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How To Always Stay Positive As a Spiritual Satanist

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Florina 22 said:
There are no problems with watching TV or staying too much on social media. I haven't anything like that. But lately, because of uncontrollable thoughts, I've started watching movies (which is not a habit but I feel it is becoming because is the only way I can completely stop my thoughts) more and more because it's the only way I can stop my thoughts or that voice I keep hearing. But my biggest and most serious problem is my own mind. My mind don't listen me. I can't control my thoughts everything I do and I wouldn't understand this if it weren't the sermons and advice I received here. Maybe the book recommended here will help me to at least calm it down a bit. I appreciate the sermons and the advice gave me, they helped me not to go crazy at all (although I took it a little) ... but at least they helped me to keep calm.

That problem is not uncommon it is very common. Do void meditation.

A few months ago i was visited by our Father and Lord Satan and as we spoke there were alot of thoughts invading my mind, i hadn't been doing void meditations. I remember him touching my forehead and saying " My mind falters too much" and i had crear mind from then. Knowning what my mind is suppose to be like and the greater the experience i was having due to it i went straight into void meditations and I've gotten alot clearer mind and able to deal with unnecessary thoughts better.
I've seen with social media lately and what people have been saying. Xains particular. They've been preaching and saying that " God is coming, repent " and they've been doing it alot often and at greater volumes. And this has been coming from celebrities also, who've regretted " signing for fame and riches "

Mean while I've been feeling stronger and been feeling the energise of hell rising alot more. I've had more vivid dreams and have been advancing alot more often.

I believe we're going go see alot more xains trying to reach their " Pureness" in fear. Since all I'm seeing is people reacting out of fear. We see how blinding and how chaotic fear can be, and how it's used to control people.
When ever I have a problem, I think in 1000 years I will laugh about it, compared to the opportunities and joys this path offers, our day to day problems are small and easy to overcome.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The hardest years might be the more rewarding ones
What true words. won't get into the details but the hardest days of my life, where I faced death and fought for my health, were the ones that gave me the most insight on life. It is because I had such experience that I came to find the JoS and Satan. And I'm happy being part of this community.
In my experience, power meditation is the only one way to develop my spiritual power . Power meditation , chakra meditation and yoga are the main tool of my spiritual development. Thats my secret , that my power .

Hail Satanas!!!
It was good to read this post as well as the others. Many times we don't think about what a treasure Knowledge is, what an advantage to have. There are so many lies, slander and fabrications about the Real Truth just to keep people ignorant.

I would like to write a few thoughts about you - it's fantastic how much Knowledge you have, it's fantastic how much determination you have, and to pass that Knowledge and experience on to us is fantastic.

Sometimes it amazes me how someone, a Human Being, can have Knowledge like you have, not least that this person is one of us and is with us forever. You deserve great praise Mr, shine forever!
jrvan said:
This battle keeps going on inside me. I want to be happy, but I feel too crushed by my terrible experiences. This life has just been too cruel. I can't find the strength to let go of it and move on. It's like my heart can't breathe whenever I reflect on it so I usually just try to ignore it all. I think the working is bringing it up, but I still don't know how to properly deal with it and let go. I don't know how to be okay.
Sounds like the story of my life. I've been battling with the doom and gloom inside me, too. Some weeks ago I miraculously found a quiet moment and focused inside of me. What I saw and felt resembled a dark and ruined post-apocalyptic world from a bad jewish movie. Trying to clean this mess out felt almost impossible at first because I used this dark stuff as a justification for staying dark and miserable. After a while it became clear to me that I can not live on like that. The biggest change, I guess, came from the ritual for Astarte. I also read the updated information page about Her. This changed something inside me.
I guess, you really just have to confront the darkness inside you, there really is no other way. You can't clean a nasty room from a remote location, now can you? Instead you enter the room, turn up your sleeves and then the work begins.
Like HP so eloquently wrote:
One way people try to escape inner issues is by ignoring them. That is exactly the opposite of what a Spiritual Satanist must do. Here, we confront the issues, and we fix them.

Stay strong, brother. Face the darkness and clean it out.
I've been JoS (on and off) for something like 10 years. The same kind of questions you have I used to have, hopefully these responses provide insight.

Gear88 said:
For example the Gods do they think? do they dwell on things? do they contemplate? for example say a God doesn't know something does by reading an article or a book or studying some logical device to understand do they end up creating reality/ies generating said thing?

Yes of course they think. It comes down to controlling one's energy while contemplating. With complete control, losing hope or becoming downtrodden at the thought of a problem or scenario one is striving to improve upon is not an obstacle. The mind of a Daemon is much more powerful than our own. They are incredibly intelligent and "emotionally" stable.

We don't know the whole story of things and we may not be able to know without further expansion of the soul/mind. As I progress in spirit and look to our Daemon Gods, I find more and more answers and connections. Like aha moments, things fall into place.

Gear88 said:
Again are we supposed to be blank slates at some point? What exactly is thinking at a higher level? It's been mentioned even raising to a higher level involves more study and more education. Without the Gods isn't it pointless to study things even astrally being helped it's still pointless as the physical barrier hasn't been crossed. Over the years various sermons and posts by people improving their astral senses or something but the same story all the time. It seems like UNLESS the Gods are physically here or physically interacting with extra-terrestrials of the civilization of the Gods. It seems kinda like spiritual evolution is pointless.

As it's been said even the most advanced Humans are nothing compared to a God. I understand spiritual warfare it's why I realized long a go that combat and warfare are the most important things. Even more important to be weaponized a long time ago. But again it seems every time someone talks about mindfulness or thought control or mental conditioning. Time and time again it seems as someone who never had success with this and is a thinker that it's pointless. If Humanity is thought to think then it's pointless it seems all Humans believe in the almighty logical masculine side only.

I can see you are overflowing with doubt and are venting here. The blank state you speak of is a state of void, it is more of a fundamental technique than it is a way of life. I see where you are coming from though as it would be nice if this is explained more. Void can be overlapped with thought, apply void to your emotional state while thinking. Allow nothing to change within and put all energy into Mind. Formulating ideas, making connections, and creating output.

The gods are much more advanced because they have traveled much longer and further than us, peservered through much more, gathered much more wisdom. A fool's mind thinks of how to best them, how to bite the hand that feeds. No, but the idea is close to what is good. We may strive to be worthy of greater responsibilities, strive to shoulder some of their burden, allowing them to be more free to pursue even higher goals.

Gear88 said:
But again this falls back is thinking impossible as you advance? I'm a thinker I've pretty much quit all meditation as my new years resolution was not to waste my time doing it. I don't view meditation as important or anything it never worked for me for all intents and purposes the JoS could be wrong or just a fake organization or something. Sheer fact is I stay cause of the National Socialist principle. I might be like SWG I believe someone mentioned he went off the rails and quit. The point is not everyone is a meditator. I think JoS emphasizes meditation WAY too much almost like a form of escaping reality. But again that is the point. If meditation is the most important thing.

This is a fool's path. I have taken it (or something similar) and every time I return to meditation and the gods my life/abilities improve dramatically. If one thinks enough they find meditation to be extremely powerful and important. I am of a scientific mind and pursue the sciences, and through my own experiences I know meditation, manifestation, the gods, the astral, all to be true. These are my empirical results. The enemy does their best to convince us otherwise as they are terrified of a massive population of empowered gentiles.

With an accumulation of personal experiences you can grow your faith in the Gods. Allow yourself to begin accumulating these proofs and they will come. Balance your masculine side with the feminine as it is more of the side of intuition. Intuition is much more powerful than it is given credit for. The king must listen and consider advice from the queen or else they both will fall into self-destructive ruination.

On a scientific side; the amount of calculus our minds have to solve in a fraction of a second just to walk or catch a ball coming at us rivals that of modern day computer software like WolframAlpha. Consider that further proof of the power of intuition.

Hail Andrealphus!
Hail Paimon!
Hail Satan!
Very correct and true, thank you very much. In fact, many people have no idea how much the state of mind affects the body. This happens because people are not prepared at all and know nothing about mind and soul.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Spiritual Satanism is an instruction of positivity, life and vibrant existence.

Despite of what is going on with the world, the person who has attained the extent of this path, can face any situation. One builds to this level, it doesn't come on it's own, but it is there as a prospect for everyone. This is the path of mental strength and spiritual strength.

