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Humanity Stands A Chance Now - But First, Is Military Dictatorship Incoming? [Re-Read This Now...]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The worst case scenario with the enemy, in contrast to popular belief that things are now "hard", is that humanity never knew what was going on until it was too late.

From all the potential scenarios, that would be the most dangerous one of all. It would also be impossible to turn around once it has pounced on mankind, and impossible to remove while it has manifested itself.

This all that I type here, is one of the things I definitely want to be wrong about, and I hope the Gods also assist humanity and also that humans don't give up on their own understanding.

Above all, I am certain the enemy will collapse no matter what route they take. Even a victory over the people now will be short lived.

As Billy Gates recently slipped from his mouth, he admitted that they were "expecting" a far higher (blind of course) participation into all these transitory plans which are generally dubbed as a the Great Reset. Gates was expecting a bigger vaccine "Turnout" in most places, and couldn't "Comprehend" that people didn't blindly engage into this ritual worldwide.

I would say they confidently believed that only "marginal" people would resist this or consider this suspicious, possibly no more than 5% or a maximum of 10%. They control the media, the internet, the social media - everything. How could this ever happen to them?

Their worst nightmares have actually been confirmed. People are actually aware that something really bad is going on, and that we no longer are present in merely a simple continuum of time and space where governments are just engaging in mere "Corruption" or a medical company does some profit making.

We are living inside a strange moment, and people understand this. Many are blocking it, but it's still here. This "transition" is mostly abnormal, and as people here know, it's an attempt to usher a jewish manifestation of an undesirable future of tyranny.

For them, the whole "Vaccine" situation, which Billy has referred to oftentimes as a "Test", is in a sense a ritualistic test of "Faith". They were making an assesment alongside everything on how much the people would blindly comply into any of this without even a reservation.

When they found out that is beneath 50% in most places on earth, that is very worrisome. The enemy also thought that the fact that 7 out of 10 people went to vaccinate in many places [which was mostly due to force, fear, or medical conditions] was some sort of giant vote of confidence for the enemy, who boastfully declares now these people will have to line up every 3 months to even exist.

The boastfulness and revelation of all the enemy's plans, which was conspiracy theory just a couple years ago, should leave nobody with a question mark. Everyone understands all of that is insane. If not everyone, most people who have a thinking capacity, will see that something is very wrong in all of this.

Remember, all of this started manifesting after the enemy's mass exposure from 2017 and onward. The first bell was rung when they understood too many people were too aware of Jewish plotting, and their reactions have been becoming more and more severe, but also damaging on their own agenda.

Many people thought this would stop when the Governments "Told them" it would, but, isn't it normal that they should keep things going anyway? How many believe as time goes that any of this really has to do with public safety, our Nations, or our future in anyway?

Well, the issue is, if they kept the same route they were going before with being softer and acting hidden, they would lose power sooner or later. The power of people to inform themselves and other rising technologies and Satanic forces, would eventually cause them too many issues.

In a sense, their power is already lost, since most of their lies are collapsing. The moment these lies collapse, they are left with very few choices.

As time goes, and when tyrannies run out of options after hoaxes or conspiracies are revealed in full, they instate brutal force. Therefore, that is to be expected. Jews and those in power have done copious rituals during this Hanukkah for this very end, and we all saw the "rumors" flying in Australia, Austria, Germany, but even in the United States and the head of the European Union.

There is a good percent of likelihood that we might see violence within the next 6 months, and State use of force and brutality. It will depend on if the enemy has judged the situation is permanently lost for them or other assessments. But if it is, they will definitely try to usher force.

The whole "vaccine" situation is only a droplet of many big implementations they want to make in the next decade. If people aren't even lining up for a simple "mRNA" vaccine, many of the things they want to implement are going to fail, if not most of them? How will people accept anything?

The more data surfaces, the more this whole "Vaccine" and "Co-Vid" ordeal appears to be a combination for steady yearly culling. If people keep taking infinite doses as the jewish corporations and media want them, and Governments bully people to do, in combination with all the Co-Vid and derivative factors, we are speaking of a great culling taking place.

If people resist this and since they have been increasingly understanding what is going on, the above is going to fail. But there will be a price to pay for this awakening, except if even more people keep reacting to this entirely. The price for this awakening is that yes, things might get bad.

As oppressive Governments and tyrannies run out of options, they instate violence or martial law to keep their order. At the current data, nothing supports it. Regardless, as we have seen, the enemy requires nothing to back up their statements and any fabricated justifications can be made up, or anything imaginable, to simply attempt to proceed with use of the military for "Vaccination" or other similar events.

