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How Is A Real Cult? The Story Of A Real Cult - Post By Tabby

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It is very common that people who are really clueless speak about things they have no idea about. One of these cases is when individuals speak about "cults", trying in failure to compare a community like our own to a "Cult".

Our community is the reverse of any "Cult". For one, every spiritual community has to do specific things in order to be called such. Similarity of methods is unavoidable, as these odious programs also parade as "Religions".

There are many idiots who still believe Christianity, the planted seed of the jewish people in the Western Civilization, is still a "Religion" or that it "Leads to the divine". They find out the hard way that it led them nowhere, with most of them not even having one "Religious" experience once in their lives, but living their existence with a fully destroyed mind and soul.

However weird it might sound, a lot of people might leave the Christian or Muslim programs, but it takes a while until these programs leave them too. This requires meditation, deprogramming, and cleaning the soul, as these programs are odious.

Most people come on the run from these cults, damaged and broken into the Joy of Satan, which evidently heals most people by restoring common sense, real spirituality, and re-instating the ability of freedom of the mind.

The Joy of Satan is hated by the enemy as it can free people en-masse. Even just READING the Joy of Satan, whether one wants to join or not, will absolve and answer to the most illogical fears.

This destroys the enemy who is founded upon lies and merely childish deceptions that are primarily based on terrorizing human beings.

The striking majority of human beings now belong into mainstream Abrahamic religions which are for all intents, cults based on fear, abuse, tremendous ignorance, and prohibit any true or real spirituality.

The only thing these people have to do is obey or burn in "hell" in all of these programs. This leaves many people with subconscious fears, even atheists. The closer one gets to these "religions", the stronger becomes the grip of the hostile and evil alien forces that are here to keep humanity back and destroy it.

On the final stage of this, people completely lose their humanity. One only needs to look at radical Muslims, obsessive Jews, or in Christians who are really repeating verses like a broken record in the Bible belt. These people one looks at them and really knows they are gone in the mind.

Over the years, there have been people frozen to their boots from fear of hellfire, eternal punishment, or that they will be judged in the end of the world or other mental illnesses that the enemy gave them.

It is important in life for one to mention the facts and not one's perceived emotional feelings. Certain people write false and deliberate slander against the Joy of Satan calling it all sorts of things, included a "cult".

This shows a severe lack of education at best, and at worst, clearly jewish shills who are losing their grip on reality that we have built something so level headed and wonderful that will free Gentiles en masse as time goes.

Needless to say, the lack of education of these people and their sentimental feelings that are based on solely the need to just "say something negative" are really much present, using the word "cult" for every viable spiritual community in which members are free, thriving and growing and so on.

Basically as idiocy is best answered by facts and living experience, it really boggles the mind that some people still think this way in a world where Scientology or real cults like the Catholic Church have the full podium and are in full activity.

One of the cures about this is really getting to see with your own eyes or through the negative experiences of others what a "Cult" truly is and how it operates. Therefore Tabby's story will walk you all through how real cults are and how these operate.

As the situation with someone having been a member of an actual cult is a very difficult one, I had to insist that Tabby would write about this subject and not keep silent, especially in a time where Jews just love to claim that every Gentile religious system or any Gentile worthy of respect as a respected spiritualist is a "Cultist".

Generally most "cults" out there constantly preach about how the world will "imminently end" [doomsday prophecy is their favorite] and they have similar methods of breaking down individuals such as Chakra removal, but also might obsess over suicide. These are very strong characteristics of cults. Force is constant within these real "cults".

Other methods are to constantly speak, like the greys do to humans, that "your self must die" and all this other nonsense that is taken completely out of it's proper spiritual context in the realm of really killing your individual self with suicide, or becoming a vegetable of a human being by "Exterminating your self".

I will also add for you below some other videos so you can see what the enemy really is and how their cults, which are the actual cults, do operate. If one watches these and still is living in wonderland in regards to what we do here and how we are the bastion of True Spirituality, then there is nothing further I can do to help you.

For extra information, see below what "Jews" are doing in regards to REAL cults in this world:

Rabbi of the Pure Hearts : Inside Lev Tahor - the fifth estate

This documentary is about a Jewish cult where abuse, murder, drug use and so on is part of daily life. It should also help you see for yourself how crazy the jews are.


The Jonestown Massacre: Paradise Lost (Cult Documentary) | Real Stories

The infamous Guyana cult is a cult that commanded it's people to commit suicide because of the Rupture or something. Of course, this was passed down as a mere accident as always with the crimes of the enemy.


This one below is even crazier, but with another subject, Islamic "Women" strange Muslim norms.

The Dark Truth About This Islamic Cult | Refinery29


And below one of the known to all, all time favorite of Jehovah's Witnesses:

Escaping Jehovah's Witnesses: Inside the dangerous world of a brutal religion | Four Corners


After you watch all these and you have a goddamn clue about what you are talking about, then you might also read Tabby's post to understand how REAL cults operate, destroying hundreds of thousands of people or millions, and the lives of individuals to literally ENSLAVING them in facilities and other more insane things.

Admittedly I did not enjoy reading Tabby's experience. I think however compared to the abuse she has underwent, the writing of hers is on the golden zone of reality and facts.


Life in a Cult - a disturbing reality

Due to the nature of this post, there are some things I can’t write about publicly or directly, so some references will have keywords altered, or be worded from a different angle and such, to still provide the original meaning without compromising our safety too much. Some things I’ve needed to leave out entirely.

It’s known to some here that my partner and I had once been in a cult. In this post, you’ll read about the different components of a cult, what it does to people, the psychology and relationship dynamics, and some of our personal story. Through this, hopefully people will have a better understanding of what a cult actually is.

Thank you, HP Hoodedcobra, for giving me enough courage to write about this properly and share it publicly. Thank you, Jrvan, for your love and support in all this, for without you, I wouldn’t be here.
Bless you both.

Grab some tea or something, this isn’t going to be a short story…
I used to wonder, “how can anyone fall for a cult? People who get involved in them must be crazy to believe anything they say.” One day, you’re living an ordinary life, and then, you’re just wrapped up with the wrong crowd and everything goes to shit.
Cults lure people in the same way a child predator lures a child with drug candy at a corner shop. Once you’ve taken that candy, you don’t even realize what’s happening until you’re already caught in the trap, and it’s too late.

I’ve seen people try to label the JoS, of all places, a “cult” or compare it to one... Personally, it angers me every time I see that, and there’s a part of me that is glad such people don’t truly know because the real thing… it scars you.
Look around you on these sites of the JoS. What’s allowed?

Encouragement of self-study, discovery, and self-EVERYTHING: advancement, personal power development by your own hard work, knowledge, growth, strength, truth, facing and overcoming your problems and fears, etc… thinking for yourself, being allowed to question things, personal safety rules, etc. The list is huge. Everything the JoS is and teaches - none of these is at all part of any cult. Not even close.

To make a long story short for a sec: what the JoS is, is quite literally the opposite of a cult.
To determine if a place is a cult or not, you need to look at everything from the “rules”, teachings, the top of the hierarchy and how it impacts its members, all the way to the bottom. What are the “give and take” dynamics? One must take everything into consideration and analyze everything before coming to a decisive conclusion. The health of the tree is determined by its roots, and if you only look at the rotting apples laying on the ground you might miss the fact that the tree isn’t diseased.

For a cult to be… a cult, and actually succeed as a cult, a few things need to be in play, and these are how you can learn to separate healthy groups and organizations from actual cults.

So that there’s some structure to this madness, this post will be separated into the following sections:

- The Leaders and the Victims
- The “Candy”:
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- What Happened After We Left…

Let’s Begin...

The Leaders and the Victims - the “predator” and the “child”:

The aim of a cult is always control, through whatever means they want to achieve that, and it becomes an abusive game of candy on a stick (or “carrot and stick” - “a metaphor for the use of a combination of reward and punishment to induce a desired behaviour” ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrot_and_stick ). In my experience, a cult leader is highly skilled and experienced in manipulation (e.g. gaslighting, scapegoating, blackmailing, etc), psychology, isolation tactics, and are often people who would probably classify as having ‘narcissistic personality disorder’, and such. The success of a cult is greatly dependent on the leader’s ability to control their victims, and twist their own minds against themselves and others in their victims' lives.