Of course, the above requires control of the mind. Most people, are not really "suffering" per se, they are "suffering" because their own mind is not in order. The less the order in a mind, the more the suffering.

As the basic knowledge of the JoS says, when the mind [especially when empowered] does dwell on some things, one can bring them about. Increasingly, this power will increase with meditation.

Now the question arises, so, are we to put our head inside a hole, and ignore any and all negativity completely? The answer here is obviously no. But one must not dwell on it.

With more experience in meditation, how one can do this, will become more self evident. This goes through stages. With meditation & growth, there comes a lot of beneficial things in our life.

As the mind control becomes superior, then one will be able to literally look at all these things and examine them, but not necessarily allow them to get affected. The higher the degree of empathy here, the more training one will need.

Many people who are empaths and easily affected, can use this to their advantage, by dwelling on positive things. As the mind clears and control is established, one can manage their exposure.

As we can see, the modern world is constantly bombarding people with excessive extremes. "Wars, we will be nuked, blah blah" - no hope given. Of course, these problems might be real, but on the end of the media, this is not informative, this is to cause mass fear and hysteria.

How most people cope with this is by not paying any attention, and that is wrong, since people become unaware. Lack of awareness make someone suspect to deception and failure.

Therefore, the strategy one must follow is to be self aware here, and always be on the positive side willingly, and by choice and wisdom, not because they are ignorant. The mage who is aware of the power of the mind will have a different adoption of this method than the average joe who purposefully ignores everything.

One way people try to escape inner issues is by ignoring them. That is exactly the opposite of what a Spiritual Satanist must do. Here, we confront the issues, and we fix them.

The proper mindset is so fundamental, as is the software on a computer. Many people just constantly try to find excuses to cause suffering to themselves. That is a symptom of a mind that is not well attuned.

Almost every person I know has yet another complaint every single day, speaking of regular people who are not Satanists. It's also a common characteristic in the case of most people that they don't want to solve any of these issues. But they present them for no purpose. Maybe to babble.

Life however is not specifically designed so that everything goes in accordance to one's "desires". That should be something we know early - but we are not told even basic things anymore.

One must therefore accustom themselves to understand what lies inside of one's control, and what lies outside of this. The book of "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius is going to help a lot of people here. Alongside other subjects, the relation of the mind with what is beyond "control" is also discussed here.

I consider this book one of the "Satanic Essentials". Just make sure to read it with the Satanic eye.

Now, to sit and complain about life will change nothing. Nothing can also change what cannot be changed at a present level of power. Severing sources of depression from life can also be very helpful.

For example, don't spend your day in front of the TV all day, or in front of Social Media, where everyone pretends they are living the "Dream Life", because they are not. That will cause you depression. It is, in reality, specifically designed to make you feel negative and depressed all the time, by abusing basic functions of the mind.

Instagram and other social media [which I mention because of how many people spend too much time on these] are designed to abuse your basic needs: Sex, food, and the need of shelter, luxury and wellbeing.

They abuse these by bombarding you with never ending stimuli, which eventually wears out the human mind, causing depression and senses of inferiority. The happiness of one in these platforms works by psychological standards in contrast to the caused depression on another, and it's designed to be this way.

Therefore, what does a wise Satanic mind do here? If you have to use these means, use them wisely, and if you don't have to, discard them. In all cases, do not be used by them, and never consider them reality. They are not.

In fact, the more you see this in Social Media, know that people are internally suffering the most. The quicker one discards these lies from their mind, the quicker one will mentally heal.

Spirituality and cleaning, aura of protection, and staying close to the Gods, or staying close to the Truth for that liking, is a sureproof way to be happy. Note: Not without struggles and not without the bad, but happy in a more internal fashion which I am sure most understand who are for sometime in this path.

On this level, we have to do with the energetic functions of the soul. These are never bothered by the average person, and therefore, many people cannot really reach these higher levels of happiness which the Ancient Greeks called "Eudemonia". This word has to do with proper condition of the very soul, not only a mental or physical attainment.

Another level of happiness, is not related to mind and soul, but the body. Taking care of the body, within reasonable extents, is necessary to articulate a sense of inner stability, although the two aspects above have overwhelming power to your well-being.

As one has a plan to grow the soul, the none must also have a plan to bring the body in the correct order.

Most people are also getting depressed over what hasn't happened or what isn't yet a reality. This can arise out of a working not yet manifesting etc. This is why the JoS says over and over again: Mind control is essential. Do not cast doubt on what you do beyond the sensible extents - let the thing work itself.

Suffering about imaginary events of the future has a function in life, but if it consumes your mind, then it will cause you great grief. That suffering is emerging in this case out of fears, worries, and other anxieties that have to do with events that haven't even occurred.

To make matters worse, a disorganized mind, can attract negative energy even by dwelling on some things by default. For example, if you think all day that you might be ugly, then people might indeed find you ugly. That is a basic example.

If you are very "afraid" of something, this might, for some minds, even attract it. Therefore, one wants to moderate their thoughts and gently bring the mind back in order into positive or at least neutral thinking.

For those who are seriously invested in meditation, if you go too far without having basic mind control, your must reconsider and take some steps back, especially if the situation goes out of control, or change your perspective, working on the mind too.

One might reasonably argue that the "situation" of this world isn't great and all this, but that still, is not a cause of pessimism and depression. But this adoption is not going to change much, if anything.

It is only if someone decides that is the reality for themselves. The hardest years might be the more rewarding ones. To understand this, we must prioritize in our minds what is essential and what is not. Growing is essential, and therefore, what procures growth, can be a blessing despite of initial appearances.

Despite of anything, for example, I remain overwhelmingly an optimist and level headed. I cannot be pessimistic when I know the existence of the Gods to be valid. One builds to this level and we experience this is for ourselves.

"We save ourselves". Those who want to see in this path, will receive the beautiful glimpse of the Gods.

To fly, we need wings, and these wings, we are given through our soul. Everything else speaks of the spirit of gravity, of peril and failure. For this reason, we have a soul. It reminds us of our origins and our higher existence.

When you know things like that you have a soul, that the Gods will help us, and so on, then one's relationship with the negatives changes forever. After some time, we are free from a lot of misplaced suffering.

Everything starts looking more where it should be. This is one of the gifts of waking up instead of sleeping. There is a lightness in this understanding.

Reality cannot be absent of disappointments or negative events, but we can minimize the misplaced and pointless suffering we cause ourselves and others.

The gift of meditation is understood not only in pursuit of external victories in life, but also in the manifestation of higher levels of mind and consciousness.

One of the main points, is to achieve a better inner world, and discover the "Kingdom within". When this kingdom is understood, then too many things that you felt once were able to drag you down, will hold lesser and lesser power over you.

Brothers and Sisters, do not allow yourself to be consumed by the spirits of gravity - become spirits of lightness instead.


One other problem that we’re facing is that while we have control over our perspective on things when it comes to social media, it’s extremely unfortunate that others do not and it requires more forthright effort on our behalf now to meet people eye to eye and help them see outside of that. It’s damaging to our society and relationships as a whole. Just one of those things we have to deal with and requires effort to not sink to others perspectives.

Nice you mention the part on empathy here, I’ve been reading about various ways of getting back on track with controlling this and positive ways to regain balanced compassionate empathy recently. Meditation always helped this significantly but the bombardment of information over the years and periods of isolation causes this avoidance effect where people become more callous to shut this influx out. And is why nurses who are in their profession long term become very cold towards patients. Not a great way to be.

The constant steam of information greatly reduces our ability to process, remember, and think of the information as well to where information is basically meaningless and here to flood our brain with conflicting crap.

This is also a tactic used by some in either court or other areas, to avoid honesty or absolve personal responsibility for something you just dump out an endless stream of needless details facts and information that are more or less irrelevant - muddle them up and confuse them and the other person will not have the attention time or ability to sift through each and everyone as this shit storm comes at them. Intentional or not, and this is what happens with the shit storm we have in our face daily.
8ScintillantSol8 said:

Yes after re-reading my post and reading yours. Unfortunately I vented I promised myself I would avoid long posts. I simply wanted to know if the Gods think. Of course it seems foolish not too but I think it might not be the way we Humans think rather it's more than that.