The head golem Ursula of the European Union and her statements, are also likewise very alarming, in that they are now looking into "Mandatory" vaccination. Over whatever, a virus that is already obsolete and already transforms extremely quickly.

Thankfully, there is no EU military branch, in that Ursula cannot command an army of autobots to have to go down on people to force needles up their arms, but they definitely have entertained these ideas.

Many of these people are also very self righteous. They cannot comprehend the Goy doesn't want the miracle of their jewish cousins that doesn't even inoculate but was branded as a "vaccine" anyway, or why the Goy doesn't want to sit down permanently and eternally to be doing injections only so that they can have a job.

It's beyond them to understand this, they consider humanity does a great insolence to their reptilian meat socket "Deities" that we refuse to accept this madness, and even worse they react to the fact, that many humans have comprehended that is the case.

Now one would think, they would need to follow science or at least have some justification for instating such a tyranny, even if temporary, but I would express the opinion that they no longer need this. In fact, maybe it can't even be used since nobody will believe it anyway past a point.

The question of science or such as the facts that the so called "Mutations" are merely powerless, might all fall in vain. If they decide that their power is drifting away, violence might be used, except of oppressive measures.

The so called "Unvaccinated" and the "Vaccinated" who don't line up every 3 months for a Jewish Kapparot Ritual, will be called "Enemies of the State" and generally have all their rights taken away. That might involve military force in some places.

Financial violation which is a classic method, has been implemented copiously during the whole pandemic. That is one method of control. But apparently, that doesn't look like it has satisfied them.

Whether or not the above will happen is also highly reliant on how much power the enemy thinks they have. All we have been seeing lately is a major crackdown of these exact powers, since they have no belief left in the people and this worsens day by day. Therefore, force, coercion, brutal measures, are the last cards they can pull to keep the frauds going.

Klaus envisions a world where 30% of the people that are present on it now are dead, and where everyone is biologically altered, chipped etc, and enslaved.

One way for them is to push through corpses to attain this, which is a dangerous path due to the potential of failure, another is through half baked popular acceptance, which again has high chance of failure, and the third way is to not have this happen which will be highly upsetting to the forces that use them as meat sockets, which leaves them with few options.

Another path, is that they could "wait" until there are no human cops, firefighters, or military [ie, they have borgs working for them], but the technology is not available for this, and therefore, they cannot stall it, because they know by the time these achievements are made, much of their fraud and jewish conspiracy will already have collapsed due to social development and understanding.

Therefore, they are left with some difficult decisions here. Even in Austria, there are protests where the cops show the people. If I was Ursula, I would be very worried. It appears even cops, military and firefighters actually know what's up. That is also why Biden appears to be cleaning house and enforcing the perpetual injections to US Personnel.

But does that guarantee their faith, or that these people merely don't want to lose their job?

If people know that much now with the archaic internet, one can only imagine what these technologies will bring in their exposure.

On a level for those who are more in the know, as the enemy fails to implement this agenda, the higher "non corporeal" aka reptilian enemy is going to turn on their own for their failures. As time goes and they know that if they don't apply, these forces will be really angry on them, they will press things even more.

Regardless, if these meat sockets were even aware of what they are doing and how it ends for them [they are expendable garbage and the reptilians see them in this way], they would have went begging to the Gods now to repent and stop their behavior instantly. Yet, that is impossible since they are servants of the enemy, and they clearly are going to continue anyway.

For those who know who is behind this and what is going on [and why we are here in the first place], then one understands that the enemy will not stop until they have done everything they want. Or attempted to do that and had their heads cut off in the process.

This is like having to deal with ticks at this point, they don't understand that they must stop this or change themselves from being a tick. They have their warped imaginations and interpretations and they will not part from these at any cost.

The RTRS and other new incoming Rituals are now paramount, as they have been.

Lastly, closing from the beginning of the post, yes, that is a very good escalation of affairs and how it's going, despite of people thinking it's a pain. All of this is temporary compared to everyone sleeping on these agendas and finding themselves permanently trapped without any escape.

It's better that humans understand a thing or two and go through this, rather than just waking up with an infinite wave of NPCs trapped into a matrix metaverse brain jacked pod, and anyone questioning "how" it happened. It's better even these events people call terrifying or fully evil do occur now, rather than later.

It's worth paying the price and all these considerable risks to wake up, as the final end of this is merely the destruction or full enslavement of mankind, permanently and without any capability to return. Even the worst events that might occur now are only temporary compared to this.

