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How to fix my immune system


New member
May 25, 2019
When I started meditating with JOS techniques, two years ago I developed a problem. After a while I slacked on my progress and barely meditated through the day. I was warned that it could be dangerous but I didn’t think much of it at the time. Then I developed a very serious auto immune disease that went from acute to chronic real fast. I couldn’t stop the disease no matter what I did it kept coming back. I used steroids to relive the pain and inflammation at first till it went away then it kept recurring. The disease turned into chronic and it was very serious since I couldn’t find a treatment that worked. All of them created side effects that were serious as well. The last resort was to use immunosuppressants. This worked and the disease subsided but now I’m very vulnerable to common viruses and bacteria. I need a way to fix my immune system so it will be restored to its normal function. Any meditation or magick that would help?
I doubt lack of meditation caused this. Many autoimmune diseases erupt over the course of time and sometimes they come out of nowhere . I'm not saying its impossible but it isnt likely.

What autoimmune disease is it? Did you get a diagnosis?

That is the first step.
I was reading about said diseases, and how they think allergies start out. Basicly it is an overreaction to one substance, and then the body starts to confuse substances that may seem similar (possibly if taken at the same time)

But there have also been studies that say if you reintroduce an allergen slowly back into the body after staying clear from it for a long time it is possible to overcome the allergy.

Then there is also the 'imbalance somewhere else possibly due to load of toxicity staple' that is said to cause allergies..

Im saying allergies because allergies are said to be an overreaction of the immune system too.

But I think that if you were to do satanic healing that that could help you too in making the disease less.

And just aura cleaning would lessen the possibility of getting very sick or being sick for too long (at least thats whats said on the website).
nino said:
Uveitis. Yea
We’re wondering what autoimmune disease you have?
Uveitis can be caused by autoimmune diseases, but is easily treatable.
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
What autoimmune disease is it? Did you get a diagnosis?

That is the first step.

Uveitis. Yea

Please give me more information. Uveitis is a disease but what do you know about your health that is causing this. What may have happened that caused it. MS and Lyme disease are among the different things that can cause Uveitis as a symptom.
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
What autoimmune disease is it? Did you get a diagnosis?

That is the first step.

Uveitis. Yea

Please give me more information. Uveitis is a disease but what do you know about your health that is causing this. What may have happened that caused it. MS and Lyme disease are among the different things that can cause Uveitis as a symptom.

Couldn't find the cause. Did every test imaginable. It's an immune system problem but the root cannot be identified.
Is it sure that it is from an autoimmune response? Because from what I read the cause of uveitis is often unknown and frequently occurs in otherwise healthy people. It can sometimes be associated with another illness such as an autoimmune disorder or an infection from a virus or bacteria!An autoimmune disease occurs when your immune system attacks a part of your body. Autoimmune conditions that may be associated with uveitis include:
rheumatoid arthritis,ankylosing, spondylitis,psoriasis,arthritisulcerative colitis,Kawasaki disease,Crohn’s disease,sarcoidosis
Infections are another cause of uveitis, including:
CMV retinitis
West Nile virus
Other potential causes of uveitis include:
exposure to a toxin that penetrates the eye

I suggest that you take yours doctors advices very seriously because it can cause even vision loss.
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
What autoimmune disease is it? Did you get a diagnosis?

That is the first step.

Uveitis. Yea

Please give me more information. Uveitis is a disease but what do you know about your health that is causing this. What may have happened that caused it. MS and Lyme disease are among the different things that can cause Uveitis as a symptom.
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
Uveitis. Yea

Please give me more information. Uveitis is a disease but what do you know about your health that is causing this. What may have happened that caused it. MS and Lyme disease are among the different things that can cause Uveitis as a symptom.

Couldn't find the cause. Did every test imaginable. It's an immune system problem but the root cannot be identified.

The immunosuppressants are making things worst and compromising your body and health. That is the case with most pharmaceuticals.

So pain and inflammation were the only symptoms? How is the condition of your skin? Rashes and such? Or is it just the eyes?

Also, how do you sleep?
Also, within the next two days I will respond back to you with an initial healing protocol and more information to aid your healing.

Do you have the financial means to purchase some herbs and supplements? They are not expensive.

Thank you.
HPS Shannon said:
Also, within the next two days I will respond back to you with an initial healing protocol and more information to aid your healing.

Do you have the financial means to purchase some herbs and supplements? They are not expensive.