The leader continually uses these things to manipulate their victims into believing they are lesser and weaker than the leader, and cannot be or become smarter, stronger, more successful, or more anything than the leader. This gets to the point where victims will talk against themselves, shame themselves, and abuse themselves because they truly believe they are “dirt” compared to the leader, and this is reinforced. The more they break a victim down, the easier it is for the cult leader to seem like a “saving grace” by comparison, and make themselves a victim’s “savior” (basically through forced transferring of power from the victim to the leader). The stronger the need to be “saved” grows in a victim, the better a cult can manipulate them.

One doesn’t need to already be crazy or a broken person to fall for a cult (if a person is, that's just less work for the leader). A person can be a completely healthy person and still fall for them. Cults usually don’t want people who are healthy nor can they afford for you to be healthy, because their entire relationship with their victims is based on fear and manipulation. The simple reason why they do this is because you can’t control and oppress healthy, strong people. If you are healthy and the cult wants to go to the trouble of targeting healthy people, they will first try to break them or “get rid” of them (depending on the cult, this can mean different things…), usually through methods of brainwashing, abuse, manipulation, fear, force, torture, etc.

The leader drags their victims down (mentally, emotionally, socially, sometimes physically, etc.) beneath themselves and keeps them there. They believe they are “perfect”, and the victims are “broken”. The leader is “infallible”, they don’t “make mistakes”, and if they do wrong they are not accountable and will transfer any blame back onto their victims. Anyone beneath them is accountable for everything, even for things that are not their fault. The victims are manipulated to believe they need to be “fixed” and “healed” by the leader, and they can “help you do it” through their “services” and whatever else. They don’t allow you to use your own power to help yourself, power is filtered through the leader. This is important because this places a person into a weakened and dependent-position to the cult leader.

Over time, the victim is manipulated by the leader of the cult to become, for all intents and purposes, a literal child in terms of what a child is like - naive; lacking knowledge, experience and independent thought; overly dependent, overly trusting, helpless; able to be controlled, spoon fed, etc. A cult will never allow its victims to rise above or out of this state.

This is where a cult leader enforces a codependent relationship on its victims, and this ultimately is what makes the clockwork run in a cult.
See more here:


It should already be obvious the differences between a healthy leadership to follower relationship compared to what I’ve just described above. Cult leader to follower (victim) relationships are NOT based on trust, earned respect, and mutual benefit. “Respect and trust” is “won” through fear, abuse, and manipulation (rather than an honest relationship), and only the leader benefits while the victim suffers in whatever fashion.

The entire cult is centered around the leader, and the leader is the only important person and the only one that matters (key word here: ONLY).

In the cult I was a victim of, there were three leaders; 2 main and 1 co-leader. The leaders claimed to be many things, including but not limited to: claiming to be the reincarnation of deities (which later, they claimed to “literally” be these deities after doing rituals on themselves, including one of our highly beloved Gods). The extent of blasphemes in this cult would make most here puke. One of the main leaders knew how to astral project and work with energies, and they were the main person who performed rituals on people.
Early on, these people had connections to other enemy mages whose spiritual practices were even more damaging than the cult leaders’. The main leaders kicked them out from the cult and a small propaganda war happened between them because these mages had been making more money off of the cult victims than the main leaders were at the time. Not much else to it, I guess. These enemy mages really fucked up Jrvan’s chakras.

I didn’t notice until it was too late to make a difference, but the main leader who could do magick never performed their own rituals on themselves. They did so to everyone else in the cult, the other leaders included, but never on themselves. People like this in cults are a major red flag. They are fully aware of what they’re doing to their victims.

One of the dangerous things about a cult is when they finally get into a person’s head and twist them so that the person “naturally” follows whatever direction the leader wants them to go in on their own, without the leader having to pull strings to make it happen. In the above cult, a victim would defend the leaders even when they were abusing them. They’d love them even when the leaders or other victims were telling them to die, and give themselves up to entities. If outsiders tried to get the victims out, they would fight them and defend the leaders, and make excuses for their behavior. If the leaders were in any way criticized or flaws in the narrative pointed out, the leaders would become more hostile and attempt to turn other victims in the cult against this person… which wasn’t difficult. Many of the cult's victims targeted whoever the leaders hated on their own anyway. If something threatened the cult's ability to use and keep its victims under its control, the leaders and/or brainwashed victims attacked the threat.

Some cults plainly don’t care if outsiders know they’re a cult or not, because they have their followers (victims) so controlled, people wouldn’t be able to convince them they’re in one anyway. You could probably think of a couple well known ones off the top of your head. Xianity is, frankly, one massive cult.

The psychology starts to become an insane loop of blinded “love” and worship (the corrupted kind), and fear: victims wanted to please and stay in the leaders’ favor to gain their affection, “love”, and attention, and to avoid losing access to their “services” or suffering punishment. So when punishment was threatened for anything (even unnecessary minor things), the leaders had their victims on puppet strings, and they would do whatever the leader wanted them to do. Total blind obedience. The more the leader favored a victim, the more they “rewarded” them and were “nice” to them to rope them further into their control. If a person remained loyal, obeyed, and were “good”, they were rewarded sometimes with status in the cult, and more tracks or rituals, which really… all that meant was just being a better pawn for the leader to use as they pleased.

Anyone within the inner circle to the leaders became like guard dogs to reinforce the narrative onto lower ranked victims. These were the closest victims to the leaders and most “trusted” - (again… simply the ones most deeply controlled and obeying the leaders’ wishes. There’s no actual “trust”). These people often behaved similarly to the leaders, and treated lower ranks the same as, or in some rare cases worse than, the leaders did. A sort of corrupted “family” dynamic was pushed by some higher ranked victims of the cult… one victim that I was close with, abused me continually and claimed that I was going to be raped and killed at one point (basically pushing their gang stalking mentality onto me). They constantly pointed out all the signs of some people apparently stalking me, and had seen them come into my home when I wasn’t there. They claimed the food and water had been poisoned so I couldn’t eat or drink. That I couldn’t trust my family… it wasn’t hard to believe, given how my parents are underneath. Yet this person kept calling me their sibling, and insisting they were my older sibling. They would tell me they love me, and then tell me that they wanted me dead. Once, they pushed me to watch distburing pornography, and afterwards mocked and shamed me for not liking it and telling them to turn it off. That I had offended them because of my reaction, and had to make it up to them.

The victims are not people nor allowed to be people in a cult. They are completely dependent on the leader, trapped in a child state, poisoned by the leader’s “candy” and tied on puppet strings. A victim can be high ranking, and later be discarded because anyone is disposable the moment the leader doesn't need them or are a threat to the cult.

I learned as I write this, that there was a cord deeply rooted into the back extension of my throat chakra leading to one of the cult leaders. It felt like wearing a collar, and being owned. In a cult, you’re a slave, for all intents and purposes.

The “Candy” - Part 1:

This is the endless poisonous unfulfilled promises, lies, deception, and fake narrative fed to victims again and again by the cult leader, designed to slowly break them down over time into an addicted, paranoid mess that they can use for their benefit.

In normal healthy organizations, there are appeals to a cause/s and marketing is used to encourage people to join and support the cause, and they follow up on these things. A cult does not follow up on its promises. EVER. The leader convinces their victims in different ways, twisting their perception of reality, to make them believe they are giving their victims exactly what they promised but it’s just lies. The victim might get bread crumbs, but they’ll never get the meal that was promised. The best deceivers always tie a little truth in with lies. Whatever is presented on the surface is just a mask to trap you and that’s it, whatever lies underneath is only poison.

In the JoS, there is continual and visible progress upward that people make in their lives who actually take it seriously. We go up here in personal power, prosperity, health, happiness, strength, and all positive things, even as we go through the ugly stages of clearing away karma and healing. The path is upward.

In a cult, you see a continual downward spiral that only keeps going into the negative, and when a victim hits the bottom (if there is one), it is extremely hard to rise back up and out of it, especially alone. A person loses far more than one is ever promised they might gain in a cult. I guess one could think of it like gambling, with the cost being that you lose everything just to win a penny, but have been blinded to think this “penny” is a million dollars.

