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How To Control Addictions, Passions, Animal Drives

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Spiritual Satanism stands against every and all enemy dogma. The dogma of the enemy does not provide wisdom, it has no knowledge on how to control anything of a human nature, is anti-human and therefore wants to destroy humanity.

Condemning human nature and dismissing it as "Evil", was the key component to human failure that has fallen upon us in the last 17 to 20 centuries. Contact with wisdom and knowledge was lost, and with it, mankind lost it's path and fell in accelerating speed.

It's now the time and era to reverse this, one individual soul at a time. We heed the advice that saves our own souls, coming from the Gods.

In Spiritual Satanism there are no fasts, vegeterianisms, celibacy commands, or anything of the sort. None of these are necessary or needed to advance spiritually. On the other hand, Spiritual Satanism is against stupidity. Part of this stupidity is out lack of understanding of measures, self control, and other similar curlpits of being unwise. That is solved by meditation and understanding.

What we have to keep in mind of, is that so long one is a human being, we have a pool of great potential in our emotions, emotional drives, the drives that are generally called "Lower". Christianity preaches that these are to be attacked and destroyed. This leads to all the destruction that we can observe in the adherents of these programs.

We are alive creatures and we are to remain this way. We are not to become borg or to slay all our emotions and drives. That leads to nullifying one major aspect of the spirit, and it leads to a deficient soul, bringing with it many destructive forces.

Muslims that will behead someone over a disagreement due to barbarous drives out of control, or your average gluttonous christian pedophile "Priest", or your average neurotic family member that never stops promoting Jesus as if it's an STD everyone has to partake into: All of these are the results of extremely repressed, misplaced, and wronged drives.

These types all preached about what was there to do, and not only they never applied what they preach [because it cannot be applied], but in cases they did, they created a nuke inside themselves, leading to personal and social ruin. That is the sureproof way to destroy one's self and one's soul.

The overwhelming neuroticism, stupidity, and savagery of people who follow the enemy programs, how gluttonous and animalistic they are, or how they transform to dead husks, are all notions of the same imbalance that they create through their anti-human practices.

Satanism preaches indulgence, but returning to the point in the above paragraph, stupidity is where we have a red line. One is stupid if they don't understand their limits, or they do things that will be damning to one's self.

The so called "Lower Drives", as psychology also understands, are in many ways the sources or the darker waters that give birth to the so called "Higher Drives". To give a very simple example, the lust of men can be either what makes them cheat or destroy, or it can be a feeling of lust towards women, that when properly controlled, can make someone physically successful in the material or financially, something which will later attract a specific portion of women.

The same feeling of lust, can also give rise to children, or help people bond their relationships. The very same feeling of lust can lead to depletion from overmasturbation, guide someone to stay in a toxic relationship, or cloud one's judgement to the point of grave errors.

This energy is there, no matter what, and propels us to do decisions. We do NOT want to stop this soil from producing fruit perpetually. Instead, we want to give it proper nutrition, cultivation, and throw the correct seeds in the soil, rather than seeds of negativity or destruction. The soil itself is great and not like the enemy dogma preaches. It's the farmer's stupidity or neglect that causes the problems here.

What most people think here is that if one reads something about how to control these passions, it's actually going to change anyone.

Reading my posts here, or accepting knowledge I or other wise people might offer someone, a friend or a teacher, or anyone, does not really put these drives in their place. It can help your mind understand what you need to do, but application and control are up to you.

An example of a drive here is gluttony. Let us assume that someone is gluttonous. First of all, in Spiritual Satanism there is no fundamental shame, nor we expect people to be saints. We just do our best here to be in the most empowering route of harmony and balance.

This religion is the one and real religion of Mankind, the core of all Ancient religions, and the Gods are not against human nature. Rather, the Gods and the Demons instruct us on how to learn to be better humans and reach higher states of fulfillment.

One way to manage addictions or things like gluttony, is to turn these drives towards another direction. A person who is very gluttonous, if they combine this with excessive physical training, will get mass and power from this endeavor. If a person is addicted to learning [which I honestly can't call a "Drive"], but suffers financially, this emotional need can be turned into the direction where this might produce wealth or in a wealth generating field.

The case however when these drives can be made into a unified and working whole, is not always. Many people are gluttonous, and this gluttony is already leading someone to obesity, and one may not plan to exercise for example. Or one may be too obese and therefore they need to do very soft exercise first.

In this case, we do not get better by by trying to bring up exercise to the level of gluttony, and the more one has went towards the end of imbalance, the more these inner drives need to be restrained to return things to normal. One may need as it's obvious, to decrease this drive, upper another drive to exercise, and other drives need to keep this one in check.

These drives in the Ancient Schools were symbolized by animals. For example, bulls or oxen were normally used to symbolize these drives. Like bulls of oxen, these drives do not always listen to common sense. This is where a whip or a fence may be needed, to restrain these forces in, eventually training them to work for you rather than against you.

Like animals however, if these forces are not fed, they can break the stables and destroy your life. Alternatively, if you have spoiled these drives to no end, the oxen and the bulls might be so well fed, that they will literally take down your house to eat you and your family alive. Even worse, when these drives are fed and left out of control completely, they can kill a whole village. You ever seen what happens in Spain in case a Taurus escapes? People hide in their houses.

In the above example, sedation of specific urges might be needed to get past them and drive these animals back to the zoo. The animal is your drive, let us say boredom. In this case, you must strike it on the head by doing what you need to do regardless of it's existence. That will be your whip.

Eventually as you whip boredom and lazyness, you will notice that it attacks you back. That's where you must keep whipping it. Commonly, taking control of these drives can be as if one is in a war of sorts. And that is really a form of war against our own inner rebellious energies.

