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How Communism Captures

Fourth Reich

Oct 29, 2010
How Co[/IMG]appeals and l[/IMG][*]<b [/IMG]War.[/B] By th[/IMG]The Pro[/IMG]l[/IMG]The Fake Pro[/IMG][/IMG]<u [/IMG]Part Two: Subvers[/IMG]Subvers[/IMG]de[/IMG]Fa[/IMG]Educat[/IMG]Soc[/IMG]Power Structure[/B] - The natural bod[/IMG]Law and Order [/B]– These are tar[/IMG]Econo[/IMG]Culture, [/IMG]Destab[/IMG]For exa[/IMG]The next sta[/IMG]Then follows the next sta[/IMG]Cr[/IMG] [/B]Th[/IMG]Nor[/IMG]A per[/IMG][*]Everyone [/IMG]And all who bel[/IMG]http://see_the_truth.webs.com/Xianity_and_Communism.htm[/url][/B]
The following excerpt was taken from "Nature's Eternal Religion" by Ben Klassen Note* Although this article was written for a white audience, Jewish communism affects all Gentiles [non-jews] regardless of race, and this is definitely worth a read. Christianity is a preparation for communism, its doctrines are identical with communist philosophy, and there is nothing spiritual about it. All occult knowledge and power that would enable Gentiles to fight back through spiritual warfare [what the Jews have been using against us for centuries] has been systematically removed. After being forcibly removed with the Inquisition, this power has been in the hands of the top Jewish rabbis to throw curses, create unimaginable wealth and power, and to use at will against Gentiles. In other words, as the "YHVH" aka "Jehova" is in truth the Jewish people, they become "God."
Communism is another Jewish brotherhood scam that fools Gentiles into thinking it is for equality, peace, and better living. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is a Jewish program of genocide, mass-murder, and slavery for Gentiles, regardless of color.
Quote from the Jewish Talmud: Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L:
<[/IMG]"Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."[/I]  
Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins from "Nature's Eternal Religion" by Ben Klassen To hear the Kosher Konservatives tell it, a fierce, intensive battle is raging today between the evil forces of communism and the sacred forces of Christianity. We are led to believe that it is an all out battle between good and evil. We are told that these two forces are the very essence of two poles of opposition — in complete and diametrical conflict. It is a sham battle. The fact is they are both degenerate products of the collective Jewish mind, designed to do one and the same thing — to destroy the White Race. If we take a closer look at these two evil forces that have bedeviled and tormented the minds of the White Race for all these years, we find that they are not on opposite sides at all. We find that they are both on the side of international Jewry, doing the job they were designed to do, namely: confuse and confound the White Man's intelligence so that he himself will help the Jew in destroying the White Race. In comparing the two we find that they are strikingly similar, and not opposites. In fact, there are so many similarities in the two programs and in the philosophy of these two creeds that the hand of the same author can easily be detected. That author is the International Jewish network. They and they alone wrote both the creed of Christianity and the creed of communism. Both communism and Christianity preach against materialism. Communism designates those productive and creative forces of our society to which we owe in such large part the benefits of a productive White civilization, as "bourgeois." It then lashes out with unparalleled fury at the bourgeois and tells us over and over again that they must be destroyed. Instead of giving credit where credit is due, it slanders and vilifies these constructive and productive elements, namely the bourgeois or the capitalists, as the ultimate in evil. Christianity tells us basically the same thing. It tells us that it will be more difficult for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven. It tells us that we should "sell all thou hast and give it to the poor," an insidious piece of advice that, if followed, would make us all a pack of roving bums and beggars. It would most surely cause the breakdown of our society. Christianity further tells us "lay not up treasures on earth, but lay up treasures in heaven." Throughout, the implication is clear. Don't accumulate unto yourself any of the good things in life. If, through hard work, you've already managed to accumulate some wealth, get rid of it, give it away, give it to the poor, above all, give it to the Church, they'll take it, with relish. The net result of this fantastically bad advice, of course, is that it will more easily pass into the hands of the Jews, who do not subscribe to such foolishness. They hope to make fools of us, knowing very well the old saying "A fool and his money are soon parted," is only too true. The other side of the coin is that the leaders of both Christianity and communism themselves are fantastically materialistic. When we look at the Catholic Church on down through the ages, we find that whereas they were extracting the last mite from the poor widow, the church itself was gathering up and hoarding gold, silver and precious gems in unbelievable quantities. Not only was it taking in and gathering all the gold, silver and precious stones that it could, but it acquired huge amounts of real estate, and the Catholic Church today is undoubtedly the most fantastically wealthy institution on the face of the earth. Even through the Dark Ages when poverty was widespread, mostly because of Christianity itself, we find these huge and fabulously rich cathedrals, built in the midst of poverty, with gold encrusted altars and apses and vaults and columns and walls. The leadership of the Church caused to be built huge and great Basilicas, Cathedrals, Abbeys, Baptisteries, Mausoleums, Convents, and Churches. Practically all of these were so lavish and so huge in comparison with the meager surroundings of the times, that they flamboyantly stood out as the main repository of all the material wealth — gold, silver and architectural lavishness — of both their era and their geographical location. The church never has bothered to explain why it was so necessary to have such lavish wealth on display to the worshipping faithful, who were told time and again that it was evil to "lay up treasures." Unto this day, churches are built to be flamboyant, garish and bizarre. Money seems to be no object. The Vatican, that citadel of "spiritual" leadership, which also preaches, "lay not up treasures on earth," does not practice what it preaches. On the contrary, what it practices is indeed the height of hypocrisy, and the antithesis of spirituality. It goes all out for laying up treasures on earth. It has amassed unto itself a portfolio of 5.6 billion dollars in stocks alone, not to mention all of its real estate, art treasures and other valuables. It enjoys an annual income of 1.5 billion dollars, much of it undoubtedly collected from the "widow's last mite," as well as its vast holdings. Next Back Home The United States religious establishment as a whole is valued at 102 billion dollars. In 1969, of the 17.6 billion dollars United States individuals contributed to charity, 45 percent, or 7.9 billion dollars was earmarked for religious purposes. Pretty materialistic for a religion that "shuns" earthly treasures and preaches "my kingdom is not of this world."

