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How can I increase my mental resilience / fortitude?

Lunar Dance 666

Well-known member
Jan 3, 2019
Hey everyone,

Something has been bugging me for a while.

I noticed that I spend a lot of time doing unproductive things, at first it was mostly because I was tired, and apparently I have been terrible at making a proper day schedule.

But I've also not wanted to listen to any kind of news or radio. I don't want any of this.

I don't want this situation and I've been trying to shut the outside out all the time. But recent developments have made it clear to me that there is no way out of it. The current situation in the world has to be faced head on.

I've done a working with nauthiz and it has helped some, but it is not enough. I am not where I want to be.

Perhaps its not just this but also some of the other crazy things that have been going on in my life, although, I have not yet been faced with losing my job (fortunately).

But I've experienced when I got in a nonsense argument and was threatened to be kicked out of the house. That night I just left to get some air, and I felt my head shifting into black/white mode. I fought it off but I never want to be down in that dark hole again.

I need to become stronger. More decisive. More in control. Not faced by anything.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for workings that I could do.

Also any ideas or things that might help with scheduling/organizing your time better, would be really helpful.

I know I've read some things in the past and I've had a hard time implementing them, some I don't think I even gave a proper chance.

But right now, if nothing changes.. If I do not work on changing myself full time on and be a proper satanist again.. then where will I be?

~Lunar Dance

Hail Satan!
I find the breath of fire pranayama is helpful for feeling calm/confident/more powerful.

Perhaps solar chakra based yoga poses? Bow pose?

For mental peace/not being fazed. I use relaxation meditations and mindfulness. With the relaxation one I focus on finding and then relaxing any tension in the body or mind for 20m or so. Mindfulness is about noting any sensory phenomena, it helps with not getting "caught up" in impulses. I recommend having a look at Shinzen Youngs Five Ways system (I know he is Jewish, in case anyone brings it up). He also has youtube channels.

To do lists? Do the most important things first/prioritize. Maybe journal for 10 minutes a day to help clear the mind. As you only have some much internal mental space, I've found Thinking on Paper (Jean Moroney)/journaling helps.

Pomodoro technique might also help you.
I think this youtube channel has some stuff around goals but don't remember the videos, useful information though:

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Hey everyone,

Something has been bugging me for a while.

I noticed that I spend a lot of time doing unproductive things, at first it was mostly because I was tired, and apparently I have been terrible at making a proper day schedule.

But I've also not wanted to listen to any kind of news or radio. I don't want any of this.

I don't want this situation and I've been trying to shut the outside out all the time. But recent developments have made it clear to me that there is no way out of it. The current situation in the world has to be faced head on.

I've done a working with nauthiz and it has helped some, but it is not enough. I am not where I want to be.

Perhaps its not just this but also some of the other crazy things that have been going on in my life, although, I have not yet been faced with losing my job (fortunately).

But I've experienced when I got in a nonsense argument and was threatened to be kicked out of the house. That night I just left to get some air, and I felt my head shifting into black/white mode. I fought it off but I never want to be down in that dark hole again.

I need to become stronger. More decisive. More in control. Not faced by anything.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for workings that I could do.

Also any ideas or things that might help with scheduling/organizing your time better, would be really helpful.

I know I've read some things in the past and I've had a hard time implementing them, some I don't think I even gave a proper chance.

But right now, if nothing changes.. If I do not work on changing myself full time on and be a proper satanist again.. then where will I be?

~Lunar Dance

Hail Satan!
From what I have learned in this past week, each and everyone in this world is in a certain state/condition. If each of these states were to emit a unique wavelength, then by studying these wavelengths, one could know what kind of emotional state/condition a person is in.

This following comes from my past years life experience. I used to be lazy and just kept reading novels or procrastinating. If I was to study the kind of wavelength that I emitted back then, one could know my weak and lazy state.

Coming to present, I have changed a lot and have become productive for the past month. I do things even when I don't want to do them. How am I able to do things which I don't want to do knowing that its good for me ? Well, I completely altered my state. When you wake up, first thing in the morning, summon willpower/resolution and say to yourself that 'Today, I am going to follow the schedule no matter what'.
It doesn't matter how vague or how tiny the fragments of willpower/resolution you muster, the important thing is that you do muster it.
What this does is it alters your state to active/resolute. You would start emitting a different kind of wavelength. Your goal is to keep being in this state throughout the day.
The way to maintain this state is to follow your ideal schedule which is filled with productive work such as meditation, warfare, studies,work for Satan and/or any work that you deem productive and good for yourself.
I think that being in this state throughout the day activates and empowers your base chakra.

