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How the kikes use a race to terrorize other races


New member
Aug 13, 2002
I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch
Sad and s[/IMG]</var>
  Hail our Creator God Satan.
From: vabzirteloch <vabzirteloch@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 7:36 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] How the kikes use a race to terrorize other races

  I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch

<td val[/IMG]Sounds like a lot of the red necks in my part of the woods in the deep south in the US.I just can't see how people live like that but then I am not one of them either.But our nation is in sad shape to from that sick race.But we are working on putting an end to that too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: vabzirteloch <vabzirteloch@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] How the kikes use a race to terrorize other races
Sent: Thu, May 24, 2012 11:36:10 AM

<td val[/IMG]   I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch

I couldn't agree more with you at this topic. I am from the Czech republic, and 5 years ago I was beaten by gypsies on the street for no reason. I got only few hits and a kick before I managed to escape. Recently there was big "boom" in media when gypsies beat one young Ukrainian boy in the town of Břeclav, because he didn't give them a cigarette they asked him for. They kicked him brutally as he was laying on the ground, he had to be hospitalized and lost one of his kidneys in the end...

And when something happens to gypsy, offender is charged with extra punishment because of racist reason, but it doesn't work it the other way.

You said pretty much everything, there is nothing more to add. They get new modern houses to live in from goverment for FREE and they destroy them totally. They are able to set fires in the middle of their rooms and feed the fire with furniture. Which Czech, Slovak, or Hungarian will get apartment for free? Noone.

Hail Enki!
I'm sure every country got their share of this kind of people... Oh, and the worst thing is that Hungarian Nationalists base their ideology on xianity 'xian morals' - so if they seize the power, they lose anyway, because they build on a kike program...

Vabzir Teloch

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Sounds like a lot of the red necks in my part of the woods in the deep south in the US.I just can't see how people live like that but then I am not one of them either.But our nation is in sad shape to from that sick race.But we are working on putting an end to that too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
<td val[/IMG]Yes we all have this cancer to deal with and we are making progress in getting rid of it.This world will be rid of this garbage and we can get back to the natural order again.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: vabzirteloch <vabzirteloch@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How the kikes use a race to terrorize other races
Sent: Thu, May 24, 2012 7:52:06 PM

<td val[/IMG]   I'm sure every country got their share of this kind of people... Oh, and the worst thing is that Hungarian Nationalists base their ideology on xianity 'xian morals' - so if they seize the power, they lose anyway, because they build on a kike program...

Vabzir Teloch

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Sounds like a lot of the red necks in my part of the woods in the deep south in the US.I just can't see how people live like that but then I am not one of them either.But our nation is in sad shape to from that sick race.But we are working on putting an end to that too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
These disgusting people have made their way over here (the US) they don't even deserve to be called people. There is actually a reality TV show about them on TLC. I watched it out of curiosity and I couldn't even make it through a whole episode bc their behavior & the way they articulated themselves totally disgusted me. This is another example of Jews running the media to actually somewhat glorify these trashy barely conscious apes. The pic with the two fucks holding up that poor defenseless puppy shows their true weakness. I DARE one of these weak apes to TRY to attack me bc they will be met with a wall of rage and fury that they will only be able to cower from. Thank you for sharing this info on these disgusting group of people do we know that they're out there.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell!
Death to the RHP may their temples crumble & burn!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch
The gypsies are the private army of the kikes in Europe (and as I heard they use Blacks in the UK and Arabs in Germany).

I think of the enemy as a 100-armed monster - the head are the jews, planning and organizing this whole attack, and one of the monster's arms is the Gypsy race. The problem is no matter if we cut down an arm, it still has 99 other, so I think we must concentrate on it's head. But it's fucking hard to fight against the head when you are physically threatened by those fucking arms.
This is good for them because it divides our efforts. We are being attacked from 100 separate directions, financial, social, physical, mental, economical etc...

I don't really know where to start. I do destruction spells EVERY Saturday (not rituals because I don't really have time), I hope it helps.

Vabzir Teloch

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "alkurah1" <alkurah1@... wrote:

I couldn't agree more with you at this topic. I am from the Czech republic, and 5 years ago I was beaten by gypsies on the street for no reason. I got only few hits and a kick before I managed to escape. Recently there was big "boom" in media when gypsies beat one young Ukrainian boy in the town of Břeclav, because he didn't give them a cigarette they asked him for. They kicked him brutally as he was laying on the ground, he had to be hospitalized and lost one of his kidneys in the end...

And when something happens to gypsy, offender is charged with extra punishment because of racist reason, but it doesn't work it the other way.

You said pretty much everything, there is nothing more to add. They get new modern houses to live in from goverment for FREE and they destroy them totally. They are able to set fires in the middle of their rooms and feed the fire with furniture. Which Czech, Slovak, or Hungarian will get apartment for free? Noone.

Hail Enki!
Hoodedcobra, thanks for adding typical gypsy crimes and behavior to the list. I left out some, but I think this list is endless.

I haven't paid too much attention to the origins of gypsies, I just want them out of here (I mean out of this universe). Once I read an article saying that gypsies are jews from Egypt (descended from jews who were in Egypt at the time), but I don't really know.

I've been writing some spells for Hungarians and Hungary, to change our mentality, and of course FOR the gypsies to change, but these spells still aren't complete and usable. The reason I don't write spells AGAINST the gypsies, is because I don't want to collectively hurt them if they are a Gentile race. It would be great to ask one of our Gods if they are Gentiles whom we should change (which I think is the most impossible thing in this world), or kikes whom we should destroy completely. I really hate this race (beside kikes), I can't help it, no matter if they are Gentiles.

Maybe the Spiritual Satanists from gypsy-struck nations should use a group spell to make their nations defend themselves against gypsies.

If you think it's a good idea, I'd create a spell.

Vabzir Teloch

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch
I know of a gypsy family in the 1960's in New Jersey where there are manly educated but still xian hungarians and this gypsy family would steal children, so I believe you how sad .. filthy kikes.

Hail Haures~

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@... wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch
I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch
To my understanding of the Gypsy religion/culture. Its identical to Juadism in its sense of divine entitlement for  parasite, criminal behaviour. Eitherway, The Gypsies are a well known group of criminal psychopaths with a religion around this fact. There is a reason being "Gyped" is used in the same context as being "Jewed."
From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.
  I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch
About 10 years ago, I had an Bulgarian boyfriend, whom I lived with. He would go back to his home country, to the capital Sofia to visit his two uncles every summer. I didn't go with him, but he would bring back stories of these gypsies.
The gypsies, recognizing that he was an tourist by the way he dressed, would go up to him (usually one person) and beg for money. It was usually an old woman or a dirty looking kid.Obviously, he never gave any. As he was told that the moment you take out your wallet, about a half dozen or more gypsies would come out of nowhere to beg for money and harass you.Women don't carry purses in Bulgaria, as these gypsies would have a knife and cut the bottom of the purse open and take one's possessions like that.They would steal material from train shipments. When they left a building to move elsewhere, they would strip clean the place of all metal to bring with them.They never or seldom showered, married young (like, 14 is normal) and had lots of kids.When my ex took the train to travel, he was advised to roll up his window. He did this, and soon saw why. Gypsy kids, some buck naked, would run alongside the train and throw their feces and stones at the windows.It was advised never to leave your car unattended or left somewhere overnight, even for a few hours in a place that did not get a lot of traffic or crowds. When you came back, the tires would be missing, the metal gone. And whatever you had in the car, gone.
Some citizens would grow tomatoes in their backyard, and this would be an essential ingredient to make salads. But one guy that my ex knew, his tomatoes kept getting stolen. So one day he waited and hid in his backyard. And wanted to catch and beat up whoever was stealing them. He was beaten up by a gang of gypsies, all men. So for his safety he didn't seek them out again, and his tomatoes kept getting stolen.
If I recall correctly, there was a flood in Sofia one time my ex went back, in the summertime. People would trying to fix and repair their homes from the damage, but the bars were filled with gypsies drinking because they had gotten their welfare checks.
They are a plague.

From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

  I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch

..Hail Satan!! The most of them are jews /follow judaism. there are ethnic Gypsies who are Roma, and other Gypsies who are not ethnically Roma. the term was taken by the Slavs and Hungarians with the meaning of Roman-like, Italian, French or Balkan Vlach (Romanian); following the terminology applied by Germans to the Romanized Celts.
Gábor: This is a Hungarian name (Gabriel) and the most common surname among a Transylvanian Romany community, an offshoot of the Kalderaš which is now often considered as an independent group. They seem to have received an important Jewish influence, and are like the "Orthodox" ‒ concerning Romany Law, not religion ‒ group among Roma. Also the Romany they speak seems to be older than the one generally spoken by most Kalderaša. They are economically at the highest position in Romany society; their homes are easily recognizable for their shining roofs and lordly aspect. The Gábor Roma consider themselves of Hungarian nationality; they speak Romany and their second language is Magyar. They do not emigrate, but may be seen in any European country for business or temporary stay.
The Gábor Roma hardly intermarry, and practise a Shabbath-keeping Christianity. Jews!!! IMO

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

To my understanding of the Gypsy religion/culture. Its identical to Juadism in its sense of divine entitlement for  parasite, criminal behaviour. Eitherway, The Gypsies are a well known group of criminal psychopaths with a religion around this fact.
There is a reason being "Gyped" is used in the same context as being "Jewed."