Thank you.

I can afford herbs and supplements. The effects were eye pain, especially when exposed to light, redness of the eye and inflammation. Corticosteroids helped reduce inflammation but I developed serious eye pressure potentially harmful for vision so I went to immunosuppressants. It’s a hard disease to combat and any mistake could cost your sight. The immunosuppressants have made me weaker(my immune system was invincible before them, I never even took antibiotics) but help control uveitis.
With illnesses, some take years, even decades of going through stages before manifesting and being detectable by medical equipment. It's a slow buildup. Take cancer for example: you'll only become aware of it during the last stages of the disease, but it actually took a long time for your body to get there. Some people don't realise it and keep going with bad habits, believing they're not negatively affecting them. Sometimes it's bad habits they contracted when they were teenagers, then the damage becomes evident when they are in late adulthood or even in the old age, and sometimes the physicians recognise that it's due to several years of those bad habits, sometimes they won't connect the dots.

HPS Shannon will help you through this.
"If you're one of the millions who suffer from allergies, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or other autoimmune diseases, Jasper Lawrence's innovative treatment may be more of a test of your courage than a stress on your wallet: A parasite infection.

According to Lawrence, hookworms and whipworms -- parasitic worms, or helminths, that take up residence in the intestine -- induce a subdued inflammatory response more effectively than modern medicines can.

"They persuade the immune system to leave them alone," he said in an interview with DailyFinance, and thereby regulate the immune system, causing these illnesses to go into remission.

Restoring the Natural Equilibrium

After treating more than 180 people, including himself, by infecting them with these tiny creatures, British-born Lawrence is even more convinced of the science. While purposely contracting an infection runs counter to common sense, Lawrence insists that he's only restoring the natural equilibrium. As he sees it, before the introduction of toilets and anti-bacterial soap, the normal state of affairs for the human immune system was fighting off repeated parasitic infestations.

"A variety of intestinal parasites used to be almost universal and throughout a person's life, and that situation prevailed for as long as humans have been humans," says Lawrence. "The ape and any of the proto-humans in the fossil records all were infected with parasites, so our immune system has evolved to account for this immunomodulatory effect on inflammation."

As a result of our modern obsession with super-clean living environments, Lawrence theorizes, our immune systems have gone haywire, giving free rein to all kinds of debilitating and expensive-to-treat diseases.

"When you take those worms out of people, the immune system doesn't develop properly and is unregulated, and the inflammatory response is stronger and misdirected," says Lawrence. "So, by reintroducing the parasites, you restore the situation that our immune systems evolved for."

Severe Allergies

Lawrence himself suffered from severe allergies for most of his life, with his eyes swelling shut "to the point of pain," he says. Desperate for relief, he tried all kinds of allergy medications. "I was doped to the gills every spring on antihistamines," he says. "I was often asked if I was taking drugs at school because I was so bombed out on antihistamines all the time."

In 2004 he saw a BBC documentary about the relationship between parasites and asthma. Lawrence, then 40 and running his own ad agency, was captivated, and after hours researching parasites on the Internet, he made the decision to use himself as a medical guinea pig.

Hookworm is a common parasite, with about 1.3 billion people worldwide playing host to the toothed creature that's just 5 to 13 millimeters in length. But in America, it's almost impossible to contract. So in 2006 Lawrence traveled to Cameroon, where the country's poverty and abysmal sanitation made it a likely place to contract the worms. "It was a bit of a gamble," he says, "since there weren't any direct studies showing that worms could benefit any disease at that time."

A Memorable Time in Cameroon

Hookworm larvae enter the human body through the skin, so Lawrence visited about 30 outdoor latrine areas in Cameroon, where he confounded the locals by wading through their feces in his bare feet. Although he'd planned his trip very carefully down to this important detail, "when I was confronted with actually taking my shoes off and doing the business, it was so repulsive and so repugnant that if I hadn't told everyone what I was doing, I wouldn't have done it," he says. "I didn't have to step directly into excrement, but I did," he explained, since the larvae also live happily in the soil. "I wasn't going to go all that way and take any chances" of not getting the desired infestation.

Weeks later, Lawrence tested positive for hookworm, and a few months later, when allergy season returned, he realized his asthma had disappeared.

