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How did you find your way to Satan?

what sealed the deal for me was my mate. a few days ago i was having an enjoyable discussion with him, and he pointed out that i sounded alot like some of the things he saw on the joy of satan website. i read through some of it... and the correlletions between the things i have been reading, and my life and thought process in general, are astounding. i dont have the means to give myself fully just yet. but im just weeks away from returning home.
im not good at meditating... but im determined to learn everything i can. i will help in any way i can.
Lovely. i see that I was wrong about my hang ups on socializing over the internet. I can relate to all of these stories and more.
thank you for sharing.
Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@... wrote:

Here's my story. You just have to click on the link because I had wrote it out before.

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/40081

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Duat!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@ wrote:

I felt my coming to Satan was long overdue!! When i was 10, i denounced Xian ways knowing it was all bullshit. Also since that age, i have been into Ancient Egypt. I have always felt that i was there in a past life.  For the last 3-4 years i have been searching for a spirituality that felt right within. I read Anton LaVey's work and the idea of Satan felt right. However i didnt connect fully to it. So during my research a couple months ago, i found JOS and that felt right in my heart. I can see how my GD has been with me my whole life. It feels as if i was a spiritual satanist in my soul, in a past life. I have never felt so content within and in my life as a whole. I know Satan and my GD are beside me on my endeavors. I am proud that I dedicated my soul to Satan. He has never abadoned me and i will never abadoned him. Thats the jist of how i came to Satan :)
Hail Satan!!! Hail Amun-Ra!!!

--- On Thu, 8/25/11, Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, August 25, 2011, 10:25 AM


Our stories are very similar Lydia, I went from Paganism to Satanism too,and about the same time frame.And read the Satanic Bible also. Too Cool.Sister :)
Hail Satan!

--- On Thu, 8/25/11, lydia_666@ <lydia_666@ wrote:

From: lydia_666@ <lydia_666@
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, August 25, 2011, 2:03 AM


I was raised catholic in name only. When I graduated from high school, there was an after-grad party, which was no alcohol, supervised, in the recreation center in town- it was actually fun! But there was a psychic there doing readings. I though, why not. It's free. She basically told me that to find happiness (something I never actually had), I had to search more, and find my passion.

The next day, fortunately my parents were gone so I could use the internet (this was a decade ago, we didn't all have our own private laptops lol) I started searching religions online. There wasn't much true info on Satanism at the time, this would have been shortly before HP Maxine started the JoS. It was the end of May 2002, to be exact. And the info I found about Satanism, didn't feel right to me. It was all reverse xian "satanism".

I found info on Wicca, disregarded it. Too fluffy. Found Paganism, loved it. It just felt right, but I could tell there were some inaccuracies in what I read. But I called myself a Pagan until almost a year ago. My roommate brought home a copy of the Satanic Bible, which I read and loved. I just loved the logic in it, although I didn't believe in the atheism of it. Something compelled me to dedicate, though. So I searched online for dedication rituals, as I like to do my research to get to the bottom of things. I skimmed the sites that came up on Google, until I found one that sounded good: the Joy of Satan.

I read a few pages, couldn't get enough, looked at the time, and realized that I only had an hour or so until my roommate came home (she was out celebrating Halloween with friends). I knew, with every fiber in my being, that I was BORN to dedicate, that this was the truth, finally! So I stopped reading long enough to do the dedication ritual, and started reading again. I was truly obsessed. I spent hours every day reading.

I think it's a pretty neat "coincidence" that I dedicated on Halloween/Samhain, as it was always my favorite holiday growing up. I loved the energies I could feel in the air, the magick.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "roadtohel" <roadtohel@ wrote:

Hello everyone,

Since I am relatively new to Satanism, I'd like to know how others have found their way to our great and exalted Father. I know that it has been quite an adventure for me. There are those that have written that they knew since they were very young, and I only wish I was so lucky. Since I saw no threads on this, I'd thought I start one. So, I will give a brief summary of my path and I hope others will share.

As a child there were always occult influences around, I was a young teen in the times of movies like "the craft" so I had some experiences with the new age religion of Wicca and the occult at that time. I guess it wasn't until five years ago that I began serious study in the occult at first with wiccan teachings. They have a dedication ritual to Goddess; I would wait and wait and the day would come and then a voice (usually in my thoughts i have thousands in an instant and they are forgotten as soon as they are thought; this voice that stops all the other thoughts the voice that has been with me always, the lucid, and clear voice like lustral water, who I know to be my deamon now), told me not to do it,not to dedicate myself to this wiccan goddess, but to continue study of the occult. So years pass, and the years get stranger so inevitably I found myself scouring conspiracy sights. It became clear there was a huge problem with what many people who
were blaming Satan and the illuminati blah blah, well it was all christian biased, and I could not get over that fact (funny how everyone and their grandmother knows of the Illuminati these days). I know I was led to him, it was one thing after another. First it was my study and information about the Holocaust Jew lie and the shame they hold over my German ancestors, and then the majority of information on 666, and Satan, it was all biased by brainwashed christians. i did not understand how these experts in conspiracy and the like could see how mankind has been controlled, our history wiped out, and everyone lied to but somehow the bible in its many versions is the un-adultered word of god (truth)? Then one day, on those same conspiracy sites, there it was the link to the Joy of Satan website and I have never looked back. I asked for the truth and it came to me, and it is hidden from none. He leads to the straight path without a revealed book.

Hail Lucifer and the Deamons of Hell!
I came to Lucifer in somewhat a similar manner. I was raised a Christian (more precisely, a Unificationist...) and took the basic morals to being a good person, but I never understood the nitty gritty details in the religion (mainly due to boredom). It baffled me why my mom was so sensitive to the word 'magic' if 'God' was allowed to perform miracles left and right. Not to mention, why was she so vehement about demons? If we're supposed to love everyone, as I figured back then, then we must surely show compassion to them as we would to people. Watching several shows depicting demons behaving more like people made it much easier for my mind to accept that they weren't as evil as my mom had said.
Eventually, I made a persona for myself that was part dragon (because I loved dragons) and part demon to relate myself to them. Then, I gave said persona a horrid past focused on the fact she was a demon in order to emphasize non-sense persecution. The more I kept drawing this persona, the more my mother questioned my belief in 'God' just because the demon was a demon. I kept crying my eyes out, but I didn't toss that persona away. Instead, I wanted to make a world for my stories which depicted demons as no more than people behavior-wise. Not to mention, said persona actually came to me in a dream one time...which I have to say was very odd.
Putting that aside and fastforwarding four years later after the creation of said persona, I was assigned a freeform project. I suddenly got the idea to write about the impact of the three main 'religions', though I can't recall why. So while I was researching, I stumbled across Exposing Christianity. Interested, I clicked on the link about the Inquisition. When I finished reading the page, I cried my eyes out again once more, wondering how anyone could forgive such a massacre (note: when I read about the Holocaust, it just didn't have the same impact). I continued reading more of the site before heading to the main Joy of Satan website. After I tried the hand chakra meditation and saw that it worked, I decided that I could take the information on the site more seriously. After reading a few more pages, I dedicated my life to Lucifer in private and finished up my report (which dropped my grade to a B because of how I wrote it...). Strangely, this was also the same year my brother started to dislike Christianity.
I still have yet to adjust my fictional worlds to properly reflect what I've learned, but I'm glad that the two sites brought me out of my blindfold.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@... wrote:

I am a writer. One day the idea just popped into my head, "write about demons"--so I started to research them. It led to studying secret societies, and I came across The Brotherhood of the Snake. It led me to JOS. Then when I was convinced Satan was greatly misunderstood, I asked him to send me a sign he was who he said he was. He sent an unmistakable sign. I dedicated. I KNOW Satan put the idea about writing about demons into my head to lead me to him, as I feel he's been leading me to him all my life. As a child I had sympathy for him no matter how many times I was told he was evil.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "roadtohel" <roadtohel@ wrote:

Hello everyone,

Since I am relatively new to Satanism, I'd like to know how others have found their way to our great and exalted Father. I know that it has been quite an adventure for me. There are those that have written that they knew since they were very young, and I only wish I was so lucky. Since I saw no threads on this, I'd thought I start one. So, I will give a brief summary of my path and I hope others will share.

As a child there were always occult influences around, I was a young teen in the times of movies like "the craft" so I had some experiences with the new age religion of Wicca and the occult at that time. I guess it wasn't until five years ago that I began serious study in the occult at first with wiccan teachings. They have a dedication ritual to Goddess; I would wait and wait and the day would come and then a voice (usually in my thoughts i have thousands in an instant and they are forgotten as soon as they are thought; this voice that stops all the other thoughts the voice that has been with me always, the lucid, and clear voice like lustral water, who I know to be my deamon now), told me not to do it,not to dedicate myself to this wiccan goddess, but to continue study of the occult. So years pass, and the years get stranger so inevitably I found myself scouring conspiracy sights. It became clear there was a huge problem with what many people who were blaming Satan and the illuminati blah blah, well it was all christian biased, and I could not get over that fact (funny how everyone and their grandmother knows of the Illuminati these days). I know I was led to him, it was one thing after another. First it was my study and information about the Holocaust Jew lie and the shame they hold over my German ancestors, and then the majority of information on 666, and Satan, it was all biased by brainwashed christians. i did not understand how these experts in conspiracy and the like could see how mankind has been controlled, our history wiped out, and everyone lied to but somehow the bible in its many versions is the un-adultered word of god (truth)? Then one day, on those same conspiracy sites, there it was the link to the Joy of Satan website and I have never looked back. I asked for the truth and it came to me, and it is hidden from none. He leads to the straight path without a revealed book.

Hail Lucifer and the Deamons of Hell!
SA, thanks for sharing your story. I wonder how many other Satanists had to go to a Christian church as children, and sat there wondering what the "truth" really was--even children can be smart enough to know a lie when they hear it, I know I was. I couldn't understand why this Jehovah was the "god of Love" when all he did was kill people, and who did Satan ever kill? Nobody! He wanted us to have knowledge, what was wrong with that? What was wrong with pride? Children can be smarter than adults give them credit for...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "S A" <skdjfoieh@... wrote:

I came to Lucifer in somewhat a similar manner. I was raised a Christian (more precisely, a Unificationist...) and took the basic morals to being a good person, but I never understood the nitty gritty details in the religion (mainly due to boredom). It baffled me why my mom was so sensitive to the word 'magic' if 'God' was allowed to perform miracles left and right. Not to mention, why was she so vehement about demons? If we're supposed to love everyone, as I figured back then, then we must surely show compassion to them as we would to people. Watching several shows depicting demons behaving more like people made it much easier for my mind to accept that they weren't as evil as my mom had said.
Eventually, I made a persona for myself that was part dragon (because I loved dragons) and part demon to relate myself to them. Then, I gave said persona a horrid past focused on the fact she was a demon in order to emphasize non-sense persecution. The more I kept drawing this persona, the more my mother questioned my belief in 'God' just because the demon was a demon. I kept crying my eyes out, but I didn't toss that persona away. Instead, I wanted to make a world for my stories which depicted demons as no more than people behavior-wise. Not to mention, said persona actually came to me in a dream one time...which I have to say was very odd.
Putting that aside and fastforwarding four years later after the creation of said persona, I was assigned a freeform project. I suddenly got the idea to write about the impact of the three main 'religions', though I can't recall why. So while I was researching, I stumbled across Exposing Christianity. Interested, I clicked on the link about the Inquisition. When I finished reading the page, I cried my eyes out again once more, wondering how anyone could forgive such a massacre (note: when I read about the Holocaust, it just didn't have the same impact). I continued reading more of the site before heading to the main Joy of Satan website. After I tried the hand chakra meditation and saw that it worked, I decided that I could take the information on the site more seriously. After reading a few more pages, I dedicated my life to Lucifer in private and finished up my report (which dropped my grade to a B because of how I wrote it...). Strangely, this was also the same year my brother started to dislike Christianity.
I still have yet to adjust my fictional worlds to properly reflect what I've learned, but I'm glad that the two sites brought me out of my blindfold.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

I am a writer. One day the idea just popped into my head, "write about demons"--so I started to research them. It led to studying secret societies, and I came across The Brotherhood of the Snake. It led me to JOS. Then when I was convinced Satan was greatly misunderstood, I asked him to send me a sign he was who he said he was. He sent an unmistakable sign. I dedicated. I KNOW Satan put the idea about writing about demons into my head to lead me to him, as I feel he's been leading me to him all my life. As a child I had sympathy for him no matter how many times I was told he was evil.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "roadtohel" <roadtohel@ wrote:

Hello everyone,

Since I am relatively new to Satanism, I'd like to know how others have found their way to our great and exalted Father. I know that it has been quite an adventure for me. There are those that have written that they knew since they were very young, and I only wish I was so lucky. Since I saw no threads on this, I'd thought I start one. So, I will give a brief summary of my path and I hope others will share.

