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How not to be WEIRD - Just be Normal


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2018
I've been noticing a pattern of behavior by new people coming into our community of Satanists ,mostly people who are young. There are exhibiting behaviors and patterns that will become extremely counter productive in the immediate and the long run and are developing an alienation mentality that will severely handicap them. This is what i call being societally weird. It's not a secret that many people who come to the occult are somewhat outcasts, some have been outcasts and some are in the process of becoming outcasts. This extremely concerns me and i do not want my young brothers suffering a lot of emotional pain,isolation and other distress in the process of finding the truth. This might be relevant to members who are old also. But mostly its for young people because it will be extremely hard to unwire a pattern of behavior that is ingrained by constant repetition and repeated for years.

Firstly the things that you SHOULD NOT DO
1)DO NOT tell others,your family and friends or absolutely anyone in your life that you are a Satanist.

2)DO NOT try to Christ pill, Jew pill or Religion pill your parents.
Christ pill - Stating the obvious fact that Christ is stolen from 18+ pagan gods,Christianity is a lie and no one is going to save them.
Jew pill - Stating that the Holocaust never happened, that jews are an evil parasitic race hell bent on world domination. Do not talk about the holocaust,nazis,hitler,ww2 etc.

You absolutely do not want to alienate your parents or family at any cost. Do not tell them this. Its almost impossible to convince and convert your parents even if they're aethists. Keep your beliefs to yourself and it will serve you in the long run. You do not want to fight and suffer the emotional pain of hating your own parents. They are living on a low state of consciousness and there's nothing you can do about it.

3)DO NOT join incendiary political or cultural movements.
The members of RAM and The Proud Boys were arrested and jailed for simply defending themselves from Antifa. The Right Wing is completely overrun by Feds,crackpots or Shills. You will never want anyone in the future to know you were ever connected to anyone of these groups. They will fire you and these groups serve no purpose other than controlled opposition. The real revolution will happen when mass number of people rise up to the Jewish Question and that day isn't far. The only group that you owe your allegiance to is The JoyofSatan.

4)DO NOT be an outcast,a loser,weird,antisocial,or otherwise any kind of EDGY

You want to blend in and not have any attention directed towards you. Being a normal person satisfies this criterion. Your not a satanist or know the truth, so that you can get validation from others for red pilling them. Most people will create obstacles for you or alienate you or create some kind of problem for you if you stand out in a bad way. So don't.

5)DO NOT have loser friends,outcast friends,edgy friends
If you hang out with these kinds of people you'll be characterized as one of them. Yes, i am suggesting if you have these kinds of friends to cut them out of your life.They won't like you or wanna be friends with you when you become normal or better than them. They will drag you down when you want to advance.

6)DO NOT join any kind of religious cult, new age group or pagan groups

I have seen a lot of young teens trying to redpill other teens and joining pagan or new age groups to be around like minded people. The first thing that you have to understand is that the new age is infested with enemy agents and you should only befriend Pagans who believe in ancestral pagan religions free of Christianity and Judaism. And you want to take time in knowing them because many of these people might be outcasts or otherwise very edgy. And you DO NOT want to join any kind of religious orders, organized religion or related with edicts,rules and religious cult leaders.

7)DO NOT befriend or hang around extreme materialists who chase the next dopamine hit and don't care about anything else, Nihilists, Negative people who try to be confrontational,get into your face or play power games/mind games with you,psychopaths,narcissists, impulsive people ,drug addicts or incels(people who are having hatred and blame women for everything.).

8)DO NOT post edgy comments online ever.

Talking about killing someone,some kind of revolution or other weird and anti establishment postings can and will be traced back to you when your going to be screened for employment or maybe can even be jailed for holocaust denial in Europe. So don't post stupid shit under your name that will get you in trouble. Learn to post everything from anonymous protonmail accounts without including any and all personal details and remember to have Tor and preferably tor plus vpn. Learn to be anonymous and separate the alternate life with your personal life. Make sure nothing can be traced back o you.

