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How To Deprogram From Islam (Guide)

Academic Scholar

Active member
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]

Note: If you can’t access https://archive.is, use a free VPN or a different browser to access it. If a link doesn’t work, copy and paste it into the WayBack Machine of https://archive.org.

“There isn't ANYTHING more depraved or outright ROTTEN than Islam.” - High Priestess (HPS) Maxine Dietrich. Source: https://archive.is/s41hR

This is a guide for how to fully deprogram from Islam. Before any real spiritual advancement can take place, you must fully deprogram from any and all Jewish programs, including Islam. This sermon by High Priest (HP) HoodedCobra explains why you need to completely deprogram from all Jewish programs before spiritually advancing: https://archive.is/STCK1

There are five things you should do to deprogram from Islam: studying, self hypnosis, a spiritual working, HP HoodedCobra’s working and daily Satanic power meditation which includes doing the Final Reverse Torah Ritual (RTR).

1. Studying

Studying on how Islam is disproven is essential. You should read and study the resources below. These are the anti-Islam resources saved: https://archive.is/LZ1Jw

Anti-Islam Resources:

The White Death of Islam: https://archive.is/ej5mI

Exposing Islam - Program of Death by Zildar Raasi: https://archive.is/yK2xt

Islam by HPS Maxine Dietrich: https://archive.is/POebf

Satan's Library in English (this library has some free anti-Islam books and resources): https://archive.is/A9lbT

Islam Encourages and Promotes Pedophilia by HPS Maxine Dietrich: https://archive.is/zQMLS

Islam … by HPS Maxine Dietrich: https://archive.is/nzkqI

Exposing the Nation of Islam by HPS Shannon Outlaw: https://archive.is/Z6q9F

Prophet of Doom, Islam’s Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad’s Own Words by Craig Winn: https://archive.is/X5AoP
Alternative link: https://web.archive.org/web/20200916203822/http://www.prophetofdoom.net/

Disproving Islam by Edgar Morina PDF: https://b-ok.cc/book/5470384/46323c?regionChanged=&redirect=39329655
Alternative links:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/hgi18pf7ow248g2/Disproving Islam by Edgar Morina (z-lib.org).pdf?dl=0


Evidence That Islam is False: https://archive.is/1DZTZ

Ultimate List of Anti-Islam Resources: https://archive.is/bditT


Countering Islamism - Investigating, Questioning and Challenging Islam: https://counteringislamism.wordpress.com/full-contents/


The Quran is stolen and plagiarized from Pagan myths: https://www.academia.edu/38006922/T...ran_Its_Origin_In_Pagan_Legends_and_Mythology

Dwindling in Unbelief: https://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/search/label/Quran?m=1

Skeptics Annotated Quran: https://archive.is/zQ8tc

List of Resources that Disprove Islam: https://archive.is/BAbxU


The Islam Issue: https://theislamissue.wordpress.com/page/2/

Critique of Islam: https://archive.is/vzpBU


Contradictions in the Quran: https://archive.is/CQhdF

The 400+ Worst Authentic Hadiths in Bukhari and Muslim:

Islam - Program of HATE: https://web.archive.org/web/20150701145749/http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Islam.pdf

Resources For Critical Thinking About Islam: https://archive.is/Ue1R0

Ex-Muslim Forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/

https://answering-islam.org (Warning: this website is pro-Christian)

Exposing Islam site: http://www.faithfreedom.org


Criticism of the Quran: https://archive.is/3FOOJ

Criticism of Muhammad: https://archive.is/bpELz

Ex-Muslim and Anti-Islam Resources: https://archive.is/vPF7s

Ex-Muslim Hadiths of the Day (Archived Series): https://archive.is/b9AHU

Scientific Errors in the Quran: https://archive.is/rkxxe

List of Logical Fallacies in the Quran: https://archive.is/VzIRl

Critical Analysis of the Quran: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VyCehuISZAe0y7T-Ulvm7gkWJ8OV2XWdJsHn7guPLtk

Islam’s Doctrine of Deceit:

J.K Sheindlin has spent over 10 years decoding the Islamic texts and analysing the founder of Islam - Muhammad. Through painstaking and intensive studies, the author has exposed the rotten core of the faith by using simple logic and certified psychological archives: https://jksheindlin.weebly.com

Islam Watch - Telling The Truth About Islam: https://archive.is/S4BTd

Debunking Islam (Warning: This website has some Christian bias): https://archive.is/4e9Wu

Encyclopedia of Islamic myths: https://archive.is/jhCYb

Quotes from Muslim scholars that document the Pagan origin of the symbols, rituals and temples of Islam: https://archive.is/2ijIJ

Master index of 133 books on Islam that document how Islam is stolen and plagiarized from Paganism: https://archive.is/8ZuES

A Complete Guide to Pedophilia in Islam: https://archive.is/cRpDi

1,000+ Mistakes In The Quran (must read):

1000+ QURAN-COMMENTS - Skeptics facts and thoughts: https://archive.is/VnmzF

Apostates of Islam: https://archive.is/UZk51

Exposing Islam and Islamic Genocide in India: https://archive.is/3FHw9

The Islamic Conquest - The Bloodiest Chapter in Human History by Zildar Raasi: https://web.archive.org/web/2016030...-_the_bloodiest_chapter_in_human_history_.pdf

Has The Quran Been Preserved Perfectly? Conclusive Evidence Shows It’s Parts Are Lost: https://archive.is/PYH2x

The Pagan Origins of Ramadan: https://archive.is/scXhc

Investigate Islam: https://archive.is/vO0Lz

Analyzing Islam: https://archive.is/KCvrT (Warning: pro-Christian website)

200+ Websites With an “Alternative View On Islam”: https://archive.is/OJoLG

The Quran says that “Allah” gave the Land of Israel to the Jews, and he will restore them to it at the end of days. by Shaykh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi: https://archive.is/sXZkK

The Greek impact on the rise of modern science, and why the Scientific Revolution didn't happen in the Islamic world: https://archive.is/sNJ31

2. Self-Hypnosis

About Hypnosis: http://archive.is/LeV7y
How to go into a trance: https://archive.is/DJ4dM

With self-hypnosis, you should go into a deep trance first then affirm this 9 times or multiples of 9:
“I'm completely deprogrammed from Islam and all forms of it in all ways forever.”

This should be done daily. You can do this before you go to sleep or when you wake up.

