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HOLY SHIT! Trump is going to join us!

Trump join us? Lol!


SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Funny post but other members have spoken about how some high level people, maybe not Trump know about us. David Icke and Alex Jones came up someone even said he used info directly from the main JoS site for one of his projects I can’t remember if it was a book or video.

How much longer until people within “the movement” (loosely United pro-humanity, conspiracy, WN, Jew haters, even libertarian types) stop fucking around and acknowledge us.

The guys I mentioned above are doing constant research, especially icke, about the enemy, (((Royal families and banker bloodlines))) and enemy ET’s and their Jewish connections they HAD to have come across JoS at some and resonated with it atleast partly but instead they still push “Rothschild is of Satan, pray to jeboo to defeat the globalists.”

We’re treated like the black sheep by basically everyone. Even among seemingly similar groups like the 09A the only time those idiots mention JoS or come over here is to troll, fedpost and promote nazbolism or whatever half-Marxist ideology they cooked up. Most WN/NS groups that would fit right in are still jeboo blinded but I notice that is fading. I’ve tried to promote JoS in National vanguard but everytime I include a link or mention something too “direct” they stifle me. I will likely be emailing the editor soon to straighten this out and explain to him what the deal is.

Anyway it will reach a point to where these people won’t be able to BS everyone anymore. Mason lodges are being burned and soon it will be Synagogues and churches and for legal reasons I will say that it will not be carried out by any Satanist but it’s going to escalate either way.

I found JoS because of a guy in the “truth community” talking about how people would say that when Icke uses “reptilian” to refer to Jews, or something along those lines. But it was enough to make me search “are Jews reptilians” and that led me to 666blacksun, and here I am a year and change later :D
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
luis said:
Its fake, it was done for a laugh or to troll. It is too good to be true.

Well its not funny at all to me now i have to explain to my aunt it was fake fuck sakes. 😳😡
I hate being the most gullible person ever..
Hp Cobra could of said something ☝️
Jokes are funny, we shouldn't stop doing them just because you're too naive.
Hahahaha yes of course Aquarius
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Kurat said:

Check Trump's Gab account!


My aunt is a huge trump supporter and i am going to show this image to her it will strengthen my JoS bond with her by a lot hehe.
Calm down, it's just a joke.

After reading his reply, I wanted to create an account here and impersonate „TheRealDonaldJTrump“ xD

But this would be evil.
Jokes are jokes, it was April 1st.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jokes are jokes, it was April 1st.

Hahahaha yes i should of known 😂
VoiceofEnki said:
of the true light said:
Retrospect said:
I don't know how to include images on here, I have tried before with the guide.
Anyway Trump is gentile if you google image his grandparents you will see they are very gentile looking Germans. His mother is a gentile from Scotland. His daughter was the one that fucked up and married a jew. Although I am not sure if his first wife is jewish or not. His second and third wife are gentile looking though.
I disagree, Trump has the frog-mouth IMO which is spoken of in the How to Identify a Jew manual.

I said that once on here and was viciously attacked by an infiltrator for it.

Vey iz mir I guess.

Then you couple it with his brothers Jooish middle name and well...

Just sayin.

Compare Trumps mouth to a real frog mouth the typical jew abomination has. It’s very different.

Not to mention, for someone to be identified as a jew through physical traits, multiple traits are always present, on top of the overall complexion appearing frail and sickly in some ways, or just off.

Trump does have a wide mouth, however there are lots of gentiles who have the same. It’s not an exclusively jew trait, because jews got many of their traits from mixing with other gentiles.

The same traits can appear in gentiles with mixed blood.

Middle name means nothing either. It’s not inherited, it’s given. Gentile parents, especially if they are xian, can and will give xian (thus hebrew) names to their children.

One also has to look at ancestry. Parents especially. Neither of Trumps parents look jewish. His mother had a somewhat strange complexion, but not a jew complexion.

Just compare how she looked when she was young to what you see when you image search for jew woman (not recommended, literally nauseating). Or compare how his mother looked to how ivanka trump looked when she was young (before she did countless cosmetic surgery in an attempt to cover up her ugly jew mug).

Some good points.

I guess I'm forever the skeptic though.

I hope he isn't Jooish.

You are saying Ivanka is Jooish?

That her mother was a Jooess?

I've seen the pics she does look like a poo pre-surgery.

Why the fuck would his brother join a Jewish fraternity and claim to be Jooish though?

And also Trump studied Kabbalah under a Jooish teacher.

I guess gentiles could do the same but it smells pretty gefilte fishy.
BlackJackal said:
Trump join us? Lol!



Good find. I remember finding evidence he was Jewish back around the time he was elected to be President. A couple of years later, evidence had been completely purged from the internet... or so I thought. When I mentioned this here, people were sceptical and still shilled for him.
Stormblood said:
Good find. I remember finding evidence he was Jewish back around the time he was elected to be President. A couple of years later, evidence had been completely purged from the internet... or so I thought. When I mentioned this here, people were sceptical and still shilled for him.
Stormblood said:
Good find. I remember finding evidence he was Jewish back around the time he was elected to be President. A couple of years later, evidence had been completely purged from the internet... or so I thought. When I mentioned this here, people were sceptical and still shilled for him.

