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How To Advance Faster: Example of Cleaning The Soul

A very good sermon, thanks. If you keep a record of your meditations and progress in a satanic journal that will also certainly help.
Thanks for the reminder, got angry and sad these days and doing "my best" to advance, just overdid for a long time and didn't want to do anything just sit and paly and listen to music and watch anime o.o I also had to learn the hard way in other areas like the physical part, the "psychiatric medication" in the beginning i thought they are just meds, but shit o.o when i found out i was tricked i jumped right out the window of my home.. SHIT.... now i use ropes and tools to get out.. shit atleast now it's pleasnt XD I'm on a low dose now by the way.

Just a reminder. If there are others with these kind of drugs go very slow, 10% or slower (i go slower and it works) and use an anti drug formula slowly and smartly.

And to clarify some things i always was against drugs and smoking and i still am, bad things happened because of forceful meditation and because i wasn't aware that these are drugs, i was doing yoga forcefully and wasn't doing enough protection only very little and wasnt improving it to do more, to an optimal speed of course.
A very good sermon, thanks. If you keep a record of your meditations and progress in a satanic journal that will also certainly help.
Thanks, the satanic progress journal is a really good idea. I once did something similar for a dream journal. Over time, I was no longer able to write down the many dream scenes I experienced in one night because there were simply too many. So I got myself a dictaphone and after waking up, I recorded everything in it.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

In other posts there is a tendency to discuss those who do not do a much or anything at all. That's because these people need more help to get up and solve certain issues, for their own sake first and foremost.

Now in regard to those who are doing a lot and have taken the path and walk it, there are a few factors to consider. These factors here are how you can know if you are overdoing it, so you can cut back a little bit and not fry yourself.

The path is supposed to keep you at a good shape. If you fry, you are not in good shape.

There is a common misconception that if you do crazy amounts of things you will evolve faster. But if you do too much to the point that if you fry, you will be fried and not evolved. The delicate balance here is to press limits when the time is right, and not constantly be on the verge of collapse.

So here is a list of symptoms to know if you are being extremely pressed. If you have a very demanding life, these can also factor in.

1. A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.

2. The above might be coupled with depression, or very sudden changes in mood. Cloud nine one time, then crashing down.

3. If one has depressive tendencies or extreme energy demand in their lives, the above can combine.

4. Meditation should not be pursued like a mad-man chasing things all the time. It should be seen as a form of nutrition to the self. If you are depleted, you must start feeding a hungry person (the soul in this case) bit by bit. Shoving food down the throat of a person who cannot eat, will result in expulsion of said food. But slowly giving the soul food over time (until it restored it's faculty to be fed) is the correct way to go.

5. Doing extremely long hours of meditation, can have opposite effect of frying. Frying will be characterised as staying on top limits all the time, and then a major crash will follow. One must end their meditations on a pleasant note, not feeling like you raised a thousand boulders. This cannot be the constant feeling. This can be done once in a while to push certain limits, or on demanding situations.

Knowing your limits is not always very easy, but if you pay attention to signs like the above, they can be a good compass. If you are doing meditation on the amount you need, it will be like pleasantly drinking water and maybe sometimes being a little too full. But it will not be like you want to puke ten gallons of water. If one feels extreme pressures of this nature, it means the body has not yet adjusted to higher levels of bioelectricity, and that one must cut back.

To take an example of cleansing meditation. One wants to gradually start dealing with certain things let's say revolving around fear, or blockages, or freeing one's soul. Let's say you want to resolve a psychological problem, and you want to start cleaning the soul.

Clearly one wants to do this "Quickly" as the nature of humans is to want instanteneous solutions to want to end certain blockages as early as possible. That is understandable.

If one does too much cleaning, in the same way that one cleans a material and they clean it so much they scrap pieces out of it, one is not going "Faster", they are just destroying this material. Symptoms in the case here would include for example, depression or sadness that is so overwhelming and so bad, that it can reach disabling extents.

Like being a plumber which must un-clog a tunnel, you must pay attention to open the tunnel up gradually so the blocking materials can come out. First one is notified on the pipe that it is blocked in the sense that it does not get water in; then you watch there is hair and other trash inside the tunnel.

If you give a powerful hit on the soul, or in this example, the water tunnel, the water pipe can break and the bathroom will become a mess. A lot more negativity might come out than what one can handle. While one might think the power tool will always solve this issue, that is in many cases NOT the case. I learned this the HARD way, so I am sharing here with everyone else.

Little by little one must take the sludge out. The bigger bucket [your tolerance to energy, and your ability to self control] the more things you can pull out, step by step, until the dross is gone.

Of course warnings like the above due to conspiracy theories that want me to be an asshole that wants to delay anything, is something some will not heed. These people will take the sledgehammer and go break down the hole pipe. But then the result is that you will likely have a lot more work to do after this. Things will become really messy.

This mess might range from making the bathroom disgusting and costing you much more time to fix with sludge all over the bathroom. Even in the case of PTSD and other patients with traumatic experience, care, love and patience is required to take the pains out. No man has improved via the sledgehammer.

Those who use the sledgehammer, are oftentimes very good in construction (means they have prior experience, they can use it). Using a sledgehammer to put something on the wall of your house is also not recommended. That's to give a visual on how one should approach meditation with measure.

Driving all the issues out on one go, will not only not take these issues out, but will rather multiply the issues one already has [lack of control]. In cases like the above, imagine if one starts reliving the PTSD event slowly, bit by bit, and putting in the puzzle together, or instead having the whole torrent of the problem hit them on the head, straight up. That will be far worse than the slower method; one is being very much delayed by this.

While you could have gradually and carefully finished this little by little by the use of a bucket. It's better to go slowly here, than to go fast. Because if one wants to go brutal and fast and the accident I describe above happens, then you will have a lot more work to do - and far nastier work.

The above is actually the fastest way, because the more you avoid the risks which are beyond management, the LESS time you will spend. I speak from experience of having used sledgehammers many times in my progression, and having to go back and repair whole pipes as a result. I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.

Sledgehammer, in this case, major pressure, should be used only when the need warrants it, not with everything. I learned from my mistakes. It felt cool to use a sledgehammer but it was not supposed to be used to put a delicate bolt on the wall. Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.

Moderate speed and gradual, continuous, is oftentimes the fastest and the best way to solve many issues, succeed in workings, and attain major breakthroughs in your progression.

One does not need to fry themselves to succeed, just be repetitive and consistent in the work. And the work will happen because of this, and very successfully so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
What happens when there are a huge amount of curses and layers of binds in your soul and you are forced to do a large amount of FRTRs and continuous deep cleansing every day to be able to remove it all?
Thanks, the satanic progress journal is a really good idea. I once did something similar for a dream journal. Over time, I was no longer able to write down the many dream scenes I experienced in one night because there were simply too many. So I got myself a dictaphone and after waking up, I recorded everything in it.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
Awesome, did you get any value from writing and recording your dreams? I've done that in the past but not to the extent you have.

Also with the journalling I find it helpful to have a weekly review, mostly a reflection on the previous week and how I can improve for the following week, exploring different ways of doing things or thinking about what can be "leveled up".
Thank you Hp. I think being consistent in the meditation routine, and slowly and gradually progressing, is very important.
There is a lot of Wisdom in this post, thank you HP for sharing this, yes I learned in the hard way too.

I remember last April when we had the schedule I was doing like 10 things together including the schedule works AOP squares and others so I was doing this for about 6-7 hours everyday and I was doing a lot of things like activities and others, my energy was too high to the point I was only sleeping for 5-6 hours and I was unable to sleep with out masturbating, I was a fucking nuclear reactor (I am still)

My question is" is that was good or not, because I didn't have any of what you mentioned above like anger depression and other things, I was very active and happy, and another question is if I did few works like AOP because it's very basic and let's say square and other work is it better and the end goal will be with more quality.

I remember HPS Maxine said we must take this work on the Soul with attention carefully and slowly but as you said how can I know my limits.

I am very proud of myself and proud of what I have achieve but also sometimes I feel like I am nothing in front of the Gods wisdom and power like I am ignorant and fool, I think I should do void meditation as basic.

Off topic please can we have RTR schedule 🥲⚡🔥
No plz🤣, God Ritual instead
Awesome, did you get any value from writing and recording your dreams? I've done that in the past but not to the extent you have.

Also with the journalling I find it helpful to have a weekly review, mostly a reflection on the previous week and how I can improve for the following week, exploring different ways of doing things or thinking about what can be "leveled up".
Yes, it has indeed helped me a lot to work with a dream diary. I constantly wrote down everything that came to me after sleep for a whole year. Over the course of this year, the sequences I remembered became more and more vivid and longer, so that after about half a year I bought myself a dictaphone. I noticed that I had more than 15 dream sequences in one night, which were very vivid, right down to every single conversation.

I came into contact with many beings who showed me other worlds and advised me not to invade anyone's privacy without permission. Of course, I was also shown a lot about myself, which was sometimes pleasant and sometimes unpleasant. As I was in the process of transcribing writings for a Saturn lodge I was in at the time, I was also shown old writings that were completely unknown to me, which I then actually found and was able to process.