The “candy” that was presented in the cult, in my case, had two forms: the “services” they offered (tracks, rituals, etc), and the narrative they sold to their victims. I’ll write more about the first form in part 2, however, both of these things were going on simultaneously. I’m just separating them for ease of writing and keeping my thoughts on track.
Over time the narrative changed and became more ridiculous and crazy, but by then it didn’t matter how insane it got. People bought into it and accepted it without question, even if it was plainly obvious to anyone with their head on straight how stupid it was. Originally, it started off as just some kind of online “self-help” thing, I guess you could call it, and as it grew, this eventually turned into just doomsday “spiritual” cult nonsense. Victims were brainwashed and manipulated enough that, even when people picked up on the irregularities and plot holes, or had warnings in their thoughts telling them this cult was no good place, they always gave excuses and made up things to explain it away.

As things progressed, the leaders fed their victims the main narrative of what the cult believed in. The process was like swallowing a spiked drink or a hidden pill in food. A person didn’t know they’d slipped it in, but they were there accepting it like they’ve accepted everything else at this point, unaware of it but feeling the effects, and then losing their ability to reason.

There were many claims about “saving the planet” but false ones. They brainwashed people to believe they needed to reconnect with their "real self" and that they were the incarnations of different beings and creatures from different worlds, and needed to fuse back with them from earth. There was a lot of perversion of the mythologies, mixing movie and video game crap with the stories of different ancient cultures, and fed back to people over and over. This was a huge part of the foundation of that cult, and the victims were not allowed to share information to outsiders unless given permission by the main leaders.

The leaders asked for donations from their followers so they could build a “safe house” where followers of the cult would eventually go to live when the “collapse of society began”. They succeeded in building this place. They talked about the collapse of society often and “when it would happen”, and whenever the cult went another year without their prophesied “doomsday” occurring, they made up further narratives to explain it had been “postponed” to a later time date. The narrative developed to include a lot of human-hating crap, and this sometimes got a bit extreme with a few of the higher ranked victims.

This “safe house” was quite the opposite of its name. On rare occasions, they’d give victims a bone here and there if one was lucky and the leaders were in a decent mood, but that’s all one would get. Scraps.

Those who lived at this place were abused continually, and constantly scraping the bottom of the barrel to simply meet their needs. If one was an immediate family member of the leaders, they were at least treated semi-decently, for the most part. Everyone under the leaders were completely dependent on them for just about everything.
During the day, victims in the house (even children in the house) labored away with whatever the leaders told them to do. If they worked, they were “paid” - unless one was immediate family. Any payment they earned from labor was only allowed to be used for food, board, and more rituals. It wasn’t money in a bank account or physical cash… more like credit points or something. Victims couldn’t access this so-called “payment” unless they asked the leaders and told them what they wanted to spend it on. The payment wasn’t much, so they had to work more to have more to get by.

For my sake and to keep us safe in the cult's house, my partner tolerated a lot of abuse from these people. One of the leaders made several attempts to separate us and often started fights with my partner, to keep me there and try to justify kicking him out. This person was quite perverted and creepy towards younger girls.

My partner at times went some days without eating, so that I could eat, because the leaders wouldn’t let the victims use any of their food. Anything of theirs we were “allowed” to eat were drugged treats, even the kids were given them. One kid stated loudly once during a meal time, eating one of these things, that they loved being high. The first time I was given one, I started having twitches and seizure-like spasms until I blacked out. I remember being able to hear voices and feeling my body being moved, but I couldn’t open my eyes or move my body on my own or respond. It was like being paralyzed.

The drinking water tasted horrible. The leaders didn’t like water to be “wasted” on hygiene, so no one bathed much. If anyone wanted to bathe more, they were told to bathe in the pool which smelled. There was a young teen I caught trying to wash themselves with a cloth in the sink of the single bathroom. They hadn’t showered for a month, and their skin was coated in a visible layer of dirt. Victims of the house were not allowed to help the younger kids without someone getting into trouble in some way with the leaders, whether it’d be the kids or the older victims, or both. The children didn’t go to school, nor did I ever see them being homeschooled.

The leaders were also quite abusive to their animals at this place. One of them confessed to me that they were planning to use the animals for sacrifices, like the chickens they had and such.

Another of the victims that lived there was obsessed with the cult leaders and their blood-family. They wanted to one day have a gravestone with the cult leaders’ last name written on it instead of their own.

Any mistake or accident that occurred was blamed on the victims living in the house, even if they were doing nothing wrong or didn’t make the proclaimed “error”. The leaders kept giving everyone different rules and instructions to follow that contradicted each other, so when anyone tried to do what they thought was the right thing, they were barked at and bullied instead. Often victims couldn’t sit for more than a few minutes to have some space without being yelled at for being “lazy”.

At night, our bed was a concrete floor and sleeping bags in a separate part of the building. The children were cramped in one small room with bunks, a couple of the kids sometimes slept on the floor, and the leaders had proper full sized bedrooms and beds.

It was always cold and we couldn’t sleep properly. Then in the morning, it would start all again. Work, eat, work, kinda-sleep, repeat.

I remember feeling constantly anxious, stressed, and scared. My partner struggled with damage done to his chakras, and trying to keep us both afloat, while day after day taking abuse. When I got my period, it was worse than normal, and I was screaming in the bathroom for hours because of the cramps and no pain killers. No one, except my partner, came to see what was wrong. My partner asked the leaders for help with my health problems, and in exchange he had to do more labor work. The leaders did a ritual on my womb and breast because of the problems I was having. I don’t know what it was exactly they did, but the next cycle I had (when we inevitably left), I almost needed to go to the hospital, and since then my periods haven’t been ok.

Later, there was a situation that happened between us and the cult leaders. They began seeing us as a threat to their cult, but it gave us an opening to get out of there. In a way, we were lucky. We managed to get outside help from someone we knew to be able to leave, since we didn’t have the transportation or money to do so ourselves.

We didn’t try to tell the other victims what had happened at first. I realize now that even if we had at the time, it wouldn’t have done anything other than bring us trouble. Like I mentioned earlier, some cults just don’t care if anyone knows it’s a cult because their followers are too brainwashed and controlled. We found out in the end anyway just how far gone they were when we did end up deciding to attempt to expose it ourselves out of anger.

We found out that one of the leaders was a criminal, another had been a long-time scammer, and the other had been a mormon before being part of the cult. Despite trying to bring this information to the other victims with the evidence of it, no one cared, and continued to praise and defend the leaders without hesitation.

The “Candy” - Part 2:
The other form of the “candy” was, in the beginning, the leaders convincing people to use their subliminal message tracks (one of their “services” offered). Effectively, self-hypnosis tracks. In their cult, they had pictures of people showing before-and-after results of using the tracks, etc. These were free to use as anyone pleased at first, and were plastered with “self-responsibility” warnings, and what have you. When one listened to them, you couldn’t tell what was being said aside from some words and sentences here and there. There were many overlapping voices and it was jarring to listen to. The first time I tried, I threw off my headphones, frightened by it.

I don’t think I need to explain just how dangerous this was. Victims listened to these tracks for months on end as was instructed in order to “see results”; others did so for years. These later became rituals, chants, and so on. I learned later that they were making their living from the revenue of these so-called “free” tracks. When rituals started to be offered, something happened to the cult's ability to get money from the tracks behind the scenes. So the leaders abandoned the tracks, and things changed completely over to rituals that one needed to pay for. This is when the leaders started to manipulate people through different fear tactics into believing they needed these things to “help themselves”, and followers were happy to pay whatever price the leaders wanted in exchange for these rituals. It got to a point that victims were asking for donations from other victims to help them afford the rituals and new things “offered” by the cult. Many became obsessed with them, spending hundreds to thousands of dollars on rituals and such (each one cost anywhere between $50 to $800 per ritual).

People became stuck in the cult through the leaders fueling their desperation, fear, addiction, and such, and making them blinded by whatever thing the cult was manipulating them to need. This is how they controlled people.