3. Spiritual Working
Freeing Your Soul From The Jewish Programs by Sundara
START: Waning moon in Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio or Pisces.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate MUNKA 90 times.
3. Affirm 9 times:
“I am now completely free/healed from Islam mentally, physically, spiritually in every way happily, healthily, permanently.”
“I am now completely free/healed from any and all Jewish programs mentally, physically, spiritually in every way happily, healthily, permanently.”

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days straight.

How to pronounce MUNKA: https://archive.is/87FxL
(Vibrated as MUNYAKA)

To obtain planetary hours, download this free software:

Complete JoS Calendar for 2020: https://archive.is/l7RpQ
(If it’s not the year 2020, go to https://ancient-forums.com and find the JoS calendar of this year by using the forum search engine)

Most Workings Are NOT Just A 'One Shot Deal' by HPS Maxine Dietrich: https://archive.is/qLCkg

Original working: https://archive.is/PTq5T

4. HP HoodedCobra’s Working
How To Free Your Soul From Enemy Influences by HP HoodedCobra

PURPOSE: This will help cut off bad links from past lives, present incarnation, people you could have linked ‘involuntarily' like when you were drunk or when you had sex with somebody.

1. Breathe in blue Satanic energy into your chakra.

2. Vibrate ANSUZ or UR 9 times in the chakra you feel is linked in some way to the enemy or if you feel your chakra being drained of energy out of nowhere.

3. Affirm 9 times: “The energy of the _[rune you chose]_ is now freeing my ____ chakra from all connections and influences of the enemies of Satan, eternally and completely, NOW.”

4. Feel the chakra vibrating and engulf it in blue Satanic fire. Imagine all links on the chakra getting burned and your chakra becoming bright as a blue Sun, or whitegold. You can do this for all your chakras, so that would be 9x7. You can do more than x9 vibrations.

How to pronounce the runes:

How to breathe in energy:

Diagram of the chakras by Dahaarkan: https://archive.is/QZ7Lk

Original working: https://archive.is/M69WW

5. Daily Satanic Power Meditation + the Final RTR
You should do the Final RTR and power meditation everyday. Immediately after finishing the Final RTR, you can visualize the Quran and Hadiths being completely destroyed by fire.

”As for the things absolutely necessary to do everyday, these are Hatha Yoga, Aura of Protection, Cleaning Meditation, and any sort of empowerment. One can also add breathing exercises, and Kundalini yoga, plus a form of meditation of Void. That is, if we are to keep matters very simple. This is the necessary basis to keep positive, flexible, and powerful throughout your day.” - HP HoodedCobra. Source: https://archive.is/3JcGU

Satanic Power Meditation:
Archived links:

Advancing on Meditations and Delusions (Everyone Must Read) by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/JQSJD

Meditation and the Physical Body (EVERYONE MUST READ THIS) by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/P7clE

Excuses About Meditation - And It’s Necessity by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/3JcGU

Functions Of The Mind: Basic Functions and Obstacles In Meditation by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/bmIlE

Spiritual Satanism: Healing, Cleaning, Dealing With Life Negativity by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/Wpcbo

Final RTR Resources:

RTR Archive: https://archive.is/b10tP

Final RTR Paintable: https://web.archive.org/web/20180920183738id_/http://zen-dijkstra-98e94f.netlify.com/

This audio recording by HPS Maxine Dietrich shows how to correctly pronounce the Final RTR: https://web.archive.org/web/20180721061557/http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie666/alef-bet.mp3

Final RTR FAQ: https://archive.is/8Jdui

You can do the Final RTR whenever but it’s recommended to do it when this timer counts to zero: https://evilgoy.com

RTR Offensive Coordinator - New Era For Spiritual Warfare (Apps Updated): https://archive.is/NWhq0

5.1. Cleaning Your Aura
You should clean your aura and chakras at least once everyday.

WARNING: Never clean your aura or breathe in energy around animals and children! Why you shouldn’t: https://archive.is/3R9zW

How To Clean Your Aura:

Returning Curses Part 1:

6 Suns Aura Cleaning:

Sermon 17/November/2018 by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

Message From Azazel by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

The Full Cleaning Program by Johnson Akemi:
Awesome! Thank you!

How to wake up muslims against (((shitslam)))? For those who thinks (((Muhammed))) was a good guy?
Somewhere in a smelly jewish bunker, a bunch of sobbering mossad agents and rabbis that read this are singing with their orc leader about the loss of their islam. I retrieved some footage of their leader joining in via online conferences then made sure to level that shitty place down with lots of final rtr explosives :D :

In all seriousness, thank you for this article. This means a lot to me because this lead me to places other than whitedeathofislam and exposingthelieofislam. I didn't know about a few of the other sites mentioned. I'm going to take a look at them now.
Awesome article. Do you think anyone can translate into Arabic? Then we can do advertising to push it.

Thank you.
Academic Scholar said:
This is very thorough and wonderful. Islam really is a special type of filth. They all are, but my GOD. It’s every day that I see a new article about Islamic rapists, killers, immigrants, ect. It is perhaps the biggest enemy right now in regard to race mixing and destroying nations, second to jews.
As a person who has lived among muslims all his life I can surely say one thing... It's nearly impossible to deprogram yourself from this shit if you are 100% into it.... because an average muslim has very very bad critical thinking...
Academic Scholar said:
Note: If you can’t access https://archive.is, use a free VPN or a different browser to access it. If a link doesn’t work, copy and paste it into the WayBack Machine of https://archive.org.

I see that you just want to help, you didn't have any bad ideas behind it. But I don't recommend anyone to use a VPN, because it only steals your data.
But thanks for sharing this. HAIL SATAN!
Nero said:
As a person who has lived among muslims all his life I can surely say one thing... It's nearly impossible to deprogram yourself from this shit if you are 100% into it.... because an average muslim has very very bad critical thinking...

True, but it's probably not beyond feasibility to gather SOME muslims that live in more secular environments or who are smarter people or are a bit more enlightened than others.

Definitely worth the try. But as for the super brainwashed types, these are basically robots after a point.
Amazing guide! Thanks so much for this information, I'm not an ex-Muslim but it is a great resource in general. A quick question, for using the affirmation for hypnosis, should "in a very positive and happy way for me" or a similar phrase be added?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Awesome article. Do you think anyone can translate into Arabic? Then we can do advertising to push it.

Thank you.
Not sure if my first reply went through but just in case I’ll type it again. The minute I saw this post I decided to start translating. I’m actually working on it right now. I hope we can get more people to translate so we can get it done faster. I will translate all of our high priest/priestess’s sermons first working on exposing the lie of Islam by Zildar now. Not sure how long it will take my plan 3 pages a day. Do you happen to still have the joy of Satan website in Arabic that was in the library. The link doesn’t work any more
Awesome work sis! I would definetly recommend it for people trying to deprogram from xianity as well.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Awesome article. Do you think anyone can translate into Arabic? Then we can do advertising to push it.

