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How to be a man. @Jack

HowToBeAMan said:

Out of everyone on the forums there is one person who is the most knowledgeable on what it means to be a man, therefore I'd like to ask you for advice.

I will not go too in depth about my situation, but, what I want to ask you, is how do I become a man in every sense of the word. How should I behave, think, act, and so on and so forth. Please, explain it to me like I am 5 years old, explain it to me as if I am fresh out of the womb.

I know that this may be a labor intensive post for you to write in the replies, and I know that you could possibly spend your time doing better things, and yes, I could go through your post history and learn step by step, but, I'd prefer to hear the most updated knowledge you have.

Jack, you are one of the members I have always respected, every member here has their own specialty's of knowledge and there own experiences they can share. Right now I want nothing more than to know what it takes to become a true man, from the ground floor up. That's why I come to you, as I consider you to be an expert on this.

Please do tell me if I'm asking for too much, If I am, I can go through your posts and slowly read them and try to learn what it takes to be a man that way, but, I've always believed that it's better to get the words from the mouth of an expert directly in accordance to situation. And the situation now is, starting from the Very bottom, all the way from zero. How can I build myself up to become a true man.

Thank you, I look forward to your response my brother in Satan.

In my eyes a man who knows themselves and acts with passion and honesty is the best. Just love who you are and be who you are. A guy who accepts their powerful emotions and can handle them with wisdom and pure intent, amazing. As far as sexy goes, protective qualities are hot. This can get out of hand with a lot of guys so be sure to express it with genuine intent and not out of insecurity. Provider qualities are hot. Everyone needs different things though.

No one needs to tell you how to be other than you.
Jack said:
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
We're you raised by a single mother ?

@fancy and Jack. I believe what Jack says is true to an extent. And I say to an extent because thus also depends on the mother. The weeping willows watery types will often have the not so great effects on their sons.. My ex and his brother were raised by a single mother and it did not turn out for the better in alot of ways. The mothers mentality and the way she grew up was pretty fucked up abd and influenced her parenting. She also used her kids as emotional tampons constantly burdening them with issues kids shouldn't even have to deal with.

Her youngest son even knew this and told her this and all she could do instead od looking at it objectively was get offended because muh feelings. It's literally all the arguements she ever gave for everything and could not take criticism whatsoever. It made me hate her at times. Her sons were pussies in alot of ways and her oldest was a looser.

There's some upsides in a man being close to his mother but the fact remains children need a mom AND a dad. If they had a decent father they both would have turned out quite different.

I actually told myself for a time I would never date a man raised by a single mother again. That actually still holds but all in all if you want to get to know someone get to know their parents and how they were raised by them. If it was dysfunctional chances are there will be problems. This is sadly many of familes today. The most important unit of society had been destroyed and the rest of civilization is now suffering for it.

People really don't realize the effects of broken families have on society and are too brain dead sadly to care anymore.
I don't understand why people here have to take everything so literally that I have I explain things like I once did to children when I was in school. (It was not a fun experience)

You guys need to understand context. I'm not saying that every male raised by a single mother wil be a failure in life. Ofcourse there are a lot of exceptions.

What I was saying and this is proven if you do your research is that all of the societies Miscreants are overwhelming from single mother households.

Ofcourse in everything anyone says there are exceptions.

If I am correct in my understanding, the reason we are against gays having children is due to two reasons.

1. Lack of balance of masculine and feminine energies which are neccesary to nurture the mind when we are young.

2. The fact that it requires a father figure and a mother figure for proper development of both hemispheres of the brain.

Considering that we are all aware of the issue with not having both a masculine and feminine influence when we are young and most maluable, then, why are people pulling a complete 180 when it comes to single parents? If it is a single father or a single mother, it will not provide the child with what is needed for proper growth of both hemispheres of the brain, nor will it provide a balance of energies neccesary to nurture the mind.

I mean, look at the black community in the USA. The situation that the jews have created where fathers leave the mothers the moment they find out they are pregnant leads to a kind of degeneracy into the brain that eventually becomes what many people know as "being a nigger". Which, has nothing to do with race, but rather, has to do with overcompensating with animal-like savagry due to lack of proper development of the masculine(logical side) of the brain by a father figure.

Some people may be offended that I said "the nigger word" but in reality being a nigger has nothing to do with race, there are "niggers" of all races, white, black, oriental, all have "niggers" in their race, however, the word is usually associating with blacks due to the jewish created situation of fatherless children. When we are lacking something we tend to overcompensate as a way to fill this missing gap, when we are lacking in masculine development, many people choose the path of violence and savagry to compensate.