When you are able to get a person to want and need what you claim to have, you have the ability to manipulate people to do as you want them to and behave as you want them to through behavior (operant) conditioning, without ever actually making good on your promises. Yet the victim fully believes they are getting said “promises”. They used this to control and keep their victims in line and obedient to the leaders’ desires. “Do as I say, get rewarded. Disobey, receive punishment and/or ‘lose’ access to X ritual”, etc.

Through this, the cult leaders convinced people to hand over their personal power to them. The more of a person's own power they hand over and give up, the tighter the hold the cult can have over a person. This could be anything depending on the aim and desires of the cult - your body, your life, your identity, your ability to do things for yourself, your successes, your beliefs, your social connections, your wealth, etc.

With a subliminal like the ones victims in this cult listened to, the cult leaders don't have to do anything. They’ve already convinced a person to brainwash themselves without lifting a finger.

The “Candy” - Part 3:

They offered many many rituals of all sorts. New rituals and services, and much later even servitors that connected to the heart chakra, were offered periodically whenever the flow of income in the cult was starting to stagnate:

“Chakra Removal”, “Subconscious Removal”, and rituals for connecting with these “beings” that they claimed were people's “real self”. The list is endless. These rituals were highly destructive. It was like being cursed over and over again. Some rituals did damage to chakras and such, some to steal energy, but the main idea for most of them was to slowly kill the “human self” (the “real self” was not considered to be human), i.e. the victim, their identity and self, and replace them with entities.

A person’s identity, personality, sense of self, desires, thinking patterns… everything was altered. And victims had already been convinced to want this, crave it, need it. There was a lot of New Age approach to this “spirituality”, and just plain corruption of shit.

Ignorance is such a curse…. Anyway. Victims were paying the leaders to ruin themselves all under the guise of “self-improvement and saving the world”. For a price, victims got to “talk” to their “real self”, find out who “they” are, and connect with them / “become” them.

Sometimes the leaders used experiences in their victim’s pasts, especially childhood, where people would share things that had happened that they couldn’t explain, and one of the leaders would claim something-or-other about it having a connection with their “real self”. Or things like how their “real self” was trying to communicate with the person and whatever… It’s an easy way to sell a narrative and manipulate people into believing lies, making undeniable things that truly happened in a person's past connect to a false cause / reality of the situation in their memory. As I write this, it kinda reminds me of how xians always think it’s “god” who caused this or that to happen in their life and shit. It’s a form of control over a person's perception of reality, since it reinforces belief and alters memories to suit the cult leader’s narrative and story they feed the cult. Because of this perceived past connection with these “real self” beings, it gave an anchor to an otherwise retarded and false story that had no basis in reality.

“You as the human need to die so you can be your ‘real self’ ” - was a frequent way of thinking there. The cult leaders took everything a person was into their hands, and the person was taught to hate themselves and favor being their “real self” because the “human self” was “inferior”. As is the way of things in cults, everything became filtered through the leaders, and victims were manipulated to no longer trust themselves and their own judgement.

These rituals were performed regularly on people by the cult leaders. Even their own children, and the children of different victims in the cult. Most of the cult victims were teens and young adults. These rituals… It was like a drug. Victims became totally addicted to them, buying and buying and buying constantly. No one ever actually got the results they were promised, of course, and the leaders just made up reasons why this was the case, such as “for your own safety, X won’t physically develop until society collapses because you’ll be persecuted otherwise”.

They changed a person from the inside out, and many people became possessed by different entities. There are people who think that a person can’t be convinced or manipulated to go against their nature and natural tendencies… if you lose your power to a cult leader, they can take you away from yourself entirely. Doesn’t matter what your astrology is. Things you wouldn’t ever normally do, they can convince you to do it, even make you believe you want to do it, and like it. If they possess you with who-knows-what, all the worse.

From personal experience, possession feels like there are two people inside your head: yourself, and whatever thing you are being possessed by. Each day, it’s like switching a light on and off, constantly. You’re there, then you’re not and the entity is there instead, and repeat. You watch the world in your eyes for a while, then you see it through the entity's eyes, and your mind gets cloudy, like a constant haze that won’t go away. Slowly, each day the clear difference between you and this thing bleeds into each other, until you no longer know who’s who, and your consciousness merges entirely with that of the entity’s. It feels like you’re buried alive inside your own head, and you have some awareness of it but also no awareness either anymore. Your memory goes to shit, you forget yourself, your energy changes.

I couldn’t remember most of my childhood anymore or even what happened during much of the time I was in the cult, neither what happened before it until some months ago and things started coming back to me as I worked on myself with the knowledge of JoS and guidance of our Gods. When I had started to break the possession, sometimes I could hear my voice at a distance yelling in my head, quite like the way it sounds when someone is telepathically talking to you, saying over and over “I hate you”.

The more rituals one had, the worse it got. Seeing “shadows”, paranoia, nightmares, voices telling you to die or shame you again and again, getting attacked astrally. Victims increasingly became more and more hostile and cruel to each other, worse to those who were still retaining some sense of self or were considered lower in rank. Some “higher” victims manipulated and frightened others of the cult into completely believing their life was in danger, and to run away from their family. The leaders didn’t care.

Whenever these things were spoken about, or people complained of attacks, the leaders would craft elaborate narratives around it to explain them away. Sometimes even offering further rituals to have these "entities" removed, if you could afford to pay for it. Before coming to JoS, there was a time where this tall gangly black being dug its hand into my shoulder and fed off my energy for a few days. I was exhausted and had constant pains all over my body, and couldn’t move well. When my partner and I asked for help from the leaders, they told us we had to pay some amount to first get a scan to see what it was, and another payment to have it actually removed and dealt with. We didn’t have the money to spare at the time until days later. Sometimes they claimed that these “entity attacks” people complained of were life threatening and had to be taken care of asap, but if someone couldn’t pay the leaders to have them removed, they just ignored the person and offered no way to help themselves.

It’s common for cults to isolate their victims from outsiders, and this is what this cult did. The cult leaders and some “higher ranking” victims began to close off and isolate the cult from the public, and crafted a “the cult vs the world” kind of narrative… among everything else. Everyone else was a “threat”; the victim’s friends, their families, authorities like police, common folk, themselves. Everyone who was human (they had long brainwashed their victims to believe they weren’t human because of the “real self” thing). They convinced their victims to fester hatred for everyone else except the leaders. Anyone could be an enemy of the cult leaders anytime the leaders chose to make one their enemy. Once a person was their target, they would curse them, sometimes through the use of a poppet ritual, and other victims would abuse them.

I tried to suicide because I couldn’t take it anymore. I asked the leaders to be killed in ritual, to simply let the “real self” that possessed me have my body because I didn’t want to live anymore… Victims in the cult I was close with encouraged it as well. The ritual messed with my consciousness and altered my personality enough that I really thought I was gone, and the “real self” was all that was left.

What Happened After We Left...

Unfortunately, there are still people left in that cult. My partner and I tried confronting some victims who had abused us the most, and it just became more obvious the kind of shit hole it all was. We were angry and felt hopeless. Though we had left and gotten a place of our own, we were at a low on many levels.

We were always hungry for a while, and lost weight from not being able to eat properly. We looked ill for a long time and felt aged. Our health was poor on many levels, mentally and physically. Our auras were riddled with holes, like someone had decided to play target practice with them. Entities clung to our energy and made us feel miserable, but no matter what we did, they wouldn’t go away. Things felt like they were missing from our heads due to one of the rituals. We felt disconnected from the world and humanity. Our chakras were in an awful state, and our souls were heavily polluted. Our memories were messed up, and many things were just wrong… We attracted toxic people, and were treated as outcasts. Things were bad enough that we nearly fell for the bullshit of xianity all over again despite having rejected it long ago.

I don’t remember how, but my partner found his way to Bitchute, and eventually found all sorts of videos regarding the jews, their crimes, and the truth about Germany and Lord Hitler. We began walking down a long road watching documentary after documentary. It flipped everything we’d known on its head. During a fasting because we were struggling with food, my partner got really angry and shouted about how he was sick of all the lies, and wanted the truth. Some days later, there was a person on Bitchute who had made comments on videos sharing the link to the JoS websites.