Now, just whipping let's say the boredom, is not going to do anything. What you need to do after you whip it, is bring this animal into a stable. The stable must be accustomed to it's needs, and it must be taken care of. In a non metaphor, to control this drive, you will need to provide for it a good goal, an environment in which it can work, something that is pleasing to it - let's say replacing the boredom in your life with an activity you find interesting.

If this is not done, then the drive will keep returning. In fact, most of our human drives on a lower level, are irrational like animals. In the same way, they have to be treated when they are on their coarse and lower state.

The way to control these on the lower state, is by repetition and self control. Repetition here is very important, and was called in Ancient Greek schools as "Exis". This "Exis" means something you are already used in doing. It is the habitual repetitive practice. This is powerful enough to defeat all kinds of addictions, properly attunate passions, and make control of animal drives.

Naturally the mind also works in the same way. The properly awakened mind, instead of being at the mercy of it's own whims, becomes like an animal trainer and later on a charioteer. After the mind is awakened and controlled, it can gain the respect and loyalty of these drives, which will operate under the control of the liberated mind.

Then, the same horse or oxen that was razing your life and village, is actually going to become your best friend. They will carry your chariot or your farming equipment, while you will enjoy fruits out of their labor. In the same way, when emotional control is established, these drives that were once dangerous and these addictions that were once negative, will become your friends.

Due to many people here being seekers and having been presented with false knowledge, the drive for example towards spirituality, has had many people do drugs that were not necessary. These weaken the person, but if one can establish control and move away from these, and properly attunate one's need for spiritual advancement away from this negative vice, then this same thirst for spiritual stimulation, can become one's best friend towards advancing spiritually.

Likewise, people who have very strong bulls or oxen, capable of destroying their garden and possibly village, IF these people manage to get control of these urges, they can achieve a lot of things. Since this can be difficult sometimes, people may be hesitant, but it's perfectly doable.

Meditation, cleaning the soul and void meditation, do help in creating control of these things. You will notice that unavoidably, as you meditate, you will start becoming aware of flaws and other necessary things for your transformation. This knowledge, when it's put into your life through the mechanism of "Exis" or applied repetition, will help you advance not only spiritually but as a character and person. This applied in the correct and the proper direction, over time, leads to advancement and enlightenment.

Except of menial control of these drives and using one's willpower to say no, or even say "yes" sometimes, there are also the meditative ways such as long-term workings to advance one's self. These will help you but you will still have to do the behavior and self control part.

There are also many cases where one has to let go and let out. An example here would be a person who has been anorexic or eats so much less than necessary. In this case, it's not the whip that one must take to control the animal, but actually lure these drives with food and abundance, to get them back to an active state. One judges which direction has to go, based on the wisdom they have. Meditation increases wisdom.

Knowing the above should help one understand better how to deal with these drives in a technical way or behavioral way. One important thing to do is also tailor workings around these things. As the laws of the universe have it, certain bad habits can be bad, but I have good news for you: based on the mechanisms of the mind itself, all negative habits can be eliminated, as much as they can get created. There is therefore no negative habit that can lord over you eternally, and you can definitely remove it if you want.

The cycles to remove these should be as follows, and are affected directly with your willpower. An advanced willpower, can stop doing things immediately and keep at that. But that is very rare, because it has to be trained to be that powerful.

A typical 40 day working to remove a medium level addiction, can work. Going to two 40 days working, there can be more effects. At three, even more. But I write this to finally get into the number 6. The number six alongside many of it's other qualities, is a number of healing.

In English, it's still called Six, while in Ancient Greek it was called Exi, which has to do with the word I explained above, "Exis", meaning repetition.

If you do 6x40 day workings, even very big addictions and very big obstacles in your path, are going to disappear or be minimized to a manageable state. This could be done over a recurring period, such as let's say 240 days. As you can see the 6x40 still adds up to the 240 days. For the heaviest addictions, this can be a potent noose to put on them, that will subject them.

While might look like a "Long time", but some really ingrained out of control things, might need even one or two of these cycles in a lifetime. There can be heavy karmic energy involved here that needs to be removed. What is for sure, if one does the workings and also does the necessary actions during them, even the worst cases and worst addictions can be eventually brought under control.

For small issues, such as let's say you are in good shape, everything is fine, but you need to go to the gym, but you aren't because you are not into it, it's after 6 sessions or 6 days that you will find the first level of advancement and start thinking about leaving the state of not going behind. As the 6 level cycles multiply upon themselves, you will feel more and more going away from laziness or the previous state of not doing something. At 6 months, this is also a strong checkpoint, and then 240 days.

Lastly, the 360 which is 60-6 day circles, you can tell yourself you have finally changed your habits. Also, you will be completely changed by this time in regards to a habit or have strongly moved away from an addiction etc etc. If something is maintained for 6 years, you can safely say that this is now a part of "You" in the deeper layers of your character.

Point being here, all you need to change things that you want in yourself, is your time, doing a working, doing this for a long period of time, and doing what is necessary on your personal behavior to change your route. If you maintain the above you can change your "path", which is also indirectly linked to changing your Karma, which is also indirectly expressed by the number 6 in many cases. The same karmic forces that have brought you here, can also be used with the proper control to get you, and permanently, out of problematic situations.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Henu the Great said:
Thank you for clarification. This explains why I have not gotten something under control even after two 40 day workings. Something that has stuck with me quite some time. It's getting under control now, but it's more work that I anticipated.

It's after three 40 day workings that some really bad things can be brought under control. At 6x40 day workings, you will have a strong control over it.

These numbers will be affected by one's overall level of control or understanding and advancement. As what they are trying to affect or change and the general level of power will affect this. So willpower etc, plays a big role here. One can easily and steadfastly change his courses provided he has a lot of that control.

