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HP Don On Blacks

Kyrique B

Jan 7, 2011
The non-Whites, mainly the Blacks. They found these ancient mining industry operations in Africa that are from hundreds of thousands of years ago. This is why Blacks as a race are in Africa originally. They were the race of workers the Gods created to help them build their civilization when they came to earth. The Blacks are probably the oldest race on earth. Yet the Gods were here before Blacks and we come from the race of the Gods directly so, its almost like we are the oldest as part of the Gods race.
http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post6 ... cks#p62434
Foster tell a Slothz how does the USA stand for some Communist Jewish narrative again? Especially when the actual White Founders created a White Nation State for Whites only and declared Blacks only one third people to dispossess them from even the ideal of citizenship? And then worked to send them back to Africa and push the Indians further West in numerous race wars mostly stated by Indians. Washington was called the Village Burner by the Mohawks. I think you need to sort this all out in your head and drop the liberal one world I think your whole hiphop thing has given you a tad too much liberal negrophilia.

So answer a Slothz this or drop the goofy sig.
Black Slavery

The Jews didn't even really sell slaves to Whites. In all reality only 1.4 percent of Whites owned slaves in America. Most America Whites didn't agree with it and put major regulations on it. Jews owned the majority of slaves. The Jews mainly sold them to other Jews, the slaves where used in the Jewish run industries that slaves were used to facilitate such as the sugar cane plantations. This is the source of how the Jews really made their wealth the Jew bankers, slavers, planation owners and such were all working together this was key to the rise of the massive wealth power of the Jewish bankers as well.

The Jews even got laws passed to ban all non Jews from the slaver industry so they could keep their monopoly on it. I support Blacks taking Jews to court in law suits for reparations from the Jews themselves. If the Jews want never ending holo shekels for a holocaust that didn't happen. Blacks should get shekels from Jews for a holocaust that really did happen to them. It was Whites who ended the slave trade much to the rage of the Jews. The only reason the slave trade went on as long as it did was because the Jews used their money and political power to manipulate governments to make sure it did. In fact the Jews originally got massively involved in politics to keep the slave trade going that is how much European opposition was against it.

The Jew Karl Marx, wrote a massive essay which was published in major papers defending and advocating for the continuation of the Jewish run slave trade as necessary for civilisation. And this was the Jew who created Marxism that did what again.....Demanded a revolutionary Holocaust in Marx's own words. And committed such. Of most of White Europe and the planet such as China and the creation of a slave state run by Jews called Communism.

Source: The Secret history between Blacks And Jews In America

<sub></sub><strike></strike>The USA was not made by the Powers of Hell for any of what you mention. You don't pay attention. The Founders who were Satanist's created America in their own words and laws......As a White Racial Nation. That only Whites could be members of and immigrate to. They worked to ship the Blacks out, back to Africa and didn't make them citizens in fact banned Blacks from such in the constitution along with all other races. And they fought race wars with the Indians. Washington was called the Village Burner by the Mohawks cause he destroyed them in warfare. After the war they brought the hammer down on numerous Indian tribes for fighting against them. And pushed them out as America expanded. Thomas Jefferson stated on Blacks and Whites: The Two Races equally Free can not exist under the same government
There is intelligent 10 percent of the Black race that would normally form a leadership caste over the rest. But if you study Black rule in Tribal Africa its draconian compared to White society. This is the discipline they understand and keep their moral culture inline. In a Black nation with a ascended class and strict rule of a moral culture in time the Black race will evolve into something more as nature is in flux its not stagnate. People love their race for what they are and seek to steer them towards what they can become. Otherwise after Descartes posts I might as well throw my hands up and say fuck it what's the point. Its up to Black people to discover what their inner qualities are and how to express them. To find their own racial value.

