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Homosexual relationships and "gender" roles


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Academy of the Dragon, Dinas Ffaraon
Disclaimer: I originally wrote this for an SS brother to explain my motivation for being a man looking for a masculine man when it comes to romance. Please not that this is based on personal experience, meditation, and guidance from the Gods. So it may contain inaccuracies as I am living life accumulating experiences and growing like everybody else.


I came to understand that homosexual relationshis work differently from heterosexual relationships.

Heterosexual relationships work best on complementary factors as male and female are polarities of the universe, each with different rulerships and duties.

On the other hand, homosexual relationships work best on similarity. So, when looking at synastry, the more "conjunction" aspects, the better. Secondarily, sextile, trine and semisextile also work well.

For heterosexuals it's opposites attract, for homosexuals it's like attracts like.

Unfortunately, with so much enemy propaganda, people still have brainwashing-based ideas of relationships. For example, there still this ridiculous notion of top/bottom, dominant/submissive, who's the man and who's the woman in the relationship.

It's all wrong. Regardless of sexual orientation, most man (~95%) are supposed to be predominantly masculine and most women (~95%) are supposed to be mostly feminine. Feminine man and masculine women are a minority in nature.

The problem is that modern cheap nutrition is designed to make soyboys. And then we have feminism trying to create hatred of men and make women take on male roles in society.

Other things go into this. All kind of recreational drugs (including alcohol) are extremely yin, and they have achieved widespread popularity in society to the point, for example, where it's socially unacceptable not to be drinking alcohol every weekend and every nightly social interaction and, in younger generations, to also not be smoking mj and doing other "soft" drugs. It's all an attempt to make people extremely feminine in a negative way, rather than have them embrace beneficial feminine features as supportive functions of their masculinity.

You can add gaming to it, doomscrolling, TV subscriptions and anything than inherently aims at making you become passive in your external life. Passive = yin.

The enemy is constantly attacking masculinity and natural gender roles. With the supply chain completely in their hands, they can do this not just with social engineering (i.e. GLBTQ+, feminism, inceldom, etc) but also through other lifestyle factors such as the ingredients in your food (both cheap and expensive food with few exceptions), your drinking water, what you drink, the activities that are allowed, the "medicines" and treatments that are available and so on.

The role of a man is to not only be active/yang but also proactive. It's your duty to provide in the external sphere of life such as career and social contributions. To take care of yourself as well (e.g. no man is exempt from athleticism). Many people nowadays are just reactive and passive-aggressive at "best". This is not how nature works for a man. If you want something, you need to plan for it and go after it yourself in most cases when it's something you control (i.e. not an uncontrollable environmental circumstances). Proactive means just that. Do not wait to be prompted by someone else! You need to prompt yourself to act!

I cannot speak for women, so I will also not touch female homosexual relationships. A clear-headed homosexual sister can speak on those, and any clear-headed woman, like HPS Lydia can speak for the role of women in society regardless of sexual orientation.

Before I go back to talk about male homosexual relationships, I want to remind you that we are a growth-oriented community of builders here! It's our job to restore society to natural ways of the Gods, not sit and accept things for what they are. Through raising awareness in safe ways and leading by example, this can be achieved.

Now, back to the main topic. Unlike in heterosexual relationships, your boyfriend and future husband will also most likely be your best friend. This is due to the "rule" of similarity. In heterosexual relationships, a man will also need a male best friend and a woman will always need a female best friend. This is because friendship, regardless of sexual orientation, also works on similarity. You can be friends with the opposite sex but, as nature has it, you'll never be best friends.

If you are best friends with someone of the opposite, most likely you both have a long and hard look into the mirror and see for yourself that something has gone wrong. Self-awareness. This is due to the roles of men and women being polar opposites in society. Even if you have many conjunctions, trines, and sextiles in your synastry chart... you'll never express the same way. Even if you were born at the exact same time you'll express differently. Even two members of the same sex express things differently when born the same second, let alone two members of the opposite gender.

So, yeah, homosexual relationships work on similarity and it can be incredibly difficult nowadays to find someone who reciprocate the same beliefs, values and behaviours as you due to the percentage of homosexual people that are brainwashed by GLBT+ and other enemy programmes. More difficult than it is for heterosexual people, because of both the high percentage of brainwashing, and the minority of people who's actually homosexual AND aware of it.

Obviously, not all is lost for people who are here. You have the Gods to ask guidance of and support for attracting the right person. And I can do my best to advise on the spiritual side of things, although you should always go to the Gods first and foremost because they have millennia of advancement and experience that I simply cannot offer.

In regards to reconnecting with your masculinity and reclaiming both your rightful role in society and within yourself, there's a few things that can be done:

- Mars and Sun squares. Preferably when in their home or exalted signs but, as long as you avoid their detriment and fall signs, you can spam them.
- Runes. The best ones are Uruz, Thurisaz and Sowilo in my opinion, if you are just trying to make yourself more masculine. Other runes may be more suited for specific aspects, rather than general masculinity. I would start something like this either with an Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or Scorpio Moon.
- Lord Zeus, Lord Apollo and Lord Ares. You can do their rituals (and the rituals of any masculine Gods), and then meditate on their energies, ask for their help in elevating your Self-awareness and so on, and then integrate their blessings (i.e. you can saturate your chakras and aura with the energies they send, and also circulate it)
- Fixed stars. You can brief energies from specific fixed stars (see the list), saturate your chakras and aura with it, and program them for the specific goals.
- Very advanced: use the splitting the soul technique and focus exclusively on your pingala. You can breathe energies and vibrate mantras into this part of the soul but the main thing is to meditate on it for several minutes either as standalone or as a primer before doing the rest.
- Advanced. Fire element. The fire element is the masculine element par excellent. A few breaths (never go above what suggested on the main website) and then programme the energies.

In regards to attracting the ideal partner:

- Mars squares and Sun squares can improve relationships with other men
- AUM KLIM KAMADEVAYA NAMAH/SVAHA can be used specifically to attract the ideal partner. Credit to Jack (General Yeager) for this mantra.
- Ehwaz, the 19th rune, is specifically good for this as it embodies the concept of similarity. Whether you use it on its own or combine it with Wunjo and/or other partnership/love runes is up to you, but I would always include this when it comes to homosexual relationships.
- Ask for the help of Lord Set, Lord Furfur or any other God/Goddess that helps in matters of love. While for some of them it says "love between a man and a woman), that's outdated knowledge. It's just romantic and sexual love in general.
- Important. You can always boost your aura's ability to attract things/people to you, whether this is an area were your aura struggle or not. This can be done with the bija mantra Klim which rules forces of attraction or, in this case, the element of water is the element most suited to it. As elements are advanced, they can cause backlash and unwanted manifestations if you haven't trained yourself to manage them fully. In the case of water, you can become overly emotional and sensitive if you don't handle it properly. It can cause depression and other issues as well. Please use with caution and don't go over the recommended reps.

All these spiritual techniques need material advancements as well. You cannot expect spirituality to do all the work and take no action on the other levels. For example, mental shifts may need to happen and, while workings give the initial boost, you need to make an effort to make sure the change consolidate. In other words, to make them "stick" and become permanent.