As a child there were always occult influences around, I was a young teen in the times of movies like "the craft" so I had some experiences with the new age religion of Wicca and the occult at that time. I guess it wasn't until five years ago that I began serious study in the occult at first with wiccan teachings. They have a dedication ritual to Goddess; I would wait and wait and the day would come and then a voice (usually in my thoughts i have thousands in an instant and they are forgotten as soon as they are thought; this voice that stops all the other thoughts the voice that has been with me always, the lucid, and clear voice like lustral water, who I know to be my deamon now), told me not to do it,not to dedicate myself to this wiccan goddess, but to continue study of the occult. So years pass, and the years get stranger so inevitably I found myself scouring conspiracy sights. It became clear there was a huge problem with what many people who were blaming Satan and the illuminati blah blah, well it was all christian biased, and I could not get over that fact (funny how everyone and their grandmother knows of the Illuminati these days). I know I was led to him, it was one thing after another. First it was my study and information about the Holocaust Jew lie and the shame they hold over my German ancestors, and then the majority of information on 666, and Satan, it was all biased by brainwashed christians. i did not understand how these experts in conspiracy and the like could see how mankind has been controlled, our history wiped out, and everyone lied to but somehow the bible in its many versions is the un-adultered word of god (truth)? Then one day, on those same conspiracy sites, there it was the link to the Joy of Satan website and I have never looked back. I asked for the truth and it came to me, and it is hidden from none. He leads to the straight path without a revealed book.

Hail Lucifer and the Deamons of Hell!
I have an ankh tattoo too! I got it 6 years ago when I was 21 lol.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@... wrote:

Gotcha! I haven't communicated yet so I know what you mean. It's kore of a very strong "hunch" Amun's mine. I got an ankh tattoo 5 years ago when I was 16, it has Ra's overseeing eye. That tattoo has held power since I've had it. It has saved my life so many times.
Hail Satan!!!

-Allyson Ford

On Aug 26, 2011, at 12:00 PM, "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

I don't know who my GD is. He helps me out, I can talk to him but not hear him, but I know he hears me. I really wanted to know, but other people keep saying that they will let us know who they are when they decide we are ready. So I chose not to find out who he is. I'll just wait, and practice my patience lol. It's neat that yours is Amon Ra :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@ wrote:

awesome! i just love the history and i have always felt close to it. If you dont mind me asking, is your GD Egyptian "related"?

--- On Fri, 8/26/11, lydia_666@ <lydia_666@ wrote:

From: lydia_666@ <lydia_666@
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, August 26, 2011, 7:46 AM


I was obsessed with Ancient Egypt when I was young! I wanted to dye my hair black and wear eye makeup so badly lol. I also felt very strongly that I was there in a past life.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@ wrote:

I felt my coming to Satan was long overdue!! When i was 10, i denounced Xian ways knowing it was all bullshit. Also since that age, i have been into Ancient Egypt. I have always felt that i was there in a past life.  For the last 3-4 years i have been searching for a spirituality that felt right within. I read Anton LaVey's work and the idea of Satan felt right. However i didnt connect fully to it. So during my research a couple months ago, i found JOS and that felt right in my heart. I can see how my GD has been with me my whole life. It feels as if i was a spiritual satanist in my soul, in a past life. I have never felt so content within and in my life as a whole. I know Satan and my GD are beside me on my endeavors. I am proud that I dedicated my soul to Satan. He has never abadoned me and i will never abadoned him. Thats the jist of how i came to Satan :)
Hail Satan!!! Hail Amun-Ra!!!
Awesome! Do you see yours holding power? I want to know if anybody sees how I see on it. I also have on my Lower back (no not a tramp stamp!!!) hieroglyphics that read "death is only the beginning" a quote from Stephen Sommer's The Mummy (the one with Brendan Fraiser.  I got it when I was 18 after I  almost succeeded in suicide twice. It also has a BA symbol that ancients used on the Nile for protection when they collected papyrus. I also added a winged scarab behind it I have yet to color it in. 

-Allyson Ford 
On Aug 27, 2011, at 7:56 AM, "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:
  I have an ankh tattoo too! I got it 6 years ago when I was 21 lol.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected][/email][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@... wrote:

Gotcha! I haven't communicated yet so I know what you mean. It's kore of a very strong "hunch" Amun's mine. I got an ankh tattoo 5 years ago when I was 16, it has Ra's overseeing eye. That tattoo has held power since I've had it. It has saved my life so many times.
Hail Satan!!!

-Allyson Ford

On Aug 26, 2011, at 12:00 PM, "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

I don't know who my GD is. He helps me out, I can talk to him but not hear him, but I know he hears me. I really wanted to know, but other people keep saying that they will let us know who they are when they decide we are ready. So I chose not to find out who he is. I'll just wait, and practice my patience lol. It's neat that yours is Amon Ra :)

--- [/IMG][email protected][/email][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@ wrote:

awesome! i just love the history and i have always felt close to it. If you dont mind me asking, is your GD Egyptian "related"?

--- On Fri, 8/26/11, lydia_666@ <lydia_666@ wrote:

From: lydia_666@ <lydia_666@
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?
To: [e[/IMG][email protected][/email][/url]
Date: Friday, August 26, 2011, 7:46 AM


I was obsessed with Ancient Egypt when I was young! I wanted to dye my hair black and wear eye makeup so badly lol. I also felt very strongly that I was there in a past life.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected][/email][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@ wrote:

I felt my coming to Satan was long overdue!! When i was 10, i denounced Xian ways knowing it was all bullshit. Also since that age, i have been into Ancient Egypt. I have always felt that i was there in a past life.  For the last 3-4 years i have been searching for a spirituality that felt right within. I read Anton LaVey's work and the idea of Satan felt right. However i didnt connect fully to it. So during my research a couple months ago, i found JOS and that felt right in my heart. I can see how my GD has been with me my whole life. It feels as if i was a spiritual satanist in my soul, in a past life. I have never felt so content within and in my life as a whole. I know Satan and my GD are beside me on my endeavors. I am proud that I dedicated my soul to Satan. He has never abadoned me and i will never abadoned him. Thats the jist of how i came to Satan :)
Hail Satan!!! Hail Amun-Ra!!!
I'm a practitioner of the occult so I was pretty big into studying magick and eventually demonology, I found satanism because I summoned Astarte about three/four years ago. And for the first time in my life I experienced something very real about the occult and it completely changed the way I saw the world. Pretty much since then I've continued studying and growing each day.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "roadtohel" <roadtohel@... wrote:

Hello everyone,

Since I am relatively new to Satanism, I'd like to know how others have found their way to our great and exalted Father. I know that it has been quite an adventure for me. There are those that have written that they knew since they were very young, and I only wish I was so lucky. Since I saw no threads on this, I'd thought I start one. So, I will give a brief summary of my path and I hope others will share.

