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How Does A Demon Teach You?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
JoS Cyber Security said:
For example, if somebody wants to learn medicine from a Demon how does teaching looks like? Is a Demon standing at you and teaches you like at school or He blesses you with a knowledge of medicine?

Dangerous assumptions and falsehood has to be dealt with by the answer of this post. This question is very important and thank you for making it.

You will start learning regularly about a subject. Then, proficiency will come. The Demon will give you insights, warnings, guide you to proper knowledge. I underline here proper, because there is a lot of improper knowledge, which Demons can help in any subject for one to not fall onto.

They can give immensely propelling insight, but there is more into this on the practical level. Anything they give, will be true. If it's not true, then it's wishful thinking.

This growth will be at a growing pace and so on. The Demon will help you attain greater understanding, but this is done through your own mind. Eventually, what you learn in 3-5 years, others may take 10 or 20 years to learn. Or what others might "never" learn.

As you rise and rise, he will give you more clues and on the final stages, direct knowledge.

A lot of people have been unknowing guided in the Demons in their fields. This can lead to extraordinary excellence in a subject.

Paganini is an example where the Violin is concerned. One interested here should look into Paganini. Paganini was a favorite child of the Demons, a loyal disciple. Not only a born prodigy, but one that pleased the Gods in learning. He was hardworking in his craft, and became legendary. This might take more than one lifetimes.

Next life, one will also have a headstart because of the effort invested.

Is a Demon standing at you and teaches you like at school or He blesses you with a knowledge of medicine? - This can take both forms, with one building on top of the other. But to reach the late stages of direct teaching, one has to be a student first, like in a university type of rising to a level.

The nuclear physics ultimate university professor cannot teach untalented or non prodigal students that do not know the basics of physics for example. One has to be to a level, then move onwards.

Demons teach the perfection of subjects, compared to sloppy "results" and sloppy "learning" that is not going to lead to proficiency. This however entails an effort and for one to stay on something if they truly want to learn it.

They guide to the proper knowledge and the knowledge of the Gods on a higher level, and the above describes the path this takes and the form under which the teaching occurs.

Lastly, and most importantly: Go with your experience here, ie, approach them to that end.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
JoS Cyber Security said:
For example, if somebody wants to learn medicine from a Demon how does teaching looks like? Is a Demon standing at you and teaches you like at school or He blesses you with a knowledge of medicine?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

That is, with the help of a demon, we will become proficient in a certain area with only 3 to 5 years of study, while a normal person would take 15 to 20 years to become proficient in a certain area?
StyleCoin said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
JoS Cyber Security said:
For example, if somebody wants to learn medicine from a Demon how does teaching looks like? Is a Demon standing at you and teaches you like at school or He blesses you with a knowledge of medicine?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

That is, with the help of a demon, we will become proficient in a certain area with only 3 to 5 years of study, while a normal person would take 15 to 20 years to become proficient in a certain area?

Re-read my initial post, the answers are there.
In fact, I think many useful ideas that came to my mind were guided by My GD Abrasax. and I've been doing his ritual lately and I feel like my communication with him is getting better. and when I want to talk to him it's like he gives the answer as an instinct or as an inner voice. Of course I can't hear him but I still feel like this. I hope I am on the right track.

I apologize if there is a typo.
Baroness Blossom said:
In fact, I think many useful ideas that came to my mind were guided by My GD Abrasax. and I've been doing his ritual lately and I feel like my communication with him is getting better. and when I want to talk to him it's like he gives the answer as an instinct or as an inner voice. Of course I can't hear him but I still feel like this. I hope I am on the right track.

I apologize if there is a typo.

Most definitely, that is on the right track.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StyleCoin said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

That is, with the help of a demon, we will become proficient in a certain area with only 3 to 5 years of study, while a normal person would take 15 to 20 years to become proficient in a certain area?

Re-read my initial post, the answers are there.

Sorry, I read at a high speed and end up getting in the way, but this will also depend on a person's intelligence level, but meditation should solve this problem.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most definitely, that is on the right track.