Jrvan followed the link and spent much time reading over the information. He seemed excited and suddenly full of life about it, and wanted to give it a try. I, on the other hand, was terrified. “What if this is just another trap? What if it’s another cult?” - these thoughts went through my head a lot, but my partner was encouraging and I trusted him, so I began reading the information as well. We spent several months just reading and reading, before we decided to dedicate ourselves to Satan.

Even during the dedication ritual, I was still afraid, but I figured I’d already gone through all the crap, I had nothing else to lose… If things weren’t what they truly are, I could just walk away. What more could happen? The first week after dedication, I had few doubts anymore. The entity that had felt impossible to get rid of suddenly started to loosen its grip on me, and even though I wasn’t really myself yet, it was enough that it felt like I could breathe again if just a little. It was the greatest hope that what had happened to us could be undone, so I started to fight back to get myself back. That hope has kept us going even when we were ready to give up, when things seemed so suffocating that simply dying looked like the only solution rather than trying to fight this uphill battle to heal. This hope ultimately decided my path forward from there to trust in Satan and begin meditation and learning magick along with my partner.

The damage has been confusing to sort out, and just trying to understand what exactly happened to us and how to heal from everything has been extremely stressful and challenging.
As I’ve worked through things, I’ve had panic attacks, and sometimes have had episodes of being terrified of being in my own body. But I feel myself coming back all the time, and my energy slowly waking up and becoming unpolluted. My partner’s energy has also improved considerably from where it was at the beginning of dedication. Our auras are healing at a good pace. Things in our life are getting better for us, and our wealth is building back up. For the first time, we have hope that someday we can have a normal life and achieve our goals.

We’ve done many bindings on those who hurt us, and have felt great results from them. We hit the ground running, and it’s been nonstop every day since dedication, working on healing ourselves, clearing karma, cleaning away the soul pollution, destroying the entities, clearing the rituals from our souls, and trying to get back to a level of normal. Sometimes we’ve gotten harassed by entities of the leaders, but their attacks are becoming less and less effective.

All I can say to close this post is that, no: the Joy of Satan is not a cult.

If you’ve ever had days where you feel like something is impossible to fix… believe me, it can be fixed. With your own power and strength, and all that the JoS offers you, you can heal, and you can create a better life for yourself. It may take time, and a lot of hard work, but it’s worth it. Don’t give up. I know I am not.

By Tabby
Thank you for sharing, this is important.

That's all I have to say at the moment,
more like I wouldn't know what to say.

Will you destroy them? In the sense of erasing their souls.
Despite how hard it was to get this out, I'm glad that you asked this of me, HP Hoodedcobra. I feel a weight is off my chest now that this is in the open, and I can move on and cry freely, knowing that this will help others. Thank you for giving me a sense of closure for all this.

Hail Satan!
I am speechless. This is basically a nightmare on steroids. Even though I was aware of Tabby and Jrvan's history, I had no true insight like this has provided.

All I can say is that I truly hope the best for them, and I am glad that JoS can be a positive influence for them. These sorts of nightmare pockets on Earth need to be flushed out entirely.

Although I had, in the past, expressed strong support for the idea of redemption for people, I am not sure how one of these cult leaders could ever be rehabilitated. Perhaps if they ever realized the extent of their cruelty, they would go insane.

Assuming such people are Gentiles, maybe someone could trace the cult leader through past lives, or the lives of their ancestors to prove that their current karma is not their fault. However, at the current moment, does that matter?

They have inflicted some of the most disgusting experiences someone could ever do to another, and multiple times. Even "normal" criminals who shoot and kill another, still possess some aspects of morality.

It seems like an affront to justice to not simply crush these cult leaders into literally nothing, then move on. Any energy spent rehabbing them should be spent on the victims instead.
tabby said:
Despite how hard it was to get this out, I'm glad that you asked this of me, HP Hoodedcobra. I feel a weight is off my chest now that this is in the open, and I can move on and cry freely, knowing that this will help others. Thank you for giving me a sense of closure for all this.

Hail Satan!

You should be very proud of yourself for having the courage to speak about this. In the end of the day we have a very loving and caring community for one another here on the forums. I mean these are the real problems and these are the things the JoS wants to help people out of.

I am confident your experience written will help thousands and tens of thousands as the JoS expands into global status so that human beings become alerted and are given strength to escape from brutal abuse such as this.

Although painful to read, I want to thank you personally for having the courage to speak up about this.
This is very strong and made me cry at the part where you discover the JOS. Thank you for sharing this.
It's both sad and terrifying,. the things that people have to go through just to find the truth and to get a little happiness in their life. Thank you for sharing this. 🖤
Thank you for sharing this, this shall end all the fake blame on our Family and act as a very much deserved catharsis. For safety's sake I cannot go into detail, but the police and authorities in my country have one of their campaigns against "Satanic Cults" identifying their members and so on, and guess what, they seemed to have targeted our most beloved community. But I'm certain Father Satan will protect his Joy and the SS who reside here.
tabby said:
Despite how hard it was to get this out, I'm glad that you asked this of me, HP Hoodedcobra. I feel a weight is off my chest now that this is in the open, and I can move on and cry freely, knowing that this will help others. Thank you for giving me a sense of closure for all this.

Hail Satan!

You and Jrvan are indeed brave. May Valefor grant his blessings to you both 🤍💙❤️🖤
If all sorts of authorities that fail to close us would read this before opening their mouth to throw in their childish suppositions they'd never dare lay an eye on us again.
Our natural world will grow and the jewish plastic world with all its programs, systems and cults will shrivel away like a cut foreskin.

I also want to say that if jews or their lackeys attack you, don't hesitate or don't be afraid to use our black magick,
justice and revenge are necessary and also cathartic. Don't let yourself be abused unjustly by anyone. Hail Satan!
I want to comment on the Jehovah’s witnesses.
My mom and my Father were Johovah’s witnesses. I remember being beaten up and dragged to church when i was a kid. Hours of boring bible study. It was horrific.
My Father even now is saying he regrets it that i went to university to persue my studies.
He wanted me to be a full time jehovahs witnesses😂😂.

Im happy that Father Satan came to rescue me from this deadly program.

Now these idiots thought that i was going to fail in life because i left them, but now they are getting surprised. Im becoming better each and every day, i live a higher quality life and im very positive.

My mom passed away because of the Jehovah’s witness. Once you join them, you sign a document that stops you from getting blood transfusion.
My mom went sick and she died because she lost a lot of blood and they refused to let her get blood transfusion.

Im happy that i healed and i know a lot if us come through this, but the best we can is to share and alert people on these so that we can save lives.

Hail Satan
While reading this article, I remembered that my mother gave me to a cult when I was 10 years old. I only lasted 2 days in that place. They would wake us up at 5 in the morning and make us pray, read the Qur'an, give little food, take us to mosque seminars. I was crying at night, we were allowed to go home on the weekends and I told my family I didn't want to stay there and they took me from there. luckily i didn't stay there long but there were too many kids like me there.
Tabby, thank you for writing this. This will be helpful to so many people, now and in future years to come. It was also very well written. I know that through our Gods, you and Jrvan will be healed.

Spiritual Satanism, the JoS, is the best thing that can happen to anybody. Nothing compares.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=384601 time=1661743115 user_id=21286]
It seems like an affront to justice to not simply crush these cult leaders into literally nothing, then move on. Any energy spent rehabbing them should be spent on the victims instead.
Utterly appalling. It is of even greater concern that there must be even more to this story if you had to leave certain things out. Unimaginable. I had no idea you and Jrvan had this kind of thing behind you. It should make me consider myself extremely fortunate for having simply waltzed into JoS without any prior suffering, knowing that there are those of us who've faced things like what you have.

The fact that there are people who deliberately wish to brainwash others to hate oneself, one's own existence and even be driven to desire suicide, fills me with livid repulsion. It may perhaps be of moral questionability regarding whether or not some people who are tied too deeply into such environments, past a very certain point, may still be saved or not. As you mentioned, they do not care even if the truth regarding the cult and its leaders exposes them for what they are.