Because even recording the contents of my dreams with a dictaphone ended up being a lot, I stopped recording after a year. As a result, I slipped very much into the astral world and was often unable to cope adequately with my tasks in this physical world, although I did everything excellently.

In reality, one night it happened in such a way that I woke up very briefly after each dream sequence and, half asleep, saw the scene and the conversation in front of me and immediately spoke into the dictaphone. I ended up doing this 15 times in one night. Of course, I still have the tapes and their contents.

However, as these were often very personal conversations and scenes, I don't want to reproduce them verbatim here.

However, the ability to remember the dream sequences very vividly and intensively has remained with me and I could, if I wanted to, deepen it again immediately.

Contact with the other world has never really been broken off since then.

When the process of roughly drafting three extensive writings for the Saturn Lodge had recently been completed, I was led back to the JoS website, which I first came across in 2015, but then discarded again because I only dealt with it superficially and was put off by words such as demons and Satan etc. I then found the Saturn Lodge in 2016, where I continued to develop, only to be led back to JoS in the end. Today I know that I was always looking for this spiritual home and I will in all probability leave Saturn Lodge as an important transitional phase.

Interestingly, as I am currently practicing the Final RTRs 3in1 every day, the attacks of the Jews against me in my dreams have intensified. I often have terrible nightmares where they chase after me and try to curse me. I then wake up very briefly, plead with Father Satan and ask him to protect me from these attacks and then also experience this in my other dreams. This has been going on for a few days now. At the same time, I receive the unexpected gift of being able to vibrate the RTRs even better during the day. I then feel a wonderful energy that overwhelms my whole body like a powerful wave of emotion. The ritual for Azazel and the opening of the 6th chakra have been the absolute highlight so far. I could clearly sense Azazel's presence. With my eyes closed, an image of him lit up very briefly. I felt wonderfully at peace, pleasantly calm and full of harmony. I love his sigil. It speaks to me immediately. I've actually had it on a large banner since I joined the Saturn Lodge. I could also clearly feel the 6th chakra now. The pineal gland felt and feels soft and warm and pulsates very regularly.

Yesterday I started to create the diary for my spiritual progress. The first instructions came to me during the night. I thank Father Satan for this.

May his name be praised for all eternity. May he once again become and be the rightful ruler of this and other worlds.

If you want to delve deeper into the dream yourself, I can only advise you to do it consistently for a whole year with a diary. The magic word is: regularity and continuity. It's like a good workout. Build everything up slowly and always stay on the ball. This is the only way to avoid strong fluctuations.
Oh yes, and what else I have discovered: When I drastically reduce my consumption of movies, which I only watch via a projector, I strangely awaken my own spiritual abilities enormously.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
Yes, it has indeed helped me a lot to work with a dream diary. I constantly wrote down everything that came to me after sleep for a whole year. Over the course of this year, the sequences I remembered became more and more vivid and longer, so that after about half a year I bought myself a dictaphone. I noticed that I had more than 15 dream sequences in one night, which were very vivid, right down to every single conversation.

I came into contact with many beings who showed me other worlds and advised me not to invade anyone's privacy without permission. Of course, I was also shown a lot about myself, which was sometimes pleasant and sometimes unpleasant. As I was in the process of transcribing writings for a Saturn lodge I was in at the time, I was also shown old writings that were completely unknown to me, which I then actually found and was able to process.

Because even recording the contents of my dreams with a dictaphone ended up being a lot, I stopped recording after a year. As a result, I slipped very much into the astral world and was often unable to cope adequately with my tasks in this physical world, although I did everything excellently.

In reality, one night it happened in such a way that I woke up very briefly after each dream sequence and, half asleep, saw the scene and the conversation in front of me and immediately spoke into the dictaphone. I ended up doing this 15 times in one night. Of course, I still have the tapes and their contents.

However, as these were often very personal conversations and scenes, I don't want to reproduce them verbatim here.

However, the ability to remember the dream sequences very vividly and intensively has remained with me and I could, if I wanted to, deepen it again immediately.

Contact with the other world has never really been broken off since then.

When the process of roughly drafting three extensive writings for the Saturn Lodge had recently been completed, I was led back to the JoS website, which I first came across in 2015, but then discarded again because I only dealt with it superficially and was put off by words such as demons and Satan etc. I then found the Saturn Lodge in 2016, where I continued to develop, only to be led back to JoS in the end. Today I know that I was always looking for this spiritual home and I will in all probability leave Saturn Lodge as an important transitional phase.

Interestingly, as I am currently practicing the Final RTRs 3in1 every day, the attacks of the Jews against me in my dreams have intensified. I often have terrible nightmares where they chase after me and try to curse me. I then wake up very briefly, plead with Father Satan and ask him to protect me from these attacks and then also experience this in my other dreams. This has been going on for a few days now. At the same time, I receive the unexpected gift of being able to vibrate the RTRs even better during the day. I then feel a wonderful energy that overwhelms my whole body like a powerful wave of emotion. The ritual for Azazel and the opening of the 6th chakra have been the absolute highlight so far. I could clearly sense Azazel's presence. With my eyes closed, an image of him lit up very briefly. I felt wonderfully at peace, pleasantly calm and full of harmony. I love his sigil. It speaks to me immediately. I've actually had it on a large banner since I joined the Saturn Lodge. I could also clearly feel the 6th chakra now. The pineal gland felt and feels soft and warm and pulsates very regularly.

Yesterday I started to create the diary for my spiritual progress. The first instructions came to me during the night. I thank Father Satan for this.

May his name be praised for all eternity. May he once again become and be the rightful ruler of this and other worlds.

If you want to delve deeper into the dream yourself, I can only advise you to do it consistently for a whole year with a diary. The magic word is: regularity and continuity. It's like a good workout. Build everything up slowly and always stay on the ball. This is the only way to avoid strong fluctuations.
Oh yes, and what else I have discovered: When I drastically reduce my consumption of movies, which I only watch via a projector, I strangely awaken my own spiritual abilities enormously.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
Incidentally, it was precisely my studies of Saturn, which I began when I joined the Saturn Lodge, because a powerful inner current literally drove me to do so, that showed me that Saturn is and has been completely misrepresented and misunderstood. There is nothing evil about him at all, he is the creator of all things who ruled the golden age. Under his guidance my whole life has been changed and he has guided me safely through the crises that have been instigated by the Jews in particular. Just as it sensitized me to take a closer look at "Saturn" and to study his nature honestly, I then also thought openly about "Satan" at the second attempt and carefully studied the sermons of HP HoodedCobra666. There I noticed a great similarity between "Saturn" and "Satan". Names are completely misinterpreted.
At JoS I then found that a large number of more effective rituals are revealed here than I found in the Saturn Lodge. I also feel that many mantras are vibrated more correctly at JoS.
For example, when it comes to the chakras, the Saturn Lodge says Ram, Yam, etc. instead of Raum, Yaum etc.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

In other posts there is a tendency to discuss those who do not do a much or anything at all. That's because these people need more help to get up and solve certain issues, for their own sake first and foremost.

Now in regard to those who are doing a lot and have taken the path and walk it, there are a few factors to consider. These factors here are how you can know if you are overdoing it, so you can cut back a little bit and not fry yourself.

The path is supposed to keep you at a good shape. If you fry, you are not in good shape.

There is a common misconception that if you do crazy amounts of things you will evolve faster. But if you do too much to the point that if you fry, you will be fried and not evolved. The delicate balance here is to press limits when the time is right, and not constantly be on the verge of collapse.

So here is a list of symptoms to know if you are being extremely pressed. If you have a very demanding life, these can also factor in.

1. A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.

2. The above might be coupled with depression, or very sudden changes in mood. Cloud nine one time, then crashing down.

3. If one has depressive tendencies or extreme energy demand in their lives, the above can combine.

4. Meditation should not be pursued like a mad-man chasing things all the time. It should be seen as a form of nutrition to the self. If you are depleted, you must start feeding a hungry person (the soul in this case) bit by bit. Shoving food down the throat of a person who cannot eat, will result in expulsion of said food. But slowly giving the soul food over time (until it restored it's faculty to be fed) is the correct way to go.

5. Doing extremely long hours of meditation, can have opposite effect of frying. Frying will be characterised as staying on top limits all the time, and then a major crash will follow. One must end their meditations on a pleasant note, not feeling like you raised a thousand boulders. This cannot be the constant feeling. This can be done once in a while to push certain limits, or on demanding situations.

Knowing your limits is not always very easy, but if you pay attention to signs like the above, they can be a good compass. If you are doing meditation on the amount you need, it will be like pleasantly drinking water and maybe sometimes being a little too full. But it will not be like you want to puke ten gallons of water. If one feels extreme pressures of this nature, it means the body has not yet adjusted to higher levels of bioelectricity, and that one must cut back.

To take an example of cleansing meditation. One wants to gradually start dealing with certain things let's say revolving around fear, or blockages, or freeing one's soul. Let's say you want to resolve a psychological problem, and you want to start cleaning the soul.

Clearly one wants to do this "Quickly" as the nature of humans is to want instanteneous solutions to want to end certain blockages as early as possible. That is understandable.