Many things are expected of you as a man.

- Basics: take care of your physical and mental health (includes fitness, nutrition and healthy stress/anger management, to name a few)
- Basics: safe house situation and stable income. If you live in your parents' basement, that doesn't reflect well on you as a man. The difference here with heterosexual relationships is that there is no expectation to financially provide for your partner, while in most heterosexual relationships the man is supposed to provide for their wife and pay for dates. In heterosexual relationships, the man is supposed to be the main income-earner. In homosexual relationships, these can all vary but, in most cases, at least be able to provide for yourself only.
- Personality and growth-orientation
- Have goals and proactively pursue them
- A sense of style. While man shouldn't limit themselves to wear grey, white, black and blue/navy, it also doesn't mean you should dress like a rainbow 24/7. Be sensible. You should also not dress all the time in other ways like other NPCs do (i.e. t-shirt/hoodie and jeans/joggers). NPCs are not role models for anything, let alone style. Mix it up, see what actually works best for you, rather than being a sheep. Venus square or just Venus energies here can help. Throw away all t-shirts with massive prints and similar, as you're not a kid anymore.

If you have mental health issues, those need to be taken care of before entering a serious, committed relationship. It's not fair to dump them on your partner, as in a relationship most aspects of life become shared. Whether you want it or not, poorly-managed mental issues bleed into every aspect of your life making you a worse partner, a worse friend, a worse everything. Get all the help and support you need.

We are not NPCs here, so it's important to optimise all aspects of our lives. This is the difference between someone on the path to Godhood and those who are dabblers or NPCs. I hope this short post can help any homosexual man here understand themselves better and help themselves.
Heterosexual relationships work best on complementary factors as male and female are polarities of the universe, each with different rulerships and duties.

On the other hand, homosexual relationships work best on similarity. So, when looking at synastry, the more "conjunction" aspects, the better. Secondarily, sextile, trine and semisextile also work well.

For heterosexuals it's opposites attract, for homosexuals it's like attracts like.
I never thought of it this way, thank you. The rest of your post is excellent as well but this in particular stood out to me.
Feminine man and masculine women are a minority in nature.
Im no expert on this, but I think probably even more of a minority are homosexual men, who mostly are feminine men. At least to me, thats obvious.

Probably according to my view; feminine men are often either homo or bisexual.

Bisexuality is more common, and I think everyone is bi more or less.
Those who are more, are more likely to express it sexually, but many probably suppress it due to stigma, not admitting it either to themselves or others.

Drugs mentioned here weakens people and causes imbalance in more ways than one. Drugs leading to becoming more feminine is a truth with certain modification I think.

The modification is that drugs, for example weed, hurts both the feminine and masculine aspects and the balance between the two.
This appears to negate what HP. Cobra has written about here: https://satanslibrary.org/English/H...taphysical_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf

If we have a person who is spiritually of an Ida (feminine) dominant nature, that
will not necessarily make them a homosexual. They may be of the more nurturing
type, and more after aggressive and dominant women. On the other hand, a
woman who has a very high Pingala element, may be into dominating men very
much, acting with more masculinity so to say.
Now, how these manifest, can range. The man in the first example may be
extremely feminine in their love affairs, quite the contrary in their general life. In
other words, sexuality and behavior do not always relate, but most of the time,
they do.
Sexuality in general is the striving for what one does not have. In other words,
gay passive men may be after overly masculine, male men, for example. Women
who are lesbians of the pingala type, may actually be after feminine women of
the same type.
I do not however want to completely discredit your argument for similarities because two men and two women by default shows this, but as far as personality and the energies of the soul this may also be the case but will not always be so. I understand that learned behaviors and other harmful things in food water ect have damaged both men and women in different ways also via jewish ideologies. there is in fact a genuine minority of masculine women and feminine men outside of these damaged people but this post does not seem to draw the line between them and essentially naming these authentic cases being lumped in with others to be defects. Why would someone for example as you said, have something "wrong" with them for being able to build a "best friendship" with the opposite sex? There have been many opposite best friend pairs.

The argument with astrology shows that there can be recurring patterns and themes but there are so many combinations of placements and planets that cartain "patterns" and tendencies may be offset or even nonexistent. with my own personal experience, knowing that i have read almost every womans chart birth time and all that i have dated this does not count for me AT ALL:
On the other hand, homosexual relationships work best on similarity. So, when looking at synastry, the more "conjunction" aspects, the better. Secondarily, sextile, trine and semisextile also work well.
I am a masculine energy dominant lesbian and almost every woman I have had a physical attraction to was dominant in the elements that i lack the most. If she had three planets in a certain sign opposite my own it was a complete no-go. this even counts for both sexes for me friendship wise.

Furthermore, i can appreciate the things you say you feel you have experienced. but to be honest If a lesbian or bisexual woman wrote certain things the way you did i would basically tell her she was advocating for butch lesbian erasure because she sees them as "defective and wrong". (and there is ALOT of unwarranted hate for us) Related to the aforementioned above and also HP's article that was written before this is far from the case. With that being said it seems like an erasure towards feminine gay men almost. There is a lot of hate for them I hear just as there is a lot of hate for us butches. Why i ask? the buzzword "heteronormative dynamic" which fits a bit of your post in the beginning, is thrown around with negative connotations in LGB circles online often. I hate this buzzword as there is nothing wrong with same-sex couples attracting by opposite energies. there is nothing less gay about it and it doesn't make them "wrong" Going back to astrology it depends on so much as far as placements and elemental make up. I have seen "masc/femme" male couples often and they vibe quite well. I feel your horizon has seen some authenticity when it comes to relating to partners from your end, but not everyone is going to have the same feelings and experiences because each soul is different, and to quote HP in this above linked post again, "how these energies manifest can range", and does not have to be defective by default.

On another note relationships of all types are based on give and take. One of these is the masculine stance while the other is feminine. In some form or fashion always someone is in the masculine or feminine when relating to someone, weather it be the teacher giving and the student receiving, the partner on top and the partner on bottom, the friend showing and telling and the friend looking on and watching. These opposite energies will always bring people together but also with the necessary similarities to further relate. the proportions of how this all mixes is once again complicated and how it manifests depends on two souls.

I have always been masculine dominant in energy even when I tried not to be because i thought i was supposed to do so and it made me miserable. Ever since i finally accepted who i was with the help of a sun square (the epiphany of major self-actualization actually hit me on Beltane during the ritual to Janus the day it came out) It has been this way ever since i was a child and i did not ask for it. My chart shows this as well and i also have PCOS which causes my body to make more testosterone than the average woman. I have a boxy masculine face, and i get misgendered 98 percent of the time on the phone and pack on muscle very easily. I used to grow a light beard almost before i had it lasered off. I have always been attracted to femininity even in men at first.. Feminine people compliment my presentation, personality and expression and they are pleasant to look at and make me feel nurtured and happy. I am a Pingala dominant woman who seeks out Ida dominant women. When i finally came out to my brother, he admitted that he suspected for years, and many people before speculated to or asked me if i was a lesbian.