However as we can understand, these levels of power over the self also strongly rely on a Godhead level of power. It takes effort, time, and "Exis" to get there.
In regards to having a mind that is very chatty, especially when trying your best to do void meditation, would you suggest any working or should I just seriously up my concentration game?
Thank you HP! This also seems to explain why I have done 3 obliterate saturn workings with still no complete resolution. I have noticed however that much has come to the surface and resolved or at least improved. I have also run into things as a result of the working that I had to start in addition in order to resolve the issues my saturn creates. This is still a long work in progress especially since I have discovered that my saturn afflicts several things and the workings done have not been for the same issue each time.
Aquarius said:
In regards to having a mind that is very chatty, especially when trying your best to do void meditation, would you suggest any working or should I just seriously up my concentration game?

If you do void meditation and you get this, do not try to fight it. Just try to softly ignore it. This can occur also in a trance. It's not abnormal. Total silence in the mind can be rare, and will occur when a bit further immersed in void meditation.
Hmmm, understanding is really [I feel] the basis of power. I have a strong bull. A very very strong one. After reading your sermon, and understanding the first point of not disdainfully hating the "lower"[its the necessary part of me for the higher, the understanding of this really made feel like I was a Xian who had not let go of their disdainful ideas, even though I knew not to hate the nature, but it seems that I have not taken a deep attention to understanding this matter. [this poor understanding and lack of attention to myself has really being a companion]. I want to be extraordinarily aware, this kind of power is one aspect i really want [so bad].
Back to my Bull, even at a younger age[16], I named it my bull because of the overwhelming force of my "sex drive" since age 14. I have seen it [just as Xian background made me see it] as the pain, burden I couldn't bear so Porn has being the outlet for 17years. Recently I saw the activity had gotten to my solar plexus, I feel it there at orgasm only when jerking to porn, like a drawing of life from this part of my soul. I really know I would advance better if I can control this bull and maybe I won't be broke in the long run. And I really don't want to get married until I have settled this cos if I do, I will feel I did not win this. My sex drive is really high beyond normal, and many times I know this could be more of an advantage for me.
This deep addiction I feel has led to a slight feeling of weakness on my leg creeping to my arm. Cos each time I masturbate, I feel it. And my solar plexus really deplete in power and I got a very strong Sun. Hmmmm, I feel this in a way has messed with my relationship too even though I'm a really smooth guy[ I naturally penetrate the ladies, my drive to conquer women did not fall after any P. activities.]