If one does too much cleaning, in the same way that one cleans a material and they clean it so much they scrap pieces out of it, one is not going "Faster", they are just destroying this material. Symptoms in the case here would include for example, depression or sadness that is so overwhelming and so bad, that it can reach disabling extents.

Like being a plumber which must un-clog a tunnel, you must pay attention to open the tunnel up gradually so the blocking materials can come out. First one is notified on the pipe that it is blocked in the sense that it does not get water in; then you watch there is hair and other trash inside the tunnel.

If you give a powerful hit on the soul, or in this example, the water tunnel, the water pipe can break and the bathroom will become a mess. A lot more negativity might come out than what one can handle. While one might think the power tool will always solve this issue, that is in many cases NOT the case. I learned this the HARD way, so I am sharing here with everyone else.

Little by little one must take the sludge out. The bigger bucket [your tolerance to energy, and your ability to self control] the more things you can pull out, step by step, until the dross is gone.

Of course warnings like the above due to conspiracy theories that want me to be an asshole that wants to delay anything, is something some will not heed. These people will take the sledgehammer and go break down the hole pipe. But then the result is that you will likely have a lot more work to do after this. Things will become really messy.

This mess might range from making the bathroom disgusting and costing you much more time to fix with sludge all over the bathroom. Even in the case of PTSD and other patients with traumatic experience, care, love and patience is required to take the pains out. No man has improved via the sledgehammer.

Those who use the sledgehammer, are oftentimes very good in construction (means they have prior experience, they can use it). Using a sledgehammer to put something on the wall of your house is also not recommended. That's to give a visual on how one should approach meditation with measure.

Driving all the issues out on one go, will not only not take these issues out, but will rather multiply the issues one already has [lack of control]. In cases like the above, imagine if one starts reliving the PTSD event slowly, bit by bit, and putting in the puzzle together, or instead having the whole torrent of the problem hit them on the head, straight up. That will be far worse than the slower method; one is being very much delayed by this.

While you could have gradually and carefully finished this little by little by the use of a bucket. It's better to go slowly here, than to go fast. Because if one wants to go brutal and fast and the accident I describe above happens, then you will have a lot more work to do - and far nastier work.

The above is actually the fastest way, because the more you avoid the risks which are beyond management, the LESS time you will spend. I speak from experience of having used sledgehammers many times in my progression, and having to go back and repair whole pipes as a result. I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.

Sledgehammer, in this case, major pressure, should be used only when the need warrants it, not with everything. I learned from my mistakes. It felt cool to use a sledgehammer but it was not supposed to be used to put a delicate bolt on the wall. Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.

Moderate speed and gradual, continuous, is oftentimes the fastest and the best way to solve many issues, succeed in workings, and attain major breakthroughs in your progression.

One does not need to fry themselves to succeed, just be repetitive and consistent in the work. And the work will happen because of this, and very successfully so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Very useful post (y)

It is important to keep a balance.
Burning chakras is always unpleasant.

I noticed that when you are upset about something, or get depressed, or feel discouraged, the vibration of the mantra on the solar chakra 666 brings you into tone and into a normal state, the only problem is that you can not always vibrate this mantra, for example, when you are among people.

I noticed that when I vibrate above the chakras, in my room I sometimes hear some rustling, as if someone is walking, or someone is moving on the walls, in the room, on the ceiling, or on the floor.

At first I thought they were neighbors, but when there were no neighbors, it was strange to hear someone walking around the room at the moment of vibration, and I heard three rustles, three sound objects in different parts of my room, exactly at the moment of vibration.
I don't know what it is, I can't explain it yet.
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

In other posts there is a tendency to discuss those who do not do a much or anything at all. That's because these people need more help to get up and solve certain issues, for their own sake first and foremost.

Now in regard to those who are doing a lot and have taken the path and walk it, there are a few factors to consider. These factors here are how you can know if you are overdoing it, so you can cut back a little bit and not fry yourself.

The path is supposed to keep you at a good shape. If you fry, you are not in good shape.

There is a common misconception that if you do crazy amounts of things you will evolve faster. But if you do too much to the point that if you fry, you will be fried and not evolved. The delicate balance here is to press limits when the time is right, and not constantly be on the verge of collapse.

So here is a list of symptoms to know if you are being extremely pressed. If you have a very demanding life, these can also factor in.

1. A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.

2. The above might be coupled with depression, or very sudden changes in mood. Cloud nine one time, then crashing down.

3. If one has depressive tendencies or extreme energy demand in their lives, the above can combine.

4. Meditation should not be pursued like a mad-man chasing things all the time. It should be seen as a form of nutrition to the self. If you are depleted, you must start feeding a hungry person (the soul in this case) bit by bit. Shoving food down the throat of a person who cannot eat, will result in expulsion of said food. But slowly giving the soul food over time (until it restored it's faculty to be fed) is the correct way to go.

5. Doing extremely long hours of meditation, can have opposite effect of frying. Frying will be characterised as staying on top limits all the time, and then a major crash will follow. One must end their meditations on a pleasant note, not feeling like you raised a thousand boulders. This cannot be the constant feeling. This can be done once in a while to push certain limits, or on demanding situations.

Knowing your limits is not always very easy, but if you pay attention to signs like the above, they can be a good compass. If you are doing meditation on the amount you need, it will be like pleasantly drinking water and maybe sometimes being a little too full. But it will not be like you want to puke ten gallons of water. If one feels extreme pressures of this nature, it means the body has not yet adjusted to higher levels of bioelectricity, and that one must cut back.

To take an example of cleansing meditation. One wants to gradually start dealing with certain things let's say revolving around fear, or blockages, or freeing one's soul. Let's say you want to resolve a psychological problem, and you want to start cleaning the soul.

Clearly one wants to do this "Quickly" as the nature of humans is to want instanteneous solutions to want to end certain blockages as early as possible. That is understandable.

If one does too much cleaning, in the same way that one cleans a material and they clean it so much they scrap pieces out of it, one is not going "Faster", they are just destroying this material. Symptoms in the case here would include for example, depression or sadness that is so overwhelming and so bad, that it can reach disabling extents.

Like being a plumber which must un-clog a tunnel, you must pay attention to open the tunnel up gradually so the blocking materials can come out. First one is notified on the pipe that it is blocked in the sense that it does not get water in; then you watch there is hair and other trash inside the tunnel.

If you give a powerful hit on the soul, or in this example, the water tunnel, the water pipe can break and the bathroom will become a mess. A lot more negativity might come out than what one can handle. While one might think the power tool will always solve this issue, that is in many cases NOT the case. I learned this the HARD way, so I am sharing here with everyone else.

Little by little one must take the sludge out. The bigger bucket [your tolerance to energy, and your ability to self control] the more things you can pull out, step by step, until the dross is gone.

Of course warnings like the above due to conspiracy theories that want me to be an asshole that wants to delay anything, is something some will not heed. These people will take the sledgehammer and go break down the hole pipe. But then the result is that you will likely have a lot more work to do after this. Things will become really messy.

This mess might range from making the bathroom disgusting and costing you much more time to fix with sludge all over the bathroom. Even in the case of PTSD and other patients with traumatic experience, care, love and patience is required to take the pains out. No man has improved via the sledgehammer.

Those who use the sledgehammer, are oftentimes very good in construction (means they have prior experience, they can use it). Using a sledgehammer to put something on the wall of your house is also not recommended. That's to give a visual on how one should approach meditation with measure.

Driving all the issues out on one go, will not only not take these issues out, but will rather multiply the issues one already has [lack of control]. In cases like the above, imagine if one starts reliving the PTSD event slowly, bit by bit, and putting in the puzzle together, or instead having the whole torrent of the problem hit them on the head, straight up. That will be far worse than the slower method; one is being very much delayed by this.

While you could have gradually and carefully finished this little by little by the use of a bucket. It's better to go slowly here, than to go fast. Because if one wants to go brutal and fast and the accident I describe above happens, then you will have a lot more work to do - and far nastier work.

The above is actually the fastest way, because the more you avoid the risks which are beyond management, the LESS time you will spend. I speak from experience of having used sledgehammers many times in my progression, and having to go back and repair whole pipes as a result. I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.

Sledgehammer, in this case, major pressure, should be used only when the need warrants it, not with everything. I learned from my mistakes. It felt cool to use a sledgehammer but it was not supposed to be used to put a delicate bolt on the wall. Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.

Moderate speed and gradual, continuous, is oftentimes the fastest and the best way to solve many issues, succeed in workings, and attain major breakthroughs in your progression.

One does not need to fry themselves to succeed, just be repetitive and consistent in the work. And the work will happen because of this, and very successfully so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you so much HP_HC.

Pushing hard is useful, but to a specific extent and when required. One time this worked well for me was when I did void meditation for 4 hours and didn't realize it as it felt like 30 minutes, I must say it felt amazing though. That level of silence was very nice and I felt no mental fatigue whatsoever. I could even completely silence my mind at will afterwards though it might be due to that not being my 1st meditation session nor was it my 60th, and I think that effort was most probably that of a Guardian Demon as I did nothing at all yet the focus was very much there.