From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.


I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are
Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on
this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch
There are some gypsies near my area as well and I know what you guys are talking about. First thing, they always stick together. I have never seen a gypsy being all by itself. Another thing is that like 10 gypsies live in the same ready-to-collapse house and somehow all of them are related to each other. Whenever they are in a car, it's gotta be like 7 of them in it.

I've heard from friends of mine that they threat people with their lives so that they can get them do stuff for them, and I'm not talking about 'give me your money' stuff only. They were begging old men to buy them things or give them money and the gypsy girls would ask other girls to give them any jewels they were wearing.

A gypsy once found out my friends' mobile phone and he was calling and texting them all the fucking time. That gypsy also gave their numbers to all the other gypsies. My friends had to change their mobile phone numbers because they wouldn't stop nagging them.

There was this gypsy woman who was always passing outside my house with a supermarket cart collecting all kinds of shit from the streets. All of them are awful.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@... wrote:

About 10 years ago, I had an Bulgarian boyfriend, whom I lived with. He would go back to his home country, to the capital Sofia to visit his two uncles every summer. I didn't go with him, but he would bring back stories of these gypsies.

The gypsies, recognizing that he was an tourist by the way he dressed, would go up to him (usually one person) and beg for money. It was usually an old woman or a dirty looking kid.
Obviously, he never gave any. As he was told that the moment you take out your wallet, about a half dozen or more gypsies would come out of nowhere to beg for money and harass you.
Women don't carry purses in Bulgaria, as these gypsies would have a knife and cut the bottom of the purse open and take one's possessions like that.
They would steal material from train shipments. When they left a building to move elsewhere, they would strip clean the place of all metal to bring with them.
They never or seldom showered, married young (like, 14 is normal) and had lots of kids.
When my ex took the train to travel, he was advised to roll up his window. He did this, and soon saw why. Gypsy kids, some buck naked, would run alongside the train and throw their feces and stones at the windows.
It was advised never to leave your car unattended or left somewhere overnight, even for a few hours in a place that did not get a lot of traffic or crowds. When you came back, the tires would be missing, the metal gone. And whatever you had in the car, gone.

Some citizens would grow tomatoes in their backyard, and this would be an essential ingredient to make salads. But one guy that my ex knew, his tomatoes kept getting stolen. So one day he waited and hid in his backyard. And wanted to catch and beat up whoever was stealing them. He was beaten up by a gang of gypsies, all men. So for his safety he didn't seek them out again, and his tomatoes kept getting stolen.

If I recall correctly, there was a flood in Sofia one time my ex went back, in the summertime. People would trying to fix and repair their homes from the damage, but the bars were filled with gypsies drinking because they had gotten their welfare checks.

They are a plague.

From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are
Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on
this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch
Let this kind of situation continue and violence will continue growing. Although the denigration of true NS, I do not blame Hammerskins or other kinds of racist Skinheads, this is Nature putting order in the house, raising the wildest instinctins on humans. Let act against Nature and she will violently act in return. Racial conflict is the answer Nature gives when one does not respect racial separation, and this case is not only racial living together, but also racial harassement by part of these untermenschen parasities.

"So take your fists back, or I'll crush you! Know that I'm not afraid about violence and that I can be as violent as you are" - Hitler

We should not only advance spiritually but also physically. Who knows when a kike will try to rape or spank you?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch
Actually the Romani (gypsies) live in Europe who are traced genetically back to northwestern Indian about 2,000 years ago. oma is instead derived from the word, "Rom," meaning man. The Gypsy language is called Romani and is derived from the oldest written language, Sanskrit.

The Gypsies as far as I know, had nothing to do with a kike, in fact it was the Church Church and kings became angered and suspicious of their carefreeness. The Church did not approve of fortune telling and the Gypsy customs, morals and way of life contrasted with the non-Gypsy Europe. This was the beginning of prejudice and persecution that exists until today.

In the 11th century, India was under attack by the Muslim general Mahmud of Ghazni, pushing Islam eastwards to India.

The Gypsies were different ethnic groups who spoke many different languages and dialects. Some were Lohars, Gujjars, Tandas, some were Rajputs, non-Indian peoples who had come to live in India some centuries before, and some may also have been Siddhis, Africans from the East African coast who fought as mercenaries for both the Hindus and the Muslims.

Gypsies are a simple people so to speak, and many of them are very knowledgeable of herbs and fortune telling. Some gypsies looked at non-gypsies as barbarians and others not so. But everyone is different when it comes to that type of thing.

The fact of the matter is, I have spoken with Gypsies before, and they were quiet friendly and clean, my experiences show treating them with respect as any normal human being will get you a long way. "treat others as you would be treated" is something I strive for. But unfortunately some people do not have any pleasant experience with these people

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blacksun1142" <blacksun1142@... wrote:

There are some gypsies near my area as well and I know what you guys are talking about. First thing, they always stick together. I have never seen a gypsy being all by itself. Another thing is that like 10 gypsies live in the same ready-to-collapse house and somehow all of them are related to each other. Whenever they are in a car, it's gotta be like 7 of them in it.

I've heard from friends of mine that they threat people with their lives so that they can get them do stuff for them, and I'm not talking about 'give me your money' stuff only. They were begging old men to buy them things or give them money and the gypsy girls would ask other girls to give them any jewels they were wearing.

A gypsy once found out my friends' mobile phone and he was calling and texting them all the fucking time. That gypsy also gave their numbers to all the other gypsies. My friends had to change their mobile phone numbers because they wouldn't stop nagging them.

There was this gypsy woman who was always passing outside my house with a supermarket cart collecting all kinds of shit from the streets. All of them are awful.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

About 10 years ago, I had an Bulgarian boyfriend, whom I lived with. He would go back to his home country, to the capital Sofia to visit his two uncles every summer. I didn't go with him, but he would bring back stories of these gypsies.

The gypsies, recognizing that he was an tourist by the way he dressed, would go up to him (usually one person) and beg for money. It was usually an old woman or a dirty looking kid.
Obviously, he never gave any. As he was told that the moment you take out your wallet, about a half dozen or more gypsies would come out of nowhere to beg for money and harass you.
Women don't carry purses in Bulgaria, as these gypsies would have a knife and cut the bottom of the purse open and take one's possessions like that.
They would steal material from train shipments. When they left a building to move elsewhere, they would strip clean the place of all metal to bring with them.
They never or seldom showered, married young (like, 14 is normal) and had lots of kids.
When my ex took the train to travel, he was advised to roll up his window. He did this, and soon saw why. Gypsy kids, some buck naked, would run alongside the train and throw their feces and stones at the windows.
It was advised never to leave your car unattended or left somewhere overnight, even for a few hours in a place that did not get a lot of traffic or crowds. When you came back, the tires would be missing, the metal gone. And whatever you had in the car, gone.

Some citizens would grow tomatoes in their backyard, and this would be an essential ingredient to make salads. But one guy that my ex knew, his tomatoes kept getting stolen. So one day he waited and hid in his backyard. And wanted to catch and beat up whoever was stealing them. He was beaten up by a gang of gypsies, all men. So for his safety he didn't seek them out again, and his tomatoes kept getting stolen.

If I recall correctly, there was a flood in Sofia one time my ex went back, in the summertime. People would trying to fix and repair their homes from the damage, but the bars were filled with gypsies drinking because they had gotten their welfare checks.

They are a plague.

From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are
Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on
this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch
I have read that the term Gypsy means ones who came out of egypt; and who or whom might that be? The answer is obvious.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blacksun1142" <blacksun1142@... wrote:

There are some gypsies near my area as well and I know what you guys are talking about. First thing, they always stick together. I have never seen a gypsy being all by itself. Another thing is that like 10 gypsies live in the same ready-to-collapse house and somehow all of them are related to each other. Whenever they are in a car, it's gotta be like 7 of them in it.

I've heard from friends of mine that they threat people with their lives so that they can get them do stuff for them, and I'm not talking about 'give me your money' stuff only. They were begging old men to buy them things or give them money and the gypsy girls would ask other girls to give them any jewels they were wearing.

A gypsy once found out my friends' mobile phone and he was calling and texting them all the fucking time. That gypsy also gave their numbers to all the other gypsies. My friends had to change their mobile phone numbers because they wouldn't stop nagging them.

There was this gypsy woman who was always passing outside my house with a supermarket cart collecting all kinds of shit from the streets. All of them are awful.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

About 10 years ago, I had an Bulgarian boyfriend, whom I lived with. He would go back to his home country, to the capital Sofia to visit his two uncles every summer. I didn't go with him, but he would bring back stories of these gypsies.