What is for sure, is that half the battle against the enemy has been successful. Years ago we kept repeating "Masks will drop, Masks will drop", and now, all masks have been dropped to the ground. The enemy doesn't even hide their agenda anymore, and their conspiracies are all exposed.

This is however a similar case to catching a criminal and them seeing that they are being chased. Chances are this will cause a rampage. They know they have been doing all they have been, so letting go peacefully is not going to be the case.

We have 'Run out' of any more conspiracy theories since all of them have been proven. Now there is only a fight for the liberation of humanity.

In regards to those who still buy the popular narrative, they can happily line up for 8 shots, or enjoy a dictatorship, or go beg the jews in mind trips that "Guarantee" them "Freedom", which oh, it turns out, they always had.

The West wasn't built on the idea that freedom is inferior to "safety and convenience", it was built on the opposite sequence. Freedom is what makes life worthwhile, and safety and convenience are worthwhile insofar one is free.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great sermon! In my opinion, lately Jews attacking harder and doing their rituals with more effort. They definitely also know what's going on and what's coming for them (a huge collapse of their empire). I think that's why in lately I feel more curses coming from them and generally I have a feel that they work harder with fear.
Bright Truth said:
Great sermon! In my opinion, lately Jews attacking harder and doing their rituals with more effort. They definitely also know what's going on and what's coming for them (a huge collapse of their empire). I think that's why in lately I feel more curses coming from them and generally I have a feel that they work harder with fear.
Spiritually speaking, there is now a law:
Us +1, Enemy -1
It can also change to:
Us +2, Enemy -4

As the enemy increases the intensity of his attacks, we should also increase the intensity of ours.
My country seems to be experiencing a revolution, and I have no idea who’s behind it, is it just the people, or something more sinister?

Are we gonna be fooled again, like few times in the past already, overthrowing our rulers, thinking we will get better, but in fact we get the same, or worse.
Hooded Cobra I have a question for you!

In your old sermon you said, you said that the 5G network could be harmless, but if the enemy uses it, they will use it to destroy.
But the Jews are running this thing now. I say they are using harmful radiation to achieve their goal!

What is your opinion on this?
FuckYu_666 said:
Bright Truth said:
Great sermon! In my opinion, lately Jews attacking harder and doing their rituals with more effort. They definitely also know what's going on and what's coming for them (a huge collapse of their empire). I think that's why in lately I feel more curses coming from them and generally I have a feel that they work harder with fear.
Spiritually speaking, there is now a law:
Us +1, Enemy -1
It can also change to:
Us +2, Enemy -4

As the enemy increases the intensity of his attacks, we should also increase the intensity of ours.

I was thinking to this too. If they work harder, there would be more curses coming back to them, but we must break down their barrier, wich I think is weaker and weaker and we are close to throw that napalm that HP HoodedCobra said, I think
The current event of things resemble the history of the downfall of the Manchu ruled Qing dynasty. As the Qing dynasty faced it's downfall, they launched a new governance policy(which they claimed was necessary in order to compete with the western countries), which was actually a sinicization project that enforced agriculture on lands that was used for animal breeding, immigrants from poorer regions started occupying non-chinese regions of the dynasty(like mongolia or tibet) and run shops and farms there, at the cost of the freedom of the natives. They also enforced the teaching of chinese language in the schools in non-chinese regions, and anyone that raised his voice against these policies or was penalized. That's what made the people react, people revolted here and there. People at the time were saying that mongols were a folk that was dying out, but they found it's independance in the heat of this chaos, at the same time the were revolts inside China succeeded to take down the dynasty. People take their freedom for granted, but until they lose it. The enemy right now is reacting like the Manchu ruled Qing government of the time, like a cornered rat reacts against the cat but they'll eventually die out.
Just like we protect ourselves spiritually and psychologically, it is our Satanic Duty to be able to defend ourselves physically too, by any means necessary. All Satanic Warriors need to be armed, the more the better.
Bright Truth said:
Great sermon! In my opinion, lately Jews attacking harder and doing their rituals with more effort. They definitely also know what's going on and what's coming for them (a huge collapse of their empire). I think that's why in lately I feel more curses coming from them and generally I have a feel that they work harder with fear.
In my opinion the enemy attacks are not stronger, but more desperate, the enemy is weak, the jews have lost most of their power and their magic is weakened, so they are making desperate attacks using all of themselves at timed moments, and shortly afterwards our rtrs deal with most of the problem, I noticed this during their Hanukah, they made several deep attacks at specific times, plus with each attack a few hours later the rtr seemed to have already dealt with the problem, if we continue like this their Hanukah will be useless and so will all their next days of power.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Unfortunately we will still have to fight a lot for our freedom, here in Brazil we are one step away from becoming a socialist dictatorship, the only barrier between Brazil and socialism is president Bolsonaro, and even then many despise him here, even Satanists, besides that, they have started a bill to make the vaccination passport mandatory to vote, which may cause the defeat of president Bolsonaro, since most of his supporters are not against covid vaccination.
We must resist. We have been given a specific task, the Gods wanted that we have come to know about Satanism.