Lawrence began dispensing hookworms through Autoimmune Therapies in 2007 and claims exceptional success in treating various autoimmune diseases for which the medical world has yet to find cures. Lawrence emphasizes that the parasites aren't a cure either, but according to his data, 80% of the ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease cases he's treated have gone into remission, and his results with MS have been even better. "Everyone with relapsing, remitting multiple sclerosis that we've treated has gone into remission or damn near remission within six months," he says.

$140,000 vs $3,050

These are the kinds of results that drug companies fear, which may explain why more research hasn't been conducted on helminthic therapy. While a five-year course of treatment for MS with Tysabri, made by Biogen Idec (BIIB) and Elan Pharmaceuticals, costs about $140,000, Lawrence charges $3,050 for a treatment. The worms live three to 10 years, and he guarantees infection for three years.

"If you were in business, would you replace a drug that earned you $140,000 over five years with a parasite that might earn you $4,000 that was more effective?" Not only that, explains Lawrence, but the worms aren't patentable, and once they become available through more vendors, the price is likely to fall to a few hundred dollars a dose. "All the drugs that are on the market -- Methotrexate, Tysabri, Humira -- all these drugs would suddenly be worthless," he says. "It's not going to happen, is it?"

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration hasn't made things easy for Lawrence. Last November the FDA came knocking, saying they were going to help him come into compliance. They explained that the creatures would be treated like leaches or maggots, which are still used for medical purposes, and that he had nothing to worry about. One lawyer advised him that the worms could be categorized as probiotics, which are readily available at any health food store. (Indeed, his website describes the treatment as "Immunotherapy using Probiotic Helminthic Therapy.")

These Bugs Are Drugs!

But by the end of that week, the FDA returned with bad news: Lawrence's worms would be classified as pharmaceuticals and he would have to embark on a study to prove efficacy and apply for FDA approval, a long and costly process that could run to millions of dollars. "We didn't have any money, certainly not that kind of money," says Lawrence. "We'd bet the farm on it. We'd re-mortgaged our home and borrowed all the money we could in order to do this."

Lawrence moved his practice to Mexico and the U.K. Whereas he used to visit patients within the U.S. who were too sick to travel, now those desperate for relief fly long distances for a treatment that takes minutes to administer. Lawrence places an adhesive bandage embedded with about 35 hookworm larvae on the skin and waits for them to burrow in. The worms then make their way through the bloodstream to the lungs. The host then coughs them up and swallows them, sending them through the digestive tract to their final home in the wall of the small intestine. Watch the short video below for Lawrence's narration of the procedure.

While some people experience nausea, fatigue and diarrhea for a few days, Lawrence claims that within four to five weeks any side effects disappear, with no permanent damage. Contrast that with Tysabri, the MS drug, which carries a warning that it has a 1 in 1,000 chance of triggering "a rare brain infection that usually causes death or severe disability" -- which cannot be reversed once it sets in.

Delicate Creatures

In contrast, hookworms and whipworms can be eliminated at any time with a course of albendazole, made by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Strangely, a more pressing concern is keeping the creatures alive. "They are very sensitive to nitrous oxide," explains Lawrence. "If someone went to the dentist and had nitrous oxide, their disease symptoms would return within about two weeks," which is "a good sign that they've lost their worms."

First-hand experiences with the parasites posted on Helminthic Therapy Forum, a Yahoo! chat group, show that those who've benefited from the treatment feel the risks are well worth it. "My experience with hookworm has been completely positive," writes one woman who had suffered from a debilitating case of irritable bowel syndrome. "The impact on my disease, complete cure, is nothing short of miraculous. It even fixed problems I did not even realize could be affected by hookworm."

Some doctors are, to their surprise, curious about the possibility that this sort of natural treatment might work. Dr. Jonathan Terdiman, a gastroenterologist at UC San Francisco Medical Center who has treated Crohn's disease patients, told CBS Healthwatch: "It's not a therapy that I can officially endorse or condone. But at the same time, there is a growing body of science that suggests that this makes some sense. It's not a crazy idea."

Even if Lawrence could overcome the rigorous FDA requirements and powerful drug-company lobbyists, the hookworm treatment's biggest stumbling block is still the Yuck Factor. The prospect of infecting oneself with worms is a hard sell for most potential patients, making it unlikely that this will become a popular and lucrative treatment. So far, at least, Lawrence says his company is only barely profitable and his worms certainly haven't made him rich. "If I could claim this cured baldness or obesity," he quips, "I'd be a millionaire." "

nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
Also, within the next two days I will respond back to you with an initial healing protocol and more information to aid your healing.