I might not have turned out with the original mainstream intention but bob ross might call odd balls like me and femme men a happy accident if one puts it in artworks terms because we own who we are and attempt to amplify the best of it instead of trying to be something we are not and embarrasing ourselves for it.
The reason this puzzle is hard to solve is missing context. I want to help. I've learned some rather outrageous truths about the nature of our beings. The riddle of Prometheus and their twin brother Epimetheus is that some of us were made by the master and others were made to be reflections. We are not all the same beings, and what is 'male' and 'female' do not experience reality the same way. The structure of our inner selves was intentionally subverted out of all narratives to reduce the population to slaves.

I am from the Getae, which were the first ones, who have many other names. We are like Wolves of God. All indigenous Indo-European and Canaan populations, and likely adjacent, have our ancestral features. The most vital context you are missing is this - we have dual minds. Two minds - two different, separate, distinct minds. One on each tip of our spine. They are mirrors of each other in quality energy, such that one is Masculine, and the other Feminine, and both of them are (potentially) Divine.

Their ordering is inverted by sex. The active mind owns the body, and latent is far behind. The riddle gets more cruel, for the two sexes are obfuscated in how they feel their latent mind. For females, it is their feminine which owns the body, and on the end of their spine is the opposite energy, and it is stored within the Sacral. Awakening is more common for females and they often find it as teens or young adults, and when circuited this connects their pineal with their tail and gives them a 3rd eye. The 3rd eye provides different siddhi depending on sex. It is "womb consciousness". Males do not have it for obvious reasons.

The latent for the females is the Masculine, which is Consciousness - light. Thus this dual mind is Present, and when they open up it feels more like an expansion than a second mind. Their 3rd eye is their inner Shakti, and their inner Masculine is a carriage for that Shakti, which is why they must awakening from their sacral before they gain the vision.

It is much harder for males to find their hidden mind, as they are Masculine in the front, and their Feminine Divine is in their Muladhara coccyx clam. The male coccyx curls inward and clutches a teeny tiny bit of pure Shakti. The difficulty is that Shakti is not present. The obfuscation is time - Shakti is transcendent awareness! Females have an open and flexible coccyx and thus awaken from the Sacral, one above, which is Present. The latent mind for males is transcendent, and so it is fantastically difficult to awaken blind. It is the difference between a Wolf and a Dragon.

So, have you seen the movie 300? 😅 Getae males were Scions of Ares, yet hearts of Venus which burns hot and passionate. We are hot headed Wolves! We act like them and think like them. This combination makes great warriors. Males are Venus within Mars, or maybe Mars Holding Venus. Dual! The body is a carriage for the energy. It has as much to do with literal sex as you want it to. Think of these as energies, not sex, as sex is distracting.

Getae females were the opposing contradiction, having bodies of feminine beauty yet inwardly brilliant cool-minded tacticians. They were inwardly cool while the males were super hot. Our relationships were not always monogamous and all of our identities were sovereign. Have you met Aryan women? 😅 Just like lions and wolves, our sex drastically influences our behaviors, yet we beautifully complement each other.

Where we have been cruelly tricked is by our Abrohamic false masters, as - they only have one mind, my friends. They do not have dual minds. Only one - their ego. They are literally living figments. There is nothing to save. They are the products of Epimetheus who coveted our magic and who live by external context of words, and they have run amuck in an attempt to steal God's Creation. Words are the bindings of Fenrir. I'm serious - if you look at the stories, the ropes are even made of nonsense words. These are your chains! Since we are dual minds, the words 'man' and 'woman' are illusionary figments that bind nothing. They were made up 6000-8000 years ago by the Abrohams when organizing big cities, and we were all slowly conquered and enslaved.

With males they shamed 'feminine' intentionally, to make your coccyx curl up in shame. With females, they shame males, so females deny their inner consciousness. Bindings of Fenrir made by false Outsiders we hired to build the walls of Asgard for us to awaken within.

Males and females are different yet words should never bind us. Males need to open themselves up to this hidden awareness. A big clue is - it is not present. You have a 'Void' and it's real, it's not delusion. Females do not have it, so the topic will confuse them. I am a Shakta, which means I have possession of this Void, who for me is Kali.

Thor is the model for males in the Norse, and Tyr was originally female. The story of Fenrir and Tyr is an esoteric secret describing coerced monogamous marriages between our peoples in submission to Abroham. Our peoples were often not monogamous so we had to be broken into it. The males had to bind themselves with words, and the females lost their sovereignty - their right hand. now hundreds of years later everyone's forgotten why, and most of the males suffer alone and females confused on why they don't like any of them. It's heart breaking.

The answer is magic called Prometheus Fire, yet also I think a King. I believe if we light up the belly chakras of males through storybook action, they will recall their inner nature and the world will explode. It's worth a gamble of my life. I'm only a dog.
The reason this puzzle is hard to solve is missing context. I want to help. I've learned some rather outrageous truths about the nature of our beings. The riddle of Prometheus and their twin brother Epimetheus is that some of us were made by the master and others were made to be reflections. We are not all the same beings, and what is 'male' and 'female' do not experience reality the same way. The structure of our inner selves was intentionally subverted out of all narratives to reduce the population to slaves.

I am from the Getae, which were the first ones, who have many other names. We are like Wolves of God. All indigenous Indo-European and Canaan populations, and likely adjacent, have our ancestral features. The most vital context you are missing is this - we have dual minds. Two minds - two different, separate, distinct minds. One on each tip of our spine. They are mirrors of each other in quality energy, such that one is Masculine, and the other Feminine, and both of them are (potentially) Divine.

Their ordering is inverted by sex. The active mind owns the body, and latent is far behind. The riddle gets more cruel, for the two sexes are obfuscated in how they feel their latent mind. For females, it is their feminine which owns the body, and on the end of their spine is the opposite energy, and it is stored within the Sacral. Awakening is more common for females and they often find it as teens or young adults, and when circuited this connects their pineal with their tail and gives them a 3rd eye. The 3rd eye provides different siddhi depending on sex. It is "womb consciousness". Males do not have it for obvious reasons.

The latent for the females is the Masculine, which is Consciousness - light. Thus this dual mind is Present, and when they open up it feels more like an expansion than a second mind. Their 3rd eye is their inner Shakti, and their inner Masculine is a carriage for that Shakti, which is why they must awakening from their sacral before they gain the vision.

It is much harder for males to find their hidden mind, as they are Masculine in the front, and their Feminine Divine is in their Muladhara coccyx clam. The male coccyx curls inward and clutches a teeny tiny bit of pure Shakti. The difficulty is that Shakti is not present. The obfuscation is time - Shakti is transcendent awareness! Females have an open and flexible coccyx and thus awaken from the Sacral, one above, which is Present. The latent mind for males is transcendent, and so it is fantastically difficult to awaken blind. It is the difference between a Wolf and a Dragon.

So, have you seen the movie 300? 😅 Getae males were Scions of Ares, yet hearts of Venus which burns hot and passionate. We are hot headed Wolves! We act like them and think like them. This combination makes great warriors. Males are Venus within Mars, or maybe Mars Holding Venus. Dual! The body is a carriage for the energy. It has as much to do with literal sex as you want it to. Think of these as energies, not sex, as sex is distracting.