Now if the Blacks had of been told the truth this is your normal intelligence range and that is why you where you are at. And you have benefitted from living in the White society and why. Most of these problems would not exist with racial anger. However I believe in not treating people badly because of their differences in such cases either. But being honest about these things. People are literally dying over this. The bitter pill of honesty will lead to a better future for all. Where the sweet taste of lies has lead to death and destruction. The blacks are trashing Europe because they have been told the same liesIts really not relevant as the IQ range of blacks are from the 60's to 75 and up to 85 in America in different cases due to the injection of White blood by racial mixing over time I note the light skinned is very unique due to this.

Now the issue is the jews have been lying and telling the blacks they are all rocket scientists and would have a castle made of gold because they are not only equally qualified but more qualified geniuses at everything. Over Whites. So when they can't achieve anything close to such because they are not qualified for such. They get told its because Whites are holding them down and oppressing them on purpose with White Privilege. What then happens is the what is happening today blacks race rioting and even going as far to gunning down innocent White people on camera. In a massive entitlement racial tantrum.

Now look at the people who are disabled for the rest of their because of this Carson affirmative action stooge. This is the price of the jooz lies. Now what happens if the above finally erupts into a all out race war.....People are already dying over these lies. See the bigger picture.

A lot of America Blacks are overweight because they live on fast food. They had a local Black riot when one fast food place ran out of food on the menu because they where so hit with customers. All most every fat person I have ever know was fat because they ate that stuff a lot.

Also I don't believe the hype about Black awesomeness at sports over all. Because the jews have done what they stated and used a racially biased promotion program of Blacks over Whites and anyone else in Sport leagues not based on talent only race to create the needed propaganda for racial mixing and communism. So there is no objective standard to compare with. Kenya does however produce excellent runners. One can note that independent of any jooz. However everyone on the level of profession they are on in the professional league is also most likely doping. It would be interesting to see what professional sports would actually look like in a drug free zone. Especially body building.

With the Slavery thing. Lets all be honest on this Blacks sold other Blacks to jewish slavers on the coast. Blacks have practiced Black on Black slavery in Africa forever. And still do practice it. Blacks just sold their extra slaves off for some material goods to jooz. Blacks over here might have this notion of one Black race. But in Africa each tribe considerers themselves their own people separate from all the rest. The large scale violence that swept Africa upon the end of European governance was only the return to their traditional tribal warfare even within the lines of new nation states.. In Africa multi culturalism didn't work either.

The history of slavery is all across the board you had Whites enslaving other Whites, a million Whites where enslaved by the Islamic Barbary pirates who operated out of North Africa. This is what caused the first war America entered into as a new nation. The America military crushed them for attacking their ships and taking their people as captive slaves.

Within the history of slavery the one thing that accelerated it and still does is Judaism and Judaism in the form of Islam and xianity. The largest slave trade out of Africa was run out the Islamic world. Jews had the largest organized industry of slave trading and owning in the new world. And in the new world xianity was used to hype this and justify it further. You can see Islamic State are openly taking and owning slaves right now. And where Judaism rules under the guise of Communism the whole nation becomes feudal slaves.
True, the non-White races are the biggest White Supremacists on the earth. They all want to come to the White Western world and are doing anything to come in and ruin it of course but coming in anyway. Its funny in a sad way they are coming in here to escape what their own selves and races did to where they are coming from. But in such numbers they trashing the west as well. Then they demand Whites somehow apologize to them within all of this. Because jooz, that's all its jooz who put all this nonsense into everyone heads. But the non-Whites are taking full advantage of it.

jackie74 wrote: There are white guys here that are so damn proud of what other white guys invented that they walk around with this "master race chip" on there shoulders!!.

Well those People are part of the racial mind, soul, genius and gene pool the very racial family which built South Africa and Rhodesia from the unpopulated wilderness of Africa so why should you not have pride in your Peoples accomplishments? Your continuing on in the path they laid after all and helping to advance and evolve it. Then after they built the nations, the Blacks started migrating downwards into the region looking for a better life. So they where included in the task they where qualified for farm and general labour as their collective racial IQ is around 60.Then the jooz put into their minds they where not just equal but superior to the White Creators, sustainers and managers of said nations the Blacks never had it so good within. They could have left but didn't, how oppressed. So then the jooz created the communist movements out of this toppled White rule with jooz and black puppet rule and now its a trashed shit hole. Wonder why......cause genetics' and race is real where equality is just feelz.