As a child there were always occult influences around, I was a young teen in the times of movies like "the craft" so I had some experiences with the new age religion of Wicca and the occult at that time. I guess it wasn't until five years ago that I began serious study in the occult at first with wiccan teachings. They have a dedication ritual to Goddess; I would wait and wait and the day would come and then a voice (usually in my thoughts i have thousands in an instant and they are forgotten as soon as they are thought; this voice that stops all the other thoughts the voice that has been with me always, the lucid, and clear voice like lustral water, who I know to be my deamon now), told me not to do it,not to dedicate myself to this wiccan goddess, but to continue study of the occult. So years pass, and the years get stranger so inevitably I found myself scouring conspiracy sights. It became clear there was a huge problem with what many people who were blaming Satan and the illuminati blah blah, well it was all christian biased, and I could not get over that fact (funny how everyone and their grandmother knows of the Illuminati these days). I know I was led to him, it was one thing after another. First it was my study and information about the Holocaust Jew lie and the shame they hold over my German ancestors, and then the majority of information on 666, and Satan, it was all biased by brainwashed christians. i did not understand how these experts in conspiracy and the like could see how mankind has been controlled, our history wiped out, and everyone lied to but somehow the bible in its many versions is the un-adultered word of god (truth)? Then one day, on those same conspiracy sites, there it was the link to the Joy of Satan website and I have never looked back. I asked for the truth and it came to me, and it is hidden from none. He leads to the straight path without a revealed book.

Hail Lucifer and the Deamons of Hell!

Realised at age 13 what was meant for me and been here ever since.
That was 32 years a[/IMG]</var> From: "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 7:56 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?

  I have an ankh tattoo too! I got it 6 years ago when I was 21 lol.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@... wrote:

Gotcha! I haven't communicated yet so I know what you mean. It's kore of a very strong "hunch" Amun's mine. I got an ankh tattoo 5 years ago when I was 16, it has Ra's overseeing eye. That tattoo has held power since I've had it. It has saved my life so many times.
Hail Satan!!!

-Allyson Ford

On Aug 26, 2011, at 12:00 PM, "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

I don't know who my GD is. He helps me out, I can talk to him but not hear him, but I know he hears me. I really wanted to know, but other people keep saying that they will let us know who they are when they decide we are ready. So I chose not to find out who he is. I'll just wait, and practice my patience lol. It's neat that yours is Amon Ra :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@ wrote:

awesome! i just love the history and i have always felt close to it. If you dont mind me asking, is your GD Egyptian "related"?

--- On Fri, 8/26/11, lydia_666@ <lydia_666@ wrote:

From: lydia_666@ <lydia_666@
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, August 26, 2011, 7:46 AM


I was obsessed with Ancient Egypt when I was young! I wanted to dye my hair black and wear eye makeup so badly lol. I also felt very strongly that I was there in a past life.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@ wrote:

I felt my coming to Satan was long overdue!! When i was 10, i denounced Xian ways knowing it was all bullshit. Also since that age, i have been into Ancient Egypt. I have always felt that i was there in a past life.  For the last 3-4 years i have been searching for a spirituality that felt right within. I read Anton LaVey's work and the idea of Satan felt right. However i didnt connect fully to it. So during my research a couple months ago, i found JOS and that felt right in my heart. I can see how my GD has been with me my whole life. It feels as if i was a spiritual satanist in my soul, in a past life. I have never felt so content within and in my life as a whole. I know Satan and my GD are beside me on my endeavors. I am proud that I dedicated my soul to Satan. He has never abadoned me and i will never abadoned him. Thats the jist of how i came to Satan :)
Hail Satan!!! Hail Amun-Ra!!!

I do see it as holding power. Your other tattoos sound beautiful! My ankh is between the wings of a detailed butterfly, representing freedom and change, and the colors of the butterfly are purple and black, representing spirituality and wisdom. On my ankle I have the Celtic infinity knot (I'm Irish) done in shades of green with black. Just because I like green lol. I also have another Celtic Pagan tattoo which is a symbol that stands for spiritual, mental, emotional and physical strength.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@... wrote:

Awesome! Do you see yours holding power? I want to know if anybody sees how I see on it. I also have on my Lower back (no not a tramp stamp!!!) hieroglyphics that read "death is only the beginning" a quote from Stephen Sommer's The Mummy (the one with Brendan Fraiser. I got it when I was 18 after I almost succeeded in suicide twice. It also has a BA symbol that ancients used on the Nile for protection when they collected papyrus. I also added a winged scarab behind it I have yet to color it in.

-Allyson Ford

On Aug 27, 2011, at 7:56 AM, "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

I have an ankh tattoo too! I got it 6 years ago when I was 21 lol.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@ wrote:

Gotcha! I haven't communicated yet so I know what you mean. It's kore of a very strong "hunch" Amun's mine. I got an ankh tattoo 5 years ago when I was 16, it has Ra's overseeing eye. That tattoo has held power since I've had it. It has saved my life so many times.
Hail Satan!!!

-Allyson Ford

On Aug 26, 2011, at 12:00 PM, "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

I don't know who my GD is. He helps me out, I can talk to him but not hear him, but I know he hears me. I really wanted to know, but other people keep saying that they will let us know who they are when they decide we are ready. So I chose not to find out who he is. I'll just wait, and practice my patience lol. It's neat that yours is Amon Ra :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@ wrote:

awesome! i just love the history and i have always felt close to it. If you dont mind me asking, is your GD Egyptian "related"?
<td val[/IMG]Yes! Isn't it wonderful to see clearly for the first time. :)
Hail Satan!

--- On Fri, 8/26/11, S A <skdjfoieh@... wrote:
From: S A <skdjfoieh@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, August 26, 2011, 8:33 PM

  I came to Lucifer in somewhat a similar manner. I was raised a Christian (more precisely, a Unificationist...) and took the basic morals to being a good person, but I never understood the nitty gritty details in the religion (mainly due to boredom). It baffled me why my mom was so sensitive to the word 'magic' if 'God' was allowed to perform miracles left and right. Not to mention, why was she so vehement about demons? If we're supposed to love everyone, as I figured back then, then we must surely show compassion to them as we would to people. Watching several shows depicting demons behaving more like people made it much easier for my mind to accept that they weren't as evil as my mom had said.
Eventually, I made a persona for myself that was part dragon (because I loved dragons) and part demon to relate myself to them. Then, I gave said persona a horrid past focused on the fact she was a demon in order to emphasize non-sense persecution. The more I kept drawing this persona, the more my mother questioned my belief in 'God' just because the demon was a demon. I kept crying my eyes out, but I didn't toss that persona away. Instead, I wanted to make a world for my stories which depicted demons as no more than people behavior-wise. Not to mention, said persona actually came to me in a dream one time...which I have to say was very odd.
Putting that aside and fastforwarding four years later after the creation of said persona, I was assigned a freeform project. I suddenly got the idea to write about the impact of the three main 'religions', though I can't recall why. So while I was researching, I stumbled across Exposing Christianity. Interested, I clicked on the link about the Inquisition. When I finished reading the page, I cried my eyes out again once more, wondering how anyone could forgive such a massacre (note: when I read about the Holocaust, it just didn't have the same impact). I continued reading more of the site before heading to the main Joy of Satan website. After I tried the hand chakra meditation and saw that it worked, I decided that I could take the information on the site more seriously. After reading a few more pages, I dedicated my life to Lucifer in private and finished up my report (which dropped my grade to a B because of how I wrote it...). Strangely, this was also the same year my brother started to dislike Christianity.
I still have yet to adjust my fictional worlds to properly reflect what I've learned, but I'm glad that the two sites brought me out of my blindfold.

