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How to be a man. @Jack


New member
Oct 17, 2021

Out of everyone on the forums there is one person who is the most knowledgeable on what it means to be a man, therefore I'd like to ask you for advice.

I will not go too in depth about my situation, but, what I want to ask you, is how do I become a man in every sense of the word. How should I behave, think, act, and so on and so forth. Please, explain it to me like I am 5 years old, explain it to me as if I am fresh out of the womb.

I know that this may be a labor intensive post for you to write in the replies, and I know that you could possibly spend your time doing better things, and yes, I could go through your post history and learn step by step, but, I'd prefer to hear the most updated knowledge you have.

Jack, you are one of the members I have always respected, every member here has their own specialty's of knowledge and there own experiences they can share. Right now I want nothing more than to know what it takes to become a true man, from the ground floor up. That's why I come to you, as I consider you to be an expert on this.

Please do tell me if I'm asking for too much, If I am, I can go through your posts and slowly read them and try to learn what it takes to be a man that way, but, I've always believed that it's better to get the words from the mouth of an expert directly in accordance to situation. And the situation now is, starting from the Very bottom, all the way from zero. How can I build myself up to become a true man.

Thank you, I look forward to your response my brother in Satan.
1) Take responsibility for your own actions.

A man must take responsibility for his own actions and not blame things on other people or circumstances. You can blame the overall situation on the Jews because they did manufacture the trends (the economic condition,the woman problem etc) but you can't blame your own personal failures on the jews because even if you do you still fail and nothing is changed. Just like even in this economic climate there are tons of men doing very well in different kinds of jobs. And there are a ton of men who have found women to give them children even within the western countries or moved to Eastern Europe, Brazil ,Argentina or some other more conservative country after becoming successful to have a wife and family. So ,with grit and correct strategy you have the potential to do it too.

Which means there is no excuse. If you are a loser ,you deserve to be a loser. Therefore the only thing you can do is to consistently keep moving forward towards success.

2) Do not give it to vice, Take disciplined action

The Jews have made different strategies to distract and dumb down the goyim through social media and other useless web series. Don't give in to the Jews mind control. If you're masturbating to porn ,you have essentially been taken over by the jewish spirit and you need to be ashamed of yourself. If you want to masturbate ,masturbate to visualizations of your success instead. Learn to masturbate and orgasm without the need of visual stimuli ,but to the mental visualization of your success.

Make a habit and stick to the habits until you achieve success. Take disciplined action. DO self hypnosis with visualization and affirmation about what your going to be doing that day in the morning after you wake up. And do the same in night before sleeping. Its good to have a diary where you monitor every hour what you do so you'll know yourself and what you have to change and your emotional triggers. Ex- you thought something or saw something that distracted you from your daily grind. In the nightime self hypnosis visualize what you could've done differently in those instances. This conditions your brain to do things differently.

Get into a disciplined Fitness routine.
https://mega.nz/file/1gtGmb4J#MtH2fntxCBFFL_Ige9F1Zjo28tyr3L5jPyIeRWH6DBA (pass-666)

3) Focus on actions rather than emotions

Emotions can arise out of nowhere and leave as quickly. Them being transient is not that important as physical actions that are really happening. In order of importance put your will (conscious decisions) over emotions. Don't think about emotions that much and focus more on your physical actions and conscious decisions. Learn to control your emotions i.e not acting on it (unless you consciously decide that it is appropriate) or trying to change your emotional state and being at peace with it. Because of the transient state of emotions they leave as quickly they came.Jealousy, resentment, anger etc are all real things that we feel but we must ask ourselves what exactly can we physically achieve if we are jealous of the other person ? Nothing really. Their physical actions decide their lives and our physical actions decide ours. Being jealous and resentful does nothing but waste time. You need to clear your mind of emotional baggage that is preventing you from taking action if any. You can do this by workings or simply brute forcing your way through sheer will power. The first part of the workings is recommended and you can check that by going to Academic Scholars posts where she collected the List of Magickal workings.

4) Accept reality ,don't try to escape into comfortable lies

A man must become. That means you must become successful, confident and reliable before anyone can take you seriously or respect you. You have a masculine burden of performance meaning it is assumed by default that you must know how to be,act and be pre-made or you must be a loser. Do not resent reality or feel as if it was unfair to you. It is what it is. The only thing you can ever do is to keep moving forward. Do not be angry at the world if your life sucks. Become successful by being capable. Do not be angry at women if they reject you. Accept life and move on. Do not be angry at your parents for not understanding you or supporting you. Accept reality and forgive them. Be a better to your children.

Accomplishments come by competence which comes by struggle, which leads to confidence. Do not be angry about the things you do not have. Focus on the things that you do have. Compared to a starving third world african , you are much well off. Focus on building yourself up. Do not whine about your struggles, no one cares. Focus on the grind.

Accept the Genetic reality of life (There is no Blank Slate). Some men are born good looking or tall and they might have more success with women just because they were born that way. Some men may be born with an IQ more than you and might get studies or work more easily than you and be go getters. Some people have natural charisma and other people will listen to them instead of you no matter the logic of the arguments. That is life and no one is born equal. Accept reality and focus on achieving the goals set by yourself ,do not focus on comparing yourself to others. Learn to learn from other people, rather than resenting them because of their abilities.

5) There is one truth and that is a spiritual truth (no not be swayed by falsehoods)

All philosophies, ideologies ,metaphysics and mental gymnastics are false. They eventually change as Human evolution continues and new ways of thinking, being etc come into being. No philosophy ,ideology or way of thinking made by man is eternally true and nor should you look at them as such. Accept the ideology and way of thinking when it is appropriate to your age and life but remember that no matter what achievements scientific or otherwise man makes , the eternal truth is one and that eternal truth is spiritual, and not of this world. And it can only be achieved through meditation not mental gymnastics or thinking about it.

No matter what physical and material possessions you have ,you must be ready to sacrifice all of them and never be bound or controlled by any of them . At any moment in time everything and anything can be taken from you. The only thing that is forever yours is your will and the eternal desire of the soul to be free and make free conscious decisions. Do not hold onto your material possessions as strongly as you hold onto the people you care about in your life. Do not hold onto the people you care in your life as strongly as you hold onto your faith in Satan.

6) Choose a side. Do not be left in the middle.

A man must dedicate his life to a cause and choose between good and evil. Make a vow and never go back on that vow, no matter what the opposing side may do to you. Anything that is against nature is Evil. Anything that wants to hurt your country, your race, your culture is evil. Jews are the harbringers of evil and you need to make a vow that you are against jews in a holy and eternal war until one side wins.