So, How very good. Ah, I'm really glad to hear that. and I want more and more. And the high priest I don't want to bore you with these questions, but lord Abrasax's page will be shared soon, right? I'm sorry, I'm just dying of impatience and excitement.
This very true. I have asked certain Demons when I was like 10 years old to learn to create music (more on the side of real inspiration- to have inspiration and ability to transpose). I had to learn the basics and raise up the ability of creation for over 15 years, up to the point to where something like real inspiration can be transposed fully.

Now if I meditate, with the mastery of sound, I know this might sound very weird, but I enter worlds of sounds and imagery, situations, sentiments and nuances. The whole creation process is a prolonged state of being in trance of specific emotions. It is a monster of transformation and it is wholly not what others might think of it and neither the greatest artists in the world can know or will know.

Artists take drugs to go to that place, I was taught how to get there by my own chemistry and soul, but it took more than a decade and unimaginable hours. We are talking 5 to 10 hours a day, with only little breaks in the last year's.
Priest, is it possible for a physics student to reach the level of Nikola Tesla with the help of a demon? Or could it take more than one lifetime?
Baroness Blossom said:
In fact, I think many useful ideas that came to my mind were guided by My GD Abrasax. and I've been doing his ritual lately and I feel like my communication with him is getting better. and when I want to talk to him it's like he gives the answer as an instinct or as an inner voice. Of course I can't hear him but I still feel like this. I hope I am on the right track.

I apologize if there is a typo.

After dedication, I also started getting similar experiences. I'd be thinking of a problem and a voice would give me the answer.
Then I'd wonder, was it the product of my own mind?
It was extremely unlikely that I would of gotten to such a discovery on my own. I was lacking the information.
So far I made no efforts to connect with any demon. I've just been pestering Satan directly. :?
I feel I have often been led to certain things this way, and have considerably excelled in certain subjects because of it (but still learning a lot), whether as an answer to something or leading me to learn about a subject. Interesting how this was also a response to someone specifically giving an example about asking a Demon about medicine. I did Valefor's ritual for some extra days and even performed a summoning last night due to an apprehension I have been having about a certain health screening. So far so good, but my question was explicitly to guide me how to properly heal myself if anything was found. I have been even before this been feeling a pull towards TCM and other things as of late.

I really think intuition is a good indicator of being able to tell if the Gods are guiding you to learn about things and teaching you this way.
StyleCoin said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
JoS Cyber Security said:
For example, if somebody wants to learn medicine from a Demon how does teaching looks like? Is a Demon standing at you and teaches you like at school or He blesses you with a knowledge of medicine?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

That is, with the help of a demon, we will become proficient in a certain area with only 3 to 5 years of study, while a normal person would take 15 to 20 years to become proficient in a certain area?

you can take the horse to a lake but you can't make him drink the water

they can be there to teach but your progress depends on how smart and how much you efforts are
Baroness Blossom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most definitely, that is on the right track.

So, How very good. Ah, I'm really glad to hear that. and I want more and more. And the high priest I don't want to bore you with these questions, but lord Abrasax's page will be shared soon, right? I'm sorry, I'm just dying of impatience and excitement.

Indeed. Lets jump up and down together :lol:
Soon :3
Master.mind said:

I was thinking of giving this guy some pick up lines.
https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=77494 (How do one go about asking girl out?)

And then, at that very moment, I got some nuclear level pick up lines from out of nowhere. Sentences that I couldn't of possibly come up with due to how I operate. Sentences that are a hundred times more effective and manipulative than anything I've ever come across before. Such a revelation... wow. And it doesn't apply only to picking up women. Now I feel like I got the keys to unlocking any door.
I think , By power meditation and deep trance state, we can communicate with our Guardian God and can learn so many things from him. I think , the more we are adept in a subject, the more we will be able to create or discover something about the subject. I mean, I think the more we meditate and study on a subject and seek help from gods for the subject , the more we get close to the gods.

