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How did the Quran predict LGTBQ?

god said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This has existed for centuries before the "Quran" has been written by the hands of a pedophile jew. Therefore, it's not hard to predict.

"How did the Quran not be holy book if it says the sun will come up tomorrow!", is no argument.

There is no Flying Black Horse, the kid Aisha's marriage is sick, and this "Prophet" is a jew and nothing else. This "Book" is just manmade fiction and contains nothing really accurate or of worth.


Try watching this below and de-program. You have been mentally enslaved by this. The Quran is nothing but an unscientific and stupid manual that claims it has ultimate knowledge without even having anything accurate from the most basics of regular science.

It's just a worthless book that has been promoted too much for centuries like the Bible, filled with inaccuracy and wrong information. You have been programmed by lies. If you can't understand any of this, it's alright, kebab brain is a common thing after being brainwashed with the "Holy" jewish book of the Quran.


That was weak. Will you disapprove this after I debunked you? Its okay they dont have to read this, only you and you will be shattered and put in your place.

First of all when you want to understand the Qur'an, there is no other door but through Arabic.

an Arabic linguist once explained that Arabs have 800 different vocabulary words for camel. And has 200 different vocabulary words for dogs.
More or less, Arabic has 12 million vocabulary words. The more vocabulary a language has, the clearer the meaning it delivers,

Meanwhile, for English this year, according to a joint research team, researchers from Havard University and Google noted that there was
1,022,000 words

Through the translations it often happens that the words get twisted around and this youtuber cant speak arabic so he basically used a random islam hating page. Lets get into the actual points now. THEY have NOTHING to do with MY post. They all rely on weird scientific things like „Allah put mountains on earth“ This guy is an atheistic fool ofcourse he will react stupid and dont know what this actually means. The highest energy which is not a person but far greater than a person which is god created all this and the creation of the mountains for example were just described in a beautiful way so how can someone say „no this doesnt work scientifically“ you are the admin of a spiritual forum you should know better and dont come at me with this weakness.

no jew has written this its explicit in the quran. the torah and bible got overwritten many times and are fake because they got overwritten so many times the bible especially is just literally a fantasy book where only like 20% is true. only the quran is true. it never got overwritten and always stayed the same.

you dont even actually get to the point i made which is lgbtq and you straightout bring lies out like you usually do and say it was written by jews before. when you dont even have a source but your source is a video from an atheist who doesnt know anything and who is a hater which you can tell by the stupid laughs and smiles he is feeling himself using stupid scientific knowledge on some random verses that are twisted around but doesnt even understand that it takes different dimensions and awarenesses to even comprehend the knowledge that is written. you cant be atheistic and understand a spiritual holy book. especially when the words are twisted around as ive proven and also the words still even make sense but obviously an atheist wont believe it.

some verses as shown there were not even written by mohammed and theres also no source i used a quran filter in arabic to find those words and i only could find like maybe 3-4 verses from the whole video.

sending me a video from this clown who actually got debunked in a video from another youtuber is completely useless and doesnt even have anything to do with my post. lets talk about spirituality and not some earthly weird „fun facts“. and lets talk about the lgbtq thing which the topic is actually about.

see you can delete this or dont approve this but you know and i know and the gods know that then you will be full of shit. allah is described as the god that is basically the energy of the universe. there is a reason many christians are against muslims. but nowadays christians have lost their place and most white kids are atheistic or something else only the oldies care about the bible. completely justified because the bible is a fake fantasy book. it got overwritten multiple times because they knew mohammed was the true prophet they adapted a lot of things from there but their book is still weak and fake.

the quran is the only holy book.

i dont need to do deprogramming when you cant even properly argue/debate.

im also not saying im completely on the side of the quran im still free and myself i havent fully commited my heart to islam for a reason.

in the quran says the sheytan uses lust and desires for his advantage which is clearly true because most people go satanic because they wanna be free and do whatever they want and be gay if they want or have sex whenever they want. following your lust will lead to illusions and misery. following your heart will lead to accomplishments.

so if you have no arguments for that then why are you even responding?

this forum overall cant debate properly and they always dodge and lie and say something that doesnt even make sense. like you as a prime example have not even talked about the actual point i made.

why is it that the hexagram and everything spiritual got invented in the central asian/arabic world? its because there is the origin of truth.

