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HOLY SHIT! Trump is going to join us!


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2020
Estland ist Judenfrei!

Check Trump's Gab account!

I'm kind of certain that if we met with Dolald Trump in another historical time continuum, he would have joined us.

Like, he might next lifetime after he realizes he fucked up with his present lifetime allegiances.
If Trump saw how some of us here spoke well of him he definitely would call us the best people he met because that's all it takes to get on his good side. Praise him and he'll tell everyone he loves you and that you're the best :lol:

Recently I was wondering if he's still around when our cause wins over the populace what he would do with his family and I'm sure he'll have the understanding of how shitty they are. Might sound farfetched but I wouldn't be surprised. Guess we'll have to see in the future whether or not in his next lifetime. Maybe he'll keep his financial skills in his next life and build some big ass buildings (and walls even!) for our Gods.

This is in regards to what HPHC said
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I'm kind of certain that if we met with Dolald Trump in another historical time continuum, he would have joined us.

Like, he might next lifetime after he realizes he fucked up with his present lifetime allegiances.
:) :) :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I'm kind of certain that if we met with Dolald Trump in another historical time continuum, he would have joined us.

Like, he might next lifetime after he realizes he fucked up with his present lifetime allegiances.

Yes. In the next life it is!!! Hail satan
Funny post but other members have spoken about how some high level people, maybe not Trump know about us. David Icke and Alex Jones came up someone even said he used info directly from the main JoS site for one of his projects I can’t remember if it was a book or video.

How much longer until people within “the movement” (loosely United pro-humanity, conspiracy, WN, Jew haters, even libertarian types) stop fucking around and acknowledge us.

The guys I mentioned above are doing constant research, especially icke, about the enemy, (((Royal families and banker bloodlines))) and enemy ET’s and their Jewish connections they HAD to have come across JoS at some and resonated with it atleast partly but instead they still push “Rothschild is of Satan, pray to jeboo to defeat the globalists.”

We’re treated like the black sheep by basically everyone. Even among seemingly similar groups like the 09A the only time those idiots mention JoS or come over here is to troll, fedpost and promote nazbolism or whatever half-Marxist ideology they cooked up. Most WN/NS groups that would fit right in are still jeboo blinded but I notice that is fading. I’ve tried to promote JoS in National vanguard but everytime I include a link or mention something too “direct” they stifle me. I will likely be emailing the editor soon to straighten this out and explain to him what the deal is.

Anyway it will reach a point to where these people won’t be able to BS everyone anymore. Mason lodges are being burned and soon it will be Synagogues and churches and for legal reasons I will say that it will not be carried out by any Satanist but it’s going to escalate either way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I'm kind of certain that if we met with Dolald Trump in another historical time continuum, he would have joined us.

Like, he might next lifetime after he realizes he fucked up with his present lifetime allegiances.

BUT isn't it said that Donald John Trump is jewish or has a name associated with jews Trumpf from his Germano descent?

Obviously it could just be propaganda lulz goyim everyone jewish 'n' sheit. But whatever the case may be b'nai beijing china boy biden is sure fucking things up and making us look like a laughing stock. I've been watching some videos(BCP: Black Conservative Patriot) on Trump and he fires off spryfully like a senior who doesn't sit back and let the World kick his ass. His phonecall with Laura Ingram shows him having a lot of vim and vigor.

Trump might have his issues and the whole cuckening towards jews and Pisrael but lesser of two evils. Even Trudeau was like WTF biden Y u cancel keystone xl pipeline. First executive order 10,000 jobs destroyed in America and Canada and an additional 54,000 future jobs destroyed.

At least Trump took out a large portion of ISIS and Al-bahgdadi who could have been killed back in like 2014/2015 but b'nai obeezy and b'nai biden muh eretz pisrael.

Epoch times has a newspaper article with the so-called "leaking of information from Washington". Trump just went kill baghdadi and tell no one. And funny enough he did.

As much as I hate the fact he cucks to jews and Pisrael. The man deserved a re-election to help this country EVEN if the JNWO is just groaning around going muh end times.
Kurat said:

Check Trump's Gab account!


Could you please point out where exactly was this said? This seems too good to be true, I don't want this to be a diversion so please link it for us.

Kurat said:

Check Trump's Gab account!


This is amazing wow !!!!!
So he could be on the forums right now?
Kurat said:

Check Trump's Gab account!


My aunt is a huge trump supporter and i am going to show this image to her it will strengthen my JoS bond with her by a lot hehe.
I’ve said before I’m fairly certain Trump is a gentile himself. Indeed, under different circumstances, he would have been one of us for real.