Now wackie, the trash your spouting off comes right from one source originally.....jooz. Jewesses like Rand made this garbage up to attack Whites with but then turned on a heel and did a 180 on everything she wrote when it came to the Jewish race state of Israel.....Wonder why? Cause if her fellow jooz bought this trash it would end them. Its only poison for the White goyim well.

The liberal, Xian Whites of SA and extinct Rhodesia listened to moronic jooz garbage like your spouting and were are they now? Whole White families murdered and tens of thousands of Whites dead by rampaging savage blacks with a brain full of joozduism. And a nation lost. Thanx for not helping wackie woowoo. Cause Whitey was the nation and when Whitey is gone your going back to the jungle level of non civilization the blacks that came in where on naturally. They Killed the golden goose.

Wackie74 is expecting Whites to apologize in SA for having the pride of nation's founders, when their the ones being racially murdered, raped and attacked on a daily basis. But you know.....gosh darn it. Those Whites are the problem pay no attention to murderous cunning jews and rampaging negro rape and murder mobs rioting everywhere. Nope, no problem there in Wackie's fucking tiny mind.

Wackie is part of the problem, my ban button is part of the solution, yes.
<sub></sub><strike></strike>http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post5 ... cks#p56604
This is mainly an American Black thing. Black's I have known who are immigrants from other Black nations are not like this. Talking with them they fucking hate American Blacks to the point they could run the KKK themselves. What makes a person dumb is a lack of introspective thought. Which these people just don't want to develop. Its a combination of slavery mentality that has been passed down and current anti White propaganda. There is a deep psychosis in the American Black mind. The psychiatric reports on American Blacks going back to the twenties mention this. If I had of lived in the sixties I would have sympathized but not in 2015. American Blacks have had too much PC coddling from Starcuck's Marxists and this is dangerous given the slavery mentality. Its affirming it to them and making it worse.

Also Egypt was not a Black civilization either it was originally Aryan. The last Pharaoh was Nubian but that was the end point of Egyptian civilization he reined for a few years then the Assyrians invaded. And took half of Egypt, then came the Persian's not too long later, then the Greeks, Roman's and Arab's.

What that fellow does not get is the reason the MSM and the left is running to sweep this crazies, race murders under the rug is because after watching innocent people violently killed on air it shocks people too far out of the PC, narrative. Roof was all over the media because it plays into the same narrative and was then used to justify the further dismantling of White culture and attacks on White identity. One is good for the jew the other bad.

Something to note is WNist groups all condemned Roof and so did White People in general even hardcore racist Whites where disgusted by Roof, This Roof is crazy and deserves the death penalty. Roof is not being given any special treatment and will at the least spend the rest of his life in jail. But look at all these Blacks cheering for this Black killer. Then pretending its the other way around. I have to wonder after listing to Farrakhan and all these racial Blacks. Why don't they just move to Haiti or Liberia seriously if its that bad living with the racist Cave Beasts, Whites they can go to many all Black nations where they can be free of such. But why do they want to stay here and spend the White person tax dollars and live in Whitey's civilizations and then make utube video's wanting to kill all Whites while doing it? Maybe its really not that bad after all. And their just brats with a murderous sense of entitlement. And why not? This is what has happened from years of what the jooz and their Liberal drones have been telling them.