Either way thanks for the post informative. Your right on meditation being the new thing in everyone's lives. I've noticed over the past 12 or so years meditation being pushed as a cure-all-magick-pill. Problem is some people have negative reactions to it even simple mindfulness has made some people go off the deep end. Sounds extreme but except clickbaity fearmongering articles the few that cater to such studies do indicate some people aren't meant for it.

As for meditation doing a 180 to you great. Fantastic if you dropped then returned great but unfortunately even basic mediation program is kinda rough. I recall Blitzkreig putting up an interesting meditation guide that can be followed after the 40 days.

I guess my issue is burning out and feeling like I'm wasting time. For example performing nearly 100 vibrations of 7-10 vibrations max into the 7 main + 3/Eye + Pineal wears me out in a conscious way. It's nice and all the first day or two but afterwards it's like "ugh spending 15-20 minutes pumping into them. Same for Yoga I guess because it acts on the physical body it makes me feel like spending the time to do it is a waste.

I just don't enjoy meditation nor do I feel I'm doing it right. Sure 40-day guide, sure members personal notes and guides. But it's not something enjoyable to me. It's like back in the previous decade I basically did whatever didn't even program or anything re-started getting into MerKaBa and did it for long periods of time.

I'd like to control my mind, reduce my thought streams, and focus on a subject or two. But I've badly trained my body for being against meditation. I'm not asking for a magick pill rather a feeling of enjoyment. Sheer fact is I don't enjoy meditation. It's why even nearing 2 decades that I've dedicated nothing really happened. I WAS at one point just cleaning, protection, maybe a breathing exercise and that is it. I've actually spent the last few years cleaning and protecting. But it's about as lame of a protection as possible.

Honestly sometimes I ask myself why some of the members post stuff on being attacked or sensing an attack or whatever. I honestly do not think they are being attacked or if they are I don't think it's even direct at them more like a shotgun approach.

I don't want to say JoS is fake IF people have had life changing results great for them. But for me I just stay the same. For me life changing is like for example feeling a strong chakric feeling or some emanation or something. Either way I know meditation is good. I've studied this phenomena for many years. But it's just mental curiosity theorycrafting really.

I have read of people who state don't half-ass but don't consider speedy meditation or half-assed meditation as out of the question. IF you can't do it for long try a short session and get the movement going. I just do not have ANY motivation whatsoever to meditate. And yes I have considered Nauthiz and Runic work and that's meditation if I'm annoyed and burnt out on meditation and extremely bored to the point I'm always bored. That's a bad recipe if I can't even manage a 40-day working or some multi-day working. I guess you can say with my mind I run before walking.
Fanboy said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Thanks for this HP.

Another text I highly recommend is the The Enchiridion by Epictetus, as well as the Discourses. Although I haven't finished the Discourses they are of immense help so far. I also am looking forward to reading The Meditations.

I'll post a couple of my favorite teachings of The Enchiridion below,

1. Some things are in our control and others not. Things in
our control are opinion, pursuit, desire, aversion, and, in a
word, whatever are our own actions. Things not in our control
are body, property, reputation, command, and, in one word,
whatever are not our own actions.

The things in our control are by nature free, unrestrained,
unhindered; but those not in our control are weak, slavish,
restrained, belonging to others. Remember, then, that if you
suppose that things which are slavish by nature are also free,
and that what belongs to others is your own, then you will be
hindered. You will lament, you will be disturbed, and you will
find fault both with gods and men. But if you suppose that
only to be your own which is your own, and what belongs to
others such as it really is, then no one will ever compel you
or restrain you. Further, you will find fault with no one or
accuse no one. You will do nothing against your will. No one
will hurt you, you will have no enemies, and you not be

Aiming therefore at such great things, remember that you must
not allow yourself to be carried, even with a slight tendency,
towards the attainment of lesser things. Instead, you must
entirely quit some things and for the present postpone the
rest. But if you would both have these great things, along
with power and riches, then you will not gain even the latter,
because you aim at the former too: but you will absolutely
fail of the former, by which alone happiness and freedom are

Work, therefore to be able to say to every harsh appearance,
"You are but an appearance, and not absolutely the thing you
appear to be." And then examine it by those rules which you
have, and first, and chiefly, by this: whether it concerns the
things which are in our own control, or those which are not;
and, if it concerns anything not in our control, be prepared
to say that it is nothing to you.

8. Don't demand that things happen as you wish, but wish that
they happen as they do happen, and you will go on well.

28. If a person gave your body to any stranger he met on his
way, you would certainly be angry. And do you feel no shame in
handing over your own mind to be confused and mystified by
anyone who happens to verbally attack you?

37. If you have assumed any character above your strength, you
have both made an ill figure in that and quitted one which you
might have supported.

Desires and aversions are not in our control.
Body, property, reputation, and command are in our control. Paying no mind to anything or anyone so as to not be confused and defeated in an argument is a tactic only low intelligence people use. It's what the Jewish and the colored children would do to me in like junior high or whatever.

One time a black boy took some keys of mine that were laying on the ground during a fire drill and threw them as far as he could into the trees, I thought he was a friend and he just sat there paying no mind, telling me to go get them. While i was being yelled at by the superintendent for getting out of line, of course me Being white was the bad guy so I was reprimanded and sent back in line.

I explained why what he was doing and what he was saying was stupid, and then told him i would basically kill him (lol) and he continued to not pay attention to what I was saying just repeating "go get them bitch". it helped him keep his composure and not be confused at all by the situation he created. But all in all he's still a retarded monkey. It doesn't matter if he's confused or not.

I challenged him to a fight I front of the whole school at lunch time and he backed down.. a few days later I forgot about the whole thing and he came to fight me in gym class and then I learned how strong the colored folk were.

I ended up going on a field trip with him and he asked to use the outhouse that locked from the outside. I locked him in and about 10 mins later I went back and he was screaming begging to be let out. everyone left to the bus and there was no headcount and he had no friends in our class. Nobody would have noticed especially with how fast we peeled out of there.

This is an interesting example of how being unshakable and paying no mind to things is a strength and a weakness. It might make you a happy and proud slave but you'll always be a happy and proud slave this way.

Epictetus is a jewish slave born in catholic Rome anno domini. His writings are empty and neutered just like his ugly soul.

I could sit here picking apart all the shit this guy wrote, but clearly those old wind bags were so egotistical that they recorded their own arguments. You can't learn anything from a person who records his own arguments. Other than learning what kind of a person not to be. "Gosh I'm so smart I destroyed that guy in an argument!"

The guy is the Ancient equivalent of a keyboard warrior

"Desires and aversions are not in our control.", are you saying that you have no control over the things you pursue and the things you avoid? I sure hope not.

"Body, property, reputation, and command are in our control.", are you saying that you have control over the opinions of others, which is what reputation is? No you do not, for I have an opinion of you that you can't control. Property such as a your vehicle is dependent on your will only in use but not in itself, if tomorrow you are driving and get a flat tire are you to have control over such an inconvenience? You can change the tire but can't avoid the flat in the first place. If your body becomes injured or ill are you to have power over it other than the way you react to it?

Stoicism isn't about "destroying someone in an argument", that's just a consequence of disputation. It's about at all times being Conformable to Nature.

Also, if you read book 2 of the Discourses he actually has some things to say on behaving as a Jew. I personally do not think that Epictetus was Jewish.
Gear88 said:
8ScintillantSol8 said:

Yes after re-reading my post and reading yours. Unfortunately I vented I promised myself I would avoid long posts. I simply wanted to know if the Gods think. Of course it seems foolish not too but I think it might not be the way we Humans think rather it's more than that.

Either way thanks for the post informative. Your right on meditation being the new thing in everyone's lives. I've noticed over the past 12 or so years meditation being pushed as a cure-all-magick-pill. Problem is some people have negative reactions to it even simple mindfulness has made some people go off the deep end. Sounds extreme but except clickbaity fearmongering articles the few that cater to such studies do indicate some people aren't meant for it.

As for meditation doing a 180 to you great. Fantastic if you dropped then returned great but unfortunately even basic mediation program is kinda rough. I recall Blitzkreig putting up an interesting meditation guide that can be followed after the 40 days.