7) Start a Family, take responsibility for others

Get involved with women or become serious in finding a serious relationship when you feel as if you've achieved success to the point you can take care of other people financially. Find a woman who agrees with your worldview and have kids with her (do not marry a woman in the Western Courts and don't get baited by the state in a common law marriage. ) The first thing you can do to fight the jews physically is to have kids as a white man. The act of having kids and raising them right is a revolutionary act in this current society. Move to Florida or Texas where there is no income tax. Move to rural areas where the coastal degeneracy is not completely present.

Impart the ideology to your kids to being anti jew, anti city,anti trans and anti degeneracy. Teach them correct history and correct understanding of the world.

8) Get ready psychologically to live in a Mad Max type scenario if it happens

On your way to success there might be real bioweapon releases (do not take this as an excuse, be consistently on the grind.), violent climatic disasters and a serious economic collapse and in that case nothing you do will help you achieve success because that entire paradigm of failure and success will be wiped out and replaced with a paradigm of death and staying alive. In order to stay alive you need to know how to do basic stuff (farming seeds,aquaponics,hydroponics,fishing,hunting,slef defence,rifles,guns etc).

9) Violence and Aggression must be met with Ultra violence (spiritually)

10) Travel and gain experience by talking to a lot of people about different things and what and how they think.

Supplemental Material
Mein Kampf (Thomas Dalton, Single volume 1 & 2 NS edition) (the only inspirational story you will ever need to read)
The Rudest Book Ever (the only self help book you will ever need to read)
Initiation into Hermetics (see the Mental Training and Introspection portions)
This is actually the subject of my next post.
Jack said:
1) Take responsibility for your own actions.

A man must take responsibility for his own actions and not blame things on other people or circumstances. You can blame the overall situation on the Jews because they did manufacture the trends (the economic condition,the woman problem etc) but you can't blame your own personal failures on the jews because even if you do you still fail and nothing is changed. Just like even in this economic climate there are tons of men doing very well in different kinds of jobs. And there are a ton of men who have found women to give them children even within the western countries or moved to Eastern Europe, Brazil ,Argentina or some other more conservative country after becoming successful to have a wife and family. So ,with grit and correct strategy you have the potential to do it too.

Which means there is no excuse. If you are a loser ,you deserve to be a loser. Therefore the only thing you can do is to consistently keep moving forward towards success.

2) Do not give it to vice, Take disciplined action

The Jews have made different strategies to distract and dumb down the goyim through social media and other useless web series. Don't give in to the Jews mind control. If you're masturbating to porn ,you have essentially been taken over by the jewish spirit and you need to be ashamed of yourself. If you want to masturbate ,masturbate to visualizations of your success instead. Learn to masturbate and orgasm without the need of visual stimuli ,but to the mental visualization of your success.

Make a habit and stick to the habits until you achieve success. Take disciplined action. DO self hypnosis with visualization and affirmation about what your going to be doing that day in the morning after you wake up. And do the same in night before sleeping. Its good to have a diary where you monitor every hour what you do so you'll know yourself and what you have to change and your emotional triggers. Ex- you thought something or saw something that distracted you from your daily grind. In the nightime self hypnosis visualize what you could've done differently in those instances. This conditions your brain to do things differently.

Get into a disciplined Fitness routine.
https://mega.nz/file/1gtGmb4J#MtH2fntxCBFFL_Ige9F1Zjo28tyr3L5jPyIeRWH6DBA (pass-666)

3) Focus on actions rather than emotions

Emotions can arise out of nowhere and leave as quickly. Them being transient is not that important as physical actions that are really happening. In order of importance put your will (conscious decisions) over emotions. Don't think about emotions that much and focus more on your physical actions and conscious decisions. Learn to control your emotions i.e not acting on it (unless you consciously decide that it is appropriate) or trying to change your emotional state and being at peace with it. Because of the transient state of emotions they leave as quickly they came.Jealousy, resentment, anger etc are all real things that we feel but we must ask ourselves what exactly can we physically achieve if we are jealous of the other person ? Nothing really. Their physical actions decide their lives and our physical actions decide ours. Being jealous and resentful does nothing but waste time. You need to clear your mind of emotional baggage that is preventing you from taking action if any. You can do this by workings or simply brute forcing your way through sheer will power. The first part of the workings is recommended and you can check that by going to Academic Scholars posts where she collected the List of Magickal workings.

4) Accept reality ,don't try to escape into comfortable lies

A man must become. That means you must become successful, confident and reliable before anyone can take you seriously or respect you. You have a masculine burden of performance meaning it is assumed by default that you must know how to be,act and be pre-made or you must be a loser. Do not resent reality or feel as if it was unfair to you. It is what it is. The only thing you can ever do is to keep moving forward. Do not be angry at the world if your life sucks. Become successful by being capable. Do not be angry at women if they reject you. Accept life and move on. Do not be angry at your parents for not understanding you or supporting you. Accept reality and forgive them. Be a better to your children.

Accomplishments come by competence which comes by struggle, which leads to confidence. Do not be angry about the things you do not have. Focus on the things that you do have. Compared to a starving third world african , you are much well off. Focus on building yourself up. Do not whine about your struggles, no one cares. Focus on the grind.

Accept the Genetic reality of life (There is no Blank Slate). Some men are born good looking or tall and they might have more success with women just because they were born that way. Some men may be born with an IQ more than you and might get studies or work more easily than you and be go getters. Some people have natural charisma and other people will listen to them instead of you no matter the logic of the arguments. That is life and no one is born equal. Accept reality and focus on achieving the goals set by yourself ,do not focus on comparing yourself to others. Learn to learn from other people, rather than resenting them because of their abilities.

5) There is one truth and that is a spiritual truth (no not be swayed by falsehoods)

All philosophies, ideologies ,metaphysics and mental gymnastics are false. They eventually change as Human evolution continues and new ways of thinking, being etc come into being. No philosophy ,ideology or way of thinking made by man is eternally true and nor should you look at them as such. Accept the ideology and way of thinking when it is appropriate to your age and life but remember that no matter what achievements scientific or otherwise man makes , the eternal truth is one and that eternal truth is spiritual, and not of this world. And it can only be achieved through meditation not mental gymnastics or thinking about it.

No matter what physical and material possessions you have ,you must be ready to sacrifice all of them and never be bound or controlled by any of them . At any moment in time everything and anything can be taken from you. The only thing that is forever yours is your will and the eternal desire of the soul to be free and make free conscious decisions. Do not hold onto your material possessions as strongly as you hold onto the people you care about in your life. Do not hold onto the people you care in your life as strongly as you hold onto your faith in Satan.

6) Choose a side. Do not be left in the middle.

A man must dedicate his life to a cause and choose between good and evil. Make a vow and never go back on that vow, no matter what the opposing side may do to you. Anything that is against nature is Evil. Anything that wants to hurt your country, your race, your culture is evil. Jews are the harbringers of evil and you need to make a vow that you are against jews in a holy and eternal war until one side wins.