The part of your story regarding possession by an enemy entity pervading your consciousness, stuck with me the most. The courage and resilience you've mustered through such atrocious circumstances, has proven your will to persevere against these antagonistic forces and more. If anything, I would like to express my respect and inspiration for what you have shown that one can be capable of through the sheer potential of our mind.

tabby said:
Despite how hard it was to get this out, I'm glad that you asked this of me, HP Hoodedcobra. I feel a weight is off my chest now that this is in the open, and I can move on and cry freely, knowing that this will help others. Thank you for giving me a sense of closure for all this.

Hail Satan!

You can, will, and do help us through relaying such experiences. Though saddening to learn that some of us have toiled through such horrific experiences (and the ensuing process of recovery thereafter), it is strongly insightful to understand precisely just how bad actual cults are, and that the Joy of Satan is absolutely not to be compared to such in the slightest. I truly do respect someone as yourself within our ranks, and I bear the same for Jrvan.

Speaking of, I do wonder about his point of view throughout all this and more. Indubitably, even the parts where you mentioned what he had experienced, merely scratch the surface...
I don't write to much here on the forum but I read and I look for new topics everyday. I care deeply about our people and I'm very happy to be connected with you all! This forum is the greatest place on earth! :D I like to be with good people doing good things.

I like to be short and directly to the point.

I dedicated a few years ago and it has been the best decision I have ever made. HPHC explained in another sermon about joy. I have found myself to be more happy in my life than I've ever been. The JOY in the JoS is what I feel now and I am starting to understand this.

Stay strong in your path as a Spiritual Satanist. Keep Satan and your Guardian Demon in your hearts. I hope you talk to them often.

Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra, I wholeheartedly appreciate all you do for us!
This feels extremely important and notable to translate in many languages and expose. Thank you very much for the exposure and desire you a full victory and avenge.

We have very many of such cults in Russia. They not only twitch the mind, they actually beat, rape and force into any labor and even into crime young people and women, threaten violence if disobey. They steal absolutely all money, steal property, cars, houses, force people to steal from their loved ones and families. This is not uncommon.

In this infiltration example https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=70454 is very much alike: you can notice fear and humiliation tactics, threats, introducing "their own" non-JoS meditations, inventing stories about JoS authorities, reptilians and other nonsense, most of this you also see in all so called "exposing JoS" circles packed with jews, which some of them align with.

As for drugs, well, it seems they are the worst enemies of woman's menstrual cycle. Basically they are designed to destroy this. Then people are told that some magic birth control pills will alleviate it all with the logic: "no menses = no problem", which destroys natural cycle further. People would take anything to reduce pain, so some of them proceed using drugs just to stop pain, and it is a trap. Blood and Qi stagnation that causes pain is more and more because drugs are designed to induce it in the end.

Also hard Yin poisons that some drugs are, are Cold which induces cramps, because cramps are cold in nature. All this knowledge of substances was stolen and people possessing it burned at stakes during Dark Age and now this is a result of stolen knowledge: jews who introduced drugs knew very well of their qualities and knew all these outcomes on Gentiles. They did it on purpose.

I do not believe in such thing as redemption for any non-defensive violent crime. Or any such destroying life crime even if not done by hands but creating deep pain in people like the above example with drugs. I believe in the free choice and that any choice whether done by moslen, xian or whomever however stupid and immature is still free choice. Idea of "somebody's else's fault" is the ideas of irresponsibility and actually are very much in use in abrahamic institutions, aka you can do whatever and then redeem whatever. And jews have very specific reason for this teaching: they need it to make others to do crimes for them, i.e. do jewish crimes with Gentile hands. For example they made Gentiles to invade Pharaoh's tombs for them to avoid punishment.

But since JoS has no these reasons, I thought that being drunk, having low IQ etc does not place responsibility for your action on anybody else. It is still a free choice - to rape your donkey etc. It is not a choice to be raped if you are a donkey, obviously, but the first is. And if we stop serving justice just because criminals are too stupid to understand what they do than we will have a world without justice. Because with microchipping, race-mixing and brainwashing enemy is going to make all world unaware of what they are doing anyway.
This is the one side of the coin.

The other side is that according statistic these people never change when given such an opportunity: you have maniacs and violent criminals returning from jails only to proceed their crimes. If you ask a policeman they know all wife-beaters of the region by names, it does not emerge out of nowhere, individual must be there already to proceed it. We have same statistics here: whether we endure same old trolls and nasties for years or ban them for them only to return under different names, the result is the same: they remain what they always were. Despite of this place being a place of meditation where they hypothetically could advance. This proves beyond doubt that to stay a crap is a choice. Moreover, that this choice essentially can't be forced.
It wasn't easy getting here, but I'm so glad we found the truth.

To determine if something is really a cult or not, I've realized that High Priest Hoodedcobra's quote is best: "A tree is known by its fruit." In the cult we were part of, many false promises were made to keep us as part of it, but nothing was ever truly delivered. With the JoS, you receive so much more than you even expected that it's overwhelming and it fills an honorable person with a compulsion to give back. The infinite ways that the JoS benefits the life is unlike anything else in this world, and is the only sign one needs in my opinion to know truly that this is of our Gods.

Bless High Priestess Maxine's eternal soul for creating the JoS. Only someone truly great and truly kind could create something of this magnitude and perfection. Her writings are like artful masterpieces. It takes a wise mind to truly appreciate how skilled and masterful her writings are. Someone who shouts "cult!" at the JoS could never understand that, and their level of perception is on par with one who exists in a cult... in other words, they are spiritually blind. Ones like us who know distinctly from experience what a cult is and what a cult isn't, we knew early on just by reading the JoS that this isn't in any way like a cult. It defies the characteristics of a cult at every level.

Well, Tabby. It took 2 months of plugging away at this, but you did it. All the hard work and painful memories produced something beautiful that will help many. Great job :)
Absolute horrific Tabby respect and a big one at that to you and Jrvan now i know
why he was annoyed at something i posted (made up quickly pals now)

take care both of you and least both know always loved in here it might get a bit arguments a few times that is about it.

HPHC is here for us also, that is something to remember, he has helped me out when i have went off rails but what i have just read was sad but glad you both okay.

EnkiUK x
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
tabby said:
Despite how hard it was to get this out, I'm glad that you asked this of me, HP Hoodedcobra. I feel a weight is off my chest now that this is in the open, and I can move on and cry freely, knowing that this will help others. Thank you for giving me a sense of closure for all this.

Hail Satan!

You should be very proud of yourself for having the courage to speak about this. In the end of the day we have a very loving and caring community for one another here on the forums. I mean these are the real problems and these are the things the JoS wants to help people out of.

I am confident your experience written will help thousands and tens of thousands as the JoS expands into global status so that human beings become alerted and are given strength to escape from brutal abuse such as this.

Although painful to read, I want to thank you personally for having the courage to speak up about this.

I've had my rough patches, but you are right. JoS is home, and I feel very lucky to be here.

I don't know if this would apply to others who have gone through trauma, but I'm finding that by giving what happened to us a purpose, making it mean something in this way instead of it being just a black hole in my life that I want to bury and run away from, it's oddly healing.

I'm honoured, HP.

To others: thank you for your support and kind words. Much appreciated.
Veritá_666 said:
Thank you for sharing, this is important.

That's all I have to say at the moment,
more like I wouldn't know what to say.

Will you destroy them? In the sense of erasing their souls.

I want to.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
“You as the human need to die so you can be your ‘real self’ ” - was a frequent way of thinking there.

That reminds me of something:
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." - Galatians 2:20

You were spot-on calling christianity a massive cult.

Sorry you and jrvan went through all that. I wish you healing, happiness, and power on the true Satanic path. :cool:
ShermanTank said:
I don't write to much here on the forum but I read and I look for new topics everyday. I care deeply about our people and I'm very happy to be connected with you all! This forum is the greatest place on earth! :D I like to be with good people doing good things.

I like to be short and directly to the point.

I dedicated a few years ago and it has been the best decision I have ever made. HPHC explained in another sermon about joy. I have found myself to be more happy in my life than I've ever been. The JOY in the JoS is what I feel now and I am starting to understand this.

