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How To Achieve Your Satanic Goals - New Year Gift

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and Family.

Now I am going to be brief and simple with this, because there is no need to overly confuse this. This is only a gift for our own. It would be so much better if everyone was as giving to others as they wished to be given to themselves. Maybe some of our own can get a better proportion for the next linear year on how to achieve our purposes. In anyway, the stronger all of you are, the stronger are our Gods, and this is a positive relationship going back and forth. Therefore feel free to use the below as a guide to attain your goals into the next linear year.

I write this in particular as many people want to receive help from the Gods, and do not understand what is keeping them back from receiving full help from the Gods. This is close to helping one's own self. If these issues are addressed all of our are going to receive extra blessings and empowerment, and improve better.

All these years I have seen that in contrast to the enemy religions, in which less than 0.5 in 10 of people get better or get richer, or spiritually more full, in Satanism, 9 out of 10 people gain a lot of things spiritually and in every other way. The rest of the 1 in 10 do not partake as they are not in sync or don't know in general how to get out of this.

Think of how many people you see in despair everyday that belong to the enemy. Sheer hopelessness. The enemy has people only as cattle, and this makes everyone suffer. Their suffering is fundamental for the enemy to keep going. Nobody gains anything emotionally or otherwise from these corrupted faiths of the enemy. Suffering, poverty of the mind and spirit, stupidity, reign on people's lives.

In Satanism this is all but the reverse. All the above is a net loss for in Satanism.

1. Remember to study the JoS / Keep a Journal / Retain memory.

Now this one is really simple. The mind is forgetful, we tend to forget easily. Given the enemy and many other factors such as daily life, the mind gets adjusted to things that make us forget in many cases why we are here and what we are here to do. Not only on the JoS, but on this world in general, and with ourselves. Eventually, one may even get completely lost.

It's important to keep a little Journal commemorating times that the Gods have given you help and guidance. Eventually you'll see this journal [make sure it doesn't fall on enemy hands] getting filled to the brim with smaller or larger miracles by the Gods. After a point you will become immunized in your relationship with the Gods and doubting it, but to get there, you have to build a relationship of trust. This is done gradually.

Another thing I do every year is I re-read the JoS. Why would I re-read the JoS? Simply because the mind tends to forget, and many things one is complaining or doesn't know about that exist, are already in there. Another thing you can do is have your list of posts that motivate you and keep you in memory of what you need to retain in your memory. And re-read them to remind yourself why you do what you do.

If you do the above, you make it easier for the Gods to help you by pushing you to the proper material for your advancement and to get you to the next step in whatever goal you have in mind.

One last thing to remember here is what I see with some people who "forget" why they are around or have weavering faith. In many situations this is only a loop in memory. Anyone who has became a Satanist will always be one. Do not let your memory falter to that. However, you may temporarily forget, and to avoid forgetfulness, this happens by keeping on the memory.

2. Do not despair with failure / Have Patience.

Failure is part of life and it tends to happen. Every person who has ever achieved anything has failed at some point one or many times. In many cases failure can be a sign that one must change a goal, but if you have a goal that is within reach, it's only setting you up for you to change your approach and method. Failure is not only a negative sign but also a sign you need to change pace or how you go about a goal.

Depending on your goal you will need to have patience. Some real longterm goals like life overhaul or some great work for Satan, are going to take a huge amount of time to you. Every goal that at first looks insurmountable can be achieved by breaking it down to smaller goals, that are attainable.

An example here is one wants to reach X job in X field, but it may look like unattainable today. Let's say one wants to become a top programmer in a top company on a top field. The way to achieve this goal is to go by frequent steps that bring you daily towards the goal, and not get bitter you didn't attain it one shot. These things are not attained one shot, and that is the way of nature. Nature builds things gradually and so do we.

Build Rome brick by brick everyday.

3. Know that With the Gods you can attain almost anything.

I write 'almost' above because well realistically speaking, one cannot put the Sun in their pocket. If this is not your goal and you aren't deluded, then most other goals you will be able to achieve. Personal goals can be achieved.

The Gods are really advanced beings and our obstacles to them can be like really small. However, how WE obstruct our own goals is not a joke. Satan has repeatedly told me on this, that "One can be a biggest obstacle in their own goals" and that even if the Gods can move "you" out of the way temporarily to push you towards a goal, if you are not ready yourself for it, you will mess everything up.

Remember, this is your life. You're a major player in your own life. Others may have more power than you do, but in the end of the day, you are the player in your own life.