7) Start a Family, take responsibility for others

Get involved with women or become serious in finding a serious relationship when you feel as if you've achieved success to the point you can take care of other people financially. Find a woman who agrees with your worldview and have kids with her (do not marry a woman in the Western Courts and don't get baited by the state in a common law marriage. ) The first thing you can do to fight the jews physically is to have kids as a white man. The act of having kids and raising them right is a revolutionary act in this current society. Move to Florida or Texas where there is no income tax. Move to rural areas where the coastal degeneracy is not completely present.

Impart the ideology to your kids to being anti jew, anti city,anti trans and anti degeneracy. Teach them correct history and correct understanding of the world.

8) Get ready psychologically to live in a Mad Max type scenario if it happens

On your way to success there might be real bioweapon releases (do not take this as an excuse, be consistently on the grind.), violent climatic disasters and a serious economic collapse and in that case nothing you do will help you achieve success because that entire paradigm of failure and success will be wiped out and replaced with a paradigm of death and staying alive. In order to stay alive you need to know how to do basic stuff (farming seeds,aquaponics,hydroponics,fishing,hunting,slef defence,rifles,guns etc).

9) Violence and Aggression must be met with Ultra violence (spiritually)

10) Travel and gain experience by talking to a lot of people about different things and what and how they think.

Supplemental Material
Mein Kampf (Thomas Dalton, Single volume 1 & 2 NS edition) (the only inspirational story you will ever need to read)
The Rudest Book Ever (the only self help book you will ever need to read)
Initiation into Hermetics (see the Mental Training and Introspection portions)

Thank you for everything you've shared with me. I am truly grateful and appreciative of the time you took to write all of this down. I will study this thoroughly when I have the chance(Sometime today) and take your advice to heart. Like I said before, I won't go into my personal situation. But, you have no idea, truly, how important this is to me, I am extremely grateful. Thank you so much Jack.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is actually the subject of my next post.

I look forward to it :) I will be sure to take whatever advice you say to heart as well. I won't say much about my situation. But, becoming a man, to me, right now, is as important to me as my life and death. Thank you for taking the time to post here and letting me know about your next post. You have no idea how important this is to me :) Truly, thank you.
Iv been really interested in learning more about masculinity. I felt like I needed more growth in that area because my dad left that shit out. I asked satan recently for a way to understand this and grow as what he would veiw as a man. Then this post pops up. I'm gonna take this as my answer. Thanks for posting.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is actually the subject of my next post.
I look forward on your next post. Hopefully it can be advices for both gender.
Meteor said:
Jack said:
Do you think it would be a good idea for women to develop these traits as well? They all sound very positive to me.
Even if women don't have any redeeming traits , a man somewhere ,probably not the best looking genetically will tolerate her and take care of her entire lifes needs just so she can give him children. A woman has inherent value irrespective of her behaviour in the form of sex and a womb. That is why they say women and children off the boat first. Men have to develop value that they can give to society because they have a different role to play and do not have inherent value. However these traits should be for everyone irrespective of gender.
Jack said:
1) Take responsibility for your own actions.

A man must take responsibility for his own actions and not blame things on other people or circumstances. You can blame the overall situation on the Jews because they did manufacture the trends (the economic condition,the woman problem etc) but you can't blame your own personal failures on the jews because even if you do you still fail and nothing is changed. Just like even in this economic climate there are tons of men doing very well in different kinds of jobs. And there are a ton of men who have found women to give them children even within the western countries or moved to Eastern Europe, Brazil ,Argentina or some other more conservative country after becoming successful to have a wife and family. So ,with grit and correct strategy you have the potential to do it too.

Which means there is no excuse. If you are a loser ,you deserve to be a loser. Therefore the only thing you can do is to consistently keep moving forward towards success.

2) Do not give it to vice, Take disciplined action

The Jews have made different strategies to distract and dumb down the goyim through social media and other useless web series. Don't give in to the Jews mind control. If you're masturbating to porn ,you have essentially been taken over by the jewish spirit and you need to be ashamed of yourself. If you want to masturbate ,masturbate to visualizations of your success instead. Learn to masturbate and orgasm without the need of visual stimuli ,but to the mental visualization of your success.

Make a habit and stick to the habits until you achieve success. Take disciplined action. DO self hypnosis with visualization and affirmation about what your going to be doing that day in the morning after you wake up. And do the same in night before sleeping. Its good to have a diary where you monitor every hour what you do so you'll know yourself and what you have to change and your emotional triggers. Ex- you thought something or saw something that distracted you from your daily grind. In the nightime self hypnosis visualize what you could've done differently in those instances. This conditions your brain to do things differently.

Get into a disciplined Fitness routine.
https://mega.nz/file/1gtGmb4J#MtH2fntxCBFFL_Ige9F1Zjo28tyr3L5jPyIeRWH6DBA (pass-666)

3) Focus on actions rather than emotions

Emotions can arise out of nowhere and leave as quickly. Them being transient is not that important as physical actions that are really happening. In order of importance put your will (conscious decisions) over emotions. Don't think about emotions that much and focus more on your physical actions and conscious decisions. Learn to control your emotions i.e not acting on it (unless you consciously decide that it is appropriate) or trying to change your emotional state and being at peace with it. Because of the transient state of emotions they leave as quickly they came.Jealousy, resentment, anger etc are all real things that we feel but we must ask ourselves what exactly can we physically achieve if we are jealous of the other person ? Nothing really. Their physical actions decide their lives and our physical actions decide ours. Being jealous and resentful does nothing but waste time. You need to clear your mind of emotional baggage that is preventing you from taking action if any. You can do this by workings or simply brute forcing your way through sheer will power. The first part of the workings is recommended and you can check that by going to Academic Scholars posts where she collected the List of Magickal workings.

4) Accept reality ,don't try to escape into comfortable lies

A man must become. That means you must become successful, confident and reliable before anyone can take you seriously or respect you. You have a masculine burden of performance meaning it is assumed by default that you must know how to be,act and be pre-made or you must be a loser. Do not resent reality or feel as if it was unfair to you. It is what it is. The only thing you can ever do is to keep moving forward. Do not be angry at the world if your life sucks. Become successful by being capable. Do not be angry at women if they reject you. Accept life and move on. Do not be angry at your parents for not understanding you or supporting you. Accept reality and forgive them. Be a better to your children.

Accomplishments come by competence which comes by struggle, which leads to confidence. Do not be angry about the things you do not have. Focus on the things that you do have. Compared to a starving third world african , you are much well off. Focus on building yourself up. Do not whine about your struggles, no one cares. Focus on the grind.