My quantum teacher who teach me meditation, he told me that the more we do meditate and deep study, the more we get in deep trance, the more we be creative, the more we be special in our own way, the more we get our gods , even our Guardian god, the more we get close to them, the more we are able to learn from them.

My target is to destroy Jews and spread Satan's meditation knowledge in my area. I hope we will be succeed by the grace of Satan and our Gods.

Hail Satya.
I had a dream before were Seshat took me into a gigantic library and she said "you're welcome here anytime." She also said that I have a lot to learn. However, I'm not sure what it is I need to learn though, what to focus on that is.
Awesome! Thank you for sharing this! :D
I know that I sometimes am I difficult person to teach and work with. But I have come a long way since then! Overcoming a lot of mental blocks through meditation. Especially since it first started on this website about 8 years ago! :D After the things that I have been through with Facebook searching aimlessly and desperately for the truth! Having to figure things out for myself? Where I could go to get the higher education! Whether it was father Satan that helped me? By giving me suggestions? Or perhaps Lilith. And the fact that I was curious about Satan himself. My GD Azazal has been very patient with me in my struggles in many things. Overcoming mental blocks and disabilities..or just through meditation learning patience! Which made it easier for him to work with me. And to have the chance to catch up on a few things I missed out on here and there. And allowing myself plenty of time to sit down and read some of the things that are important! And taking the time to go over some things in order to learn for myself what I need to pick up on when it comes to lessons and doing rituals! I am not like some people who just rush through something and think I've learned something when I haven't! I am somebody who carefully reads things once or twice and looks things over a few times until I get it right! My mother had taught me how to book study growing up as a child!❤ therefore I had to learn to find the confidence Within myself! And learn to relax in order to learn more about things and what is important and learning how to let go of the anger issues that I had when I first started here. Thanks to Azazal and Father Satan. I have learned many things and I have come a long way! From feeling like that awkward school girl.. to a now a calm level headed person and dedicated student. And nowi am enjoying! Each and every moment learning as much as I can with what I can! :D And taking the time to do things right. 🙂☕ before I end this.. I want to personally Thank HP Maxine Detrich and PH HoodedCobra666 🙏 💖 and Father Satan for introducing me to the JOS and My GD Azazal for all your time patience and help. 🍎🔥 Hail Satan!!! HAIL Azazal!!! 🖤
Baroness Blossom you're amazing!!🔥 HAIL SATAN!!!
StyleCoin said:
Priest, is it possible for a physics student to reach the level of Nikola Tesla with the help of a demon? Or could it take more than one lifetime?

The point is that they can guide your learning so you are advancing at a very accelerated rate. There are also many factors involved, so don't get too stuck on specific details of how long or how far. For yourself, what are you interested and dedicated to improving? A demon can come along and accelerate this by giving directing you to a book, or helping your brain make proper connections.

NakedPluto said:
Now if I meditate, with the mastery of sound, I know this might sound very weird, but I enter worlds of sounds and imagery, situations, sentiments and nuances. The whole creation process is a prolonged state of being in trance of specific emotions. It is a monster of transformation and it is wholly not what others might think of it and neither the greatest artists in the world can know or will know.

From my own synesthesia practice, your experience does not sound crazy at all. It had occurred to me that what I was doing was basically introducing Pisces-like qualities to myself, and it sounds like you have gotten to a very advanced degree of that.

Master.mind said:
After dedication, I also started getting similar experiences. I'd be thinking of a problem and a voice would give me the answer.
Then I'd wonder, was it the product of my own mind?
It was extremely unlikely that I would of gotten to such a discovery on my own. I was lacking the information.
So far I made no efforts to connect with any demon. I've just been pestering Satan directly. :?

Use your context clues here. Usually, you will feel that the experience, whether it is a thought or visual sign, is different that normal. Sometimes, you may think of the Gods, momentarily, before seeing a sign or thinking a thought. All of this points towards this being more than just your own mind.