Listen here you little shit.

I am an Arabic and I have to burst your bubble. Quran is so full of shit and utter garbage.

You really are so dumb to think that the quran hasn't been modified?

I dare you to watch this video till the end by an ARABIC ex-muslim debunking your "holy" book that you base all of your beliefs and thoughts like a good pig.

You seem to not know the full history of the quran huh. Did you know that the quran has been written and compiled after the pedo piece of shit of yours died? (AKA mohamed)

Watch this fucking video and I dare you to come back at me.

Mudslime pig.
quran predicted blah blah blah, oh like the quran is just a bunch of things the reptilian jews stole from pagans, don't think i dont know its illegal in most of these arabic places to say summerian texts pre date the quran, oh but guess what they do. since it may pain you but all abrhamic religions came from the jews christianity,islam are branches of judaism, an if you don't read the torah it says every jew (not useful idiot)but jew will have 2000 slaves,an as far as lgbq guess what that existed before in ancient pagan times an beyond not to mention it also happens in nature which most abrahamic people would say (meh nature bes bad it not prove anthing)islam is not that old even christianity, its easy to find evidence for this to but in the end you do you @god,in the end if you find out the truth we are always here when you want real truth ,once many people figure out the truth they make great allies,an the oy veying can begin .

cant you see the jews want all your people eradicated but no (mes go to another country an leaving them) to barbaric jews
so sad
god said:
The Quran one of the oldest holiest books predicted LGTBQ. Its said in the Quran, that there will be a time in humanity someday where genders are gonna get mixed up and females will act like males and males act like females.

So how does a book actually thats so old predict such thing? LGBTQ started the last years and this book is thousands of years old. How is that possible?

This proves this is the book of truth. Debunked this whole forum. Debunked the moderators. Debunked your whole existence.

Here we go again with the brainwashed judeo-arabic muslim,
who believes in jewish myths and plans, which they call "prophecies".
Your quran was written by jews with occult knowledge just like the bible, it is a psychological tool for control.
And it is not that old. An "old" book that was written by retards doesn't mean it is good or correct automatically.
See? I debunked your fantasy without a "holy" book.
god said:
The Quran one of the oldest holiest books predicted LGTBQ. Its said in the Quran, that there will be a time in humanity someday where genders are gonna get mixed up and females will act like males and males act like females.

So how does a book actually thats so old predict such thing? LGBTQ started the last years and this book is thousands of years old. How is that possible?

This proves this is the book of truth. Debunked this whole forum. Debunked the moderators. Debunked your whole existence.

Look at you, submitting and throwing yourself on the ground 5 times a day,
for a judeo-arabic occult book filled with jewish mythologies which never happened.
There is nothing in that book which empowers your soul, on the contrary,
it is soul draining, that is why most muslims look and behave like zombies,
depressed, angry, hateful and deceitful
walking dead, ready to die for their religion.
A book of death, not life. Life-hating, world-hating, dividing.
We don't live by a book, we live with truth and life.
Who's this parasite here wasting everyone's time and energy. No point in arguing with this insignificant piece of shit. I meet these type of motherfuckers everyday.
I grew up as a Muslim, I still live in a 100% Muslim country. The best thing I've ever done in my life is leaving that filthy islam.
Quran is worse than the bible in my opinion. Muslims are worse than christians. Muslims are the most delusional bunch I have ever seen. Yes, this includes my own muslim family and friends too.

Whoever you are motherfucker, if you are a muslim aren't you supposed to refrain from cursing other people and shit like this? You are supposed to be like the pedophile Muhammed, isn't it? According to your quran and other shit you are never to get angry or say any sort of shit to anyone else? Even if someone comes and beat the crap out of you, you aren't allowed to say or do anything back, isn't it?

Shut your filthy mouth or else your Allah might come and fuck you in the ass while you are sleeping. He's probably gonna fuck your ass on your "judgement day" too.
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Whoever you are motherfucker, if you are a muslim aren't you supposed to refrain from cursing other people and shit like this? You are supposed to be like the pedophile Muhammed, isn't it? According to your quran and other shit you are never to get angry or say any sort of shit to anyone else? Even if someone comes and beat the crap out of you, you aren't allowed to say or do anything back, isn't it?