There is also no doubt that he understands the enemy hubris quite well. However the full depth of it probably still came as a shock to him when he was completely betrayed during his presidential term and during the previous election.

Despite his mistakes and despite of how embroiled he was with many different jews due to his position as a billionaire businessman he showed he is a man with good sentiments at heart and overall a good vision for societal development away from the jew globalism, etc. on top of not really being a warmonger either. These are rare traits for American presidents to have. Again, had circumstances been different, I have no doubt he would have been a far better and wiser person. Had he been able to communicate with us, he would have seen a lot of common ground and agreed with us on most things, even with the influence the enemy had over him working against him.

One last thing to note, it is unavoidable to have to deal with jews from every corner if you are a gentile in a position such as him, as they always try to control the wealth of the world, which include assimilating the wealth of rich and successful gentiles through making disadvantageous partnerships and associations with them and through making certain jew vixens marry them so the children who inherit the wealth later will be jews themselves.

Trump is a classic example of a capable gentile that got swamped in jew garbage from every corner of his life and didn’t realize it until it was too late.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Kurat said:

Check Trump's Gab account!


My aunt is a huge trump supporter and i am going to show this image to her it will strengthen my JoS bond with her by a lot hehe.
Its fake, it was done for a laugh or to troll. It is too good to be true.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Kurat said:

Check Trump's Gab account!


My aunt is a huge trump supporter and i am going to show this image to her it will strengthen my JoS bond with her by a lot hehe.
Calm down, it's just a joke.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I’ve tried to promote JoS in National vanguard but everytime I include a link or mention something too “direct” they stifle me. I will likely be emailing the editor soon to straighten this out and explain to him what the deal is.

Just to point out some strategies, tips and tricks on dealing with this. I have no idea how these people are but if National Vanguard is anything from what I read. Is these people are HYPER-political in other words they don't understand nor care about the religious sentiment and might even use religion as a weapon for influence among the diamonds in the rough among the rough. i.e. the diamond members come up to the surface and the rough well they might not agree with NV but don't do anything i.e. kinda like us we understand NS/SS isn't for everyone and do demand a form of elitism in terms of finding diamonds but also understand that the rough i.e. the general NPC isn't gonna speak up much or give much a fight and fold before the battle even began. It's similar in that context NPC "Oy vey NV is racist but I'm not gonna bother as I got 50 facebook friend requests and gotta sort it out".

With that said you can include things like "Spiritual Warfare i.e. Kaballistic backing through reversal rituals". You can include reversal rituals are part of jewish hebriac religion and are often used by upper rabbinical leaders whom create thoughtforms and reverse i.e. AlephMemTov -> MemTov on top of that hebs are hyper superstitious on reversal of their magick and have even mentioned in their bible reversing the torah which WILL happen will lead to the end days. Or to be more specific IF someone reverses their torah two scenarios pop out either it's the end days and their messiach is feasting and beasting obviously a wet dream or the jew is losing and it's THEIR end game.

You can provide information that we perform 88 and 99 white(88)/black(99) awakening rituals. You can include JoS is a multi-national, multi-cultural, and multi-racial organization like the Waffen-SS the most diverse M-C, M-R, and M-N organization ever invented more so than even the United Nations. We also perform additional rituals to help members such as JoS protection rituals, Wealth/Prosperity/and Protection rituals and other rituals for the future as I'm sure in the future once we are done with reverse rituals we'll probably move unto other runic high magick rituals.

You can include we are well aware of the muzzie threat and the threat of Islam. And I believe HP.Cobra has hinted we could be doing RKR/RQR/RCR Reverse Koran rituals at some point in time, hinted at.

You can include that the JoS is based of George Lincoln Rockwell's ANP i.e. it's a last line descendant of said organization one of the last of the true NS systems rather than before delving into the so-called Neo-Nazi or kosher supervised version of National Socialism.

You can include xtianity or judeo-bolshevism has nothing to do with National Socialism and Hitler and company merely removed their boxing gloves and played the xtians to gain power and favor over them to eventually put the boxing gloves back on and take out xtianity even Alfred Rosenberg wanted Pislam taken out if you read between the lines, it's not JUST xtianity but all of xtianity.

At the end of the day try and make it as professional as possible so we aren't seen as some annoying fly to these people. I think the problem is there is too much judeo-bolshevism and too much confusion and lies. IF your organization is called National Vanguard and you wish to safeguard and vanguard the White Aryan Race as well as a bridge to other races in their own respective Nation-State-Race then why do you have the religion of the jew i.e. kosher approved for Gentile judiasm IF your white?