The gypsies, recognizing that he was an tourist by the way he dressed, would go up to him (usually one person) and beg for money. It was usually an old woman or a dirty looking kid.
Obviously, he never gave any. As he was told that the moment you take out your wallet, about a half dozen or more gypsies would come out of nowhere to beg for money and harass you.
Women don't carry purses in Bulgaria, as these gypsies would have a knife and cut the bottom of the purse open and take one's possessions like that.
They would steal material from train shipments. When they left a building to move elsewhere, they would strip clean the place of all metal to bring with them.
They never or seldom showered, married young (like, 14 is normal) and had lots of kids.
When my ex took the train to travel, he was advised to roll up his window. He did this, and soon saw why. Gypsy kids, some buck naked, would run alongside the train and throw their feces and stones at the windows.
It was advised never to leave your car unattended or left somewhere overnight, even for a few hours in a place that did not get a lot of traffic or crowds. When you came back, the tires would be missing, the metal gone. And whatever you had in the car, gone.

Some citizens would grow tomatoes in their backyard, and this would be an essential ingredient to make salads. But one guy that my ex knew, his tomatoes kept getting stolen. So one day he waited and hid in his backyard. And wanted to catch and beat up whoever was stealing them. He was beaten up by a gang of gypsies, all men. So for his safety he didn't seek them out again, and his tomatoes kept getting stolen.

If I recall correctly, there was a flood in Sofia one time my ex went back, in the summertime. People would trying to fix and repair their homes from the damage, but the bars were filled with gypsies drinking because they had gotten their welfare checks.

They are a plague.

From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are
Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on
this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch
Tell us another fairy tale. Child of delusion.
From: blessedchildoflucifer <blessedchildoflucifer@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 3:23:24 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.
  Actually the Romani (gypsies) live in Europe who are traced genetically back to northwestern Indian about 2,000 years ago. oma is instead derived from the word, "Rom," meaning man. The Gypsy language is called Romani and is derived from the oldest written language, Sanskrit.

The Gypsies as far as I know, had nothing to do with a kike, in fact it was the Church Church and kings became angered and suspicious of their carefreeness. The Church did not approve of fortune telling and the Gypsy customs, morals and way of life contrasted with the non-Gypsy Europe. This was the beginning of prejudice and persecution that exists until today.

In the 11th century, India was under attack by the Muslim general Mahmud of Ghazni, pushing Islam eastwards to India.

The Gypsies were different ethnic groups who spoke many different languages and dialects. Some were Lohars, Gujjars, Tandas, some were Rajputs, non-Indian peoples who had come to live in India some centuries before, and some may also have been Siddhis, Africans from the East African coast who fought as mercenaries for both the Hindus and the Muslims.

Gypsies are a simple people so to speak, and many of them are very knowledgeable of herbs and fortune telling. Some gypsies looked at non-gypsies as barbarians and others not so. But everyone is different when it comes to that type of thing.

The fact of the matter is, I have spoken with Gypsies before, and they were quiet friendly and clean, my experiences show treating them with respect as any normal human being will get you a long way. "treat others as you would be treated" is something I strive for. But unfortunately some people do not have any pleasant experience with these people

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "blacksun1142" <blacksun1142@... wrote:

There are some gypsies near my area as well and I know what you guys are talking about. First thing, they always stick together. I have never seen a gypsy being all by itself. Another thing is that like 10 gypsies live in the same ready-to-collapse house and somehow all of them are related to each other. Whenever they are in a car, it's gotta be like 7 of them in it.

I've heard from friends of mine that they threat people with their lives so that they can get them do stuff for them, and I'm not talking about 'give me your money' stuff only. They were begging old men to buy them things or give them money and the gypsy girls would ask other girls to give them any jewels they were wearing.

A gypsy once found out my friends' mobile phone and he was calling and texting them all the fucking time. That gypsy also gave their numbers to all the other gypsies. My friends had to change their mobile phone numbers because they wouldn't stop nagging them.

There was this gypsy woman who was always passing outside my house with a supermarket cart collecting all kinds of shit from the streets. All of them are awful.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

About 10 years ago, I had an Bulgarian boyfriend, whom I lived with. He would go back to his home country, to the capital Sofia to visit his two uncles every summer. I didn't go with him, but he would bring back stories of these gypsies.

The gypsies, recognizing that he was an tourist by the way he dressed, would go up to him (usually one person) and beg for money. It was usually an old woman or a dirty looking kid.
Obviously, he never gave any. As he was told that the moment you take out your wallet, about a half dozen or more gypsies would come out of nowhere to beg for money and harass you.
Women don't carry purses in Bulgaria, as these gypsies would have a knife and cut the bottom of the purse open and take one's possessions like that.
They would steal material from train shipments. When they left a building to move elsewhere, they would strip clean the place of all metal to bring with them.
They never or seldom showered, married young (like, 14 is normal) and had lots of kids.
When my ex took the train to travel, he was advised to roll up his window. He did this, and soon saw why. Gypsy kids, some buck naked, would run alongside the train and throw their feces and stones at the windows.
It was advised never to leave your car unattended or left somewhere overnight, even for a few hours in a place that did not get a lot of traffic or crowds. When you came back, the tires would be missing, the metal gone. And whatever you had in the car, gone.

Some citizens would grow tomatoes in their backyard, and this would be an essential ingredient to make salads. But one guy that my ex knew, his tomatoes kept getting stolen. So one day he waited and hid in his backyard. And wanted to catch and beat up whoever was stealing them. He was beaten up by a gang of gypsies, all men. So for his safety he didn't seek them out again, and his tomatoes kept getting stolen.

If I recall correctly, there was a flood in Sofia one time my ex went back, in the summertime. People would trying to fix and repair their homes from the damage, but the bars were filled with gypsies drinking because they had gotten their welfare checks.

They are a plague.

From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are
Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on
this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch
 In Mumbai(Bombay) we call them vagris. They are exactly as hoodedcobra described them. They are from either from Gujarat or Rajasthan(states in India) i do not  know. When i asked others they said this dialect is spoken in both the states near the bordering villages.(The states of Gujarat  Rajasthan border each other) Even the cops on Bombay want nothing to do with them .They are trouble.It took us (me and the other shopkeepers and homeowners of that street)about 5 years to get  rid of them, they are trouble and in no way nice. We call them the scum bags of the society in Bombay


From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 1:16 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

  Well, get to know the gypsies I have close in town. Be nice to them and they will nicely rape you, kill you, then burn your house, then sell your organs, and piss at your grave for years to come.

Because they are so good people. They don't bother going to school as they steal and create gangs there. Lying is a habit for them, it can be day and they can tell you its night. Cocaine, drugs and all the rest? Find the gypsies, they deal it all.

Electricity? Fuck electricity and paying bills. They take cables from the streetlights, plug that into their van, and play gypsy songs all night. Then leave and go somewhere else. Their kids in rugs all over the city, begging for money and picking on other kids.

Don't you dare tell a gypsy to fuck off, in a matter of 10 minutes, a whole gang will show up and treat you accordingly. They steal all they can, from cars to motorcycles and their bosses have some good AK-47's just in case. They are very dangerous really, they are like jews, here today gone tommorow, unless they establish a legion and they can fuck people with it. Also each gypsy gets married at around 14, has 10 kids, the 10 kids have 10 kids and the list goes on.

The other time I was at the hospital to check on someone, and there were like 15 of them in a room of 2, just giving birth to another gypsy. Staying in the hospital and eating, shitting and sleeping like its their own home.

And now to say that such beings have anything to do with Sanskirt is just mindgames. And their fortune telling ability is so stupid. I wonder which movie you watched to come into such conclusions. They are so low intellectually, so let aside having any psychic ability.

Now none is allowed to tell them anything, when they do robberies, get young people addicted to drugs, rape and even murder. Because some fools were to humanitarian (my ass) and let them live. They were like kissing ass and playing the victims, like professional jews. Now they own AK-47's and the police cannot even go close to their catavlysms.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Tell us another fairy tale. Child of delusion.

From: blessedchildoflucifer <blessedchildoflucifer@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 3:23:24 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.


Actually the Romani (gypsies) live in Europe who are traced genetically back to northwestern Indian about 2,000 years ago. oma is instead derived from the word, "Rom," meaning man. The Gypsy language is called Romani and is derived from the oldest written language, Sanskrit.

The Gypsies as far as I know, had nothing to do with a kike, in fact it was the Church Church and kings became angered and suspicious of their carefreeness. The Church did not approve of fortune telling and the Gypsy customs, morals and way of life contrasted with the non-Gypsy Europe. This was the beginning of prejudice and persecution that exists until today.

In the 11th century, India was under attack by the Muslim general Mahmud of Ghazni, pushing Islam eastwards to India.

The Gypsies were different ethnic groups who spoke many different languages and dialects. Some were Lohars, Gujjars, Tandas, some were Rajputs, non-Indian peoples who had come to live in India some centuries before, and some may also have been Siddhis, Africans from the East African coast who fought as mercenaries for both the Hindus and the Muslims.

Gypsies are a simple people so to speak, and many of them are very knowledgeable of herbs and fortune telling. Some gypsies looked at non-gypsies as barbarians and others not so. But everyone is different when it comes to that type of thing.