We must destroy the enemy once and for all.

It will be very hard years, there is no doubt, perhaps our entire lives will be subject to this, but hard work and perseverance always pays off, if not in this life, in the future ones. Continuing with RTRs is a must, quitting is not an option here.

Thank you HP for the post and I wish you all Satanic comrades all the best, stay safe and keep going!
They can threaten me with that for all I care. Just the other day I was thinking that I won't even take the second vaccination, even for the sake of my job. I have another job waiting for me without a needle in my ass.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Remember, all of this started manifesting after the enemy's mass exposure from 2017 and onward. The first bell was rung when they understood too many people were too aware of Jewish plotting, and their reactions have been becoming more and more severe, but also damaging on their own agenda.
That is completely true. I remember in that period people were discovering the jews in big numbers but then the jews gave people this covid hoax to think about and figure out, which `cooled down` a lot of jewish hate and exposure that was developing. But now jewish exposure is on peak again compared consiering the last 4-5 years.

What is also increasing and becoming very meainstream are things related to spirituality. Everywhere I see people posting on TV or Internet `daily affirmations` about success or peace or health, now there is a lot of information, TV and Internet series about chakras, aura, the mind, most of which are corrupted is true but is a good start.
For a long time you have been saying that people have woken up or that they already know or suspect the Jews and I think it's great. But I don't see this reflected in any way in my country. This is not a criticism, but a vent.

Here 90% or so of the country is already vaccinated without any rebellion. Whatever the government says they do. I have shared links and promoted Joyofsatan, but it's like no one sees it. It's funny, because the only people who give likes are people who are already immersed in Satanism, but they are all from foreign countries.

Still I see people trying to find the reasons for my country's internal disaster, but the farthest they get in their musings is that communism is to blame. They never get to the Jews.

I have seen the demonstrations in Europe about vaccines and I am happy for them. But over here we have none of that, although I must admit I have seen small flashes of rebellion, very faint ones. Maybe it's because I don't know many people, due to the fact that I'm not sociable.

My country is a place that is "sick with politics" people are very distracted arguing those on the left against those on the right. Both sides equally blind and selfish, but in their own way. Here the left are the typical communists and LGBT and the right are people who know about economics and politics, but they are very much associated with Christianity, they have their own morals from the 50's and their eternal rejection of homosexuality. We have no other options.

I reiterate that what I am writing is only a vent. I know I am neither the first nor the last with this feeling of marginalization.

The hatred I feel for Jews and the stupidity of people is my inspiration for making the RTRs.

Salve Satán.
Salve Anubis.
Salve Astarte.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

To tell the truth, I did not believe in this "miraculous" vaccination from the beginning. If we then talk about the damage caused, it is clear that the damage generally caused by the virus is lower than the damage caused by the exploitation by governments of this virus, for example the closure of almost all jobs that have led to economic global damage, most people have experienced a stress from this sudden closure and the last one for the moment seems like an endless vaccination, which to be honest, such a scenario, I had imagined from the beginning.
Bright Truth said:
Great sermon! In my opinion, lately Jews attacking harder and doing their rituals with more effort. They definitely also know what's going on and what's coming for them (a huge collapse of their empire). I think that's why in lately I feel more curses coming from them and generally I have a feel that they work harder with fear.

I feel totally the same. Worst curses, worst energies of worst things that can even exist - cruelty, violence, and all this attempted to be thrown on those we love the most to hurt our feelings to drive us totally insane (not happening in reality - but what jews want to happen, and what they try to throw on us).

Same for fear tactics. They literally drive people insane with fear for lives, jobs, career dreams. Young person was basically kicked from some golden university on my eyes that they so hardly achieved because parents did not want them vaxed. They forced them to go do Covid test once a week, which happened to be very expensive, so they literally screwed money out of a child draining parents' pockets.

