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How To Succeed in Spiritual Satanism: About Successful Cases Of Spiritual Satanists

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Oftentimes time is wasted on quite a few people [and oftentimes jews] who primarily want clout and drama for doing absolutely nothing and are not successful in this path.

They strangely remain in the focus because people primarily don't know where to give their attention. This goes back to the fact most people don't know what to expect, or the fact that most people are focusing on failure, because they are programmed to fail.

People focus on individuals who fell, or in particular, urban myths and other things. These examples are good to know when one wants to know for example, how curses may have affected people [the kinds that we are removing now], or that yes, this can be a dangerous path. One learns from these.

All my life here I have been decidedly try to ground, defend, and educate people. This path is upright. It's like climbing a mountain. You get stronger in it. Strength comes at a price of fighting weakness and winning against it.

As with any other path of great value, it requires persistence, focus, but also Satanism *WILL* lead you to success. This is no doubt. Satanism however, is a war to master one's self, and in this, someone can fail.

Generally people who haven't went much far into this path or haven't applied, are the ones who speak the loudest about it, create expectations, have the beefs with clergy [big MEH], or rush to become your internet pen-pal with whom you will be "taught" about Satanism.

This reflects only an emotional human need to speak and so on, and doesn't teach most people much. It's kind of even worse when not only this isn't advancing anyone but causing in fact the opposite motion.

If anything, two confused people can in many cases be worse than one, as confusion can keep stacking itself. One has to therefore protect not only one's self but others from ignorance.

Ignorance can also be defeated when people who may be confused, do attempt to solve it together. Like in science. Yet, this has a requirement of that people involved are serious, want to stay on it, do research, and so on.

It doesn't work in most cases because most people can hardly find for themselves, and looking for others is simply impossible in this case. Persistence and willingness to learn and understand, is crucial.

What is for sure, nobody that persists until the end will fail. Those who persist in the above feat with meditations and awareness, will get there, no matter the purpose, given the goals are in attainable range.

This range increases as much as power and wisdom do increase.

Over these years I also know this to be the case: The True Satanic heart, will NOT fail. Despite of pressure, the counter-forces that may try to keep one back, the true Satanist will succeed in rising above their obstacles. It may take time, but it happens.

In my experience and observing thousands of lives of other people, and people that I ended up caring seriously about from here, I have seen that the overwhelming reception of Satanists is just positive and people grow in their pace, but tremendously compared to how they could ever grow under "normal" circumstances.

Most normal people, never grow.

This is not solely focused on the external life, but the wisdom and other gifts accumulated, can be mind blowing. You won't be able to explain to other people after a point, neither should you waste time where this is not received.

The rise for those who persist, as time goes, will be big. Eventually, a Satanist who is advanced, will reach a place of true understanding.

Over these years, I recall that I had some differences with a few people, primarily over the years counted in like 10 fingers overall, maybe 12 at max. As little as that.

While a few proved to be rotten apples, even from these few people, something like half of them have not only recovered and evolved, but everyone else also has done the same. True Satanists will always recover from any strange manipulations and obstacles.

The Gods are there and real. It's a pity many people don't really have comprehended that. Any born to be SS, will understand with time.

The key is, to keep advancing, and keep one's faith close in Satan. Many people have a wrong conception about Satan, because they have no clue of actual communication or not a strong understanding of how powerful Satan is. The enemy abuses this lack of knowledge, and confuses people.

This path remains unfolded for people that quit or stagger, yet has brought success and understanding to many people. Many of these are here.

The best feeling I receive is when I see people 5, or 10 years later, on a path of self development, getting all the blessings of this path. Except of spiritual power, much of this is also material.

Contrary to some beliefs reiterated here, primarily created from people out of their personal experiences, this path leads also, alongside to everything else, to all the "worldly" things too, if one devotes themselves in learning and wisdom.

Among the worst feelings I do occasionally receive, is when people have fucked it up somewhere, and this caused them serious staggering or failure. There have been cases of fellows who due to self blindness [coming from many ways] have lost valuable time, or have been experiencing failures that are unnecessary.

Many people self inflict this to themselves because of not listening, not being receptive, repeating negative patterns, etc. If one is causing something, one can also fix it.