To give an example here, one wants a girlfriend, and they had a really bad karma where this area of the life is concerned. So a higher power may be able to bring you with a girlfriend, or a significant other, that is, if you allow it to somehow happen. Even if the goal comes in your life, if you are in a terrible personal condition, you will not hold on the goal or maintain positive and stable mentality to keep the tree that you have been given to bear fruit and take care of it for all seasons.

On the other hand if you planted the tree on your own, and you grown it, and you learned to love it and take care of it, you'll always know and care about it in the future. In the eyes of the Gods they want us to be creators and not parasites. In the longterm of things being a creator will be useful to you for all eternity, as no matter where you find yourself, you'll build yourself out of this mess. You'll be strong.

Parasites on the other hand are really weak. In their case there is no tree, all they want is to be given something that is ready or take the tree of someone else to consume the fruit. Eventually they will not take care of it, and it will rot. Then these die and they go invade the tree of someone else. These species of life are bound to die, suffer, and be failures for all eternity. Don't be this type of person if you love yourself and you want to be successful.

Mimic the Gods in that regard and you're sure to grow.

4. Listen to the Gods and heed their warnings.

How many times I have written to people let's say to NOT do drugs? I'll repeat it until the end. However, as much effort as it takes for a man to plant a big ass sign that there is "Danger Ahead", it takes so little effort for another man to just not give a shit. And let's say that you consider that whatever, you think you know better and you can deny this.

You deny, but where does this lead? In sickness, in delusion, in destruction of your life, and in other perilous situations. Don't be waiting for your life to go to shit to understand that you must listen to sensible advice.

The Gods typically when one is on the totally wrong way, they will issue you warnings. Unlike the enemy, who profits from misery, pain and suffering, the Gods do NOT profit from this. They suffer alongside you.

It's time to consider your life closer to the Gods and stop allowing the enemy to deceive you that you are alone because you are not. In that regard and when your life doesn't solely "Belong to you" [Convenient bullshit of the 21st century to justify self-destruction] you must think how you ruining yourself has reverberations to others.

For example, one disgraces their family when they have drugs. If you have a brother, you cannot take care of them, and you'll become a burden to them. When you're about to do something really stupid and self damning, think to yourself about the people or the things that you love, and you'll see that a strong power arises from inside you that prohibits you from going down the slide. Nurture this power by thinking more about the Gods.

Now one may say that one is not advanced to listen to their messages. That is OK. Listen to your common sense instead, through which many times the Gods try to pass messages through to you.

5. Stop being a Communist

The Communist mindset implies the usual bullshit that we are all equal and that garbage. We are not equals. No, we are not equal, and that is a good thing. I am not equal to Satan, nor the Gods, and this is why I follow them, and lay my ears to listen.

I am not equal to Warren Buffet in financial knowledge, I am sure the majority here isn't either. If someone of you is a supreme pro athlete, we are not equal. That's a good thing. I don't deserve to be your equal since it's been a long time since I was into pro level athletics.

It's a fact and I don't feel inferior because of it. It's a great thing that things are like that. This is because there is someone better to look out for, and someone better that will look out for you. In the same way there is someone that will look out for me, that is better at something.

When I read shit of people saying we are equal to the Gods, or that we are all equal, I cringe. Do you know the day you are going to die? You do not. Do you know what you will be eating next week Sunday lunch? You don't. Do you have power to control your destiny in full? You do not.

Step down this pedestal of equality and you will be liberated, and your heart will glow with happiness.

This barrier of hate towards superiors and wanting to be "Equal" by doing nothing that the people above one do, is mentally parasitic and a sure guarantee to keep you at the bottom in life. You are not better than a xian if you think like this. Xians always hate their superiors and they abolish all notion of ranking and superiority, because they are garbage that believes that "All men are equal in the eyes of Stalin". Sorry, I mean "Equal in the eyes of the lord". Xians also keep those close them pinned down through this - forced "Equality".

Equality exists only amongst dead beings. It's a blessing to be unequal and not a curse. Do you want to be equal to the doctor that is about to do a surgery to you in surgical knowledge? You definitely do not.

Then why do you want to be equal to others who can are here to empower you and help you?

Satan and the Gods have a hierarchical system of mutual support. This is the best way to empower all beings and go forward, not bullshit such as "equality" and other garbage. One is a Satanist because they understand the Gods are better than us in knowledge and in many things. We idolize them and want to be their equals, but we have to be real unto ourselves in that we are not in the present. In the future, as we stride, we'll become better.

Communism has been put into the masses to render people stupid and worthless. This is because these people have no destiny and they aren't going anywhere. So it's ok for them to believe they are all equals and have no individuality. It's not like they are meant for anything.