Stay strong in your path as a Spiritual Satanist. Keep Satan and your Guardian Demon in your hearts. I hope you talk to them often.

Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra, I wholeheartedly appreciate all you do for us!

Always beautiful to read a comment from you brother. Stay strong as Sherman says and you will see the power and joy.
Tabby said:
If you’ve ever had days where you feel like something is impossible to fix… believe me, it can be fixed. With your own power and strength, and all that the JoS offers you, you can heal, and you can create a better life for yourself. It may take time, and a lot of hard work, but it’s worth it. Don’t give up. I know I am not.

By Tabby

I confirm, absolutely, ease and removal of obstacles that at certain levels seem like curses since you were born and would be permanent, can greatly minimize or disappear, with the pleasant price that you will have to feel the universe against you in jobs to engrave on the soul, cleanings, advancement in all the senses for your pleasure, no pain no gain, a gym phrase that is worth a lot in this context, to suffer delays and bad luck for a few days, which if you didn't have the courage to start, you would stay for life, it's miraculous.

We are not always privileged to place ourselves in a degree of bad luck and other synonyms, it is up to you to predict what can or cannot be done, but in my life, i took a lot of risks this year, and i am doing well, and i will be much better.
I survived and i survive.
What a horrifying experience you two have been through.
Thank you for having the courage to share this.
I'm happy you have found Satan and the true Gods!
Happy to have you both with us!
Hail Satan and His blessings!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All I can say to close this post is that, no: the Joy of Satan is not a cult.

If you’ve ever had days where you feel like something is impossible to fix… believe me, it can be fixed. With your own power and strength, and all that the JoS offers you, you can heal, and you can create a better life for yourself. It may take time, and a lot of hard work, but it’s worth it. Don’t give up. I know I am not.

By Tabby

Back when I was still friends with 2 girls, they wanted to do the 'Roman Ritual' which is a ritual for exorcism.

I say this because the ritual consists of 2 texts being read through one another, like that what you mentioned they sold to listen to.

Looking back they were clearly influenced by whatever was there and at some point things started to happen around me too. One time I turned around and saw a dark shadow at my bicycle right before it tipped over the other way and fell into a ditch. I had a hard time getting my bicycle out of the water and I couldn't get it out myself. After I quit talking to them from the mental strain it took on me, this disappeared. Also, they turned on me after I dedicated.
I did show them the website to the JoS back then.. but one was having her head too far up the fake promise of xianity (because it calmed down the noise) and the other was too anxious even though she was suffering the most and kept saying 'the reason lies in the past'..

They both were interested in spirituality, but probably tried some things that weren't right for them. The things that you just mentioned, tabby, in regard to the spiritual aspect, are mostly the same of when they spoke about it to me.

Also, I get the feeling of dependency from many healthcare systems, including shamanism. Someone literally said to my face that one needed to have the right aptitude to be a shaman, for one, and that it (and spirituality in general) should be practiced after one has had children and already lived life, so age 50+, and some of the reference material.. like it could only be done by someone else or under the guidance of someone else.
Which, as we all know here, is nonsense. We don't need someone else to do our rituals for us. We do them ourselves.
I am sorry that you both had to go through that, but at the same time very thankful you have written such an important post.
Hope for nothing but the best for both of you, as well as all Spiritual Satanists who are healing from traumatic experiences even if they do not make it known to the rest of us.

Hail Satan!
It was hard to read about your terrifying experience. You both have been through a lot.
Thank you for your courage in writing this, it will help many people for sure. You are strong.

Hail Satan!
Thanks for taking the time for sharing your story with us, I could only imagine how difficult it was to open up.

I'm so glad that you found yourself again through the JOS.. you have my blessings!

I have a question or two but if you feel like you shouldn't answer that is fine, I totally get it.

Where these other worldly beings Reptilian, Grey or just something else completely?

What is a poppet ritual and how does it work?

I've had problems with a negative "Reptile/vampire" being trying to possess me (still lingers but has faded greatly now and has little power). I get called all sorts of negative slurs and such but when you mentioned the "brain fog" or being "buried" did you find it hurting your crown when trying to think as "yourself" as opposed to the entity? I still get this sometimes, the inner voice can feel very muffled at times and I'm just curious if this is simular to what you've went through.

Was this based in the USA?

Again, thanks for sharing. I really feel bad for those kids you mentioned having little to no hope of ever breaking free.. really sad.. stay strong!
OhNoItsMook said:
Speaking of, I do wonder about his point of view throughout all this and more. Indubitably, even the parts where you mentioned what he had experienced, merely scratch the surface...

You're right, it was years worth of experiences. It seemed mostly innocent at the start, as Tabby wrote, it was essentially parading as a generic self help group with new age elements (with the twist that if you tried to inspire people with anecdotes of how you helped yourself then you had to give credit to the cult leaders and their tools/programs, or else your comments got deleted...). It got progressively worse over time the more grip they gained over the minds of the victims. At the end of it when we bit back, they doxxed us, and I think they were hoping one of their crazy zealots would come and do something to us.

I definitely lost myself through a lot of it, and I did and said some crazy and stupid things. I was in deep. My only anchor was my relationship with Tabby, and we helped each other through it. If not for her then I would have been screwed.

For my perspective since you're curious, this was my saved draft for my original comment before I wrote the other one:
Needless to say, this is only scratching the surface. Tabby has done a wonderful job compressing 3+ years of experience into a productive post. It took a lot out of her. I watched her spend hours each day for the past 2 months trying to put all of this into words. Sometimes she would break down crying from the memories. It was hard to watch, but she kept going with determination and loyalty striving towards the goal. I'm so proud of her. It's not easy to walk the tightrope that she did with balancing our safety while still sharing as much as possible in as discrete of a manner as she could manage. But she did it. She's one of the bravest girls I've ever known.

I regret that I didn't realize the obvious stupidity of the doomsday cult sooner. I've always been a nature lover, and my personal "candy" was them promising that they were going to save and restore the planet. I was a naive fool with nothing else to believe in. I shouldn't have trusted them with Tabby's safety. I should have protected her better.

At least I know that I'll never make the same mistakes again. This whole experience taught me a lot about different kinds of people. When you're innocent and naive, there is sometimes a tendency to believe that all other people are like you (as in there is a level that people, even the worst, just wouldn't sink to), and you can't even imagine the sorts of monstrous acts that some are capable of. Learning from the JoS has taught me the hidden nature of things, and just how precious the soul is. We're essentially fighting a spiritual war to defend against predators that want to feast on our souls. The JoS has really helped to put my entire life into perspective for me, and I would still be lost searching for the answers to why the "unholy trinity" as I called them at the time ruled the world if I hadn't found my way here.

Finding the truth about Satan is the best thing that ever happened to us. He is my God, my Father, my guide, my savior. I would be nowhere without Satan and the Joy of Satan, and I will never forget that fact. My gratitude is endless.

Thank you all for taking care of us and giving us a place to belong. We really are a spiritual family of beautiful souls led by our Gods, and the enemy will never take that knowledge and unity from us again.

Hail Satan
Leeges said:
Thanks for taking the time for sharing your story with us, I could only imagine how difficult it was to open up.

I'm so glad that you found yourself again through the JOS.. you have my blessings!

I have a question or two but if you feel like you shouldn't answer that is fine, I totally get it.

Where these other worldly beings Reptilian, Grey or just something else completely?

I don't know.

What is a poppet ritual and how does it work?

It's image magick. A poppet is a doll. I'd rather not go into details.

I've had problems with a negative "Reptile/vampire" being trying to possess me (still lingers but has faded greatly now and has little power). I get called all sorts of negative slurs and such but when you mentioned the "brain fog" or being "buried" did you find it hurting your crown when trying to think as "yourself" as opposed to the entity? I still get this sometimes, the inner voice can feel very muffled at times and I'm just curious if this is simular to what you've went through.

I remember feeling numb just in general, but I don't remember much else sensation-wise.

Was this based in the USA?

Again, thanks for sharing. I really feel bad for those kids you mentioned having little to no hope of ever breaking free.. really sad.. stay strong!

Location would be unsafe to say.

And thank you.
I am at a loss for words by everyone's comments, and overwhelmed (in a good way).