To any and all out there, feel free to tell me if you think I'm wrong on anything.
Sundara said:
HowToBeAMan said:

Out of everyone on the forums there is one person who is the most knowledgeable on what it means to be a man, therefore I'd like to ask you for advice.

I will not go too in depth about my situation, but, what I want to ask you, is how do I become a man in every sense of the word. How should I behave, think, act, and so on and so forth. Please, explain it to me like I am 5 years old, explain it to me as if I am fresh out of the womb.

I know that this may be a labor intensive post for you to write in the replies, and I know that you could possibly spend your time doing better things, and yes, I could go through your post history and learn step by step, but, I'd prefer to hear the most updated knowledge you have.

Jack, you are one of the members I have always respected, every member here has their own specialty's of knowledge and there own experiences they can share. Right now I want nothing more than to know what it takes to become a true man, from the ground floor up. That's why I come to you, as I consider you to be an expert on this.

Please do tell me if I'm asking for too much, If I am, I can go through your posts and slowly read them and try to learn what it takes to be a man that way, but, I've always believed that it's better to get the words from the mouth of an expert directly in accordance to situation. And the situation now is, starting from the Very bottom, all the way from zero. How can I build myself up to become a true man.

Thank you, I look forward to your response my brother in Satan.

In my eyes a man who knows themselves and acts with passion and honesty is the best. Just love who you are and be who you are. A guy who accepts their powerful emotions and can handle them with wisdom and pure intent, amazing. As far as sexy goes, protective qualities are hot. This can get out of hand with a lot of guys so be sure to express it with genuine intent and not out of insecurity. Provider qualities are hot. Everyone needs different things though.

No one needs to tell you how to be other than you.

I am all those things :D
Monarch said:
Some people may be offended that I said "the nigger word" but in reality being a nigger has nothing to do with race, there are "niggers" of all races, white, black, oriental, all have "niggers" in their race, however, the word is usually associating with blacks due to the jewish created situation of fatherless children.

It's not, "nigger" comes from the Latin word niger which means black. It's so old a word that it's even in the buybull:

Acts 13:1 ESV
Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen a lifelong friend of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

But yes, there is a difference between an intelligent black person and a nigger. A nigger is someone who avoids educating himself because it's "acting white", blames whites for his bad situation and not his laziness, has unprotected sex with women and avoids the responsibility of raising his children, glorifies crime and degeneracy and acts emotionally when someone uses the word nigger.
Monarch said:
If I am correct in my understanding, the reason we are against gays having children is due to two reasons.

1. Lack of balance of masculine and feminine energies which are necessary to nurture the mind when we are young.

This is incorrect. There is no lack of balance in homosexual individuals and couples. The other reason you mentioned is the main broad one, and also the fact an homosexual couple is not able to have children naturally without having sex outside the relationship or otherwise there being a third party involved in the process. (e.g. two males cannot make each other pregnant, and two females cannot either)
Stormblood said:
Monarch said:
If I am correct in my understanding, the reason we are against gays having children is due to two reasons.

1. Lack of balance of masculine and feminine energies which are necessary to nurture the mind when we are young.

This is incorrect. There is no lack of balance in homosexual individuals and couples. The other reason you mentioned is the main broad one, and also the fact an homosexual couple is not able to have children naturally without having sex outside the relationship or otherwise there being a third party involved in the process. (e.g. two males cannot make each other pregnant, and two females cannot either)

So in homosexual relationships there is a balance of masculine and feminine energies between person a and person b? I thought that gay homosexual relationships were disproportionately masculine considering that they were both men. Just in the same way I thought homosexual relationships with females were disproportionately feminine due to them being woman.

Also I never said that homosexuals were lacking in balance. I said that homosexual relationships(man and man or woman and woman) are lacking in balance between masculine and feminine. You said that they aren't correct? Or are we misunderstanding each other. In all homosexual relationships I've seen there has been a disproportion of either masculine or feminine energy.

I know that you are gay yourself, is your findings based off from your own experiences? And if so, how did you figure out that one of you was of masculine and one of you were feminine? Was it based upon submissive/dominant positions or was it something else?
Rational Satanist said:
Monarch said:
Some people may be offended that I said "the nigger word" but in reality being a nigger has nothing to do with race, there are "niggers" of all races, white, black, oriental, all have "niggers" in their race, however, the word is usually associating with blacks due to the jewish created situation of fatherless children.