Do you have the financial means to purchase some herbs and supplements? They are not expensive.

Thank you.

I can afford herbs and supplements. The effects were eye pain, especially when exposed to light, redness of the eye and inflammation. Corticosteroids helped reduce inflammation but I developed serious eye pressure potentially harmful for vision so I went to immunosuppressants. It’s a hard disease to combat and any mistake could cost your sight. The immunosuppressants have made me weaker(my immune system was invincible before them, I never even took antibiotics) but help control uveitis.

I'm very sorry. Been super busy today and just getting online. I will get back to you tomorrow. Thanks for the information.

Stay strong. We'll solve this problem.
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
Also, within the next two days I will respond back to you with an initial healing protocol and more information to aid your healing.

Do you have the financial means to purchase some herbs and supplements? They are not expensive.

Thank you.

I can afford herbs and supplements. The effects were eye pain, especially when exposed to light, redness of the eye and inflammation. Corticosteroids helped reduce inflammation but I developed serious eye pressure potentially harmful for vision so I went to immunosuppressants. It’s a hard disease to combat and any mistake could cost your sight. The immunosuppressants have made me weaker(my immune system was invincible before them, I never even took antibiotics) but help control uveitis.

I'm very sorry. Been super busy today and just getting online. I will get back to you tomorrow. Thanks for the information.

Stay strong. We'll solve this problem.

Also, to the best of your ability can you describe any other health issues you may have or had? Even if its unrelated.

So far, it appears your liver is having some big issues since the liver governs, and is connected to the eyes. The inflammation and pain in your eyes means the energy/chi and blood isnt properly flowing.
HPS Shannon said:
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
I can afford herbs and supplements. The effects were eye pain, especially when exposed to light, redness of the eye and inflammation. Corticosteroids helped reduce inflammation but I developed serious eye pressure potentially harmful for vision so I went to immunosuppressants. It’s a hard disease to combat and any mistake could cost your sight. The immunosuppressants have made me weaker(my immune system was invincible before them, I never even took antibiotics) but help control uveitis.

I'm very sorry. Been super busy today and just getting online. I will get back to you tomorrow. Thanks for the information.

Stay strong. We'll solve this problem.

Also, to the best of your ability can you describe any other health issues you may have or had? Even if its unrelated.

So far, it appears your liver is having some big issues since the liver governs, and is connected to the eyes. The inflammation and pain in your eyes means the energy/chi and blood isnt properly flowing.

I never had any health issues tbh. Just the common viruses and bacteria we all get. But I'm very short sighted. Idk if it plays any part. During my full body tests they found that the liver was bigger than it's supposed to be. Idk the cause.
GG Allin said:


Eww gross.. Disgusting.
I found the total opposite in information quite some time ago.

Here is the link:

Simply said, diseases are often related to certain organs that may not function properly. To even suggest to introduce a parasite sounds completely insane.
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
HPS Shannon said:
I'm very sorry. Been super busy today and just getting online. I will get back to you tomorrow. Thanks for the information.

Stay strong. We'll solve this problem.

Also, to the best of your ability can you describe any other health issues you may have or had? Even if its unrelated.

So far, it appears your liver is having some big issues since the liver governs, and is connected to the eyes. The inflammation and pain in your eyes means the energy/chi and blood isnt properly flowing.

I never had any health issues tbh. Just the common viruses and bacteria we all get. But I'm very short sighted. Idk if it plays any part. During my full body tests they found that the liver was bigger than it's supposed to be. Idk the cause.

Bigger or inflammed?
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
HPS Shannon said:
I'm very sorry. Been super busy today and just getting online. I will get back to you tomorrow. Thanks for the information.

Stay strong. We'll solve this problem.

Also, to the best of your ability can you describe any other health issues you may have or had? Even if its unrelated.

So far, it appears your liver is having some big issues since the liver governs, and is connected to the eyes. The inflammation and pain in your eyes means the energy/chi and blood isnt properly flowing.

I never had any health issues tbh. Just the common viruses and bacteria we all get. But I'm very short sighted. Idk if it plays any part. During my full body tests they found that the liver was bigger than it's supposed to be. Idk the cause.
Are the doctors sure that the virus HPV has nothing to do with it?? Being short sided can make you eye age faster and be susceptible to any kind of infection.Tell me haven't you ever had Herpes?
Νίκος said:
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
Also, to the best of your ability can you describe any other health issues you may have or had? Even if its unrelated.