Likewise, the communist bosses in Russia, practically all of which are Jews, have accumulated unto themselves all the riches of the countryside. While the communist slave laborer is toiling away twelve hours a day and then comes home to a dingy, dirty, filthy, crowded little apartment shared with other families, his Jewish bosses have opulent palaces spread all over the countryside. They drive the best of cars, chauffeur driven, of course, and eat the best of foods. Not only that, but they have the best of planes at their disposal to fly wherever they see fit to govern their slave laborers. These Jewish communist bosses usually also have at their disposal imported clothes and tailors and a galaxy of servants. When they need a rest from running their slave empire, they have private villas on the Black Sea or other choice vacation spots at their beck and call. And so it goes in the Proletarian Worker's Paradise. Let us pass on to the next similarity. Both communism and Christianity make extensive use of the weapons of terror, both psychological and real. Undoubtedly the most ghoulish and vicious concept ever contrived by the depraved and collective mind of Jewry is the concept of hell. Can you think of anything more horrible than placing millions of people in confinement in a superheated torture chamber and then burning them forever and ever without even the mitigating mercy of allowing them to die? With this piece of "Good News," and "Joyful Tidings," Christianity set out to conquer the minds of its superstitious and unreasoning victims. The fact that such a torture chamber was non-existent did not at all detract from the fact that it was a real threat to those who were made to believe that it was real. To a child, for instance, if you tell him that the Boogieman is going to get him, and he innocently believes you, then the threat is just as real as if a Boogieman actually existed. And so it is with hell. To those that have become convinced that it exists, this horrible threat is just as real as if it did exist. However, Christianity did not stop with using psychological terror alone. Those who deviated from the official church line were declared as heretics and forthwith burned at the stake. The idea of using fire in one form or another as a means of torturing their opponents seems to have obsessed these "loving" Christians' minds. According to van Braght's famous Martyr's Mirror, some 33,000 Christians were put to death by other so-called Christians by means of burning at the stake, a grizzly type of revenge. Among my ancestors alone (who were of the Mennonite faith) some 2,000 martyrs were burned at the stake by these ever-loving Christians. One outstanding feature about this burning at the stake business was that they were always White people who were being burned. Never have I ever heard of a Jew being burned at the stake for not believing precisely along specified lines of Judaism, even though they did not believe in Christ at all. Burning at the stake wasn't the only means of torture and death used by these love-dispensing Christians who were so eager lo spread their message of love. During the Inquisition, and other times, all the beastly refinements of torture that the depraved human mind could devise were used to extort confessions and whip the unbelievers or heretics into line. The thumb-screw, water-dip, the iron corset, drawn and quartered, gouging out one's eyes with hot irons, and the rack (slowly tearing limb from body by means of stretching) were but some of the devices used by these ever-loving Christians to spread their gospel of Love. When the communists came along and used physical torture as one of their instruments of conquest, they had very little left to invent but what the Christians had already utilized before them. And this is as can be expected, since it was Jewish fiendishness that designed the means of torture for both. Nor did the Church hesitate to use wholesale warfare to batter down whole nations that did not submit to their religious dictation. In fact during the 16th, 17th and 18th century the main causes of war were religious dissentions in which one religious group sought to force their beliefs on their opposites by wholesale warfare and slaughter. The communist record of using wholesale terror, both psychological and physical, is so recent, so widespread and so well known that we need hardly review it here. In Russia alone the Jewish communist regime used terror on a scale unknown before in the annals of history. In order to exterminate the best of the White Race in Russia, namely the White Russians, the Jews slaughtered some 20,000,000. The terror, the killings, the murders that are going on in Russia today defy the imagination of the average White Man's mind. In any case, both communism and Christianity are using, and have used, terror extensively, both psychological and physical, to subjugate their victims. Whereas the Christians excelled in psychological terror, the communists excel in physical terror. But in both cases the Jews were experts in using whatever type of terror best accomplished their ends. Both communism and Christianity have a book that presumably lays down the creed of their movement. Christianity has the Jewish bible which was written by Jews, mostly about Jews, for the purpose of uniting the Jewish race and for destroying the White Race. The communist bible is Karl Marx's Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx in conjunction with Friedrich Engels, both of whom were Jews. Both of these Jewish creeds, communism and Christianity, are highly destructive, and when followed, tear down the fabric of the society that has fallen victim to them. Christianity teaches the evilness of man, that he is a no-good, unworthy sinner, that he is born in sin and that his every instinct is evil. Communism preaches that the productive, creative element of our society, namely the "bourgeois" as they call them, is rotten and evil, and must be destroyed. It can be safely said that any sound, healthy society that turned either to complete Christianity and practiced all of its principles, or any society that practiced pure communism, would soon destroy itself. Again we want to vigorously point out that contrary to what these Kosher Konservatives are always telling us, communism is by no means the same as socialism or collectivism. The latter are basic constructive elements of any healthy society, but communism is an undisguised Jewish slave-labor camp. Since I have gone into this matter in considerable detail in another chapter, we will not take further space to review this idea here. Both communism and Christianity preach the equality of man. Christianity preaches that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord, whereas the communists preach that we all must become equal in the communist society. The latter argue that the only reason we are not equal is entirely due to environment, and this little quirk of Nature they are going to correct. By the time they get through processing us all in an equal environment, they assure us they will have leveled us all down to where we are all equal.