6. Small habits make for big changes

This is a military mentality and it's definitely going to help you. While it may look like that if you make your bed daily, or do your meditation daily, this has no connection to your larger destiny, this has a definite connection by a very straight line.

If you are keen to follow a meditation routine everyday today without fail, you will become stronger in willpower to attain and be successful in further goals in life. If you can maintain let's say half an hour daily, no matter what, to meditate, you are far more prone to becoming successful than people who are sloppy and are permanently disorganized.

Everyday you put a little brick on your Rome and you'll have your personal temple. If one is ready to put a brick a day, you'll have it for sure sooner or later. If you are not putting the brick you never will. Putting a brick looks like it's superficial but it's actually the foundation upon which you'll build greater things.

7. Keep meditating...

As a last point, meditation is foundation in Spiritual Satanism, which is the Eternal Path. Why? Because all the tips in the world cannot be assimilated by the mind if your mind is not open.

The aspect of the mind that decides how your life goes, is not the logical mind on it's own. It's what we can call the "repetitive" part of the mind. This part of the mind needs a different kind of work, and the same goes for the Female or Subconscious part of the mind.

These need to be worked on deeply if you want success, and the way to do this is through cleaning and elevating the soul. After this the male or conscious aspect of the mind can be brought to work for you more to your advantage.

The female mind is build upon by what you do on with the male mind or conscious mind. This is simple, and this means, that you have to do with the male mind consciously to guide the female mind to work for your advantage rather than your disadvantage. To get in the mind and clear it, you have to practice meditation on a consistent basis, and this is the only way of actual and lasting success.

8. Take responsibility

Finally this is the path to the Godhead, so it's good if you take responsibility. If you have taken responsibility for your mind and actions (this can take a very long time, it's a gradual process) you will have to accept that if you have the personal power to change things, then you also have responsibility over changing things.

While the enemy may be responsible for a lot of ugly stuff, obstacles and so forth, so is someone who has the ability to do something and sits by watching idle. The world is at the state it is because Abrahamic programs promote endlessly for humans to be irresponsible.

When you leave the enemy faiths, you leave that type of shit behind you, you move to be a better being. Therefore, the more behaviors you bring from your old faith, the more these keep you back.

The person that goes to heaven in xianity is the most non-existent person and the most irresponsible person, the dumbest, who never takes care of themselves or others. In real life these people only end up in eternal torment and permanent failure.

It's a good idea to stop constant complaints about your life. If you're strong or trying to get stronger, use your time not to only to complain, but rather try to do your best to make things in your life better. You'll feel better relief that way.

Xianity is also based on this lie that if you fall on your knees and beg the egregore for help like a slave and do nothing else, it will help you. 99,9% people who believe that shit and get nothing, testify to the falsity of this thing. This comes from the belief that they are totally failed and only slaves. All the slave does is beg for the breadcrumbs of the table of it's master.

Satanism is the Reverse: You ask for help and guidance to sail, and then you get to sailing. The Gods will help to bring the positive tide on you to reach your destination, and help. Still the wheel is on your hands, so you have to be good at it. We're not about begging and tears to our deities. Since the Gods give the instructions, the wheat, the water, you make the dough and make your bread. That's independence.

They don't want us to be servile slaves like the enemy does. Instead of begging on the table of the Gods for breadcrumbs, go make some bread and be strong in yourself and truly independent.


I hope this helps everyone and happy New Year!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It honestly warms my heart how sincerely one cares about their family, even though that's to be expected of a High Priest... it just... it really moves me still.

Your point of equality I believe is very important. I've seen a lot of members throughout the years who get demotivated or upset that someone can do something they can't or that there are members who are further along than them... that shouldn't demotivate you at all or bring you down, that should empower you to know it's possible and that you can see yourself there as well. We didn't start out like this.

I mean, am I supposed to be offended and demotivated because the gods have the power to control the weather and I can't? Am I supposed to be depressed because I can't yet do telekinesis or astral project like they can? No, I desire to be able to live alongside them in my own individual powers and uniqueness, everyone in their own right, so I use that as a means to keep going.

I can also confirm the gods will definitely help you in guidance, but the only one who can move you forward is you. I had recently gotten myself out of a huge turmoil, the gods were there for me the whole time giving me signs, so, so many messages that I couldn't see through all of the stress and madness. It was only when I finally saw and heeded one VERY obvious message that was screamed at me that I was able to see the other ones and that I'm fine now. They will not fix your problems for you but they will show you and tell you how to in many ways.

