How to Obliterate Your Saturn
(or at least make your life much more tolerable)
Detailed, Step By Step Instructions
Take a good look at your life right now. Are you completely happy with it? Chances are, almost everybody has at least one issue in their life. Either your life is completely a mess, or just one aspect of your life, or just one or two hindrances. Now think about where you want to be in life one year from now. Do you want it to be the exact same, with the exact same problems? Or do you want to have the victorious feeling of being free from your past-life karma, with noticeable improvement?
Following these instructions will take some sacrifice of time in your daily life, but this is guaranteed to solve your issues and make you capable of anything. Depending on how bad things are for you, it might take just a few workings over a few months to solve the issues, or it could take quite a bit longer.
The question is, are you willing to sacrifice time for less than one year of your life, to make the rest of your life much, much better?
Step 1
If you are an adult by now, you likely know what area of your life is problematic. Some people, especially younger people, can have a hard time pinpointing the exact problem. Regardless, take a look at your natal chart. Look to your Saturn. What house and sign is it in, and what areas of life do this house and sign rule. This is not just for Saturn, as Neptune and Pluto can be problematic, as well as Mars. But Saturn is the planet of misfortune and where you get your ass kicked, to quote High Priestess Maxine. [Note: Saturn isn’t entirely bad. Saturn helps ground us and brings stability.]
If you have problems reading your natal chart and finding your Saturn, ask someone you trust and is adept at astrology.
If there are more than one areas of your life that are problematic, start with the biggest problem. Focus on overcoming one problem at a time.
Step 2: Part 1
When you are in the process of changing your life, you need to go all-out. This is your life we are talking about, are you going to half-ass it with a watered-down method to kinda see if things maybe change a bit, or are you going to be like a machine and ruthlessly obliterate your obstacles to create the life you know deep down that you deserve?
….Which takes us to the optional Part 1 of this Step 2. Many people, from lifetimes of brainwashing, do not believe they are worthy. Worthy of happiness, worthy of success, worthy of love, and so on. You need to change this. Why? Because you are a child of Satan, one of His Warriors. Of course you are worthy. You are of the Elite, you deserve to have the very best in life. The completion of this step will benefit all workings you do from now on. If you do not have any hang-ups regarding happiness or success, then skip ahead to Part 2.
Preliminary working to free your mind to accept that you are worthy of success and happiness:
You can use either the Freeing the Soul meditation, or a simple daily affirmation.
For the Freeing the Soul:
Munka, Ansuz rune, or Uruz rune. All are effective. Use your past experience, intuition, or practice each to see which would be most effective for you. We are all individuals, what works for one does not necessarily work for all.
Vibrate the Word of Power:
-108 times (108 is a full Satanic Rosary and a powerful number of permanence). [Note: this was written before HPS Maxine stated that 108 is not good to use. I no longer use 108, so I would recommend a different number]
At the end, state your affirmation 9 times, as 9 is a powerful number of endings. It is advisable to use “in a positive and healthy manner” and “permanently” in your affirmation, as energy takes the easiest route and needs to be properly programmed.
For a daily affirmation:
Do yoga, breathing exercises, or anything that gets your bioelectricity/chi/energy raised. Relax, either lying down or in a comfortable chair, surround yourself in white-gold energy, and state your affirmation at least 20 times. You can state it 54 or 108 times, however many you feel necessary.
You will need to do either of the above for 40 days, every day. 40 days engraves the working into the soul. Do not skip a day, and do not start this when the Moon is void. Make sure to mark on your calendar or anywhere when you start this, and for best results, make it part of your schedule so as to not forget a day. If you are serious about changing your life, then you need to be responsible.
Once you have completed the above for a full 40 days, then move on to Part 2 of this step.
Step 2: Part 2
Timing with the Moon:
The better your timing with the Moon is, the greater your results will be. Patience will really pay off when you start in the right conditions. Waiting an extra week or two will make this important working so much more effective. If you ever need assistance finding the best timing to begin a working, simply ask in our JoS groups and forums and knowledgeable people will assist you.