I guess my issue is burning out and feeling like I'm wasting time. For example performing nearly 100 vibrations of 7-10 vibrations max into the 7 main + 3/Eye + Pineal wears me out in a conscious way. It's nice and all the first day or two but afterwards it's like "ugh spending 15-20 minutes pumping into them. Same for Yoga I guess because it acts on the physical body it makes me feel like spending the time to do it is a waste.

I just don't enjoy meditation nor do I feel I'm doing it right. Sure 40-day guide, sure members personal notes and guides. But it's not something enjoyable to me. It's like back in the previous decade I basically did whatever didn't even program or anything re-started getting into MerKaBa and did it for long periods of time.

I'd like to control my mind, reduce my thought streams, and focus on a subject or two. But I've badly trained my body for being against meditation. I'm not asking for a magick pill rather a feeling of enjoyment. Sheer fact is I don't enjoy meditation. It's why even nearing 2 decades that I've dedicated nothing really happened. I WAS at one point just cleaning, protection, maybe a breathing exercise and that is it. I've actually spent the last few years cleaning and protecting. But it's about as lame of a protection as possible.

Honestly sometimes I ask myself why some of the members post stuff on being attacked or sensing an attack or whatever. I honestly do not think they are being attacked or if they are I don't think it's even direct at them more like a shotgun approach.

I don't want to say JoS is fake IF people have had life changing results great for them. But for me I just stay the same. For me life changing is like for example feeling a strong chakric feeling or some emanation or something. Either way I know meditation is good. I've studied this phenomena for many years. But it's just mental curiosity theorycrafting really.

I have read of people who state don't half-ass but don't consider speedy meditation or half-assed meditation as out of the question. IF you can't do it for long try a short session and get the movement going. I just do not have ANY motivation whatsoever to meditate. And yes I have considered Nauthiz and Runic work and that's meditation if I'm annoyed and burnt out on meditation and extremely bored to the point I'm always bored. That's a bad recipe if I can't even manage a 40-day working or some multi-day working. I guess you can say with my mind I run before walking.

I can relate to your situation on a deep level. I had a couple experiences with Satan years after dedicating yet I've lacked so much in consistency. Like you, I've mostly done cleaning and aura of protection. I've done a few RTRs and chakra openings yet I find them time consuming and I sometimes question their efficacy.

I think the problem for both of us is we lack in ability. The hardest part of Satanism is the starting phase. I can feel energy and direct it fairly well, but I can't see it and I can't quantify how powerful or effective it truly is. I can, however, visualize it being very powerful and effective. Whether it is or isn't should never be a point of focus.

Having a scientific/analytical mind is a double-edged sword. People like us tend to overthink, burn ourselves out and make little progress (spiritually) because of it.

I'm a person who only knows extremes. For years I've been obsessed with conspiracy theories and I've put all my focus/energy on learning. When I hear others on the internet talk about history I feel stupid, yet they simply put more focus on one thing while I put my focus on many other things. Some of them could even be University students while I personally cap out at about a grade 10 level.

Right now I research 90% of the time and meditate 10% of the time (if that).

I know for myself that I need to switch this around. I need to put my focus on meditation and limit things like Bitchute videos and articles. It may be worth checking in on current events here and there, but constantly trying to dissect lies from truth is a mad-man's journey. The blue light from my computer screen has also really messed up my sleep patterns.

I already know who the controlling hand is (the Reptillians, the Khazarian jews/zionists, the royal bloodlines, the Illuminati, the Vatican, the Committee of 300, banking elites, other cults and the seemingly endless number of cohorts). Trying to predict their every move and figure out the line that separates "them" from "us" in itself is a trap. There are lies upon lies and countless misdirects. Many random truthers even get killed (like Isaac Kappy) leaving a gaping mystery of things we may never know. When you really look at it so much of our world is run by intelligence operations (CIA, etc) who are co-opted with tech giants like Google. So much money is spent to keep us ignorant.

Me writing this is more or less a way for me to put things in perspective for myself. I will start getting serious with my meditation and I hope you give it a shot too. It may be unpleasant but it gets better; just like physical exercise or taking time to cook and eat healthy. All these things are challenging but they all improve our long-term health and happiness (mentally and spiritually).

It's almost like riding a bicycle. Taking off is the hardest part. We may even struggle and fall. Yet once you build momentum and maintain it, it becomes easier as you go. It's easy to give up and escape towards something more instant/fast-paced. Consider this: I learned from these forums that with enough advancement we can reach a state of "gnosis" where we can collect information from the source that everyone else is connected to. It's like being connected to the internet (24/7), and this internet contains all information. An alternative is getting microchipped, however this would control what you can or can't think and would limit the information you have access to, just like the internet does already to some extent.

The Gods have incredible knowledge. I've heard in some places that Satan is all-knowing. Knowledge is a major part of Satanism, yet it doesn't come to us merely through the physical. The way Maxine describes how she was directed and even corrected by the Gods during her research tells me that there's a much better way to go about it.

I hope this helps and I'm sorry to bombard you with a long-winded reply! :p
This is an excellent sermon, thank you. But I have a question. Is it "wrong" that I do prepare for worst case scenarios? Like right now I am taking precautions for nuclear war...

I know in my heart that I will be safe if I am faced with situations that I can't control, the Gods will protect me and my family so that I can carry on with my mission on Earth. The Gods have also reassured me of that as well. I have nothing to worry and I know this. But I like to be as independent as I can be. And if I can protect myself as much as I can, maybe the Gods don't have to spend so much energy/time on me and can help others who might be in a worse situation? That is how I see it anyway.

I obviously don't dwell too much on it and I don't have fear in me. But I do have a lot of supplies, survival skills, and plan to build a nuclear shelter and so on. I would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I think at this point nobody can predict what the kikes will do and we must prepare for all possibilities. One thing is certain best case scenario is an economic crisis coming - as someone has to pay for this war and we have to prepare for that as much as we can.

I am also trying to come up with a working to shield my house from radiation, however from a scientific perspective, gamma rays can go through electromagnetic energy. I still have to do some more research on that.
Islamic terrorism in kashmir that people are unawared of(because leftist have done their job well).Link : https://www.facebook.com/pushpendrakulshreshta/videos/634430717631304
Kashmir files (kashmir islamic terrorism) trailer with subtitles.Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A179apttY58
Gear88 said:
I just don't enjoy meditation nor do I feel I'm doing it right. Sure 40-day guide, sure members personal notes and guides. But it's not something enjoyable to me. It's like back in the previous decade I basically did whatever didn't even program or anything re-started getting into MerKaBa and did it for long periods of time.

I'd like to control my mind, reduce my thought streams, and focus on a subject or two. But I've badly trained my body for being against meditation. I'm not asking for a magick pill rather a feeling of enjoyment. Sheer fact is I don't enjoy meditation. It's why even nearing 2 decades that I've dedicated nothing really happened. I WAS at one point just cleaning, protection, maybe a breathing exercise and that is it. I've actually spent the last few years cleaning and protecting. But it's about as lame of a protection as possible.
This is mostly because you have a mental illness and take a prescription drug which greatly inhibits certain functions of the brain.

You can and should focus on simple things - even when those are not pleasant at surface. Ie.cleaning, protection and void meditation. Yoga would do good as well. There is no doubt about it.

Merkaba meditation does require a trance and you can not achieve it so that makes it mostly unfruitful endeavor.
Please family share this, this is not scam, it’s about enemy just to make them exposed more. https://youtube.com/shorts/7P9M48kdGnw?feature=share
To my Brothers and Sisters facing trouble with the RTRs, resistance, lack of focus, negativity, etc., please bear in mind that all these bad feelings come directly from the fucking enemy as they are always trying to fuck up your mind to manipulate you, weaken you, and so please remember we must not let the enemy manipulate us. Of course, all these tv, media, etc., are enemy's weapons to weaken us.

Maxine and Master Cobra have said many times that we must not force nothing. Let the workings work! And after all, RTRs are workings too. If you just try and relax you will see results you usually can't detect or perceive just because you are too busy worrying about absolutely nothing. You must KNOW that the results will show up, usualy when you less expect it.

It's funny how the enemy tries to convince people that you just need to buy a Samsung 22 to be forever happy, extremely successful and inmensely rich. Nonsense! And it is even funnier how many people believes it! :lol:
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
I just don't enjoy meditation nor do I feel I'm doing it right. Sure 40-day guide, sure members personal notes and guides. But it's not something enjoyable to me. It's like back in the previous decade I basically did whatever didn't even program or anything re-started getting into MerKaBa and did it for long periods of time.