HP Hoodedcobra666, this is my Big Bull,I thought about this "bull concept" again when you mentioned in LORD AZAZEL sermon, I knew mine needed attention. it's now a monster since 17 years , I know this has contributed to some kind of limits of my power and finance. I want to win this bull. I want to ascend. Teach me. I'm so glad you talked about this, you have helped change my view, I must re read the sermon to grasp more and understand all I must do inclusive of meditations. I just can't have kids without wining this, I'll feel like I failed.
I am Satan's Man, I hunger to ascend. From my childhood I knew my destiny was beyond me, felt like I belong with the stars in the sky, I always wanted to be more than human, this has led me here, I also wanted to be a healer from childhood even though later on I understood my family were dedicated to Satanic activities[ we were priests in the village] as this and this is why my pops fled and brought us to xianity, and I am the only one who felt differently from childhood that I did not belong.I have had dreams and my cousin to had similar dreams of me returning and that was very long before I dedicated. Destiny is here. My soul is satanic, I must ascend. I have to win this first. Presently I live among my Xian family and my parents are clergy and it's been 5years as SS under their nose, and I feel pressed to leave now.
I have sought after wisdom since childhood and my father would always refer me to read the Bible. And I did. I was never satisfied. It was by strange occurrence and desire that I found myself here. On path before coming here, I encountered the false magic teachings of Jews yet surprisingly they felt dirty to me so I move and entered the Omahara and when I saw thing like Jesus and Mary there I moved yet I had no hatred for them then. But then I recalled one day that I opened a page called "angel fire" then I started reading the JoS site. In that period of study of 2weeks alone in that village, I knew I found home. Last month my mind told me, I have found destiny. I have to ascend, this is all that has mattered to me.
When you spoke of apollonius, I closed my eyes did what I did with all the cartoon characters at childhood. I visualized the kind of character he would be, the power he demonstrated, the wisdom the ascent, I fell in love with him and Apollo. I felt everything soul at that sermon and it felt like me.
So many people want to be celebrities. If I was to be famous for anything, it will always be that I was as ascended as apollonius. That I touched lives because they came in contact with the satanic soul. I healed people. Do you know that so many times I would think of the world and people who suffer in it, and cry and wish I can heal as much. I tell my GF this thing a lot. I wanted to be a doctor too, but I understand why, I am meant to be a healer.
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this!🔥 Hail Satan!! Hail Lilith!!🦉 people should be able to express themselves! With no conviction! Weather to be sexual! Expressing one's needs and desires for love and for respect! To be appreciated for who and what you are through and through as a man or a woman! Whether you are married to this individual single or out playing the field! People should be able to have that freedom to make their choices especially in this day and age! Without punishment or having to answer questions! You would think that a disdain age that people would be able to have all of that and then some! People don't even realize how serious this is! It's just like with laughter and what they say about laughter and being able to laugh out loud and have fun! How would heals the mind and the body.:) and how sexuality can heal the body in more ways than one especially when you're with the right person who accept you for who and what you are and for all that you are! Without having to change anything about yourself! To feel comfortable in your own skin with this individual!.!:) it's beautiful to be able to Free Yourself of all of these silly rules created by religion Christianity! Etc etc and how liberating it is just to be who you are and what you are! Being born into this world to be able to go back and do your mind and unlearn all of the negative bulshit when it comes down to sex and sexuality! And that goes with everything mentally physically spiritually emotionally and sexually being who you were meant to be when you were first born here as a child and being able to look at the values that you could have learned as a child if it wasn't for the Christian rules of the world! And the things that we could have accomplished throughout the centuries people would be already a part of the godhead achieving their goals on the other side and becoming one with Satan and his gods and demons and many ways without regret or without remorse or having to answer any questions of that of the enemy! Not to mention the fact women and children would be able to have ways of protecting themselves! Against the enemy! If it wasn't for the Christian rules of the world! And now it is the time to look at ourselves for who and what we are and look into ourselves and the possibilities that we have? Unlocking the gifts and the powers that we have and the things that we may or may not know we have will be revealed! I have been aware of some things of myself and other individuals that I've come to know! When it comes down to being able to relax and walk away from all of the bullying and the stupidity of religion being a female and being able to feel okay with your body no matter how old you are even if you're overweight and 50 years old! And being able to see the goddess and the sex kitten Within and to be able to have that smile on your face knowing that you have that power! Within yourself just feel beautiful and powerful and too feels liberated as a man or a woman! And to be able to have that right to express your sexual freedom! And to be able to do it like you mean it and like you've always wanted to since you were a young adolescent! If people had any idea? How motivating that is and the things that people can accomplish throughout the day :) good being horny! Is okay:) and a how about Mojo! Just to be able to get up and dance on the Dance Floor whether you are old or young or in between and people asking you where you get that energy from? Every time you take a yoga class or practice Kundalini breathing that is all a part of it! And it makes your daily chores a lot easier! With a u r a teenager or a young adult an older woman raising children or a grandmother raising grandchildren! Whether you are on your own moving as an individual a single woman looking to have fun! Or happily married! :) even as an older person! How it makes aging a lot easier to tolerate and to accept! And how it seems to diminish the negativity and the fear and the thought of Aging! As we get older people don't stop having sex just because they get old is because they pay too much attention to the negativity around the world and then negative things begin to take effect with their body and their brain when people learn to overlook these silly things! As they get older they learn to enjoy their sexuality and take the relationship to a higher level even if your 88 years old! Taking the time the pleasure in the joy a fighting things that you can do as a couple weather to be going on a vacation trip or spending time at home in the backyard working in your vegetable garden or hanging out in the kitchen baking cookies with your husband or watching TV holding hands eating and sharing a bowl of popcorn! You were still doing a lot of things that you enjoy doing as a young adult laughing at things like you would if you were a child! The magic and the magic and the possibilities that people unlock when they are able to express themselves mentally physically emotionally spiritually and sexually! Becoming one with the godhead! :) and becoming one with yourself as you get older and learning so much more! I'm not trying to tell you things that you already know :) it's just the fact that it's there and it's Common Sense :) it is when we open our mind to it and it is within us all naturally!:) the hard part about it is that people just need to learn how to relax and let go of all the negative bulshit! And the silly things in the back of your mind is keeping you from meditating or being able to enjoy yourself doing something anything! And having the time to do so :)🙂 and you'd be able to take that time and to take that moment to think about it! And then it should be able to sit down with a notebook and a pencil and make plans until you are able to make a habit out of it :) changing the bad habits into good habits and finding things that you feel more comfortable with and making a habit out of that and how things grow and how you are able to bring back that inner child and that awkward teenager and to be able to express that even as an adult :) I enjoy doing that myself! And still I am having fun laughing and enjoying myself and doing so and looking at the awkward moments of the past and being able to laugh at them without feeling embarrassed!❤ and I am still learning a lot! And we never stop learning no matter how old we get!🔥🐍 I know when this world seems are very challenging! And we're dealing with the Enemy everyday with their books and with their programs! Hollywood movies etc etc feeling the mine with all kinds of crazy ideas that is very confusing! There's nothing wrong with watching a movie once in awhile and there's nothing wrong with reading books and watching the news on TV! And getting out and doing things it's finding time for yourself and enjoying the things that you like to do or want to do:) and knowing that you can do it!🙂 and having that confidence and that self-esteem! That you have overcome a problem! Or that you have accomplished something in yourself! Overcoming fear:) and watching away from the stupidity of the world! Shutting off that TV and going into your room and sitting on your bed quietly and holding hands with your husband and having that sacred moment together:) something that this world really needs in more ways than one :)🌞🦚 that beautiful satanic serenity! And being you. With no regrets!! And then to sit down and talk about it :) you have nothing to hide and you have nothing to be ashamed of! And nobody really should! People should enjoy all aspects of their body and their mind and their spirituality to the highest level even if you're a beginner! That is what is so fun about reprogramming the mine and being able to free yourself! And sexuality should be one of them!❤ Hail Satan!! Hail Lilith!! Hail Esther!!! ❤ Hail Fraia !!! Hail Azazel!!!❤ Hail to the ancient god and goddesses!!! 🦚 LET'S bring out our true self and enjoy it to our fullest!!!🐍🦚🔥
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Thank you for clarification. This explains why I have not gotten something under control even after two 40 day workings. Something that has stuck with me quite some time. It's getting under control now, but it's more work that I anticipated.

It's after three 40 day workings that some really bad things can be brought under control. At 6x40 day workings, you will have a strong control over it.

These numbers will be affected by one's overall level of control or understanding and advancement. As what they are trying to affect or change and the general level of power will affect this. So willpower etc, plays a big role here. One can easily and steadfastly change his courses provided he has a lot of that control.

However as we can understand, these levels of power over the self also strongly rely on a Godhead level of power. It takes effort, time, and "Exis" to get there.

This is very helpful, thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Thank you for clarification. This explains why I have not gotten something under control even after two 40 day workings. Something that has stuck with me quite some time. It's getting under control now, but it's more work that I anticipated.

It's after three 40 day workings that some really bad things can be brought under control. At 6x40 day workings, you will have a strong control over it.

These numbers will be affected by one's overall level of control or understanding and advancement. As what they are trying to affect or change and the general level of power will affect this. So willpower etc, plays a big role here. One can easily and steadfastly change his courses provided he has a lot of that control.