Between the two categories I have found primarily the two important qualities: The first ones, listen, be this to the Gods, or wise counsel. They generally also have a clearer view of themselves [oftentimes gained by a lot of pain and fixing themselves] and eventually self understanding leads to success. Then all suffering disappears.

The second category goes in the reverse way: In order to "Feel better", they avoid personal mistakes, meditation, listening [or they fake this to even themselves] and eventually unresolved problems draw them down the route to destruction. In some cases, they feel really good while they are at it.

Until a breaking point is reached and these delusions collapse, to where these people permanently suffer.

In this path, the loyal ones are rewarded. Satan is big on loyalty. I've seen people who struggle with this, but this comes in time, and a true Satanic soul can never leave this path. It is ordained on someone from beginning to end.

To be loyal and to love the Gods, one has to know first about the benefits of this path, the connection, feel the Gods, and get in contact. For others who have done this before, this will be as instinctive and natural as anything else.

Surely there have been a few people who just "passed through" here, sort of how one crosses a great, once in a lifetime [or lifetimes] opportunity. And then left. That for those who were truly here will be temporary.

This will come later as a realization, and they will rejoin. It may come a lifetime later. Their priorities aren't really straight yet.

All my journey I kept focusing on bringing success, hope, positivity, and weeding out garbage from this path that obstruct others from walking. I know I suffered copiously on the stupidity of others, especially when new. It was simply not necessary.

I would have saved myself years if I was in a position where I read what I type now, when I was starting. Maybe my less mature self wouldn't listen, but even then, this would be accelerated, and that is the beauty of Satanism: We look back and we have advanced tremendously.

Instead, people I had to look up to, were drug users, unreliable people, but I put all my focus where it mattered, and stuck with HPS Maxine which in my view was equal to a pope. I say this without shame at all.

I am proud I listened contrary to all human stupid urges that imply doing the contrary, of which human kind has plentiful. If I did not listen, I would be a far sadder and weaker person, and far less free, and the long list of the negatives would be extreme.

The LHP in general is filled with people who have fucked up in life or are simply not that good at it. They speak a lot for being Gods over nothing. They are nothing but in most cases lost people, oftentimes, too hard-stuck to admit it even to themselves.

Also, I would like to reassure everyone, if those who didn't stand firm in let's say, the last 10 years, considered themselves stupid for doing so [rightfully after so much further we are today compared to then...]

...If they lose the next 10 years by doing the same mistake again, they will be severely disappointed. This will be multiplies more than how they might feel now.

So, join onboard fast, and go on with your beautiful Satanic things you can be doing, and stop losing out on your destiny as a Satanist and wise being.

Or just simply rot and cause yourself considerable, and unnecessary [but damning] problems.

We stand at cornerstone opportunity for personal and collective advancement, which will affect and pull even the most stern individuals up with it.

Those who are wise are going to take it. The only trade-off here is your own ignorance, weakness, and negativity, handed over and crushed so that a better you can emerge. This is a foolproof deal and to any person, would look for what it is: A super lifetime opportunity. It should be a no brainer.

But as you can see outside 9 out of 10 people are programmed for slavery and failure and therefore, can be not receptive to new deals. These people also constantly point the fingers on you guessed it, failures, etc. This is to self affirm their own failure bias. It happens everywhere in this world, consistently.

Don't be these people. Be of the better type, since everyone, without exception, would never have found this way if something inside them was not of the better and higher type.

Praised be Father Satan, the bringer of power, knowledge, and success.

Praised be also all the Satanists who have walked this path and fought the numerous sea monsters, the chaos bringers, the enemy, the falling negative inner force in man that tries to shrink and destroy humanity, and win against this everyday.

In a world such as this, this is a commendable deed.

Praised be the intelligence of these people, and may one's resolve be unrelenting forever and ever.

The wisdom and power of Satan will be known to all. There are no words to thank Satan. Those who have walked...will understand.

Those who have not, what are you exactly waiting for?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
You always know what I need to hear, thank you!!