The only time the gods stepped in to actually help me magick-wise during that chaos was when I was severely struggling to keep fighting the enemy because of the maddening tidal wave of negative energy from the stress and confusion that was consuming me faster than I could fight it, they cleaned my aura for me to give me room to breathe and recover some of my energy, and they were keeping me safe from the enemy in my weakened state. I'm still recovering but I'm getting back into the groove again and I have them and Cobra to thank, and I have already proven my thanks to Satan with a gift and going back to 3 RTRs a day since I was only able to do 1 with so little physical and mental energy to spare in addition to the Yule rituals.

They ARE there for you in your hardest times, they care and they are watching out for you every step of the way so long as you do your part. They will guide you, they will assist where needed, but in the end you must move yourself forward.

This sermon was really what I needed. Very beautiful. I know that the upcoming year will be even better than the last one for all of us brothers and sisters.
Thank you HP for this sermon.
Hail Satan and all the Gods!
It wouldn't be such a hassle to meditate more than once a day will it? sometimes when i meditate my body gets really hot which makes it hard to meditate at times but i soon cool down and afterwards i have my mind settled, and one more thing i really need a schedule to do when i meditate because my meditations be everywhere at times when i meditate lol. so I'm going to have to get guidance from the Gods and mostly Satan on how they think my meditation schedule should go, and it would be most lovely to get that type of guidance from them. Because Satan and the Gods know whats right for me and sometimes my intuition tells me what i should do but mostly, I will be getting guidance from Father Satan.

Hail Satan
Thank you for taking time off your busy schedule to write this. Happy New Year :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
6. Small habits make for big changes

This is a military mentality and it's definitely going to help you. While it may look like that if you make your bed daily, or do your meditation daily, this has no connection to your larger destiny, this has a definite connection by a very straight line.

If you are keen to follow a meditation routine everyday today without fail, you will become stronger in willpower to attain and be successful in further goals in life. If you can maintain let's say half an hour daily, no matter what, to meditate, you are far more prone to becoming successful than people who are sloppy and are permanently disorganized.

Everyday you put a little brick on your Rome and you'll have your personal temple. If one is ready to put a brick a day, you'll have it for sure sooner or later. If you are not putting the brick you never will. Putting a brick looks like it's superficial but it's actually the foundation upon which you'll build greater things.

That reminds me of this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sK3wJAxGfs

If You Want to Change the World, Start Off by Making Your Bed - William McRaven, US Navy Admiral

He says the same thing you do, and that's probably where you got the idea to write the above. Something as simple as making your bed, can turn into more chores done and before you know it, you have a nice, clean house.
I needed this, thank you Brother, Hail Satan forever
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satanism is the Reverse: You ask for help and guidance to sail, and then you get to sailing. The Gods will help to bring the positive tide on you to reach your destination, and help. Still the wheel is on your hands, so you have to be good at it. We're not about begging and tears to our deities. Since the Gods give the instructions, the wheat, the water, you make the dough and make your bread. That's independence.

They don't want us to be servile slaves like the enemy does. Instead of begging on the table of the Gods for breadcrumbs, go make some bread and be strong in yourself and truly independent.

Yes, let's get this bread! Lol :cool: A great sermon, thank you!
That one looks like a resolute guy, very nice speech.

This statement is very common in the military [it's necessary for tactical reasons to make your bed also], but this guy took it on another level.

ShadowTheRaven said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
6. Small habits make for big changes

That reminds me of this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sK3wJAxGfs

If You Want to Change the World, Start Off by Making Your Bed - William McRaven, US Navy Admiral

He says the same thing you do, and that's probably where you got the idea to write the above.
Thank you for the good advice, and Happy New Year to you to!
How do you break away from bad habits ?
Social equality was defined as the constitutional rights of citizens of a republic and that is America. This was designed to simply have everyone equal before the law and have the same rights to freedoms and liberty so they could have education and self realization and rise by merit.

This has been confused by the Jews with Jewish Christinsanity's concept of equality which is your all equally Goyim dogs and Jews are divine gods like rabbi Jewsus stated.

People also confuse equality the concept of social fairness with this because of such and some because their own sense of worth has been jewked from orbit by social conditioning in a society built on the zeitgeist of Jewish Christianity which is built on destroying your self esteem so you will accept abuse from Jews. When they mean equal they mean of equal VALUE. Because their low self worth is triggered by those they perceive as having more value then them often due to social status and accomplishments. People who love themselves and find worth and value in their own spiritual being and life don't live with this resentment of innocent people all around them in general. Its dysfunctional and requires therapy in the real sense which means healing of the psyche.
Thanks for this gift. :D
HP hoodedcobra and HP jake Carlson I don't know who you guys are but...