The fact of the matter is, I have spoken with Gypsies before, and they were quiet friendly and clean, my experiences show treating them with respect as any normal human being will get you a long way. "treat others as you would be treated" is something I strive for. But unfortunately some people do not have any pleasant experience with these people

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "blacksun1142" <blacksun1142@ wrote:

There are some gypsies near my area as well and I know what you guys are talking about. First thing, they always stick together. I have never seen a gypsy being all by itself. Another thing is that like 10 gypsies live in the same ready-to-collapse house and somehow all of them are related to each other. Whenever they are in a car, it's gotta be like 7 of them in it.

I've heard from friends of mine that they threat people with their lives so that they can get them do stuff for them, and I'm not talking about 'give me your money' stuff only. They were begging old men to buy them things or give them money and the gypsy girls would ask other girls to give them any jewels they were wearing.

A gypsy once found out my friends' mobile phone and he was calling and texting them all the fucking time. That gypsy also gave their numbers to all the other gypsies. My friends had to change their mobile phone numbers because they wouldn't stop nagging them.

There was this gypsy woman who was always passing outside my house with a supermarket cart collecting all kinds of shit from the streets. All of them are awful.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

About 10 years ago, I had an Bulgarian boyfriend, whom I lived with. He would go back to his home country, to the capital Sofia to visit his two uncles every summer. I didn't go with him, but he would bring back stories of these gypsies.

The gypsies, recognizing that he was an tourist by the way he dressed, would go up to him (usually one person) and beg for money. It was usually an old woman or a dirty looking kid.
Obviously, he never gave any. As he was told that the moment you take out your wallet, about a half dozen or more gypsies would come out of nowhere to beg for money and harass you.
Women don't carry purses in Bulgaria, as these gypsies would have a knife and cut the bottom of the purse open and take one's possessions like that.
They would steal material from train shipments. When they left a building to move elsewhere, they would strip clean the place of all metal to bring with them.
They never or seldom showered, married young (like, 14 is normal) and had lots of kids.
When my ex took the train to travel, he was advised to roll up his window. He did this, and soon saw why. Gypsy kids, some buck naked, would run alongside the train and throw their feces and stones at the windows.
It was advised never to leave your car unattended or left somewhere overnight, even for a few hours in a place that did not get a lot of traffic or crowds. When you came back, the tires would be missing, the metal gone. And whatever you had in the car, gone.

Some citizens would grow tomatoes in their backyard, and this would be an essential ingredient to make salads. But one guy that my ex knew, his tomatoes kept getting stolen. So one day he waited and hid in his backyard. And wanted to catch and beat up whoever was stealing them. He was beaten up by a gang of gypsies, all men. So for his safety he didn't seek them out again, and his tomatoes kept getting stolen.

If I recall correctly, there was a flood in Sofia one time my ex went back, in the summertime. People would trying to fix and repair their homes from the damage, but the bars were filled with gypsies drinking because they had gotten their welfare checks.

They are a plague.

From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are
Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with
anger on
this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch

What are they? Do they have kike in them or are they just scum...?

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 10:51 PM EDT magus_igni wrote:

 In Mumbai(Bombay) we call them vagris. They are exactly as hoodedcobra described them. They are from either from Gujarat or Rajasthan(states in India) i do not  know. When i asked others they said this dialect is spoken in both the states near the bordering villages.(The states of Gujarat  Rajasthan border each other) Even the cops on Bombay want nothing to do with them .They are trouble.It took us (me and the other shopkeepers and homeowners of that street)about 5 years to get  rid of them, they are trouble and in no way nice. We call them the scum bags of the society in Bombay



From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 1:16 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

Well, get to know the gypsies I have close in town. Be nice to them and they will nicely rape you, kill you, then burn your house, then sell your organs, and piss at your grave for years to come.

Because they are so good people. They don't bother going to school as they steal and create gangs there. Lying is a habit for them, it can be day and they can tell you its night. Cocaine, drugs and all the rest? Find the gypsies, they deal it all.

Electricity? Fuck electricity and paying bills. They take cables from the streetlights, plug that into their van, and play gypsy songs all night. Then leave and go somewhere else. Their kids in rugs all over the city, begging for money and picking on other kids.

Don't you dare tell a gypsy to fuck off, in a matter of 10 minutes, a whole gang will show up and treat you accordingly. They steal all they can, from cars to motorcycles and their bosses have some good AK-47's just in case. They are very dangerous really, they are like jews, here today gone tommorow, unless they establish a legion and they can fuck people with it. Also each gypsy gets married at around 14, has 10 kids, the 10 kids have 10 kids and the list goes on.

The other time I was at the hospital to check on someone, and there were like 15 of them in a room of 2, just giving birth to another gypsy. Staying in the hospital and eating, shitting and sleeping like its their own home.

And now to say that such beings have anything to do with Sanskirt is just mindgames. And their fortune telling ability is so stupid. I wonder which movie you watched to come into such conclusions. They are so low intellectually, so let aside having any psychic ability.

Now none is allowed to tell them anything, when they do robberies, get young people addicted to drugs, rape and even murder. Because some fools were to humanitarian (my ass) and let them live. They were like kissing ass and playing the victims, like professional jews. Now they own AK-47's and the police cannot even go close to their catavlysms.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Tell us another fairy tale. Child of delusion.

From: blessedchildoflucifer <blessedchildoflucifer@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 3:23:24 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.


Actually the Romani (gypsies) live in Europe who are traced genetically back to northwestern Indian about 2,000 years ago. oma is instead derived from the word, "Rom," meaning man. The Gypsy language is called Romani and is derived from the oldest written language, Sanskrit.

The Gypsies as far as I know, had nothing to do with a kike, in fact it was the Church Church and kings became angered and suspicious of their carefreeness. The Church did not approve of fortune telling and the Gypsy customs, morals and way of life contrasted with the non-Gypsy Europe. This was the beginning of prejudice and persecution that exists until today.

In the 11th century, India was under attack by the Muslim general Mahmud of Ghazni, pushing Islam eastwards to India.

The Gypsies were different ethnic groups who spoke many different languages and dialects. Some were Lohars, Gujjars, Tandas, some were Rajputs, non-Indian peoples who had come to live in India some centuries before, and some may also have been Siddhis, Africans from the East African coast who fought as mercenaries for both the Hindus and the Muslims.

Gypsies are a simple people so to speak, and many of them are very knowledgeable of herbs and fortune telling. Some gypsies looked at non-gypsies as barbarians and others not so. But everyone is different when it comes to that type of thing.

The fact of the matter is, I have spoken with Gypsies before, and they were quiet friendly and clean, my experiences show treating them with respect as any normal human being will get you a long way. "treat others as you would be treated" is something I strive for. But unfortunately some people do not have any pleasant experience with these people

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "blacksun1142" <blacksun1142@ wrote:

There are some gypsies near my area as well and I know what you guys are talking about. First thing, they always stick together. I have never seen a gypsy being all by itself. Another thing is that like 10 gypsies live in the same ready-to-collapse house and somehow all of them are related to each other. Whenever they are in a car, it's gotta be like 7 of them in it.

I've heard from friends of mine that they threat people with their lives so that they can get them do stuff for them, and I'm not talking about 'give me your money' stuff only. They were begging old men to buy them things or give them money and the gypsy girls would ask other girls to give them any jewels they were wearing.

A gypsy once found out my friends' mobile phone and he was calling and texting them all the fucking time. That gypsy also gave their numbers to all the other gypsies. My friends had to change their mobile phone numbers because they wouldn't stop nagging them.

There was this gypsy woman who was always passing outside my house with a supermarket cart collecting all kinds of shit from the streets. All of them are awful.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

About 10 years ago, I had an Bulgarian boyfriend, whom I lived with. He would go back to his home country, to the capital Sofia to visit his two uncles every summer. I didn't go with him, but he would bring back stories of these gypsies.

The gypsies, recognizing that he was an tourist by the way he dressed, would go up to him (usually one person) and beg for money. It was usually an old woman or a dirty looking kid.
Obviously, he never gave any. As he was told that the moment you take out your wallet, about a half dozen or more gypsies would come out of nowhere to beg for money and harass you.
Women don't carry purses in Bulgaria, as these gypsies would have a knife and cut the bottom of the purse open and take one's possessions like that.
They would steal material from train shipments. When they left a building to move elsewhere, they would strip clean the place of all metal to bring with them.
They never or seldom showered, married young (like, 14 is normal) and had lots of kids.
When my ex took the train to travel, he was advised to roll up his window. He did this, and soon saw why. Gypsy kids, some buck naked, would run alongside the train and throw their feces and stones at the windows.
It was advised never to leave your car unattended or left somewhere overnight, even for a few hours in a place that did not get a lot of traffic or crowds. When you came back, the tires would be missing, the metal gone. And whatever you had in the car, gone.

Some citizens would grow tomatoes in their backyard, and this would be an essential ingredient to make salads. But one guy that my ex knew, his tomatoes kept getting stolen. So one day he waited and hid in his backyard. And wanted to catch and beat up whoever was stealing them. He was beaten up by a gang of gypsies, all men. So for his safety he didn't seek them out again, and his tomatoes kept getting stolen.