Accept the Genetic reality of life (There is no Blank Slate). Some men are born good looking or tall and they might have more success with women just because they were born that way. Some men may be born with an IQ more than you and might get studies or work more easily than you and be go getters. Some people have natural charisma and other people will listen to them instead of you no matter the logic of the arguments. That is life and no one is born equal. Accept reality and focus on achieving the goals set by yourself ,do not focus on comparing yourself to others. Learn to learn from other people, rather than resenting them because of their abilities.

5) There is one truth and that is a spiritual truth (no not be swayed by falsehoods)

All philosophies, ideologies ,metaphysics and mental gymnastics are false. They eventually change as Human evolution continues and new ways of thinking, being etc come into being. No philosophy ,ideology or way of thinking made by man is eternally true and nor should you look at them as such. Accept the ideology and way of thinking when it is appropriate to your age and life but remember that no matter what achievements scientific or otherwise man makes , the eternal truth is one and that eternal truth is spiritual, and not of this world. And it can only be achieved through meditation not mental gymnastics or thinking about it.

No matter what physical and material possessions you have ,you must be ready to sacrifice all of them and never be bound or controlled by any of them . At any moment in time everything and anything can be taken from you. The only thing that is forever yours is your will and the eternal desire of the soul to be free and make free conscious decisions. Do not hold onto your material possessions as strongly as you hold onto the people you care about in your life. Do not hold onto the people you care in your life as strongly as you hold onto your faith in Satan.

6) Choose a side. Do not be left in the middle.

A man must dedicate his life to a cause and choose between good and evil. Make a vow and never go back on that vow, no matter what the opposing side may do to you. Anything that is against nature is Evil. Anything that wants to hurt your country, your race, your culture is evil. Jews are the harbringers of evil and you need to make a vow that you are against jews in a holy and eternal war until one side wins.

7) Start a Family, take responsibility for others

Get involved with women or become serious in finding a serious relationship when you feel as if you've achieved success to the point you can take care of other people financially. Find a woman who agrees with your worldview and have kids with her (do not marry a woman in the Western Courts and don't get baited by the state in a common law marriage. ) The first thing you can do to fight the jews physically is to have kids as a white man. The act of having kids and raising them right is a revolutionary act in this current society. Move to Florida or Texas where there is no income tax. Move to rural areas where the coastal degeneracy is not completely present.

Impart the ideology to your kids to being anti jew, anti city,anti trans and anti degeneracy. Teach them correct history and correct understanding of the world.

8) Get ready psychologically to live in a Mad Max type scenario if it happens

On your way to success there might be real bioweapon releases (do not take this as an excuse, be consistently on the grind.), violent climatic disasters and a serious economic collapse and in that case nothing you do will help you achieve success because that entire paradigm of failure and success will be wiped out and replaced with a paradigm of death and staying alive. In order to stay alive you need to know how to do basic stuff (farming seeds,aquaponics,hydroponics,fishing,hunting,slef defence,rifles,guns etc).

9) Violence and Aggression must be met with Ultra violence (spiritually)

10) Travel and gain experience by talking to a lot of people about different things and what and how they think.

Supplemental Material
Mein Kampf (Thomas Dalton, Single volume 1 & 2 NS edition) (the only inspirational story you will ever need to read)
The Rudest Book Ever (the only self help book you will ever need to read)
Initiation into Hermetics (see the Mental Training and Introspection portions)

this post will help me with a lot of things, thanks for helping everyone jack.
HowToBeAMan said:

Out of everyone on the forums there is one person who is the most knowledgeable on what it means to be a man, therefore I'd like to ask you for advice.

I will not go too in depth about my situation, but, what I want to ask you, is how do I become a man in every sense of the word. How should I behave, think, act, and so on and so forth. Please, explain it to me like I am 5 years old, explain it to me as if I am fresh out of the womb.

I know that this may be a labor intensive post for you to write in the replies, and I know that you could possibly spend your time doing better things, and yes, I could go through your post history and learn step by step, but, I'd prefer to hear the most updated knowledge you have.

Jack, you are one of the members I have always respected, every member here has their own specialty's of knowledge and there own experiences they can share. Right now I want nothing more than to know what it takes to become a true man, from the ground floor up. That's why I come to you, as I consider you to be an expert on this.

Please do tell me if I'm asking for too much, If I am, I can go through your posts and slowly read them and try to learn what it takes to be a man that way, but, I've always believed that it's better to get the words from the mouth of an expert directly in accordance to situation. And the situation now is, starting from the Very bottom, all the way from zero. How can I build myself up to become a true man.

Thank you, I look forward to your response my brother in Satan.

Be your self, develop your self to the best possibel you, inspire others to do the same.
HowToBeAMan said:

Out of everyone on the forums there is one person who is the most knowledgeable on what it means to be a man, therefore I'd like to ask you for advice.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: FancyMancy is the only one to find this funny - and more so that the request was answered! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
FancyMancy said:
HowToBeAMan said:

Out of everyone on the forums there is one person who is the most knowledgeable on what it means to be a man, therefore I'd like to ask you for advice.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: FancyMancy is the only one to find this funny - and more so that the request was answered! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hmm some people look up to Jack. Some simply ignore some things he has mentioned n the past. That’s just reality. However I too find it occasionally funny. It seems Jack has matured. That’s always a good sign.
Jack said:
Do not hold onto your material possessions as strongly as you hold onto the people you care about in your life. Do not hold onto the people you care in your life as strongly as you hold onto your faith in Satan.

This line stood out to me the most - telling, giving my current struggles with relatives.
I think I'll be keeping this line close to heart for the future as a reminder that our connection with Satan is forever even if all other connections fall apart around us for whatever reasons.
Meteor said:
But it seems like good advice anyway.

It seems so. I skimmed through it and it seems sound. The only part I disagree are the fitness resources he put forward, but I guess everyone is free to partake in part-poison if they like to. They will move away from those as they advance. I am not worried, even if I prefer they didn't have to deal with any sources from those clowns and clown training systems in the first place. The goal of exercise is to increase body awareness and body control, as well as to positively cultivate your body. Kinbody won't do almost anything for the first two, and have mixed results for the third (positive and negative). But this is not the topic to discuss that.
Never fear, and when you do, understand it and control it, dissipate it. Most important thing for survival is fear, on both ends of death and living. Fear is the revelation of limitation. Break the limits.
Jack said:
7) Start a Family, take responsibility for others
Actually I forgot to add this. For men who have been raised by single mothers or with emotionally absent fathers ,their interactions with women will be pathological in nature because a woman cannot make a boy into a man. He will see women he desires as a reflection of his mother and his interactions with them will be about pleasing mommy and some of them have a resentful relationship with mommy which they project onto the women. Incels, School Shooters, Drug addicts,Societal Miscreants, the Players,Sluts, Beta males,Nice guys,Neo Nazis,Cucks,Simps and the Red pill guys. All of them would fall under this category and is statistically proven that all of society's drudge comes from single mother households. Most of society is normal and the drudge of society is highlighted in media and movies so that you think that they are more common than you think but they are in the minority.