9)DO NOT chase anyone's validation,ever.
Realize you are enough and are in the process of becoming better. You do not need any negativity or people who put you down or abuse you in a certain way or try to fuck with you or who do not respect your boundaries. There are thousands of people in this world who are good and you don't need a negative person in your life. Do not try to convince people,try to change them or try to serve them. Have better use of your time,working on yourself.

Now what are the things that YOU SHOULD DO ?

1)Know yourself
There are emotional needs and wants specific to an individual. There are patterns of behavior guiding you and emotions and motivations behind these patterns of behaviors. You inherently need a kind of emotional stimulation and needs that you only have. Think about this and try to figure yourself out. Look at experiences through the kind of emotions they evoked in you and how these emotions motivated further kinds of experiences and behaviours.Look at your astrology. Know thyself. Figure out what makes you tick so you can navigate your life a lot better.

2)Have good relations with friends and family[/b]
You want to have very good relationships with your parents and friends. These people will come to you in times of need also. And being social is in the neurology of human beings. Being antisocial creates bitterness and hatred against the world which serves absolutely no purpose. Take some time to understand your parents and be empathetic to their struggles and problems. Talk with them regularly even if they don't get enugh time. Try to chat with your neighbours if you seem them being free and idle. Talk to your grandparents and learn from their lives,their struggles,hurdles,what it was in their time,their relationships etc. Learning through other peoples experiences is a human skill.If you have abusive,berateful parents and family,however you will want to make money asap and gtfo of the house.

3)Have good social skills and behave normally
Develop social skills and make it a habit of having small talk with everyone you interact with. Just trying a little will make it happen for most people but if you have severe social anxiety or severe social problems,you might want to first clean your soul with munka,ur or ansuz and affirm to be free of social anxiety. You might want to try venus square to boost your social skills if your extremely bad. You don't need to be the 'cool' guy that everyone likes. You should just be able to have a normal conversation like a normal person and have a group of good friends, that's it. A more important concept is having rock solid boundaries. If anyone disrespects you, or berates you or insults you ,you want to make sure to tell him/her that you do not tolerate this kind of behaviour and you won't talk with them further if they continue this kind of disrespectful behaviour. It doesn't matter who it is, you need to stand up for yourself and your friends if they're experiencing this from someone else. You cannot live in fear at any cost.If you are some kind of social retard, you might want to read this though most people don't need it,

Beyond Texting. The Fine Art of Face-to-Face Communication for Teenagers


Nothing says being normal than having a normal gf. Do love working to get a gf who is COMPATIBLE with you and be done with it. Don't waste your time chasing women when there are more important things in life, such as being good at a craft,acquiring functional skills or spiritual progression. Make sure no to associate yourself with negative type of women .Having sex is good for your mind and body. More importantly having a gf and having sex will take your mind off that area of life and you will be focused on more vitally important things like developing your skills and spiritual progression.

5)Work on your material skills
From your teenage years you might want to look at your astrology and find out the various fields you want to go in and what your good at. Know how to cook,clean,do laundry,change a tier,basic self defense,changing light bulbs.managing money(read Rich Dad,Poor Dad) and other functional skills that are important.Work on your field and put so much effort everyday so that you master it. You need to plan if your going to college,what course your going to take, if you can afford it,what you can do alternatively to get to that level etc. You will need to reserach and know a way to make money on the side if posssible but essentially a way to grow money after to get money. You don't want to waste it. Tough economics times ahead. Focus on acquiring functional skills and developing in your field.

6)Work extensively on the spiritual ,EVERYDAY
You want to do the RTR EVERYDAY,UNTIL NOTIFIED OTHERWISE. This is the most important thing you can do to boost your spiritual progress. Develop your spiritual power slowly but carefully everyday. Do aop,ac,yoga nad void mediation daily. You will want to develop patience and start working on your chakras and doing energy manipulation to free up the energy channels. Give time to develop your astral senses like astral sight and hearing and build rock solid concentration through void mediation. Use your spiritual powers and working to aid you in your material purusits always. Also do spiritual workings to increase your power and reach higher levels of consciousness. The main thing you want to do if safely esatblish a good connection with your guardian daemon who can guide you spiritually. DO NOT look into anything spiritual outside the JOS.