I remember the 1st time I cleaned and empowered my temples....the headache! damn! I had only been working with my shoulder chakras (and no other pillar chakras) during the daily aura cleaning, I knew I made a mistake. I stopped meditation for just over a week as I would get a headache when really concentrating and being focused within a week of prematurely working with my temples. Here, with the JOS Ministries, one must seriously approach everything with great respect.

The 40 Day Program and the 6 Month Program are presented in the manner in which they are for a specific reason, not by mistake.

Hail The Almighty Lord Satan...Now, Forever And For All Eternity.
The ideal has always been to learn and have direct initiation from a Satguru (one with risen serpent). The path is quite individual depending on one's natal chart. Especially in an era were one is not too young to die and how future events unfold is uncertain. Even the way one approaches meditation or even advice given ,how they follow it or not ,is in accordance with their natal chart. Anyway the aim is Virtue by Self Realization (Yoga) and should not be confused with occultism. One can be into the occult and they are not a Yogin , there's a diff
The ideal has always been to learn and have direct initiation from a Satguru (one with risen serpent). The path is quite individual depending on one's natal chart. Especially in an era were one is not too young to die and how future events unfold is uncertain. Even the way one approaches meditation or even advice given ,how they follow it or not ,is in accordance with their natal chart. Anyway the aim is Virtue by Self Realization (Yoga) and should not be confused with occultism. One can be into the occult and they are not a Yogin , there's a diff
The ideal has always been to learn and have direct initiation from a Satguru (one with risen serpent). The path is quite individual depending on one's natal chart. Especially in an era were one is not too young to die and how future events unfold is uncertain. Even the way one approaches meditation or even advice given ,how they follow it or not ,is in accordance with their natal chart. Anyway the aim is Virtue by Self Realization (Yoga) and should not be confused with occultism. One can be into the occult and they are not a Yogin , there's a diff
I have the impression that nowadays the most likely thing to do is to impoverish oneself by traveling to India, to receive one's deeksha along with 50 other people from a guru who was initiated in the mountains by Babaji. Say goodbye to him a week later and then return to the West enlightened.
I have another problem, I'm progressing too slowly, it took me 2-3 years to open 3 eyes and a sixth chakra, but I still can't use them.I am afraid that I will not be able to go through the program of 40 days to open all the chakras in my life
I have the impression that nowadays the most likely thing to do is to impoverish oneself by traveling to India, to receive one's deeksha along with 50 other people from a guru who was initiated in the mountains by Babaji. Say goodbye to him a week later and then return to the West enlightened.
Self Realization that's Kundalini Rising can't be faked. When Kundalini rises it's approval from God and the Gods. You can't cheat the Gods. I have been an SS for about thirteen and half years even JOS has had it's share of people claiming to have Kundalini Rising , some even in the clergy itself and turned out to
have been drug addicts. This is Kali Yuga at a point where Dharma Awareness is at it's lowest. But even in times like this the world has never been without genuine Sat Gurus,there are always there. We are unfolding from mayic darkness into the Dharma Light of the soul. As such there will be fears and doubts about the path. In the Golden Age the Gods would manifest physical bodies and walk among us,how can you doubt like that. Full conscious use of the Third Eye is not easy. The Gods don't manifest like in the Golden Age.
When one is in actual physical presence of a genuine Sat Guru ,he withdraws his Awareness into the Self (Kundalini Rising) it dispels doubt about the path,of the aspirant in his presence. The Guru is direct physical evidence of the path. It's Awe inspiring. Now are our physical lives are fated , genuine Sat Gurus are a few at this point , but they are there. It may not be fated for most to be in the physical presence of one. But that doesn't mean genuine initiation can't be had. Ideally there should be physical direct initiation from a genuine Sat Guru ,who would be able to monitor your progress and even recommend specific practices according to your individual nature ,karmic pattern and so on. No baby grows up without a guardian and that's with physical , material stuff. What we are talking about is the highest working on Earth. Very few manage to raise Kundalini without a genuine Sat Guru and those that do definitely had initiation from one in a previous life.
I have another problem, I'm progressing too slowly, it took me 2-3 years to open 3 eyes and a sixth chakra, but I still can't use them.I am afraid that I will not be able to go through the program of 40 days to open all the chakras in my life
Maintaining control over your own mind. Are you advancing “slowly” with respect to whom or what? This is probably your “idealization” of the time it takes to achieve results, based on your “imagination.”

The time of advancement is personal and not the same for everyone in this case, there is no standard timeline, keep advancing without “losing your mind” about time.
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

In other posts there is a tendency to discuss those who do not do a much or anything at all. That's because these people need more help to get up and solve certain issues, for their own sake first and foremost.

Now in regard to those who are doing a lot and have taken the path and walk it, there are a few factors to consider. These factors here are how you can know if you are overdoing it, so you can cut back a little bit and not fry yourself.

The path is supposed to keep you at a good shape. If you fry, you are not in good shape.

There is a common misconception that if you do crazy amounts of things you will evolve faster. But if you do too much to the point that if you fry, you will be fried and not evolved. The delicate balance here is to press limits when the time is right, and not constantly be on the verge of collapse.

So here is a list of symptoms to know if you are being extremely pressed. If you have a very demanding life, these can also factor in.

1. A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.

2. The above might be coupled with depression, or very sudden changes in mood. Cloud nine one time, then crashing down.

3. If one has depressive tendencies or extreme energy demand in their lives, the above can combine.

4. Meditation should not be pursued like a mad-man chasing things all the time. It should be seen as a form of nutrition to the self. If you are depleted, you must start feeding a hungry person (the soul in this case) bit by bit. Shoving food down the throat of a person who cannot eat, will result in expulsion of said food. But slowly giving the soul food over time (until it restored it's faculty to be fed) is the correct way to go.

5. Doing extremely long hours of meditation, can have opposite effect of frying. Frying will be characterised as staying on top limits all the time, and then a major crash will follow. One must end their meditations on a pleasant note, not feeling like you raised a thousand boulders. This cannot be the constant feeling. This can be done once in a while to push certain limits, or on demanding situations.

Knowing your limits is not always very easy, but if you pay attention to signs like the above, they can be a good compass. If you are doing meditation on the amount you need, it will be like pleasantly drinking water and maybe sometimes being a little too full. But it will not be like you want to puke ten gallons of water. If one feels extreme pressures of this nature, it means the body has not yet adjusted to higher levels of bioelectricity, and that one must cut back.

To take an example of cleansing meditation. One wants to gradually start dealing with certain things let's say revolving around fear, or blockages, or freeing one's soul. Let's say you want to resolve a psychological problem, and you want to start cleaning the soul.

Clearly one wants to do this "Quickly" as the nature of humans is to want instanteneous solutions to want to end certain blockages as early as possible. That is understandable.

If one does too much cleaning, in the same way that one cleans a material and they clean it so much they scrap pieces out of it, one is not going "Faster", they are just destroying this material. Symptoms in the case here would include for example, depression or sadness that is so overwhelming and so bad, that it can reach disabling extents.

Like being a plumber which must un-clog a tunnel, you must pay attention to open the tunnel up gradually so the blocking materials can come out. First one is notified on the pipe that it is blocked in the sense that it does not get water in; then you watch there is hair and other trash inside the tunnel.

If you give a powerful hit on the soul, or in this example, the water tunnel, the water pipe can break and the bathroom will become a mess. A lot more negativity might come out than what one can handle. While one might think the power tool will always solve this issue, that is in many cases NOT the case. I learned this the HARD way, so I am sharing here with everyone else.

Little by little one must take the sludge out. The bigger bucket [your tolerance to energy, and your ability to self control] the more things you can pull out, step by step, until the dross is gone.

Of course warnings like the above due to conspiracy theories that want me to be an asshole that wants to delay anything, is something some will not heed. These people will take the sledgehammer and go break down the hole pipe. But then the result is that you will likely have a lot more work to do after this. Things will become really messy.

This mess might range from making the bathroom disgusting and costing you much more time to fix with sludge all over the bathroom. Even in the case of PTSD and other patients with traumatic experience, care, love and patience is required to take the pains out. No man has improved via the sledgehammer.

Those who use the sledgehammer, are oftentimes very good in construction (means they have prior experience, they can use it). Using a sledgehammer to put something on the wall of your house is also not recommended. That's to give a visual on how one should approach meditation with measure.

Driving all the issues out on one go, will not only not take these issues out, but will rather multiply the issues one already has [lack of control]. In cases like the above, imagine if one starts reliving the PTSD event slowly, bit by bit, and putting in the puzzle together, or instead having the whole torrent of the problem hit them on the head, straight up. That will be far worse than the slower method; one is being very much delayed by this.

While you could have gradually and carefully finished this little by little by the use of a bucket. It's better to go slowly here, than to go fast. Because if one wants to go brutal and fast and the accident I describe above happens, then you will have a lot more work to do - and far nastier work.

The above is actually the fastest way, because the more you avoid the risks which are beyond management, the LESS time you will spend. I speak from experience of having used sledgehammers many times in my progression, and having to go back and repair whole pipes as a result. I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.