Exactly this was on my mind the past couple days.

you do more for me than my family has done...even friends.

youve been here for me. others who have left are not worth ur time.

i say with no shame that i see you as a king and brother , no less, as a soldier in Satan

about Satan I love him to death..Now and forever.
This was most inspirational and motivating! The only way to get anywhere is to be consistant and to keep going. As we all do so we luckily have you with us as well HP :). In terms of personal advancement and a dillemma i have had for quite sometime, i must also say again you have been of great help, and thank you! Despite attacks from the enemy and other road blocks i have also have had much help from the Gods as well along the way...for which i am grateful.
I read this in both a spiritual perspective and also a perspective that applies to my career and overall life. Something I needed to hear applicable to a different area of life. Also helping me hone out weaknesses. When you actually start to go somewhere in life rest assured anyone who notices who hates this is going to try to bring you down into their own pit of dispair and shame. People will try to befriend you and knock you down notches simultaneously out of envy. When it comes to the forums and anyone trying to get genuinely better, there’s a lot of filth that really doesn’t want this for anyone just like in real life. If someone’s really busting out of their bounds in their career, making achievements despite how hard they tried in the past it’s either ass kissing from the losers or more hate. What’s most important is that an individual does not mind anyone else, believes in their vision and what they want, views obstacles with a scientific mind, experiments, and knows their boundaries both societally and skill wise. It’s really very simple. Just learning to stay true to yourself and remain that way through any obstacle that hits. Spiritually, physically.

I also read a qoute recently from a Buddhist book that attempts to take Buddhism back to Sanskrit roots that said something along the lines of when a person takes a spiritual text too religiously like with Abrahamic religion and in a flat textbook minded manner, it destroys the point of the spiritual text to begin with which is a free deprogrammed mind and individual thought. It lead the first chapter with that and reminded me heavily how one of the first keys here is to read joyofsatan repeatedly which joyofsatan reminds people of this very thing. It’s called the boddhisattva warriors.

Solidifying free thought within the self helps a person to remain unafflicted by negative forces, and this just continues throughout physical and spiritual obstacles until it’s deep enough is one major key in my eyes to success. It’s a baseline for remaining true to yourself and gaining more self knowledge.
Hail!! What a great sermon as always! It encouraged me so much...
Thank you for sharing this!!!🙏🐍💗 I am the type that doesn't give up. Or walk away from what is right and what makes sense to me. And This website is my home!! And I will never leave!!!💗 I enjoy reading the books, and keeping up on the information. And I love to see and hear about the success of other members on here. Encourages me and learn more from the positive attitude of these Individuals💗 And the SS and hearing about there family background and there success! And the obstacles they over come, to be where they are at. And enjoying the moment in that state of mind and meditation. I love you people!!! And I LOVE Satan and his Gods and Demons. And I will EVERYTHING!! It takes to learn of Satan and his teachings. Showing my love, Passion and gratitude!! Both day and Night!! With all I do. No matter what condition or situation im in. 💞 The website is everything to me. And so are the people who keep it going. HAIL SATAN!!! To everyone of you!!!🐍 And Hail Satan to my self🐍 And to Our Teachers and The SS. 💗 Hail Our Lord and King Father Satan And Our Beautiful Queen Lilith!!!🔥💞 🐍💗
I spent my whole life trying to find this, and all I heard along the way was various bullcrap like "God works in mysterious ways" which never satisfied me (and only pissed me off and made me more determined to find answers for myself through contemplation). If they can't explain those mysterious ways then they shouldn't be a Priest, and it's just a cop out because they don't have any answers to give to the "goyim," and they wouldn't anyway if they did. In fact, it's kind of like a taunt after stealing our spiritual knowledge.

You, on the other hand, have been patient with me since I got here, understanding, kind and generously explaining things, reassuring me when I needed it, sticking up for me even... and your sermons have such breadth, depth, and impart golden clarity with every line. Soaking up the wisdom in your sermons has been the greatest expansion of my mind in my entire life. THAT'S what a real Priest should be like. You've gone above and beyond in your duties and your sermons, and you kept the JoS together for everyone for years longer than its previously expected lifetime. I hope you get recorded in the legends of the future because your work is incredible... I know Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither were all of your sermons, but each one on its own feels like a mountain of wisdom - and the whole of them thus far being binge read like a netflix series feels bigger than a planet.