If I recall correctly, there was a flood in Sofia one time my ex went back, in the summertime. People would trying to fix and repair their homes from the damage, but the bars were filled with gypsies drinking because they had gotten their welfare checks.

They are a plague.

From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW]
Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with
anger on
this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch
 I dont know if they have kike blood, they are (or were descended from) gypsies, they are nothing but trouble.They are also known as banjaras,  Vagris are a tribe of banjaras(gypsies)


From: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

What are they? Do they have kike in them or are they just scum...?

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 10:51 PM EDT magus_igni wrote:

 In Mumbai(Bombay) we call them vagris. They are exactly as hoodedcobra described them. They are from either from Gujarat or Rajasthan(states in India) i do not  know. When i asked others they said this dialect is spoken in both the states near the bordering villages.(The states of Gujarat  Rajasthan border each other) Even the cops on Bombay want nothing to do with them .They are trouble.It took us (me and the other shopkeepers and homeowners of that street)about 5 years to get  rid of them, they are trouble and in no way nice. We call them the scum bags of the society in Bombay



From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 1:16 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

Well, get to know the gypsies I have close in town. Be nice to them and they will nicely rape you, kill you, then burn your house, then sell your organs, and piss at your grave for years to come.

Because they are so good people. They don't bother going to school as they steal and create gangs there. Lying is a habit for them, it can be day and they can tell you its night. Cocaine, drugs and all the rest? Find the gypsies, they deal it all.

Electricity? Fuck electricity and paying bills. They take cables from the streetlights, plug that into their van, and play gypsy songs all night. Then leave and go somewhere else. Their kids in rugs all over the city, begging for money and picking on other kids.

Don't you dare tell a gypsy to fuck off, in a matter of 10 minutes, a whole gang will show up and treat you accordingly. They steal all they can, from cars to motorcycles and their bosses have some good AK-47's just in case. They are very dangerous really, they are like jews, here today gone tommorow, unless they establish a legion and they can fuck people with it. Also each gypsy gets married at around 14, has 10 kids, the 10 kids have 10 kids and the list goes on.

The other time I was at the hospital to check on someone, and there were like 15 of them in a room of 2, just giving birth to another gypsy. Staying in the hospital and eating, shitting and sleeping like its their own home.

And now to say that such beings have anything to do with Sanskirt is just mindgames. And their fortune telling ability is so stupid. I wonder which movie you watched to come into such conclusions. They are so low intellectually, so let aside having any psychic ability.

Now none is allowed to tell them anything, when they do robberies, get young people addicted to drugs, rape and even murder. Because some fools were to humanitarian (my ass) and let them live. They were like kissing ass and playing the victims, like professional jews. Now they own AK-47's and the police cannot even go close to their catavlysms.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Tell us another fairy tale. Child of delusion.

From: blessedchildoflucifer <blessedchildoflucifer@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 3:23:24 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.


Actually the Romani (gypsies) live in Europe who are traced genetically back to northwestern Indian about 2,000 years ago. oma is instead derived from the word, "Rom," meaning man. The Gypsy language is called Romani and is derived from the oldest written language, Sanskrit.

The Gypsies as far as I know, had nothing to do with a kike, in fact it was the Church Church and kings became angered and suspicious of their carefreeness. The Church did not approve of fortune telling and the Gypsy customs, morals and way of life contrasted with the non-Gypsy Europe. This was the beginning of prejudice and persecution that exists until today.

In the 11th century, India was under attack by the Muslim general Mahmud of Ghazni, pushing Islam eastwards to India.

The Gypsies were different ethnic groups who spoke many different languages and dialects. Some were Lohars, Gujjars, Tandas, some were Rajputs, non-Indian peoples who had come to live in India some centuries before, and some may also have been Siddhis, Africans from the East African coast who fought as mercenaries for both the Hindus and the Muslims.

Gypsies are a simple people so to speak, and many of them are very knowledgeable of herbs and fortune telling. Some gypsies looked at non-gypsies as barbarians and others not so. But everyone is different when it comes to that type of thing.

The fact of the matter is, I have spoken with Gypsies before, and they were quiet friendly and clean, my experiences show treating them with respect as any normal human being will get you a long way. "treat others as you would be treated" is something I strive for. But unfortunately some people do not have any pleasant experience with these people

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "blacksun1142" <blacksun1142@ wrote:

There are some gypsies near my area as well and I know what you guys are talking about. First thing, they always stick together. I have never seen a gypsy being all by itself. Another thing is that like 10 gypsies live in the same ready-to-collapse house and somehow all of them are related to each other. Whenever they are in a car, it's gotta be like 7 of them in it.

I've heard from friends of mine that they threat people with their lives so that they can get them do stuff for them, and I'm not talking about 'give me your money' stuff only. They were begging old men to buy them things or give them money and the gypsy girls would ask other girls to give them any jewels they were wearing.

A gypsy once found out my friends' mobile phone and he was calling and texting them all the fucking time. That gypsy also gave their numbers to all the other gypsies. My friends had to change their mobile phone numbers because they wouldn't stop nagging them.

There was this gypsy woman who was always passing outside my house with a supermarket cart collecting all kinds of shit from the streets. All of them are awful.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

About 10 years ago, I had an Bulgarian boyfriend, whom I lived with. He would go back to his home country, to the capital Sofia to visit his two uncles every summer. I didn't go with him, but he would bring back stories of these gypsies.

The gypsies, recognizing that he was an tourist by the way he dressed, would go up to him (usually one person) and beg for money. It was usually an old woman or a dirty looking kid.
Obviously, he never gave any. As he was told that the moment you take out your wallet, about a half dozen or more gypsies would come out of nowhere to beg for money and harass you.
Women don't carry purses in Bulgaria, as these gypsies would have a knife and cut the bottom of the purse open and take one's possessions like that.
They would steal material from train shipments. When they left a building to move elsewhere, they would strip clean the place of all metal to bring with them.
They never or seldom showered, married young (like, 14 is normal) and had lots of kids.
When my ex took the train to travel, he was advised to roll up his window. He did this, and soon saw why. Gypsy kids, some buck naked, would run alongside the train and throw their feces and stones at the windows.
It was advised never to leave your car unattended or left somewhere overnight, even for a few hours in a place that did not get a lot of traffic or crowds. When you came back, the tires would be missing, the metal gone. And whatever you had in the car, gone.

Some citizens would grow tomatoes in their backyard, and this would be an essential ingredient to make salads. But one guy that my ex knew, his tomatoes kept getting stolen. So one day he waited and hid in his backyard. And wanted to catch and beat up whoever was stealing them. He was beaten up by a gang of gypsies, all men. So for his safety he didn't seek them out again, and his tomatoes kept getting stolen.

If I recall correctly, there was a flood in Sofia one time my ex went back, in the summertime. People would trying to fix and repair their homes from the damage, but the bars were filled with gypsies drinking because they had gotten their welfare checks.

They are a plague.

From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW]
Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with
anger on
this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch


I have heard of that as well. They are a matter of debate in all honesty.  From: keeperofstone <brucekuersteiner@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 5:30 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

  I have read that the term Gypsy means ones who came out of egypt; and who or whom might that be? The answer is obvious.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blacksun1142" <blacksun1142@... wrote:

There are some gypsies near my area as well and I know what you guys are talking about. First thing, they always stick together. I have never seen a gypsy being all by itself. Another thing is that like 10 gypsies live in the same ready-to-collapse house and somehow all of them are related to each other. Whenever they are in a car, it's gotta be like 7 of them in it.

I've heard from friends of mine that they threat people with their lives so that they can get them do stuff for them, and I'm not talking about 'give me your money' stuff only. They were begging old men to buy them things or give them money and the gypsy girls would ask other girls to give them any jewels they were wearing.

A gypsy once found out my friends' mobile phone and he was calling and texting them all the fucking time. That gypsy also gave their numbers to all the other gypsies. My friends had to change their mobile phone numbers because they wouldn't stop nagging them.

There was this gypsy woman who was always passing outside my house with a supermarket cart collecting all kinds of shit from the streets. All of them are awful.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

About 10 years ago, I had an Bulgarian boyfriend, whom I lived with. He would go back to his home country, to the capital Sofia to visit his two uncles every summer. I didn't go with him, but he would bring back stories of these gypsies.

The gypsies, recognizing that he was an tourist by the way he dressed, would go up to him (usually one person) and beg for money. It was usually an old woman or a dirty looking kid.
Obviously, he never gave any. As he was told that the moment you take out your wallet, about a half dozen or more gypsies would come out of nowhere to beg for money and harass you.
Women don't carry purses in Bulgaria, as these gypsies would have a knife and cut the bottom of the purse open and take one's possessions like that.
They would steal material from train shipments. When they left a building to move elsewhere, they would strip clean the place of all metal to bring with them.
They never or seldom showered, married young (like, 14 is normal) and had lots of kids.
When my ex took the train to travel, he was advised to roll up his window. He did this, and soon saw why. Gypsy kids, some buck naked, would run alongside the train and throw their feces and stones at the windows.
It was advised never to leave your car unattended or left somewhere overnight, even for a few hours in a place that did not get a lot of traffic or crowds. When you came back, the tires would be missing, the metal gone. And whatever you had in the car, gone.