Sledgehammer, in this case, major pressure, should be used only when the need warrants it, not with everything. I learned from my mistakes. It felt cool to use a sledgehammer but it was not supposed to be used to put a delicate bolt on the wall. Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.

Moderate speed and gradual, continuous, is oftentimes the fastest and the best way to solve many issues, succeed in workings, and attain major breakthroughs in your progression.

One does not need to fry themselves to succeed, just be repetitive and consistent in the work. And the work will happen because of this, and very successfully so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I had this recently happen to me, been working on slowing down. Too much too fast = burnout. No matter how good it makes you feel. Thank you for the symptoms and how to avoid them.
Self Realization that's Kundalini Rising can't be faked. When Kundalini rises it's approval from God and the Gods. You can't cheat the Gods. I have been an SS for about thirteen and half years even JOS has had it's share of people claiming to have Kundalini Rising , some even in the clergy itself and turned out to
have been drug addicts. This is Kali Yuga at a point where Dharma Awareness is at it's lowest. But even in times like this the world has never been without genuine Sat Gurus,there are always there. We are unfolding from mayic darkness into the Dharma Light of the soul. As such there will be fears and doubts about the path. In the Golden Age the Gods would manifest physical bodies and walk among us,how can you doubt like that. Full conscious use of the Third Eye is not easy. The Gods don't manifest like in the Golden Age.
When one is in actual physical presence of a genuine Sat Guru ,he withdraws his Awareness into the Self (Kundalini Rising) it dispels doubt about the path,of the aspirant in his presence. The Guru is direct physical evidence of the path. It's Awe inspiring. Now are our physical lives are fated , genuine Sat Gurus are a few at this point , but they are there. It may not be fated for most to be in the physical presence of one. But that doesn't mean genuine initiation can't be had. Ideally there should be physical direct initiation from a genuine Sat Guru ,who would be able to monitor your progress and even recommend specific practices according to your individual nature ,karmic pattern and so on. No baby grows up without a guardian and that's with physical , material stuff. What we are talking about is the highest working on Earth. Very few manage to raise Kundalini without a genuine Sat Guru and those that do definitely had initiation from one in a previous life.
But do you believe that Demons can act as Satgurus?
I agree with you, in fact I believe that we need restraint in meditation and that we should follow Gods signaling, sometimes I have dreams where it is suggested that I do a specific meditative practice and by doing it I notice that it was precisely what I needed most at that moment.
It just seems really too hypothetical for me to find a physical guru, but still I do as much as I can to be accompanied by an "astral guru" and I always try to realize the limitations of that of course.
But do you believe that Demons can act as Satgurus?
I agree with you, in fact I believe that we need restraint in meditation and that we should follow Gods signaling, sometimes I have dreams where it is suggested that I do a specific meditative practice and by doing it I notice that it was precisely what I needed most at that moment.
It just seems really too hypothetical for me to find a physical guru, but still I do as much as I can to be accompanied by an "astral guru" and I always try to realize the limitations of that of course.
Every Spiritual Satanist has a specific Guardian Demon, and other Gods and Demons also guide us in their own way. We simply have to connect to them and seek them in general.
The Rituals were not given so people would fry themselves. If you fry past a point like the other SS who writes above they do 7 a day for 8 hours, you will likely not be able to reap all the positive effects. The maximum I would do on a day would be 3 Demon Rituals, spaced out in the day itself.

The Rituals also need space and time to manifest positively on you, and your energy must be stable.
Is 3 to 4 hours gap okay? Because I normally do 2 demon rituals in a day most times in the morning before work and evening when I'm back, recently I decided to make it 3, so I can do 2 in the morning and one in the evening. That's why I ask.
Yes, it has indeed helped me a lot to work with a dream diary. I constantly wrote down everything that came to me after sleep for a whole year. Over the course of this year, the sequences I remembered became more and more vivid and longer, so that after about half a year I bought myself a dictaphone. I noticed that I had more than 15 dream sequences in one night, which were very vivid, right down to every single conversation.

I came into contact with many beings who showed me other worlds and advised me not to invade anyone's privacy without permission. Of course, I was also shown a lot about myself, which was sometimes pleasant and sometimes unpleasant. As I was in the process of transcribing writings for a Saturn lodge I was in at the time, I was also shown old writings that were completely unknown to me, which I then actually found and was able to process.

Because even recording the contents of my dreams with a dictaphone ended up being a lot, I stopped recording after a year. As a result, I slipped very much into the astral world and was often unable to cope adequately with my tasks in this physical world, although I did everything excellently.

In reality, one night it happened in such a way that I woke up very briefly after each dream sequence and, half asleep, saw the scene and the conversation in front of me and immediately spoke into the dictaphone. I ended up doing this 15 times in one night. Of course, I still have the tapes and their contents.

However, as these were often very personal conversations and scenes, I don't want to reproduce them verbatim here.

However, the ability to remember the dream sequences very vividly and intensively has remained with me and I could, if I wanted to, deepen it again immediately.

Contact with the other world has never really been broken off since then.

When the process of roughly drafting three extensive writings for the Saturn Lodge had recently been completed, I was led back to the JoS website, which I first came across in 2015, but then discarded again because I only dealt with it superficially and was put off by words such as demons and Satan etc. I then found the Saturn Lodge in 2016, where I continued to develop, only to be led back to JoS in the end. Today I know that I was always looking for this spiritual home and I will in all probability leave Saturn Lodge as an important transitional phase.

Interestingly, as I am currently practicing the Final RTRs 3in1 every day, the attacks of the Jews against me in my dreams have intensified. I often have terrible nightmares where they chase after me and try to curse me. I then wake up very briefly, plead with Father Satan and ask him to protect me from these attacks and then also experience this in my other dreams. This has been going on for a few days now. At the same time, I receive the unexpected gift of being able to vibrate the RTRs even better during the day. I then feel a wonderful energy that overwhelms my whole body like a powerful wave of emotion. The ritual for Azazel and the opening of the 6th chakra have been the absolute highlight so far. I could clearly sense Azazel's presence. With my eyes closed, an image of him lit up very briefly. I felt wonderfully at peace, pleasantly calm and full of harmony. I love his sigil. It speaks to me immediately. I've actually had it on a large banner since I joined the Saturn Lodge. I could also clearly feel the 6th chakra now. The pineal gland felt and feels soft and warm and pulsates very regularly.

Yesterday I started to create the diary for my spiritual progress. The first instructions came to me during the night. I thank Father Satan for this.

May his name be praised for all eternity. May he once again become and be the rightful ruler of this and other worlds.

If you want to delve deeper into the dream yourself, I can only advise you to do it consistently for a whole year with a diary. The magic word is: regularity and continuity. It's like a good workout. Build everything up slowly and always stay on the ball. This is the only way to avoid strong fluctuations.
Oh yes, and what else I have discovered: When I drastically reduce my consumption of movies, which I only watch via a projector, I strangely awaken my own spiritual abilities enormously.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
That is intriguing. I do occasionally become conscious during my dreams and really enjoy it. And there have been times during deep meditation or in dreams where I've been given fascinating information that I forget. I think dream journalling could maybe help with this. Thanks for that.
That is intriguing. I do occasionally become conscious during my dreams and really enjoy it. And there have been times during deep meditation or in dreams where I've been given fascinating information that I forget. I think dream journalling could maybe help with this. Thanks for that.
In my experience dream journaling is the number one method to increase awareness of dreams. I can not recommend it enough if that's your goal.
That is intriguing. I do occasionally become conscious during my dreams and really enjoy it. And there have been times during deep meditation or in dreams where I've been given fascinating information that I forget. I think dream journalling could maybe help with this. Thanks for that.
Yes, please, you're welcome. Just keep a constant diary with yourself. Initially, keep a pen and a piece of paper next to your bed. When you wake up and remember your dream, even if it's just a few scraps, just write them down and then lie down again and sleep. Over time, the dreams will become more intense. You will see or experience it.
I can even recall many very important dream sequences from memory today. They were really drastic.
And since I wrote all this to you, I've started to go into my dreams very intensively again. Because of the RTRs, which I'm currently doing intensively, I'm experiencing lots of attacks. Sometimes I'm being chased by animals, then I'm pushed off a tower block and so on.
I always sense that the dirty Jews are behind it and laugh derisively. I always turn to Father Satan immediately and that puts an instant end to the haunting. I always thank him for it.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
Incidentally, it was precisely my studies of Saturn, which I began when I joined the Saturn Lodge, because a powerful inner current literally drove me to do so, that showed me that Saturn is and has been completely misrepresented and misunderstood. There is nothing evil about him at all, he is the creator of all things who ruled the golden age. Under his guidance my whole life has been changed and he has guided me safely through the crises that have been instigated by the Jews in particular. Just as it sensitized me to take a closer look at "Saturn" and to study his nature honestly, I then also thought openly about "Satan" at the second attempt and carefully studied the sermons of HP HoodedCobra666. There I noticed a great similarity between "Saturn" and "Satan". Names are completely misinterpreted.
At JoS I then found that a large number of more effective rituals are revealed here than I found in the Saturn Lodge. I also feel that many mantras are vibrated more correctly at JoS.
For example, when it comes to the chakras, the Saturn Lodge says Ram, Yam, etc. instead of Raum, Yaum etc.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!