If there was an all White nation I could move to where jooz nor their PC where not, my ass would be on a plane right now. I wonder if America is coming to and end.
I wonder how many Blacks really want to clean up their community in America. They seem to want the opiate of the jewish communist, narrative which leaves them helpless to do anything for themselves and just ends in self destructive rage and chaos. I note Blacks who actually try and help their own for real get attacked by other Blacks the most. To free them you have to tell them the truth but that means taking responsibility and not handing their power away to a jooz system and one that has them locked on a plantation of welfare benefits and fever dreams. Its too hard for many of them who are used to a life of lazy indolence, free money and benefits and always getting to blame someone else, along with the seductive power of totally absorption into the Nazarene archetype of being the noble, perfect person because your a now an oppressed victim and your entitled because of this . Don't expect such people to take any responsibility. I have seen this among many welfare baby Whites in the lower income world as well as Blacks. Who generations of Welfare queens Its an opiate to lazy assholes of the world over. These people need a Fascist social order to give them a needed boot in the ass. The more you make excuses for them the more entitled they feel.

The whole Black Lives Matter thing was started over the fact a violent Black criminal who beat and robbed a store owner. Then when stopped by a Police Officer who happened to be White. Tried to beat the Officer to death and take his gun and shoot him to death with it. And was killed in return in self defence by such Officer. Note when Black's kill each other by thousands for anything from a bag of chips to whatever not a peep is mentioned.

It seems the people who created the Black Lives Matter movement believe Black people have a special entitlement to beat and rob others at random and not be held accountable or something. Cause Black people are so oppressed the President of America is Black.
<sub></sub><strike></strike>http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post5 ... cks#p51860
The DNA tests on Tutankahmen shows he had a lot of Western European DNA. This topic has been done already on another thread. The pre dynastic Egyptian tombs showed they where Aryan People. It was an ancient tradition to show men with red skin and women as white. The Greeks did the same. At some point a lot of race mixing took over. Despite the Egyptians attempt to halt it. The fact is the Pyramids are forty thousand years old and predate Egyptian civilization as we think of it. Today you can see all kinds of people in Egypt. Native Whites from the Coptic's who are from the ancient world as a community, mixed race people, Blacks and on.

<sub></sub><strike></strike>http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post5 ... cks#p51598
Rap music back in the day was a Black urban type of folk music. Its themes where about life in the Black community and about awareness of how they where being exploited by the jewish power establishment as a People. It had intelligence within it. Even if one does not like the medium the message was largely sound.

Then the jews got into it and started having them become advertisement boards for market place products. Korn repeated what Run DMC did with the name brand wearing logo. And it went onwards and downwards of course the jews jumped in and started pushing Black awareness off the jews with the blame Whitey propaganda the jews push with their Marxism as a vehicle of racial warfare. Then came the gangster rap era. This was not created by Blacks. It was created by several jewish record producers they created the whole NWA line up for this. The goal was to destroy Blacks by glorifying a suicide life style and ignorance. While also turning them against Whites at this time the lyrics of these albums became heavily full of anti White lyrics even urging racial violence and warfare upon Whites. The jews are the people always trying to create a race war between Blacks and Whites on both sides. A lot of the phoney White Nationalist groups scream for race war and other stupid race baiting nonsense are basically made up of six members. Five of them work for the FBI and the other one for the ADL.

I always considered Tupac a archetype of how the jews ruin the Black Race in America. Tupac was an idealistic, racialist person who was politically educated and as a teenager worked as a local political activist to help the Black Community. Then he went out to LA got into the whole world created by the jewish destruction Black life by the destruction of the Black family, the demoralizing welfare statism, the pouring of the drugs into their communities the destruction of the professional class with desegregation, the media assault of the gang style life. It basically consumed him and destroyed him. Any positive message he once had vanished. And the life he got fame for glorifying killed him.