But I also noticed that Gods' help increased and grew extreme and abundant these times. In other words, speaking in terms of this sermon https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=65279&sid=87ec1e3587e9cf180ef882264cd0f525 the Gods' help type №3 became literally insane amount. Probably it was wishful thinking from my part, but so I saw through my dirty glasses...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

kamala harris said that they were considering the nuclear option, which could be a sign the reptiles are really desperate, this was fairly recent news
Hypatia666 said:
For a long time you have been saying that people have woken up or that they already know or suspect the Jews and I think it's great. But I don't see this reflected in any way in my country. This is not a criticism, but a vent.

Here 90% or so of the country is already vaccinated without any rebellion. Whatever the government says they do. I have shared links and promoted Joyofsatan, but it's like no one sees it. It's funny, because the only people who give likes are people who are already immersed in Satanism, but they are all from foreign countries.

Still I see people trying to find the reasons for my country's internal disaster, but the farthest they get in their musings is that communism is to blame. They never get to the Jews.

I have seen the demonstrations in Europe about vaccines and I am happy for them. But over here we have none of that, although I must admit I have seen small flashes of rebellion, very faint ones. Maybe it's because I don't know many people, due to the fact that I'm not sociable.

My country is a place that is "sick with politics" people are very distracted arguing those on the left against those on the right. Both sides equally blind and selfish, but in their own way. Here the left are the typical communists and LGBT and the right are people who know about economics and politics, but they are very much associated with Christianity, they have their own morals from the 50's and their eternal rejection of homosexuality. We have no other options.

I reiterate that what I am writing is only a vent. I know I am neither the first nor the last with this feeling of marginalization.

The hatred I feel for Jews and the stupidity of people is my inspiration for making the RTRs.

Salve Satán.
Salve Anubis.
Salve Astarte.

The "Mass" is very slowly alterable and they cannot form the thought connections on their own to understand things too far, or completely. If they understand up to an extent, or at least do what is good for the moment, rather than the for the future, that's enough and an event to celebrate.

The people who are only mass cannot be saved anyway on their own, unless they are ruled by better people. The interesting thing is that the people who think the matters over, must exceed 1 in 2 people right now, which is a huge percent.

Even more shocking must have been for some of them that vaccinated people [those who they thought would line up for perpetual jabbing], are also having big concerns over mandatory procedures. Which after all, is the important aspect in all of this and not merely who got this and who didn't.
Satnam666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

kamala harris said that they were considering the nuclear option, which could be a sign the reptiles are really desperate, this was fairly recent news

They also recently went out with tyrannical tones and said that everyone is going to "get" vaccinated. The "Mandate" itself was only the beginning. Maybe they will use a justification based on a "health crisis" to rally military. Up to now, it hasn't been done, but everything else before this point has already happened.

Could you link on her statement?
Melvin said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Unfortunately we will still have to fight a lot for our freedom, here in Brazil we are one step away from becoming a socialist dictatorship, the only barrier between Brazil and socialism is president Bolsonaro, and even then many despise him here, even Satanists, besides that, they have started a bill to make the vaccination passport mandatory to vote, which may cause the defeat of president Bolsonaro, since most of his supporters are not against covid vaccination.

They do this to manipulate who can get elected. In some countries, if you are not vaccinated, you don't have entry at all in the voting places, or even worse, they want to implement "mail voting", ie, the easiest type of voting to completely fraud. They want to essentially wipe out the ability of anyone to elect themselves.

If they saw high percents towards those willing to implement their agenda, akin to those up to 80%, they would be like "yeah, we could never violate the right of people to vote, voting is more important than Co-Vid! Oy vey". But seeing it that their position is shaking, they are now machinating any theory to cause fraud. The first United States attempt to fraud was the starting step to this.
Jax911 said:
The current event of things resemble the history of the downfall of the Manchu ruled Qing dynasty. As the Qing dynasty faced it's downfall, they launched a new governance policy(which they claimed was necessary in order to compete with the western countries), which was actually a sinicization project that enforced agriculture on lands that was used for animal breeding, immigrants from poorer regions started occupying non-chinese regions of the dynasty(like mongolia or tibet) and run shops and farms there, at the cost of the freedom of the natives. They also enforced the teaching of chinese language in the schools in non-chinese regions, and anyone that raised his voice against these policies or was penalized. That's what made the people react, people revolted here and there. People at the time were saying that mongols were a folk that was dying out, but they found it's independance in the heat of this chaos, at the same time the were revolts inside China succeeded to take down the dynasty. People take their freedom for granted, but until they lose it. The enemy right now is reacting like the Manchu ruled Qing government of the time, like a cornered rat reacts against the cat but they'll eventually die out.