Some citizens would grow tomatoes in their backyard, and this would be an essential ingredient to make salads. But one guy that my ex knew, his tomatoes kept getting stolen. So one day he waited and hid in his backyard. And wanted to catch and beat up whoever was stealing them. He was beaten up by a gang of gypsies, all men. So for his safety he didn't seek them out again, and his tomatoes kept getting stolen.

If I recall correctly, there was a flood in Sofia one time my ex went back, in the summertime. People would trying to fix and repair their homes from the damage, but the bars were filled with gypsies drinking because they had gotten their welfare checks.

They are a plague.

From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are
Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on
this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch

I am not sure but either way they are scum just like kikes ... Trust me, they DON'T even want to learn anything smart.
From: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 4:58 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

What are they? Do they have kike in them or are they just scum...?

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 10:51 PM EDT magus_igni wrote:

 In Mumbai(Bombay) we call them vagris. They are exactly as hoodedcobra described them. They are from either from Gujarat or Rajasthan(states in India) i do not  know. When i asked others they said this dialect is spoken in both the states near the bordering villages.(The states of Gujarat  Rajasthan border each other) Even the cops on Bombay want nothing to do with them .They are trouble.It took us (me and the other shopkeepers and homeowners of that street)about 5 years to get  rid of them, they are trouble and in no way nice. We call them the scum bags of the society in Bombay



From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 1:16 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

Well, get to know the gypsies I have close in town. Be nice to them and they will nicely rape you, kill you, then burn your house, then sell your organs, and piss at your grave for years to come.

Because they are so good people. They don't bother going to school as they steal and create gangs there. Lying is a habit for them, it can be day and they can tell you its night. Cocaine, drugs and all the rest? Find the gypsies, they deal it all.

Electricity? Fuck electricity and paying bills. They take cables from the streetlights, plug that into their van, and play gypsy songs all night. Then leave and go somewhere else. Their kids in rugs all over the city, begging for money and picking on other kids.

Don't you dare tell a gypsy to fuck off, in a matter of 10 minutes, a whole gang will show up and treat you accordingly. They steal all they can, from cars to motorcycles and their bosses have some good AK-47's just in case. They are very dangerous really, they are like jews, here today gone tommorow, unless they establish a legion and they can fuck people with it. Also each gypsy gets married at around 14, has 10 kids, the 10 kids have 10 kids and the list goes on.

The other time I was at the hospital to check on someone, and there were like 15 of them in a room of 2, just giving birth to another gypsy. Staying in the hospital and eating, shitting and sleeping like its their own home.

And now to say that such beings have anything to do with Sanskirt is just mindgames. And their fortune telling ability is so stupid. I wonder which movie you watched to come into such conclusions. They are so low intellectually, so let aside having any psychic ability.

Now none is allowed to tell them anything, when they do robberies, get young people addicted to drugs, rape and even murder. Because some fools were to humanitarian (my ass) and let them live. They were like kissing ass and playing the victims, like professional jews. Now they own AK-47's and the police cannot even go close to their catavlysms.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Tell us another fairy tale. Child of delusion.

From: blessedchildoflucifer <blessedchildoflucifer@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 3:23:24 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.


Actually the Romani (gypsies) live in Europe who are traced genetically back to northwestern Indian about 2,000 years ago. oma is instead derived from the word, "Rom," meaning man. The Gypsy language is called Romani and is derived from the oldest written language, Sanskrit.

The Gypsies as far as I know, had nothing to do with a kike, in fact it was the Church Church and kings became angered and suspicious of their carefreeness. The Church did not approve of fortune telling and the Gypsy customs, morals and way of life contrasted with the non-Gypsy Europe. This was the beginning of prejudice and persecution that exists until today.

In the 11th century, India was under attack by the Muslim general Mahmud of Ghazni, pushing Islam eastwards to India.

The Gypsies were different ethnic groups who spoke many different languages and dialects. Some were Lohars, Gujjars, Tandas, some were Rajputs, non-Indian peoples who had come to live in India some centuries before, and some may also have been Siddhis, Africans from the East African coast who fought as mercenaries for both the Hindus and the Muslims.

Gypsies are a simple people so to speak, and many of them are very knowledgeable of herbs and fortune telling. Some gypsies looked at non-gypsies as barbarians and others not so. But everyone is different when it comes to that type of thing.

The fact of the matter is, I have spoken with Gypsies before, and they were quiet friendly and clean, my experiences show treating them with respect as any normal human being will get you a long way. "treat others as you would be treated" is something I strive for. But unfortunately some people do not have any pleasant experience with these people

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "blacksun1142" <blacksun1142@ wrote:

There are some gypsies near my area as well and I know what you guys are talking about. First thing, they always stick together. I have never seen a gypsy being all by itself. Another thing is that like 10 gypsies live in the same ready-to-collapse house and somehow all of them are related to each other. Whenever they are in a car, it's gotta be like 7 of them in it.

I've heard from friends of mine that they threat people with their lives so that they can get them do stuff for them, and I'm not talking about 'give me your money' stuff only. They were begging old men to buy them things or give them money and the gypsy girls would ask other girls to give them any jewels they were wearing.

A gypsy once found out my friends' mobile phone and he was calling and texting them all the fucking time. That gypsy also gave their numbers to all the other gypsies. My friends had to change their mobile phone numbers because they wouldn't stop nagging them.

There was this gypsy woman who was always passing outside my house with a supermarket cart collecting all kinds of shit from the streets. All of them are awful.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

About 10 years ago, I had an Bulgarian boyfriend, whom I lived with. He would go back to his home country, to the capital Sofia to visit his two uncles every summer. I didn't go with him, but he would bring back stories of these gypsies.

The gypsies, recognizing that he was an tourist by the way he dressed, would go up to him (usually one person) and beg for money. It was usually an old woman or a dirty looking kid.
Obviously, he never gave any. As he was told that the moment you take out your wallet, about a half dozen or more gypsies would come out of nowhere to beg for money and harass you.
Women don't carry purses in Bulgaria, as these gypsies would have a knife and cut the bottom of the purse open and take one's possessions like that.
They would steal material from train shipments. When they left a building to move elsewhere, they would strip clean the place of all metal to bring with them.
They never or seldom showered, married young (like, 14 is normal) and had lots of kids.
When my ex took the train to travel, he was advised to roll up his window. He did this, and soon saw why. Gypsy kids, some buck naked, would run alongside the train and throw their feces and stones at the windows.
It was advised never to leave your car unattended or left somewhere overnight, even for a few hours in a place that did not get a lot of traffic or crowds. When you came back, the tires would be missing, the metal gone. And whatever you had in the car, gone.

Some citizens would grow tomatoes in their backyard, and this would be an essential ingredient to make salads. But one guy that my ex knew, his tomatoes kept getting stolen. So one day he waited and hid in his backyard. And wanted to catch and beat up whoever was stealing them. He was beaten up by a gang of gypsies, all men. So for his safety he didn't seek them out again, and his tomatoes kept getting stolen.

If I recall correctly, there was a flood in Sofia one time my ex went back, in the summertime. People would trying to fix and repair their homes from the damage, but the bars were filled with gypsies drinking because they had gotten their welfare checks.

They are a plague.

From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW]
Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with
anger on
this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch

lol, I got to admit this is one heck of a thread, it is interesting though. I do not solidfy or hold my views the only views, that would be close minded and very ignorant of me. By the way Mageson6666, will you please get off of my ass? I have done nothing personal to you. If you want to talk to me, please do so through private email. I am being very respectful and civil here, and ignoring your comments you been making because I think you misunderstand me.
From: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

What are they? Do they have kike in them or are they just scum...?

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 10:51 PM EDT magus_igni wrote:

 In Mumbai(Bombay) we call them vagris. They are exactly as hoodedcobra described them. They are from either from Gujarat or Rajasthan(states in India) i do not  know. When i asked others they said this dialect is spoken in both the states near the bordering villages.(The states of Gujarat  Rajasthan border each other) Even the cops on Bombay want nothing to do with them .They are trouble.It took us (me and the other shopkeepers and homeowners of that street)about 5 years to get  rid of them, they are trouble and in no way nice. We call them the scum bags of the society in Bombay



From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 1:16 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

Well, get to know the gypsies I have close in town. Be nice to them and they will nicely rape you, kill you, then burn your house, then sell your organs, and piss at your grave for years to come.

Because they are so good people. They don't bother going to school as they steal and create gangs there. Lying is a habit for them, it can be day and they can tell you its night. Cocaine, drugs and all the rest? Find the gypsies, they deal it all.

Electricity? Fuck electricity and paying bills. They take cables from the streetlights, plug that into their van, and play gypsy songs all night. Then leave and go somewhere else. Their kids in rugs all over the city, begging for money and picking on other kids.