Why is it that people find it hard to do things that they don't want to do but suddenly find it easy if they actually start doing it ?
Why is it that at first when you don't want to go to school because it sucks but when you actually do go to school, its not so bad or hard as you previously thought ?
Also, why is it that people don't want to go to work on Mondays but when they do actually go to work on Mondays, its not so hard as they previously thought during the their holidays/weekend ?

The answer to above has to do with transition of state. When someone doesn't want to do hard work when he is in bed, its because he is in a lazy 'state'. He is emitting a different kind of wavelength. In this state or when he's emitting such wavelengths, he doesn't want to do anything that is hard. He wants to keep emitting such kind of wavelengths.
However, if he actually forces himself to do what he doesn't want to, he transitions into a different state and starts emitting a different wavelength than the previous one. In this state, its easy for him to do his work which in his previous state was something hard for him to do.
The same applies for people who don't want to go to work on on Mondays during weekend or people who don't want to go to school in the morning. Most of it has to do with the state they are in.

This is exactly why I tell you to be in a productive state first thing in the morning by the use of affirmation and maintain such state throughout your whole day.
That said, I don't want to sell a method or show people an easy way out about being productive and resolute. This was and will never be my intention.

I will say this to you, Nothing ever beats sheer willpower. I repeat, nothing ever beats sheer willpower in this world. Let this not intimidate you. One does not have to summon a sea of willpower at first. Even fragments of it is enough during beginning stages. Just the act of summoning willpower has power in it. Slowly but surely, people start changing into a more resolute person and have more willpower, even if they just try to summon it for a longer periods of time. This is so because after trying to summon it for longer periods of time, before they know it, they will actually be summoning willpower. Its like using an organ that was atrophied. Eventually if you keep exercising this or keep simulating the organ for a period of time, it will restart its function. This applies to people(gentiles) from all walks of life. I read somewhere in one of HPHoodedCobra's sermons that Sir Satan helps those who summon willpower or those who at least try to summon it.

I used to feel inferior/jealous/repulsed towards the word willpower itself because it never worked for me. I thought people could get by doing hard work without willpower.
So, I used to keep finding easy methods to stay productive/hardworking which when followed would make me productive or hardworking without summoning or using any willpower.
On jewtube, I saw many videos of 'how to stay productive' or 'how to gain success' or 'how to study' or 'study hacks'. In short, I was trying to cheat my way into hard work by avoiding the word 'will'. It was like trying to find a hack to stay productive.
However, all such methods which did not have a single bit of willpower in it failed without fail. It was like going circles after circles. After wasting years on finding such an easy method, only recently do I realized there's no avoiding sheer willpower. There's no fooling myself by finding a hack or a cheat code.

So coming form someone who has wasted years on such fruitless pursuit, I will tell you this: There's no avoiding sheer willpower. It doesn't matter if you were not able to push yourself to do hard work today. The important thing is to keep at it and summon embers of will each and everyday endlessly without stop. When one falls, one shouldn't dwell on the fact that he fell. The only thing he should focus all his being on is to get back right up.

Affirm first thing in the morning and be productive throughout the day. When you do not feel like doing a productive work such as meditation, push yourself to do it through sheer willpower whether you like it or not. This will forge your soul into something that will have you proud.

I stand by my words when I say different states. However, if people really emit wavelengths, that I do not know. I mean it as a hypothetical scenario that if they did emit such wavelengths, you would be able to study them to know many things about them and their state.

The one who read the above may find comfort that they know how it works after reading things about state and wavelengths. They might feel that its they can do hard work for infinite amount of time now that they know the cheat code/hack to hard work and staying productive. They might as well just treat it as any other jewtube video about 'life hack' or 'procrastinating hack'. What they don't know is that as long as they don't summon sheer willpower in their life, they will just join the past me who was stuck in the same vicious circle because of avoiding hardship and willpower.
I will emphasize this once again: Nothing in this world ever beats sheer willpower.

I advise you to do two things.
1. Affirm first thing in the morning or summon willpower with intent to be productive throughout the day. If you are going to take a break, do so with the intent that you are going to spring right back into productiveness after certain amount of time. You can be as relaxed as much as you want in your break time as long as you hold the intent to be productive after it. It is of vital importance to not lose this intent specially during your relaxing/break time as it is very easy to transition back into a 'lazy' state during such time.

2. When you do not feel like doing a productive work or something that requires effort [/i]like meditation, studies etc, Push yourself to do it through sheer willpower. Grit your teeth, clench your fist and summon the fire of sheer dominating willpower.

