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How can I overcome or transform Venus square Pluto in my natal chart?


Apr 9, 2018
Hello there!

I have Venus square Pluto in my natal chart . My Venus (Aquarious) is in the 8th house and my Pluto (Sagittarious) is in the 5th house . How can I overcome or transform this hard aspect?

Hail Satan!
What kind of issues is it causing you. It really depends. I don't think of this as a totally bad aspect. Also it's an out of sign square with Pluto less negative effects cause Sagittarius and Aquarius tend to go well together
As slyscorpion said it's not always a bad aspect. You have to be able to control those strong emotions tho. If you're a very jealous, obsessive and emotional person this aspect can cause serious trouble, to you and others.
Look at your chart, if you have a strong Water influence, Scorpio in particular, this can be bad.

You can't "fix" single aspects, but you can work on your Planets and Elements. If you struggle to control your emotions invoking the air element might be your solution. Invoking elements is not for newbies tho, it is quite advanced, be careful with it.
Nero said:
Hello there!

I have Venus square Pluto in my natal chart . My Venus (Aquarious) is in the 8th house and my Pluto (Sagittarious) is in the 5th house . How can I overcome or transform this hard aspect?

Hail Satan!

It is not always negative, if there is this aspect in the themes of both and there is a good synastry it can lead to a lot of intense happiness.

To sublimate this aspect you can use the square of Venus, work with the throat chakra, use the Eihwaz rune to better direct your will to control emotions in a healthy way.

One of the most positive things you can do is create an aura of attraction for intense love to start with the Moon in Libra preferably.
slyscorpion said:
What kind of issues is it causing you. It really depends. I don't think of this as a totally bad aspect. Also it's an out of sign square with Pluto less negative effects cause Sagittarius and Aquarius tend to go well together

sorry for the late reply, i just needed some time for introspection to better understand how this aspect affects me. It seems now I more or less understand how it affects me. The first thing I would like to note is my inner desire for intense emotions and feelings. Those relationships or people who cannot provide me with a high intensity of feelings seem insipid to me. Second, this is my subconscious desire to manipulate. I noticed that I have an almost unconscious desire to completely subjugate a person so that he belongs to me in body and soul. At the same time, I myself can be quite aloof, thereby preferring, as it were, from the side to observe how a person dissolves in me, but I don’t. Thirdly, It is my tendency to envy other people's success. If someone (especially my friends and acquaintances) becomes more successful than me, it starts to make me uncomfortable. Fourth, it is my tendency to be jealous of my partner for her past. If a girl had someone before me, then I would begin to imagine how they kiss or have sex and it makes the blood boil in my veins. By the way, I would also like to tell you a story that recently happened to me. Last fall, I talked with a girl. We felt sympathy for each other, but I did not show enough effort to win her heart, you can say that I was somewhat cold with her. It seems to me that I did not provide her with the emotions and warmth that she desired. Maybe it's because my Venus is in Aquarius and her venus and moon are in Leo. In general, she lost interest in me and found another guy. When I found out about this, I became almost obsessed with her, I began to dream of being with her, in order to return her interest in me and make her mine. It took almost half a year for me to get out of this situation. I still remember her and the idea that she is with another guy kills me inside

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