Do not worry about "pestering" Satan. Yet, you may ask him to help you find your GD, which would give you a more appropriate person to ask for assistance.
Shadowcat said:
Indeed. Lets jump up and down together :lol:
Soon :3

Okey Let's jump :lol:
🥺🥺🥺 really soon ?
Master.mind said:
Baroness Blossom said:
In fact, I think many useful ideas that came to my mind were guided by My GD Abrasax. and I've been doing his ritual lately and I feel like my communication with him is getting better. and when I want to talk to him it's like he gives the answer as an instinct or as an inner voice. Of course I can't hear him but I still feel like this. I hope I am on the right track.

I apologize if there is a typo.

After dedication, I also started getting similar experiences. I'd be thinking of a problem and a voice would give me the answer.
Then I'd wonder, was it the product of my own mind?
It was extremely unlikely that I would of gotten to such a discovery on my own. I was lacking the information.
So far I made no efforts to connect with any demon. I've just been pestering Satan directly. :?

You can communicate with your guardian.
Osiris "taught" me yoga, by guiding me to knowledge I needed, books and videos, and gave me a few cues here and there. Some short sentences, like "strength through balance" in a balance pose. The phrase "correct alignment" or something like that also came to my mind a few times, along with a very strong urge to learn more about proper alignment in poses. Which then led me to books by Iyengar and Kino MacGregor, as they are both exceptional for writing detailed instructions for alignment, based on their Mercury positions in their charts (I digress).
I thought that technology is off limits of learning. However the arts are for free? If anything u learn or grasp exposure to spending time. Eg my last experience in astral was hooking up a hygrogen fuel system with the e cars lithium batterys to put into a 4wd as terrain different can we extrapolate and co_exsist on collabs bw earth n orion?
In my experience, the Demon will point you to the way towards the end you intend to fulfill, but it is very important to have your senses open and alert, your 6th chakra clean and open, your third eye trained, and these come only through consistent meditation. Yet, this bring the subject of remaining calm and enjoy the process, try not to be anxious for seeing results, as Master Cobra highlighted in a recent sermon of his.

The Demon (and I have to say sometimes I have no idea which one of the Gods is guiding me) will put images, ideas, thoughts in front of me, even on the screen of my computer, things that I sense can point me in the direction of the thing I want to attain, the answer or knowledge I want to get. But knowing by my own experience, that the enemy is also very capable of getting in the way and trick me to make me fail, I just take my time to decide if the "way" I see is true or not (another important remark of Master Cobra here). Definitely, if it is true, it is true, and you will see proof of it if you remain balanced and calm, never rush to attain the knowledge of the thing you may be needing, the answer you are looking for, or anything you ask a Demon to help you with.

I have done things I never imagined I could do with the help of a Demon/Demonness and I am so grateful and humble to have the priviledge of belonging to Father Satan, I really am.

Thank you Master Cobra for your teachings too! Hail Master Cobra, messenger of the Gods!
Is there any specific demons, or demonesses, to assist a Satanist in learning Programming, Kernel Development, and Operating System Development for computers?

I have been gradually studying at my own pace for some time. I have made some good progress on fiddling with Unix based Operating Systems and Linux, however understanding programming seems to escape me.

I specifically want to start with C++. I've done some reading, have a basic understanding of how to write code, compile and run it, but I have had alot of trouble, truly comprehending what I need to do to create software or develop things.

I'm able to do things like edit software configuration files for window managers, flash motherboard bios, manually set up wifi from a command line, yet for whatever reason, programming is giving me quite the hard time. It's a rather strange situation in my opinion.
serpentwalker666 said:
I specifically want to start with C++. I've done some reading, have a basic understanding of how to write code, compile and run it, but I have had alot of trouble, truly comprehending what I need to do to create software or develop things.
Have you tried Skillshare for learning? There are programming classes.
Blue said:
The Demon (and I have to say sometimes I have no idea which one of the Gods is guiding me) will put images, ideas, thoughts in front of me, even on the screen of my computer, things that I sense can point me in the direction of the thing I want to attain, the answer or knowledge I want to get. But knowing by my own experience, that the enemy is also very capable of getting in the way and trick me to make me fail, I just take my time to decide if the "way" I see is true or not (another important remark of Master Cobra here). Definitely, if it is true, it is true, and you will see proof of it if you remain balanced and calm, never rush to attain the knowledge of the thing you may be needing, the answer you are looking for, or anything you ask a Demon to help you with.