It's not, "nigger" comes from the Latin word niger which means black. It's so old a word that it's even in the buybull:

Acts 13:1 ESV
Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen a lifelong friend of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

But yes, there is a difference between an intelligent black person and a nigger. A nigger is someone who avoids educating himself because it's "acting white", blames whites for his bad situation and not his laziness, has unprotected sex with women and avoids the responsibility of raising his children, glorifies crime and degeneracy and acts emotionally when someone uses the word nigger.

Thank you for educating me on the origin of the word brother/sister. I do appreciate it. Do you agree with my stance that a nigger can be of any race? Or do you call a white nigger a wigger and an oriental nigger something else?
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
Jack said:
We're you raised by a single mother ?
You might have missed it but I tend not to share my personal information. I do wonder about Eminem and his mum, though.
Single mom confirmed. I rest my case :) :D
So me previously not revealing personal information about myself is meh, but me reminding you about that is confirmation of your claim? Lol, OK, Jack.
Monarch said:
Stormblood said:
Monarch said:
If I am correct in my understanding, the reason we are against gays having children is due to two reasons.

1. Lack of balance of masculine and feminine energies which are necessary to nurture the mind when we are young.

This is incorrect. There is no lack of balance in homosexual individuals and couples. The other reason you mentioned is the main broad one, and also the fact an homosexual couple is not able to have children naturally without having sex outside the relationship or otherwise there being a third party involved in the process. (e.g. two males cannot make each other pregnant, and two females cannot either)

So in homosexual relationships there is a balance of masculine and feminine energies between person a and person b? I thought that gay homosexual relationships were disproportionately masculine considering that they were both men. Just in the same way I thought homosexual relationships with females were disproportionately feminine due to them being woman.

Also I never said that homosexuals were lacking in balance. I said that homosexual relationships(man and man or woman and woman) are lacking in balance between masculine and feminine. You said that they aren't correct? Or are we misunderstanding each other. In all homosexual relationships I've seen there has been a disproportion of either masculine or feminine energy.

I know that you are gay yourself, is your findings based off from your own experiences? And if so, how did you figure out that one of you was of masculine and one of you were feminine? Was it based upon submissive/dominant positions or was it something else?

There is a balance because souls tend to attract their opposite in terms of polarity. Since everyone has a masculine and feminine energies inside, not either or, then it's clear how polarity can come into action.

It's not just sexual roles (dominance, submission, etc that you mention) but everything in a person's soul dynamics. It goes much deeper than that. The higher the compatibility on that level, the stronger the attraction.]

Findings are based on knowledge of the soul and nature. Nature doesn't work with imbalances, as those lead to self-destruction. If homosexual relationships were based on imbalances, they would not be natural.
Meteor said:
Stormblood said:
Monarch said:

There is a balance because souls tend to attract their opposite in terms of polarity. Since everyone has a masculine and feminine energies inside, not either or, then it's clear how polarity can come into action.

It's not just sexual roles (dominance, submission, etc that you mention) but everything in a person's soul dynamics. It goes much deeper than that. The higher the compatibility on that level, the stronger the attraction.]

Findings are based on knowledge of the soul and nature. Nature doesn't work with imbalances, as those lead to self-destruction. If homosexual relationships were based on imbalances, they would not be natural.
On the other hand, there's also the principle of like attracts like; I wonder how that comes into play here. Having more of something than usual, or being similar to each other, isn't always a negative thing. It can also be a good thing if the drawbacks are dealt with well.

Couples involving two dominant people may enjoy competing over control, which isn't a problem at all if they don't have too many boundaries. I've also heard of couples involving two submissive people, who greatly enjoy threesomes; perhaps not a great example since they lack sexual compatibility on their own, but on the other hand it lets them indulge their interest in group sex.

On an individual level, someone can have strongly pronounced traits, but still be a balanced person altogether. I believe this is true for relationships as well; being with someone similar can even inspire one to work on overcoming one's own individual shortcomings.

In my experience, a mix of similarities (common ground) and opposites (complementary) will lead to the strongest chemistry.

Yeah, I briefly summed the law of polarity. You explained another law, which I agree with as well. In my view, it comes from the need to be on the same wavelength, which is also sharing the same worldview, etc. Just because we exist on the same level of frequency, it doesn't mean that we are going to express ourselves in the exact same way of course on both the macro and micro level.