However as we can understand, these levels of power over the self also strongly rely on a Godhead level of power. It takes effort, time, and "Exis" to get there.

Is better to do it in several separate works of 40 days or can also be done one longer of 90, 120, 180 or 240 days in a row?
I really liked this topic, the part about impulses reminds me of a book called "the four Toltec agreements", it is about how the Toltecs worked on improving their impulses and habits, this process was called "domestication", the lack of awareness of their beliefs and habits was symbolized as "tezcatlipoca" which means "smoking mirror", the mirror symbolized the truth and the smoke symbolized all the barrier that prevented them from being aware, mythologically tezcatlipoca is the opposite of quetzalcoatl, which is very interesting. ..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
In regards to having a mind that is very chatty, especially when trying your best to do void meditation, would you suggest any working or should I just seriously up my concentration game?

If you do void meditation and you get this, do not try to fight it. Just try to softly ignore it. This can occur also in a trance. It's not abnormal. Total silence in the mind can be rare, and will occur when a bit further immersed in void meditation.
Thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Took me a year HPHC (addiction) never touched a thing for 10 well longer it was pre jail 2006 ( original sentence) then returned to prison 2011 after going on the run (didnt do the crime i went on run for :lol: ) had to finnish original 4 year sentence.

Never touched anythin due to having a family stopped drinking also (not bad for a scotsman)

Out of nowhere boom that hit. Not pleasant.

Anyway with the help here I done it and fine.

I think it takes at least a year depending what you have took.

Dangerous stuff my bro.

Happy times now.

Shows you never take eye off ball for a second.

Hail satan
Hail JOS
This was a very healthy post to read. Reading your sermons and Nietzsche are so refreshing for the mind.

For those wanting to do the long cycle of workings (such as going for the 240, or doing a normal 40 day working), this Halloween is actually a good day to begin freeing the soul workings. Waning Moon in Virgo, and sabbat is a power date. Halloween itself rules death and endings.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A typical 40 day working to remove a medium level addiction, can work. Going to two 40 days working, there can be more effects. At three, even more. But I write this to finally get into the number 6. The number six alongside many of it's other qualities, is a number of healing.

Wow!! This is very interesting, I had no idea.
I've always thought that if I did two 40-days workings and the issue hadn't resolved, then I was probably using a wrong affirmation, or the issue was not where I thought it was. Oftentimes I don't see any noticeable changes (with a 40-days working, such as with munka) so I just attribute my issue to "something else"; being yet unable to identify and solve it.

This also shows how the road of meditation isn't for a "quick fix". I know some people who just want to do a working or two to solve a personality or life issue. They get frustrated thinking that the working lasts for 40 whole days... Imagine if they knew it can be longer than that. It's so sad that some people (SS) can't take this seriously enough. This path requires true dedication and devotion. Nothing will happen in a day.
Aquarius said:
In regards to having a mind that is very chatty, especially when trying your best to do void meditation, would you suggest any working or should I just seriously up my concentration game?

Excellent sermon, thank you so much HPHC.

Aquarius brother, try doing this daily, just 5 minutes.

Also, try holding the dhyani mudra when doing void meditation. Works excellently. One method I use is to see total blackness in my mind and focus on it, imagining that I'm there, like empty space. It drowns out all images, sounds, and everything in a couple of minutes and even puts me in a light trance. My mind understands that there's nothing in empty space so when I tell it it's in it, it clears automatically. Or you can visualize the darkness/empty space surrounding your head, like engulfing it, emptying it in the process.
Dear HoodedCobra666 Your explanations are very mature and perfectly appointed to our days associations trough our habits. Thank you a lot, aptly like always!
Thank you, as always your timing is fantastic, I really needed this, this helps a lot both in understanding what is happening to me right now as well as understanding what to do from here.
I also had a wrong understanding of the number 6, I thought it was somewhat negative.
Very strong. Sometimes i am lazy, but it is never out of control, maybe it is genetical :lol:
I have a feeling our Commander is either Greek or loves ancient Greece very much, or both :lol:
Wotanwarrior said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Thank you for clarification. This explains why I have not gotten something under control even after two 40 day workings. Something that has stuck with me quite some time. It's getting under control now, but it's more work that I anticipated.

It's after three 40 day workings that some really bad things can be brought under control. At 6x40 day workings, you will have a strong control over it.

These numbers will be affected by one's overall level of control or understanding and advancement. As what they are trying to affect or change and the general level of power will affect this. So willpower etc, plays a big role here. One can easily and steadfastly change his courses provided he has a lot of that control.

However as we can understand, these levels of power over the self also strongly rely on a Godhead level of power. It takes effort, time, and "Exis" to get there.

Is better to do it in several separate works of 40 days or can also be done one longer of 90, 120, 180 or 240 days in a row?

For bad things that really need to be brought under control, it's better to do in a row, or at least 3x40 workings. That will ensure success.

It all depends on the problem and the severity of it.
EnkiUK55 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Anyway with the help here I done it and fine.

I think it takes at least a year depending what you have took.


Hail satan
Hail JOS

Congratulations on your achievements, as you can understand, life is so much better on the other side. Surrounding yourself with responsibility and family as a man is important, because we tend to take these seriously, and these make us better people. When you have kids and stuff, there is some things you will never really want to do. They give you a lot of power to overcome difficulties in life.
Manofsatan said:

HP Hoodedcobra666, this is my Big Bull,I thought about this "bull concept" again when you mentioned in LORD AZAZEL sermon, I knew mine needed attention. it's now a monster since 17 years , I know this has contributed to some kind of limits of my power and finance. I want to win this bull. I want to ascend. Teach me. I'm so glad you talked about this, you have helped change my view, I must re read the sermon to grasp more and understand all I must do inclusive of meditations. I just can't have kids without wining this, I'll feel like I failed.
I am Satan's Man, I hunger to ascend. From my childhood I knew my destiny was beyond me, felt like I belong with the stars in the sky, I always wanted to be more than human, this has led me here, I also wanted to be a healer from childhood even though later on I understood my family were dedicated to Satanic activities[ we were priests in the village] as this and this is why my pops fled and brought us to xianity, and I am the only one who felt differently from childhood that I did not belong.I have had dreams and my cousin to had similar dreams of me returning and that was very long before I dedicated. Destiny is here. My soul is satanic, I must ascend. I have to win this first. Presently I live among my Xian family and my parents are clergy and it's been 5years as SS under their nose, and I feel pressed to leave now. ...