Getae females were the opposing contradiction, having bodies of feminine beauty yet inwardly brilliant cool-minded tacticians. They were inwardly cool while the males were super hot. Our relationships were not always monogamous and all of our identities were sovereign. Have you met Aryan women? 😅 Just like lions and wolves, our sex drastically influences our behaviors, yet we beautifully complement each other.

Where we have been cruelly tricked is by our Abrohamic false masters, as - they only have one mind, my friends. They do not have dual minds. Only one - their ego. They are literally living figments. There is nothing to save. They are the products of Epimetheus who coveted our magic and who live by external context of words, and they have run amuck in an attempt to steal God's Creation. Words are the bindings of Fenrir. I'm serious - if you look at the stories, the ropes are even made of nonsense words. These are your chains! Since we are dual minds, the words 'man' and 'woman' are illusionary figments that bind nothing. They were made up 6000-8000 years ago by the Abrohams when organizing big cities, and we were all slowly conquered and enslaved.

With males they shamed 'feminine' intentionally, to make your coccyx curl up in shame. With females, they shame males, so females deny their inner consciousness. Bindings of Fenrir made by false Outsiders we hired to build the walls of Asgard for us to awaken within.

Males and females are different yet words should never bind us. Males need to open themselves up to this hidden awareness. A big clue is - it is not present. You have a 'Void' and it's real, it's not delusion. Females do not have it, so the topic will confuse them. I am a Shakta, which means I have possession of this Void, who for me is Kali.

Thor is the model for males in the Norse, and Tyr was originally female. The story of Fenrir and Tyr is an esoteric secret describing coerced monogamous marriages between our peoples in submission to Abroham. Our peoples were often not monogamous so we had to be broken into it. The males had to bind themselves with words, and the females lost their sovereignty - their right hand. now hundreds of years later everyone's forgotten why, and most of the males suffer alone and females confused on why they don't like any of them. It's heart breaking.

The answer is magic called Prometheus Fire, yet also I think a King. I believe if we light up the belly chakras of males through storybook action, they will recall their inner nature and the world will explode. It's worth a gamble of my life. I'm only a dog.
Read HPHC’s posts. Honestly you sound more like a bot than a dog, and though dogs are sacred, SS with understanding of higher sexuality aren’t gonna call themselves dogs. Everything you’ve written here sounds like a hodgepodge of nerd lore, anime stuff, things from our websites, and some other stuff the Gods themselves only know from whence it came
Some of what you say is rather too rigid, and not exactly something that can be followed to the letter , or needs to be followed either. I have seen many feminine men in a relationship with a masculine man, and they are doing fine. Stable, smooth relationship. The idea of what a man HAS to do or Should or shouldn't do, isn't always so clear cut and so rigid. Neither for women.

I have seen many hetero couples that are also very similar to each other.

One should simply follow their nature instead of having the need to adhere to some strict, unrealistic rules of " you are THIS gender so you have to do THIS and be like THIS and not go near THAT." ... Some people are simply different. And that's part if their uniqueness and character. This has nothing to do with weakness as a man or a woman, or power as a man or a woman.

The issue mainly, is the jews fetishizing everything and taking all things to extremes.
I also to some extent disagree that your gender necessarily has to dictate how you can or can't benefit society. As a man obviously you can not give birth like women do, but that doesn't mean you can't be an artist or a very nurturing creator and healer. And as a woman that doesn't mean you can't do things that men usually do, if you have the talent and capabilities for it. It all comes down to the chart and what your talents are. I personally, both love feminine things such as art, and masculine things like combat sports. I wouldnt need to confine myself to any certain expectation of I only wanted one of these fields. And neither should anybody be a slave to a human society. Especially taking into consideration the level humanity is at.
This appears to negate what HP. Cobra has written about here: https://satanslibrary.org/English/H...taphysical_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf

I do not however want to completely discredit your argument for similarities because two men and two women by default shows this, but as far as personality and the energies of the soul this may also be the case but will not always be so. I understand that learned behaviors and other harmful things in food water ect have damaged both men and women in different ways also via jewish ideologies. there is in fact a genuine minority of masculine women and feminine men outside of these damaged people but this post does not seem to draw the line between them and essentially naming these authentic cases being lumped in with others to be defects. Why would someone for example as you said, have something "wrong" with them for being able to build a "best friendship" with the opposite sex? There have been many opposite best friend pairs.

The argument with astrology shows that there can be recurring patterns and themes but there are so many combinations of placements and planets that cartain "patterns" and tendencies may be offset or even nonexistent. with my own personal experience, knowing that i have read almost every womans chart birth time and all that i have dated this does not count for me AT ALL:

I am a masculine energy dominant lesbian and almost every woman I have had a physical attraction to was dominant in the elements that i lack the most. If she had three planets in a certain sign opposite my own it was a complete no-go. this even counts for both sexes for me friendship wise.

Furthermore, i can appreciate the things you say you feel you have experienced. but to be honest If a lesbian or bisexual woman wrote certain things the way you did i would basically tell her she was advocating for butch lesbian erasure because she sees them as "defective and wrong". (and there is ALOT of unwarranted hate for us) Related to the aforementioned above and also HP's article that was written before this is far from the case. With that being said it seems like an erasure towards feminine gay men almost. There is a lot of hate for them I hear just as there is a lot of hate for us butches. Why i ask? the buzzword "heteronormative dynamic" which fits a bit of your post in the beginning, is thrown around with negative connotations in LGB circles online often. I hate this buzzword as there is nothing wrong with same-sex couples attracting by opposite energies. there is nothing less gay about it and it doesn't make them "wrong" Going back to astrology it depends on so much as far as placements and elemental make up. I have seen "masc/femme" male couples often and they vibe quite well. I feel your horizon has seen some authenticity when it comes to relating to partners from your end, but not everyone is going to have the same feelings and experiences because each soul is different, and to quote HP in this above linked post again, "how these energies manifest can range", and does not have to be defective by default.

On another note relationships of all types are based on give and take. One of these is the masculine stance while the other is feminine. In some form or fashion always someone is in the masculine or feminine when relating to someone, weather it be the teacher giving and the student receiving, the partner on top and the partner on bottom, the friend showing and telling and the friend looking on and watching. These opposite energies will always bring people together but also with the necessary similarities to further relate. the proportions of how this all mixes is once again complicated and how it manifests depends on two souls.

I have always been masculine dominant in energy even when I tried not to be because i thought i was supposed to do so and it made me miserable. Ever since i finally accepted who i was with the help of a sun square (the epiphany of major self-actualization actually hit me on Beltane during the ritual to Janus the day it came out) It has been this way ever since i was a child and i did not ask for it. My chart shows this as well and i also have PCOS which causes my body to make more testosterone than the average woman. I have a boxy masculine face, and i get misgendered 98 percent of the time on the phone and pack on muscle very easily. I used to grow a light beard almost before i had it lasered off. I have always been attracted to femininity even in men at first.. Feminine people compliment my presentation, personality and expression and they are pleasant to look at and make me feel nurtured and happy. I am a Pingala dominant woman who seeks out Ida dominant women. When i finally came out to my brother, he admitted that he suspected for years, and many people before speculated to or asked me if i was a lesbian.