I find that it's impossible to have a relationship with someone, even a friendship, when the goals diverge and the life philosophy is too dissimilar. For example, I'm hugely health-conscious and I gradually developed myself to make my lifestyle as healthy as possible. I am still growing toward that, obviously. I could never go with someone who treats their body, minds and soul like rubbish bins rather than temples. This automatically excludes smokers, lovers of nightlife (night owls), habitual fast food eaters, users of other recreational drugs, and so on. I'm also very caring, so someone who doesn't give a shit about anything and who cannot tell which situations require seriousness and which can be light-hearted is obviously not going to make the cut. For example, people who write on dating profile "I don't take life seriously" or other nihilistic nonsense.

I see these two principles working together with this analogy: there's a tree with different branches, and each branch has their fruits. The fruits are the people, the tree is what they have in common, while the different branches is what distinguishes them. I don't know if it is clear.
FancyMancy said:
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
It's dangerous to say "this is" and "that is". It's not true that those Boys who grow up with a single mum or any form of absent dad will seek a Woman like his mum, necessarily. It's also not true that he will grow up gay because dad was not there Emotionally, Physically, or whatever, necessarily. I put this along the same lines as what I "learned" years ago, that when men stand in certain poses, it means certain things; e.g. when a man stands with his hands in his pockets, 'highlighting' his crotch area, that means he is dominant and alpha in intimate relationships, also as far as to go into the bedroom. I know this to be false, because I knew a bottom homosexual who stood in such a pose.

"This is a fact", "that is true" is a dangerous place to play - especially when giving what some call advice. We should realise that these are either observations and/or opinions based on experience, not absolutes.
We're you raised by a single mother ?
You might have missed it but I tend not to share my personal information. I do wonder about Eminem and his mum, though.
I have gone through his chart. I find the 11:04 AM version to be most accurate. When I have time I can the information about his chart.
Blackdragon666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Jack said:
We're you raised by a single mother ?
You might have missed it but I tend not to share my personal information. I do wonder about Eminem and his mum, though.
I have gone through his chart. I find the 11:04 AM version to be most accurate. When I have time I can the information about his chart.

FancyMancy said:
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
You might have missed it but I tend not to share my personal information. I do wonder about Eminem and his mum, though.
Single mom confirmed. I rest my case :) :D
So me previously not revealing personal information about myself is meh, but me reminding you about that is confirmation of your claim? Lol, OK, Jack.

He was just pulling your leg bro
FancyMancy said:
Blackdragon666 said:
OK, cool. No rush.
His birth time is largely unknown but I got that time from this site.

It appears to be quite accurate or near accurate. I prefer to use this site anyway.

Chart in a bucket configuration with Saturn at the handle of the bucket, giving it special importance. Saturn in the 7th house. This is often a placement of abuse as the 7th house shows how other people treat us and Saturn has to do with coldness and ruthlessness. Libra is also strong in his chart, showing someone who had a hard time standing up for their own self, especially since Mars is also in Libra.

He was extremely abused for many years especially since he was a White kid growing up in Black neighborhoods. One time a bully beat him into a comma for a week and he took a year to re-learn basic functions like speech. While Saturn in the 7th can be bad for the treatment we attract from others, a bucket configuration takes it to a whole new level as the planet at the handle drives the energy of the whole chart.

Still on that, HPS Maxine had this to say about malefic influences involving the planet at the handle of a bucket configuration, "When I say 'drives the chart' I mean the influence is very strong in the way of some personal/psychological scars/hang-ups that never go away".

The Moon in Aquarius shows an unstable childhood. They moved homes countless times. His Aquarius Moon also shows an emotionally absent mother. This is not always a bad placement (it can even give friendship with the mother) but his chart is already afflicted and this adds to the problems.

Pisces on his 4th house also points to suffering, abuse and victimization in the childhood. Venus in square aspect with Saturn points to money problems, also with Capricorn on the 2nd house. Chart ruler Jupiter in Capricorn also shows someone who likely came up the hard way.

Neptune which rules his 4th house is in the unfortunate 12th house, in conjunction with the ascendant making it much stronger in its influence. This also shows abuse by his mother. She never tried to stop the abuse and even abused him herself until he came to hate her. She also had mental health problems shown by Neptune which represents her in the 12th house. A similar thing can be seen in the chart of Marilyn Monroe who had a mentally troubled mother (Scorpio on 4th house with ruling Pluto on 12th house cusp).