Don't you dare tell a gypsy to fuck off, in a matter of 10 minutes, a whole gang will show up and treat you accordingly. They steal all they can, from cars to motorcycles and their bosses have some good AK-47's just in case. They are very dangerous really, they are like jews, here today gone tommorow, unless they establish a legion and they can fuck people with it. Also each gypsy gets married at around 14, has 10 kids, the 10 kids have 10 kids and the list goes on.

The other time I was at the hospital to check on someone, and there were like 15 of them in a room of 2, just giving birth to another gypsy. Staying in the hospital and eating, shitting and sleeping like its their own home.

And now to say that such beings have anything to do with Sanskirt is just mindgames. And their fortune telling ability is so stupid. I wonder which movie you watched to come into such conclusions. They are so low intellectually, so let aside having any psychic ability.

Now none is allowed to tell them anything, when they do robberies, get young people addicted to drugs, rape and even murder. Because some fools were to humanitarian (my ass) and let them live. They were like kissing ass and playing the victims, like professional jews. Now they own AK-47's and the police cannot even go close to their catavlysms.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Tell us another fairy tale. Child of delusion.

From: blessedchildoflucifer <blessedchildoflucifer@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 3:23:24 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.


Actually the Romani (gypsies) live in Europe who are traced genetically back to northwestern Indian about 2,000 years ago. oma is instead derived from the word, "Rom," meaning man. The Gypsy language is called Romani and is derived from the oldest written language, Sanskrit.

The Gypsies as far as I know, had nothing to do with a kike, in fact it was the Church Church and kings became angered and suspicious of their carefreeness. The Church did not approve of fortune telling and the Gypsy customs, morals and way of life contrasted with the non-Gypsy Europe. This was the beginning of prejudice and persecution that exists until today.

In the 11th century, India was under attack by the Muslim general Mahmud of Ghazni, pushing Islam eastwards to India.

The Gypsies were different ethnic groups who spoke many different languages and dialects. Some were Lohars, Gujjars, Tandas, some were Rajputs, non-Indian peoples who had come to live in India some centuries before, and some may also have been Siddhis, Africans from the East African coast who fought as mercenaries for both the Hindus and the Muslims.

Gypsies are a simple people so to speak, and many of them are very knowledgeable of herbs and fortune telling. Some gypsies looked at non-gypsies as barbarians and others not so. But everyone is different when it comes to that type of thing.

The fact of the matter is, I have spoken with Gypsies before, and they were quiet friendly and clean, my experiences show treating them with respect as any normal human being will get you a long way. "treat others as you would be treated" is something I strive for. But unfortunately some people do not have any pleasant experience with these people

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "blacksun1142" <blacksun1142@ wrote:

There are some gypsies near my area as well and I know what you guys are talking about. First thing, they always stick together. I have never seen a gypsy being all by itself. Another thing is that like 10 gypsies live in the same ready-to-collapse house and somehow all of them are related to each other. Whenever they are in a car, it's gotta be like 7 of them in it.

I've heard from friends of mine that they threat people with their lives so that they can get them do stuff for them, and I'm not talking about 'give me your money' stuff only. They were begging old men to buy them things or give them money and the gypsy girls would ask other girls to give them any jewels they were wearing.

A gypsy once found out my friends' mobile phone and he was calling and texting them all the fucking time. That gypsy also gave their numbers to all the other gypsies. My friends had to change their mobile phone numbers because they wouldn't stop nagging them.

There was this gypsy woman who was always passing outside my house with a supermarket cart collecting all kinds of shit from the streets. All of them are awful.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

About 10 years ago, I had an Bulgarian boyfriend, whom I lived with. He would go back to his home country, to the capital Sofia to visit his two uncles every summer. I didn't go with him, but he would bring back stories of these gypsies.

The gypsies, recognizing that he was an tourist by the way he dressed, would go up to him (usually one person) and beg for money. It was usually an old woman or a dirty looking kid.
Obviously, he never gave any. As he was told that the moment you take out your wallet, about a half dozen or more gypsies would come out of nowhere to beg for money and harass you.
Women don't carry purses in Bulgaria, as these gypsies would have a knife and cut the bottom of the purse open and take one's possessions like that.
They would steal material from train shipments. When they left a building to move elsewhere, they would strip clean the place of all metal to bring with them.
They never or seldom showered, married young (like, 14 is normal) and had lots of kids.
When my ex took the train to travel, he was advised to roll up his window. He did this, and soon saw why. Gypsy kids, some buck naked, would run alongside the train and throw their feces and stones at the windows.
It was advised never to leave your car unattended or left somewhere overnight, even for a few hours in a place that did not get a lot of traffic or crowds. When you came back, the tires would be missing, the metal gone. And whatever you had in the car, gone.

Some citizens would grow tomatoes in their backyard, and this would be an essential ingredient to make salads. But one guy that my ex knew, his tomatoes kept getting stolen. So one day he waited and hid in his backyard. And wanted to catch and beat up whoever was stealing them. He was beaten up by a gang of gypsies, all men. So for his safety he didn't seek them out again, and his tomatoes kept getting stolen.

If I recall correctly, there was a flood in Sofia one time my ex went back, in the summertime. People would trying to fix and repair their homes from the damage, but the bars were filled with gypsies drinking because they had gotten their welfare checks.

They are a plague.

From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.

I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW]
Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with
anger on
this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch

wow, you exactly described the gypsies in my city. They live in a huge parking lot with water and electricity "offered" by the city, that means our taxes of course.

They force their kids to steal, so that they can't be legally responsible : kids under 15 can't be prosecuted here for petty thefts etc.

They steal copper / iron from anything they can dig and move, they steal cars and re-sell them in another country, they raid houses, occupy other people's homes, steal jewelry, never work etc.

But worse, they somehow manage to get government's stipends normal citizens can't even obtain... how is this possible ?!
You where just preaching how wonderfool they where in this thread not that long ago.
From: Heath Humberson <blessedchildoflucifer@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 1:59:51 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.
I have heard of that as well. They are a matter of debate in all honesty.  From: keeperofstone <brucekuersteiner@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 5:30 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.
  I have read that the term Gypsy means ones who came out of egypt; and who or whom might that be? The answer is obvious. Hail Satan
--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "blacksun1142" <blacksun1142@... wrote: There are some gypsies near my area as well and I know what you guys are talking about. First thing, they always stick together. I have never seen a gypsy being all by itself. Another thing is that like 10 gypsies live in the same ready-to-collapse house and somehow all of them are related to each other. Whenever they are in a car, it's gotta be like 7 of them in it. I've heard from friends of mine that they threat people with their lives so that they can get them do stuff for them, and I'm not talking about 'give me your money' stuff only. They were begging old men to buy them things or give them money and the gypsy girls would ask other girls to give them any jewels they were wearing. A gypsy once found out my friends' mobile phone and he was calling and texting them all the fucking time. That gypsy also gave their numbers to all the other gypsies. My friends had to change their mobile phone numbers because they wouldn't stop nagging them. There was this gypsy woman who was always passing outside my house with a supermarket cart collecting all kinds of shit from the streets. All of them are awful. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote: About 10 years ago, I had an Bulgarian boyfriend, whom I lived with. He would go back to his home country, to the capital Sofia to visit his two uncles every summer. I didn't go with him, but he would bring back stories of these gypsies. The gypsies, recognizing that he was an tourist by the way he dressed, would go up to him (usually one person) and beg for money. It was usually an old woman or a dirty looking kid. Obviously, he never gave any. As he was told that the moment you take out your wallet, about a half dozen or more gypsies would come out of nowhere to beg for money and harass you. Women don't carry purses in Bulgaria, as these gypsies would have a knife and cut the bottom of the purse open and take one's possessions like that. They would steal material from train shipments. When they left a building to move elsewhere, they would strip clean the place of all metal to bring with them. They never or seldom showered, married young (like, 14 is normal) and had lots of kids. When my ex took the train to travel, he was advised to roll up his window. He did this, and soon saw why. Gypsy kids, some buck naked, would run alongside the train and throw their feces and stones at the windows. It was advised never to leave your car unattended or left somewhere overnight, even for a few hours in a place that did not get a lot of traffic or crowds. When you came back, the tires would be missing, the metal gone. And whatever you had in the car, gone. Some citizens would grow tomatoes in their backyard, and this would be an essential ingredient to make salads. But one guy that my ex knew, his tomatoes kept getting stolen. So one day he waited and hid in his backyard. And wanted to catch and beat up whoever was stealing them. He was beaten up by a gang of gypsies, all men. So for his safety he didn't seek them out again, and his tomatoes kept getting stolen. If I recall correctly, there was a flood in Sofia one time my ex went back, in the summertime. People would trying to fix and repair their homes from the damage, but the bars were filled with gypsies drinking because they had gotten their welfare checks. They are a plague. ________________________________ From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@ To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.   I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote: As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive. They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do. Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies. They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face. To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking. HAIL SATAN!!!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote: I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this. As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away... The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier... The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live. As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians. The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse. Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare. From now on I'll be talking about this 95%. They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY? BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING KIKES. The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening. Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies. The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism). They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere. They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed). They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers. They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims. They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it. So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change. If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then. Vabzir Teloch HAIL SATAN!!!
Romani is NOT a good word. Neither romans or roms....