I have done things I never imagined I could do with the help of a Demon/Demonness and I am so grateful and humble to have the priviledge of belonging to Father Satan, I really am.


Appreciate your response and yes, it's as you say. Thank you for understanding. Albeit I relate everything in the simplest language for fair understanding, the importance of the lines becomes apparent when one has experiences like the ones you describe. Then, one will know line for line that what is said here is exactly as it truly is. This is very important. Keep up the great work.
In my experience when you ask Gods of something they make you realize your way to it. So everything happens as if you yourself did it or understood it. They lead to courses and places, they inspire you to insist on graduating in specific place - it comes as your own powerful desire you can't stop, they would make it easier for you to understand subjects, they would create circumstances where you may succeed if you put some effort in, etc. They softly shift your life into the desired. Unlike jewish crap-on-the-stick, Gods enjoy when people succeed and find themselves in profession. It feels much like in Cinderella story: she was hard working by nature, and the Fairy created some circumstances where generally hard working disciple could succeed, it was not a complete freebie but it was easy enough for the ready to get it. The exact thing happened to me here https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=77301&p=385345&sid=6c345ff578a22b4dd8c8f34184142a81#p385345

The key here was Cinderella's little foot that could enter the fairy shoe, which means her person was enough ready alchemically to enter certain circumstances. It was not fully effortless to protect it from her lazy asshole sisters who wanted to get everything undeserved. Knowledge is protected from such, but this fact is of no prevention for those really worthy.

serpentwalker666 said:
Is there any specific demons, or demonesses, to assist a Satanist in learning Programming, Kernel Development, and Operating System Development for computers?

I have been gradually studying at my own pace for some time. I have made some good progress on fiddling with Unix based Operating Systems and Linux, however understanding programming seems to escape me.

I specifically want to start with C++. I've done some reading, have a basic understanding of how to write code, compile and run it, but I have had alot of trouble, truly comprehending what I need to do to create software or develop things.

I'm able to do things like edit software configuration files for window managers, flash motherboard bios, manually set up wifi from a command line, yet for whatever reason, programming is giving me quite the hard time. It's a rather strange situation in my opinion.

They can definitely help in everything. They have zero problems in any subject we have here on Earth thinking it is "advanced". In my experience they give more ease in understanding and more desire to excel in this or that subject of which you asked them. So it consists of motivation + ease in achieving. They make it "easier" for you to get there.
serpentwalker666 said:
Is there any specific demons, or demonesses, to assist a Satanist in learning Programming, Kernel Development, and Operating System Development for computers?

I have been gradually studying at my own pace for some time. I have made some good progress on fiddling with Unix based Operating Systems and Linux, however understanding programming seems to escape me.

I specifically want to start with C++. I've done some reading, have a basic understanding of how to write code, compile and run it, but I have had alot of trouble, truly comprehending what I need to do to create software or develop things.

I'm able to do things like edit software configuration files for window managers, flash motherboard bios, manually set up wifi from a command line, yet for whatever reason, programming is giving me quite the hard time. It's a rather strange situation in my opinion.

Hey, i went from zero knowledge on IT and programming but on my first year of studying i was getting high marks compared to those that took computer studies in highschool. I have no real love or passion for software development or programming but what I've noticed is your demon will assist you to get to one point but nudge you not to get too invested as this is not ultimately what you'll end up doing.

I started off wanting to create software to having my own IT company based on some else's software, I'm still involved in IT but never in the way I'd orginally thought and if i had went on my own path I'd probably be working at some IT company for someone else. Not to say your path will be the same but I'd keep an open mind. Especially when it seems as you should be making progress but your not.