So far, it appears your liver is having some big issues since the liver governs, and is connected to the eyes. The inflammation and pain in your eyes means the energy/chi and blood isnt properly flowing.

I never had any health issues tbh. Just the common viruses and bacteria we all get. But I'm very short sighted. Idk if it plays any part. During my full body tests they found that the liver was bigger than it's supposed to be. Idk the cause.
Are the doctors sure that the virus HPV has nothing to do with it?? Being short sided can make you eye age faster and be susceptible to any kind of infection.Tell me haven't you ever had Herpes?

No herpes. Also I tested the eye fluid. Didn't find any virus or bacteria in it.
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
Also, to the best of your ability can you describe any other health issues you may have or had? Even if its unrelated.

So far, it appears your liver is having some big issues since the liver governs, and is connected to the eyes. The inflammation and pain in your eyes means the energy/chi and blood isnt properly flowing.

I never had any health issues tbh. Just the common viruses and bacteria we all get. But I'm very short sighted. Idk if it plays any part. During my full body tests they found that the liver was bigger than it's supposed to be. Idk the cause.

Bigger or inflammed?

I think both...
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
I never had any health issues tbh. Just the common viruses and bacteria we all get. But I'm very short sighted. Idk if it plays any part. During my full body tests they found that the liver was bigger than it's supposed to be. Idk the cause.

Bigger or inflammed?

I think both...

Inflammation makes sense.

Okay, I'm working on something for you tonight, a healing protocol.

My sincerest apologies for taking long.
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
I never had any health issues tbh. Just the common viruses and bacteria we all get. But I'm very short sighted. Idk if it plays any part. During my full body tests they found that the liver was bigger than it's supposed to be. Idk the cause.

Bigger or inflammed?

I think both...

One more thing before I start. Do you feel like you get fits of rage, anger or irritability quick or for no reason?

Rapid pulse?

Alot of redness in the eyes when they are inflammed?

Do you eat alot of greasy or fried foods?

Is your tongue reddish?

Are you overweight or underweight?
Fast metabolism?

What other drugs or medications are you taking besides the one you mentioned?
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
I never had any health issues tbh. Just the common viruses and bacteria we all get. But I'm very short sighted. Idk if it plays any part. During my full body tests they found that the liver was bigger than it's supposed to be. Idk the cause.

Bigger or inflammed?

I think both...

Also, bitter taste in your mouth?


Sluggish digestion? Weird digestion?
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
Bigger or inflammed?

I think both...

One more thing before I start. Do you feel like you get fits of rage, anger or irritability quick or for no reason?

Rapid pulse?

Alot of redness in the eyes when they are inflammed?

Do you eat alot of greasy or fried foods?

Is your tongue reddish?

Are you overweight or underweight?
Fast metabolism?

What other drugs or medications are you taking besides the one you mentioned?

I'm having anger issues my whole life, I can barely restrain myself from doing something I will regret when I'm angry. When I used corticosteroids to control the inflammation that went to extremes I felt like killing someone and had anger fits out of nowhere, that subsided when I dropped corticosteroids and went to immunosuppressants. The eye gets red and teary when inflammed. And yea I was eating a lot of fried food. Tongue and weight is normal
Lunar Dance 666 said:
GG Allin said:


Eww gross.. Disgusting.
I found the total opposite in information quite some time ago.

Here is the link:

Simply said, diseases are often related to certain organs that may not function properly. To even suggest to introduce a parasite sounds completely insane.

I found on the site nothing about hookworms,

well big farma isn´t interested, for no reason in the subject.

There are even pills with worse stuff in it ;) to cultivate your intestflora (in cases like someone did destroy it with to much antibiotics). Big parts of medicine is gross. What matters is, it helps people and is cheap so everyone can afford it.
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
I think both...

One more thing before I start. Do you feel like you get fits of rage, anger or irritability quick or for no reason?

Rapid pulse?

Alot of redness in the eyes when they are inflammed?

Do you eat alot of greasy or fried foods?

Is your tongue reddish?

Are you overweight or underweight?
Fast metabolism?

What other drugs or medications are you taking besides the one you mentioned?

I'm having anger issues my whole life, I can barely restrain myself from doing something I will regret when I'm angry. When I used corticosteroids to control the inflammation that went to extremes I felt like killing someone and had anger fits out of nowhere, that subsided when I dropped corticosteroids and went to immunosuppressants. The eye gets red and teary when inflammed. And yea I was eating a lot of fried food. Tongue and weight is normal


I know the problem. The disease you have may be simpler to heal than you think.