Good luck.
first u should do biological stuff , go and take a blood test to (vit d / vit b12 / iron ) and see how it goes ...low vit d creates low dopamine ....and if u had low stuff u should take magnesium with it to (cause there is no way to test magnesium in the blood ) go check online ....and vit c daily ...trust me your life will change 180 degree
also i forgot to mention u should take calcium too because if magnesium is high that will make calcium low so u should take calcium to balance
and all those stuff are daily and and u should see a doc about that im just giving u the way ...doc should tell u everything after u do blood test
You need to affirm the energy to do EXACTLY what you want her to do.

I was somewhere in the same position, with non-organized, 0 schedule or a stupid one that i couldn t follow and i found out the fact that the best affirmtion is "This energy make me to be productive always in the best way for me/most pozitive way for me" not the best english but u got the point.

The thing is, PRODUCTIVITY is a result of different actions, different mentally states, different events in life,decisions and so on.

As an example, using this affirmation, made me to REALIZE things, to take decisions, to see things differently so i could become more productive, made me changing my ways and sometimes parts of myself that i tought were good but actually hold me back, you know , made me to be MORE PRODUCTIVE in the end...and it still does.

Even motivating you , or making you to find a way to keep yourself motivated is a thing that this affirmation does.

An example, you don t want to go off bed in the morning at let s say 8:30 but you feel a boost/think random about a reason what motivate you just to go off bed no more, and just that thing make the chance for your day to be more productive you know.

It may also put you under pressure and in difficult situations , if that is what helps with making you more productive , and so on, the energy knows what YOU NEED and is good for you, and for you some path that the energy take to make you MORE PRODUCTIVE for long term(ALWAYS) in the end, may make you to suffer in the pressent but remember always to trust yourself and your powers because , the energy made things to happend bcs they are good for you, however they look in your view.

You can make it with any pozitive energy(sexual,rune,mantras,inspirstion/absorbtion from sun/eter) etc etc

And of course MORE and STRONGER is the energy you use , faster and better are the results you get(sometimes the result may seem to don t come at all bcs of the ALWAYS in the affirmation, which means long term, so the energy may go with all the power in an event that will happend in future and will have a BIG impact on you)

Good luck.
Most workings are not one shot deals, as is stated on JoS, and I would say that most workings on one issue are not solved by one working, in most cases.

Consider using more of the Nauthiz, but maybe also add Uruz and Sowilo. The energy has to be programmed with strong intent. Or else some or most of the energy goes to waste, bearing no fruit.

Consider using journal for your to do list to stay on top of what you want to and what you need to do on specific days. Short term - long term goals. This can be done mentally as well, as long as you keep a list of things to do and execute them, all is good.

Personally I've found out that the following can help with productivity: Introspective Meditation: Increasing Conscious Awareness - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=63176

Consider also invoking very small, one or two breaths of earth per day, and program the energy to make you more organized and grounded, stable too, maybe. You know, earth things.

Actively working on all of your chakras, and especially the lower ones will help with this issue as well.

You are probably not athletic or into sports, but it will help with this issue too. Just one or two jogs per week and building up from there will help. Yoga of course, mandatory, I would say. Something to stay active physically. It could be pretty much anything, as long as you are consistent it will help you on this issue.

Good luck and do not forget to have fun.
Henu the Great said:
Most workings are not one shot deals, as is stated on JoS, and I would say that most workings on one issue are not solved by one working, in most cases.

Consider using more of the Nauthiz, but maybe also add Uruz and Sowilo. The energy has to be programmed with strong intent. Or else some or most of the energy goes to waste, bearing no fruit.

Consider using journal for your to do list to stay on top of what you want to and what you need to do on specific days. Short term - long term goals. This can be done mentally as well, as long as you keep a list of things to do and execute them, all is good.

Personally I've found out that the following can help with productivity: Introspective Meditation: Increasing Conscious Awareness - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=63176

Consider also invoking very small, one or two breaths of earth per day, and program the energy to make you more organized and grounded, stable too, maybe. You know, earth things.

Actively working on all of your chakras, and especially the lower ones will help with this issue as well.

You are probably not athletic or into sports, but it will help with this issue too. Just one or two jogs per week and building up from there will help. Yoga of course, mandatory, I would say. Something to stay active physically. It could be pretty much anything, as long as you are consistent it will help you on this issue.

Good luck and do not forget to have fun.

Thank you for the advice, but not everything you've said is applicable to me.

As for the athletics/sports things.. I do manual labor for work, 4 days in the week. I do want to get into sports properly, but like I said, I am struggling with things that I have to do in a day to day life, and my "schedule" is all over the place.
Jonathon said:
I find the breath of fire pranayama is helpful for feeling calm/confident/more powerful.