The Moon should be waning (decreasing in light), as this is best for ending things. Right after the powerful Full Moon when the Moon begins to wane, or right before the New Moon are good times to begin this working.
Moon in Scorpio, Capricorn, or Pisces are the best for endings. But as it is best to start this working as soon as possible to start reaping the benefits in life, as long as the Moon is waning and not void, are the 2 things you need to watch for. See the links included at the end for information on Moon phases and signs.
The Working:
Similar to Part 1, you will be using the Freeing the Soul meditation. You can also combine it with a daily affirmation, either the same affirmation or one very similar that you do at another time during the day or night. This will keep your mind in the mode of overcoming your obstacles.
Munka, Ansuz rune, or Uruz rune. All are effective, use your past experience, intuition, or practice each to see which would be most effective for you. We are all individuals, what works for one does not necessarily work for all.
Vibrate the Word of Power:
-108 times (108 is a full Satanic Rosary and a powerful number of permanence)
-54 times is sufficient if you are newer and not comfortable with higher reps, but for maximum benefit, 108 would be more effective.
-Some have even found it necessary to do 2 rounds of the Satanic Rosary, 216 reps. You can do this in one go (approximately 30 minutes to almost an hour), or divide it into 2 sessions, one in the morning and one at night.
Place a lot of thought into the above and decide on the best method for you. You don’t want to realize after a few days or weeks into the working that your method does not fit into your daily schedule or is too much energy for you to handle yet.
At the end, state your affirmation 9 times, as 9 is a powerful number of endings.
Note: It is imperative to add “in a positive and healthy manner” or such, as energy takes the easiest route. Adding “permanently” or “eternally” also adds to the effectiveness of this.
How long to do the working:
-40 days straight engraves it into the soul
-80 days straight for more deep-rooted issues
-90 days straight is the most effective for deep-rooted problems. If you go for 80 days you might as well add on another 10 days for maximum effectiveness
-40 days straight, wait a bit to let the energies resonate, and then repeat at the next ideal Moon phase and sign
-80 or 90 days straight, wait a bit to let the energies resonate, and then repeat at the next ideal Moon phase and sign
The last one is for serious life problems. After doing one round (of 40, 80, or 90 days), check and see how much your life has improved. You can get guidance from your GD or use your intuition to see if another full working is needed.
90 days is three months. Two rounds of this is half of a year. This may sound extreme and like a long time. But wouldn’t it be worth it, to sacrifice this time for less than a year, and have your life completely, drastically, noticeably improved by this time next year?
Part 3
Now that you have removed the root of the problem, you can now successfully do workings to attract what it is you want. You removed past-life money issues, now do a working to attract money into your life. Same with love or whatever your Saturn issue was.
If you truly desire to change your life, you need to go all out. A combination of:
-a runic working
-a Sanskrit mantra
-a daily affirmation
-planetary square workings
These can be tailored to fit your daily scheduled in the most effective way for you. For example, a quick 20 rep daily affirmation in the morning, and a longer 108 rep runic working at night, and a short planetary square working whenever works best in the day.
Begin when the Moon is waxing (increasing in light). The closer to the Full Moon the better. Make sure the Moon is not void. Make sure the Moon is in an appropriate sign, such as Taurus for money, Cancer or Libra for love. See the links included at the end for the information on Moon phases and signs.
And again, like in Part 2, do this daily for 40, 80, or 90 days. Repeat as needed.
You will have to sacrifice some time spent with friends, and a bit of sleep here and there, but keep in mind that this is only temporary. Just time sacrificed each day for less than one year, to make the rest of your years much more enjoyable and easier for you.
Satanism is about advancing ourselves and becoming the best possible versions of our individual Self. Your soul is eternal, so do whatever it takes to get the most out of life and make the best life for you. The more your life satisfies and fulfills you, the more capable of a person you will be. Sticking with a plan to overcome your obstacles and get what you want out of life will make you so much more stronger and advanced in life.
Hail Satan!