I might not have turned out with the original mainstream intention but bob ross might call odd balls like me and femme men a happy accident if one puts it in artworks terms because we own who we are and attempt to amplify the best of it instead of trying to be something we are not and embarrasing ourselves for it.
No, it's just that sermon is 7 years old. It even talks about transsexuals who are people with mental health illnesses, and this has been explained in later years.

The perspective of an advanced homosexual person is important when talking about homosexuality as sexual orientation, as a heterosexual person may not be able to understand it fully.

In terms of feminine men and masculine women, I already said they exist and they are natural. But here I'm focusing on the majority, they are a minority, and they are a minority even within the homosexual community as I've shown. You being a masculine woman is not representative of every lesbian. On the other hand, a feminine woman represents the majority of women, including the majority of homosexual women.

It's not my job to make articles about small minorities, as they will have little reach and applications. You can also see in the last few years HP Hooded Cobra has taken as stance in reclaiming masculinity for men, which is being constantly attacked by the enemies.

In my post there is no attacking stance toward feminine men. What's there is a wake-up call for those who have embraced excessive femininity in a negative way not due to their own nature but due to social engineering of the enemy. The stereotype the enemy has built is that homosexual man = feminine man, and homosexual woman = masculine woman.

That's false. Sexual orientation does not define whether you are pingala-dominant or ida-dominant. Being a homosexual man doesn't automatically exempt you from masculine activities and roles in society. The only thing it exempts you from is parenting (i.e. procreating and raising your offspring) as that's a heterosexual role.

The majority of homosexual men remains masculine at their core because they are man and that's the nature of the majority of men. Same for the majority of homosexual women: feminine at their core because they are women.

In GLB+ organisations, there are constant attempts to not just normalise but emphasise gender-crossed behaviours. Men are encouraged to make their voice as camp as possible. Here the only sport considered suitable for gay men is badminton. 🤦🏼‍♂️ Cross dressing like drags do and putting on a ton of make-up are considered normal. They even call themselves queens and kings. Not sure what they are kings and queens of. Definitely not of self-awareness or good examples for other people. They even coined nonsense for people who are short, calling them "short kings". Whether you are tall or short, it doesn't make you a king. Kingship comes from considerable amount of beneficial contribution to your race and humanity at large, which none of these individual has ever made their all life.

For you, you already mention something genetic in regards to yourself. You cannot "blanket-apply" that to everyone else who is a homosexual woman.

Talking about birth charts, the aspects that I emphasised are those that relate to similarity, represented by the prefix homo- in Greek. Charts are complex, yes, but you can spots trends in them just like you can find trends in categories of people.
I'm not gay, but I've noticed people prefer to be friends with those who are similar to them, and in relationships they prefer there to be enough difference to create sexual tension. At least with heterosexuals.

What you've noticed about homosexuals having better chemistry with those who are more like them may have more to do with the fact that they require friendship in their relationships rather than relating to the actual soul distribution/natal aspects.

It has more to do with compatible cognitive functions than soul distribution necessarily... You want their to be emotional and intellectual compatibility, but going in different directions. For example, a similar way of thinking + emotional tone, but one is perhaps the more extroverted and energetic whereas the other is more introverted and laid back — but in a way where this has nothing to do with "masculinity".
My suggestion is the you focus on the general picture when you read my writings, not on particular cases. Same as Shadowcat. If you wanted to discuss all possible cases, I would write an encyclopedia, not a single writing.

In addition to that, structure and order need to be understood, as those are the pillars that any degree of growth is built upon. There's nothing to rigid in a set of guidelines. Nor there is anything unrealistic. If you want rigid, read xtard stereotypes of masculinity.

You would benefit from reading more of HPHC's posts about Saturn. The new generations tend to have an utter - yet misplaced - hostility toward everything it represents. This hostility contributes to soul imbalances and shirking responsibilities and natural expectations such as those explained in the original post. This hostility is abundant not just in newer generation but also in modern homosexual people, stunting their growth. Not to mention, in people with Sagittarius Pluto and Pluto in the 9th house, as well as Capricorn Pluto.

Some remedies are:
- Acquainting yourself with those sermons
- Meditating on the Nauthiz rune
- Meditating on the root chakra
- (Advanced) Meditating on the earth element
- Holding rituals to Gods that oversee aspects of order (i.e. Lord Zeus) and aspects of growth (i.e. Lord Furfur), and meditating on their energies afterward

I also never stated that the average man should not cultivate positive feminine qualities or not pursue traditionally-feminine careers. Feminine qualities in the average men should just not be dominant, but subordinate and act in support of the masculine ones.

I'll emphasise it again: I'm talking about majorities here, not minorities. Minority experiences and case studies do not invalidate trends in the majority.

As far as observation of humans, there is not many examples of healthy homosexual relationships nowadays because of how much our people have been broken in this regard. As such, you turn your attention to the Gods instead. Communicate with them, ask them to show you what healthy relationships used to be like and what healthy gender roles are like.

And let me tell you this: even in the scarce eventuality of a feminine man or a masculine woman, they still remain respectively man and woman, as I stated in another topic. A feminine man will never be a woman, but will express differently. A masculine woman will never be a man but express differently.

Conforming to your default role also doesn't make you a slave to society nor does it make you identical to other people performing the same role. Those are misconceptions that meditation will free you of, if you're open to growth and not stubborn that you're right no matter what.

You're welcome to keep disagreeing. Just remember that growth doesn't come from holding tight to the level of awareness that you have now, but from the rising to higher levels, and getting closer to the Gods.
I don’t understand the prohibition on rising children for gay or bisexual men in a relationship, while women are necessary to birth the child and human milk is better then cows milk or formula this is only their physical development.

The bottle neck on the Satanic birthrate is not women’s ability to make babies but the unwillingness to raise and take care of them, one woman could easily make 15 babies in her lifetime (women have been known to have 8 at a time threw artificial means so this number could be theoretically as high as 40)

The majority of men want to get married and have children while the majority of women do not want to do that. Wouldn’t it make sense for more men to team up and make families?

Every single person I’ve met with a single father raising them has been responsible respectful and kind with nothing bad to say about their father and I’ve noticed a trend of when parents divorce the dads will stay single and focus on the kids while the women remarried. Often times children will bond more closely with their stepfather and describe bitterness towards their birth mother.

The idea that women somehow inherently possesses things about themselves that make them better caregivers is questionable as most men seem to like children more and women describe them as nuisances. Men also like childish activities like video games and cartoons that I notice women hate and think of as immature, frankly the idea of immaturity is one that exists because of women or men trying to appeal to the female gaze. When men are alone or with each other they are more childish and would enjoy spending their free time playing with their kids while women would complain about not getting any time for what they actually want to do.

I also personally do for fun activities like cooking and baking that women describe as being oppressive and burdensome. Men have also learned how to do all of the tasks like washing clothes and dishes that they historically relied on women for. I’ve met several men I’d describe as gentle and kind. Men are often more loyal and view divorce in a much more negative light.