This power can also set you free. That's why it's there. However as I explained this is like a bull going around and not understanding what you do. You need to control it and bring it under control with meditations, and then you can ride the bull wherever you want.

You got to grab the bull by the horns, so to say. The post explains how to do this. There are also workings posted here on how it is to be done.

Leaving can be in the context of making your own life and getting your independence. That's normal to do and it can help you in your psychological and spiritual development as a person. You will also have more time to yourself to meditate etc.
DTone said:
I really liked this topic, the part about impulses reminds me of a book called "the four Toltec agreements", it is about how the Toltecs worked on improving their impulses and habits, this process was called "domestication", the lack of awareness of their beliefs and habits was symbolized as "tezcatlipoca" which means "smoking mirror", the mirror symbolized the truth and the smoke symbolized all the barrier that prevented them from being aware, mythologically tezcatlipoca is the opposite of quetzalcoatl, which is very interesting. ..

I am finding a lot of wisdom in the cultures of the Americas. Domestication here must mean what I also said, about how the drives are parallelized with bulls and other animals. This is also in mythology, this is why you have people fighting a bull or the Medusa and other allegories.

The mist or smoke is also symbolic of this state of confusion, not knowing where to go. That's why also in Egyptian myth, as the boat goes to the underworld, there is a lot of mist.

It's very humbling to see that everything that we already need is already there, put there by the Gods for us to simply practice and reach our potential.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Very strong. Sometimes i am lazy, but it is never out of control, maybe it is genetical :lol:
I have a feeling our Commander is either Greek or loves ancient Greece very much, or both :lol:

You can definitely overcome laziness. It's most of the time a setting in the soul. Laziness can be also used to find ways to make things faster and smarter. A lot of developments in our world have happened because lazy people needed easier solutions. But lazyness is generally not working to get the soul where it needs to go.

Relaxation, resting, chilling, and being on a calm state, are also not laziness.

In regards to the Ancient Greek, I think it describes things very easily for everyone to articulate and understand [and it's synonymous with the Ancient Pagan Mythology of the world] so it's easy to communicate. It's also one of the systems that even if it has been destroyed for the most part, still the leftovers of 3 or so percent that survived, are enough of a seed to generate something again.
TerKorian666 said:
Dear HoodedCobra666 Your explanations are very mature and perfectly appointed to our days associations trough our habits. Thank you a lot, aptly like always!

I appreciate your kind words, thank you. I am glad the post was clear. I want to be clear in contrast to my many years older writings which I have been more difficult to understand. I am trying to improve to give things better to everyone.
Blackdragon666 said:
Aquarius said:
In regards to having a mind that is very chatty, especially when trying your best to do void meditation, would you suggest any working or should I just seriously up my concentration game?

Excellent sermon, thank you so much HPHC.

Aquarius brother, try doing this daily, just 5 minutes.

Also, try holding the dhyani mudra when doing void meditation. Works excellently. One method I use is to see total blackness in my mind and focus on it, imagining that I'm there, like empty space. It drowns out all images, sounds, and everything in a couple of minutes and even puts me in a light trance. My mind understands that there's nothing in empty space so when I tell it it's in it, it clears automatically. Or you can visualize the darkness/empty space surrounding your head, like engulfing it, emptying it in the process.
Thank you Brother, I'll try your method.
This is a really insightful sermon, HP. Thanks for this.

I suppose the Final RTRs have been alot like this. When we started out, we did just the first Final RTR once a day -or at least I did, I know some people here do much more - and I remember that used to seem like a hell of a lot of effort to keep up. I decided to implement a strategy to try and make doing the Final RTR a regular habit. So I had this table cloth with a pentagram on it and around the pentagram was a big chain. I used to cross out a link from the chain with a permanent marker each day I completed a Final RTR, and eventually after a few hundred days, all the links were blackened out and the star was free! Haha, I know that may sound kind of lame, but I knew it could help me build a habit because it directed my awareness toward seeing progress and results in an easily measureable way. I guess it worked. We do 3 RTRs in a row now every day and I barely notice it anymore. It's just routine that gets done every morning. It's funny how it used to seem hard. We have definitely done the Final RTR and Removing the Veil for over a year together now, so perhaps the 6x60 days is being compounded here?

I still have a lot of things about myself I want to improve, but I really I believe it can be done with the right direction and actions, like you've said.

Thanks alot for your sermon.
Norse 88 said:
This is a really insightful sermon, HP. Thanks for this.

I suppose the Final RTRs have been alot like this. When we started out, we did just the first Final RTR once a day -or at least I did, I know some people here do much more - and I remember that used to seem like a hell of a lot of effort to keep up. I decided to implement a strategy to try and make doing the Final RTR a regular habit. So I had this table cloth with a pentagram on it and around the pentagram was a big chain. I used to cross out a link from the chain with a permanent marker each day I completed a Final RTR, and eventually after a few hundred days, all the links were blackened out and the star was free! Haha, I know that may sound kind of lame, but I knew it could help me build a habit because it directed my awareness toward seeing progress and results in an easily measureable way. I guess it worked. We do 3 RTRs in a row now every day and I barely notice it anymore. It's just routine that gets done every morning. It's funny how it used to seem hard. We have definitely done the Final RTR and Removing the Veil for over a year together now, so perhaps the 6x60 days is being compounded here?