That is an excellent and very well thought comment. I had no clue about the fall of Manchu.

I agree, they use the same excuse, that somehow all this destruction they do with turning most countries to negative GDP, is actually "necessary" to protect the "health" of the "Old people" and other nonsense.

If ongoing trends continue even more with all this insanity, the West is going to experience a tremendous fall. Even China has stopped giving a dog's shit about this whole situation, because they know it's worthless. Already existing drugs could save people, and then an actual vaccine could be generated on the proper timelines, whom everyone could take willingly.

Has anyone thought all these billions and trillions of printing, could be actually also funneled into medicine creation, which would be rather instant, less worrisome, non invasive, and certainly not create all these pointless restrictions?

If half of this crap was invested in Cancer treatment, and we waged a war like this to "Cancer", we would probably have advanced far further as a society. Regardless, the pharma people see this whole thing as a profit machine, so that hasn't come yet.

Then, normally speaking, after this thing was suppressed [pretending we really had to face an pandemic], then an actual well studied vaccine could wipe this whole thing out. With more transparency and without fearmorgering 24/7.

Most scientists agree that all the "Co-Vid pass", the "Mandatory measures" and all this worthless nonsense was a waste of time from a virological standpoint. It's just that kikes wanted to erode our rights yet again for no reason whatsoever except of their personal interest reasons.

But we are being forced into the Kike Messianic Nonsense of the lizards instead, and Klaus Anal Schwab's nonsense about how the world needs to go under, people need to go extinct, and whatever other nonsense.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
nonsense about how the world needs to go under, people need to go extinct, and whatever other nonsense.

But on some level isn't this deserving to some people in consideration they gave up their rights without seeing the gun. For example how many people in history have done a "stick up" while sticking their fingers in a gun style but having no gun hoping to bluff the situation. Or even using a fake gun plastic toy etc.

I understand they aren't right but unfortunately a lot of people do kinda want this. It's one thing for the enemy to want this stuff and making it a reality. It's another when the enemy of the enemy i.e. Gentiles want this like an obedient sheep. Maybe shitting on society and my nation is a good thing after all in big picture, Humanity is destroying this planet.

Unfortunately this non-sense isn't going away if anything it's just the beginning. It seems all the people who gave up their rights are merely acting like a bunch of wild animals swinging left and right on non-vax/anti-vaxers.

Your right HP.Cobra if a vaccine worked it would last a lifetime, a few decades, or a number of years 8-15 easily. It doesn't go awry two months in and requiring boosters.

Unfortunately people don't see the forest nor the trees and they can't smell their own shit on their knees.

More and more are gonna suffer; more and more are gonna die off. The question is what happens in the future as time passes. We've already had members post stuff like athletes dying off and other mandates/lockdowns.

Is this the culling that has been wanted to be brought about? This is just the beginning what's next on the table for the JNWO?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The interesting thing is that the people who think the matters over, must exceed 1 in 2 people right now, which is a huge percent.

I wish we had the same stats among homosexual NPCs. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case in the slightest.
Gear88 said:
I understand they aren't right but unfortunately a lot of people do kinda want this. It's one thing for the enemy to want this stuff and making it a reality. It's another when the enemy of the enemy i.e. Gentiles want this like an obedient sheep. Maybe shitting on society and my nation is a good thing after all in big picture, Humanity is destroying this planet.
Why is that, I should ask. And the reason is our enemy who has undermined and dragged us down step by step. Your views are somewhat Anti-Human, in my view. We deserve better, even though we are collectively in the shitter. Honestly, those who are on the low end spectrum of understanding do not even count in their opinions. Those do not help us get better and grow.
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The interesting thing is that the people who think the matters over, must exceed 1 in 2 people right now, which is a huge percent.

I wish we had the same stats among homosexual NPCs. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case in the slightest.

Maybe it is as you say, and also, it's not the same amount of wakefulness in all the age groups. People who seem to get what is going on is mostly the category of 20 to 35-40, and then we have people who are older and understand that this is a very weird occurrence going on.

Every country also doesn't have the same group, but in all countries, there is a lot of wakefulness from younger people like 20 to 40.

Most people who are homosexuals are in a false dialectic that they are oppressed by society and therefore hate society [it's not unreal, but it's not a spherical view], it's a weird warp situation.

They therefore close up to the world and many aren't educated in how their rights can be violated, ie, medical rights tomorrow, rights to sexuality the other day.