Intelligence of certain information analysis, is not enough, which is what many "Spiritualist" places are doing. Clearly, there was an "entry point" for you, and the Gods due to taking you in serious consideration due to inner longing, wanted you to progress into the Joy of Satan. The knowledge here is from the Gods directly and finely distilled, highest caliber.

There is also far more into this. Many of us were previously in research and growth avenues, but the Gods will pull very serious disciples from any other framework into the Joy of Satan. It's almost like one is picked for the special forces, or the highest level of learning.

This unfolds as one grows into the path.

But do you believe that Demons can act as Satgurus?
I agree with you, in fact I believe that we need restraint in meditation and that we should follow Gods signaling, sometimes I have dreams where it is suggested that I do a specific meditative practice and by doing it I notice that it was precisely what I needed most at that moment.
It just seems really too hypothetical for me to find a physical guru, but still I do as much as I can to be accompanied by an "astral guru" and I always try to realize the limitations of that of course.

There is a high level of progression that is needed (without imagination and gimmick) for one to reach a level where they can "learn directly". That is a final objective. If that is taken lightly and people don't have foundations [which are provided by association and learning here below], delusions will arise, and one will think they are being taught by the Gods but in fact one's foundation will not be there yet.

The Forums and many other constructs can serve to this end, right here, and right now.

Hail Hp.Hoodedcobra666 !!!

Gods bless brother.

Self Realization that's Kundalini Rising can't be faked. When Kundalini rises it's approval from God and the Gods. You can't cheat the Gods. I have been an SS for about thirteen and half years even JOS has had it's share of people claiming to have Kundalini Rising , some even in the clergy itself and turned out to
have been drug addicts. This is Kali Yuga at a point where Dharma Awareness is at it's lowest. But even in times like this the world has never been without genuine Sat Gurus,there are always there. We are unfolding from mayic darkness into the Dharma Light of the soul. As such there will be fears and doubts about the path.

Joy of Satan as a path should count in this way, I see it as two phases.

HPS Maxine's time: Birth, getting out of the Mayic delusion. This was necessary to establish the next things. In this time, HPS Maxine was 100% and others given the circumstances ranged from 80 to fluctuating 30% in what they did. But they did what was necessary. HPS Maxine transitioned the birth of the JoS and then, further progression occurred.

My time: As you can see, during that time, none of these misguided incidents have occurred. Things are drastically different today. There is almost no comparisson.

It's also a good idea to mention the most successful examples such as HPS Lydia and others, who might not necessarily Clergy, who have been at the dozens, versus let's say a couple people who were LHP and were unfortunately lost due to misplaced understanding.

The quality of Clergy also shows up from it's work very directly. Individuals who lose the path are also moved out by the Gods, one cannot stand the path without purity in mind, acts and soul. I can attest that at no other time the JoS has been purer or better than today, for example.

Overall the title of Clergy is about to be much heavier than in the inception of the JoS, where one could have a very basic understanding [which members now have by the hundreds] and very basic or small tasks, to carry that title. This was bound to naturally change due to progression, as the Gods raised the bar permanently with this. This was for our own sake, so we could have a far better environment.

We have mourned for the loss of a few people but the situation is, the enemy is also a factor here. Fighting to maintain a high standard in a world rife with falsehood, can be a rather trying task.

Incidents of losing people and decent individuals are going to occur less and less, as the foundation of knowledge and purification will reach the highest. With that being stated, when and if any person in any position, is not actually servicing this position, they are not a Satguru.
There is a high level of progression that is needed (without imagination and gimmick) for one to reach a level where they can "learn directly". That is a final objective. If that is taken lightly and people don't have foundations [which are provided by association and learning here below], delusions will arise, and one will think they are being taught by the Gods but in fact one's foundation will not be there yet.

The Forums and many other constructs can serve to this end, right here, and right now.
I trust your guidance, thanks.
Yes, please, you're welcome. Just keep a constant diary with yourself. Initially, keep a pen and a piece of paper next to your bed. When you wake up and remember your dream, even if it's just a few scraps, just write them down and then lie down again and sleep. Over time, the dreams will become more intense. You will see or experience it.
I can even recall many very important dream sequences from memory today. They were really drastic.
And since I wrote all this to you, I've started to go into my dreams very intensively again. Because of the RTRs, which I'm currently doing intensively, I'm experiencing lots of attacks. Sometimes I'm being chased by animals, then I'm pushed off a tower block and so on.
I always sense that the dirty Jews are behind it and laugh derisively. I always turn to Father Satan immediately and that puts an instant end to the haunting. I always thank him for it.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
I've made an interesting start on this but have some challenges.

You mention paper/pen or dictaphone. I share my bed with my wife, both options are tricky. Writing on paper requires light, dictaphone would be too noisy unless I leave my bed. I decided to use my phone - not great but gets me started.

First night - woke up slightly earlier than normal, recorded a dream - got some slightly useful info from subconscious. Returned to sleep.

Second night - woke up just after midnight, recorded dream, went back to sleep. Woke again about 2 hours before normal, recorded about five dream sequences. By the time I finished I was awake.

I think maybe using my phone is not great, but can't think of a way around this without disturbing my wife.
Is 3 to 4 hours gap okay? Because I normally do 2 demon rituals in a day most times in the morning before work and evening when I'm back, recently I decided to make it 3, so I can do 2 in the morning and one in the evening. That's why I ask.
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

In other posts there is a tendency to discuss those who do not do a much or anything at all. That's because these people need more help to get up and solve certain issues, for their own sake first and foremost.

Now in regard to those who are doing a lot and have taken the path and walk it, there are a few factors to consider. These factors here are how you can know if you are overdoing it, so you can cut back a little bit and not fry yourself.

The path is supposed to keep you at a good shape. If you fry, you are not in good shape.

There is a common misconception that if you do crazy amounts of things you will evolve faster. But if you do too much to the point that if you fry, you will be fried and not evolved. The delicate balance here is to press limits when the time is right, and not constantly be on the verge of collapse.

So here is a list of symptoms to know if you are being extremely pressed. If you have a very demanding life, these can also factor in.

1. A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.

2. The above might be coupled with depression, or very sudden changes in mood. Cloud nine one time, then crashing down.

3. If one has depressive tendencies or extreme energy demand in their lives, the above can combine.

4. Meditation should not be pursued like a mad-man chasing things all the time. It should be seen as a form of nutrition to the self. If you are depleted, you must start feeding a hungry person (the soul in this case) bit by bit. Shoving food down the throat of a person who cannot eat, will result in expulsion of said food. But slowly giving the soul food over time (until it restored it's faculty to be fed) is the correct way to go.

5. Doing extremely long hours of meditation, can have opposite effect of frying. Frying will be characterised as staying on top limits all the time, and then a major crash will follow. One must end their meditations on a pleasant note, not feeling like you raised a thousand boulders. This cannot be the constant feeling. This can be done once in a while to push certain limits, or on demanding situations.

Knowing your limits is not always very easy, but if you pay attention to signs like the above, they can be a good compass. If you are doing meditation on the amount you need, it will be like pleasantly drinking water and maybe sometimes being a little too full. But it will not be like you want to puke ten gallons of water. If one feels extreme pressures of this nature, it means the body has not yet adjusted to higher levels of bioelectricity, and that one must cut back.

To take an example of cleansing meditation. One wants to gradually start dealing with certain things let's say revolving around fear, or blockages, or freeing one's soul. Let's say you want to resolve a psychological problem, and you want to start cleaning the soul.

Clearly one wants to do this "Quickly" as the nature of humans is to want instanteneous solutions to want to end certain blockages as early as possible. That is understandable.

If one does too much cleaning, in the same way that one cleans a material and they clean it so much they scrap pieces out of it, one is not going "Faster", they are just destroying this material. Symptoms in the case here would include for example, depression or sadness that is so overwhelming and so bad, that it can reach disabling extents.

Like being a plumber which must un-clog a tunnel, you must pay attention to open the tunnel up gradually so the blocking materials can come out. First one is notified on the pipe that it is blocked in the sense that it does not get water in; then you watch there is hair and other trash inside the tunnel.

If you give a powerful hit on the soul, or in this example, the water tunnel, the water pipe can break and the bathroom will become a mess. A lot more negativity might come out than what one can handle. While one might think the power tool will always solve this issue, that is in many cases NOT the case. I learned this the HARD way, so I am sharing here with everyone else.

Little by little one must take the sludge out. The bigger bucket [your tolerance to energy, and your ability to self control] the more things you can pull out, step by step, until the dross is gone.

Of course warnings like the above due to conspiracy theories that want me to be an asshole that wants to delay anything, is something some will not heed. These people will take the sledgehammer and go break down the hole pipe. But then the result is that you will likely have a lot more work to do after this. Things will become really messy.

This mess might range from making the bathroom disgusting and costing you much more time to fix with sludge all over the bathroom. Even in the case of PTSD and other patients with traumatic experience, care, love and patience is required to take the pains out. No man has improved via the sledgehammer.