Thank you.
Hello, HPHC,
I am confident I can translate this post. But I don't think I can translate the links that are in the post. Might be a bit much for me.
Let me know if this is good enough. And how can I get started?
Hail Satan!
HailVictory88 said:
Amazing guide! Thanks so much for this information, I'm not an ex-Muslim but it is a great resource in general. A quick question, for using the affirmation for hypnosis, should "in a very positive and happy way for me" or a similar phrase be added?
Yes, it is preferable to add this to any affirmation.
ClappyBird said:
How to wake up muslims against (((shitslam)))? For those who thinks (((Muhammed))) was a good guy?
I usually just send them JoS links then avoid them, I try to avoid anyone who ties in with such evil energy. You can send people something like this:
Reasons why Islam is bad:

Sex slavery

Wife beating

Killing all non Muslims

Killing all apostates

Kill all gays

Allowing pedophilia

Anti science

Anti individuality

Anti love

Pro sexism

Pro war

Pro xenophobia

No free thinking

No art

No music

No pork

No dogs

No woman should be seen

72 virgins (unexplainable beauty gender)

Hadiths that don’t make sense. Iblis blowing in your nose etc.

No respect for atheists and non-Muslims

No moderation in reality, extreme POVs in reality

Quran 4:34 wife beating

Quran 4:24 sex slavery

Scientific Errors in the Quran: https://archive.is/RwRUl

Quran and Hadith's on Racism: https://archive.is/hacjH

Contradictions in the Quran: https://archive.is/u1ww4

In Islam, women are deficient in intelligence: https://archive.is/kiblM

The Quran and Hadith's on Women: https://archive.is/L0PMw

The Quran and Hadith's on Jihad: https://archive.is/qx9pW

How Islamic Inventors Did NOT Change The World: http://archive.is/RuwhP

The Quran and Hadith's - Fighting Non-Muslims: https://archive.is/0B5We

The Quran and Hadith's on Non-Muslims: https://archive.is/QVpLD

Sex Slavery in Islam: http://archive.is/0Dlnu

The Quran and Hadith's on Pedophilia: https://archive.is/b5m3R

Islam is Stolen and Plagiarized from Paganism: https://archive.is/YG1bz
Very good article bro
Academic Scholar said:

Note: If you can’t access https://archive.is, use a free VPN or a different browser to access it. If a link doesn’t work, copy and paste it into the WayBack Machine of https://archive.org.

“There isn't ANYTHING more depraved or outright ROTTEN than Islam.” - High Priestess (HPS) Maxine Dietrich. Source: https://archive.is/s41hR

This is a guide for how to fully deprogram from Islam. Before any real spiritual advancement can take place, you must fully deprogram from any and all Jewish programs, including Islam. This sermon by High Priest (HP) HoodedCobra explains why you need to completely deprogram from all Jewish programs before spiritually advancing: https://archive.is/STCK1

There are five things you should do to deprogram from Islam: studying, self hypnosis, a spiritual working, HP HoodedCobra’s working and daily Satanic power meditation which includes doing the Final Reverse Torah Ritual (RTR).

1. Studying

Studying on how Islam is disproven is essential. You should read and study the resources below. These are the anti-Islam resources saved: https://archive.is/LZ1Jw

Anti-Islam Resources:

The White Death of Islam: https://archive.is/ej5mI

Exposing Islam - Program of Death by Zildar Raasi: https://archive.is/yK2xt

Islam by HPS Maxine Dietrich: https://archive.is/POebf

Satan's Library in English (this library has some free anti-Islam books and resources): https://archive.is/A9lbT

Islam Encourages and Promotes Pedophilia by HPS Maxine Dietrich: https://archive.is/zQMLS

Islam … by HPS Maxine Dietrich: https://archive.is/nzkqI

Exposing the Nation of Islam by HPS Shannon Outlaw: https://archive.is/Z6q9F

Prophet of Doom, Islam’s Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad’s Own Words by Craig Winn: https://archive.is/X5AoP
Alternative link: https://web.archive.org/web/20200916203822/http://www.prophetofdoom.net/

Disproving Islam by Edgar Morina PDF: https://b-ok.cc/book/5470384/46323c?regionChanged=&redirect=39329655
Alternative links:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/hgi18pf7ow248g2/Disproving Islam by Edgar Morina (z-lib.org).pdf?dl=0


Evidence That Islam is False: https://archive.is/1DZTZ

Ultimate List of Anti-Islam Resources: https://archive.is/bditT


Countering Islamism - Investigating, Questioning and Challenging Islam: https://counteringislamism.wordpress.com/full-contents/


The Quran is stolen and plagiarized from Pagan myths: https://www.academia.edu/38006922/T...ran_Its_Origin_In_Pagan_Legends_and_Mythology

Dwindling in Unbelief: https://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/search/label/Quran?m=1

Skeptics Annotated Quran: https://archive.is/zQ8tc

List of Resources that Disprove Islam: https://archive.is/BAbxU


The Islam Issue: https://theislamissue.wordpress.com/page/2/

Critique of Islam: https://archive.is/vzpBU


Contradictions in the Quran: https://archive.is/CQhdF

The 400+ Worst Authentic Hadiths in Bukhari and Muslim:

Islam - Program of HATE: https://web.archive.org/web/20150701145749/http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Islam.pdf

Resources For Critical Thinking About Islam: https://archive.is/Ue1R0

Ex-Muslim Forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/

https://answering-islam.org (Warning: this website is pro-Christian)

Exposing Islam site: http://www.faithfreedom.org


Criticism of the Quran: https://archive.is/3FOOJ

Criticism of Muhammad: https://archive.is/bpELz

Ex-Muslim and Anti-Islam Resources: https://archive.is/vPF7s

Ex-Muslim Hadiths of the Day (Archived Series): https://archive.is/b9AHU

Scientific Errors in the Quran: https://archive.is/rkxxe

List of Logical Fallacies in the Quran: https://archive.is/VzIRl

Critical Analysis of the Quran: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VyCehuISZAe0y7T-Ulvm7gkWJ8OV2XWdJsHn7guPLtk

Islam’s Doctrine of Deceit:

J.K Sheindlin has spent over 10 years decoding the Islamic texts and analysing the founder of Islam - Muhammad. Through painstaking and intensive studies, the author has exposed the rotten core of the faith by using simple logic and certified psychological archives: https://jksheindlin.weebly.com