Perhaps solar chakra based yoga poses? Bow pose?

For mental peace/not being fazed. I use relaxation meditations and mindfulness. With the relaxation one I focus on finding and then relaxing any tension in the body or mind for 20m or so. Mindfulness is about noting any sensory phenomena, it helps with not getting "caught up" in impulses. I recommend having a look at Shinzen Youngs Five Ways system (I know he is Jewish, in case anyone brings it up). He also has youtube channels.

To do lists? Do the most important things first/prioritize. Maybe journal for 10 minutes a day to help clear the mind. As you only have some much internal mental space, I've found Thinking on Paper (Jean Moroney)/journaling helps.

Pomodoro technique might also help you.
I think this youtube channel has some stuff around goals but don't remember the videos, useful information though:

I will take a look at these once I have a bit more time (not today).
OpenMind2 said:
You need to affirm the energy to do EXACTLY what you want her to do.

I was somewhere in the same position, with non-organized, 0 schedule or a stupid one that i couldn t follow and i found out the fact that the best affirmtion is "This energy make me to be productive always in the best way for me/most pozitive way for me" not the best english but u got the point.

The thing is, PRODUCTIVITY is a result of different actions, different mentally states, different events in life,decisions and so on.

As an example, using this affirmation, made me to REALIZE things, to take decisions, to see things differently so i could become more productive, made me changing my ways and sometimes parts of myself that i tought were good but actually hold me back, you know , made me to be MORE PRODUCTIVE in the end...and it still does.

Even motivating you , or making you to find a way to keep yourself motivated is a thing that this affirmation does.

An example, you don t want to go off bed in the morning at let s say 8:30 but you feel a boost/think random about a reason what motivate you just to go off bed no more, and just that thing make the chance for your day to be more productive you know.

It may also put you under pressure and in difficult situations , if that is what helps with making you more productive , and so on, the energy knows what YOU NEED and is good for you, and for you some path that the energy take to make you MORE PRODUCTIVE for long term(ALWAYS) in the end, may make you to suffer in the pressent but remember always to trust yourself and your powers because , the energy made things to happend bcs they are good for you, however they look in your view.

You can make it with any pozitive energy(sexual,rune,mantras,inspirstion/absorbtion from sun/eter) etc etc

And of course MORE and STRONGER is the energy you use , faster and better are the results you get(sometimes the result may seem to don t come at all bcs of the ALWAYS in the affirmation, which means long term, so the energy may go with all the power in an event that will happend in future and will have a BIG impact on you)

Good luck.

The reasons that I usually stay in bed on my free days are:
- Its warm and cozy
- I haven't slept enough
- I have no clue what to do for today (even though I had like 5 things still to do yesterday)
- I just don't want to get up yet.

But when I am awake enough I do get up so. It just takes some time.
Lunar Dance 666 said:

What you seek is a matter of both fire and earth. Fire gives energy, confidence, and willpower through force. Earth gives persistence and is unyielding. It gives willpower through refusing to break. You need both to be totally productive or totally willed.

Uruz represents both fire and earth and so it is very useful here: https://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/uruz
Auruz is the more powerful form.

Nauthiz is good not just for earth, but for its ability to push you to grow. I would suggest including it in your working, but this is not mandatory.

There is an upcoming Capricorn waxing moon. I would suggest programming the energy to first make you a super Satanist (as opposed to having resilience in every aspect of life). There is some overlap, anyway.

For example: "The energy of Auruz and Nauthiz has made me now always persistently working as hard and efficiently as possible with [my spiritual advancement], and therefore spiritually advancing in the fastest way possible, forever, in a completely positive manner for me. "

This is just an example that I used for a similar working. Maybe you want to alter it, but it worked well for me as is.

Don't forget to take advantage of the upcoming Mars Square.
Blitzkreig said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:

What you seek is a matter of both fire and earth. Fire gives energy, confidence, and willpower through force. Earth gives persistence and is unyielding. It gives willpower through refusing to break. You need both to be totally productive or totally willed.

Uruz represents both fire and earth and so it is very useful here: https://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/uruz
Auruz is the more powerful form.

Nauthiz is good not just for earth, but for its ability to push you to grow. I would suggest including it in your working, but this is not mandatory.

There is an upcoming Capricorn waxing moon. I would suggest programming the energy to first make you a super Satanist (as opposed to having resilience in every aspect of life). There is some overlap, anyway.