Even if you managed to get a woman into a relationship, your behavior will have her running for the hills because you can't fulfill your role as a man to a woman. A woman can only fullfil one of two roles in a relationship - one of mommy and one of a lover. A woman who is constantly nagging is a sign that you need to reconsider your role in the relationship .More importantly you are not even aware of the things you need to do or say in order to fulfill her emotional needs.

Women are not deductive problem solvers or logical as men are and will not tell you directly "I'm feeling insecure about my weight. Tell me something that will make me feel like you will not abandon me." Or "I expect you to take charge as a man and make this decision for me." She will communicate those thoughts covertly and you need to recognize these questions for what they are - value judgment questions. And satisfy her needs according.

You will say " Oh what do you want for dinner ?" She will say " Oh Idk what do you want." Do not ask her "Oh no. Whatever you want is okay." This is a harmless example obviously but you need to take the hint that she wants you to take the charge and make the decision for her. " Okay we're getting sushi at this place. Get Ready Now." Women don't like compliments that are non genuine and they have nothing to earn it for. Constantly telling a woman how cute she is or beautiful she is makes her feel like an object. Pay close attention to the non physical things that she's doing that you genuinely liked and compliment her on that. If she was thoughtful enough to make you a handcooked meal tell her "oh thank you, that was really tasty." Or if she told you an idea or way of looking at things that you didn't before you can tell her " oh I didn't think about that before. Thank you for coming up with that. "Sometimes she had a bad day and is ranting about an event at the workplace. She just wants you to comfort her and not tell her how to fix something and offer her a solution. It's not a problem to be solved, it's a Bonding communication. Learn to differentiate between the two.

Sometimes she will say things that are not directly related to the question because she herself is acting on a feeling and not with a conscious question in mind. Its an unconscious value determination mechanism. Unless if your in a relationship with a masculine woman who has similar levels of emotional response to most men where she's going to be more straight laced than feminine women. A masculine woman in thought and action with similar
emotional response to men who is logical ,with a feminine face and body is hard to find especially a straight one (most of them are butch lesbians) . If you find one in your life which is statistically rare, hold onto to her and don't let her go. Saying the wrong things to a feminine woman will communicate that you do not have any emotional connection with her because
women do not communicate directly, or worse you are failing in your duty as a man. She wants a leader who will take charge. She wants to be the employee to the manager or the Flight attendant to the pilot. If you make her become the pilot she will crash the plane into the twin towers. Just don't do it. Or do it at your own risk and come back to read the following book after you fail.

Supplemental Material -
Everything out of her Mouth is a test A Mans guide to satisfying the emotional needs of women
Jack said:
Actually I forgot to add this. For men who have been raised by single mothers or with emotionally absent fathers ,their interactions with women will be pathological in nature because a woman cannot make a boy into a man.
This is embarrassing... but you are absolutely correct there. I never really thought about that, but indeed I was raised by my single mother, who happens to be christian, and my grandmother who is a hardcore christian... My father was only there sometimes, and he was indeed emotionally absent to say the least... as well as hardcore christian. So I do lack a lot of this in my life. Much of the man I am, I had to learn on my own, and I had to learn it the hard way. As I will have to learn the rest and improve on my own as well. Thank you for all of this. This will help me greatly as some of my other issues of the self are tied to this, I had been trying to grasp where it could come from, how to fix it, and this is it.
It's dangerous to say "this is" and "that is". It's not true that those Boys who grow up with a single mum or any form of absent dad will seek a Woman like his mum, necessarily. It's also not true that he will grow up gay because dad was not there Emotionally, Physically, or whatever, necessarily. I put this along the same lines as what I "learned" years ago, that when men stand in certain poses, it means certain things; e.g. when a man stands with his hands in his pockets, 'highlighting' his crotch area, that means he is dominant and alpha in intimate relationships, also as far as to go into the bedroom. I know this to be false, because I knew a bottom homosexual who stood in such a pose.

"This is a fact", "that is true" is a dangerous place to play - especially when giving what some call advice. We should realise that these are either observations and/or opinions based on experience, not absolutes.
Also regarding "the red-pill guys" being pathological - aren't we here on these websites with the very important reason to red-pill the World? I thought that's what the point of the Joy of Satan Ministries was all about, plus so much more.
This raised by a single mother non-sense is highly just your own opinion and not the case for "every male"

I was raised by a single mother and she made dam sure I learned what hard work, perseverance, and many other traits you get "from only a father" are. I'm appalled dating women that are anything like my mom, whether its in appearance or behavior(This isn't to say my mother isn't a great person, because she is). Dating anybody that makes you think of your parent is sick in the head in my opinion, regardless of gender. Also putting your hands near your dick just seems like a desperate move for sex addicts, or people with no control over their libido(just my opinion). You devalue men to much saying things along the lines that we are only good for labor. A women cant have a child with out a man and vice versa. BOTH are necessary. A women simply holds the pain of growing and delivering new life, which during said period they deserve rest and for "a man" to take over all responsibilities. Outside of that your traits are things ALL humans especially SS should strive for, not just men.

1 last thing, what do you think being raised by a single mother for makes you gay? because theres no male to teach you how to cat call and rubberneck like an "alpha"? joke logic. You also insult the living hell out of women in your posts making it seem like their brainless idiots and nothing but flower vases. Cant imagine how many botched relationships you've had to come to your conclusions.
Jack said:
Jack said:
7) Start a Family, take responsibility for others
Actually I forgot to add this. For men who have been raised by single mothers or with emotionally absent fathers ,their interactions with women will be pathological in nature because a woman cannot make a boy into a man. He will see women he desires as a reflection of his mother and his interactions with them will be about pleasing mommy and some of them have a resentful relationship with mommy which they project onto the women. Incels, School Shooters, Drug addicts,Societal Miscreants, the Players,Sluts, Beta males,Nice guys,Neo Nazis,Cucks,Simps and the Red pill guys. All of them would fall under this category and is statistically proven that all of society's drudge comes from single mother households. Most of society is normal and the drudge of society is highlighted in media and movies so that you think that they are more common than you think but they are in the minority.

Even if you managed to get a woman into a relationship, your behavior will have her running for the hills because you can't fulfill your role as a man to a woman. A woman can only fullfil one of two roles in a relationship - one of mommy and one of a lover. A woman who is constantly nagging is a sign that you need to reconsider your role in the relationship .More importantly you are not even aware of the things you need to do or say in order to fulfill her emotional needs.