--- [/IMG][email protected], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@... wrote:

I am a writer. One day the idea just popped into my head, "write about demons"--so I started to research them. It led to studying secret societies, and I came across The Brotherhood of the Snake. It led me to JOS. Then when I was convinced Satan was greatly misunderstood, I asked him to send me a sign he was who he said he was. He sent an unmistakable sign. I dedicated. I KNOW Satan put the idea about writing about demons into my head to lead me to him, as I feel he's been leading me to him all my life. As a child I had sympathy for him no matter how many times I was told he was evil.

--- [/IMG][email protected], "roadtohel" <roadtohel@ wrote:

Hello everyone,

Since I am relatively new to Satanism, I'd like to know how others have found their way to our great and exalted Father. I know that it has been quite an adventure for me. There are those that have written that they knew since they were very young, and I only wish I was so lucky. Since I saw no threads on this, I'd thought I start one. So, I will give a brief summary of my path and I hope others will share.

As a child there were always occult influences around, I was a young teen in the times of movies like "the craft" so I had some experiences with the new age religion of Wicca and the occult at that time. I guess it wasn't until five years ago that I began serious study in the occult at first with wiccan teachings. They have a dedication ritual to Goddess; I would wait and wait and the day would come and then a voice (usually in my thoughts i have thousands in an instant and they are forgotten as soon as they are thought; this voice that stops all the other thoughts the voice that has been with me always, the lucid, and clear voice like lustral water, who I know to be my deamon now), told me not to do it,not to dedicate myself to this wiccan goddess, but to continue study of the occult. So years pass, and the years get stranger so inevitably I found myself scouring conspiracy sights. It became clear there was a huge problem with what many people who were blaming Satan and the illuminati blah blah, well it was all christian biased, and I could not get over that fact (funny how everyone and their grandmother knows of the Illuminati these days). I know I was led to him, it was one thing after another. First it was my study and information about the Holocaust Jew lie and the shame they hold over my German ancestors, and then the majority of information on 666, and Satan, it was all biased by brainwashed christians. i did not understand how these experts in conspiracy and the like could see how mankind has been controlled, our history wiped out, and everyone lied to but somehow the bible in its many versions is the un-adultered word of god (truth)? Then one day, on those same conspiracy sites, there it was the link to the Joy of Satan website and I have never looked back. I asked for the truth and it came to me, and it is hidden from none. He leads to the straight path without a revealed book.

Hail Lucifer and the Deamons of Hell!
Sounds nice! Especially the ankh within the butterfly. Tattoos have so much power that many (general stupid population) don't realize. I have yet to get some more satanic tattoos but I'll have to hide them cause of my profession. I was thinking of getting three stars blue red and black and putting those on my arms aka visible. No one can say anything about that! Basically it would be an upside down star. Like if they were upside pentagrams colored in.  

-Allyson Ford 
On Aug 28, 2011, at 8:04 AM, "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:
  I do see it as holding power. Your other tattoos sound beautiful! My ankh is between the wings of a detailed butterfly, representing freedom and change, and the colors of the butterfly are purple and black, representing spirituality and wisdom. On my ankle I have the Celtic infinity knot (I'm Irish) done in shades of green with black. Just because I like green lol. I also have another Celtic Pagan tattoo which is a symbol that stands for spiritual, mental, emotional and physical strength.

--- [/IMG][email protected][/email][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@... wrote:

Awesome! Do you see yours holding power? I want to know if anybody sees how I see on it. I also have on my Lower back (no not a tramp stamp!!!) hieroglyphics that read "death is only the beginning" a quote from Stephen Sommer's The Mummy (the one with Brendan Fraiser. I got it when I was 18 after I almost succeeded in suicide twice. It also has a BA symbol that ancients used on the Nile for protection when they collected papyrus. I also added a winged scarab behind it I have yet to color it in.

-Allyson Ford

On Aug 27, 2011, at 7:56 AM, "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

I have an ankh tattoo too! I got it 6 years ago when I was 21 lol.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected][/email][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@ wrote:

Gotcha! I haven't communicated yet so I know what you mean. It's kore of a very strong "hunch" Amun's mine. I got an ankh tattoo 5 years ago when I was 16, it has Ra's overseeing eye. That tattoo has held power since I've had it. It has saved my life so many times.
Hail Satan!!!

-Allyson Ford

On Aug 26, 2011, at 12:00 PM, "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

I don't know who my GD is. He helps me out, I can talk to him but not hear him, but I know he hears me. I really wanted to know, but other people keep saying that they will let us know who they are when they decide we are ready. So I chose not to find out who he is. I'll just wait, and practice my patience lol. It's neat that yours is Amon Ra :)

--- [/IMG][email protected][/email][/url], Allyson Ford <dectotaku34@ wrote:

awesome! i just love the history and i have always felt close to it. If you dont mind me asking, is your GD Egyptian "related"?
Well for me, back in 09 I just googled for the hell of it ( demon ranks ) I think that's what it was . Anyway I started reading about the Gods or Demons, wichever term one prefers, o ran across one that described a God about 10ft tall, resisdes over the dead, well a friend had died and my other friend took a pic the next day of the car wreck area. When we got the photo this exact being was in the pic hovering about the crash site dressed in Roman clothing fitting the exact description on the JOS site. I had been a xian for years And knew there was lies. Nothing added up and there was way to many contradictions. After seeing this picture then reading this I was sure.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Yes! Isn't it wonderful to see clearly for the first time. :)
Hail Satan!

--- On Fri, 8/26/11, S A <skdjfoieh@... wrote:

From: S A <skdjfoieh@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, August 26, 2011, 8:33 PM


I came to Lucifer in somewhat a similar manner. I was raised a Christian (more precisely, a Unificationist...) and took the basic morals to being a good person, but I never understood the nitty gritty details in the religion (mainly due to boredom). It baffled me why my mom was so sensitive to the word 'magic' if 'God' was allowed to perform miracles left and right. Not to mention, why was she so vehement about demons? If we're supposed to love everyone, as I figured back then, then we must surely show compassion to them as we would to people. Watching several shows depicting demons behaving more like people made it much easier for my mind to accept that they weren't as evil as my mom had said.