I finally found the JoS after decades of living in a lonely, miserable sea of filth and lies, and I'm never walking away now that I'm here. I found what I was always searching for - the Truth.

This is a brilliant post. I really enjoy getting to see more of your colors of your life so far, what it's been like for you, your personality, perspective. More of your silhouette was revealed through this post to me.

Hail Satan!
Looking at where I started at age 14 and in my mid twenties I notice such a massive difference in who I am.

I still fall into mistakes here and there, and I have escaped a few fatal circumstances, more then I care to admit, as cheating death definitely is unpleasant, especially when ones foolish decisions contributed to alot of it.

I have advanced for awhile, and I am happy and proud of my progress.

There has also been times where I was deeply disrespectful to the gods, over some internal issues, and exploitation by the enemy, that they used to weaken me.

However the gods seemed to be pleased with me, I chose to change and become better, I made serious mistakes, but I always put myself forth to them, and make known from my heart and soul just how I truly feel.

I was in a situation which where I went down a bad road in my personal choices that could of been easily avoided. My conversations with andras really seemed to note that while the gods care for us, past a point people must see the true deep repercussions of our mistakes, to keep "balance", considering if they put up extensive warnings, like that I was going to die, and I ignored it and continued being a fool...

I changed and I've even took on more guidance and involvement with the gods, learning from them, because I want to hopefully do extensive work for them one day.

Thoth, Asmodeus, Andras, Valefor, Gusion, and our exalted Father Satan have all been so very great to learn from and know, I cant honestly wait to grow and learn more from them and take up tasks from them in time.

Despite the fact they seem to be extremely proud of me, because I seemed to have surprised them in just how serious I was in changing, and thorough and precise in my intentions and my apologizes, which everything I followed through on..

Guess theres some times i am upset greatly with how things turned, they seem to have fully forgiven me and have even extended their hand even further, then before all these mishaps happened. Like I passed a very crucial checkpoint.

I appreciate your post highly HP cobra, it really is important and very informative.
Yeah I'm on the list of people who wasted 5+ years doing nothing with these so called "teachers," but even trying to do stuff now, I stumble a lot. Is someone persistent enough to be a "true Satanist" though? do I just keep going at it until it clicks? because a lot of things don't make sense (yet?) but I kinda feel like I "get" more things the more basic stuff I do. (and I put the cart before the horse, trying to do affirmations for large, grandiose accomplishments..that might never happen. and I screwed up 2 affirmations yesterday so I have to restart them, so i'm on the bad end of that right now)
Thank you for that HPHC. The only thing I’d like to ask if you (and the community) is, who are our heroes? I don’t like obvious individuals like Hitler. I mean people in our community who rose up and fought the enemy. Stories like Lucius Dragonwolf, stories which show that anyone can rise up and tell our enemies no.

I know we have no shortage of heroes, we just need their stories to lead and inspire.
Praise Satan
The challenge of staying on coarse of the great work is Saturn. Our will to continue to fight, to improve, etc, our inner fire will never die.

Thank you for your wonderful and insightful post, HP HC. Very grateful to you and other members here who have guided me and others, and I'm also grateful and appreciative of the group/site.
Beautiful post HP.

I think a lot of people distract themselves too much and can't get guidance. Turn your phone off, turn off the tv, computer, etc, and just sit and think. If you live with others, claim you have a migraine and need silence and to be left alone in your bedroom. Meditate on Satan's sigil (or your GD or another Demon you admire or feel drawn to). Answers and guidance will come to you, subtly if you can't really communicate astrally, but they will come. Do this daily if needed, or just a weekly "check-in". An hour weekly can change your life and put you on a great path. It is also very refreshing for the mind. Maybe keep a notepad nearby to write down anything that comes to you.

Hail Satan forever!
Thank you for your dedication to clearing this path. In another life we'll surely commemorate your efforts with a huge golden cobra statue.

Onwards and upwards!

Hail Satan!
This is not an attack HoodedCobra, why didn't you approve my posts, as some were positive? Do you want to make me look bad? I came in with a positive mind and I was saying that, I like the inner god concept and the self mastery, and I see Satan as a close friend. That is very satanic to me, I thought you people were into that? I don't know why you think I'm bad...
I don't know where I would've gotten without Satan, I was a 15yo doomed to failure. Now, years later, I'm reaching towards the stars. I can't recognize my old self anymore, it's like 10 years have passed, but it's only been a few. Others I know that are of my age have regressed if anything, they're like kids.
This is an incredibly important message, of which many need to be reminded.