Those who use the sledgehammer, are oftentimes very good in construction (means they have prior experience, they can use it). Using a sledgehammer to put something on the wall of your house is also not recommended. That's to give a visual on how one should approach meditation with measure.

Driving all the issues out on one go, will not only not take these issues out, but will rather multiply the issues one already has [lack of control]. In cases like the above, imagine if one starts reliving the PTSD event slowly, bit by bit, and putting in the puzzle together, or instead having the whole torrent of the problem hit them on the head, straight up. That will be far worse than the slower method; one is being very much delayed by this.

While you could have gradually and carefully finished this little by little by the use of a bucket. It's better to go slowly here, than to go fast. Because if one wants to go brutal and fast and the accident I describe above happens, then you will have a lot more work to do - and far nastier work.

The above is actually the fastest way, because the more you avoid the risks which are beyond management, the LESS time you will spend. I speak from experience of having used sledgehammers many times in my progression, and having to go back and repair whole pipes as a result. I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.

Sledgehammer, in this case, major pressure, should be used only when the need warrants it, not with everything. I learned from my mistakes. It felt cool to use a sledgehammer but it was not supposed to be used to put a delicate bolt on the wall. Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.

Moderate speed and gradual, continuous, is oftentimes the fastest and the best way to solve many issues, succeed in workings, and attain major breakthroughs in your progression.

One does not need to fry themselves to succeed, just be repetitive and consistent in the work. And the work will happen because of this, and very successfully so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

In other posts there is a tendency to discuss those who do not do a much or anything at all. That's because these people need more help to get up and solve certain issues, for their own sake first and foremost.

Now in regard to those who are doing a lot and have taken the path and walk it, there are a few factors to consider. These factors here are how you can know if you are overdoing it, so you can cut back a little bit and not fry yourself.

The path is supposed to keep you at a good shape. If you fry, you are not in good shape.

There is a common misconception that if you do crazy amounts of things you will evolve faster. But if you do too much to the point that if you fry, you will be fried and not evolved. The delicate balance here is to press limits when the time is right, and not constantly be on the verge of collapse.

So here is a list of symptoms to know if you are being extremely pressed. If you have a very demanding life, these can also factor in.

1. A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.

2. The above might be coupled with depression, or very sudden changes in mood. Cloud nine one time, then crashing down.

3. If one has depressive tendencies or extreme energy demand in their lives, the above can combine.

4. Meditation should not be pursued like a mad-man chasing things all the time. It should be seen as a form of nutrition to the self. If you are depleted, you must start feeding a hungry person (the soul in this case) bit by bit. Shoving food down the throat of a person who cannot eat, will result in expulsion of said food. But slowly giving the soul food over time (until it restored it's faculty to be fed) is the correct way to go.

5. Doing extremely long hours of meditation, can have opposite effect of frying. Frying will be characterised as staying on top limits all the time, and then a major crash will follow. One must end their meditations on a pleasant note, not feeling like you raised a thousand boulders. This cannot be the constant feeling. This can be done once in a while to push certain limits, or on demanding situations.

Knowing your limits is not always very easy, but if you pay attention to signs like the above, they can be a good compass. If you are doing meditation on the amount you need, it will be like pleasantly drinking water and maybe sometimes being a little too full. But it will not be like you want to puke ten gallons of water. If one feels extreme pressures of this nature, it means the body has not yet adjusted to higher levels of bioelectricity, and that one must cut back.

To take an example of cleansing meditation. One wants to gradually start dealing with certain things let's say revolving around fear, or blockages, or freeing one's soul. Let's say you want to resolve a psychological problem, and you want to start cleaning the soul.

Clearly one wants to do this "Quickly" as the nature of humans is to want instanteneous solutions to want to end certain blockages as early as possible. That is understandable.

If one does too much cleaning, in the same way that one cleans a material and they clean it so much they scrap pieces out of it, one is not going "Faster", they are just destroying this material. Symptoms in the case here would include for example, depression or sadness that is so overwhelming and so bad, that it can reach disabling extents.

Like being a plumber which must un-clog a tunnel, you must pay attention to open the tunnel up gradually so the blocking materials can come out. First one is notified on the pipe that it is blocked in the sense that it does not get water in; then you watch there is hair and other trash inside the tunnel.

If you give a powerful hit on the soul, or in this example, the water tunnel, the water pipe can break and the bathroom will become a mess. A lot more negativity might come out than what one can handle. While one might think the power tool will always solve this issue, that is in many cases NOT the case. I learned this the HARD way, so I am sharing here with everyone else.

Little by little one must take the sludge out. The bigger bucket [your tolerance to energy, and your ability to self control] the more things you can pull out, step by step, until the dross is gone.

Of course warnings like the above due to conspiracy theories that want me to be an asshole that wants to delay anything, is something some will not heed. These people will take the sledgehammer and go break down the hole pipe. But then the result is that you will likely have a lot more work to do after this. Things will become really messy.

This mess might range from making the bathroom disgusting and costing you much more time to fix with sludge all over the bathroom. Even in the case of PTSD and other patients with traumatic experience, care, love and patience is required to take the pains out. No man has improved via the sledgehammer.

Those who use the sledgehammer, are oftentimes very good in construction (means they have prior experience, they can use it). Using a sledgehammer to put something on the wall of your house is also not recommended. That's to give a visual on how one should approach meditation with measure.

Driving all the issues out on one go, will not only not take these issues out, but will rather multiply the issues one already has [lack of control]. In cases like the above, imagine if one starts reliving the PTSD event slowly, bit by bit, and putting in the puzzle together, or instead having the whole torrent of the problem hit them on the head, straight up. That will be far worse than the slower method; one is being very much delayed by this.

While you could have gradually and carefully finished this little by little by the use of a bucket. It's better to go slowly here, than to go fast. Because if one wants to go brutal and fast and the accident I describe above happens, then you will have a lot more work to do - and far nastier work.

The above is actually the fastest way, because the more you avoid the risks which are beyond management, the LESS time you will spend. I speak from experience of having used sledgehammers many times in my progression, and having to go back and repair whole pipes as a result. I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.

Sledgehammer, in this case, major pressure, should be used only when the need warrants it, not with everything. I learned from my mistakes. It felt cool to use a sledgehammer but it was not supposed to be used to put a delicate bolt on the wall. Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.

Moderate speed and gradual, continuous, is oftentimes the fastest and the best way to solve many issues, succeed in workings, and attain major breakthroughs in your progression.

One does not need to fry themselves to succeed, just be repetitive and consistent in the work. And the work will happen because of this, and very successfully so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yes! the eye twitching, the energy buzz that keeps you awake through the night this is all so true! I had to ease off the throttle for my own health. Good to see my intuition was right, always trust your gut!
I'm just now getting back on track from frying myself. Have been feeling hopeless and depressed for quite awhile now, and it seemed to come out of nowhere. Thank you for the post High Priest.
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

In other posts there is a tendency to discuss those who do not do a much or anything at all. That's because these people need more help to get up and solve certain issues, for their own sake first and foremost.

Now in regard to those who are doing a lot and have taken the path and walk it, there are a few factors to consider. These factors here are how you can know if you are overdoing it, so you can cut back a little bit and not fry yourself.

The path is supposed to keep you at a good shape. If you fry, you are not in good shape.

There is a common misconception that if you do crazy amounts of things you will evolve faster. But if you do too much to the point that if you fry, you will be fried and not evolved. The delicate balance here is to press limits when the time is right, and not constantly be on the verge of collapse.

So here is a list of symptoms to know if you are being extremely pressed. If you have a very demanding life, these can also factor in.

1. A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.

2. The above might be coupled with depression, or very sudden changes in mood. Cloud nine one time, then crashing down.

3. If one has depressive tendencies or extreme energy demand in their lives, the above can combine.

4. Meditation should not be pursued like a mad-man chasing things all the time. It should be seen as a form of nutrition to the self. If you are depleted, you must start feeding a hungry person (the soul in this case) bit by bit. Shoving food down the throat of a person who cannot eat, will result in expulsion of said food. But slowly giving the soul food over time (until it restored it's faculty to be fed) is the correct way to go.

5. Doing extremely long hours of meditation, can have opposite effect of frying. Frying will be characterised as staying on top limits all the time, and then a major crash will follow. One must end their meditations on a pleasant note, not feeling like you raised a thousand boulders. This cannot be the constant feeling. This can be done once in a while to push certain limits, or on demanding situations.

Knowing your limits is not always very easy, but if you pay attention to signs like the above, they can be a good compass. If you are doing meditation on the amount you need, it will be like pleasantly drinking water and maybe sometimes being a little too full. But it will not be like you want to puke ten gallons of water. If one feels extreme pressures of this nature, it means the body has not yet adjusted to higher levels of bioelectricity, and that one must cut back.

To take an example of cleansing meditation. One wants to gradually start dealing with certain things let's say revolving around fear, or blockages, or freeing one's soul. Let's say you want to resolve a psychological problem, and you want to start cleaning the soul.

Clearly one wants to do this "Quickly" as the nature of humans is to want instanteneous solutions to want to end certain blockages as early as possible. That is understandable.