The muslim I was debating with long ago on another forum was very different from this one. Not cursing anyone, behaving nice and calm regardless of what people was attacking him with. That made him look better than many others which actually is a pretty good tactic for coming of as someone credible and mature - adding credibility to his religion. Same principle with xianity also. I've thought of that since then; how xians and muslims can become sort of professional manipulatorares themselves by acting so nice all the time.

Therefore it's important to not curse/use bad language etc. when debating with these people, regardless of how shitty their religions really are. In order to get respect for what I believe in I have to show respect to what the other person believes.
This is quite a nonsense thread though. "Debunked your whole existence" etc. :mrgreen:
xlnt said:
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Whoever you are motherfucker, if you are a muslim aren't you supposed to refrain from cursing other people and shit like this? You are supposed to be like the pedophile Muhammed, isn't it? According to your quran and other shit you are never to get angry or say any sort of shit to anyone else? Even if someone comes and beat the crap out of you, you aren't allowed to say or do anything back, isn't it?

The muslim I was debating with long ago on another forum was very different from this one. Not cursing anyone, behaving nice and calm regardless of what people was attacking him with. That made him look better than many others which actually is a pretty good tactic for coming of as someone credible and mature - adding credibility to his religion. Same principle with xianity also. I've thought of that since then; how xians and muslims can become sort of professional manipulatorares themselves by acting so nice all the time.

Therefore it's important to not curse/use bad language etc. when debating with these people, regardless of how shitty their religions really are. In order to get respect for what I believe in I have to show respect to what the other person believes.
This is quite a nonsense thread though. "Debunked your whole existence" etc. :mrgreen:

I understand what you mean. Although, reasoning with these people is literally impossible. There are extremely few muslims around who's more open minded than the usual. But people like these who come up to our turf just to say shit, they are hopeless cases. You cannot expect them to respect us or even try to understand anything here, no matter how respectful you are to them.

When it comes to Satan, they won't even pretend to listen. You see, islam is the worst enemy program there is without a doubt. Every single bad thing is blamed on Satan. Any crime they commit is always blamed on Satan. They are extremely delusional on so many levels. Any mistakes they make, it's always because Satan is in their heads making them do it. Sometimes those arguments even hold in court at places like where i live in.

Women gets raped and it's always her fault she got raped. Because of how she dresses or some shit like that. Most rapists don't even get 1 day of jail time. But you get caught stealing an apple from a convenience store, you get locked up for years.

All that aside, I completely understand your point. But when it comes to muslims it's very personal for me. Plus I cannot accept any muslims coming here and disrespecting our HP.
Stormblood said:
The Alchemist7 said:
FancyMancy said:
I interacted briefly with someone online who "converted" "from" christianity "to" islam. The reason was because islam claims to know something about spheres hanging in the sky/heavens i.e. Planets. That was merely the reason they "converted" "from" abrahamism 1.1 "to" abrahamism 1.2 (1.0 being judaism itself).
Lol is like converting from McDonalds to KFC

KFC is actually better than McDonalds. They don't use trans/hydrogenated fat in any of their products. McDonalds, Burger King and similar do all the time. The main issue is that apparently they use low linoleic soybean oil for frying, when they should use evo oil or coconut oil. Any other oil is unsuited to frying. Not to mention, they should stave off deep-frying, which is the unhealthiest cooking method, and they should offer non-crispy alternatives to their meat products, as not everyone wants to OD on carbs nor do we need to, as the majority aren't pro athletes.
I am not surprised. It seems the company who owns KFC might have a sort of `philosophy` centered on healthier food since they also own Subway and as far as I can tell there is nothing unhealthy in the Subway food, appart from the white bread which is unhealthy anyway.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Debating in Islam:

-Are you a muslim?
-You must become
-I don't want, why?
-Because you must
-I don't want leave me alone
-*checks around on if they live in the civilized world, if not, takes knife out, stabs person* Sorry infidel you didn't join the religion of peace

The above is your debating guide with Islam.
Lol, something like the muslim who created the thread would likely do
The Alchemist7 said:
I am not surprised. It seems the company who owns KFC might have a sort of `philosophy` centered on healthier food since they also own Subway and as far as I can tell there is nothing unhealthy in the Subway food, appart from the white bread which is unhealthy anyway.