Despite any terrible circumstances, there is ALWAYS a way forward. There is always a solution. Progress and healing are not always immediately tangible, on a daily basis. Rest assured, if one does the right things, then success will come.

Always feel free to check in with the forums, check in with the Gods, and get help. There is no shame in asking, and asking again, about how to solve your problems. However, if you never ask, nobody will know (except the Gods) that you are in need of help. Do not be embarrassed.

We live in clownworld, which is a world designed to bring ruin to those who dwell inside. It was never meant to be easy, and everyone here has had obstacles in their path from it. Don't take these things so personally, and don't think you cannot create your own Satanic oasis within it.

Good luck to everyone.
Superb HPHC

This needs saved, superb to have you here to help us along the way also.

Respect bro
You had HPS Maxine as your guiding light, and we have you. Those of us who have a functioning brain see you for what you are, a great teacher. Thank you for being here
Spiritual Satanism is the best investment a person can make.

It's the best self development system available.

And it's spirituality that brings the good, nurturing, and kindness into this world.

It's a lack of Spirituality that is the root cause of degeneracy in this world.

By being and practicing Spiritual Satanism, we not only help ourselves but help make the world a better place.

And as it goes we're fighting right now to save humanity.

Totally atrocious times now and I so look forward to the brighter future we all are striving towards.

Hail Father Satan
Hail our Demons and Demonesses
Hail JOS HP Clergy
Hail our brothers and sisters in Satan

We will be victorious.
For me, being a Satanist has been the most rewarding experience of my life. Obviously it has been a challenging and obstacle filled journey. There was and will be considerable amount of obstacles for me as a Satanist in the foreseeable future since I'm living in a muslim country. It's not easy, but I wouldn't have my life any other way rather than being with Father Satan.

Father has always been there for me and honestly i can't even think of myself or even any past events without the thought of Father being there for me.
One of the best things about being a Satanist is that there's no one to prove myself to except for Father and myself. That's a beautiful thing in my opinion because a lot of times, most people consciously of subconsciously does everything well or does anything at all only when there's an audience. There's little integrity in one's self too.

However as Satanists, we lead an isolated life, in the sense that we can't be truly ourselves and be open about our beliefs with society or even to close people around us. Us Satanists don't get the oppurtunity to "show off" or prove how much of a "good" person we each are. We only have ourselves to better. We are not in competition with anyone else except ourselves when it comes to advancing spritually. These are all wonderful things because whatever we do, everything we do, Rtrs and everything, we do it for humanity, we do it for to save our planet. We do everything knowing that no one is gonna shower us with compliments or that no one around us are gonna think of us as heroes.

I have learned much since i dedicated and i know my journey has just begun. I don't consider myself as a human who is a Satanist. I consider myself as both a Human or a Satanist in the sense that both are the same thing. Being a Human is being a Satanist and vice versa.

Trust Father Satan! From everything i have learned so far since i dedicated, the most important thing is to always trust Father. Trust Father with everything you have and everything you are. Father Satan will NEVER let you down.

Trust Father Satan!
Hail Father Satan Forever!
Thank you so much MASTER, you really touched my heart VERY deep.

This post absolutely on high level. A level what our great Fuhrer had. I feel emotional what is really rare with me.
To be honest I still have periods when I feel I fail in this path, but you know I do not want anything else just to stay here and advance, be with our Mighty Father Satan and the Gods. Every single day I feel they are more and more inportant to me like a water in everyday life, and this you just proved it in your post.

May Satan bless you FOREVER!!!
All you have done to help make JOS what it is today is immensely appreciated by me, I would still be a lost lunatic without JOS. Especially since the ones you had to follow in the beginning were diluted with addictions and you and HP Maxine transformed that into a strong proud unit.
I look forward to advancing daily and I am proud to fight the tetragammaton for Father Satan alongside you all. Hail Satan Eternal!
For as long as I can remember, I have faced many a cruel deed; from negligence of parents, being separated from others who are honestly just mindless degenerates and taking on more responsibilities than a child should have to take on, has all made me who I am now.