I’m bisexual with the vast majority of the people I’m attracted to being women, but if attraction was nothing to consider and I had as many babies I could ask for given to me then if I had to choose the best possible partner to raise a good Satanic child with I’d choose a man.
My suggestion is the you focus on the general picture when you read my writings, not on particular cases.
Why? You cant analyze what a person says properly by only seeing the bigger picture. You said sth that I think is wrong, and I expressed my opinion about it.
Also, that big picture, is made of smaller points that connect to each other anf should be individually analyzed on their own as well. I read all of your post, Thats why i said "some".

if you're open to growth and not stubborn that you're right no matter what.
Please do not make such false assumptions about me and my character, as they are not well received.

You're welcome to keep disagreeing. Just remember that growth doesn't come from holding tight to the level of awareness that you have now, but from the rising to higher levels, and getting closer to the Gods.
I am not "holding tight" to anything, how do people in here come up with all sorts of crazy consclusions about people just based on what they feel like ppl are saying?

If you feel like Im attacking or being hostile just for disagreeing and expressing my points on what you have said, then thats on you, not me.

Also, telling someone indirectly that they dont have enough "awareness and enlightenment" to understand what you are saying, isnt exactly the approach to go for when youre trying to prove a point.
No, it's just that sermon is 7 years old. It even talks about transsexuals who are people with mental health illnesses, and this has been explained in later years.
I know it talks of transsexuals, as a lot explained in it was to completely negate this madness, however, some things are given, as I quoted specifically for example in my first reply argue that sameness in energy when attracting a partner isn't so prevalent always. I don't think this sermon being old makes it completely outdated.

The stereotype the enemy has built is that homosexual man = feminine man, and homosexual woman = masculine woman.

That's false. Sexual orientation does not define whether you are pingala-dominant or ida-dominant. Being a homosexual man doesn't automatically exempt you from masculine activities and roles in society. The only thing it exempts you from is parenting (i.e. procreating and raising your offspring) as that's a heterosexual role.
If you look at the part that i quoted from this older sermon it states this very thing... I will quote it again.
If we have a person who is spiritually of an Ida (feminine) dominant nature, that
will not necessarily make them a homosexual.
They may be of the more nurturing
type, and more after aggressive and dominant women. On the other hand, a
woman who has a very high Pingala element, may be into dominating men very
much, acting with more masculinity so to say.
Now, how these manifest, can range. The man in the first example may be
extremely feminine in their love affairs, quite the contrary in their general life. In
other words, sexuality and behavior do not always relate, but most of the time,
they do.
Sexuality in general is the striving for what one does not have. In other words,
gay passive men may be after overly masculine, male men, for example. Women
who are lesbians of the pingala type, may actually be after feminine women of
the same type.
In this quote of the sermon it does say "most of the time behavior and sexuality correlate, BUT NOT ALWAYS.
sexuality and behavior do not always relate, but most of the time,
they do.
This has been my experience with people as well however not 100 percent of the time. The question is, is it out of the enemy influence and damage or because they are their authentic selves? I have seen cases of both and especially nowadays am able to point them out. I can still feel an attraction to feminine men and these are 98 percent of the time almost always homosexual, or at least bi. almost half, about 40 percent of women i have encountered and attemped to get to know (did not last past the first talk most of them), although very femme presenting outwardly are dominant in masculine energy, and were lesbians. No however, I have not and do not intend to imply that my case in any shape or form is a blanket for all lesbian women and I never said this. PCOS also isn't necessarily genetic, it can be environmental as well, however, there is a direct correlation between lesbians and higher instances of PCOS and I have researched this. This again does not count for all of them and also doesn't invalidate their orientation or personality. I have experienced a minority of straight feminine men and straight masculine women. Yes, i do recall the sermons that HP has spoken about for men, and for the masculine men whom are the majority of men naturally, these are very good and very fine and I never mean to say otherwise. I don't think therefore that this older sermon negates them either and never have.

We are in agreement that feminine men and masculine women are in the minority regardless of orientation. I do know this was said. I saw your next posts and they gave some further clarification. Although you note that these people are authentic and exist, you are telling the majority that does not fit into this smaller box that this is their general guideline. I hope i am being more clear now when i say that although you made a small note about the minority existing, you did not explicitly note at least briefly that this did not apply to them clearly, of course also because as you said you don't seem to worry about them. Fine, but As a result other people who are among this minority or DO naturally engage in a masc/femme dynamic can take it as "needing to change" because of not being part of the majority. It happens a lot when someone runs into a non-mainstream person in some way and is basically like "what's wrong with you?" because they were given the impression that exceptions are negligible, with a source that speaks for the majority and could even assume therefore if they found one they would have to be "wrong." This is why I brought up "erasure" and the "heteronormative" buzzword that a lot of use to try to erase gay women and men who simply don't conform to mainstream gender expectations, or what any gatekeeping queer people see fit to deem as "normal" and having this influence others. So please, just take this as a calm feedback and volunteer to voice for the minority for clarification.

I can't count the women who constantly ask me what my pronouns are or the impression I get that I'm rejected because they are scared i will transition, which is complete bullshit. This implies that Butch lesbians shouldn't exist. I see testimonies from other masc women and their partners EVERYWHERE that attest to this as well. Most of the time, the real reasons I have been rejected is because masc women are associated with "toxic masculinity", and "hey mamas" lesbians. (this was another whole thing where women basically tried to paint us on par with whorish brutish men). Not because these feminine women wanted "sameness." The passive aggressiveness and indirect hints women often throw at me is this is a fear they have when they see and talk to me. One walked away because I was "too traditional." This has nothing to do with what they are really attracted to or not but is all about political statements and personal hang-ups, like the body hair they refuse to shave. Many of them even pivot to women for the reasons of bashing all men which is a huge red flag and feminist horse shit.

The degenerate modern-day LGBTQAflkjdflkjsljesr muh alphabet soup is more of a political group than about promoting people of a minority sexual orientation to attract a decent partner or to relate to one another while genuinely being themselves. If this is what you are talking about in terms of "forcing cross-gender roles" then we are in agreement that this is just the bunk and idiot trends that queer people think they have to do to gain status or "look or act gayer", and has nothing to do with being ones authentic self. It is common here in my country as well. This has nothing to do with people genuinely interacting and simply fitting best in a "butch/femme" "masculine/feminine man" dynamic as far as how one actually feels better physically presenting and authentically behaving. Again yes, masculine women and feminine men are a minority. But these dynamics that i just named between gay men and lesbians can be very prominent or even non existant depending on where you live. Down south in my country women LOVE butches. (but for fuck sake almost all non whites) They are almost non-existent up north here and are few. I had a girl i tried to date say "you look like any of the most racist men i have ever met" because i was wearing boots and jeans. Yet when I went back down south to get the rest of my things to move i stopped on the way at a lesbian bar....guess what. more than half were butch/femme couples ...and all the masc women were dressed just like me. Boots and jeans. I think culture has some influence as well. Maybe where you live or have been, feminine lesbians are more prominent. (LOL ask if they are single I'm tired of the polyamorous amerifats with blue hair lmao j/k <3 holy shit im awful 😂)

Yes, we are also in agreement about how astrology can show trends and patterns and I think I mentioned this in my other post too. Its just that other placements once again can either amplify them or dim them down or make something else happen instead (unless a good number of placements support the main pattern), there are a variety of factors, including transits that can trigger things.

