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How to "offset" the negative affects of vaccines?


Jan 18, 2018
I won't go into much details, but I'm essentially in a situation where I'm forced to get flu shots, at least for now. How can I offset the negative affects of them?
ess said:
I won't go into much details, but I'm essentially in a situation where I'm forced to get flu shots, at least for now. How can I offset the negative affects of them?
I hope it's okay if I post this here. Shannon gave me a list of things that can help detox the body from the harmful things in current vaccines.
Note that it's always much better to avoid them entirely, instead of taking them and then trying to mitigate the damage afterwards.

Activated charcoal
Bentonite clay
Magnesium malate

Personally I can vouch for Iodine and Selenium. You can find great ones on the global healing center.

Iodine https://globalhealing.com/nascent-iodine-detoxadine

Selenium https://globalhealing.com/selenium-supplement

There is also a blend with Zeolite and Iodine https://globalhealing.com/zeotrexhttps://globalhealing.com/zeotrex
Get your vitamins. Nothing beats natural immunity. I had to get hepatitis last month. I didn’t notice much difference in my body or health. I also haven’t taken the flu shot in years, just know it lowers your immunity and makes you sicker, that’s the only negative I recall the flu vaccine having.
ess said:
I won't go into much details, but I'm essentially in a situation where I'm forced to get flu shots, at least for now. How can I offset the negative affects of them?

Besides what was already posted, I've heard about people drinking green veggie shakes for a few days after. Also, removing regular toxins from your body goes a long way in managing against vaccines. Meaning, all your hygiene products or other chemicals you are exposed to on a daily basis.

If the shots caused any damage that we couldn't deal with, the Gods would have let us know years ago. This means that the damage can be mitigated and reversed through normal spiritual and physical means. Keeping up with your yoga and meditations will provide the body the energy to remove and fix whatever it needs to in the body, including vaccines. In this sense, I wouldn't worry too much, just take extra precautions before and after the vaccine to ensure your health.

You could also use a SaTaNaMa working directing specifically at the vaccine to mitigate it or heal from it.
There is a detox bath solution. It also helps to bring down high fever. Safe for children and babies as well.

Here is what you'll need:

Running very warm bath water. While it's running, put these into it:

1 cup Dead Sea salts (1 cup pink sea salt may be used as well ) - or any natural real salt.
• 1 cup baking soda
• 1-2 cups borax (especially if your water is not filtered)
• ½ cup bentonite clay Sprinkle while water is running a little at a time swirling in to mix. This will avoid clumping
• OPTIONAL: ½ cup food grade 35% peroxide working up to 1-3 cups OR get the ozonator for water and run this while in the bath
• 10 drops of therapeutic grade essential oils of choice

Soak 20 minutes or more…I actually stay in for an hour but started off with 20 minutes. Finish by exfoliating & rinsing yourself with a cool shower for 5 minutes to wash away all excreted body toxins, clay, and to close the pores of your skin. Please follow up with at least 2 glass of distilled water in the hours following. You will be amazed at how good you feel afterwards.


Another thing that helps detox is LUGOL'S IODINE. This is what I take. It has also helped to shrink cancerous tumor (confirmed by ultrasound scan).

And also take herbs that help with detox. There are many. Just do a little search on it.
Kinnaree said:
I used to do hot baths with H2O2 mixed into the water and it was great, even without additional things added to it. Very important to note also to NOT drink distilled water after a hot bath, without having atleast some salt solution added to it. For a healthy adult it may not matter, but a weak person can easily experience bad effects due to lack of minerals if you combine a lot of sweating (from hot steam and water) with drinking empty water and not eating a mineral-rich meal. I write this from personal experience.

Since you mention Iodine, I figured I should let you know that Lugols Iodine is a suboptimal form of iodine that is not as bio-available. There is a great website that sells an Iodine solution which is nicely available to your body, I believe the term is "nascent" iodine. You may want to try it out if you are interested in the benefits of iodine. https://globalhealing.com/nascent-iodine-detoxadine
Shael said:
Since you mention Iodine, I figured I should let you know that Lugols Iodine is a suboptimal form of iodine that is not as bio-available. There is a great website that sells an Iodine solution which is nicely available to your body, I believe the term is "nascent" iodine. You may want to try it out if you are interested in the benefits of iodine. https://globalhealing.com/nascent-iodine-detoxadine

Hi Shael,

Thank you for the suggesting. I have actually tried it and did not do much for what I intended to use it for, which was for thyroid tumor. However, once I switched to liposomal lugol's iodine, that made a difference. I would increase the drops every other day, until I got to 1000mg. Now I know that seems a lot, but for cancer, it works. Thank the gods, the tumor reduced in size. However, I know the nascent version works for others. Unfortunately, it didn't for me. But thank you so much for suggesting :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