Women are not deductive problem solvers or logical as men are and will not tell you directly "I'm feeling insecure about my weight. Tell me something that will make me feel like you will not abandon me." Or "I expect you to take charge as a man and make this decision for me." She will communicate those thoughts covertly and you need to recognize these questions for what they are - value judgment questions. And satisfy her needs according.

You will say " Oh what do you want for dinner ?" She will say " Oh Idk what do you want." Do not ask her "Oh no. Whatever you want is okay." This is a harmless example obviously but you need to take the hint that she wants you to take the charge and make the decision for her. " Okay we're getting sushi at this place. Get Ready Now." Women don't like compliments that are non genuine and they have nothing to earn it for. Constantly telling a woman how cute she is or beautiful she is makes her feel like an object. Pay close attention to the non physical things that she's doing that you genuinely liked and compliment her on that. If she was thoughtful enough to make you a handcooked meal tell her "oh thank you, that was really tasty." Or if she told you an idea or way of looking at things that you didn't before you can tell her " oh I didn't think about that before. Thank you for coming up with that. "Sometimes she had a bad day and is ranting about an event at the workplace. She just wants you to comfort her and not tell her how to fix something and offer her a solution. It's not a problem to be solved, it's a Bonding communication. Learn to differentiate between the two.

Sometimes she will say things that are not directly related to the question because she herself is acting on a feeling and not with a conscious question in mind. Its an unconscious value determination mechanism. Unless if your in a relationship with a masculine woman who has similar levels of emotional response to most men where she's going to be more straight laced than feminine women. A masculine woman in thought and action with similar
emotional response to men who is logical ,with a feminine face and body is hard to find especially a straight one (most of them are butch lesbians) . If you find one in your life which is statistically rare, hold onto to her and don't let her go. Saying the wrong things to a feminine woman will communicate that you do not have any emotional connection with her because
women do not communicate directly, or worse you are failing in your duty as a man. She wants a leader who will take charge. She wants to be the employee to the manager or the Flight attendant to the pilot. If you make her become the pilot she will crash the plane into the twin towers. Just don't do it. Or do it at your own risk and come back to read the following book after you fail.

Supplemental Material -
Everything out of her Mouth is a test A Mans guide to satisfying the emotional needs of women

Really well thought out. You are also correct. When most women rant it's because they want emotional support and not a problem to be fixed. Personally I think it should be met halfway as well. When men invest in trying to tell someone what to do or solve their problems its their own language for saying they care. Alot of typical femm women will not get this.

I actually am one of the few anomalies you were describing. Let me tell you. Its not easy. However I have realized alot of the problem had been my fault or rather part of my own hang ups. I would always end up attracting feminine men. Which to an extent was fine but most of them always ended up preferring men. So it felt like they only liked me for the masculine energy I had which made me feel alot less of a woman. Im not perfect physically but I've been told I'm around a 7 to an 8 as far as a womans appearance which I'm trying to improve even more and have come a long way with.

Like you said there is some guys (well according to you apparently alot? Suprisesd to hear this actually) that really go for women with this combo. And I have always been completely hetero.

But to this day I still have yet to find one that is straight completely and at the same time does not butt heads with me. Basically someone not a pussy but not an asshole. Then again with the majority being npcs as it is on top of alot of other factors come into play as well. Making me quite an and in other areas. Ahh well.
FancyMancy said:
It's dangerous to say "this is" and "that is". It's not true that those Boys who grow up with a single mum or any form of absent dad will seek a Woman like his mum, necessarily. It's also not true that he will grow up gay because dad was not there Emotionally, Physically, or whatever, necessarily. I put this along the same lines as what I "learned" years ago, that when men stand in certain poses, it means certain things; e.g. when a man stands with his hands in his pockets, 'highlighting' his crotch area, that means he is dominant and alpha in intimate relationships, also as far as to go into the bedroom. I know this to be false, because I knew a bottom homosexual who stood in such a pose.

"This is a fact", "that is true" is a dangerous place to play - especially when giving what some call advice. We should realise that these are either observations and/or opinions based on experience, not absolutes.
We're you raised by a single mother ?
I think being a man was about being strong ans a warrior and protective of others who are weaker both men women and children.

The thing I hate these days as a person with a lot of water signs is the lack of emotions or people seeing emotions or intimacy or deep connections as weak. I know it wasn't like that in the ancient times it shouldn't be now these are hang ups. Toxic Masculinity actually kind of is an existing thing in some ways these days but not in the way the mainstream media says but it is obvious it exists and maybe we should use that term sometimes to describe this. Gang Bangers and the Ghetto culture is the biggest example of this. Even some of the women in these types of cultures display toxic Masculinity. It's false its not what being Masculine is about.

I think the original Masculinity was ruled by both the Sun and Mars. Not just Mars like many people say. I think some men were very creative and artists deep etc but were not ever seen as weak or gay or lacking Masculinity till modern recent times.

Some men like taking care of children and families and are nurturing others and are more emotional than ageessive this isn't fully bad or makes them not men. If I believed that I would buy the whole trans thing and believe I had to be the other gender but I don't. I accept myself for who I am in my body.

This is based on having Cancer moon Libra Mars. I have these traits so yeah its more my nature.

People should not put others in a box like everyone is the same.
It is also important to work with your soul/natal chart. It's okay to be sensitive even as a man, what matters is what you do with your emotions and how you handle them. If it is too extreme to where it's a weakness, then the proper spiritual exercises should be taken.

It's also very okay to have strong masculine traits as long as these don't cross over to where one is a nuisance to other people.

A healthy balance in traits is needed. In logic and emotions. And should you choose to go with emotions, let it be because you have also made a conscious choice. Very few people in the world have a balance as barely anyone works to rectify their soul and other means people use tend to be biased. Or crafted by someone else whose scope was limited to their life experiences.

You'll notice how great men like Hitler were also emotional and managed to connect emotionally with the people, while being a source of strength, hope and a wonderful leader. Many of our Gods are also known to be emotional.

Know yourself and work with that to achieve a healthy balance.
<o> said:
This raised by a single mother non-sense is highly just your own opinion and not the case for "every male"

I was raised by a single mother and she made dam sure I learned what hard work, perseverance, and many other traits you get "from only a father" are. I'm appalled dating women that are anything like my mom, whether its in appearance or behavior(This isn't to say my mother isn't a great person, because she is). Dating anybody that makes you think of your parent is sick in the head in my opinion, regardless of gender. Also putting your hands near your dick just seems like a desperate move for sex addicts, or people with no control over their libido(just my opinion). You devalue men to much saying things along the lines that we are only good for labor. A women cant have a child with out a man and vice versa. BOTH are necessary. A women simply holds the pain of growing and delivering new life, which during said period they deserve rest and for "a man" to take over all responsibilities. Outside of that your traits are things ALL humans especially SS should strive for, not just men.