Wow. Once again, always writing something that is so peculiar to a situation I am in. Especially the one that says for us to listen to the Gods, especially when you are being urged to take a particular action.

Thank you for this. I really appreciate it. the Clergy, especially you two are always writing something that somehow when I need it or it is a response to a question I have asked the Gods or Satan himself and a day later, I find it online or given a situation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and Family.


I hope this helps everyone and happy New Year!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This sermon made me happy, thanks for the post.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and Family.

I hope this helps everyone and happy New Year!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this gift, HP Hooded Cobra 666.
Can anyone help me with the necronomicon meditation dates as I'm still confused about astrology. I can read charts and stuff and know when the moon is in a certain sign but I don't know about the other planets and how to tell when they're in what sign.
Well written, Esoterically one can become damned confused however, within there mind and heart, miscommunication happens as your balls bounce of the wall to reach there target ''eventually'' However that deaf dumb and blind kid, dose indeed, play a mean pinball....and others can too. It dose feel that way on occasion.

Your actor or character you play, is often hard to align with your innate essence absolutely. Its process for everyone.

One wonders in the tunnels occasionally like the fabled blind piper, wouldn't you say? Reality is like a large mind that also has a brain. One can but its so very hard to do, though one is and one must. Just say you Are, and are as you are, to remind yourself along the way.

You need positive experiences to establish patterns and parameters to assure success, an over abundance of negativity in communication laughing boys, and death threats telepathically dose not help. What a waste of energy. True, very true.

This dose waste ones time even as it is enjoyable. Fore brain Uncertainty robs one of a little pleasure however as to the callers intent. More so if proper introductions have not yet been affected.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and Family.

"..permanently disorganized."

Haha.. I guess you could say that about my room if you saw it.. the difference is I know generally where everything is stuffed out the top of my head. I'll be trying harder to clean up better because its actually bothering me.

Have been trying to improve the situation over the past year though.

Anyway thank you for the sermon it was interesting to read. I guess I should head back to reading the main website again soon some time :) (let me at least finish this book first).

Also.. I noticed that I have a hard time doing a little bit on something each day.. I end up doing a lot on one thing till its about finished. Guess there may be a few too many things scattered around though.

And I also think this reply is something that is totally useless to write and post.
Thanks HP, HNY everyone! :D
Happy New Years To Father Satan, His Loyal Demons and Demonesses, to The Powers Of Hell And Happy New Years To All Our Hard Working and Inspiring High Priests and High Priestesses, To All Us Dedicated Spiritual Satanists, From the smallest to the largest Efforts and work for Father Satan and our Future.

Thank You So Much. H.P.
I can't describe what a difference, reality shift and motivation your post added to my journey

Satanic Blessings To All Dedicated Spiritual Satanists

It is now 00:34 01/01/2020 in S.A

Catalincata94 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I hope this helps everyone and happy New Year!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Failure is not only a negative sign but also a sign you need to change pace or how you go about a goal.
you mean place?
Pace as in speed. Meaning going to fast and overwhelming yourself.

And also he means dont let your notes fall into enemy hands much like how you dont want your date of birth and astrology information in the enemy hands it reveals your weaknesses. you dont want the enemy to know your weaknesses
Jack said:
How do you break away from bad habits ?

Definitely easier said than done. I would say type copy-paste your question in a google search and read the results. Jokes aside there are many facets to answering this question hopefully the below can help as earlier this year I asked myself this question and my search proved quite fruitful.

A book that has had raving reviews this year and has proven results for many online is a book called "Atomic Habits" by James Clear ... This really can be life changing for the year to anyone reading! Honestly have a read of even just the summary as common sense rules true in this method. Thanks for the question as this re-sparked my earlier discovery of this book and it's definitely time I implement this with the goals I set.

Some Amazon reviews of the book https://tinyurl.com/r4g6sdg

Here's a link to download the book

Here's a summary of the book if you want a spoon feeding of this great habit breaking method:
Hps.mlimlal666 said:
Happy New Year dear brothers and sisters. Hail Satan and all the Gods of Duat!

Happy New Years to you too and to the rest of brothers and sisters in Satan.

Hail Satan

Hails the Gods
Good point on the mind forgetting things and being forgetful.


Just when you feel lost and demotivated and have doubts.

Then all you need to do is go on kaballah exposed website and read Christ is a kaballistic spell or any other article on this website you feel most motivated by. Your mind will be refreshed again and it will say "Damn.." nevertheless you need to read and re-read everything on the JoS sister sites.

I read this one article I mentioned on this website and it made me furious and motivated me to do the work I know I need to do. You also know what you need to do.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