I am more mature than most my age, always insisting that I can get things done on my own. One could say that I could acquire help from loved ones but the only loved ones I've had are my younger siblings. I wanted to believe that if I dedicated myself to Satan, He would be able to provide them with so much more than what I ever could. As it turned out, they were. However, it wasn't that 2 million dollar house, and it wasn't something from Satan or the Gods; it was from me and my efforts. Even though I am degraded by my father, a nuisance at best, I continue to strive as best I can in this path. I have found that it has paid off, recently we have gotten a new van that could fit all of us. I must say, I've never felt more proud of myself than I did in that moment.

I have found that my struggles were never in vain, especially since dedication. I never once viewed this path as an ending of those struggles. It is, however, comforting to know that I'm not alone and I have support from Satan, who truly does love me for who I am and knows me, inside and out. I could never see myself walking away from this; the experiences, the feelings, they are neverending. I continue to believe that the ability to change is entirely and utterly up to us. Satan and the Gods are here for guidance, but in order to truly evolve, we must know exactly who we are.

I dare say, at such a young age, I know who I am, I may not know where this path is going to take me or what other hardships lie in wait for me, however, I know that I have Satan's love and support and that is enough for me to continue. No matter the loss or pain I may face, I know that I am not alone. Nor is anyone else here.
Nothing better than an HPC post right after my yoga session to start the day with the best of vibes
You are absolutely right. Excellent motivational sermon. Thank you so much.

Also, I would like to reassure everyone, if those who didn't stand firm in let's say, the last 10 years, considered themselves stupid for doing so [rightfully after so much further we are today compared to then...]

...If they lose the next 10 years by doing the same mistake again, they will be severely disappointed. This will be multiplies more than how they might feel now

Like a month ago I thought a lot about something like this, and it actually helped me change perspective. I used to be one of these people you speak of. And I used to daydream a lot about going back to the past, just 10 years... Just imagining what I'd do if such thing was possible. At some point, I did the exact opposite. Considering 10 years from now I would probably still be deep in the mud. I started thinking - what if I had the chance to come back to this very moment. What would I do to change the course of my life? So I started working towards saving myself from another disappointment.

Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra, it's a great honor to be under your command. You always know what to say to reach those of us who need to hear those words.

Hail Satan!!
Thanks so much HP! This message gave me so much more motivation to keep going this way. I'm so glad I found it. Sometimes I think to myself what if I would reincarnate and in that life I wouldn't find Satan as my true Lord? That would be a really empty and sad life...
Ave Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This reminds me of my biggest mistake in my life, to think negatively. I am not saying that it is wrong to have negative thoughts as it is natural, but having the habit of thinking negatively and not leaving room for positive thinking is destructive.

Since I can remember I have thought about negativity, I have thought about failure and violence. I realized that this habit that I could not control due to various fears gave me many problems.

I understood the reason why I was not happy, and it was for that very reason, to think negatively. I didn't let myself to think how to build myself to become better for a long time (even though I'm a teenager, my childhood was full of negative thoughts)

Of course, the enemy has attacked me, feeding these thoughts, deceiving me and making me believe that if I think negatively, positive things would come into my life (I did not know this path yet, and that is why I believed it).

Now that Satan has helped me open my eyes, I have understood everything.

Satan has been the one who has helped me to realize this situation and I thank him infinitely. And I also thank this community for sharing the knowledge.

We must have thoughts that build us more and more, and destroy what is necessary to continue growing in a positive way.

Thank you HC for this post, it was very inspiring.
i like the post and i feel it but it almost seems as if you like talking down about certain members and trying to make them feel bad or something like that. or as if you try to make the jos revolve around you like its the hoodedcobra show or something.

not talking shit or anything, i like being here and i recognize you as a legit occultist HP and i have respect for you and etc and etc.but this is just something i wanted to point out.

but maxine never did anything like this, i wish she was still around running this, just being honest.

she actually shared knowledge, didnt make posts just talking down about members like this and certain things were just different.
Thank you HP all who helped clergy building what we have into what it is. You have given me the freedom from death and liberated me from enslavement.
Hail Satan and all here who inspire and enlighten.
This quote from Patton goes perfectly here, “The test of success is not what you do when you are on top. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom."