I still have a lot of things about myself I want to improve, but I really I believe it can be done with the right direction and actions, like you've said.

Thanks alot for your sermon.

Thank you, glad to see your comments, hope all has been going well. Yes, that exactly applies to every habit, even the RTR's.

I was the first person who did this, before it was launched, to test it. And holy cow, it was a lot of resistance back then, it was insane. After have taken them down so hard, it started becoming easier and easier. Now, it should be really easy to do for people accustomed to it. We have come a very, very long way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EnkiUK55 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Anyway with the help here I done it and fine.

I think it takes at least a year depending what you have took.


Hail satan
Hail JOS

Congratulations on your achievements, as you can understand, life is so much better on the other side. Surrounding yourself with responsibility and family as a man is important, because we tend to take these seriously, and these make us better people. When you have kids and stuff, there is some things you will never really want to do. They give you a lot of power to overcome difficulties in life.

Oh bro it was severe after doing Kundalini ( dont let that put anyone off) Full scale addiction the one just under heroin (white one) in the scale feel ashamed for mention it.

I got alot of help here.

I read alot of your sermons HPHC so thank you mate you never know there could be thousands more that read them and sort themselves out.

A clergy member that isnt here anymore, gave me the time of day so i will be grateful to him for that.

Family man with responsibilities cant be taking that. When my wifes mum died I stopped, was there for here and stood up to be counted when it mattered.

I do meditations every day that helps. (jings mate it was bad i spent easy 50k on it) scary thing.

Satan puts tests for us I remember full well when it happened, i jumped in took the wrong route.

Satan is always here to help. (test fail regardless)

My gaurdian goddess helped also.

Thanks again for the reply of congrats bro means alot coming from your good self bro :cool:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's after three 40 day workings that some really bad things can be brought under control. At 6x40 day workings, you will have a strong control over it.

These numbers will be affected by one's overall level of control or understanding and advancement. As what they are trying to affect or change and the general level of power will affect this. So willpower etc, plays a big role here. One can easily and steadfastly change his courses provided he has a lot of that control.

However as we can understand, these levels of power over the self also strongly rely on a Godhead level of power. It takes effort, time, and "Exis" to get there.

Is better to do it in several separate works of 40 days or can also be done one longer of 90, 120, 180 or 240 days in a row?

For bad things that really need to be brought under control, it's better to do in a row, or at least 3x40 workings. That will ensure success.

It all depends on the problem and the severity of it.

This Halloween I am going to start two works, one with the UROZ rune to free myself from certain health problems I have had since I was a child and the other with Munka to obliterate my Saturn and free myself from all its negative influences in my natal chart and I plan to do them for 360 days, which is a whole year.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Norse 88 said:
This is a really insightful sermon, HP. Thanks for this.

I suppose the Final RTRs have been alot like this. When we started out, we did just the first Final RTR once a day -or at least I did, I know some people here do much more - and I remember that used to seem like a hell of a lot of effort to keep up. I decided to implement a strategy to try and make doing the Final RTR a regular habit. So I had this table cloth with a pentagram on it and around the pentagram was a big chain. I used to cross out a link from the chain with a permanent marker each day I completed a Final RTR, and eventually after a few hundred days, all the links were blackened out and the star was free! Haha, I know that may sound kind of lame, but I knew it could help me build a habit because it directed my awareness toward seeing progress and results in an easily measureable way. I guess it worked. We do 3 RTRs in a row now every day and I barely notice it anymore. It's just routine that gets done every morning. It's funny how it used to seem hard. We have definitely done the Final RTR and Removing the Veil for over a year together now, so perhaps the 6x60 days is being compounded here?

I still have a lot of things about myself I want to improve, but I really I believe it can be done with the right direction and actions, like you've said.

Thanks alot for your sermon.

Thank you, glad to see your comments, hope all has been going well. Yes, that exactly applies to every habit, even the RTR's.

I was the first person who did this, before it was launched, to test it. And holy cow, it was a lot of resistance back then, it was insane. After have taken them down so hard, it started becoming easier and easier. Now, it should be really easy to do for people accustomed to it. We have come a very, very long way.

You know what's kinda crazy? When HP Maxine mentioned about the Demons being freed around 2003, I remember being in 2nd grade (I just arrived to the US from Mexico) and I remember seeing a lot of foreshadowing of the gods, specifically, Astaroth. One of my babysitters was named Ester, and the names of various girls, women, and elderly had a connection to Astaroth in some form or fashion, and even my birth chart too, Venus heavily rules it. So when I'm reading about the RTRs and how far it has advanced from the early 2000s to now, and looking at my life when those events occured, It's kinda crazy just how much has happened for me to end up here, and it was because of your hard work. So thank you.
Yagami Light said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A typical 40 day working to remove a medium level addiction, can work. Going to two 40 days working, there can be more effects. At three, even more. But I write this to finally get into the number 6. The number six alongside many of it's other qualities, is a number of healing.

Wow!! This is very interesting, I had no idea.
I've always thought that if I did two 40-days workings
and the issue hadn't resolved, then I was probably using a wrong affirmation, or the issue was not where I thought it was. Oftentimes I don't see any noticeable changes (with a 40-days working, such as with munka) so I just attribute my issue to "something else"; being yet unable to identify and solve it.

This also shows how the road of meditation isn't for a "quick fix". I know some people who just want to do a working or two to solve a personality or life issue. They get frustrated thinking that the working lasts for 40 whole days... Imagine if they knew it can be longer than that. It's so sad that some people (SS) can't take this seriously enough. This path requires true dedication and devotion. Nothing will happen in a day.