Islam Watch - Telling The Truth About Islam: https://archive.is/S4BTd

Debunking Islam (Warning: This website has some Christian bias): https://archive.is/4e9Wu

Encyclopedia of Islamic myths: https://archive.is/jhCYb

Quotes from Muslim scholars that document the Pagan origin of the symbols, rituals and temples of Islam: https://archive.is/2ijIJ

Master index of 133 books on Islam that document how Islam is stolen and plagiarized from Paganism: https://archive.is/8ZuES

A Complete Guide to Pedophilia in Islam: https://archive.is/cRpDi

1,000+ Mistakes In The Quran (must read):

1000+ QURAN-COMMENTS - Skeptics facts and thoughts: https://archive.is/VnmzF

Apostates of Islam: https://archive.is/UZk51

Exposing Islam and Islamic Genocide in India: https://archive.is/3FHw9

The Islamic Conquest - The Bloodiest Chapter in Human History by Zildar Raasi: https://web.archive.org/web/2016030...-_the_bloodiest_chapter_in_human_history_.pdf

Has The Quran Been Preserved Perfectly? Conclusive Evidence Shows It’s Parts Are Lost: https://archive.is/PYH2x

The Pagan Origins of Ramadan: https://archive.is/scXhc

Investigate Islam: https://archive.is/vO0Lz

Analyzing Islam: https://archive.is/KCvrT (Warning: pro-Christian website)

200+ Websites With an “Alternative View On Islam”: https://archive.is/OJoLG

The Quran says that “Allah” gave the Land of Israel to the Jews, and he will restore them to it at the end of days. by Shaykh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi: https://archive.is/sXZkK

The Greek impact on the rise of modern science, and why the Scientific Revolution didn't happen in the Islamic world: https://archive.is/sNJ31

2. Self-Hypnosis

About Hypnosis: http://archive.is/LeV7y
How to go into a trance: https://archive.is/DJ4dM

With self-hypnosis, you should go into a deep trance first then affirm this 9 times or multiples of 9:
“I'm completely deprogrammed from Islam and all forms of it in all ways forever.”

This should be done daily. You can do this before you go to sleep or when you wake up.

3. Spiritual Working
Freeing Your Soul From The Jewish Programs by Sundara
START: Waning moon in Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio or Pisces.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate MUNKA 90 times.
3. Affirm 9 times:
“I am now completely free/healed from Islam mentally, physically, spiritually in every way happily, healthily, permanently.”
“I am now completely free/healed from any and all Jewish programs mentally, physically, spiritually in every way happily, healthily, permanently.”

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days straight.

How to pronounce MUNKA: https://archive.is/87FxL
(Vibrated as MUNYAKA)

To obtain planetary hours, download this free software:

Complete JoS Calendar for 2020: https://archive.is/l7RpQ
(If it’s not the year 2020, go to https://ancient-forums.com and find the JoS calendar of this year by using the forum search engine)

Most Workings Are NOT Just A 'One Shot Deal' by HPS Maxine Dietrich: https://archive.is/qLCkg

Original working: https://archive.is/PTq5T

4. HP HoodedCobra’s Working
How To Free Your Soul From Enemy Influences by HP HoodedCobra

PURPOSE: This will help cut off bad links from past lives, present incarnation, people you could have linked ‘involuntarily' like when you were drunk or when you had sex with somebody.

1. Breathe in blue Satanic energy into your chakra.

2. Vibrate ANSUZ or UR 9 times in the chakra you feel is linked in some way to the enemy or if you feel your chakra being drained of energy out of nowhere.

3. Affirm 9 times: “The energy of the _[rune you chose]_ is now freeing my ____ chakra from all connections and influences of the enemies of Satan, eternally and completely, NOW.”

4. Feel the chakra vibrating and engulf it in blue Satanic fire. Imagine all links on the chakra getting burned and your chakra becoming bright as a blue Sun, or whitegold. You can do this for all your chakras, so that would be 9x7. You can do more than x9 vibrations.

How to pronounce the runes:

How to breathe in energy:

Diagram of the chakras by Dahaarkan: https://archive.is/QZ7Lk

Original working: https://archive.is/M69WW

5. Daily Satanic Power Meditation + the Final RTR
You should do the Final RTR and power meditation everyday. Immediately after finishing the Final RTR, you can visualize the Quran and Hadiths being completely destroyed by fire.

”As for the things absolutely necessary to do everyday, these are Hatha Yoga, Aura of Protection, Cleaning Meditation, and any sort of empowerment. One can also add breathing exercises, and Kundalini yoga, plus a form of meditation of Void. That is, if we are to keep matters very simple. This is the necessary basis to keep positive, flexible, and powerful throughout your day.” - HP HoodedCobra. Source: https://archive.is/3JcGU

Satanic Power Meditation:
Archived links:

Advancing on Meditations and Delusions (Everyone Must Read) by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/JQSJD

Meditation and the Physical Body (EVERYONE MUST READ THIS) by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/P7clE

Excuses About Meditation - And It’s Necessity by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/3JcGU

Functions Of The Mind: Basic Functions and Obstacles In Meditation by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/bmIlE

Spiritual Satanism: Healing, Cleaning, Dealing With Life Negativity by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/Wpcbo

Final RTR Resources:

RTR Archive: https://archive.is/b10tP

Final RTR Paintable: https://web.archive.org/web/20180920183738id_/http://zen-dijkstra-98e94f.netlify.com/

This audio recording by HPS Maxine Dietrich shows how to correctly pronounce the Final RTR: https://web.archive.org/web/20180721061557/http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie666/alef-bet.mp3

Final RTR FAQ: https://archive.is/8Jdui

You can do the Final RTR whenever but it’s recommended to do it when this timer counts to zero: https://evilgoy.com

RTR Offensive Coordinator - New Era For Spiritual Warfare (Apps Updated): https://archive.is/NWhq0

5.1. Cleaning Your Aura
You should clean your aura and chakras at least once everyday.

WARNING: Never clean your aura or breathe in energy around animals and children! Why you shouldn’t: https://archive.is/3R9zW

How To Clean Your Aura:

Returning Curses Part 1:

6 Suns Aura Cleaning:

Sermon 17/November/2018 by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

Message From Azazel by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

The Full Cleaning Program by Johnson Akemi:
Academic Scholar said:

Personally this is extremely useful. Thank you. May the Gods bless you.
Eannatum said:
Not sure if my first reply went through but just in case I’ll type it again. The minute I saw this post I decided to start translating. I’m actually working on it right now. I hope we can get more people to translate so we can get it done faster. I will translate all of our high priest/priestess’s sermons first working on exposing the lie of Islam by Zildar now. Not sure how long it will take my plan 3 pages a day. Do you happen to still have the joy of Satan website in Arabic that was in the library. The link doesn’t work any more
Joy of Satan (Farah Al Shaitan) Website in Arabic:

How to Make Foreign Language Translations of JoS (Guide): http://archive.is/FLZBi
Academic Scholar said:
Eannatum said:
Not sure if my first reply went through but just in case I’ll type it again. The minute I saw this post I decided to start translating. I’m actually working on it right now. I hope we can get more people to translate so we can get it done faster. I will translate all of our high priest/priestess’s sermons first working on exposing the lie of Islam by Zildar now. Not sure how long it will take my plan 3 pages a day. Do you happen to still have the joy of Satan website in Arabic that was in the library. The link doesn’t work any more
Joy of Satan (Farah Al Shaitan) Website in Arabic:

How to Make Foreign Language Translations of JoS (Guide): http://archive.is/FLZBi[/quote

You’ve been a great help. Thank you
Academic Scholar said:

Note: If you can’t access https://archive.is, use a free VPN or a different browser to access it. If a link doesn’t work, copy and paste it into the WayBack Machine of https://archive.org.

“There isn't ANYTHING more depraved or outright ROTTEN than Islam.” - High Priestess (HPS) Maxine Dietrich. Source: https://archive.is/s41hR

This is a guide for how to fully deprogram from Islam. Before any real spiritual advancement can take place, you must fully deprogram from any and all Jewish programs, including Islam. This sermon by High Priest (HP) HoodedCobra explains why you need to completely deprogram from all Jewish programs before spiritually advancing: https://archive.is/STCK1

There are five things you should do to deprogram from Islam: studying, self hypnosis, a spiritual working, HP HoodedCobra’s working and daily Satanic power meditation which includes doing the Final Reverse Torah Ritual (RTR).

1. Studying

Studying on how Islam is disproven is essential. You should read and study the resources below. These are the anti-Islam resources saved: https://archive.is/LZ1Jw

Anti-Islam Resources:

The White Death of Islam: https://archive.is/ej5mI

Exposing Islam - Program of Death by Zildar Raasi: https://archive.is/yK2xt

Islam by HPS Maxine Dietrich: https://archive.is/POebf

Satan's Library in English (this library has some free anti-Islam books and resources): https://archive.is/A9lbT

Islam Encourages and Promotes Pedophilia by HPS Maxine Dietrich: https://archive.is/zQMLS

Islam … by HPS Maxine Dietrich: https://archive.is/nzkqI

Exposing the Nation of Islam by HPS Shannon Outlaw: https://archive.is/Z6q9F

Prophet of Doom, Islam’s Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad’s Own Words by Craig Winn: https://archive.is/X5AoP
Alternative link: https://web.archive.org/web/20200916203822/http://www.prophetofdoom.net/

Disproving Islam by Edgar Morina PDF: https://b-ok.cc/book/5470384/46323c?regionChanged=&redirect=39329655
Alternative links:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/hgi18pf7ow248g2/Disproving Islam by Edgar Morina (z-lib.org).pdf?dl=0


Evidence That Islam is False: https://archive.is/1DZTZ

Ultimate List of Anti-Islam Resources: https://archive.is/bditT


Countering Islamism - Investigating, Questioning and Challenging Islam: https://counteringislamism.wordpress.com/full-contents/


The Quran is stolen and plagiarized from Pagan myths: https://www.academia.edu/38006922/T...ran_Its_Origin_In_Pagan_Legends_and_Mythology

Dwindling in Unbelief: https://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/search/label/Quran?m=1

Skeptics Annotated Quran: https://archive.is/zQ8tc

List of Resources that Disprove Islam: https://archive.is/BAbxU


The Islam Issue: https://theislamissue.wordpress.com/page/2/

Critique of Islam: https://archive.is/vzpBU


Contradictions in the Quran: https://archive.is/CQhdF

The 400+ Worst Authentic Hadiths in Bukhari and Muslim:

Islam - Program of HATE: https://web.archive.org/web/20150701145749/http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Islam.pdf

Resources For Critical Thinking About Islam: https://archive.is/Ue1R0

Ex-Muslim Forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/

https://answering-islam.org (Warning: this website is pro-Christian)

Exposing Islam site: http://www.faithfreedom.org


Criticism of the Quran: https://archive.is/3FOOJ

Criticism of Muhammad: https://archive.is/bpELz

Ex-Muslim and Anti-Islam Resources: https://archive.is/vPF7s

Ex-Muslim Hadiths of the Day (Archived Series): https://archive.is/b9AHU

Scientific Errors in the Quran: https://archive.is/rkxxe

List of Logical Fallacies in the Quran: https://archive.is/VzIRl

Critical Analysis of the Quran: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VyCehuISZAe0y7T-Ulvm7gkWJ8OV2XWdJsHn7guPLtk

Islam’s Doctrine of Deceit:

J.K Sheindlin has spent over 10 years decoding the Islamic texts and analysing the founder of Islam - Muhammad. Through painstaking and intensive studies, the author has exposed the rotten core of the faith by using simple logic and certified psychological archives: https://jksheindlin.weebly.com

Islam Watch - Telling The Truth About Islam: https://archive.is/S4BTd

Debunking Islam (Warning: This website has some Christian bias): https://archive.is/4e9Wu

Encyclopedia of Islamic myths: https://archive.is/jhCYb

Quotes from Muslim scholars that document the Pagan origin of the symbols, rituals and temples of Islam: https://archive.is/2ijIJ

Master index of 133 books on Islam that document how Islam is stolen and plagiarized from Paganism: https://archive.is/8ZuES

A Complete Guide to Pedophilia in Islam: https://archive.is/cRpDi

1,000+ Mistakes In The Quran (must read):

1000+ QURAN-COMMENTS - Skeptics facts and thoughts: https://archive.is/VnmzF

Apostates of Islam: https://archive.is/UZk51

Exposing Islam and Islamic Genocide in India: https://archive.is/3FHw9

The Islamic Conquest - The Bloodiest Chapter in Human History by Zildar Raasi: https://web.archive.org/web/2016030...-_the_bloodiest_chapter_in_human_history_.pdf

Has The Quran Been Preserved Perfectly? Conclusive Evidence Shows It’s Parts Are Lost: https://archive.is/PYH2x

The Pagan Origins of Ramadan: https://archive.is/scXhc

Investigate Islam: https://archive.is/vO0Lz

Analyzing Islam: https://archive.is/KCvrT (Warning: pro-Christian website)

200+ Websites With an “Alternative View On Islam”: https://archive.is/OJoLG

The Quran says that “Allah” gave the Land of Israel to the Jews, and he will restore them to it at the end of days. by Shaykh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi: https://archive.is/sXZkK

The Greek impact on the rise of modern science, and why the Scientific Revolution didn't happen in the Islamic world: https://archive.is/sNJ31

2. Self-Hypnosis

About Hypnosis: http://archive.is/LeV7y
How to go into a trance: https://archive.is/DJ4dM

With self-hypnosis, you should go into a deep trance first then affirm this 9 times or multiples of 9:
“I'm completely deprogrammed from Islam and all forms of it in all ways forever.”