Makes no sense.
@SouthernWhiteGentile: One thing you can do is post the email. Type up the email as professionally as possible and let us know about it and maybe we can give you some pointers.

Spend a few days reading the postings by members and I'm sure HP.Cobra would like to provide his own touch as he types up very well.

At the end of the day I believe they are gonna read it and be like WTF ugh not this shit again. Again the entire point is we are trying to bridge a gap that exists. Hopefully they listen and understand like HP.Cobra mentioned reach out to everyone and try and get as many people as possible on here.

I have my hope but not much seems like they'll just be not bothered. Shame cause I like their articles and they also mention subtle anti-semitism such as the genetics at work the levite/cohen genes of the chosen.

Again these people need to get that chosenite shit out of their heads and have their heads pulled out of jeboos asses. Jesus is too far up their asses if that is the case. They wish to swim in dreck well good luck getting a repre from the jews "Oy vey goyim whitey u be ebil and debil 'n' sheit".

Anyways let us know SWG I'm sure we can help you out. Don't give up the good fight.
Kurat said:

Check Trump's Gab account!


Kurat, I never thought you were so much into 1st April fools haha :lol:
Kurat said:

Check Trump's Gab account!


But that’s not quite how Trump would put his words tho, practice, and you will become a master in deception muhaha
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I'm kind of certain that if we met with Dolald Trump in another historical time continuum, he would have joined us.

Like, he might next lifetime after he realizes he fucked up with his present lifetime allegiances.

BUT isn't it said that Donald John Trump is jewish or has a name associated with jews Trumpf from his Germano descent?

Obviously it could just be propaganda lulz goyim everyone jewish 'n' sheit. But whatever the case may be b'nai beijing china boy biden is sure fucking things up and making us look like a laughing stock. I've been watching some videos(BCP: Black Conservative Patriot) on Trump and he fires off spryfully like a senior who doesn't sit back and let the World kick his ass. His phonecall with Laura Ingram shows him having a lot of vim and vigor.

Trump might have his issues and the whole cuckening towards jews and Pisrael but lesser of two evils. Even Trudeau was like WTF biden Y u cancel keystone xl pipeline. First executive order 10,000 jobs destroyed in America and Canada and an additional 54,000 future jobs destroyed.

At least Trump took out a large portion of ISIS and Al-bahgdadi who could have been killed back in like 2014/2015 but b'nai obeezy and b'nai biden muh eretz pisrael.

Epoch times has a newspaper article with the so-called "leaking of information from Washington". Trump just went kill baghdadi and tell no one. And funny enough he did.

As much as I hate the fact he cucks to jews and Pisrael. The man deserved a re-election to help this country EVEN if the JNWO is just groaning around going muh end times.
Trump is not jewish. He is a white Germanic man. Every time there is some successful or powerful person, jews write all kinds of fake things saying that the person is really jewish, because they want so bad to be on the winning team that they pretend every successful person is one of them.
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Kurat said:

Check Trump's Gab account!


My aunt is a huge trump supporter and i am going to show this image to her it will strengthen my JoS bond with her by a lot hehe.
Calm down, it's just a joke.

Thats a shit joke
luis said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Kurat said:

Check Trump's Gab account!


My aunt is a huge trump supporter and i am going to show this image to her it will strengthen my JoS bond with her by a lot hehe.
Its fake, it was done for a laugh or to troll. It is too good to be true.

Well its not funny at all to me now i have to explain to my aunt it was fake fuck sakes. 😳😡
I hate being the most gullible person ever..
Hp Cobra could of said something ☝️
Kurat, the best memester on here + April 1st= good times.

Way to kill the joke guys smh.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Shadowcat said:
Kurat said:

Check Trump's Gab account!


If only it wasn't fake :lol:
So its fake??