7)Be normal AND A HARDCORE SATANIST at the same time
The real satanist aren't the edgy ,creepy people who you see on TV. Real satanists live among you but seem completely normal, yet in the privacy of their home pursue their spiritual progression. So be normal,have a normal life,get money,have a good life, aid in the spiritual warfare every single day without fail, get a wife, have kids, and focus on your spiritual progression.When the time for a global or national consciousness awakening comes, you will know it and be part of it. Focus on surviving and thriving for now.Don't do stupid shit and stay safe.

Now i know most outcasts generally don;t listen when someone tells them to do something. But listen to me carefully. This is to have you have a good life and not unnecessarily suffer without any reason emotionally or psychologically. Thee purpose is to focus on your spiritual development and aid the spiritual war. Change will come but your focus must be on your own personal spiritual progression and doing the Rtr everyday. You dont want unnecessary problems in your life that you'll have to sort out later or deal with which are a waste of time and time is precious. Don't take unnecessary problems unto you, ease your life and focus on whats truly important. I hope someone is helped by this article. Thank you for reading, if you did and please take the time to consider, realize and put it into action.
I don't know about you but to me the "normies" seem pretty stupid and out of it to me.

You do not need to be edgy. You do not need to go out drinking every weekend to 'fit in' (get wasted I mean). You don't need to do drugs either.

Sometimes you'll just stand out anyway. And choose what you think fits yourself best.
There is no need to keep up appearances or to layer make-up layers on layers onto your face. Just because someone else does it does not mean that you have to do it too.
And if you think 'well I feel more confident that way' then maybe you should work on feeling more confident without having to wear it..

If you have a hobby that you like, or a club that you go to or whatever, you're more likely to run into people with the same interests. And this makes it easier to find someone to hang out with or to have a friend.
Most times classmates do not exactly make good friends.
It may make you seem lonely to other people but one or two good friends are way better than a bunch of nobodies. Just saying.

Also not everyone is lucky enough to run into good people that do not have any issues at all. To turn your back onto people that you've made friends with does not feel right, unless it is for a good reason like that "friend" behaves like a psychopath.
But to me what seems to be said here that if you're befriended with someone who gets bullied in example, that you should turn your back on them just because?? Thats nonsense.

We all have our own lives to live, our own choices to make, our own paths to walk, and our own things to learn. And making mistakes comes with that.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I don't know about you but to me the "normies" seem pretty stupid and out of it to me.

You do not need to be edgy. You do not need to go out drinking every weekend to 'fit in' (get wasted I mean). You don't need to do drugs either.

Sometimes you'll just stand out anyway. And choose what you think fits yourself best.
There is no need to keep up appearances or to layer make-up layers on layers onto your face. Just because someone else does it does not mean that you have to do it too.
And if you think 'well I feel more confident that way' then maybe you should work on feeling more confident without having to wear it..

If you have a hobby that you like, or a club that you go to or whatever, you're more likely to run into people with the same interests. And this makes it easier to find someone to hang out with or to have a friend.
Most times classmates do not exactly make good friends.
It may make you seem lonely to other people but one or two good friends are way better than a bunch of nobodies. Just saying.

Also not everyone is lucky enough to run into good people that do not have any issues at all. To turn your back onto people that you've made friends with does not feel right, unless it is for a good reason like that "friend" behaves like a psychopath.
But to me what seems to be said here that if you're befriended with someone who gets bullied in example, that you should turn your back on them just because?? Thats nonsense.

We all have our own lives to live, our own choices to make, our own paths to walk, and our own things to learn. And making mistakes comes with that.
No actually I said the opposite. I said if someone disrespects you OR your friend, you should stand up for yourself and him/her.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