If one does too much cleaning, in the same way that one cleans a material and they clean it so much they scrap pieces out of it, one is not going "Faster", they are just destroying this material. Symptoms in the case here would include for example, depression or sadness that is so overwhelming and so bad, that it can reach disabling extents.

Like being a plumber which must un-clog a tunnel, you must pay attention to open the tunnel up gradually so the blocking materials can come out. First one is notified on the pipe that it is blocked in the sense that it does not get water in; then you watch there is hair and other trash inside the tunnel.

If you give a powerful hit on the soul, or in this example, the water tunnel, the water pipe can break and the bathroom will become a mess. A lot more negativity might come out than what one can handle. While one might think the power tool will always solve this issue, that is in many cases NOT the case. I learned this the HARD way, so I am sharing here with everyone else.

Little by little one must take the sludge out. The bigger bucket [your tolerance to energy, and your ability to self control] the more things you can pull out, step by step, until the dross is gone.

Of course warnings like the above due to conspiracy theories that want me to be an asshole that wants to delay anything, is something some will not heed. These people will take the sledgehammer and go break down the hole pipe. But then the result is that you will likely have a lot more work to do after this. Things will become really messy.

This mess might range from making the bathroom disgusting and costing you much more time to fix with sludge all over the bathroom. Even in the case of PTSD and other patients with traumatic experience, care, love and patience is required to take the pains out. No man has improved via the sledgehammer.

Those who use the sledgehammer, are oftentimes very good in construction (means they have prior experience, they can use it). Using a sledgehammer to put something on the wall of your house is also not recommended. That's to give a visual on how one should approach meditation with measure.

Driving all the issues out on one go, will not only not take these issues out, but will rather multiply the issues one already has [lack of control]. In cases like the above, imagine if one starts reliving the PTSD event slowly, bit by bit, and putting in the puzzle together, or instead having the whole torrent of the problem hit them on the head, straight up. That will be far worse than the slower method; one is being very much delayed by this.

While you could have gradually and carefully finished this little by little by the use of a bucket. It's better to go slowly here, than to go fast. Because if one wants to go brutal and fast and the accident I describe above happens, then you will have a lot more work to do - and far nastier work.

The above is actually the fastest way, because the more you avoid the risks which are beyond management, the LESS time you will spend. I speak from experience of having used sledgehammers many times in my progression, and having to go back and repair whole pipes as a result. I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.

Sledgehammer, in this case, major pressure, should be used only when the need warrants it, not with everything. I learned from my mistakes. It felt cool to use a sledgehammer but it was not supposed to be used to put a delicate bolt on the wall. Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.

Moderate speed and gradual, continuous, is oftentimes the fastest and the best way to solve many issues, succeed in workings, and attain major breakthroughs in your progression.

One does not need to fry themselves to succeed, just be repetitive and consistent in the work. And the work will happen because of this, and very successfully so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I appreciate the analogies. Thank you HP for sharing. Synchronized timing for me in my life.
A very good sermon, thanks. If you keep a record of your meditations and progress in a satanic journal that will also certainly help.
yardiminiza ihtiyacim var, meditasyonda zihnim karisiyor toparlayamiyorum
This was very necessary for me, since I would go and do some reps that maybe for someone with experience is normal but for me it was exaggerated and I would go very stressed, angry, depressed, etc. Then dropping meditation, is always good the first days, but then I start filling my routine and it gets bigger and bigger and 2 and a half hours are needed every day, and in 3 months I can't stand it. I'll follow this advice, I think I'm going to +1 rep every two weeks, or in void meditation and the like +1 minute a month.

At this point I'd rather go slow than "progress fast"
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

In other posts there is a tendency to discuss those who do not do a much or anything at all. That's because these people need more help to get up and solve certain issues, for their own sake first and foremost.

Now in regard to those who are doing a lot and have taken the path and walk it, there are a few factors to consider. These factors here are how you can know if you are overdoing it, so you can cut back a little bit and not fry yourself.

The path is supposed to keep you at a good shape. If you fry, you are not in good shape.

There is a common misconception that if you do crazy amounts of things you will evolve faster. But if you do too much to the point that if you fry, you will be fried and not evolved. The delicate balance here is to press limits when the time is right, and not constantly be on the verge of collapse.

So here is a list of symptoms to know if you are being extremely pressed. If you have a very demanding life, these can also factor in.

1. A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.

2. The above might be coupled with depression, or very sudden changes in mood. Cloud nine one time, then crashing down.

3. If one has depressive tendencies or extreme energy demand in their lives, the above can combine.

4. Meditation should not be pursued like a mad-man chasing things all the time. It should be seen as a form of nutrition to the self. If you are depleted, you must start feeding a hungry person (the soul in this case) bit by bit. Shoving food down the throat of a person who cannot eat, will result in expulsion of said food. But slowly giving the soul food over time (until it restored it's faculty to be fed) is the correct way to go.

5. Doing extremely long hours of meditation, can have opposite effect of frying. Frying will be characterised as staying on top limits all the time, and then a major crash will follow. One must end their meditations on a pleasant note, not feeling like you raised a thousand boulders. This cannot be the constant feeling. This can be done once in a while to push certain limits, or on demanding situations.

Knowing your limits is not always very easy, but if you pay attention to signs like the above, they can be a good compass. If you are doing meditation on the amount you need, it will be like pleasantly drinking water and maybe sometimes being a little too full. But it will not be like you want to puke ten gallons of water. If one feels extreme pressures of this nature, it means the body has not yet adjusted to higher levels of bioelectricity, and that one must cut back.

To take an example of cleansing meditation. One wants to gradually start dealing with certain things let's say revolving around fear, or blockages, or freeing one's soul. Let's say you want to resolve a psychological problem, and you want to start cleaning the soul.

Clearly one wants to do this "Quickly" as the nature of humans is to want instanteneous solutions to want to end certain blockages as early as possible. That is understandable.

If one does too much cleaning, in the same way that one cleans a material and they clean it so much they scrap pieces out of it, one is not going "Faster", they are just destroying this material. Symptoms in the case here would include for example, depression or sadness that is so overwhelming and so bad, that it can reach disabling extents.

Like being a plumber which must un-clog a tunnel, you must pay attention to open the tunnel up gradually so the blocking materials can come out. First one is notified on the pipe that it is blocked in the sense that it does not get water in; then you watch there is hair and other trash inside the tunnel.

If you give a powerful hit on the soul, or in this example, the water tunnel, the water pipe can break and the bathroom will become a mess. A lot more negativity might come out than what one can handle. While one might think the power tool will always solve this issue, that is in many cases NOT the case. I learned this the HARD way, so I am sharing here with everyone else.

Little by little one must take the sludge out. The bigger bucket [your tolerance to energy, and your ability to self control] the more things you can pull out, step by step, until the dross is gone.

Of course warnings like the above due to conspiracy theories that want me to be an asshole that wants to delay anything, is something some will not heed. These people will take the sledgehammer and go break down the hole pipe. But then the result is that you will likely have a lot more work to do after this. Things will become really messy.

This mess might range from making the bathroom disgusting and costing you much more time to fix with sludge all over the bathroom. Even in the case of PTSD and other patients with traumatic experience, care, love and patience is required to take the pains out. No man has improved via the sledgehammer.

Those who use the sledgehammer, are oftentimes very good in construction (means they have prior experience, they can use it). Using a sledgehammer to put something on the wall of your house is also not recommended. That's to give a visual on how one should approach meditation with measure.

Driving all the issues out on one go, will not only not take these issues out, but will rather multiply the issues one already has [lack of control]. In cases like the above, imagine if one starts reliving the PTSD event slowly, bit by bit, and putting in the puzzle together, or instead having the whole torrent of the problem hit them on the head, straight up. That will be far worse than the slower method; one is being very much delayed by this.

While you could have gradually and carefully finished this little by little by the use of a bucket. It's better to go slowly here, than to go fast. Because if one wants to go brutal and fast and the accident I describe above happens, then you will have a lot more work to do - and far nastier work.

The above is actually the fastest way, because the more you avoid the risks which are beyond management, the LESS time you will spend. I speak from experience of having used sledgehammers many times in my progression, and having to go back and repair whole pipes as a result. I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.

Sledgehammer, in this case, major pressure, should be used only when the need warrants it, not with everything. I learned from my mistakes. It felt cool to use a sledgehammer but it was not supposed to be used to put a delicate bolt on the wall. Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.

Moderate speed and gradual, continuous, is oftentimes the fastest and the best way to solve many issues, succeed in workings, and attain major breakthroughs in your progression.

One does not need to fry themselves to succeed, just be repetitive and consistent in the work. And the work will happen because of this, and very successfully so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
it is true; I had a similar experience.
There was a time when I was doing nothing. Then I was doing a lot of meditation. I can say I almost went crazy. Because I had this idea that why I still do not feel progress after doing so many meditations.
I tried to keep the balance and start from the beginning. My progress was amazing! Every time I meditated, I felt alive and happy.
This feeling was absent when I was meditating too much and When i was not meditating
Same!!!! Read my answer
Can one meditate to the point of simply negatively condition the body, brain , so on ? To the point one can't really meditate and clean his soul without pain and issues? I've been frying myself for a very long period, and I genuinely feel like I'm splitting in two.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