As for the Disclaimer in your first post:
Please not that this is based on personal experience, meditation, and guidance from the Gods. So it may contain inaccuracies as I am living life accumulating experiences and growing like everybody else.

And so this post and my first one was meant to make your database somewhat broader for you in terms of hearing of how others have experienced things, as well as responding to something that appeared open for critique and feedback. We are still finite human beings and one person's experience still isn't enough to see it all, neither is mine nor anyone else's on its own. You as well therefore are welcome to disagree on anything.
Oh my goodness. I can't wait for the world to embrace Ithkuil and master it. This thread is entirely too wordy.
I don’t understand the prohibition on rising children for gay or bisexual men in a relationship, while women are necessary to birth the child and human milk is better then cows milk or formula this is only their physical development.

The bottle neck on the Satanic birthrate is not women’s ability to make babies but the unwillingness to raise and take care of them, one woman could easily make 15 babies in her lifetime (women have been known to have 8 at a time threw artificial means so this number could be theoretically as high as 40)

The majority of men want to get married and have children while the majority of women do not want to do that. Wouldn’t it make sense for more men to team up and make families?

Every single person I’ve met with a single father raising them has been responsible respectful and kind with nothing bad to say about their father and I’ve noticed a trend of when parents divorce the dads will stay single and focus on the kids while the women remarried. Often times children will bond more closely with their stepfather and describe bitterness towards their birth mother.

The idea that women somehow inherently possesses things about themselves that make them better caregivers is questionable as most men seem to like children more and women describe them as nuisances. Men also like childish activities like video games and cartoons that I notice women hate and think of as immature, frankly the idea of immaturity is one that exists because of women or men trying to appeal to the female gaze. When men are alone or with each other they are more childish and would enjoy spending their free time playing with their kids while women would complain about not getting any time for what they actually want to do.

I also personally do for fun activities like cooking and baking that women describe as being oppressive and burdensome. Men have also learned how to do all of the tasks like washing clothes and dishes that they historically relied on women for. I’ve met several men I’d describe as gentle and kind. Men are often more loyal and view divorce in a much more negative light.

I’m bisexual with the vast majority of the people I’m attracted to being women, but if attraction was nothing to consider and I had as many babies I could ask for given to me then if I had to choose the best possible partner to raise a good Satanic child with I’d choose a man.
This may have been the people you experienced but men and women both are equally selfish and equally cheat, just in different ways. I love to cook and love to bake and love taking care of other people. the "childish" behavior you talk about in men is just playfulness and humor although at times abrasive it doesn't usually mean annoyance or real harm. As a woman with this natural disposition, i have literally had women meanly call me "special needs" behind my back, which is hilarious coming from people who supposedly belong to a group that is said to support gender nonconformity, as clearly for a man they would see this as normal yet annoying maybe, but if a woman does it there is something wrong somehow. it really ticks me off.

As for childrearing, its simply not natural for homosexuals to raise children. This natural capacity to conceive lies with heterosexuals. Children need a feminine mother and masculine father as the masculine and feminine energies in their own souls need to see examples of what they should become as healthy adults, in a healthy situation anyway.
. The question is, is it out of the enemy influence and damage or because they are their authentic selves? I
I have seen instances of this in my own astrology, specifically in Mars placements:

"People with this placement express their sexuality in a feminine way." And this is right. As a gay man, I am attracted mostly to very strong, powerful men. Masculine men in the gay community, are both loved and hated, pursued and avoided at the same time. Mainly because gay men are mostly insecure about themselves, they see the same things society has been trying to force down their throat exist in masculine gay men, they are triggered in different ways by it.

Feminine gay men on the other hand, most of them, act in a very predictable, commercialized manner. It's not even femininity they are expressing, it's just what they keep consuming from the media. I have tried to be similar to the stereotype of feminine gay men ( girly movements, girly voice, girly clothing etc.), but I always felt tired of it. Same thing happened when I tried to be as masculine, straight-passing as possible. I got tired. So I chose something in the middle and it works for me. It may not be like this for others, of course.
Most gay men I have come across as acquaintances had more dominant feminine qualities. ( the gay dating scene is fucking awful. I have dated around 6 guys by now, and they were either extremely sexually promiscuous, emotionally unavailable, or just straight up horny losers🤣... sometimes I think I will never find that one person🙃).
This post is very useful, but I doubt I will find a physical partner as I have too many problems to fix and by the time I have fixed them all I will be too old.
I’ve encountered those same thoughts before, and enough to tell you that those thoughts and feelings aren’t yours.

Do runes. Gebo, Eihwaz, Wunjo in 40 day sets until you get someone. Lol
I have seen instances of this in my own astrology, specifically in Mars placements:

"People with this placement express their sexuality in a feminine way." And this is right. As a gay man, I am attracted mostly to very strong, powerful men. Masculine men in the gay community, are both loved and hated, pursued and avoided at the same time. Mainly because gay men are mostly insecure about themselves, they see the same things society has been trying to force down their throat exist in masculine gay men, they are triggered in different ways by it.

Feminine gay men on the other hand, most of them, act in a very predictable, commercialized manner. It's not even femininity they are expressing, it's just what they keep consuming from the media. I have tried to be similar to the stereotype of feminine gay men ( girly movements, girly voice, girly clothing etc.), but I always felt tired of it. Same thing happened when I tried to be as masculine, straight-passing as possible. I got tired. So I chose something in the middle and it works for me. It may not be like this for others, of course.
Most gay men I have come across as acquaintances had more dominant feminine qualities. ( the gay dating scene is fucking awful. I have dated around 6 guys by now, and they were either extremely sexually promiscuous, emotionally unavailable, or just straight up horny losers🤣... sometimes I think I will never find that one person🙃).
I know your struggle lol I'm sick of femmes looking at me like I'm a piece of shit. I'm tired of the poly women or the ones who just want me for my wallet and validation.
I know your struggle lol I'm sick of femmes looking at me like I'm a piece of shit. I'm tired of the poly women or the ones who just want me for my wallet and validation.
Youre not a piece of shit, even though im sure you know that. Not to sound corny but I like you;)

Masc women are cooler than fem women in my opinion.

As for me, im tired of being called " a good boy" or "cute bottom... yes I do get called like this too, every once on a while " by men who literally look like Ratatouille, and have nothing to offer except maybe some STDs and confused interactions. Its like nobody wants to date for the purpose of a relationship anymore...
This may have been the people you experienced but men and women both are equally selfish and equally cheat, just in different ways. I love to cook and love to bake and love taking care of other people. the "childish" behavior you talk about in men is just playfulness and humor although at times abrasive it doesn't usually mean annoyance or real harm. As a woman with this natural disposition, i have literally had women meanly call me "special needs" behind my back, which is hilarious coming from people who supposedly belong to a group that is said to support gender nonconformity, as clearly for a man they would see this as normal yet annoying maybe, but if a woman does it there is something wrong somehow. it really ticks me off.