Apparently in a interview years later Ice Cube stated. They knew the jews where playing them for this reason. So they always started their songs with how wonderful the gangster life was to appeal and play along. But always ended the songs with the reality of how the life ends up and a lament of wasting your life in it. They stated they did this as warning to other Black men as not to fall for the trap. It must have been working because the jews gave them the boot afterwards. Later the jews switch the theme of rap to just rapping about rapping. The bling-bling nonsense to propagandize Black People to become powerless and waste their lives. Malcolm X before his murder warned Black People about the Jews. There are still good rap artists on the independent deal who use it as medium for awareness still.
<sub></sub><strike></strike>http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post3 ... cks#p38492
Varg is a neo Pagan. I disagree with his stance on music that rock is Black music. As the Blacks got the sound and instruments from the Whites. They where playing Blue Grass style music which is European Pagan, folk music. Black music in tribal Africa is harmony singing with little to no instruments. This kind of Blue Grass is common to the Whites of the South who are mainly Scott's-Irish, English descent.
<sub></sub><strike></strike>http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post4 ... cks#p40351
No all the SA Whites should leave SA on the flying Unicorns with Satan666. Even thought no Blacks where in that region they where brought by Whites to work as labourers. In return for a better standard of living. The Jooz worked up the Amerindians many times against the Whites as I wrote before. Like they worked up the Blacks against the Whites with their Communism in SA and former Rhodesia. Satan666 would probably have approved of this and voted for the end of the old system. Despite the fact doing so destroyed everything. He is a egalitarian liberal who loves cultural Marxism. Of course like all the libz he would shrug standing in the pools of blood and bodies such policies create in reality. With some lame apologetics as to why the dream is a nightmare while hugging a pink Unicorn.

The Blacks got massacred along with the Whites by their joo controlled Marxist tyrant in Zimbabwe. The economy is so bad in SA now. SA Nationalists of all colors are attacking all immigrants from other African nations. Who are coming to take their jobs and welfare. The real social Darwinist nature of the shekel system is coming out.
http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post4 ... cks#p42056
From what I studied Lincoln didn't give up on the ideal shorty before his murder by the Rothschild's. He ordered one of his admirals to assemble the need logistics' for reparation. Lincoln was not abolitionist as people are taught. He hated them, during part of his career he literally beat the shit out abolitionist politician in an argument that went to fists. But with the way the war was going he was running out of support and troops. So he extended a olive branch to this lobby and used the freeing of the Blacks to create Black troops to help strength the Northern Army and by freeing the Blacks he created a system where they where congregated into communities to be repatriated later on. He was working with the Black Nationalists to help this out.

The America Founders as did Lincoln knew the race issue between Black and White needed to be settled or at some point violent racial warfare would break out. The slavery issue was something America inherited from the previous time. And was an normal institution in the world at the time. The original Founders where not in the position Lincoln was in. They where bound by their own rules. It still goes on in much of the word, even in Africa its normal.

Just to note slavery was not the reason for the American Civil War either. Now the best way to end slavery would have been by buying out the slaves and repatriation of them while legally ending the institution. This is how slavery was ended in about 11 other countries in the America's.

The Jews created the American Civil War, to divide American into two small warring regions they could then manipulate and take over. This failed due to the intervention of Russia. The Jewish bankers in charge of England pulled strings across their other holdings. There was a large French and Spanish Army on the Mexican boarder and another large British Army on the Canadian, Northern American Boarder wanting to cross and fight for the South. The Czar sent a large war fleet to both sides of the American coast and warned the other European nations he would declare war on them if they invaded.

For a detailed version read this:
http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post3 ... cks#p32922
Blackness is an America thing. I knew a Black fellow from the Caribbean region he immigrated here as an adult. So he was not exposed to this bizarre culture. He was a University Gradate and highly educated individual, upper middle class type. He was bitching to me for an hour on this stupid Blackness culture. The Black nation he came from your supposed to be a normal person and improve yourself and have a moral standard. The Blackness thing over here was like landing on the Moon to him. He was shocked and disgusted by it. I have known middle class Blacks and some Ghetto types. The middle class types are normal people and represent the Black race in America, class status aside. Before the kike wrecking ball came in to town. The culture that killed Michael Brown is robbing, shooting and burning Ferguson to the ground at the moment.