You do not have an auto immune disease. Maybe an inflammatory disease but not autoimmune. This means you shouldn't even be taking an immunosuppressant.

Autoimmune disease is generally a blanket term for a disease that western medicine cannot explain. Unfortunately western (or currently Jewish dominated) medicine does not include the spiritual/energetic connections of our bodies to our souls.

Your liver being enlarged and or inflamed means that there is an underlying liver disease. I am not sure if your lifelong anger caused the disease or your diet and such caused it but they are correlated and one leads to the other and vice versa. Anger is ruled by the liver. Too much anger that is not properly stored or channeled causes this issue.

Because the liver is connected the eyes physically and energetically, the liver issue is causing the state of your eyes. The red, inflamed and painful eyes  are just showing the physical and spiritual state of your liver, essentially. Too much liver heat, stagnation and dampness. Liver is connected to the blood volume and modulation so your rampant blood pressure is causing the pressure against your eyes which if persists can lead to retinopathy, eye bleeding and or blindness. The liiver heat and blood is rising up to your face and eyes too much.

There is nothing you can do for the eyes if the liver isn't healed and worked on so we need to first start with making sure you practice breathing exercises, mental calm and meditation that facilitates that. Keep it cool, bro...

As far as herbs and medicine, this is what you need to heal yourself. It only costs $10.99 a bottle. Get two bottles for start, you can get another bottle depending how you feel.


This herbal formula will cool, heal, calm and de-stagnate your liver energy and thus your eyes will not have the problems it does now, so you don't have to worry about blindness or taking the darn immuno-suppressant, which isn't doing you any good but masking and suppressing the problem plus compromising your immune system. Your eyes may actually improve as well since healing the livers benefits the eyes. Many people who soothe the liver or detox it usually notice their eyes are brighter and clear and vision seems better.

This will help with your anger too. Go a little slow in the beginning for a week or two and then you can up the dose after that. Take this herbal formula twice a day, (morning and late afternoon/early evening), 3-4 tablets each time. After a couple weeks, take 5-6 tablets twice a day.

DO NOT eat  oily, fried or heavy foods while taking this. No alcohol either. 

Keep it neutral with foods organic or pastured is best, like chicken, fish, rice, greens, beets (great for the liver overall), organic breads, eggs, oatmeal, a little grass fed organic milk if you like,  beans like mung, kidney, black beans, etc. Try to limit foods with too much spices. A little fat like olive oil or butter is okay as the gall bladder needs some fats to work properly. Just little for now.

This formula should not be taken for more then 2-3 months at a time. But you will see results within some weeks. Just keep taking it for at least 2 months or less, depending on how you feel.

Another thing I want you to take, if you like, is a general tonic which will heal and put your body back in balance from taking the immuno drug. This tonic balances the life force, immune system, blood. energy, organs, etc, etc. 

Good for anyone to take. It also has a cooling and calming effect. Take it in the evening 2-3 hours away from your last liver formula dose. Start with once a day, 3 capsules. Do NOT take this together with the Liver formula. This is the same price. You can get one or two bottles for now depending on your budget.


You can continue taking this all tonic formula after the liver issue is healed. Two capsules twice a day, morning and evening.

While taking these herbal supplements, you will notice a difference, the only thing that is tricky and depends on you, is how you will decide to steadily wean yourself off the immunosuppressants. You will not need it after a week or so if all goes well. Just listen to your body.

Please. I urge you to check back in a couple weeks or whenever you have any questions or need further assistance. That's important. I will need to evaluate your progress. 

We also have a health sub forum too if you want to visit there from here onward.

Above all, please continue advancing your soul and doing your yoga and meditation. This supports your healing anyway.

Happy Health <3
Also, it helps to know your astrology chart. I imagine you may have a prominent Mars somewhere...