1 last thing, what do you think being raised by a single mother for makes you gay?
because theres no male to teach you how to cat call and rubberneck like an "alpha"? joke logic. You also insult the living hell out of women in your posts making it seem like their brainless idiots and nothing but flower vases. Cant imagine how many botched relationships you've had to come to your conclusions.
I never said any of these things,those were from FancyMancy.
Being a man is a physical endurance contest. Being a woman is an emotional endurance contest. I hope you enjoy this humorous oversimplification :lol:
I wonder sometimes if it's less about "how to be a man" - because who knows what that really means other than looking at what your soul and genitals are - and more about "how to be the kind of man you want to be". One way to figure that out is looking to the Gods as role models.

First work out what kind of man you want to be, and then you can work out how to achieve that through more tailored advice that's specific and relevant to you. Personal opinion after reading this post:

Divine Musculinity
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
It's dangerous to say "this is" and "that is". It's not true that those Boys who grow up with a single mum or any form of absent dad will seek a Woman like his mum, necessarily. It's also not true that he will grow up gay because dad was not there Emotionally, Physically, or whatever, necessarily. I put this along the same lines as what I "learned" years ago, that when men stand in certain poses, it means certain things; e.g. when a man stands with his hands in his pockets, 'highlighting' his crotch area, that means he is dominant and alpha in intimate relationships, also as far as to go into the bedroom. I know this to be false, because I knew a bottom homosexual who stood in such a pose.

"This is a fact", "that is true" is a dangerous place to play - especially when giving what some call advice. We should realise that these are either observations and/or opinions based on experience, not absolutes.
We're you raised by a single mother ?

@fancy and Jack. I believe what Jack says is true to an extent. And I say to an extent because thus also depends on the mother. The weeping willows watery types will often have the not so great effects on their sons.. My ex and his brother were raised by a single mother and it did not turn out for the better in alot of ways. The mothers mentality and the way she grew up was pretty fucked up abd and influenced her parenting. She also used her kids as emotional tampons constantly burdening them with issues kids shouldn't even have to deal with.

Her youngest son even knew this and told her this and all she could do instead od looking at it objectively was get offended because muh feelings. It's literally all the arguements she ever gave for everything and could not take criticism whatsoever. It made me hate her at times. Her sons were pussies in alot of ways and her oldest was a looser.

There's some upsides in a man being close to his mother but the fact remains children need a mom AND a dad. If they had a decent father they both would have turned out quite different.

I actually told myself for a time I would never date a man raised by a single mother again. That actually still holds but all in all if you want to get to know someone get to know their parents and how they were raised by them. If it was dysfunctional chances are there will be problems. This is sadly many of familes today. The most important unit of society had been destroyed and the rest of civilization is now suffering for it.

People really don't realize the effects of broken families have on society and are too brain dead sadly to care anymore.
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
It's dangerous to say "this is" and "that is". It's not true that those Boys who grow up with a single mum or any form of absent dad will seek a Woman like his mum, necessarily. It's also not true that he will grow up gay because dad was not there Emotionally, Physically, or whatever, necessarily. I put this along the same lines as what I "learned" years ago, that when men stand in certain poses, it means certain things; e.g. when a man stands with his hands in his pockets, 'highlighting' his crotch area, that means he is dominant and alpha in intimate relationships, also as far as to go into the bedroom. I know this to be false, because I knew a bottom homosexual who stood in such a pose.

"This is a fact", "that is true" is a dangerous place to play - especially when giving what some call advice. We should realise that these are either observations and/or opinions based on experience, not absolutes.
We're you raised by a single mother ?

@fancy and Jack. I believe what Jack says is true to an extent. And I say to an extent because thus also depends on the mother. The weeping willows watery types will often have the not so great effects on their sons.. My ex and his brother were raised by a single mother and it did not turn out for the better in alot of ways. The mothers mentality and the way she grew up was pretty fucked up abd and influenced her parenting. She also used her kids as emotional tampons constantly burdening them with issues kids shouldn't even have to deal with.

Her youngest son even knew this and told her this and all she could do instead od looking at it objectively was get offended because muh feelings. It's literally all the arguements she ever gave for everything and could not take criticism whatsoever. It made me hate her at times. Her sons were pussies in alot of ways and her oldest was a looser.

There's some upsides in a man being close to his mother but the fact remains children need a mom AND a dad. If they had a decent father they both would have turned out quite different.

I actually told myself for a time I would never date a man raised by a single mother again. That actually still holds but all in all if you want to get to know someone get to know their parents and how they were raised by them. If it was dysfunctional chances are there will be problems. This is sadly many of familes today. The most important unit of society had been destroyed and the rest of civilization is now suffering for it.

People really don't realize the effects of broken families have on society and are too brain dead sadly to care anymore.

Blackdragon once told me something whilst he was doing my natal chart. In my chart regarding my father/ parents, I would have complications, dysfunction in that house. My father left and my mother had to keep things together, the stepfather that came in later wasn’t truly a man, so I could only learn so much. My grandfather acted as a parent at one time with me but I was almost grown so it was kind of hard.

But there is another way as well. I never had a father only people who could pass advice but that wasn’t enough emotionally. I actually viewed Cimeries as a father figure as he of course has the magnitude and forbearance of one. You can always approach a god or goddesses to fill that void emotionally. It makes it easier.
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
It's dangerous to say "this is" and "that is". It's not true that those Boys who grow up with a single mum or any form of absent dad will seek a Woman like his mum, necessarily. It's also not true that he will grow up gay because dad was not there Emotionally, Physically, or whatever, necessarily. I put this along the same lines as what I "learned" years ago, that when men stand in certain poses, it means certain things; e.g. when a man stands with his hands in his pockets, 'highlighting' his crotch area, that means he is dominant and alpha in intimate relationships, also as far as to go into the bedroom. I know this to be false, because I knew a bottom homosexual who stood in such a pose.

"This is a fact", "that is true" is a dangerous place to play - especially when giving what some call advice. We should realise that these are either observations and/or opinions based on experience, not absolutes.
We're you raised by a single mother ?
You might have missed it but I tend not to share my personal information. I do wonder about Eminem and his mum, though.
Not wanting to devalue what's being stated in the form of heartfelt advice but I always find it odd when people are requesting instructions and guidelines on how to develop their own personality.

It is a betrayal to yourself to pursue this. Be who you want to be and follow your own nature rather than what others tell you to be. I'm sure everyone has the idea of the best version of themselves in their head and this is what should be pursued and focused on.