The food in Subway is fake and it is not what they say it is. There are law suits in America against Subway because somebody went to something like 10 different Subway restaurants around California and ordered the tuna sandwich, and sent them to DNA labs to be tested. And they had 0% tuna DNA, but they did have DNA from chickens, pigs, and cows. And more unknown/unidentified DNA. And you can not say that tuna DNA was not found because of degradation during the cooking and mixing, because then how did all those other animals get in there?

And the ham is fake. It is really turkey that is sprayed with ham flavoring. How fucked up that the pig is not a pig, but the fish is a pig?

These are just the two examples I know about, but both are pretty strong. If they lie so badly about these things, what else do they lie about? I would not trust them at all.

And KFC is not great either. You can say it is healthy because it is a big piece of chicken, but it is still extremely greasy. I don't think that KFC is any more healthier than Popeyes, but at least Popeyes tastes a lot better. KFC and Popeyes both might have some sides that are healthy, because both have some kinds of vegetables.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The food in Subway is fake and it is not what they say it is. There are law suits in America against Subway because somebody went to something like 10 different Subway restaurants around California and ordered the tuna sandwich, and sent them to DNA labs to be tested. And they had 0% tuna DNA, but they did have DNA from chickens, pigs, and cows. And more unknown/unidentified DNA. And you can not say that tuna DNA was not found because of degradation during the cooking and mixing, because then how did all those other animals get in there?
I am wondering whether these are isolated cases or not, although is hard to label 10 different restaurants as `isolated cases`. But then if that's a standard practice from Subway, it raises the question how comes they are still in business? After it was discovered that the tuna is pig and not tuna, these restaurants should have been closed immediately as they represent a hazard for people. Maybe because a big jew corporation is behind them? Initially I thought that they make simply sandwiches so what big deal can be wrong with them but if I think more about it, apart from the meat as you pointed, probably the vegetables too are mostly from greenhouses and sprayed with pesticides. Is good I am not into fast-food, I think I can count on the fingers of two hands the number of times I ever ate in these kind of restaurants.
The Alchemist7 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The food in Subway is fake and it is not what they say it is. There are law suits in America against Subway because somebody went to something like 10 different Subway restaurants around California and ordered the tuna sandwich, and sent them to DNA labs to be tested. And they had 0% tuna DNA, but they did have DNA from chickens, pigs, and cows. And more unknown/unidentified DNA. And you can not say that tuna DNA was not found because of degradation during the cooking and mixing, because then how did all those other animals get in there?
I am wondering whether these are isolated cases or not, although is hard to label 10 different restaurants as `isolated cases`. But then if that's a standard practice from Subway, it raises the question how comes they are still in business? After it was discovered that the tuna is pig and not tuna, these restaurants should have been closed immediately as they represent a hazard for people. Maybe because a big jew corporation is behind them? Initially I thought that they make simply sandwiches so what big deal can be wrong with them but if I think more about it, apart from the meat as you pointed, probably the vegetables too are mostly from greenhouses and sprayed with pesticides. Is good I am not into fast-food, I think I can count on the fingers of two hands the number of times I ever ate in these kind of restaurants.
Teenagers are gonna be asking why their face is full of acne, society is so ignorant about health they can't pinpoint it to the fact they eat fast food so much.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
god said:
The Quran one of the oldest holiest books predicted LGTBQ. Its said in the Quran, that there will be a time in humanity someday where genders are gonna get mixed up and females will act like males and males act like females.

So how does a book actually thats so old predict such thing? LGBTQ started the last years and this book is thousands of years old. How is that possible?

This proves this is the book of truth. Debunked this whole forum. Debunked the moderators. Debunked your whole existence.

Look at you, submitting and throwing yourself on the ground 5 times a day,
for a judeo-arabic occult book filled with jewish mythologies which never happened.
There is nothing in that book which empowers your soul, on the contrary,
it is soul draining, that is why most muslims look and behave like zombies,
depressed, angry, hateful and deceitful
walking dead, ready to die for their religion.
A book of death, not life. Life-hating, world-hating, dividing.
We don't live by a book, we live with truth and life.
I love this reply so much.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