I'd like to control my mind, reduce my thought streams, and focus on a subject or two. But I've badly trained my body for being against meditation. I'm not asking for a magick pill rather a feeling of enjoyment. Sheer fact is I don't enjoy meditation. It's why even nearing 2 decades that I've dedicated nothing really happened. I WAS at one point just cleaning, protection, maybe a breathing exercise and that is it. I've actually spent the last few years cleaning and protecting. But it's about as lame of a protection as possible.
This is mostly because you have a mental illness and take a prescription drug which greatly inhibits certain functions of the brain.

You can and should focus on simple things - even when those are not pleasant at surface. Ie.cleaning, protection and void meditation. Yoga would do good as well. There is no doubt about it.

Merkaba meditation does require a trance and you can not achieve it so that makes it mostly unfruitful endeavor.
Someone that does meditate everyday know how important it is. Gear is like he is saying that he does not like to eat or drink water because to me meditation is that important.

Gear follow our advice. You can reprogram your mind to like meditation and you can control your mind, at the end the decision is up to you, you know the truth and you know how real this is, its really a waste to not have a SS not advance spiritualy and help us fight this war. It won't be easy but it can be done.
BlackOnyx8 said:
This is an excellent sermon, thank you. But I have a question. Is it "wrong" that I do prepare for worst case scenarios? Like right now I am taking precautions for nuclear war...

I know in my heart that I will be safe if I am faced with situations that I can't control, the Gods will protect me and my family so that I can carry on with my mission on Earth. The Gods have also reassured me of that as well. I have nothing to worry and I know this. But I like to be as independent as I can be. And if I can protect myself as much as I can, maybe the Gods don't have to spend so much energy/time on me and can help others who might be in a worse situation? That is how I see it anyway.

I obviously don't dwell too much on it and I don't have fear in me. ...

No. The times are rough and possibly might be called even insane. People haven't had strange events like these for approximately 100 years time or more. Therefore, it is not "wrong".

The point here is to not become this whole negative event while you are at it and treat it as an externality, which it actually is. The Media and everyone want to manipulate people into becoming insane, sort of like they did with the Coronavirus.
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
I just don't enjoy meditation nor do I feel I'm doing it right. Sure 40-day guide, sure members personal notes and guides. But it's not something enjoyable to me. It's like back in the previous decade I basically did whatever didn't even program or anything re-started getting into MerKaBa and did it for long periods of time.

I'd like to control my mind, reduce my thought streams, and focus on a subject or two. But I've badly trained my body for being against meditation. I'm not asking for a magick pill rather a feeling of enjoyment. Sheer fact is I don't enjoy meditation. It's why even nearing 2 decades that I've dedicated nothing really happened. I WAS at one point just cleaning, protection, maybe a breathing exercise and that is it. I've actually spent the last few years cleaning and protecting. But it's about as lame of a protection as possible.
This is mostly because you have a mental illness and take a prescription drug which greatly inhibits certain functions of the brain.

You can and should focus on simple things - even when those are not pleasant at surface. Ie.cleaning, protection and void meditation. Yoga would do good as well. There is no doubt about it.

Merkaba meditation does require a trance and you can not achieve it so that makes it mostly unfruitful endeavor.

Just because I had a mental illness whatever that is. And just because I take pills does not mean it affects me. If anything I've been like this since the beginning. Sheer fact is to me I dedicated and dedicated for the sake of dedication. Sure I did a few beginners opener meditation back when I was 12 in 2003. But that was just doing whatever. I mostly just stuck around with my normal way of thinking and Satanifying things.

Frankly I didn't change till about 2016 when I began to read the external forums. Sure I did go through mental illness but that's not a reason.

I simply built this life out of whatever I studied and filled in the blanks. For example most of my education is learning about how "I personally feel Satanism is". After reading JoS and spending a bit of time on yahoo forums. I pretty much invented most of how Satanism is. Like I said it wasn't till after my mental health issues and really 2016 when I began to focus on learning what Satanism is. Still everything is logical it's why I keep a database of information in my head on HP.Cobra's teachings of Satanism. I guess I can state HIS personal teachings not really the JoS way.

Despite the fact HP.Cobra explains in general somehow I feel it's like it's his personal feeling. For example a few times HP.Cobra got pissed off at some people for talking some shit. I can relate, like George Lincoln Rockwell states "If your gonna be a Doctor be the most Fanatical Doctor". If your gonna be a JoS member or enter this organization you gotta be fanatical.

Personally if the Gods were around and educating people on this religion. I don't know if people or entities of higher power perform a sorta judiac action of teaching. One of the problems with judiasm that I see many people complain about unsuccessfully being unable to rid this desert schizophrenia is the fact they employ a pagan smokescreen in their teachings.

For example SATAN-ism is the teachings of a tree trunk of one entity. This entity created or engineered a seed to grow into a tree. But the various branches are off-shoots stuck to the tree producing various teachings. For example Thoth procuring Hermetical teaching. I don't know if Hermeticism is a byproduct of Humans studying religion and believing the teachings of one God but of the Heathen organization called Greek Mythology IS part of Greek Mythology or an offshoot.

I notice with xtians and jews and especially anti-semites they can't logically and I say illogically rather than logically. Rather feminine wise in the bisexuality of teachings of energy. They can't illogically eliminate judiasm and xtianity from their midst because they employ the Pagan-Heathen styles of teachings.

For example the war in Ukraine if you study books like 200 Years Together by Solzhenitsyn and pretty much any work from the enemy. Some of the most important kabalistic teachings and mental models come from the New Russ(Ukrainian) territories. For example at one point in the meme's thread there is a picture of Marx's heritage stating one of his paternal father's was the king of the kikes at one point. The rothschild of his era.

It's the same thing here in Satanism. I'm not sure if I'm memeing myself in a xtianistic way or in a natural way or just the way that I am perhaps subconscious ques from reality. But in essence as long as I knew that SS has Satanic and NS principles I merely concocted my own form of Satanism. It's akin to an O.R.I.O.N. Satanism, I merely created my own teachings based on a manuscript of Satanism pretty much right after dedicating. IF anything my friend recalls the times me talking about chakras and astral projection and all this occult stuff and he just said I never heard of these things and on top of that except having a strange teenage years nothing normal. My friend still recalls over email our conversation speaking on occult and talking about things most people don't even bother about nor care or care simply for talking shit.

In my fanatacism/Zealotry I created my own form of Satanism based on how I feel. Funny enough the more I studied the more I realize HP.Cobra/Maxine/Other HPs/ and prominent members like for example Stormblood is a good example. They all proved or intuitively confirmed to me the same thing. That Satanism has no bearing on being a kosher or xtian or some dupish system that is meant to destroy lives rather if every grouping of people from civilization followed a similar pattern until they fucked up and accepted the cloaked dagger of the jewish teachings cloaked in heathenism. Then I'm merely following a pattern of how a Gentile creates his own religion to escape the realities of the enemy.

I hate to put it like this but it reminds me of some jews and some xtians that unconsciously and physically expressing Heathen properties only to be called on it and them going rabba krast how can I state ebil, debil stuff.


Merkaba trance requirement.

Funny but your the second person to tell me I must BE in a trance to accomplish meditation. And yet I've had people reply to others or even a post of myself. State as long as you do the meditation it does something.

So your telling me every meditation UNLESS done in a trance does not work. IF so then it comes to show you that man was not meant for meditation. Unless I'm explicitly trained to be in a trance then meditation does not work. If that is the case I guess I never meditated a damn moment in my life.

But then questions become what is a trance or how does a human possibly enter one and all this huge line of questions.

I guess you can state I'm logicistally trying to enter a trance. But again at the end of the day if I can't do it it proves Satanism is not meant for man. This is gonna sound extreme but if the Gods are coming then in 20 years when they arrive they can teach me.

Funny it's the same with astral projection knowing about it since 1999 when I was 9 years old and yet only dream projections or false positives. I've never consciously AP'd.


Frankly it gets into position to understand if the occult is fake maybe it works for some people maybe for others it doesn't work.

