CrimsonMonarch said:
I appreciate your response here because I am still stuck in the way of thinking you just described. I sometimes feel shame in asking the Gods for anything at all. I have found myself asking for signs just to feel like I'm noticed, and every time I want to ask for any aid related to something that is more meaningful I always have no idea how to approach it. I fumble my words (my mental words anyway) and it feels like I'm either too dull to catch on to their messages or they don't send any at all. I'm working through this mentality right now, as I've had a small event recently which led me to believe that I might have been visited by one of our beloved Demons or Gods.
I also find myself worrying too much about the props that I use for the initial rituals as well. It's hard, where I live, to find incenses that are actually good. As I am not doing amazingly financially, I either have to pay a very steep price for incense online (which is a gamble because I can't smell it before buying it), or buy cheaper ones, but risking the possibility of offending the God I'm trying to invoke, even if I'm not interested in upsetting them at all. I wanted to ask your opinion about this second issue in particular, do you think I should worry too much about the incense? How did you invoke a God for the first time?
Of course, if it's personal, don't feel forced to reveal anything, I'll understand
An incense or a candle, or any prop means nothing compared to your mind, and intention. You definitely should not be concerned much about this. If you are in a store and see a good esoteric shop that sells these, or just any shop, than you can or should buy it, but really it has no much functionality.
In my latest experiences I did not light any candle or incense up, nor I was wearing any clothes, as I was just meditating, but decided to contact Satan.
Wearing clothes, lighting up a candle, is a kind gesture, but it is not blasphemy to not to light them up, or wear clothes.
In my opinion, being naked, or just wearing a minimal clothes symbolizes openness, and trust towards the gods.
The best way to go about this, is to participate in the ritual schedule, and do the God's ritual you want to contact, before contacting.
It is also good to take your time and meditate on their sigil.
If you don't know what works you should be doing to step forward, go to the Gods
If you have some big event in your life, that should go nice, go to the Gods
If you have a mayor problem, that is even shameful, or not, but is a big problem, go to the Gods
You should not expect them to do the dishes for you, but this does not mean that you should not share your life with them.
It really is a blessing to talk to them, especially when you get feedback. You may not get at first, you may need to be a little bit more advanced, a little bit more open, but after all, they are the only, and really, the only beings in the universe, that you can speak to without bonds regarding the topic. Who on earth would understand your deepest secretes if not them? who would help you reach astral projection if not them? Who would understand that you have no idea what work you should start, and tell you what to do if not them?
They are the best helpers really, and there are things that we on the forums can't help.
There are things that you should not bother them with, but anything related to your advancement, well being, or any of this sort, is worth their time. You should also be respectful, as much as you can.
You might start to feel good when speaking to them, you might start to feel something, you might start to have a strong thought that can help, you might start to see something (as I did previous times)
You should not contact them only when you expect them to do something for you, because that is probably what keeps you not contacting them or to feel shame. For beginners, outside of the rituals, maybe weekly once is good. Contact them weekly once. If there is more thing, you can contact them more, if there is really nothing happening in your life, you know what to do, than you don't have to contact them, although, Meditate on Satan's sigil even if you don't have to contact him.
This is a must. Meditate on his sigil at least once a week, if not daily.
Good luck brother and HAIL SATAN!