But as advice: software development is hard simply based on creation. Creating something simple is one thing but as you add more and more fuctions, there's grey areas of your code where program does what you inteneded but not the way you intended. There's like 5 different solutions for a problem but even if you solve it as you keep on writing code you might have to go back and use a different solution due to issues occuring later on and so fourth.

Most software is copy + paste then alternation of orginal code. So don't stress yourself too much.

Now as for a demon, I'd say a good comprehension on math and science would help you. So any demon specializing in that. Hope this helps
Demons have helped me by guiding me to knowledge so I can support this, yes! :D

Demons do give information, too, though, if asked properly, they can assist you but you have to give something back to them in return. This service is not for free. You will not get free things from demons. Demons are gods and you have to appease them.
Henu the Great said:
serpentwalker666 said:
I specifically want to start with C++. I've done some reading, have a basic understanding of how to write code, compile and run it, but I have had alot of trouble, truly comprehending what I need to do to create software or develop things.
Have you tried Skillshare for learning? There are programming classes.

I'll look into it, thank you. I also have a pdf of the C++ 4th edition.
Edward Lonsa said:
In my experience when you ask Gods of something they make you realize your way to it. So everything happens as if you yourself did it or understood it. They lead to courses and places, they inspire you to insist on graduating in specific place - it comes as your own powerful desire you can't stop, they would make it easier for you to understand subjects, they would create circumstances where you may succeed if you put some effort in, etc. They softly shift your life into the desired. Unlike jewish crap-on-the-stick, Gods enjoy when people succeed and find themselves in profession. It feels much like in Cinderella story: she was hard working by nature, and the Fairy created some circumstances where generally hard working disciple could succeed, it was not a complete freebie but it was easy enough for the ready to get it. The exact thing happened to me here https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=77301&p=385345&sid=6c345ff578a22b4dd8c8f34184142a81#p385345

The key here was Cinderella's little foot that could enter the fairy shoe, which means her person was enough ready alchemically to enter certain circumstances. It was not fully effortless to protect it from her lazy asshole sisters who wanted to get everything undeserved. Knowledge is protected from such, but this fact is of no prevention for those really worthy.

serpentwalker666 said:
Is there any specific demons, or demonesses, to assist a Satanist in learning Programming, Kernel Development, and Operating System Development for computers?

I have been gradually studying at my own pace for some time. I have made some good progress on fiddling with Unix based Operating Systems and Linux, however understanding programming seems to escape me.

I specifically want to start with C++. I've done some reading, have a basic understanding of how to write code, compile and run it, but I have had alot of trouble, truly comprehending what I need to do to create software or develop things.

I'm able to do things like edit software configuration files for window managers, flash motherboard bios, manually set up wifi from a command line, yet for whatever reason, programming is giving me quite the hard time. It's a rather strange situation in my opinion.

They can definitely help in everything. They have zero problems in any subject we have here on Earth thinking it is "advanced". In my experience they give more ease in understanding and more desire to excel in this or that subject of which you asked them. So it consists of motivation + ease in achieving. They make it "easier" for you to get there.

You are very right. Sometimes they lead one to knowledge very blatantly. Funny enough, I ended up finding a pdf of the C++ fourth edition awhile after this post.
Brandonn said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Is there any specific demons, or demonesses, to assist a Satanist in learning Programming, Kernel Development, and Operating System Development for computers?

I have been gradually studying at my own pace for some time. I have made some good progress on fiddling with Unix based Operating Systems and Linux, however understanding programming seems to escape me.

I specifically want to start with C++. I've done some reading, have a basic understanding of how to write code, compile and run it, but I have had alot of trouble, truly comprehending what I need to do to create software or develop things.

I'm able to do things like edit software configuration files for window managers, flash motherboard bios, manually set up wifi from a command line, yet for whatever reason, programming is giving me quite the hard time. It's a rather strange situation in my opinion.

Hey, i went from zero knowledge on IT and programming but on my first year of studying i was getting high marks compared to those that took computer studies in highschool. I have no real love or passion for software development or programming but what I've noticed is your demon will assist you to get to one point but nudge you not to get too invested as this is not ultimately what you'll end up doing.