I guess in the end man wasn't meant to be in the occult or something. If so many people disbelieve and have worthless shitty lives hell you can probably put a few rounds from a gun into them and their life and death is about as pointless as pointlessness can be.
Gear88 said:
8ScintillantSol8 said:

Yes after re-reading my post and reading yours. Unfortunately I vented I promised myself I would avoid long posts. I simply wanted to know if the Gods think. Of course it seems foolish not too but I think it might not be the way we Humans think rather it's more than that.

Either way thanks for the post informative. Your right on meditation being the new thing in everyone's lives. I've noticed over the past 12 or so years meditation being pushed as a cure-all-magick-pill. Problem is some people have negative reactions to it even simple mindfulness has made some people go off the deep end. Sounds extreme but except clickbaity fearmongering articles the few that cater to such studies do indicate some people aren't meant for it.

As for meditation doing a 180 to you great. Fantastic if you dropped then returned great but unfortunately even basic mediation program is kinda rough. I recall Blitzkreig putting up an interesting meditation guide that can be followed after the 40 days.

I guess my issue is burning out and feeling like I'm wasting time. For example performing nearly 100 vibrations of 7-10 vibrations max into the 7 main + 3/Eye + Pineal wears me out in a conscious way. It's nice and all the first day or two but afterwards it's like "ugh spending 15-20 minutes pumping into them. Same for Yoga I guess because it acts on the physical body it makes me feel like spending the time to do it is a waste.

I just don't enjoy meditation nor do I feel I'm doing it right. Sure 40-day guide, sure members personal notes and guides. But it's not something enjoyable to me. It's like back in the previous decade I basically did whatever didn't even program or anything re-started getting into MerKaBa and did it for long periods of time.

I'd like to control my mind, reduce my thought streams, and focus on a subject or two. But I've badly trained my body for being against meditation. I'm not asking for a magick pill rather a feeling of enjoyment. Sheer fact is I don't enjoy meditation. It's why even nearing 2 decades that I've dedicated nothing really happened. I WAS at one point just cleaning, protection, maybe a breathing exercise and that is it. I've actually spent the last few years cleaning and protecting. But it's about as lame of a protection as possible.

Honestly sometimes I ask myself why some of the members post stuff on being attacked or sensing an attack or whatever. I honestly do not think they are being attacked or if they are I don't think it's even direct at them more like a shotgun approach.

I don't want to say JoS is fake IF people have had life changing results great for them. But for me I just stay the same. For me life changing is like for example feeling a strong chakric feeling or some emanation or something. Either way I know meditation is good. I've studied this phenomena for many years. But it's just mental curiosity theorycrafting really.

I have read of people who state don't half-ass but don't consider speedy meditation or half-assed meditation as out of the question. IF you can't do it for long try a short session and get the movement going. I just do not have ANY motivation whatsoever to meditate. And yes I have considered Nauthiz and Runic work and that's meditation if I'm annoyed and burnt out on meditation and extremely bored to the point I'm always bored. That's a bad recipe if I can't even manage a 40-day working or some multi-day working. I guess you can say with my mind I run before walking.

Me and many others have written to you to just stick with the basics, cleaning void aop yoga. With time your perception will change. The power meditations that you tryed are selfdestructive for you at this point. You are putting power into a dirty and faulty engine. First you need to clean it and repair it, only after that you can start powering it up.

You are completely ignoring the average member and only focusing and comparing yourslef with members who had multiple lives(where they have been advancing) and are advanced. You want to lift 200kg and you never before set foot into a gym.

You are thinking too much and you are not doing enough. The basics should take you 1 hour a day max.

And no it is never to late to start again. I dedicated 10 years ago but only 2 years ago i started meditating, not a week goes by where i dont think to myself how far would i have gotten if i stayed on the path from the beginning.

Step by step, day by day and next time I will start meditating at 12 y old.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The point here is to not become this whole negative event while you are at it and treat it as an externality, which it actually is. The Media and everyone want to manipulate people into becoming insane, sort of like they did with the Coronavirus.

I agree, from my own experience of having been on the other side of this by giving in to the fear, I can say that there is a whole negative energy that surrounds all of this, I can't really describe it properly, but once you tap into that and let it take control of you, bad things start happening. I experienced this a while ago, there was a tsunami alert, and I allowed myself be controlled by the media and some friends I had at the time who were basically panicking as well, a lot of unrelated bad events happened to me. I learned my lesson that day and learned to disconnect from this fear. It serves no purpose. In the months that followed I also learned a valuable lesson which is to have faith in the Gods and in my own abilities, both spiritual and physical.

The Gods appreciate this and constantly give me more and more reasons to hold on tight to this faith which grows stronger by the day. I not always understand what the signs mean, but I know they are watching and guiding me every step of the way, leading me to what I need to do. Certain things are so blatant that there is no doubt whatsoever that they are taking care of me.

I don't say this to brag or whatever, but as a testimony for others who might be struggling like I was some time ago, to just relax and focus on the Gods and all will start unfolding and things that were thought to be impossible will actually become a reality.
Gear88 said:
So is meditation i.e. mental conditioning meditations and power meditations the ability to raise levels. A sort of robotic blank minded action? In other words as we grow in power are we supposed to be progressively thoughtless and keep our thoughts to a minimum?

For example the Gods do they think? do they dwell on things? do they contemplate? for example say a God doesn't know something does by reading an article or a book or studying some logical device to understand do they end up creating reality/ies generating said thing?

I do not think the mental strengthening/conditioning aspects of spiritual advancement ascribe to progressing towards a "thoughtless" state of being and in fact the contrary. The point of this is to maintain a higher sense of conscious sentiment and to not be completely driven by our emotions. Otherwise one would be slaves driven by impulse and stimuli, like basically leaving our mind on auto-pilot, in turn, making one the equivalent of a zombie with barely any sentience to the actions we make. The purpose of this is what essentially makes us "human" and is what really separates us in the category of an animal.

There was another sermon about this I think, but most people who go to work, especially with careers that involve repetitive actions, have a strong tendency to be in this thoughtless, robotic state. In order to cope with this state, they become dependent on emotional stimuli, ex. having the mind in alternate realities, day dreaming etc... It was said one should ideally avoid this tendency, one could focus on their work, their chakras or anything that involves positivity and bettering the mind.

The purpose of void meditation is also to maintain mental strength so that we have control of our emotions and are not driven by them blindly.
Gear88 said:
Just because I had a mental illness whatever that is. And just because I take pills does not mean it affects me.
It would not be a honest statement to say that these things do not affect you. I know how it is since I've had my share of that. Don't take it the wrong way. It's just the way it is and you play with the cards you have been dealt.
HP Thank you!🙏🔥 Hail Satan!!!
BrightSpace666 said:
It was good to read this post as well as the others. Many times we don't think about what a treasure Knowledge is, what an advantage to have. There are so many lies, slander and fabrications about the Real Truth just to keep people ignorant.

I would like to write a few thoughts about you - it's fantastic how much Knowledge you have, it's fantastic how much determination you have, and to pass that Knowledge and experience on to us is fantastic.

Sometimes it amazes me how someone, a Human Being, can have Knowledge like you have, not least that this person is one of us and is with us forever. You deserve great praise Mr, shine forever!

Thanks for all the positive comments. I am glad to be of help. Keep up the good work.

Fanboy said:
BrightSpace666 said:
It was good to read this post as well as the others. Many times we don't think about what a treasure Knowledge is, what an advantage to have. There are so many lies, slander and fabrications about the Real Truth just to keep people ignorant.

I would like to write a few thoughts about you - it's fantastic how much Knowledge you have, it's fantastic how much determination you have, and to pass that Knowledge and experience on to us is fantastic.

Sometimes it amazes me how someone, a Human Being, can have Knowledge like you have, not least that this person is one of us and is with us forever. You deserve great praise Mr, shine forever!

I was listening back on one of Maxine older audio sermons where she was talking about secret black magic mantras that are impossible to remove with any conventional purification or meditation.

That can't even be spoken when using black magic because they destroy the caster aswell, this being the basis of the 3 fold law in which the Wiccan and jews say that any black magic you do against others will come back 3x against you.

She said that she was going to soon reveal the secret to removing immovable curse build up. Then she published the rtrs.

It's secret Knowledge like this, that can make impossible things into a possibility that are especially valuable. With the joy of Satan we certainly have our work cut out for us.