I think the issue is way past their sexuality, it's about education and a generalized thinking process. Every gay person I have met has some issues with acceptance that bleed over to many other things [not Satanists, I mean regular people]. This disallows and demonizes specific thinking processes entirely.

For example most gay people I know were "pro vaccine" but without any thought, almost in a brainwashed manner as if they are living in cloud 9 or something. I found it really weird but I understand why this occurs.

Maybe they don't feel affected as an ingroup so much as other people, and that's why.

I think other people might have been alerted a bit faster, in particular because of fear that might hit things they have as priorities, ie, for example, children and vaccinating children. That's because the State took something from them during this time.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
nonsense about how the world needs to go under, people need to go extinct, and whatever other nonsense.

But on some level isn't this deserving to some people in consideration they gave up their rights without seeing the gun. For example how many people in history have done a "stick up" while sticking their fingers in a gun style but having no gun hoping to bluff the situation. Or even using a fake gun plastic toy etc.

I understand they aren't right but unfortunately a lot of people do kinda want this. It's one thing for the enemy to want this stuff and making it a reality. It's another when the enemy of the enemy i.e. Gentiles want this like an obedient sheep. Maybe shitting on society and my nation is a good thing after all in big picture, Humanity is destroying this planet.

Most people haven't understood that when a Constitution is breached to such an extent, or in situations like this, everything they know is shaky. That's however not the people's fault it's the fault of that they haven't been really alerted to how this might happen.

An example, everyone speaks about imaginary far right and Nazis who don't pose a real threat to anyone but the jews only, but they never tell them that if you violate free choice for procedures that is actually breaching the fundamentals of all notions of human freedom and autonomy.

That is a bigger issue and the biggest issue the Western Civilization has had to answer for a while. It's a slippery slope 100 times worse than any "Far Right". Even a "Far Right" probably wouldn't even think of violating that.

I definitely don't think people deserve this at all, but on the other hand, seeing massive cowardice and how many don't even bother to think, from a natural perspective, might draw the revenge of the laws of causation and therefore loss of freedom. Still, I don't think it's "deserved" on a linear perspective.

The future will tell us the facts about all this. Now that information is everywhere and people are starting to smell the fumes of the fire, the future will reveal what people think about their freedom and how much they value these.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The interesting thing is that the people who think the matters over, must exceed 1 in 2 people right now, which is a huge percent.

I wish we had the same stats among homosexual NPCs. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case in the slightest.
Usually, homosexuals start by hating xianity which is good but then the jews direct this to far-left ideologies and they fuck them up. I'm gay and I know there are many SS who are so I don't think it's a lost cause but unfortunately, they seem to use homosexuals for pushing communism and race-mixing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The RTRS and other new incoming Rituals are now paramount, as they have been.

Now there is only a fight for the liberation of humanity.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Forgive me for insisting HP, but what do you think about organizing large covens on power dates?
We tried to organize one yesterday

The Alchemist7 said:
I quite suspect there won't be thousands to do the RTRs tomorrow at this hour, but more likely the few of us discussing here :lol:
Though we can compensate by doing more RTRs each. In order for thousands to do at the same hour, this must be planned at least a few days in advance and posted by HP Hooded Cobra in the announcements where way more people will see this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The interesting thing is that the people who think the matters over, must exceed 1 in 2 people right now, which is a huge percent.

I wish we had the same stats among homosexual NPCs. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case in the slightest.
For example most gay people I know were "pro vaccine" but without any thought, almost in a brainwashed manner as if they are living in cloud 9 or something. I found it really weird but I understand why this occurs.

Maybe they don't feel affected as an ingroup so much as other people, and that's why.

I think other people might have been alerted a bit faster, in particular because of fear that might hit things they have as priorities, ie, for example, children and vaccinating children. That's because the State took something from them during this time.
Those are my experience and opinion as well
The people pushing the homosexual 'rights' are the same who pushed xtianity which oppressed them for hundred of years. Great composers such as Tchaikovsky etc, they shinned through times. Life is a mystery to all of us, but I see they promote it as a 'perversion' of people who I think would not be. I have seen friends become and other friends unsure but life is bigger than this I think, it is unhealthy to push and promote a sexual practice that a minority practice on the majority. I am personally not against it but I don't think it is how you build a strong society based on deviation values from nature. I also don't deny that many mens are not attracted to women and find satisfaction in other mens, good for them for taking and assuming this route. Just same way I have nothing against other races , but pushing it as the new normal is not right, You are right that they corrupt the perception of it, instead of accepting it they try to define it into a cool culture, what we do is none of the states business, the state is an entity it is not our Gods.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The interesting thing is that the people who think the matters over, must exceed 1 in 2 people right now, which is a huge percent.