This should be done daily. You can do this before you go to sleep or when you wake up.

3. Spiritual Working
Freeing Your Soul From The Jewish Programs by Sundara
START: Waning moon in Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio or Pisces.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate MUNKA 90 times.
3. Affirm 9 times:
“I am now completely free/healed from Islam mentally, physically, spiritually in every way happily, healthily, permanently.”
“I am now completely free/healed from any and all Jewish programs mentally, physically, spiritually in every way happily, healthily, permanently.”

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days straight.

How to pronounce MUNKA: https://archive.is/87FxL
(Vibrated as MUNYAKA)

To obtain planetary hours, download this free software:

Complete JoS Calendar for 2020: https://archive.is/l7RpQ
(If it’s not the year 2020, go to https://ancient-forums.com and find the JoS calendar of this year by using the forum search engine)

Most Workings Are NOT Just A 'One Shot Deal' by HPS Maxine Dietrich: https://archive.is/qLCkg

Original working: https://archive.is/PTq5T

4. HP HoodedCobra’s Working
How To Free Your Soul From Enemy Influences by HP HoodedCobra

PURPOSE: This will help cut off bad links from past lives, present incarnation, people you could have linked ‘involuntarily' like when you were drunk or when you had sex with somebody.

1. Breathe in blue Satanic energy into your chakra.

2. Vibrate ANSUZ or UR 9 times in the chakra you feel is linked in some way to the enemy or if you feel your chakra being drained of energy out of nowhere.

3. Affirm 9 times: “The energy of the _[rune you chose]_ is now freeing my ____ chakra from all connections and influences of the enemies of Satan, eternally and completely, NOW.”

4. Feel the chakra vibrating and engulf it in blue Satanic fire. Imagine all links on the chakra getting burned and your chakra becoming bright as a blue Sun, or whitegold. You can do this for all your chakras, so that would be 9x7. You can do more than x9 vibrations.

How to pronounce the runes:

How to breathe in energy:

Diagram of the chakras by Dahaarkan: https://archive.is/QZ7Lk

Original working: https://archive.is/M69WW

5. Daily Satanic Power Meditation + the Final RTR
You should do the Final RTR and power meditation everyday. Immediately after finishing the Final RTR, you can visualize the Quran and Hadiths being completely destroyed by fire.

”As for the things absolutely necessary to do everyday, these are Hatha Yoga, Aura of Protection, Cleaning Meditation, and any sort of empowerment. One can also add breathing exercises, and Kundalini yoga, plus a form of meditation of Void. That is, if we are to keep matters very simple. This is the necessary basis to keep positive, flexible, and powerful throughout your day.” - HP HoodedCobra. Source: https://archive.is/3JcGU

Satanic Power Meditation:
Archived links:

Advancing on Meditations and Delusions (Everyone Must Read) by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/JQSJD

Meditation and the Physical Body (EVERYONE MUST READ THIS) by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/P7clE

Excuses About Meditation - And It’s Necessity by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/3JcGU

Functions Of The Mind: Basic Functions and Obstacles In Meditation by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/bmIlE

Spiritual Satanism: Healing, Cleaning, Dealing With Life Negativity by HP HoodedCobra: https://archive.is/Wpcbo

Final RTR Resources:

RTR Archive: https://archive.is/b10tP

Final RTR Paintable: https://web.archive.org/web/20180920183738id_/http://zen-dijkstra-98e94f.netlify.com/

This audio recording by HPS Maxine Dietrich shows how to correctly pronounce the Final RTR: https://web.archive.org/web/20180721061557/http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie666/alef-bet.mp3

Final RTR FAQ: https://archive.is/8Jdui

You can do the Final RTR whenever but it’s recommended to do it when this timer counts to zero: https://evilgoy.com

RTR Offensive Coordinator - New Era For Spiritual Warfare (Apps Updated): https://archive.is/NWhq0

5.1. Cleaning Your Aura
You should clean your aura and chakras at least once everyday.

WARNING: Never clean your aura or breathe in energy around animals and children! Why you shouldn’t: https://archive.is/3R9zW

How To Clean Your Aura:

Returning Curses Part 1:

6 Suns Aura Cleaning:

Sermon 17/November/2018 by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

Message From Azazel by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

The Full Cleaning Program by Johnson Akemi:

Can you do a RTR with a pet in the room?
AcademicScholar said:
Attention everyone
Maxine Dietrich was Banned
She can no longer access the JOS Forum

Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points,


Academic Scholar
you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .
PhilArson said:
Can you do a RTR with a pet in the room?

It was adviced from High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, to not do powermeditations while there are littel children or pets in the same room because if you get advanced you could during raising energy by accident collect thear energy (applys also to full grown humans if you are realy powerfull). Which would harm them.

"When we clean our auras, even though we direct the bad energy down through the ground or floor, and with the help of our Guardian Demons, (they sometimes have assistants who take it away), it still is not safe to have any animals or children, or anyone else for that matter in the room. The energy is spiritual filth.

Also, NEVER do any breathing or other exercises where you draw energy in, when animals or children are in the room. Both are very vulnerable. This is very serious with advanced meditators. The more you draw in energy, the stronger this becomes over a length of time.

This can deplete their life force, making them ill or worse." High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

AcademicScholar said:
Attention everyone
Maxine Dietrich was Banned
She can no longer access the JOS Forum

Guess I'll have to amp up my RTR count to crazy proportions.

(((They)))'re not going to get away with this.
AcademicScholar said:
Attention everyone
Maxine Dietrich was Banned
She can no longer access the JOS Forum

*Sees name again* Thx for making me do more rtrs schlomo fucklestein, I'm reading this through a device with a busted screen.

I checked the member list again just to see that I overreacted but in a good way.