Gypsy are a verry different nations. It is NOT the same with ancient romans.

In fact, gypsy went for the first time by "rommi" or "romani" back in 2004 or so....

And they did that because they want you or any other nation to confuse the with romanian. Romanians are true aryans and are NOT gypsy...

Of course, "romani" or "roms" are very easily confounded with "romanians" due to proximity of terms.

They say about anyone that he/she is a racist if the person in cause call them "gypsy" ( we use a different term in our country to describe them , "tigan" )

As vabzirteloch, said the gypsy are a real problem to our society. I know this because I live in Romania.

True Romanians are NOT gypsy( gypsy=roms).

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@... wrote:

..Hail Satan!! The most of them are jews /follow judaism. there are ethnic Gypsies who are Roma, and other Gypsies who are not ethnically Roma. the term was taken by the Slavs and Hungarians with the meaning of Roman-like, Italian, French or Balkan Vlach (Romanian); following the terminology applied by Germans to the Romanized Celts.
Gábor: This is a Hungarian name (Gabriel) and the most common surname among a Transylvanian Romany community, an offshoot of the Kalderaš which is now often considered as an independent group. They seem to have received an important Jewish influence, and are like the "Orthodox" ‒ concerning Romany Law, not religion ‒ group among Roma. Also the Romany they speak seems to be older than the one generally spoken by most Kalderaša. They are economically at the highest position in Romany society; their homes are easily recognizable for their shining roofs and lordly aspect. The Gábor Roma consider themselves of Hungarian nationality; they speak Romany and their second language is Magyar. They do not emigrate, but may be seen in any European country for business or temporary stay.
The Gábor Roma hardly intermarry, and practise a Shabbath-keeping Christianity. Jews!!! IMO

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

To my understanding of the Gypsy religion/culture. Its identical to Juadism in its sense of divine entitlement for  parasite, criminal behaviour. Eitherway, The Gypsies are a well known group of criminal psychopaths with a religion around this fact.
There is a reason being "Gyped" is used in the same context as being "Jewed."

From: bellathesatanicsorceress666 <bellathesatanicsorceress666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:56:14 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Roma/Romani/Gypsy. Please answer.


I found this thread by searching and it struck my curiousity. Has anyone looked into this further? Are Roma people Gentiles or not? Are there any kike sub races? I'm really curious.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

As they use the Black Gentiles which are poor and leave in the Ghetto in the US to terrorize White people, they use Gypsies here too to terrorize us or any kind of immigrant as these people are supressed, poor and in a foreign country, they can mostly do crimes and steal to survive.

They use the weakness of every group and through this they control the group and guide it to where they want. Since most Blacks suffer, they push a culture and make it seem through that culture in their eyes as the cause of their suffering being the Whites of America. While in fact the kikes are the cause of their suffering. At the other hand they take away the protection of the law and they point all sorts of media abuse, mannerisms and terms to disarm the Whites [or any group that is under attack] of any defensive power whatsover. This is the common tactic they do.

Gypsies seem very kikish to me. Not indians, but an indian in-breed between kikes and indians could be the case. Indians aren't even to be compared with them as India at least has some virtue and honor in them. Don't take this for granted I am not sure and there is no proof in regards to this, but after the semites migrated they could have mixed with them creating subgroups as they did with a lot of other creeds. Their criminal, parasitic and destructive mentality and character can't let me but think that they are a mixed kike version. Wherever they have gone they have caused problems, in any nation and in every race. They just procreate like bunnies, only that bunnies don't destroy the enviroment as they do. They are here on purpose to destroy and terrorize people. In Greece they bring drugs of any sort and they do anything illegal. The Police doesn't mind. The only people taking action against gypsies [the average gypsy has guns in his BMW] are
Golden Dawn members. They can't do much. They are like a little military of parasitic gypsies.

They steal even electricity from the lights of the street, they carry a lot of diseases as they rarely wash, are totally without manners and totally parasitic, in any time agressive and ready to damage anyone through physical means. On an average note they carry a knife with them. I don't feel they can change as like kikes they don't seem to have changed throughout history. Their behavior patterns seem to mostly be genetic, as the average gypsy kid will steal your food and kick you and spit on you if you don't give them beggar money. Their natural jack of all trades is just too obvious to not be considered. I saw all this and heard all this you say. Most gypsies are communo-xianized and they preach the enemy in every sentance, or when they swear to prove superiority, like apes 100000 years ago. No rational being would attack another being just because 'the way they look at them' or 'because I just want it' .I had a mechanical laugh filled with anger on
this pic with the poor dog. What do they think they are, really? They have a loud voice and such an attitude that makes me wanna do nasty stuff to them. Sadly our people won't stand up for themselves and execute justice upon the scums and cancers of this earth. Our people need to realize that WE are the Warriors in all levels, and if they want it physical it can be physical. Had we got more gut, they wouldn't even breath in our face.

To rebel against such racial terrorism [given the fact that jews and gypsies and other groups are RACIALLY abusing other groups] and to endure such racial wars we need racial awareness, which has been taken from us, while it was maintained so damn good by our enemies. This will only re-spark through Satan in our Soul. The more I meditate the more of a need I feel to sustain my race and all your observations come because you feel the 'difference' between your race and them. All Gentile races have honor and ideals, morals and ethics. Satanically speaking.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "vabzirteloch" <vabzirteloch@ wrote:

I'm writing this because I think it's important that all of you know about this.

As I said in my earlier posts, I live In Hungary. This is a post-communist country, the 'change' of regime happened 23 years ago, but that regime doesn't seem to go away...

The main social problem is with the gypsy (roma/romani) people. I think I already wrote something about this earlier...

The kikes have been using the gypsies to keep Hungairans in fear. They do this to other nations all around Hungary, for example to the Romanians, the Slovakians, the Czechs, and I think they use this tactic in every single country where romas live.

As far as I know, gypsies had come from India, they had been a traveller nation, they lived in tents, travelled in caravans, until in the 1700's they were made to settle by Queen Maria Theresa. This was the worst that she could have done to us, Hungarians.

The public view of gypsies have never been too good: they have always been viewed as thieves, robbers, criminals, and this is not a so-called 'racist' point of view, this is what people experienced for hundreds of years. The situation today is much, much worse.

Apart from the very low percentage of gypsies who do work, have jobs, and are men and women of honour, a very high percentage of them (I'd say about 95%) are a nightmare. And by this I mean the worst nightmare.

From now on I'll be talking about this 95%.

They have a very low IQ, lot of them could be considered mentally retarded. They HATE to work, the only work they do is making babies. LOTS OF THEM. An average gypsy family has about 6-7 children. Since they don't work, they live in really bad conditions. But this doesn't mean that they can't clean their fucking house and yard once a month, does it? But they don't clean it, if you look at a gypsy yard, you see a fucking junkyard, and litter, litter, litter all over the place. AND a satellite dish on the house that looks like it's gonna collape the next moment. WHY?


The kikes assist these people, and use them as a weapon against Hungarians. Gypsies receive social security benefit, and they get money to raise their children, the more children, the more money! This is why they have expensive cars and jewels, because a gypsy family with 6 children earns about 3 times more then a career starter engineer! This is fuckin' sickening.

Besides this, every attempt of true Hungarians to defend themselves against gypsies, are labeled as 'racism' bí the jews and the media, and they punish innocent Hungarians instead of the gypsies.

The gypsies get money from other sources too, for example from collecting metal, then selling it. And 'collecting' means STEALING it. They steal bronze statues, copper wires of telephone companies (a few years ago we couldn't use the phone for a while because of them), lock gates (they caused floods by this), and everything they can get their hands on (even rails from the railway - this is terrorism).

They terrorize other people from an early age - in the schools, on the street, everywhere.

They love this insane 'gangster-culture', hip-hop and gangster rap, they do everything to seem like they are 'bad guys' (they are indeed).
They have no positive feelings towards nature, this is how they treat animals: http://w.kuruc.org/galeriaN/egyeb/ciganyakasztok.jpg
And they cut out a lot of trees just to have something they can heat with (no job-no heating at home), they litter the woods and the rivers.

They rob old people in their homes, they even rape old women, and they hit and kick them brutally, even just for 500 HUF (about 2,5 USD). And they enjoy being this brutal, they enjoy their 'power' over weaker beings. They always attack and rob people in big groups, or when they overpower their victims.

They don't even know how to use a toilet - they shit on the middle of their room (I think not many of them do this, but this example says all - even prehistoric men had a separate place to take a shit). They get free houses from the jews (government), which they destroy in about 2 years, they even pick up the wooden floor to heat with it.

So this is what the jews do - they support this lifestyle and punish Hungarians instead of them. Someone once called gypsies the 'cancer of humanity' - I can see why. The jews must go, because they are behind this shit, and MAYBE then gypsies could change.

If you don't believe all this, move to Hungary (or any other yountry with lot of gypsies), next to a gypsy family, or even to a village with ONE gypsy family in it - you'll believe me then.

Vabzir Teloch

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