Eventually, I made a persona for myself that was part dragon (because I loved dragons) and part demon to relate myself to them. Then, I gave said persona a horrid past focused on the fact she was a demon in order to emphasize non-sense persecution. The more I kept drawing this persona, the more my mother questioned my belief in 'God' just because the demon was a demon. I kept crying my eyes out, but I didn't toss that persona away. Instead, I wanted to make a world for my stories which depicted demons as no more than people behavior-wise. Not to mention, said persona actually came to me in a dream one time...which I have to say was very odd.

Putting that aside and fastforwarding four years later after the creation of said persona, I was assigned a freeform project. I suddenly got the idea to write about the impact of the three main 'religions', though I can't recall why. So while I was researching, I stumbled across Exposing Christianity. Interested, I clicked on the link about the Inquisition. When I finished reading the page, I cried my eyes out again once more, wondering how anyone could forgive such a massacre (note: when I read about the Holocaust, it just didn't have the same impact). I continued reading more of the site before heading to the main Joy of Satan website. After I tried the hand chakra meditation and saw that it worked, I decided that I could take the information on the site more seriously. After reading a few more pages, I dedicated my life to Lucifer in private and finished up my report (which dropped my grade to a B because of how I wrote it...). Strangely, this was
also the same year my brother started to dislike Christianity.

I still have yet to adjust my fictional worlds to properly reflect what I've learned, but I'm glad that the two sites brought me out of my blindfold.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

I am a writer. One day the idea just popped into my head, "write about demons"--so I started to research them. It led to studying secret societies, and I came across The Brotherhood of the Snake. It led me to JOS. Then when I was convinced Satan was greatly misunderstood, I asked him to send me a sign he was who he said he was. He sent an unmistakable sign. I dedicated. I KNOW Satan put the idea about writing about demons into my head to lead me to him, as I feel he's been leading me to him all my life. As a child I had sympathy for him no matter how many times I was told he was evil.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "roadtohel" <roadtohel@ wrote:

Hello everyone,

Since I am relatively new to Satanism, I'd like to know how others have found their way to our great and exalted Father. I know that it has been quite an adventure for me. There are those that have written that they knew since they were very young, and I only wish I was so lucky. Since I saw no threads on this, I'd thought I start one. So, I will give a brief summary of my path and I hope others will share.

As a child there were always occult influences around, I was a young teen in the times of movies like "the craft" so I had some experiences with the new age religion of Wicca and the occult at that time. I guess it wasn't until five years ago that I began serious study in the occult at first with wiccan teachings. They have a dedication ritual to Goddess; I would wait and wait and the day would come and then a voice (usually in my thoughts i have thousands in an instant and they are forgotten as soon as they are thought; this voice that stops all the other thoughts the voice that has been with me always, the lucid, and clear voice like lustral water, who I know to be my deamon now), told me not to do it,not to dedicate myself to this wiccan goddess, but to continue study of the occult. So years pass, and the years get stranger so inevitably I found myself scouring conspiracy sights. It became clear there was a huge problem with what many people who
were blaming Satan and the illuminati blah blah, well it was all christian biased, and I could not get over that fact (funny how everyone and their grandmother knows of the Illuminati these days). I know I was led to him, it was one thing after another. First it was my study and information about the Holocaust Jew lie and the shame they hold over my German ancestors, and then the majority of information on 666, and Satan, it was all biased by brainwashed christians. i did not understand how these experts in conspiracy and the like could see how mankind has been controlled, our history wiped out, and everyone lied to but somehow the bible in its many versions is the un-adultered word of god (truth)? Then one day, on those same conspiracy sites, there it was the link to the Joy of Satan website and I have never looked back. I asked for the truth and it came to me, and it is hidden from none. He leads to the straight path without a revealed book.

Hail Lucifer and the Deamons of Hell!
<td val[/IMG]I would love to see that pic. :)

--- On Mon, 8/29/11, godrickzepher@... <godrickzepher@... wrote:
From: godrickzepher@... <godrickzepher@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, August 29, 2011, 6:41 AM

  Well for me, back in 09 I just googled for the hell of it ( demon ranks ) I think that's what it was . Anyway I started reading about the Gods or Demons, wichever term one prefers, o ran across one that described a God about 10ft tall, resisdes over the dead, well a friend had died and my other friend took a pic the next day of the car wreck area. When we got the photo this exact being was in the pic hovering about the crash site dressed in Roman clothing fitting the exact description on the JOS site. I had been a xian for years And knew there was lies. Nothing added up and there was way to many contradictions. After seeing this picture then reading this I was sure.

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Yes! Isn't it wonderful to see clearly for the first time. :)
Hail Satan!

--- On Fri, 8/26/11, S A <skdjfoieh@... wrote:

From: S A <skdjfoieh@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Friday, August 26, 2011, 8:33 PM


I came to Lucifer in somewhat a similar manner. I was raised a Christian (more precisely, a Unificationist...) and took the basic morals to being a good person, but I never understood the nitty gritty details in the religion (mainly due to boredom). It baffled me why my mom was so sensitive to the word 'magic' if 'God' was allowed to perform miracles left and right. Not to mention, why was she so vehement about demons? If we're supposed to love everyone, as I figured back then, then we must surely show compassion to them as we would to people. Watching several shows depicting demons behaving more like people made it much easier for my mind to accept that they weren't as evil as my mom had said.

Eventually, I made a persona for myself that was part dragon (because I loved dragons) and part demon to relate myself to them. Then, I gave said persona a horrid past focused on the fact she was a demon in order to emphasize non-sense persecution. The more I kept drawing this persona, the more my mother questioned my belief in 'God' just because the demon was a demon. I kept crying my eyes out, but I didn't toss that persona away. Instead, I wanted to make a world for my stories which depicted demons as no more than people behavior-wise. Not to mention, said persona actually came to me in a dream one time...which I have to say was very odd.

Putting that aside and fastforwarding four years later after the creation of said persona, I was assigned a freeform project. I suddenly got the idea to write about the impact of the three main 'religions', though I can't recall why. So while I was researching, I stumbled across Exposing Christianity. Interested, I clicked on the link about the Inquisition. When I finished reading the page, I cried my eyes out again once more, wondering how anyone could forgive such a massacre (note: when I read about the Holocaust, it just didn't have the same impact). I continued reading more of the site before heading to the main Joy of Satan website. After I tried the hand chakra meditation and saw that it worked, I decided that I could take the information on the site more seriously. After reading a few more pages, I dedicated my life to Lucifer in private and finished up my report (which dropped my grade to a B because of how I wrote it...). Strangely, this was
also the same year my brother started to dislike Christianity.

I still have yet to adjust my fictional worlds to properly reflect what I've learned, but I'm glad that the two sites brought me out of my blindfold.