Fuchs said:
AcademicScholar said:
Attention everyone
Maxine Dietrich was Banned
She can no longer access the JOS Forum

Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points,


Academic Scholar
you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Alright, going to chill mode now.
Academic Scholar said:
ClappyBird said:
How to wake up muslims against (((shitslam)))? For those who thinks (((Muhammed))) was a good guy?
I usually just send them JoS links then avoid them, I try to avoid anyone who ties in with such evil energy. You can send people something like this:
Reasons ...

You can also point out that Muhammed was a jew, if they say no way, you can say:

He saved his race by writing the Dschizya in the Koran:

The Dschizya in the Koran and its ancient Arabic background

The collection of this tax from the subjugated non-Muslim population, insofar as they are so-called owners of scripture (ahl al-kitab), i.e. Jews and Christians, is based on the Koranic word Sura 9, verse 29, which Rudi Paret translates as follows:

"Fight against those who do not believe in God and the Last Day and do not forbid (or: declare forbidden) what God and His Messenger have forbidden, and do not belong to the true religion - of those who have received the Scriptures - (fight against them) until they pay tribute meekly from the hand (?)! (ḥattā yuʾtū yuʾtū l-ǧizyata ʿan yadin wa-hum ṣāġirūn)"






Back then when Muhammed did teach the Koran to the arabic people, they were close to gut the jewish people there.


Also many Islamic holidays are at the same time as jewish and christan ones. Because they use combined prayer energy to try to save the jewish race.


(DSCHIZYA Koranic word Sura 9, verse 29 SAFES JEWS!)



Fuchs said:
PhilArson said:
Can you do a RTR with a pet in the room?

It was adviced from High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, to not do powermeditations while there are littel children or pets in the same room because if you get advanced you could during raising energy by accident collect thear energy (applys also to full grown humans if you are realy powerfull). Which would harm them.

"When we clean our auras, even though we direct the bad energy down through the ground or floor, and with the help of our Guardian Demons, (they sometimes have assistants who take it away), it still is not safe to have any animals or children, or anyone else for that matter in the room. The energy is spiritual filth.

Also, NEVER do any breathing or other exercises where you draw energy in, when animals or children are in the room. Both are very vulnerable. This is very serious with advanced meditators. The more you draw in energy, the stronger this becomes over a length of time.

This can deplete their life force, making them ill or worse." High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Thank you for that i read it and understand with aura cleanings or power meditation to avoid animals and children but dose that go the same for RTRs?
PhilArson said:
Fuchs said:
PhilArson said:
Can you do a RTR with a pet in the room?

It was adviced from High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, to not do powermeditations while there are littel children or pets in the same room because if you get advanced you could during raising energy by accident collect thear energy (applys also to full grown humans if you are realy powerfull). Which would harm them.

"When we clean our auras, even though we direct the bad energy down through the ground or floor, and with the help of our Guardian Demons, (they sometimes have assistants who take it away), it still is not safe to have any animals or children, or anyone else for that matter in the room. The energy is spiritual filth.

Also, NEVER do any breathing or other exercises where you draw energy in, when animals or children are in the room. Both are very vulnerable. This is very serious with advanced meditators. The more you draw in energy, the stronger this becomes over a length of time.

This can deplete their life force, making them ill or worse." High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Thank you for that i read it and understand with aura cleanings or power meditation to avoid animals and children but dose that go the same for RTRs?

For a RTR you have to raise your energy, so you intake/absorb energy around you. Afterwards you should do RC 1&2 there is also the energy raising part.

Allways remember:
3 Steps of witchcraft:

1. Raising Energy
2. Programming it
3. Directing/sending it
Fuchs said:
PhilArson said:
Can you do a RTR with a pet in the room?

It was adviced from High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, to not do powermeditations while there are littel children or pets in the same room because if you get advanced you could during raising energy by accident collect thear energy (applys also to full grown humans if you are realy powerfull). Which would harm them.
For the vast majority of people this is not a concern to begin with, and any such effects would easily be spotted before anything bad could come from them. I'm not sure where Maxine got it from or what she experienced, but from my own experience my pets are often with me when I do meditations and Yoga and they are healthy and happy. I would not advise anyone to cut back on how many RTRs they do or to postpone their workings just because they have a pet that is with them in their room. Stay attentive and use your brain - if something were to affect them negatively it should be easily noticeable before any serious damage is done.

The RTR especially is safe to do even with pets in the room, as it's not even a working in the strict sense to begin with. You barely spend any time taking in energy during the RTR, most of it is reversing the letters which does not do anything harmful to those around you. So the RTR is 100% safe to do even with pets near you.

The only time I would give a general warning to everyone regarding pets near you, would be if you are doing a working of black magic or a very intense breathing exercise where you take in a lot of energy (MerKaBa is one example).
Shael said:
Fuchs said:
PhilArson said:
Can you do a RTR with a pet in the room?

It was adviced from High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, to not do powermeditations while there are littel children or pets in the same room because if you get advanced you could during raising energy by accident collect thear energy (applys also to full grown humans if you are realy powerfull). Which would harm them.
For the vast majority of people this is not a concern to begin with, and any such effects would easily be spotted before anything bad could come from them. I'm not sure where Maxine got it from or what she experienced, but from my own experience my pets are often with me when I do meditations and Yoga and they are healthy and happy. I would not advise anyone to cut back on how many RTRs they do or to postpone their workings just because they have a pet that is with them in their room. Stay attentive and use your brain - if something were to affect them negatively it should be easily noticeable before any serious damage is done.

The RTR especially is safe to do even with pets in the room, as it's not even a working in the strict sense to begin with. You barely spend any time taking in energy during the RTR, most of it is reversing the letters which does not do anything harmful to those around you. So the RTR is 100% safe to do even with pets near you.

The only time I would give a general warning to everyone regarding pets near you, would be if you are doing a working of black magic or a very intense breathing exercise where you take in a lot of energy (MerKaBa is one example).

I did also not advice people to cut back on the RTRs. Considering the sadness this could bring, I rather safed done RTRs.

"Again people, AoP should be done daily and always clean your aura.

Just scan yourself from head to toe sweeping with the light, visualizing dark dirt (you will see more), pushing it down through the floor/ground. 3 times. NEVER, EVER do this near any pets or children.

For spiritual warriors, the help of our Gods is often needed. This is why we have Guardian Demons." High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


It´s always better to take precautions, then heal the damage done afterwards.

Healing requires more energy then avoiding.