Overcoming Obstacles
Repeating Magick
Timing Your Magick With The Moon
Void Of Course Moon
The Runes
About The Runes
Planetary Squares
(or at least make your life much more tolerable)
Detailed, Step By Step Instructions
Take a good look at your life right now. Are you completely happy with it? Chances are, almost everybody has at least one issue in their life. Either your life is completely a mess, or just one aspect of your life, or just one or two hindrances. Now think about where you want to be in life one year from now. Do you want it to be the exact same, with the exact same problems? Or do you want to have the victorious feeling of being free from your past-life karma, with noticeable improvement?
Following these instructions will take some sacrifice of time in your daily life, but this is guaranteed to solve your issues and make you capable of anything. Depending on how bad things are for you, it might take just a few workings over a few months to solve the issues, or it could take quite a bit longer.
The question is, are you willing to sacrifice time for less than one year of your life, to make the rest of your life much, much better?
Step 1
If you are an adult by now, you likely know what area of your life is problematic. Some people, especially younger people, can have a hard time pinpointing the exact problem. Regardless, take a look at your natal chart. Look to your Saturn. What house and sign is it in, and what areas of life do this house and sign rule. This is not just for Saturn, as Neptune and Pluto can be problematic, as well as Mars. But Saturn is the planet of misfortune and where you get your ass kicked, to quote High Priestess Maxine. [Note: Saturn isn’t entirely bad. Saturn helps ground us and brings stability.]
If you have problems reading your natal chart and finding your Saturn, ask someone you trust and is adept at astrology.
If there are more than one areas of your life that are problematic, start with the biggest problem. Focus on overcoming one problem at a time.
Step 2: Part 1
When you are in the process of changing your life, you need to go all-out. This is your life we are talking about, are you going to half-ass it with a watered-down method to kinda see if things maybe change a bit, or are you going to be like a machine and ruthlessly obliterate your obstacles to create the life you know deep down that you deserve?
….Which takes us to the optional Part 1 of this Step 2. Many people, from lifetimes of brainwashing, do not believe they are worthy. Worthy of happiness, worthy of success, worthy of love, and so on. You need to change this. Why? Because you are a child of Satan, one of His Warriors. Of course you are worthy. You are of the Elite, you deserve to have the very best in life. The completion of this step will benefit all workings you do from now on. If you do not have any hang-ups regarding happiness or success, then skip ahead to Part 2.
Preliminary working to free your mind to accept that you are worthy of success and happiness:
You can use either the Freeing the Soul meditation, or a simple daily affirmation.
For the Freeing the Soul:
Munka, Ansuz rune, or Uruz rune. All are effective. Use your past experience, intuition, or practice each to see which would be most effective for you. We are all individuals, what works for one does not necessarily work for all.
Vibrate the Word of Power:
-108 times (108 is a full Satanic Rosary and a powerful number of permanence). [Note: this was written before HPS Maxine stated that 108 is not good to use. I no longer use 108, so I would recommend a different number]
At the end, state your affirmation 9 times, as 9 is a powerful number of endings. It is advisable to use “in a positive and healthy manner” and “permanently” in your affirmation, as energy takes the easiest route and needs to be properly programmed.
For a daily affirmation:
Do yoga, breathing exercises, or anything that gets your bioelectricity/chi/energy raised. Relax, either lying down or in a comfortable chair, surround yourself in white-gold energy, and state your affirmation at least 20 times. You can state it 54 or 108 times, however many you feel necessary.
You will need to do either of the above for 40 days, every day. 40 days engraves the working into the soul. Do not skip a day, and do not start this when the Moon is void. Make sure to mark on your calendar or anywhere when you start this, and for best results, make it part of your schedule so as to not forget a day. If you are serious about changing your life, then you need to be responsible.
Once you have completed the above for a full 40 days, then move on to Part 2 of this step.
Step 2: Part 2
Timing with the Moon:
The better your timing with the Moon is, the greater your results will be. Patience will really pay off when you start in the right conditions. Waiting an extra week or two will make this important working so much more effective. If you ever need assistance finding the best timing to begin a working, simply ask in our JoS groups and forums and knowledgeable people will assist you.
