this. Also more studying will also shut these people down as well. I know a thing or two as well, but I still lack a lot of crucial knowledge that I need to learn which will take years, maybe even decades to learn. The key here is patience and trust in Satan. It is also possible the enemy is using Dark Magick to erase thoughts from your head as soon as they pop into your head before you become fully and consciously aware of them( I have personal experience with this kind of attack). If there is any other thing the enemy can be noted for it is the extreme cheating it does in order to score a fake victory.

Don't let the enemy get you down and play you like this, I have seen you here long enough to know you are far superior, and better than that.

Hail Satan.
Hail Lady Agares.
Hail Lady Beleth.
Hail My Demoness Lover.

I am sure I was guided by all of the above with this post.
I have been taught how the enemy works by Satan, my Guardians, and My Demoness Lover. Wherever, and whenever I see enemy bullshit I almost impulsively call it out. Not literally though, I am careful lol.

Hail Satan.
Hail Lady Agares.
Hail Lady Beleth.
Hail Lady Kyrie.
"And the other person ALWAYS FUCKING ALWAYS!!!! uses this reason: my great grandfather died in the war against Germany!"

This is very typical thing you will encounter in the midst of those who were the main battering ram for fighting Germans in WWII because from 99% to all of these lost their family members. I face it every day. Its like living in the midst of Mordor [in you read Lord of the Rings by Tolkien] born in family of [good] people fighting for Mordor thinking Mordor is great, yet knowing it is not. This is our task to open their eyes. This is why we translate day and night SS and NS materials, learning history, putting sites etc. Because when peoples of Russia, Serbia, Poland and Belarussia wake up to the truth of bolshevist regims, they will raise up like Ukrainians did (becuse Ukraine was occupied the fist and enough long so they had opportunity to recognize Hitler and Nazi for what they were) and restore their countries for themselves. They will never be foolled into this "civic nationalism" again. So most important is to put all main SS/NS sites in your language.

Here are also some facts to tell your relative:

1. Stalin had laws that anyone who is taken captive is automatically a traitor and if left alive then sent to GULAG. This tells a lot, first and foremost, why this cruelty? just out of sadistic joy? - NO, but the obvious reason for this politics was that people were held ignorant and illiteral, this way only they could be made to fight for their own murderers. When such person was taken captive into the midst of Germans and saw with his/her own eyes who Germans were and how they were in reality, all "monster nazi" propaganda was exposed to them inside out. These people were to never be fooled up again, they WERE traitors to bolshevist regim in their heart because they knew the truth. Truth is always a traitor to bolshevism.
Actually when Hitler and Nazi wrote Stalin to send food to Russian POW captives, Stalin answered that they are traitors and they should die, he does not want them back, including his own son, only to GULAG, and does not care about their fate. Germans had to feed them and provide them job with their own sources.

2. On the occupied territory of Russia and Ukraine from 95% to 100% according most sources and 100% according KGB archives were collaborating with Nazi. Most of them were later genocided or repressed / sent to GULAG by Stalin for treason. Most Russians, who died but not in battlefields, died because kikes considered them "traitors" and "Nazi collaborators".

3. According all WN sources including Russian sources, Red Army rapists raped not just Germans but specifically Master Race, which means all Slavs: Pole, Ukrainian, Belarussian. And all captive Russian women were considered "Nazi whores" "slept with Nazi" thus tortured, raped and murdered together with "their German sweethearts". On the road Moscow to Berlin. Which actually mean they understood that not only German males were fucking beautiful, but that no White woman would ever again collaborate with kikes, once learning how it is to be with a real Nazi man.
Obviously the Holocaust has no real evidence backing it, other than 'Documented' 'Experiances' from american soldiers that were the first to arrive on the scene at World War 2. So we do not know if the holocaust did actually happen, in that that it is hard to know for sure. What we can call as concrete evidence would be documents by german officers themselves, which coincidentally were destroyed.So I agree with the title term, Holohoax. Even if it did happen, I couldn't care less about the loss of jewish life's.
The ruins of war is always great, and it could have all be averted if there wasn't much pressure on hitler.The point I am making is all this unnecessary rape, torture etc committed by the Russians is un justifiable, even during war, "Nazi Whores", the term given to their own women from their own blood line is just disgusting.
I honestly believe that Hitler looked up and lived for a great thing, The Occult Of The Black sun being one of the most important things we can look for..
What can I say? People are sheeps that follow a wolf.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