(Message over 64 KB, truncated)
The one advantage we have over the Jews is there is half of their entire population is in Israel at this point and they are only 12 million in number and their rate of intermarriage is far greater than ours, they're marrying outside their race at close to 50%. Whites (although declining in numbers) are close to a billion in number and are all over the world and only 1 in 10 Whites are dating interracially in the US. UK has the highest rate of interracial marriage in Europe but even in the UK it's only 1 in 25 Whites who date interracially.

The US which has 200 million + Whites, does not even contain half or even a third of the worlds White population. Israel which has 6 million Jews contains more than half of the worlds Jewish population and even more soon enough as more and more move there.

One big war which Israel is involved in could put a massive dent in their numbers, they must know this. That is why Israel has stocked up so heavily on nukes.
Hello my fellow Satanic Warriors!

Would someone please clarify if this post is accurate?

Jews kill 66 million Christians in Russian Communist Holocaust.

I saw a redflag with the '66' number, as we know Jew's are obsessed with six.
http://www.localterror.com/tag/jews-kil ... holocaust/

Appreciate your knowledge

#expose the Enemy!

Fight on!

Hail Satan!
Hail Lilith!
Hail Asmodeus!
Hail all our Gods of Hell
This website is a den of christans...However, that is correct. Many millions of Russian Gentiles were killed by jewish communism. HAIL SATAN!!!

Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 14, 2015, at 20:25, "rebelrainbowrose@... [666BlackSun]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello my fellow Satanic Warriors!

Would someone please clarify if this post is accurate?

Jews kill 66 million Christians in Russian Communist Holocaust.

I saw a redflag with the '66' number, as we know Jew's are obsessed with six.
http://www.localterror.com/tag/jews-kil ... holocaust/

Appreciate your knowledge

#expose the Enemy!

Fight on!

Hail Satan!
Hail Lilith!
Hail Asmodeus!
Hail all our Gods of Hell
Thank you!
Yeah only after I read the xian shit on there and blaming Satanism tied to jewilluminati. Which we all know is utter blasphemy.
I curse the enemies and their xian minions for feeding the masses with such ignorance 
Hail Satan!Hail Asmodeus!Hail Lilith and our Gods of Hell!

Sent from Yahoo7 Mail on Android
On Tue, 15 Dec, 2015 at 12:29 pm, Sam sam.hinkley17@... [666BlackSun]<[email protected] wrote:   This website is a den of christans...However, that is correct. Many millions of Russian Gentiles were killed by jewish communism. HAIL SATAN!!!

Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 14, 2015, at 20:25, "<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect">rebelra[/IMG][email protected] wrote:

  Hello my fellow Satanic Warriors!

Would someone please clarify if this post is accurate?

Jews kill 66 million Christians in Russian Communist Holocaust.

I saw a redflag with the '66' number, as we know Jew's are obsessed with six.
http://www.localterror.com/tag/jews-kil ... holocaust/

Appreciate your knowledge

#expose the Enemy!

Fight on!

Hail Satan!
Hail Lilith!
Hail Asmodeus!
Hail all our Gods of Hell

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