I started off wanting to create software to having my own IT company based on some else's software, I'm still involved in IT but never in the way I'd orginally thought and if i had went on my own path I'd probably be working at some IT company for someone else. Not to say your path will be the same but I'd keep an open mind. Especially when it seems as you should be making progress but your not.

But as advice: software development is hard simply based on creation. Creating something simple is one thing but as you add more and more fuctions, there's grey areas of your code where program does what you inteneded but not the way you intended. There's like 5 different solutions for a problem but even if you solve it as you keep on writing code you might have to go back and use a different solution due to issues occuring later on and so fourth.

Most software is copy + paste then alternation of orginal code. So don't stress yourself too much.

Now as for a demon, I'd say a good comprehension on math and science would help you. So any demon specializing in that. Hope this helps

I've heard what you describe here often when it comes to software development. How difficult creation can be, the situation where copying and pasting is best, etc.

I just hope to truthfully get to a point where I just don't have to go to those types of solutions. I'd love to achieve mastery over time.

I love OpenBSD, and DragonflyBSD, and many Linux distros like Devuan, Fedora, Arch and Gentoo.

These offer a safer alternative for computing in the long term.

I hope to see BSD Operating systems get more attention. As my personal view is they are the future, same as Linux and Free Open Source Software. I'd like coding and software to be developed in that direction.

I want to see what direction these types of software and more advanced computers can take our civilizations, especially once Satanism is global again.
serpentwalker666 said:
Edward Lonsa said:
In my experience when you ask Gods of something they make you realize your way to it. So everything happens as if you yourself did it or understood it. They lead to courses and places, they inspire you to insist on graduating in specific place - it comes as your own powerful desire you can't stop, they would make it easier for you to understand subjects, they would create circumstances where you may succeed if you put some effort in, etc. They softly shift your life into the desired. Unlike jewish crap-on-the-stick, Gods enjoy when people succeed and find themselves in profession. It feels much like in Cinderella story: she was hard working by nature, and the Fairy created some circumstances where generally hard working disciple could succeed, it was not a complete freebie but it was easy enough for the ready to get it. The exact thing happened to me here https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=77301&p=385345&sid=6c345ff578a22b4dd8c8f34184142a81#p385345

The key here was Cinderella's little foot that could enter the fairy shoe, which means her person was enough ready alchemically to enter certain circumstances. It was not fully effortless to protect it from her lazy asshole sisters who wanted to get everything undeserved. Knowledge is protected from such, but this fact is of no prevention for those really worthy.

serpentwalker666 said:
Is there any specific demons, or demonesses, to assist a Satanist in learning Programming, Kernel Development, and Operating System Development for computers?

I have been gradually studying at my own pace for some time. I have made some good progress on fiddling with Unix based Operating Systems and Linux, however understanding programming seems to escape me.

I specifically want to start with C++. I've done some reading, have a basic understanding of how to write code, compile and run it, but I have had alot of trouble, truly comprehending what I need to do to create software or develop things.

I'm able to do things like edit software configuration files for window managers, flash motherboard bios, manually set up wifi from a command line, yet for whatever reason, programming is giving me quite the hard time. It's a rather strange situation in my opinion.

They can definitely help in everything. They have zero problems in any subject we have here on Earth thinking it is "advanced". In my experience they give more ease in understanding and more desire to excel in this or that subject of which you asked them. So it consists of motivation + ease in achieving. They make it "easier" for you to get there.

You are very right. Sometimes they lead one to knowledge very blatantly. Funny enough, I ended up finding a pdf of the C++ fourth edition awhile after this post.

Start with python or javascript.
If you start with C++ you are probably going to have a bad, frustrating experience.
C is a low level language and requires you to understand low level concepts, like how memory works, pointers, stacks, arrays, types, etc.
If you don't know what exactly a float is, you'll be pulling your hair out trying to debug and not being able to easily solve the problem.
For example, the code below will not return what you'd expect.
int main()
	float x = 2.1;
	if(x == 2.1)
	    printf("they are equal");
	    printf("looks like they are not");
You can use an online compiler to test : https://www.onlinegdb.com/

There are many such gotchas in C and even more in C++.
If you read a C++ book without having programmed before, you won't understand most of the things explained there and you'll have to read it again and again many times over.