Ofcourse its fake. With photoshop people can make anything look real. I even looked on his gab account to verify the source. It Wasn't there
Gear88 said:
Just to point out some strategies, tips and tricks on dealing with this. I have no idea how these people are but if National Vanguard is anything from what I read. Is these people are HYPER-political in other words they don't understand nor care about the religious sentiment and might even use religion as a weapon for influence among the diamonds in the rough among the rough. i.e. the diamond members come up to the surface and the rough well they might not agree with NV but don't do anything i.e. kinda like us we understand NS/SS isn't for everyone and do demand a form of elitism in terms of finding diamonds but also understand that the rough i.e. the general NPC isn't gonna speak up much or give much a fight and fold before the battle even began. It's similar in that context NPC "Oy vey NV is racist but I'm not gonna bother as I got 50 facebook friend requests and gotta sort it out".
I specified NV because they are the biggest WN organization that is explicitly anti-xian and shows how it has been used to make us weak among other things. That is a BIG deal since most WN people and groups get herded into things like traditionalism which just becomes Xianity. Here is the info if anyone else wants to get in contact I will take me a while to come up with something certainly since I’m not much of a writer.
[email protected]
I don't know how to include images on here, I have tried before with the guide.
Anyway Trump is gentile if you google image his grandparents you will see they are very gentile looking Germans. His mother is a gentile from Scotland. His daughter was the one that fucked up and married a jew. Although I am not sure if his first wife is jewish or not. His second and third wife are gentile looking though.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I'm kind of certain that if we met with Dolald Trump in another historical time continuum, he would have joined us.

Like, he might next lifetime after he realizes he fucked up with his present lifetime allegiances.

BUT isn't it said that Donald John Trump is jewish or has a name associated with jews Trumpf from his Germano descent?

Obviously it could just be propaganda lulz goyim everyone jewish 'n' sheit. But whatever the case may be b'nai beijing china boy biden is sure fucking things up and making us look like a laughing stock. I've been watching some videos(BCP: Black Conservative Patriot) on Trump and he fires off spryfully like a senior who doesn't sit back and let the World kick his ass. His phonecall with Laura Ingram shows him having a lot of vim and vigor.

Trump might have his issues and the whole cuckening towards jews and Pisrael but lesser of two evils. Even Trudeau was like WTF biden Y u cancel keystone xl pipeline. First executive order 10,000 jobs destroyed in America and Canada and an additional 54,000 future jobs destroyed.

At least Trump took out a large portion of ISIS and Al-bahgdadi who could have been killed back in like 2014/2015 but b'nai obeezy and b'nai biden muh eretz pisrael.

Epoch times has a newspaper article with the so-called "leaking of information from Washington". Trump just went kill baghdadi and tell no one. And funny enough he did.

As much as I hate the fact he cucks to jews and Pisrael. The man deserved a re-election to help this country EVEN if the JNWO is just groaning around going muh end times.
Trump is not jewish. He is a white Germanic man. Every time there is some successful or powerful person, jews write all kinds of fake things saying that the person is really jewish, because they want so bad to be on the winning team that they pretend every successful person is one of them.
His brother must be one of them?

This affinity for Jews was also demonstrated by Fred Trump Jr., Donald Trump’s older brother, who joined a Jewish fraternity, Sigma Alpha Mu, while attending Lehigh University, even though he was not Jewish. In a strange note, several of the fraternity brothers have been quoted as saying that while in university, Fred Jr. claimed that his father was Jewish. This was incongruous as his middle name was Christ and there were no similar claims from anyone else in the Trump clan.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
luis said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
My aunt is a huge trump supporter and i am going to show this image to her it will strengthen my JoS bond with her by a lot hehe.
Its fake, it was done for a laugh or to troll. It is too good to be true.

Well its not funny at all to me now i have to explain to my aunt it was fake fuck sakes. 😳😡
I hate being the most gullible person ever..
Hp Cobra could of said something ☝️

Impulsivity is a personal problem
Retrospect said:
I don't know how to include images on here, I have tried before with the guide.
Anyway Trump is gentile if you google image his grandparents you will see they are very gentile looking Germans. His mother is a gentile from Scotland. His daughter was the one that fucked up and married a jew. Although I am not sure if his first wife is jewish or not. His second and third wife are gentile looking though.
I disagree, Trump has the frog-mouth IMO which is spoken of in the How to Identify a Jew manual.

I said that once on here and was viciously attacked by an infiltrator for it.

Vey iz mir I guess.

Then you couple it with his brothers Jooish middle name and well...

Just sayin.
of the true light said:
I disagree, Trump has the frog-mouth IMO which is spoken of in the How to Identify a Jew manual.

I said that once on here and was viciously attacked by an infiltrator for it.

Vey iz mir I guess.

Then you couple it with his brothers Jooish middle name and well...