Prominent Mars and its correspondings can cause these issues. They are usually connected in some way.
Hey Nino, it may help you to know I too developed a liver issue after starting meditation and having to back off. I began meditation at a very young age and had to back off when my serpent began to rise. I was undeveloped and not ready. Years later I began to develop liver and kidney issues, which isn’t common in someone in their early 20’s. No doctor could figure it out and I was referred to the Mayo Clinic, they knew there was a blockage in my heme (blood breakdown) pathway but couldn’t figure out the gene controlling it, I started to lose a little hope and went into survival mode and just let loose and began meditation again which I need to take very carefully. Thankfully I may have figured out what went wrong now that I’m old enough, things are really starting to realign. I had a blockage due to trapped serpentine energy. I even messaged the clergy about my astrology chart because the first disorder they wanted to diagnose me with was terminal and the second was very dangerous and deadly. I’m working over these blocks and I am beginning to get better, much much better. These meditations aren’t anything to take lightly, looking back on it I shouldn’t have began meditation so young. I had no idea the power they held or that my serpent would rise so soon. I was so eager to help. The gods helped me through this and still are. It’s corresponding to my heart chakra, Venus, and I believe the sushumna for me. I’m unblocking my chakras and staying consistent with meditation. Try not to be afraid and let yourself feel all of your emotions as well.
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
One more thing before I start. Do you feel like you get fits of rage, anger or irritability quick or for no reason?

Rapid pulse?

Alot of redness in the eyes when they are inflammed?

Do you eat alot of greasy or fried foods?

Is your tongue reddish?

Are you overweight or underweight?
Fast metabolism?

What other drugs or medications are you taking besides the one you mentioned?

I'm having anger issues my whole life, I can barely restrain myself from doing something I will regret when I'm angry. When I used corticosteroids to control the inflammation that went to extremes I felt like killing someone and had anger fits out of nowhere, that subsided when I dropped corticosteroids and went to immunosuppressants. The eye gets red and teary when inflammed. And yea I was eating a lot of fried food. Tongue and weight is normal


I know the problem. The disease you have may be simpler to heal than you think.

You do not have an auto immune disease. Maybe an inflammatory disease but not autoimmune. This means you shouldn't even be taking an immunosuppressant.

Autoimmune disease is generally a blanket term for a disease that western medicine cannot explain. Unfortunately western (or currently Jewish dominated) medicine does not include the spiritual/energetic connections of our bodies to our souls.

Your liver being enlarged and or inflamed means that there is an underlying liver disease. I am not sure if your lifelong anger caused the disease or your diet and such caused it but they are correlated and one leads to the other and vice versa. Anger is ruled by the liver. Too much anger that is not properly stored or channeled causes this issue.

Because the liver is connected the eyes physically and energetically, the liver issue is causing the state of your eyes. The red, inflamed and painful eyes  are just showing the physical and spiritual state of your liver, essentially. Too much liver heat, stagnation and dampness. Liver is connected to the blood volume and modulation so your rampant blood pressure is causing the pressure against your eyes which if persists can lead to retinopathy, eye bleeding and or blindness. The liiver heat and blood is rising up to your face and eyes too much.

There is nothing you can do for the eyes if the liver isn't healed and worked on so we need to first start with making sure you practice breathing exercises, mental calm and meditation that facilitates that. Keep it cool, bro...

As far as herbs and medicine, this is what you need to heal yourself. It only costs $10.99 a bottle. Get two bottles for start, you can get another bottle depending how you feel.


This herbal formula will cool, heal, calm and de-stagnate your liver energy and thus your eyes will not have the problems it does now, so you don't have to worry about blindness or taking the darn immuno-suppressant, which isn't doing you any good but masking and suppressing the problem plus compromising your immune system. Your eyes may actually improve as well since healing the livers benefits the eyes. Many people who soothe the liver or detox it usually notice their eyes are brighter and clear and vision seems better.

This will help with your anger too. Go a little slow in the beginning for a week or two and then you can up the dose after that. Take this herbal formula twice a day, (morning and late afternoon/early evening), 3-4 tablets each time. After a couple weeks, take 5-6 tablets twice a day.

DO NOT eat  oily, fried or heavy foods while taking this. No alcohol either. 

Keep it neutral with foods organic or pastured is best, like chicken, fish, rice, greens, beets (great for the liver overall), organic breads, eggs, oatmeal, a little grass fed organic milk if you like,  beans like mung, kidney, black beans, etc. Try to limit foods with too much spices. A little fat like olive oil or butter is okay as the gall bladder needs some fats to work properly. Just little for now.

This formula should not be taken for more then 2-3 months at a time. But you will see results within some weeks. Just keep taking it for at least 2 months or less, depending on how you feel.

Another thing I want you to take, if you like, is a general tonic which will heal and put your body back in balance from taking the immuno drug. This tonic balances the life force, immune system, blood. energy, organs, etc, etc. 