I wish we had the same stats among homosexual NPCs. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case in the slightest.

Maybe it is as you say, and also, it's not the same amount of wakefulness in all the age groups. People who seem to get what is going on is mostly the category of 20 to 35-40, and then we have people who are older and understand that this is a very weird occurrence going on.


Homosexuals at least in my country are the most brainwashed to a full marxist/gay lifestyle i have ever seen. Most of them (maybe up to 95%) are pro-vaccine not only 3 doses but as many as it has to be (!!!). I am homosexual myself and it makes me sick to see such degeneracy
SShiva_fr said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The RTRS and other new incoming Rituals are now paramount, as they have been.

Now there is only a fight for the liberation of humanity.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Forgive me for insisting HP, but what do you think about organizing large covens on power dates?
We tried to organize one yesterday

The Alchemist7 said:
I quite suspect there won't be thousands to do the RTRs tomorrow at this hour, but more likely the few of us discussing here :lol:
Though we can compensate by doing more RTRs each. In order for thousands to do at the same hour, this must be planned at least a few days in advance and posted by HP Hooded Cobra in the announcements where way more people will see this.

Do not complexity matters, just go for every 1 and 0 as we usually do based on the time, so we keep the wave going. It does what it should do.

Having looked into this before, but the issue is, different timezones exclude many, and the above strategy has a steady influence. We might do something in the future so don't think it's not happening, we just stick to the above plan.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satnam666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

kamala harris said that they were considering the nuclear option, which could be a sign the reptiles are really desperate, this was fairly recent news

They also recently went out with tyrannical tones and said that everyone is going to "get" vaccinated. The "Mandate" itself was only the beginning. Maybe they will use a justification based on a "health crisis" to rally military. Up to now, it hasn't been done, but everything else before this point has already happened.

Could you link on her statement?


Sorry It may be nothing, but did not mean to worry people I just heard nuclear option an got a little worried,I let it get to me,but they are our enemies so didn't want to rule it out to especially with biden cold winter statement sorry
Satnam666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satnam666 said:
kamala harris said that they were considering the nuclear option, which could be a sign the reptiles are really desperate, this was fairly recent news

They also recently went out with tyrannical tones and said that everyone is going to "get" vaccinated. The "Mandate" itself was only the beginning. Maybe they will use a justification based on a "health crisis" to rally military. Up to now, it hasn't been done, but everything else before this point has already happened.

Could you link on her statement?


Sorry It may be nothing, but did not mean to worry people I just heard nuclear option an got a little worried,I let it get to me,but they are our enemies so didn't want to rule it out to especially with biden cold winter statement sorry

No worries, it's normal, many fake news and exaggerated titles around. Regardless the fact they won't hesitate at nothing is something that has already been proven no matter what.
Here they are now with the so called "omnicron" variant and wanting to make jabs for this one as well no doubt. Wonder what sort of poison will be put in it as well. I think they will try to go full on dictator when enough people wake up and start pushing back which is already happening. There are many more of us than there is of them! Once that brainwashing is down it is over
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SShiva_fr said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The RTRS and other new incoming Rituals are now paramount, as they have been.

Now there is only a fight for the liberation of humanity.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Forgive me for insisting HP, but what do you think about organizing large covens on power dates?
We tried to organize one yesterday

The Alchemist7 said:
I quite suspect there won't be thousands to do the RTRs tomorrow at this hour, but more likely the few of us discussing here :lol:
Though we can compensate by doing more RTRs each. In order for thousands to do at the same hour, this must be planned at least a few days in advance and posted by HP Hooded Cobra in the announcements where way more people will see this.

Do not complexity matters, just go for every 1 and 0 as we usually do based on the time, so we keep the wave going. It does what it should do.

Having looked into this before, but the issue is, different timezones exclude many, and the above strategy has a steady influence. We might do something in the future so don't think it's not happening, we just stick to the above plan.

Okay, thanks for your answer HP!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The worst case scenario with the enemy, in contrast to popular belief that things are now "hard", is that humanity never knew what was going on until it was too late.

From all the potential scenarios, that would be the most dangerous one of all. It would also be impossible to turn around once it has pounced on mankind, and impossible to remove while it has manifested itself.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am concerned about one main thing. Will the jews ever use atomic bombs in their despair? Will they destroy all the planet, themselves included? A nuclear war/attack is certainly the worst-case scenario and it isn't impossibe.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