As for childrearing, its simply not natural for homosexuals to raise children. This natural capacity to conceive lies with heterosexuals. Children need a feminine mother and masculine father as the masculine and feminine energies in their own souls need to see examples of what they should become as healthy adults, in a healthy situation anyway.
It’s a shame you got treated that way, I keep seeing people say they want tomboys online but they are probably just imagining a sporty conventionally attractive girl they can’t handle the real thing.

Do you think it’s energy reasons why they wouldn’t make good parents? What if the couple has a good balance of masculine and feminine energy between the pair? Or what if it’s a hetro couple but they are both very masculine?

I personally think the best relationships are when both parties posses feminine and masculine traits and they complement each-other so you get a little similarly and difference going on.

I normally play the masculine roll but it can get tiring giving and chasing without any reciprocation from the other person.
I don’t understand the prohibition on rising children for gay or bisexual men in a relationship, while women are necessary to birth the child and human milk is better then cows milk or formula this is only their physical development.

The bottle neck on the Satanic birthrate is not women’s ability to make babies but the unwillingness to raise and take care of them, one woman could easily make 15 babies in her lifetime (women have been known to have 8 at a time threw artificial means so this number could be theoretically as high as 40)

The majority of men want to get married and have children while the majority of women do not want to do that. Wouldn’t it make sense for more men to team up and make families?

Every single person I’ve met with a single father raising them has been responsible respectful and kind with nothing bad to say about their father and I’ve noticed a trend of when parents divorce the dads will stay single and focus on the kids while the women remarried. Often times children will bond more closely with their stepfather and describe bitterness towards their birth mother.

The idea that women somehow inherently possesses things about themselves that make them better caregivers is questionable as most men seem to like children more and women describe them as nuisances. Men also like childish activities like video games and cartoons that I notice women hate and think of as immature, frankly the idea of immaturity is one that exists because of women or men trying to appeal to the female gaze. When men are alone or with each other they are more childish and would enjoy spending their free time playing with their kids while women would complain about not getting any time for what they actually want to do.

I also personally do for fun activities like cooking and baking that women describe as being oppressive and burdensome. Men have also learned how to do all of the tasks like washing clothes and dishes that they historically relied on women for. I’ve met several men I’d describe as gentle and kind. Men are often more loyal and view divorce in a much more negative light.

I’m bisexual with the vast majority of the people I’m attracted to being women, but if attraction was nothing to consider and I had as many babies I could ask for given to me then if I had to choose the best possible partner to raise a good Satanic child with I’d choose a man.
I think Homosexuals are Homosexuals because they weren't intended to raise children. I think it would be wrong for a child to grow up with two fathers, and think that's how its done, since he likely would have been Heterosexual without influence.
Youre not a piece of shit, even though im sure you know that. Not to sound corny but I like you;)

Masc women are cooler than fem women in my opinion.

As for me, im tired of being called " a good boy" or "cute bottom... yes I do get called like this too, every once on a while " by men who literally look like Ratatouille, and have nothing to offer except maybe some STDs and confused interactions. Its like nobody wants to date for the purpose of a relationship anymore...
Thanks lol. I actually get hit on by a lot of gay guys even though they try to play it off as not hitting on me. Some have literally misgendered me. One actually liked me so much he was implying that he was hoping i was transitioning LOL. I was like yeah no fuck that. (i have actually caused some straight women to probly question themselves but if this is the case they were never completely straight to begin with..) I do have a lot of feminine traits that I'm very proud of and will never forsake but i'm as butch as they come. Because the one percent of men I can feel attracted to are feminine the same thing can go for another masc woman but it depends. they wouldn't be hard butches, more like "futch" as they appear to be called. bleh, it sucks but labels seem to be easy for pointing out specific these days but back in ancient times none of these things we necessary.
It’s a shame you got treated that way, I keep seeing people say they want tomboys online but they are probably just imagining a sporty conventionally attractive girl they can’t handle the real thing.

Do you think it’s energy reasons why they wouldn’t make good parents? What if the couple has a good balance of masculine and feminine energy between the pair? Or what if it’s a hetro couple but they are both very masculine?

I personally think the best relationships are when both parties posses feminine and masculine traits and they complement each-other so you get a little similarly and difference going on.

I normally play the masculine roll but it can get tiring giving and chasing without any reciprocation from the other person.
Yeah the thing is girls are like muh masc women shortage! and when masc women are like here i am they will retort back with "no the hot ones." Just like everyone else they have standards, and even though they dont admit, the whites only want whites and they want them tall ripped, and well put together, and a lot of masc women are stereotypically frumpy and heavy set but not all. I am a good bit taller than most women I encounter and when I'm not it doesn't intimidate me one bit and i damn well let it show. Im lean, fit and in shape and bordering on benching my weight which will go beyond and will soon be taking MMA classes. I put effort into my hair and appearance and personal hygiene. It's just that a lot of feminists have a lot of skewed views about masculinity and men and associate butch women with all the negatives regardless of looks.

To answer your questions, both my parents were very masculine, although my mother also had very blatant femininity unlike my father where it was virtually nonexistent, and they clashed A LOT. They were too similar yet also too different people. It is important for children to see the physical embodiment of their parents of the masculine and feminine so that they may also in general hopefully develop positive associations with any men and women throughout their lives due to having the very first man and woman in their lives as good role models. There is also something primal and of the natural instinct to be able to be nurtured and raised by the biological mother and father, there is a bond, a tie that is there, not only bound by family karma for good or ill that is important for the children to learn about and recognize, but also for their roots and where they come from at their core. There are simply things nuclear families can provide children with because this comes naturally where as adoptive parents cannot, even so regardless of orientation.

With the way the world works now children are fortunate to have adoptive parents, hopefully a man and woman of good character, as many people have children that shouldn't, However when things are restored the way they should be it is the traditional nuclear family that will be qualified and proficient (and IMO ideally licensed) to raise the next generation of people in to productive healthy adults, ones who know how to treat others and to contribute to and interact with their environment well.
My personal opinion is this_ In regards to any Form of interpersonal attraction, there are many factors, all depends on individual personalities.
Factors such as; shared interests, appearance, or in the the case of complimentary the key is reciprocity. I'm a homosexual male, and I'd like to have a extroverted male that will appreciate my introversion.
Also in my opinion it's fine to disagree sometimes. It only need to inspire retrospection. Indeed you have made some valid points there, like many of the posts if read since coming here.
Hey Storm - I know this is an old thread but it was recently bumped and my curiosity got the better of me, of course. I love expanding my world view and listening to people's experiences. I believe I've read this thread before and yeah, it's an interesting read. A lot of gay people I meet just want to find someone genuine, y'know?

I was just wondering what you meant by heterosexual relationships are not meant to be like best friends. Is this synonymous with agreeable, or something like? Personally, I find the idea of not being best friends, or dating to get to know each other, with my lover, quite abhorrent. Call me old school but I love getting to know people and don't want to jump right into the sack with randoms. I can imagine people who want to have children have to be way more discerning than me, too.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