Going back to Eminem's mother, she was a drug addict (Pisces on the 4th) and also got him into all manner of prescription drugs like valium as a child. His Moon in tight aspect with Saturn adds to the childhood problems and abuse from the mother, especially with the nodal axis tying in.

Saturn on the 7th house also shows serious love issues, especially with Venus also in square aspect with his Saturn, and Saturn being the planet at the handle of a bucket configuration. These manifested through his ex wife Kim. They fought a lot, she cheated and had a child with another guy, it was a troubled relationship. They finally divorced for good in 2006 but the scars also never healed, just like the ones from abuse.

Problems with his dad also appear. Mercury which rules his 10th house of the father is on the cusp of the 12th house. This house can bring loss. His father left when he was around 1. Uranus can also bring loss or separation. Both his Sun and Saturn (these are the natural rulers of the father) are making aspects with Uranus. In particular, the Sun is in conjunction with Uranus. I've found that hard aspects between the Sun and Uranus can give an emotionally absent/detached father, or even physically absent.

Mercury is in Scorpio which shows how deep his feelings regarding his father run. Pluto in the 10th house shows the same, wounds that never heal. He would write letters to his dad as a child which would be returned back to him unopened. While Virgo on the 10th can give a hard working father, in his case with all the other influences, it shows a father who was cruel to him (Virgo is the opposite sign of the compassionate sign Pisces and Virgos can often be cruel). His dad never even visited, called or showed up in any way and only sent him his first letter after he became famous.

Moving on, he has Mars and Pluto in his 10th house of the career, showing someone who will have extreme determination and drive in his career. He is also a Capricorn and is known to be very hard working with good work ethic. Capricorn strong in his chart also shows that success would come with much struggle. Many people were racist to him when he was coming up (Blacks in America are often very racist towards Whites) and despite very talented, he never got signed by anyone until Dr. Dre listened to one of his CDs.

I also remember his first album had some pretty decent songs with topics like his struggles about raising his baby daughter. Didn't do well and he tried to commit suicide but survived after luckily puking out the suicide pills he had taken. He would later come to have a 'fuck the world' attitude from all the problems he had gone through in life and ironically people loved the darker music he started putting out.

Neptune on his ascendant shows much artistic talent, as well as his Mercury in tight aspect with Venus (Mercury/Venus aspects are good for composing lyrics as Mercury rules writing and Venus rules art, and general artistic talent). Libra is also quite strong in his chart, showing an artistic person. His prominent Neptune also made for his problem with addiction though he overcame it after almost dying from an overdose.

Uranus in his 10th house shows the controversy in his career especially from his earlier music when he didn't give a fuck. Pluto in his house of the public image also shows his impact on the masses and much fame. All that aside, his endurance and determination achieved him immense success. Today he is one of the best selling artists in history, only behind the likes of Michael Jackson, having sold over 200 million units worldwide.

Overall, his chart shows a person who suffered a lot but with much determination managed to make it in life. He was failed by everyone important in his life and had to find his own way in life. Capricorn is one of the best signs in the way of getting around life obstacles.
Blackdragon666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Blackdragon666 said:
OK, cool. No rush.
His birth time is largely unknown but I got that time from this site.

It appears to be quite accurate or near accurate. I prefer to use this site anyway.

Chart in a bucket configuration with Saturn at the handle of the bucket, giving it special importance. Saturn in the 7th house. This is often a placement of abuse as the 7th house shows how other people treat us and Saturn has to do with coldness and ruthlessness. Libra is also strong in his chart, showing someone who had a hard time standing up for their own self, especially since Mars is also in Libra.

He was extremely abused for many years especially since he was a White kid growing up in Black neighborhoods. One time a bully beat him into a comma for a week and he took a year to re-learn basic functions like speech. While Saturn in the 7th can be bad for the treatment we attract from others, a bucket configuration takes it to a whole new level as the planet at the handle drives the energy of the whole chart.

Still on that, HPS Maxine had this to say about malefic influences involving the planet at the handle of a bucket configuration, "When I say 'drives the chart' I mean the influence is very strong in the way of some personal/psychological scars/hang-ups that never go away".

The Moon in Aquarius shows an unstable childhood. They moved homes countless times. His Aquarius Moon also shows an emotionally absent mother. This is not always a bad placement (it can even give friendship with the mother) but his chart is already afflicted and this adds to the problems.

Pisces on his 4th house also points to suffering, abuse and victimization in the childhood. Venus in square aspect with Saturn points to money problems, also with Capricorn on the 2nd house. Chart ruler Jupiter in Capricorn also shows someone who likely came up the hard way.