<sub></sub><strike></strike>Yes but working hard and being responsible as to obtain a higher status of living that would be middle class is not part of Blackness. That's why Blacks who do become middle class by hard work and being responsible people are called sell outs and accused of acting White. By the followers of Blackness
I don't get that as from what I keep hearing is being on the "down low" is very common in the Hip Hop World. Maybe that's why. I am not a fan of Hip Hop but I don't totally hate it all either. But I remember when it was basically the Urban version of Punk Rock. A protest against the Establishment and a reflection of the reality of life for the Black, urban person. What happened was the kikes got into and started to change this. They turned it into a musical vehicle of commercialism and bizarre hubris. When this was not enough they then created "Gangster Rap" this was created by kike record producers from the top not by the Blacks. Remember NWA it should have been called WWF as it was just as fake. A group of dudes playing scripted characters. It turns out Dre was a total poser after the another member, Eazy E, or whatever exposed him for being a phoney. But what did this say about the whole thing.

<sub></sub><strike></strike>http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post3 ... cks#p32602
Ebola exists. This nonsense your posting has already cost the lives of many. This type of bullshit went around different Ebola hit areas in Africa telling people Ebola is a evil hoax. So they attacked and destroyed the only Ebola treatment clinic's they had and took the people out of it. After that the rates of infections skyrocketed. It was only a matter of time before something like this came out of the horrid slums of the third world.

This is the same as that nonsense of Elliot Rogers crazy spree being fake and the father of the one murdered kid being a crisis actor. Some even tried to claim he was the actor the Tim Allen's old show who was his assistant on the fictional Tool Time show.
http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post3 ... cks#p30364
There is enough food on this planet to feed seventeen billon people no one needs to be hungry. But the world food supply is controlled by six major global corporations. And guess Jew is in charge of them. Monsanto the most well known and seemly the most powerful one. The Monsanto's are Jews who got their start in the Jewish owned African slave trade. These Jewish corporations have created a globalist monopoly on farms and food that has caused global famines for years. They put farmers internationally into debt credit systems, while they purposely drive the cost of food production below cost forcing the farmers to work harder as they go into debt. Its enslaved people into a serfdom. Suicide is the highest reason of death for many farmers caught in this system. This system is identical to the gulag method the Jews used in the USSR. Disposable slave labour.

What is causing global hunger is the Jewish food corporations then take the surplus food off this generates and then dump it into the economies of what is called third world nations. Its drives local farmers off their lands into urban slums as they can't compete with the globalist monopoly. This allows the spread of control and globalization of food. This ties into the Jewish global fossil fuel corporations. That where started in the last century by Rothschild's and their ilk.

What the Jews have done to the word with their globalist bankster monopoly is what they doing with their food corporations.

The other problem specific to Africa is Jewish Communists created Black Communist groups and pitted them into a race war with Whites in South Africa and Rhodesia:

Well the Blacks lead and egged on by Jews killed off the White farmers and destroyed their farms. The White farmers in South Africa and Rhodesia where the bread basket of Africa. Guess what their all gone and so is the food. Once again back to Jews.
The conflict in Africa is linked to the factors the new African nations where created by puting rival tribes into mono states which lead to tribal warfare in many cases. Yugoslavia is the European example of such conflict. The failure of the multicult state.

And the leaders in power the political class are stooges for the international Jewish banksters and their cooperation fronts. Exporting the scarcity economy to Africa. This is why in one of the richest continents on earth most are living in horrid poverty. The Jews are sucking the resources out and using the Blacks as slave labour to do it. You can see it in how they treat the miners. Disposable slave labour. They pay them nothing and send them into die as they don't provide them with need safety equipment. Just like when the jooz ran the gulags. The corrupt political class steps on the populace to keep this going for their masters. This causes revolts and wars on all fronts.