Yes, I am aware of that. In fact, black magic is not exactly for beginners. There are many things to take into account in this kind of work, not to mention the planetary positions, the position of the moon, these can be crucial.

A lot of times the Magic fails because the Moon is in the wrong sign, a sign that is the opposite of Black Magic, and planetary positions play a part, a lot.

Yes, I remember the Sermon. In fact, even us SS's have to be careful when doing Black Magic. Some mantras or words in Magic can be dangerous even to us. I used to read a book by a former high priest and he said many important things.

Thorough preparation prevents problems, he said something like this. And yes, indeed - one must be prepared, both spiritually and mentally for such work. It takes strength to be able to control the enormous energy that is put into such work. Not to mention if this energy is grey/black energy.

With a focused mind and a strong will we can do it.
Blue said:
To my Brothers and Sisters facing trouble with the RTRs, resistance, lack of focus, negativity, etc., please bear in mind that all these bad feelings come directly from the fucking enemy as they are always trying to fuck up your mind to manipulate you, weaken you, and so please remember we must not let the enemy manipulate us. Of course, all these tv, media, etc., are enemy's weapons to weaken us.

Maxine and Master Cobra have said many times that we must not force nothing. Let the workings work! And after all, RTRs are workings too. If you just try and relax you will see results you usually can't detect or perceive just because you are too busy worrying about absolutely nothing. You must KNOW that the results will show up, usualy when you less expect it.

It's funny how the enemy tries to convince people that you just need to buy a Samsung 22 to be forever happy, extremely successful and inmensely rich. Nonsense! And it is even funnier how many people believes it! :lol:

Thank you Blue for writing this. You're exactly right, everything that distracts us from this path is from the fucking enemy. I get trapped watching conspiracy theory videos which, albeit informative, leave me worrying too much about external things. An example is the dollar possibly crashing, a chance of WW3 being started by media/politicians and the potential cyber attacks under the false-flag of Russia. It was interesting that Putin was removed from the "Young Global Leaders" list on the WEF website. Around the same time they also took down the Cyber Polygon page.

I think I'd be better off spending 30 minutes finding articles/websites than spending 2-4 hours watching videos. I should reserve videos as a treat for the weekend.

Now that I think about it 85% of the world is religious. Most people on these websites are new age and xians. Max Igan and Jeff Berwick are two prime examples of new-agers.

Fuck their new-age ideologies. So much rambling about being "one with god-consciousness" while constantly bashing the NPCs. It's just entertainment with some useful information laced in here and there and this information mostly comes from their viewers. Jeff Berwick is also a major shill. He talks about how you need to spend hundreds of dollars on his courses to learn how to go dark while living only on crypto.

This is practical for someone with lots of money living in a country that supports crypto, but for us middle to lowerclass folk it's not. I'll put my faith in the Gods and focus on improving myself spiritually. Max Igan is right about one thing - we are in a spiritual war.

Thanks for reminding me on what side we're on brother and sorry for rambling. :?
I don't know how to be happy, actually I think this is not even possible in my weird life.

So the problem is I'm Humanitarian and everything that is against Humanity piss me off :lol:

Most of the time I'm pissed at everything and everyone who's none SS. It's hard to live a life as a non Vaccinated and be an outcast of the society.. Everyone in my family did get vaxxed beside myself. It feels strange and alone to know the vax is not healthy, dangerous for your immune system while everyone around you accepts it with open arms and treat you luke an alien.

All i want to be happy, is the end of our enemies, maybe an Utopia type of lifestyle or world..justice, order, no more corruption, no more poverty etc.. is that too much to ask :lol:

Anyone has similar problem and if yes, what you do to become healthier?

Beside meditating because each time I advance, things around me gets worse and worse. People become angry and even more aggressive for unknown reason but when i stop meditating, everyone is nice, polite like if some entities are controlling them. Am i the only one experiencing this?
Thank you for this extremely uplifting advice and reminder. I have a side income online business that requires interaction with online people and I attract horrible people on a daily basis, you can tell they are completely unspiritual, self obsessed andrapoda, but I was forced to keep social media because they are a source of advertisement and clients. Many days lately I felt hopeless, like their narcissistic demands contaminate my inner peace and I tried to block/ignore the thoughts, because instead of the things I should be thinking (like tasks to do), I was thinking about their entitlement, attempts to scam me, freeloading etc. Unless I meditate for a long time it starts harming me physically and spiritually, but that is not always possible.

After reading your post I realized that the real power would be to transition to real life work only and never have to deal with them again. I know this is extremely hard, but even the idea of not having to deal with social media vermin and reclaim my personal power gives me hope. The people obsessed with them, scrolling all day..stalking..they carry some form of spiritual disease.

I know of a guy online who is a tumblr blogger (who is even using that anymore), who is obsessed with two male Chinese celebrities that filmed a drama years ago together and there was a strong rumor they are a gay couple and he created an entire blog to stalk them and analyze every little move and post they make and it's been 3 years... I asked him once why doesn't he do something better and he insulted and blocked me. And this guy has a big following of similar andrapoda who make posts like ''man A wore a Dior hood in September'' and ''man B also wore a similar Dior hood in February'', here is the photo proof, wow, they must really be a couple sending us a hidden message to support them (!) Ironically the blogger's entire family is extremely anti-gay xtians. Imagine being that far gone...

But ok that was off topic, as others said, please post more posts like this, we could really use the advice and help, thank you.
Gear88 said:


By advancing ourselves, we open ourselves up to truly sense and comprehend the world around us. This is seen in descriptions of Scorpio placed on Mercury, for example, as the intuitive side of the soul can pierce through facts and find the truth.

Thinking only works for finding relationships between pre-existing knowledge. Intuitive sensations help one to find and synthesize new knowledge. A combination of thinking and intuition is seen through Aquarius energy and the Dagaz rune, which represents genius insights.

HPS Maxine and others get their insights both from the Gods and through their own spiritually-based experiences, so I would be careful placing so much weight on your own thoughts if you are trying to make conclusive statements with them.

The Occult and Humanity

The occult is part of our existence just as anything is. The only reason we feel separated from it is due to the enemy. Given how easy your mind can output energy, this is not any different from the ease at which you can move your hands. The only difference is you can see and sense your hands moving since those have yet to be disabled by curses.

Do not worry about other people, because this will change as humanity, as a whole, advances. The removal of curses, the positive karma generated from advancement, as well as the eventual return of society to SS principles will all ensure humanity wakes up. Whether this takes 50 or 100 years, it is destined to occur.

But, this is all dependent on our success now, and this is why it is critical for everyone to be trying as hard as possible. This is also why we need all SS working, including yourself. Maybe you don't feel like it, but you are still a valuable gem relative to the rest of the world.

Waiting for the Gods

The Gods are always guiding and teaching us, but you have to first try the activities for them to subsequently guide you. Also, you should know that from your experience, you will be able to learn and therefore judge the success of your methods.

What do you suppose the Gods will teach you in 20 years that they cannot do now? You can ask them now if you were performing the trance right and still get your answer. When the Gods are here, they may not be right in your bedroom with you. The situation will be the same as now, and the Gods will simply tell you to do the same activities we are saying to do.

Answering your Questions on Meditation

A trance is not 100% necessary for beginner activities, but it certainly helps a lot. Furthermore, a trance is basically only bodily relaxation, so if you tried to do it, you definitely entered a light trance. You felt your body feel heavy, correct? Focused on a falling sensation? I pretend there is a weight tied to my butt, pulling me downward in my seat.

To me, it sounds like you are focused more on quick results and less on continually trying to do the activities. This is common for those who have overactive minds, including me. You have to focus on earth energy and Nauthiz for success here.

I would recommend inhaling earth, programming it to either balance you in all ways, or help you meditate easier. This should likely be done daily. Likewise, if you start using Nauthiz, program it to help you both "now and permanently" be disciplined with your advancement routine, so you get immediate benefits.

Read this post on using energy to make your advancement easier: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=327648#p327648

For you to not become bored or procrastinate (which to me is an earth-based failure), it is crucial that you focus on beginner level activities, including lots of yoga asanas which are very easy to do, yet drastically increase your power.