Gain confidence in this "best" version of yourself. Instead of pursuing what others tell you is ideal. I can't fully grasp just how low one's self confidence needs to be to go online and seek out instructions on how they should behave. It's not like there's a one-size fits all solution anyway.

Abandon the sheep mentality. When you are seeking out instructions on how to BE, you are simply becoming a pawn of someone else's designs.
I was indeed in the wrong for the majority of my post jack, I let unnecessary emotions over a stereo type allow me to feel attack and responded like a child over it trying to make u feel attacked back. I should have just simply said that your stereo type wasn't needed for the traits in what "a man" is
FancyMancy said:
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
It's dangerous to say "this is" and "that is". It's not true that those Boys who grow up with a single mum or any form of absent dad will seek a Woman like his mum, necessarily. It's also not true that he will grow up gay because dad was not there Emotionally, Physically, or whatever, necessarily. I put this along the same lines as what I "learned" years ago, that when men stand in certain poses, it means certain things; e.g. when a man stands with his hands in his pockets, 'highlighting' his crotch area, that means he is dominant and alpha in intimate relationships, also as far as to go into the bedroom. I know this to be false, because I knew a bottom homosexual who stood in such a pose.

"This is a fact", "that is true" is a dangerous place to play - especially when giving what some call advice. We should realise that these are either observations and/or opinions based on experience, not absolutes.
We're you raised by a single mother ?
You might have missed it but I tend not to share my personal information. I do wonder about Eminem and his mum, though.
Single mom confirmed. I rest my case :) :D
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
It's dangerous to say "this is" and "that is". It's not true that those Boys who grow up with a single mum or any form of absent dad will seek a Woman like his mum, necessarily. It's also not true that he will grow up gay because dad was not there Emotionally, Physically, or whatever, necessarily. I put this along the same lines as what I "learned" years ago, that when men stand in certain poses, it means certain things; e.g. when a man stands with his hands in his pockets, 'highlighting' his crotch area, that means he is dominant and alpha in intimate relationships, also as far as to go into the bedroom. I know this to be false, because I knew a bottom homosexual who stood in such a pose.

"This is a fact", "that is true" is a dangerous place to play - especially when giving what some call advice. We should realise that these are either observations and/or opinions based on experience, not absolutes.
We're you raised by a single mother ?

@fancy and Jack. I believe what Jack says is true to an extent. And I say to an extent because thus also depends on the mother. The weeping willows watery types will often have the not so great effects on their sons.. My ex and his brother were raised by a single mother and it did not turn out for the better in alot of ways. The mothers mentality and the way she grew up was pretty fucked up abd and influenced her parenting. She also used her kids as emotional tampons constantly burdening them with issues kids shouldn't even have to deal with.

Her youngest son even knew this and told her this and all she could do instead od looking at it objectively was get offended because muh feelings. It's literally all the arguements she ever gave for everything and could not take criticism whatsoever. It made me hate her at times. Her sons were pussies in alot of ways and her oldest was a looser.

There's some upsides in a man being close to his mother but the fact remains children need a mom AND a dad. If they had a decent father they both would have turned out quite different.

I actually told myself for a time I would never date a man raised by a single mother again. That actually still holds but all in all if you want to get to know someone get to know their parents and how they were raised by them. If it was dysfunctional chances are there will be problems. This is sadly many of familes today. The most important unit of society had been destroyed and the rest of civilization is now suffering for it.

People really don't realize the effects of broken families have on society and are too brain dead sadly to care anymore.
I don't understand why people here have to take everything so literally that I have I explain things like I once did to children when I was in school. (It was not a fun experience)

You guys need to understand context. I'm not saying that every male raised by a single mother wil be a failure in life. Ofcourse there are a lot of exceptions.

What I was saying and this is proven if you do your research is that all of the societies Miscreants are overwhelming from single mother households.

Ofcourse in everything anyone says there are exceptions.

And all these things we have the ability to understand and conquer.
Conciousness of self, being, purpose...

These things you mention, look to the squirrels, the bees, the bears.. the trees.. all must grow strong, or will cease to exist. They are not disconnected from their purpose. As you say, against Nature, against the self, this is the true Evil.

But the flow of time and matter, will crush all these things. And so we must push for an existence outside of Time and Matter. Through spiritual advancement, this, we may acquire.

Thank you Jack, I am honored to be in the presence of such a brilliant mind.
BlackOnyx8 said:
Jack said:
Actually I forgot to add this. For men who have been raised by single mothers or with emotionally absent fathers ,their interactions with women will be pathological in nature because a woman cannot make a boy into a man.
This is embarrassing... but you are absolutely correct there. I never really thought about that, but indeed I was raised by my single mother, who happens to be christian, and my grandmother who is a hardcore christian... My father was only there sometimes, and he was indeed emotionally absent to say the least... as well as hardcore christian. So I do lack a lot of this in my life. Much of the man I am, I had to learn on my own, and I had to learn it the hard way. As I will have to learn the rest and improve on my own as well. Thank you for all of this. This will help me greatly as some of my other issues of the self are tied to this, I had been trying to grasp where it could come from, how to fix it, and this is it.

I notice myself having difficulty connecting with older men. I do not like the idea of working under other men, I have never had a man truly be my master, and I will never desire this. I am now seeking wealth, so that I may build a family, but I do not want to be locked into an undesirable position. I desire freedom and I don't need another man to grant me my freedom. How quickly I would laugh in the face of a man who would demand or disrespect me. I have men tell me to be safe, and it honestly pisses me off, I didn't become the man I am today by being fostered in safety...

I am inspired by Men, but they are not my Master.
Meteor said:
Something that came to mind while thinking about it is that a considerable amount of men out there seem to be attracted to meek women who are lacking in masculinity: the type that is emotionally fragile and unable to stand up for herself or get things done. I wonder if that helps those men to feel more masculine themselves in comparison, and gives them a clearer sense of purpose, as they complement what their partner lacks? Or is it perhaps to compensate for their own lack of masculinity, dating someone who lacks such traits even more in order to feel better about themselves? I think for some guys it's like that; they think of women as weak because they want someone to look down on so they can feel superior. I find them pathetic, and they remind me of the jewish/xian/islamic mindset regarding women.
I observe these conversations and notice something. Being masculine and having a spine aren’t mutually exclusive. Being a feminine woman doesn’t mean that you are weak and feckless it’s actually the opposite. But I understand that because of your “Gift” you have a very warped view of what masculinity/femininity are and judging by the amount of posts I have seen over the months I don’t think you ever will have an understanding.
I have written a post named ¨Divine Masculinity¨ before, please go read this if you have time. I will postpone the post since it has been covered before again. You will understand many things from the post itself. The next post will be a psychological post, building upon the other post.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