Neptune which rules his 4th house is in the unfortunate 12th house, in conjunction with the ascendant making it much stronger in its influence. This also shows abuse by his mother. She never tried to stop the abuse and even abused him herself until he came to hate her. She also had mental health problems shown by Neptune which represents her in the 12th house. A similar thing can be seen in the chart of Marilyn Monroe who had a mentally troubled mother (Scorpio on 4th house with ruling Pluto on 12th house cusp).

Going back to Eminem's mother, she was a drug addict (Pisces on the 4th) and also got him into all manner of prescription drugs like valium as a child. His Moon in tight aspect with Saturn adds to the childhood problems and abuse from the mother, especially with the nodal axis tying in.

Saturn on the 7th house also shows serious love issues, especially with Venus also in square aspect with his Saturn, and Saturn being the planet at the handle of a bucket configuration. These manifested through his ex wife Kim. They fought a lot, she cheated and had a child with another guy, it was a troubled relationship. They finally divorced for good in 2006 but the scars also never healed, just like the ones from abuse.

Problems with his dad also appear. Mercury which rules his 10th house of the father is on the cusp of the 12th house. This house can bring loss. His father left when he was around 1. Uranus can also bring loss or separation. Both his Sun and Saturn (these are the natural rulers of the father) are making aspects with Uranus. In particular, the Sun is in conjunction with Uranus. I've found that hard aspects between the Sun and Uranus can give an emotionally absent/detached father, or even physically absent.

Mercury is in Scorpio which shows how deep his feelings regarding his father run. Pluto in the 10th house shows the same, wounds that never heal. He would write letters to his dad as a child which would be returned back to him unopened. While Virgo on the 10th can give a hard working father, in his case with all the other influences, it shows a father who was cruel to him (Virgo is the opposite sign of the compassionate sign Pisces and Virgos can often be cruel). His dad never even visited, called or showed up in any way and only sent him his first letter after he became famous.

Moving on, he has Mars and Pluto in his 10th house of the career, showing someone who will have extreme determination and drive in his career. He is also a Capricorn and is known to be very hard working with good work ethic. Capricorn strong in his chart also shows that success would come with much struggle. Many people were racist to him when he was coming up (Blacks in America are often very racist towards Whites) and despite very talented, he never got signed by anyone until Dr. Dre listened to one of his CDs.

I also remember his first album had some pretty decent songs with topics like his struggles about raising his baby daughter. Didn't do well and he tried to commit suicide but survived after luckily puking out the suicide pills he had taken. He would later come to have a 'fuck the world' attitude from all the problems he had gone through in life and ironically people loved the darker music he started putting out.

Neptune on his ascendant shows much artistic talent, as well as his Mercury in tight aspect with Venus (Mercury/Venus aspects are good for composing lyrics as Mercury rules writing and Venus rules art, and general artistic talent). Libra is also quite strong in his chart, showing an artistic person. His prominent Neptune also made for his problem with addiction though he overcame it after almost dying from an overdose.

Uranus in his 10th house shows the controversy in his career especially from his earlier music when he didn't give a fuck. Pluto in his house of the public image also shows his impact on the masses and much fame. All that aside, his endurance and determination achieved him immense success. Today he is one of the best selling artists in history, only behind the likes of Michael Jackson, having sold over 200 million units worldwide.

Overall, his chart shows a person who suffered a lot but with much determination managed to make it in life. He was failed by everyone important in his life and had to find his own way in life. Capricorn is one of the best signs in the way of getting around life obstacles.
His Gemini Saturn shows the lack of education (dropped out of school and did menial jobs for many years).

I also forgot to include the fixed stars. These reveal more especially with the fated wealth, honors and recognition. Though the chart ruler is always primary and the Capricorn influence and afflicted 4th house all show difficult beginnings. His sun is in conjunction with Spica (Spica was at 23° of Libra in the 70s), showing much wealth.

Venus is in an exact opposition with Achernar (was at 14° of Pisces) which brings honors. Mercury in conjunction with Alphecca adds to the artistic talent and especially poetic talent. Loner tendencies from the scars left by life problems.

Mars in conjunction with Vindemiatrix adding to the marriage problems. Major problems with women in his life, especially his mother and ex wife.

Bellatrix and Capella which both bring honors on his Saturn. I would take this to mean that a lot of hard work and endurance (Saturn) would have been involved, which was true.

Denebola which also brings honors also exactly on his MC.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