For example: "The energy of Auruz and Nauthiz has made me now always persistently working as hard and efficiently as possible with [my spiritual advancement], and therefore spiritually advancing in the fastest way possible, forever, in a completely positive manner for me. "

This is just an example that I used for a similar working. Maybe you want to alter it, but it worked well for me as is.

Don't forget to take advantage of the upcoming Mars Square.

Hey blitz, thanks for the input.

I was wondering, what do you think of a working to increase mental capacity to not forget things, in example I completely forgot that I had a dentist appointment, DESPITE that I remembered I had it every day for 2 weeks straight leading up to it, then on the day itself I completely forgot it. Like what the heck. (Perhaps because something else that I didn't know yet at the start of the week came in between?)
Also my fridge broke down on the same day so perhaps this is just mercury retrograde doing it? or at least, making it worse.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Username said:

If willpower was enough, I would have fixed this issue a long time ago.

I strongly recommend you to try the last two things that I wrote with an open mind. Try it without letting any previous programming or bias about willpower affecting you.

What I recommended in the last two points takes little amount of time. It isn't about time anyways since its not a spiritual working. It might not work the first day or the second or the third day but it will work at some point in time if you are persistent and approach it with an open mind, this I assure you of.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:

What you seek is a matter of both fire and earth. Fire gives energy, confidence, and willpower through force. Earth gives persistence and is unyielding. It gives willpower through refusing to break. You need both to be totally productive or totally willed.

Uruz represents both fire and earth and so it is very useful here: https://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/uruz
Auruz is the more powerful form.

Nauthiz is good not just for earth, but for its ability to push you to grow. I would suggest including it in your working, but this is not mandatory.

There is an upcoming Capricorn waxing moon. I would suggest programming the energy to first make you a super Satanist (as opposed to having resilience in every aspect of life). There is some overlap, anyway.

For example: "The energy of Auruz and Nauthiz has made me now always persistently working as hard and efficiently as possible with [my spiritual advancement], and therefore spiritually advancing in the fastest way possible, forever, in a completely positive manner for me. "

This is just an example that I used for a similar working. Maybe you want to alter it, but it worked well for me as is.

Don't forget to take advantage of the upcoming Mars Square.

Hey blitz, thanks for the input.

I was wondering, what do you think of a working to increase mental capacity to not forget things, in example I completely forgot that I had a dentist appointment, DESPITE that I remembered I had it every day for 2 weeks straight leading up to it, then on the day itself I completely forgot it. Like what the heck. (Perhaps because something else that I didn't know yet at the start of the week came in between?)
Also my fridge broke down on the same day so perhaps this is just mercury retrograde doing it? or at least, making it worse.
Write things down, get an agenda or a calendar you look at daily.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Most workings are not one shot deals, as is stated on JoS, and I would say that most workings on one issue are not solved by one working, in most cases.

Consider using more of the Nauthiz, but maybe also add Uruz and Sowilo. The energy has to be programmed with strong intent. Or else some or most of the energy goes to waste, bearing no fruit.

Consider using journal for your to do list to stay on top of what you want to and what you need to do on specific days. Short term - long term goals. This can be done mentally as well, as long as you keep a list of things to do and execute them, all is good.

Personally I've found out that the following can help with productivity: Introspective Meditation: Increasing Conscious Awareness - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=63176

Consider also invoking very small, one or two breaths of earth per day, and program the energy to make you more organized and grounded, stable too, maybe. You know, earth things.

Actively working on all of your chakras, and especially the lower ones will help with this issue as well.

You are probably not athletic or into sports, but it will help with this issue too. Just one or two jogs per week and building up from there will help. Yoga of course, mandatory, I would say. Something to stay active physically. It could be pretty much anything, as long as you are consistent it will help you on this issue.

Good luck and do not forget to have fun.

Thank you for the advice, but not everything you've said is applicable to me.

As for the athletics/sports things.. I do manual labor for work, 4 days in the week. I do want to get into sports properly, but like I said, I am struggling with things that I have to do in a day to day life, and my "schedule" is all over the place.
"Manual Labour " :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm dead :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Thank you for the advice, but not everything you've said is applicable to me.

As for the athletics/sports things.. I do manual labor for work, 4 days in the week. I do want to get into sports properly, but like I said, I am struggling with things that I have to do in a day to day life, and my "schedule" is all over the place.
4 days of manual labor is nothing. It's akin to obese person going for walks. It can only get one so far before one needs to start jogging and running on a constant basis in order to get better.

Like Blitzkreig already mentioned, earth and fire are the two main components you should seek. There are many ways to go about your issue and a few have already been mentioned. By the sounds of it, earth should be the major focus here.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