Just sayin.
hebrew names on gentiles has been spoken of on here before. it doesn't mean they are jews if given such names. as for the frog mouth, I don't really see it honestly. those with frog mouth usually have it very pronounced. maybe because he is old now his face has drooped making it look like that?
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Gear88 said:
Just to point out some strategies, tips and tricks on dealing with this. I have no idea how these people are but if National Vanguard is anything from what I read. Is these people are HYPER-political in other words they don't understand nor care about the religious sentiment and might even use religion as a weapon for influence among the diamonds in the rough among the rough. i.e. the diamond members come up to the surface and the rough well they might not agree with NV but don't do anything i.e. kinda like us we understand NS/SS isn't for everyone and do demand a form of elitism in terms of finding diamonds but also understand that the rough i.e. the general NPC isn't gonna speak up much or give much a fight and fold before the battle even began. It's similar in that context NPC "Oy vey NV is racist but I'm not gonna bother as I got 50 facebook friend requests and gotta sort it out".
I specified NV because they are the biggest WN organization that is explicitly anti-xian and shows how it has been used to make us weak among other things. That is a BIG deal since most WN people and groups get herded into things like traditionalism which just becomes Xianity. Here is the info if anyone else wants to get in contact I will take me a while to come up with something certainly since I’m not much of a writer.
[email protected]

I see perhaps I did not delve into NV much and lumped them in memetically as with other WN groups. Good they promote such stuff. Albeit I wouldn't be surprised if the meme Satanism = jewish invention occurs even though that is the modern name we give it. Reminds me of someone who posted something they mentioned Satanism to Varg Vikerns and he just flat out freaked out and labelled it judiasm invention. I understand his position on monetization of his content but I mean come on.

Anyways shame about your 'not much of a writer'. Just try and type something up and let us know about it beforehand maybe some of our more professional members could throw you some ideas.

I think in my personal opinion mentioning Spiritual Warfare is a big plus because it's what jews themselves have been doing like the article on these forums about shithole communist Kerala, India. How in about 20 years back around when jews went back to India they conquered Kerala using synagogues and their religion to reign in the city. Along with physical properties.

I think one of the problems that some of these people might have is the whole sit back and watch the fireworks, alieness to it. Like HP.Cobra mentioned in a recent posting "We are gonna manipulate people to be our elves and like elves will be performing all sorts of wonderful miracles in time". I think these people believe you need to physically mount an offensive. Not denying physical effect is needed but that isn't how Spiritual Warfare works rather Physical is the VERY last step.

Anyways good luck SWG hope to hear from you soon with this situation.
I'm fairly sure Trump is secretly one of us. It is clear to anyone with a brain that he's against the enemy agenda and appeals to the Jews only for survival and to be more effective during the war.
of the true light said:
Retrospect said:
I don't know how to include images on here, I have tried before with the guide.
Anyway Trump is gentile if you google image his grandparents you will see they are very gentile looking Germans. His mother is a gentile from Scotland. His daughter was the one that fucked up and married a jew. Although I am not sure if his first wife is jewish or not. His second and third wife are gentile looking though.
I disagree, Trump has the frog-mouth IMO which is spoken of in the How to Identify a Jew manual.

I said that once on here and was viciously attacked by an infiltrator for it.

Vey iz mir I guess.

Then you couple it with his brothers Jooish middle name and well...

Just sayin.

Compare Trumps mouth to a real frog mouth the typical jew abomination has. It’s very different.

Not to mention, for someone to be identified as a jew through physical traits, multiple traits are always present, on top of the overall complexion appearing frail and sickly in some ways, or just off.

Trump does have a wide mouth, however there are lots of gentiles who have the same. It’s not an exclusively jew trait, because jews got many of their traits from mixing with other gentiles.

The same traits can appear in gentiles with mixed blood.

Middle name means nothing either. It’s not inherited, it’s given. Gentile parents, especially if they are xian, can and will give xian (thus hebrew) names to their children.

One also has to look at ancestry. Parents especially. Neither of Trumps parents look jewish. His mother had a somewhat strange complexion, but not a jew complexion.

Just compare how she looked when she was young to what you see when you image search for jew woman (not recommended, literally nauseating). Or compare how his mother looked to how ivanka trump looked when she was young (before she did countless cosmetic surgery in an attempt to cover up her ugly jew mug).
One Wire Phenomenon said:
luis said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
My aunt is a huge trump supporter and i am going to show this image to her it will strengthen my JoS bond with her by a lot hehe.
Its fake, it was done for a laugh or to troll. It is too good to be true.

Well its not funny at all to me now i have to explain to my aunt it was fake fuck sakes. 😳😡
I hate being the most gullible person ever..
Hp Cobra could of said something ☝️
Jokes are funny, we shouldn't stop doing them just because you're too naive.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