Setbacks and failure are a part of life and there's no shame in admitting you have them, what matters is that you get back on your feet. For me I've never left Satan despite whatever life has to throw at me and have enjoyed the fruits of my never ending loyalty and commitment. A man goes down with his ship and never looks back no matter what the tides may be.

Thank you for this sermon HP, you've been a big part in many of our lives.
Out of personal experience and observation, it is such an easy trap to sweat the small stuff and not zoom out to see the bigger picture. This path is for people who have an innate desire to reach for something and contribute to something bigger than themselves. Both capitalism and communism are slave programs, one being more obvious and extreme than the other. Walking this path is akin to mountain climbing while ignoring the shouts of those discouraging you from doing so, their own personal fears of unknown heights being projected on to us. The Satanic Path is perseverance and utter independence, while contributing to a whole. It is a transformation from sheep to wolf for some, or a fish escaping a fish bowl to swim in an expansive ocean for others.
Either way, we are in it to win it. Let's keep our eyes on the prize.
I am really humbled by many comments and I thank all of you, I'll keep doing everything necessary to keep everyone on the path and do everything in the best manner possible.
InNomineDeiNostriSatanas said:
i like the post and i feel it but it almost seems as if you like talking down about certain members and trying to make them feel bad or something like that. or as if you try to make the jos revolve around you like its the hoodedcobra show or something.

not talking shit or anything, i like being here and i recognize you as a legit occultist HP and i have respect for you and etc and etc.but this is just something i wanted to point out.

but maxine never did anything like this, i wish she was still around running this, just being honest.

she actually shared knowledge, didnt make posts just talking down about members like this and certain things were just different.

This boils down to, did anyone do what you imagined that was done, or nothing of what you say is actually going on, or not?

In no place any person is being made to feel bad in this post. Yet, if one in sight of one's letting down of one's self feels bad [which is a thing that will come back at them] it is a duty of a Satanist to prop them up immediately.

I am not here to let other SS lose their potential, but only to retain everything focused in increasing that. To do the contrary just because some people can't accept a couple of realistic comments, would be me being a shit liar, which is not what I am supposed to do here.

Regardless, I found your comment on the show a bit funny. At least, I hope you found the show interesting and helpful. Maybe you did.
InNomineDeiNostriSatanas said:
i like the post and i feel it but it almost seems as if you like talking down about certain members and trying to make them feel bad or something like that. or as if you try to make the jos revolve around you like its the hoodedcobra show or something.

not talking shit or anything, i like being here and i recognize you as a legit occultist HP and i have respect for you and etc and etc.but this is just something i wanted to point out.

but maxine never did anything like this, i wish she was still around running this, just being honest.

she actually shared knowledge, didnt make posts just talking down about members like this and certain things were just different.

Dick move.
InNomineDeiNostriSatanas said:
i like the post and i feel it but it almost seems as if you like talking down about certain members and trying to make them feel bad or something like that. or as if you try to make the jos revolve around you like its the hoodedcobra show or something.

not talking shit or anything, i like being here and i recognize you as a legit occultist HP and i have respect for you and etc and etc.but this is just something i wanted to point out.

but maxine never did anything like this, i wish she was still around running this, just being honest.

she actually shared knowledge, didnt make posts just talking down about members like this and certain things were just different.

when ppl that did NOTHING for us were larping, you bitches kept silent.

when he say 1 good thing to show Satan's strength and motivate us you bitches talk.

thats what ull always be. bitches. like u bitched about Aldric who has been loyal for 10 yrs...

i don't see where he does all shit u claim. you just small beta energy thats all. sit back please.
Charlotte61903 said:
I dare say, at such a young age, I know who I am, I may not know where this path is going to take me or what other hardships lie in wait for me, however, I know that I have Satan's love and support and that is enough for me to continue. No matter the loss or pain I may face, I know that I am not alone. Nor is anyone else here.

You never know unless you take it, just be reassured it's a good place. In fact, the enemy is the only issue here and there.

Satanism is only a big, more than people can imagine, blessing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