F-RTR steps:

1. Raising energy (merkaba was ones adviced from HPHC, for people who want to do real damage)
2. Reversing Hebrew (visualise the letters dissolving)
3. Affirmation (immagine the effekt on the world)
4. Doing Returning Curses 1&2 (to clean your self of negative energy that does stick to you by reversing/or gets brocken from your self but is still connected to you)

In a sense when doing F-RTR we are exposed to negative energy, be it the destroyed letters or stuff that is brockenfree from us.

That´s the reason we should do RC1&2 after.
On top of what "Member: Fuchs" said about "Mohamed being a Jew".

There is also evidence from certain anti-Islamic sources that state that he is or was designed as a fictitious element to be a "Quariayashi Jew". So apparently Quariayashi's are a tribe or some tribe chosen for the specific mission of creating some sort of prophet to control the masses.

It should be point out it's funny how the enemy calls him a "Prophet". According to some information I've picked up it seems the enemy doesn't advanced much like Mordechai the prophet.

I've specifically delved into certain understanding of the enemy soul and apparently from all they state they are either Rabbi, High Rabbi, Tzadok, or final level Prophet. But apparently after Prophet they don't advance any further. There is no conceivable level of information or state they achieve higher. Technically it seems most of the jews in the know with their occult system, some transmogrified Pagan/Xtian system most seem to stop at Tzadok only a few ever reach Prophet. So their Godhead system pretty much stops at Prophet. We believe there might be anywhere from 5,000 to 15,000 enemy personnel that perform heavy, advanced spiritual warfare against the World in such yeshivas used by the enemy spiritualist. It's one of the reasons why if Israel were to fall it would spell a lot of doom for the enemy temporary of course. As the enemy would evacuate it's precious occult resources probably to the US and or Europe. But knowing the enemy they'd want the World to reclaim Israel "Oy vey goyim muh Oded Yinon plan".

Anyways Islam is horrible I have no idea why even Islamic people want to be in it. The best thing I can state is probably the gangster or more specifically wankster mentality. It seems like in the words of Sirmixalot from Baby got back "You noticed that butt was stuffed. So you pulled up tough". Despite the fact the song is talking about a womans ass. The sheer fact is it seems like muzzies like to pull up tough and whatnot even though I get the distinct feeling a lot of muzzies don't fall in line with the whole 72 virgin, live to die, die to live mentality. I know that isn't the majority and it seems like a minority in extreme cases such as Turkish and or Muzzie soldiers during both World Wars. But it seems like Islamic people are in a veil of retardation they literally cannot see the Forest nor the Trees and like Marilyn Manson states "They can't smell their shit on their own knees". Plus even the shit everyone gives to them even their own so-called chosen friends.

It seems like they are in perpetual dark/middle ages. Pislam has consumed them to be borgs for the enemy. Even worse they are an international threat going around committing shit around the World. And much like the jewish (((sayanim, kehillah, sanhedron, irgun, mossad, comiturn, gangstalking))) spy-terrorist network. They seem to work in such ways like some organized thug group. And that's what they are they are basically thugs and destroyers.

In essence like it's been said before "Muzzie = Gentile with jewish mentality" )))Oy vey, destroy civilization cause civilization is of Satan(((. It's funny just like bible thumpers in the bible belt. Everything is of Satan or technology is of the Devil or like muzzies state Civilization is of Satan. Really YOU DON'T SAY! I like to meet this Satan guy and thank him for creating something that doesn't delve into degeneration and destruction of reality and gives meaning to humanity.

But no most xtians and muzzies are like )))Oy vey destroy, destroy, destroy(((.

WTF is up their asses.

It reminds me of this Motorcycle guy on Youtube who went to Saudi Arabia for a business trip from Portugal. And he test drove a Harley. And goes in Saudi Arabia they have Billions of Cops and Trillions of traffic cameras. So basically muzzies are so out of control the fact they aren't communist and are some sort of capitalist mixed shithole with old age muzzie stuff is proof enough that communism eventually is meant for non-muslim societies and if muslim societies accept communism it's just icing on the cake for jews. The sheer fact is some of these islamic places are like China only worse for certain people like women and certain degenerates they consider like for example wearing "tight fighting jeans" is a form of fagotry so kick their ass and imprison them.

Just like "With jews you lose", with judeo-bolshevik muzzies "you lose".
mayanprophecy said:
what if you were in a muslim country that had the death penalty for apostasy what do you do?
If that’s the case, you should lie about your religion if your life is in danger.
Eannatum said:
Academic Scholar said:
Eannatum said:
Not sure if my first reply went through but just in case I’ll type it again. The minute I saw this post I decided to start translating. I’m actually working on it right now. I hope we can get more people to translate so we can get it done faster. I will translate all of our high priest/priestess’s sermons first working on exposing the lie of Islam by Zildar now. Not sure how long it will take my plan 3 pages a day. Do you happen to still have the joy of Satan website in Arabic that was in the library. The link doesn’t work any more
Joy of Satan (Farah Al Shaitan) Website in Arabic:

How to Make Foreign Language Translations of JoS (Guide): http://archive.is/FLZBi[/quote

You’ve been a great help. Thank you

Thank you for the archive!! ❤
Eannatum said:
Academic Scholar said:
Eannatum said:
Not sure if my first reply went through but just in case I’ll type it again. The minute I saw this post I decided to start translating. I’m actually working on it right now. I hope we can get more people to translate so we can get it done faster. I will translate all of our high priest/priestess’s sermons first working on exposing the lie of Islam by Zildar now. Not sure how long it will take my plan 3 pages a day. Do you happen to still have the joy of Satan website in Arabic that was in the library. The link doesn’t work any more
Joy of Satan (Farah Al Shaitan) Website in Arabic:

How to Make Foreign Language Translations of JoS (Guide): http://archive.is/FLZBi[/quote

You’ve been a great help. Thank you

Thank you for the archive!! ❤
Eannatum said:
Academic Scholar said:
Eannatum said:
Not sure if my first reply went through but just in case I’ll type it again. The minute I saw this post I decided to start translating. I’m actually working on it right now. I hope we can get more people to translate so we can get it done faster. I will translate all of our high priest/priestess’s sermons first working on exposing the lie of Islam by Zildar now. Not sure how long it will take my plan 3 pages a day. Do you happen to still have the joy of Satan website in Arabic that was in the library. The link doesn’t work any more
Joy of Satan (Farah Al Shaitan) Website in Arabic:

How to Make Foreign Language Translations of JoS (Guide): http://archive.is/FLZBi[/quote

You’ve been a great help. Thank you

Thank you for the archive!! ❤

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