Good for anyone to take. It also has a cooling and calming effect. Take it in the evening 2-3 hours away from your last liver formula dose. Start with once a day, 3 capsules. Do NOT take this together with the Liver formula. This is the same price. You can get one or two bottles for now depending on your budget.


You can continue taking this all tonic formula after the liver issue is healed. Two capsules twice a day, morning and evening.

While taking these herbal supplements, you will notice a difference, the only thing that is tricky and depends on you, is how you will decide to steadily wean yourself off the immunosuppressants. You will not need it after a week or so if all goes well. Just listen to your body.

Please. I urge you to check back in a couple weeks or whenever you have any questions or need further assistance. That's important. I will need to evaluate your progress. 

We also have a health sub forum too if you want to visit there from here onward.

Above all, please continue advancing your soul and doing your yoga and meditation. This supports your healing anyway.

Happy Health <3

Thank you HPS Shannon. I'm gonna follow your advice.
HPS Shannon said:
Also, it helps to know your astrology chart. I imagine you may have a prominent Mars somewhere...

Prominent Mars and its correspondings can cause these issues. They are usually connected in some way.

What do you mean by prominent? It's on Virgo, 7th house
Hail goddess diana said:
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
What autoimmune disease is it? Did you get a diagnosis?

That is the first step.

Uveitis. Yea

In ayurvedic terms
This is a disease of increased pitta(fire)
Take anti pitta(cooling)diet

I'm not familiar with these terms. Any guide?
I don't know if it has to do with it but at the time when I developed this I was in a very toxic relationship
nino said:
Hail goddess diana said:
nino said:
Uveitis. Yea

In ayurvedic terms
This is a disease of increased pitta(fire)
Take anti pitta(cooling)diet

I'm not familiar with these terms. Any guide?

What she mentioned alihna with I already told you. Excess heat and "fire" in the liver.
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
Hail goddess diana said:
In ayurvedic terms
This is a disease of increased pitta(fire)
Take anti pitta(cooling)diet

I'm not familiar with these terms. Any guide?

What she mentioned alihna with I already told you. Excess heat and "fire" in the liver.

nino said:
I don't know if it has to do with it but at the time when I developed this I was in a very toxic relationship


Just checking to see if you ordered the herbs yet or if you are progressing well.
nino said:
When I started meditating with JOS techniques, two years ago I developed a problem. After a while I slacked on my progress and barely meditated through the day. I was warned that it could be dangerous but I didn’t think much of it at the time. Then I developed a very serious auto immune disease that went from acute to chronic real fast. I couldn’t stop the disease no matter what I did it kept coming back. I used steroids to relive the pain and inflammation at first till it went away then it kept recurring. The disease turned into chronic and it was very serious since I couldn’t find a treatment that worked. All of them created side effects that were serious as well. The last resort was to use immunosuppressants. This worked and the disease subsided but now I’m very vulnerable to common viruses and bacteria. I need a way to fix my immune system so it will be restored to its normal function. Any meditation or magick that would help?
I don't really know and understand what and how this is caused, but i myself, take anti-rejection medications that suppress the immune systems in order to make the transplanted organs work, since i received a kidney transplants not very long ago, but daily cleanings, Aop and other meditations alongside yoga without missing a day is enough to avoid any serious infection.
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
HPS Shannon said:
Also, to the best of your ability can you describe any other health issues you may have or had? Even if its unrelated.

So far, it appears your liver is having some big issues since the liver governs, and is connected to the eyes. The inflammation and pain in your eyes means the energy/chi and blood isnt properly flowing.

I never had any health issues tbh. Just the common viruses and bacteria we all get. But I'm very short sighted. Idk if it plays any part. During my full body tests they found that the liver was bigger than it's supposed to be. Idk the cause.

Bigger or inflammed?

Good Morning HP, is there a way I ca get in touch with u via a private communication line I need your advice on something that I dont feel confortable sharing in a public place
MoonlessNight666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
nino said:
I never had any health issues tbh. Just the common viruses and bacteria we all get. But I'm very short sighted. Idk if it plays any part. During my full body tests they found that the liver was bigger than it's supposed to be. Idk the cause.

Bigger or inflammed?

Good Morning HP, is there a way I ca get in touch with u via a private communication line I need your advice on something that I dont feel confortable sharing in a public place

Hi, yes.

[email protected]

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