The jooz run the diamond trade globally now. It is the blood diamond trade and the jooz put most of the diamonds in where houses to keep them off the market to keep scarcity high to keep prices high. Paid for in the blood and misery of exploited workers many who die. Now they can create diamonds in labs. But the slavery goes on its the mind of the joo.

Communism and Capitalism are the same thing. Communism is where the Jews incorporate the nation under their control and everyone and everything becomes chattel property of the Communist State. Thus the Jews. Its the Torah manifested this is why people need to take part in the rituals posted by HP Hoodedcobra and HPS Maxine. To end this.
<sub></sub><strike></strike>http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post2 ... cks#p27559

Malcolm X did point out the Jews for what they are and how they where destroying the Blacks while pretending to care about them.

But he got sucked into the Jewish founded scam of the Nation of Islam which is the Black version of Christian identity.

http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post9 ... acks#p9286

Jews created the Nation of Islam? If you really believe that, you are crazy.( Tell that to Louis Farrakhan, who bashes jews on a regular basis. He would laugh in your face.) The guy who started the NOI was from Afghan or Pakistan, definetly not jewish. See doc called OMG: master fard muhammad.
And Farrakhan did not start the NOI movement. He's anti-white but has biracial children he's mixed himself . He's filled with false promises and lies. He's anti-American and if he hates whites so much there are 58 African countries he can go to. He's a fake always asking for money and claiming to love blacks but lives in a mansion in Chicago. While the blacks he loves are killing each other and wasting their lives. He's supposed to help blacks but doesn't tell them to stop killing each other and educate themselves and become financially literate. I hate Farrakhan he's a fraud and a part of an enemy religion.  Just a vessel for the Jews the only thing he did right were the books The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Vol. 1 and 2.
Anthony, I think you might be on your way to being banned. Not for having your own opinion but your tone and pattern has a generally opposing view. I have told you many times to do more research on the JoS and the Jews. 
When one is new, it is important to ask questions or stay in the background and observe and learn..but you, you seem to have some real problems with the black satanists stance on Race and their roles and make up.
Either you are a jewish shill trying to cause trouble or a deluded black gentile who rather king on the the false and disgusting persona that is suppose to represent being black.
This is your last warning. I have no problems banning you many times over.
High Priestess Shannon
From my research blacks are not a race of worker.Those mine sites are done by reptilians who used blacks for slave labour when they changed our dna,  before satan and the Gods came to earth.originally ,blacks were not created workers.After the reptilians have destroyed our ancestors DNA,ET's(guardians) from the sirius star system intervened and freed them by genetically engineering our ancestor's genes,which gave rise to yhe lemurian civilisation.Later our ancestors degenerated after the destruction of the lemurian continent.Then comes the arrival of the nordics(Father satan and the gods) from Orion constellation which added their dna to speed our evolution as satan saw that blacks as at that period show something significant.This is how AFRICANS(kush) of today came in to existence.         From this blacks should feel more hatred towards the JEWS and reptilians after what they are done to africa and africans.    
We were genetically engineered by Satan and the gods. The reptilian didn't touch us they just sealed us off from the occult and our true god.
On May 18, 2016 7:01 AM, "jenjohn789@... [BlacksforSatan]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  From my research blacks are not a race of worker.Those mine sites are done by reptilians who used blacks for slave labour when they changed our dna,  before satan and the Gods came to earth.originally ,blacks were not created workers.After the reptilians have destroyed our ancestors DNA,ET's(guardians) from the sirius star system intervened and freed them by genetically engineering our ancestor's genes,which gave rise to yhe lemurian civilisation.Later our ancestors degenerated after the destruction of the lemurian continent.Then comes the arrival of the nordics(Father satan and the gods) from Orion constellation which added their dna to speed our evolution as satan saw that blacks as at that period show something significant.This is how AFRICANS(kush) of today came in to existence.         From this blacks should feel more hatred towards the JEWS and reptilians after what they are done to africa and africans.    

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