I'd do it like this : javascript -> php -> python -> C -> logic gates/assembly/FPGA -> C -> Rust

You won't understand what you really are doing until you make your own processor using logic gates on an FPGA. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=cIG1nxoLw6U
serpentwalker666 said:

As you get more experience, you'll come to the realization that programming is mostly just meditation.
It goes like this : focus on a problem, go into trance, get the answer, wake up, write down the answer. All of this happens in about one second or less.
All you are doing is switching between brain frequencies as fast as possible.
To get faster into trance, remove all distractions from your environment and from your mind. I went as far as painting white the manufacturer's logo of my monitor.
As a beginner, a good choice of music can help you out a lot. Especially music that has many jumps between high and low frequencies.
Master.mind said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Edward Lonsa said:
In my experience when you ask Gods of something they make you realize your way to it. So everything happens as if you yourself did it or understood it. They lead to courses and places, they inspire you to insist on graduating in specific place - it comes as your own powerful desire you can't stop, they would make it easier for you to understand subjects, they would create circumstances where you may succeed if you put some effort in, etc. They softly shift your life into the desired. Unlike jewish crap-on-the-stick, Gods enjoy when people succeed and find themselves in profession. It feels much like in Cinderella story: she was hard working by nature, and the Fairy created some circumstances where generally hard working disciple could succeed, it was not a complete freebie but it was easy enough for the ready to get it. The exact thing happened to me here https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=77301&p=385345&sid=6c345ff578a22b4dd8c8f34184142a81#p385345

The key here was Cinderella's little foot that could enter the fairy shoe, which means her person was enough ready alchemically to enter certain circumstances. It was not fully effortless to protect it from her lazy asshole sisters who wanted to get everything undeserved. Knowledge is protected from such, but this fact is of no prevention for those really worthy.

They can definitely help in everything. They have zero problems in any subject we have here on Earth thinking it is "advanced". In my experience they give more ease in understanding and more desire to excel in this or that subject of which you asked them. So it consists of motivation + ease in achieving. They make it "easier" for you to get there.

You are very right. Sometimes they lead one to knowledge very blatantly. Funny enough, I ended up finding a pdf of the C++ fourth edition awhile after this post.

Start with python or javascript.
If you start with C++ you are probably going to have a bad, frustrating experience.
C is a low level language and requires you to understand low level concepts, like how memory works, pointers, stacks, arrays, types, etc.
If you don't know what exactly a float is, you'll be pulling your hair out trying to debug and not being able to easily solve the problem.
For example, the code below will not return what you'd expect.
int main()
	float x = 2.1;
	if(x == 2.1)
	    printf("they are equal");
	    printf("looks like they are not");
You can use an online compiler to test : https://www.onlinegdb.com/

There are many such gotchas in C and even more in C++.
If you read a C++ book without having programmed before, you won't understand most of the things explained there and you'll have to read it again and again many times over.

I'd do it like this : javascript -> php -> python -> C -> logic gates/assembly/FPGA -> C -> Rust

You won't understand what you really are doing until you make your own processor using logic gates on an FPGA. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=cIG1nxoLw6U

The thing is, I just really don't like python. I've looked at it before. Just don't like anything about it. Or how it's written.

I really mainly want to go the route of C++ then decide from there. I want it to be the language I start with, and heavily work with.

Yes, all the low level concepts are very complicated. But I really want to familiarize myself with them.

I've fiddled with Xmonad, and Stump Window Manager, and vim, along with virtual machines of Linux and BSD. So I'm familiar that many programming languages have their differences, in how they express things.

I'm certain it would be easier to do python, just really want to start with C++.
I need serious help from satan and Idk who to ask him for that
He knows that I’m completely loyal to him and love him..I really need his support

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