I understand that you may be frustrated here, or beset by many thoughts and questions, but it is very critical that you begin and continue to advance starting now. We are always here for you, but you also must put in the effort. Overtheorizing about your situation, as opposed to doing the actions you know will help you, is only harming you now. Yet, your mind will become your best tool, when it is supported by meditations.

Good luck.
Florina 22 said:
There are no problems with watching TV or staying too much on social media. I haven't anything like that. But lately, because of uncontrollable thoughts, I've started watching movies (which is not a habit but I feel it is becoming because is the only way I can completely stop my thoughts) more and more because it's the only way I can stop my thoughts or that voice I keep hearing. But my biggest and most serious problem is my own mind. My mind don't listen me. I can't control my thoughts everything I do and I wouldn't understand this if it weren't the sermons and advice I received here. Maybe the book recommended here will help me to at least calm it down a bit. I appreciate the sermons and the advice gave me, they helped me not to go crazy at all (although I took it a little) ... but at least they helped me to keep calm.

Are you hearing voices like someone else's voice? Or is it just your own thoughts being wild? If everything stops when you distract yourself, this sounds like the problem is coming from yourself, not outside.

You should try to close your astral hearing chakras and see if that helps any external voices.


Also, try breathing in a small amount of earth, then program it to calm your mind, in a healthy manner only.

You may have other astrological placements which can make your mind wild. This would show in air placements or certain aspects of your mercury.

As far as physically, you should do that hatha yoga routine and alternate nose breathing. Both will significantly calm and balance your body, and mind by extension.

Hatha yoga: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w2yd6kb6zwf0qe5/KUNDALINI%20%26%20HATHA%20YOGA%20ROUTINE.zip?dl=1

Lastly, void is crucial and every time you try it, you still make progress. You will not get a perfectly calm mind after doing it once, but maybe every 2 weeks you will see a noticeable change. Do not give up on your void, which is a critical foundation of meditation.

Re-read this page on it: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Void_Meditation.html

Good luck!
Speaking of inner life I thought of this lecture. Just take the good points from it if you listen to it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BrightSpace666 said:
It was good to read this post as well as the others. Many times we don't think about what a treasure Knowledge is, what an advantage to have. There are so many lies, slander and fabrications about the Real Truth just to keep people ignorant.

I would like to write a few thoughts about you - it's fantastic how much Knowledge you have, it's fantastic how much determination you have, and to pass that Knowledge and experience on to us is fantastic.

Sometimes it amazes me how someone, a Human Being, can have Knowledge like you have, not least that this person is one of us and is with us forever. You deserve great praise Mr, shine forever!

Thanks for all the positive comments. I am glad to be of help. Keep up the good work.


I would really like to read an in-depth writing from you specifically about our Kundalini Force, if you find the time.
I am not a spiritual satanist, but I do believe that we are all born into this world spiritually blind. We have no idea what our true purpose is here on earth until we open ourselves up to the spirit realm. When we do, we begin to understand who we truly are and what our true purpose is. Once we know our true purpose, we can then begin to live out our lives accordingly. Birthday astrology
BrightSpace666 said:
Fanboy said:
BrightSpace666 said:
It was good to read this post as well as the others. Many times we don't think about what a treasure Knowledge is, what an advantage to have. There are so many lies, slander and fabrications about the Real Truth just to keep people ignorant.

I would like to write a few thoughts about you - it's fantastic how much Knowledge you have, it's fantastic how much determination you have, and to pass that Knowledge and experience on to us is fantastic.

Sometimes it amazes me how someone, a Human Being, can have Knowledge like you have, not least that this person is one of us and is with us forever. You deserve great praise Mr, shine forever!

I was listening back on one of Maxine older audio sermons where she was talking about secret black magic mantras that are impossible to remove with any conventional purification or meditation.

That can't even be spoken when using black magic because they destroy the caster aswell, this being the basis of the 3 fold law in which the Wiccan and jews say that any black magic you do against others will come back 3x against you.

She said that she was going to soon reveal the secret to removing immovable curse build up. Then she published the rtrs.

It's secret Knowledge like this, that can make impossible things into a possibility that are especially valuable. With the joy of Satan we certainly have our work cut out for us.

Yes, I am aware of that. In fact, black magic is not exactly for beginners. There are many things to take into account in this kind of work, not to mention the planetary positions, the position of the moon, these can be crucial.

A lot of times the Magic fails because the Moon is in the wrong sign, a sign that is the opposite of Black Magic, and planetary positions play a part, a lot.

Yes, I remember the Sermon. In fact, even us SS's have to be careful when doing Black Magic. Some mantras or words in Magic can be dangerous even to us. I used to read a book by a former high priest and he said many important things.

Thorough preparation prevents problems, he said something like this. And yes, indeed - one must be prepared, both spiritually and mentally for such work. It takes strength to be able to control the enormous energy that is put into such work. Not to mention if this energy is grey/black energy.

With a focused mind and a strong will we can do it.

The wiccan 3 fold law is a lie that discourages people from executing justice or taking revenge. Don't make it sound like its all powerful and true because it is not.

If you doubt yourself and your abilities or the result or outcome, you are sabotaging yourself. You must be absolutely certain of the outcome. This is witchcraft 101.

If you believe you will be hurt by black magic you are inviting that result upon yourself to begin with.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BrightSpace666 said:
It was good to read this post as well as the others. Many times we don't think about what a treasure Knowledge is, what an advantage to have. There are so many lies, slander and fabrications about the Real Truth just to keep people ignorant.

I would like to write a few thoughts about you - it's fantastic how much Knowledge you have, it's fantastic how much determination you have, and to pass that Knowledge and experience on to us is fantastic.

Sometimes it amazes me how someone, a Human Being, can have Knowledge like you have, not least that this person is one of us and is with us forever. You deserve great praise Mr, shine forever!

Thanks for all the positive comments. I am glad to be of help. Keep up the good work.


I would really like to read an in-depth writing from you specifically about our Kundalini Force, if you find the time.
I agree with you. Please HP...
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=333394 time=1647050438 user_id=21286]
Florina 22 said:
There are no problems with watching TV or staying too much on social media. I haven't anything like that. But lately, because of uncontrollable thoughts, I've started watching movies (which is not a habit but I feel it is becoming because is the only way I can completely stop my thoughts) more and more because it's the only way I can stop my thoughts or that voice I keep hearing. But my biggest and most serious problem is my own mind. My mind don't listen me. I can't control my thoughts everything I do and I wouldn't understand this if it weren't the sermons and advice I received here. Maybe the book recommended here will help me to at least calm it down a bit. I appreciate the sermons and the advice gave me, they helped me not to go crazy at all (although I took it a little) ... but at least they helped me to keep calm.

Are you hearing voices like someone else's voice? Or is it just your own thoughts being wild? If everything stops when you distract yourself, this sounds like the problem is coming from yourself, not outside.

You should try to close your astral hearing chakras and see if that helps any external voices.


Also, try breathing in a small amount of earth, then program it to calm your mind, in a healthy manner only.

You may have other astrological placements which can make your mind wild. This would show in air placements or certain aspects of your mercury.

As far as physically, you should do that hatha yoga routine and alternate nose breathing. Both will significantly calm and balance your body, and mind by extension.

Hatha yoga: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w2yd6kb6zwf0qe5/KUNDALINI%20%26%20HATHA%20YOGA%20ROUTINE.zip?dl=1

Lastly, void is crucial and every time you try it, you still make progress. You will not get a perfectly calm mind after doing it once, but maybe every 2 weeks you will see a noticeable change. Do not give up on your void, which is a critical foundation of meditation.

Re-read this page on it: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Void_Meditation.html

Good luck!

I'm just an idiot. It was just my mind and inability to control it. And the fact that going through those ugly things in my head I panicked because I know the consequences ... That voice is just the voice of my mind. I couldn't calm her down at the right time and I went crazy. .I kept stressing and trying to figure out why I was going to hear all those things that didn't make any sense anyway. I got into some feelings of guilt and from there I had nothing to do. I couldn't control my thoughts anymore. Now I know what to do .... Empowerment meditations is the answer and the only solution to get out of all this madness I went into. I finally understood. I was trying to fight these thoughts, believing that this is how I would overcome them and eliminate them. .but it doesn't work that way all I had to do was just ignore them. I was trying to understand how and why they were created. It does not work that way. They just need to be ignored. .

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