I love how Satan is speaking to some members trough another member.Your message has connected with your signature to me after i did a nice session of meditation and yoga.Thank you brother!
It is very incredible the similarity of the ancient wisdoms, practically they are the same and they were going to the same direction, and to be "ancient" they are very advanced, there is a phrase of an ancient Mexican king that I like quite a lot, it says something like this: "Because maybe they plucked our fruits, they cut our branches, they burned our trunks, but they could not kill our roots"....

It is a pleasure to fight together with you and keep learning to move forward....
Blackdragon666 said:
Aquarius said:
In regards to having a mind that is very chatty, especially when trying your best to do void meditation, would you suggest any working or should I just seriously up my concentration game?
Also, try holding the dhyani mudra when doing void meditation. Works excellently. One method I use is to see total blackness in my mind and focus on it, imagining that I'm there, like empty space. It drowns out all images, sounds, and everything in a couple of minutes and even puts me in a light trance. My mind understands that there's nothing in empty space so when I tell it it's in it, it clears automatically. Or you can visualize the darkness/empty space surrounding your head, like engulfing it, emptying it in the process.

I can attest to this, Black is the color of Void anyway. And having something there (blackness) is easier for the mind to focus on rather than the concept of nothing. At least for me, maybe because the mind can create so if there's nothing there then things can be created, which ruins the point of void meditation. So focusing on being surrounded by the color black will help the mind stay still.
Was just talking to someone about this today and almost posted about this. A step in my own advancement was finally recognizing what I wanted on a lower level. I always knew what I wanted in the grand scheme of things but didn’t pay enough attention to certain facets of my life. You can train yourself to always want what’s good for you, and be driven towards that. I’d done some of that work a while back but it was time for it again. I recognized last year as my sexual energy was higher I was drawn towards things that were bad for me and able to recognize that. Even using spirituality as a form of escapism can avert a person from properly learning to deal with life. Everyone needs a variety of things and it comes from learning to balance and enjoy everything in reasonable portions. Raising kids properly can teach them by default how to better control these things. It doesn’t take too much work. Some people are put at a major spiritual disadvantage because of who their parents were, like with obesity. Someone may just have no concept or understanding of what it means to eat healthy. Or a parent who was always enraged and had anger issues can pass on the same inability to control their anger. Or the kid can flip to an extreme opposite and be afraid to express any anger at all, because they’d never want to go down that same route. Fixing these issues can sometimes be really simple. Sometimes not. They’re engrained habits that can develop in childhood so teaching your kids a properly balanced life can be the greatest gift you can give, since a lot of people lack in that area.
Wotanwarrior said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Henu the Great said:

Is better to do it in several separate works of 40 days or can also be done one longer of 90, 120, 180 or 240 days in a row?

Personally, I think it's all about personal choice or depending on one's meditation plan, and/or schedule.

Let's say I want to do Detachment Workings, but have other meditation plans for the next Full Moon for a materialistic Sun Square, or a purification working after Detaching from the enemy. There's even the chance to heal the damaged spiritual being after the attack.

So I would do 40 Days of Detaching, wait for a few days or a week for the upcoming Purification Working, then Healing Working after completing those 40 days of cleaning the soul :D

All of our plans are individual, so is our availability to do meditations, be it newbies, or advanced members. So I think there's nothing wrong with doing 40 Days instead of 80 or 90 Days. Hell, if you want, you can always come back to that spell you casted in the past, just make sure to save the affirmations, Runes, magickal color, etc. :D
Béla said:
Thank you!

I've been thinking a lot lately about how to overcome procrastination and laziness. I have come to the conclusion that it is ultimately these two characteristics that prevent stable development. In my case.
I plan to start a spiritual work on Samhain. But I will work out the details this week. In the meantime, I wonder if I've missed a detail.

Also it is a plus to start a working during a waxing moon. Avoid a void of cours moon. And during the working maybe set a challenge to see how many things you can accomplish during the day
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Speaking about the sermon, for myself, it was funny that I had an epiphany before you posted this. As some others said, the Gods would want you to figure it out before someone else confirming your doubts before it takes over again :D

It's easy to reward my Elements that I have tamed personality-wise.

For example, I'm more "masculine" than most women because I've mastered to be cool-headed, logical, and detached easily. I can even summon "willpower" out of nowhere, I have so much drive and passion in me, that it took me a few years to realize that I need to fight for myself as well, not just for the Gods. This, without invoking the Air or Fire Element. It was just "natural" to me. I guess those masculine traits developed while meditating for two and a half years.

Now, I'm currently focusing on my "feminine" elemental traits by being more artistic, who loves doing the housework, wanting to help this family despite the previous post I made of them making fatal mistakes of not taking care of my pets, wanting to do Money Spells so that I can buy new ornaments and replace the old rubbish in my home to make it look much better, and to lessen the stress here in this gloomy house I live in :D

I'm definitely easily egging my drive to meditate by making me stare at an unfinished artwork and say, "If I meditate for an hour, I can fix the art" , and fulfilling the promise I gave to myself just makes my soul shine brighter :D

I really can't wait to thank the Gods by sharing artwork here. That was always my dream ever since I started lurking in the forums in the past.

Even if some of the art can be memeable, there are serious artworks I want to draw. Maybe I can motivate new and old Spiritual Satanists to fight for our side in a healthy and slow pace once I've sketched those serious artworks concerning the Gods :D
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Very strong. Sometimes i am lazy, but it is never out of control, maybe it is genetical :lol:
I have a feeling our Commander is either Greek or loves ancient Greece very much, or both :lol:

Well he is a Cobra :)
I was thinking the same you said about me, but i may need to do a working to remove obstacles. Often my problems come from lack of solutions, enough courage or faith. Or even some circumstances like entourage, location etc
I am just curious if you can correlate laziness and procrastination with thise factors. I think laziness may be the effect of somehiw being disscouraged in certain areas.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