Satanic blessings to all of you, SS of Satan, and thank you greatly.
I am glad this monstrous story had an happy ending and you and your partner are happy now, even so those kike cult leaders (can't imagine those being gentiles), i hope that you maked them suffer well.

To imagine that you're not the only one, how many people still suffer this kind of fate, trully there is no amount of suffering for the kikes to avenge all the misery they had inflicted upon us. Every time i can't do the final ritual i shall come here and read your life experience in order to make my make myself less lazy and to never forget what we are against...
I guess it depends on your definition my own personal definition of a cult or religion is simply a difference of size on a membership basis I consider a small group or a smaller group to be a cult and a larger group to be considered a religion as all of these regardless of the message or claims to divinity being good or bad for humanity as all opposing forces will claim they are good and thos epeople over there are bad will always try to imprint something of themselves and their ideologies onto you.

I consider the JOS the best approach for humanity regardless of its size more because of the reasoning behind a lot of what you say is actually based on science like if you do the power meditations and rituals listed as such and with these methods you will get this and this actually happens and is my experience as you have a lot of factual information that is true this is the reason why I subscribe to the JOS cult or religion matters little to me wether the cult or religion is based on fact is what matters.

The enemy is as the JOS states often is full of lies it is built upon lies and just as the JOS also states there is extremely low to none at all of actual spiritual power or teachings or knowledge in any of their programs so why would you subscribe to such nonsense its called the writing on the wall hard to not see it only through enforced indoctrination did any of this catch on and even during the dark ages still people resisted to get us to this point people just know inherently deep down some where in them that the enemy is wrong the way they do things is wrong the way they make us feel is wrong and so naturally we turn away from this something inside of us is simply ingrained they control all governments all money all media and they still haven't taken complete control how absolutely useless the enemy is you held all the cards and still do not control us how absolutely embarrassed the enemy must be surely they hang their heads in shame by now how humanity simply says nope to them every time.

It is an actual wonder to me how they manage to take themselves seriously finally now the majority grumbles in this fashion also now when people hear the media talking all they hear is the circus music playing through the speakers everytime a jew trys to manipulate about something for shame
I've watched video after video on the jokehova witness,they defend their pedos in their cult an don't give a s!#?,About the victim, when they go to the police an the victim gets shunned cause (wes must defend Gods image (or the image of the jokehova witness),they control their brainwashed sheep through videos an literature, it's anything from how they want you to dress even though it's not stated, an how to act they get propaganda shoved down their throat an you must be 24/7 for the religion at all times,or they look down on you for not doing what they want,they love bomb you the second you want to study but man if you leaveor show no interest that christard love dissappears fast,
tabby said:
Despite how hard it was to get this out, I'm glad that you asked this of me, HP Hoodedcobra. I feel a weight is off my chest now that this is in the open, and I can move on and cry freely, knowing that this will help others. Thank you for giving me a sense of closure for all this.

Hail Satan!
What happened there is truly dehumanizing. This is exactly what the jews want to do to people on a global scale. Imagine what these "leaders" would do if brain microchips were to be mainstream, they would easily convince the "victims" to undergo brain surgeries to have these microchips inserted in and they will literally be able to turn the "victims" into biological borgs, past the point of recovery probably. This is as bad as dark ages christianity. You are both very strong people for making it out with your level head intact and recovering from this. There is not much else that can be said, also never pay any attention to trolls and retards who might try to emotionally exploit or ridicule you after reading from your experiences as you might both come across such people in the future
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They find out the hard way that it led them nowhere, with most of them not even having one "Religious" experience once in their lives, but living their existence with a fully destroyed mind and soul.
By Tabby

In Matthew 10:28, Jewhovah admits he does nothing but destroy people's minds and souls.

"Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell."

In addition to the bajillion Bible verses where he promotes chaos and destruction, such as Mat. 10:34.

What followers of Abrahamic and RHP garbage can't realize is that THEY ARE IN "HELL", and they continue to live in it by following that garbage!

And yes, there IS a WAY out of this "hell".......and it's through Satan and the Great Orion!
jrvan said:
OhNoItsMook said:
Speaking of, I do wonder about his point of view throughout all this and more. Indubitably, even the parts where you mentioned what he had experienced, merely scratch the surface...

You're right, it was years worth of experiences. It seemed mostly innocent at the start, as Tabby wrote, it was essentially parading as a generic self help group with new age elements (with the twist that if you tried to inspire people with anecdotes of how you helped yourself then you had to give credit to the cult leaders and their tools/programs, or else your comments got deleted...). It got progressively worse over time the more grip they gained over the minds of the victims. At the end of it when we bit back, they doxxed us, and I think they were hoping one of their crazy zealots would come and do something to us.

I definitely lost myself through a lot of it, and I did and said some crazy and stupid things. I was in deep. My only anchor was my relationship with Tabby, and we helped each other through it. If not for her then I would have been screwed.

For my perspective since you're curious, this was my saved draft for my original comment before I wrote the other one:
Needless to say, this is only scratching the surface. Tabby has done a wonderful job compressing 3+ years of experience into a productive post. It took a lot out of her. I watched her spend hours each day for the past 2 months trying to put all of this into words. Sometimes she would break down crying from the memories. It was hard to watch, but she kept going with determination and loyalty striving towards the goal. I'm so proud of her. It's not easy to walk the tightrope that she did with balancing our safety while still sharing as much as possible in as discrete of a manner as she could manage. But she did it. She's one of the bravest girls I've ever known.

I regret that I didn't realize the obvious stupidity of the doomsday cult sooner. I've always been a nature lover, and my personal "candy" was them promising that they were going to save and restore the planet. I was a naive fool with nothing else to believe in. I shouldn't have trusted them with Tabby's safety. I should have protected her better.

At least I know that I'll never make the same mistakes again. This whole experience taught me a lot about different kinds of people. When you're innocent and naive, there is sometimes a tendency to believe that all other people are like you (as in there is a level that people, even the worst, just wouldn't sink to), and you can't even imagine the sorts of monstrous acts that some are capable of. Learning from the JoS has taught me the hidden nature of things, and just how precious the soul is. We're essentially fighting a spiritual war to defend against predators that want to feast on our souls. The JoS has really helped to put my entire life into perspective for me, and I would still be lost searching for the answers to why the "unholy trinity" as I called them at the time ruled the world if I hadn't found my way here.

Finding the truth about Satan is the best thing that ever happened to us. He is my God, my Father, my guide, my savior. I would be nowhere without Satan and the Joy of Satan, and I will never forget that fact. My gratitude is endless.

Thank you all for taking care of us and giving us a place to belong. We really are a spiritual family of beautiful souls led by our Gods, and the enemy will never take that knowledge and unity from us again.

Hail Satan

Thanks for providing. Hours of it every day for 2 months sounds like a grueling process, especially considering the emotional toll it must've taken for both of you to be reminded of such experiences. I hope most of it would have been healed by now, and if anything, I hope you do not blame yourself too much for what you weren't able to do at the time.

I have a strong love for nature, too, and JoS has taught me a lot about both life itself and the sacredness of flora and fauna. If I remember correctly, Astarte once referred to this planet as "Her beautiful garden", and I intend to be someone who preserves that idea.

Therefore, unnatural and destructive programs like aforementioned cults, that promise to help the world yet do things like abusing animals (and children) as Tabby mentioned, do not deserve a shred of mercy. It is sickening that people seem to think Satanists hurt cats and stuff, as well, in that regard, and compare us to such groups. We're, like, one of the most life and nature friendly things on the planet.
While I am horrified by what Tabby and Jrvan had to endure, I also think it is a testament to their character, something which very few can claim to have overcome.

Despite any forum drama, I am glad that they are here now, safe and prospering, and that I am able to make their acquaintance. Imagine the comeback story that will be written as these two ascend into Godhood together.

It is also worth reminding people to maintain an element of compassion with their interactions here, as we have no idea what others have gone through, either in this life or past ones. No doubt both Jrvan and Tabby had endured negative experiences as a secondary consequence of their initial trauma. It is very important that we avoid this, especially when the individuals in question may still be in a sensitive condition.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