--- [/IMG][email protected], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

I am a writer. One day the idea just popped into my head, "write about demons"--so I started to research them. It led to studying secret societies, and I came across The Brotherhood of the Snake. It led me to JOS. Then when I was convinced Satan was greatly misunderstood, I asked him to send me a sign he was who he said he was. He sent an unmistakable sign. I dedicated. I KNOW Satan put the idea about writing about demons into my head to lead me to him, as I feel he's been leading me to him all my life. As a child I had sympathy for him no matter how many times I was told he was evil.

--- [/IMG][email protected], "roadtohel" <roadtohel@ wrote:

Hello everyone,

Since I am relatively new to Satanism, I'd like to know how others have found their way to our great and exalted Father. I know that it has been quite an adventure for me. There are those that have written that they knew since they were very young, and I only wish I was so lucky. Since I saw no threads on this, I'd thought I start one. So, I will give a brief summary of my path and I hope others will share.

As a child there were always occult influences around, I was a young teen in the times of movies like "the craft" so I had some experiences with the new age religion of Wicca and the occult at that time. I guess it wasn't until five years ago that I began serious study in the occult at first with wiccan teachings. They have a dedication ritual to Goddess; I would wait and wait and the day would come and then a voice (usually in my thoughts i have thousands in an instant and they are forgotten as soon as they are thought; this voice that stops all the other thoughts the voice that has been with me always, the lucid, and clear voice like lustral water, who I know to be my deamon now), told me not to do it,not to dedicate myself to this wiccan goddess, but to continue study of the occult. So years pass, and the years get stranger so inevitably I found myself scouring conspiracy sights. It became clear there was a huge problem with what many people who
were blaming Satan and the illuminati blah blah, well it was all christian biased, and I could not get over that fact (funny how everyone and their grandmother knows of the Illuminati these days). I know I was led to him, it was one thing after another. First it was my study and information about the Holocaust Jew lie and the shame they hold over my German ancestors, and then the majority of information on 666, and Satan, it was all biased by brainwashed christians. i did not understand how these experts in conspiracy and the like could see how mankind has been controlled, our history wiped out, and everyone lied to but somehow the bible in its many versions is the un-adultered word of god (truth)? Then one day, on those same conspiracy sites, there it was the link to the Joy of Satan website and I have never looked back. I asked for the truth and it came to me, and it is hidden from none. He leads to the straight path without a revealed book.

Hail Lucifer and the Deamons of Hell!
It's my friends ex girlfriends friend. Luckily for us he has a kid with her , hopefully she can locate her friend and get a copy.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

I would love to see that pic. :)

--- On Mon, 8/29/11, godrickzepher@... <godrickzepher@... wrote:

From: godrickzepher@... <godrickzepher@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, August 29, 2011, 6:41 AM


Well for me, back in 09 I just googled for the hell of it ( demon ranks ) I think that's what it was . Anyway I started reading about the Gods or Demons, wichever term one prefers, o ran across one that described a God about 10ft tall, resisdes over the dead, well a friend had died and my other friend took a pic the next day of the car wreck area. When we got the photo this exact being was in the pic hovering about the crash site dressed in Roman clothing fitting the exact description on the JOS site. I had been a xian for years And knew there was lies. Nothing added up and there was way to many contradictions. After seeing this picture then reading this I was sure.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

Yes! Isn't it wonderful to see clearly for the first time. :)

Hail Satan!


--- On Fri, 8/26/11, S A <skdjfoieh@ wrote:

From: S A <skdjfoieh@

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?

To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

Date: Friday, August 26, 2011, 8:33 PM


I came to Lucifer in somewhat a similar manner. I was raised a Christian (more precisely, a Unificationist...) and took the basic morals to being a good person, but I never understood the nitty gritty details in the religion (mainly due to boredom). It baffled me why my mom was so sensitive to the word 'magic' if 'God' was allowed to perform miracles left and right. Not to mention, why was she so vehement about demons? If we're supposed to love everyone, as I figured back then, then we must surely show compassion to them as we would to people. Watching several shows depicting demons behaving more like people made it much easier for my mind to accept that they weren't as evil as my mom had said.

Eventually, I made a persona for myself that was part dragon (because I loved dragons) and part demon to relate myself to them. Then, I gave said persona a horrid past focused on the fact she was a demon in order to emphasize non-sense persecution. The more I kept drawing this persona, the more my mother questioned my belief in 'God' just because the demon was a demon. I kept crying my eyes out, but I didn't toss that persona away. Instead, I wanted to make a world for my stories which depicted demons as no more than people behavior-wise. Not to mention, said persona actually came to me in a dream one time...which I have to say was very odd.

Putting that aside and fastforwarding four years later after the creation of said persona, I was assigned a freeform project. I suddenly got the idea to write about the impact of the three main 'religions', though I can't recall why. So while I was researching, I stumbled across Exposing Christianity. Interested, I clicked on the link about the Inquisition. When I finished reading the page, I cried my eyes out again once more, wondering how anyone could forgive such a massacre (note: when I read about the Holocaust, it just didn't have the same impact). I continued reading more of the site before heading to the main Joy of Satan website. After I tried the hand chakra meditation and saw that it worked, I decided that I could take the information on the site more seriously. After reading a few more pages, I dedicated my life to Lucifer in private and finished up my report (which dropped my grade to a B because of how I wrote it...). Strangely, this

also the same year my brother started to dislike Christianity.

I still have yet to adjust my fictional worlds to properly reflect what I've learned, but I'm glad that the two sites brought me out of my blindfold.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

I am a writer. One day the idea just popped into my head, "write about demons"--so I started to research them. It led to studying secret societies, and I came across The Brotherhood of the Snake. It led me to JOS. Then when I was convinced Satan was greatly misunderstood, I asked him to send me a sign he was who he said he was. He sent an unmistakable sign. I dedicated. I KNOW Satan put the idea about writing about demons into my head to lead me to him, as I feel he's been leading me to him all my life. As a child I had sympathy for him no matter how many times I was told he was evil.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "roadtohel" <roadtohel@ wrote:

Hello everyone,

Since I am relatively new to Satanism, I'd like to know how others have found their way to our great and exalted Father. I know that it has been quite an adventure for me. There are those that have written that they knew since they were very young, and I only wish I was so lucky. Since I saw no threads on this, I'd thought I start one. So, I will give a brief summary of my path and I hope others will share.