The Moon should be waning (decreasing in light), as this is best for ending things. Right after the powerful Full Moon when the Moon begins to wane, or right before the New Moon are good times to begin this working.
Moon in Scorpio, Capricorn, or Pisces are the best for endings. But as it is best to start this working as soon as possible to start reaping the benefits in life, as long as the Moon is waning and not void, are the 2 things you need to watch for. See the links included at the end for information on Moon phases and signs.
The Working:
Similar to Part 1, you will be using the Freeing the Soul meditation. You can also combine it with a daily affirmation, either the same affirmation or one very similar that you do at another time during the day or night. This will keep your mind in the mode of overcoming your obstacles.
Munka, Ansuz rune, or Uruz rune. All are effective, use your past experience, intuition, or practice each to see which would be most effective for you. We are all individuals, what works for one does not necessarily work for all.
Vibrate the Word of Power:
-108 times (108 is a full Satanic Rosary and a powerful number of permanence)
-54 times is sufficient if you are newer and not comfortable with higher reps, but for maximum benefit, 108 would be more effective.
-Some have even found it necessary to do 2 rounds of the Satanic Rosary, 216 reps. You can do this in one go (approximately 30 minutes to almost an hour), or divide it into 2 sessions, one in the morning and one at night.
Place a lot of thought into the above and decide on the best method for you. You don’t want to realize after a few days or weeks into the working that your method does not fit into your daily schedule or is too much energy for you to handle yet.
At the end, state your affirmation 9 times, as 9 is a powerful number of endings.
Note: It is imperative to add “in a positive and healthy manner” or such, as energy takes the easiest route. Adding “permanently” or “eternally” also adds to the effectiveness of this.
How long to do the working:
-40 days straight engraves it into the soul
-80 days straight for more deep-rooted issues
-90 days straight is the most effective for deep-rooted problems. If you go for 80 days you might as well add on another 10 days for maximum effectiveness
-40 days straight, wait a bit to let the energies resonate, and then repeat at the next ideal Moon phase and sign
-80 or 90 days straight, wait a bit to let the energies resonate, and then repeat at the next ideal Moon phase and sign
The last one is for serious life problems. After doing one round (of 40, 80, or 90 days), check and see how much your life has improved. You can get guidance from your GD or use your intuition to see if another full working is needed.
90 days is three months. Two rounds of this is half of a year. This may sound extreme and like a long time. But wouldn’t it be worth it, to sacrifice this time for less than a year, and have your life completely, drastically, noticeably improved by this time next year?
Part 3
Now that you have removed the root of the problem, you can now successfully do workings to attract what it is you want. You removed past-life money issues, now do a working to attract money into your life. Same with love or whatever your Saturn issue was.
If you truly desire to change your life, you need to go all out. A combination of:
-a runic working
-a Sanskrit mantra
-a daily affirmation
-planetary square workings
These can be tailored to fit your daily scheduled in the most effective way for you. For example, a quick 20 rep daily affirmation in the morning, and a longer 108 rep runic working at night, and a short planetary square working whenever works best in the day.
Begin when the Moon is waxing (increasing in light). The closer to the Full Moon the better. Make sure the Moon is not void. Make sure the Moon is in an appropriate sign, such as Taurus for money, Cancer or Libra for love. See the links included at the end for the information on Moon phases and signs.
And again, like in Part 2, do this daily for 40, 80, or 90 days. Repeat as needed.
You will have to sacrifice some time spent with friends, and a bit of sleep here and there, but keep in mind that this is only temporary. Just time sacrificed each day for less than one year, to make the rest of your years much more enjoyable and easier for you.
Satanism is about advancing ourselves and becoming the best possible versions of our individual Self. Your soul is eternal, so do whatever it takes to get the most out of life and make the best life for you. The more your life satisfies and fulfills you, the more capable of a person you will be. Sticking with a plan to overcome your obstacles and get what you want out of life will make you so much more stronger and advanced in life.
Hail Satan!
Overcoming Obstacles
Repeating Magick
Timing Your Magick With The Moon
Void Of Course Moon
The Runes
About The Runes
Planetary Squares