As a child there were always occult influences around, I was a young teen in the times of movies like "the craft" so I had some experiences with the new age religion of Wicca and the occult at that time. I guess it wasn't until five years ago that I began serious study in the occult at first with wiccan teachings. They have a dedication ritual to Goddess; I would wait and wait and the day would come and then a voice (usually in my thoughts i have thousands in an instant and they are forgotten as soon as they are thought; this voice that stops all the other thoughts the voice that has been with me always, the lucid, and clear voice like lustral water, who I know to be my deamon now), told me not to do it,not to dedicate myself to this wiccan goddess, but to continue study of the occult. So years pass, and the years get stranger so inevitably I found myself scouring conspiracy sights. It became clear there was a huge problem with what many people

were blaming Satan and the illuminati blah blah, well it was all christian biased, and I could not get over that fact (funny how everyone and their grandmother knows of the Illuminati these days). I know I was led to him, it was one thing after another. First it was my study and information about the Holocaust Jew lie and the shame they hold over my German ancestors, and then the majority of information on 666, and Satan, it was all biased by brainwashed christians. i did not understand how these experts in conspiracy and the like could see how mankind has been controlled, our history wiped out, and everyone lied to but somehow the bible in its many versions is the un-adultered word of god (truth)? Then one day, on those same conspiracy sites, there it was the link to the Joy of Satan website and I have never looked back. I asked for the truth and it came to me, and it is hidden from none. He leads to the straight path without a revealed book.

Hail Lucifer and the Deamons of Hell!
<td val[/IMG]k love to see it my frind :)
Hail Satan

--- On Tue, 8/30/11, godrickzepher@... <godrickzepher@... wrote:
From: godrickzepher@... <godrickzepher@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?
To: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 8:26 AM

  It's my friends ex girlfriends friend. Luckily for us he has a kid with her , hopefully she can locate her friend and get a copy.

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

I would love to see that pic. :)

--- On Mon, 8/29/11, godrickzepher@... <godrickzepher@... wrote:

From: godrickzepher@... <godrickzepher@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Monday, August 29, 2011, 6:41 AM


Well for me, back in 09 I just googled for the hell of it ( demon ranks ) I think that's what it was . Anyway I started reading about the Gods or Demons, wichever term one prefers, o ran across one that described a God about 10ft tall, resisdes over the dead, well a friend had died and my other friend took a pic the next day of the car wreck area. When we got the photo this exact being was in the pic hovering about the crash site dressed in Roman clothing fitting the exact description on the JOS site. I had been a xian for years And knew there was lies. Nothing added up and there was way to many contradictions. After seeing this picture then reading this I was sure.

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

Yes! Isn't it wonderful to see clearly for the first time. :)

Hail Satan!


--- On Fri, 8/26/11, S A <skdjfoieh@ wrote:

From: S A <skdjfoieh@

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did you find your way to Satan?

To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]

Date: Friday, August 26, 2011, 8:33 PM


I came to Lucifer in somewhat a similar manner. I was raised a Christian (more precisely, a Unificationist...) and took the basic morals to being a good person, but I never understood the nitty gritty details in the religion (mainly due to boredom). It baffled me why my mom was so sensitive to the word 'magic' if 'God' was allowed to perform miracles left and right. Not to mention, why was she so vehement about demons? If we're supposed to love everyone, as I figured back then, then we must surely show compassion to them as we would to people. Watching several shows depicting demons behaving more like people made it much easier for my mind to accept that they weren't as evil as my mom had said.

Eventually, I made a persona for myself that was part dragon (because I loved dragons) and part demon to relate myself to them. Then, I gave said persona a horrid past focused on the fact she was a demon in order to emphasize non-sense persecution. The more I kept drawing this persona, the more my mother questioned my belief in 'God' just because the demon was a demon. I kept crying my eyes out, but I didn't toss that persona away. Instead, I wanted to make a world for my stories which depicted demons as no more than people behavior-wise. Not to mention, said persona actually came to me in a dream one time...which I have to say was very odd.

Putting that aside and fastforwarding four years later after the creation of said persona, I was assigned a freeform project. I suddenly got the idea to write about the impact of the three main 'religions', though I can't recall why. So while I was researching, I stumbled across Exposing Christianity. Interested, I clicked on the link about the Inquisition. When I finished reading the page, I cried my eyes out again once more, wondering how anyone could forgive such a massacre (note: when I read about the Holocaust, it just didn't have the same impact). I continued reading more of the site before heading to the main Joy of Satan website. After I tried the hand chakra meditation and saw that it worked, I decided that I could take the information on the site more seriously. After reading a few more pages, I dedicated my life to Lucifer in private and finished up my report (which dropped my grade to a B because of how I wrote it...). Strangely, this

also the same year my brother started to dislike Christianity.

I still have yet to adjust my fictional worlds to properly reflect what I've learned, but I'm glad that the two sites brought me out of my blindfold.

--- [/IMG][email protected], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

I am a writer. One day the idea just popped into my head, "write about demons"--so I started to research them. It led to studying secret societies, and I came across The Brotherhood of the Snake. It led me to JOS. Then when I was convinced Satan was greatly misunderstood, I asked him to send me a sign he was who he said he was. He sent an unmistakable sign. I dedicated. I KNOW Satan put the idea about writing about demons into my head to lead me to him, as I feel he's been leading me to him all my life. As a child I had sympathy for him no matter how many times I was told he was evil.

--- [/IMG][email protected], "roadtohel" <roadtohel@ wrote:

Hello everyone,

Since I am relatively new to Satanism, I'd like to know how others have found their way to our great and exalted Father. I know that it has been quite an adventure for me. There are those that have written that they knew since they were very young, and I only wish I was so lucky. Since I saw no threads on this, I'd thought I start one. So, I will give a brief summary of my path and I hope others will share.

As a child there were always occult influences around, I was a young teen in the times of movies like "the craft" so I had some experiences with the new age religion of Wicca and the occult at that time. I guess it wasn't until five years ago that I began serious study in the occult at first with wiccan teachings. They have a dedication ritual to Goddess; I would wait and wait and the day would come and then a voice (usually in my thoughts i have thousands in an instant and they are forgotten as soon as they are thought; this voice that stops all the other thoughts the voice that has been with me always, the lucid, and clear voice like lustral water, who I know to be my deamon now), told me not to do it,not to dedicate myself to this wiccan goddess, but to continue study of the occult. So years pass, and the years get stranger so inevitably I found myself scouring conspiracy sights. It became clear there was a huge problem with what many people

were blaming Satan and the illuminati blah blah, well it was all christian biased, and I could not get over that fact (funny how everyone and their grandmother knows of the Illuminati these days). I know I was led to him, it was one thing after another. First it was my study and information about the Holocaust Jew lie and the shame they hold over my German ancestors, and then the majority of information on 666, and Satan, it was all biased by brainwashed christians. i did not understand how these experts in conspiracy and the like could see how mankind has been controlled, our history wiped out, and everyone lied to but somehow the bible in its many versions is the un-adultered word of god (truth)? Then one day, on those same conspiracy sites, there it was the link to the Joy of Satan website and I have never looked back. I asked for the truth and it came to me, and it is hidden from none. He leads to the straight path without a revealed book.

Hail Lucifer and the Deamons of Hell!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