Understandable [@member]: Stormblood, very understandable.

But whom is the lesser of two evils? Biden or Trump?

And president Harris is waiting in the back to gain power. The first blackish female president not shillary, folks, no Commie Harris.

You gotta put this in better perspective that Trump might have all these things behind him but for the most part many of the fuck ups are actually the media creating situations. For example taking out Israeli Secret Intelligence Services and Al-baghdadi in fact ISIS/ISIL had to change their name to Daesh just to compensate for their disintegration. And YES! I know the fuck up originally is the U.S./Russia and many of the World's powers Israel included in creating irregular forces to dominate the Arab Nation-Race to rouse them against the West.

Maybe Biden's victory is due to our rituals showing the World what a deranged person he is in power. But with Trump at least the fuck ups were in many ways the constructs of media, Oy vey orange man bad. Now the media is collapsing at the seams and having Post-Trump Stress Disorder. Whatever the judenpresse means by that.

So in essence as much as I'd love to see a Hitlerite in power. We are not gonna see that for a long time. Might as well pick the lesser of two evils at least Trump did some good things.
Gear88 said:
Stormblood said:
Good find. I remember finding evidence he was Jewish back around the time he was elected to be President. A couple of years later, evidence had been completely purged from the internet... or so I thought. When I mentioned this here, people were sceptical and still shilled for him.

Understandable [@member]: Stormblood, very understandable.

But whom is the lesser of two evils? Biden or Trump?

And president Harris is waiting in the back to gain power. The first blackish female president not shillary, folks, no Commie Harris.

You gotta put this in better perspective that Trump might have all these things behind him but for the most part many of the fuck ups are actually the media creating situations. For example taking out Israeli Secret Intelligence Services and Al-baghdadi in fact ISIS/ISIL had to change their name to Daesh just to compensate for their disintegration. And YES! I know the fuck up originally is the U.S./Russia and many of the World's powers Israel included in creating irregular forces to dominate the Arab Nation-Race to rouse them against the West.

Maybe Biden's victory is due to our rituals showing the World what a deranged person he is in power. But with Trump at least the fuck ups were in many ways the constructs of media, Oy vey orange man bad. Now the media is collapsing at the seams and having Post-Trump Stress Disorder. Whatever the judenpresse means by that.

So in essence as much as I'd love to see a Hitlerite in power. We are not gonna see that for a long time. Might as well pick the lesser of two evils at least Trump did some good things.

Trump would've been marginally better only because he's not as deranged as Biden. Biden only removed the good and half-good stuff Trump did. Conveniently, he left the bad ones. I think Biden is in charge now as both a manifestation of jewish panic and to bring about the final hardships we need to finally awaken the rest of the planet.
Stormblood said:
BlackJackal said:
Trump join us? Lol!



Good find. I remember finding evidence he was Jewish back around the time he was elected to be President. A couple of years later, evidence had been completely purged from the internet... or so I thought. When I mentioned this here, people were sceptical and still shilled for him.
we will one day take physical action to our movement once our forces are powerful enough and set up.
Stormblood said:
Gear88 said:
Stormblood said:
Good find. I remember finding evidence he was Jewish back around the time he was elected to be President. A couple of years later, evidence had been completely purged from the internet... or so I thought. When I mentioned this here, people were sceptical and still shilled for him.

Understandable [@member]: Stormblood, very understandable.

But whom is the lesser of two evils? Biden or Trump?

And president Harris is waiting in the back to gain power. The first blackish female president not shillary, folks, no Commie Harris.

You gotta put this in better perspective that Trump might have all these things behind him but for the most part many of the fuck ups are actually the media creating situations. For example taking out Israeli Secret Intelligence Services and Al-baghdadi in fact ISIS/ISIL had to change their name to Daesh just to compensate for their disintegration. And YES! I know the fuck up originally is the U.S./Russia and many of the World's powers Israel included in creating irregular forces to dominate the Arab Nation-Race to rouse them against the West.

Maybe Biden's victory is due to our rituals showing the World what a deranged person he is in power. But with Trump at least the fuck ups were in many ways the constructs of media, Oy vey orange man bad. Now the media is collapsing at the seams and having Post-Trump Stress Disorder. Whatever the judenpresse means by that.

So in essence as much as I'd love to see a Hitlerite in power. We are not gonna see that for a long time. Might as well pick the lesser of two evils at least Trump did some good things.

Trump would've been marginally better only because he's not as deranged as Biden. Biden only removed the good and half-good stuff Trump did. Conveniently, he left the bad ones. I think Biden is in charge now as both a manifestation of jewish panic and to bring about the final hardships we need to finally awaken the rest of the planet.

Biden has multiple indications in his chart of being a pedophile. 8th house ruler Moon in 5th house of children, aspected by Neptune along with his 12th house Scorpio emphasis of which at the cusp of it is also the ruler of the 5th house Mars. And then there is Neptune as his 4th house ruler, placed at early degrees in the 10th house (co-ruler Jupiter also placed in the 8th house) which suggests he had a very odd, shallow and outward deception focused upbringing supported also by the position of Uranus right on his descendant. That one also gives it that he divides and shocks others opinions on him, as well as stuff he is involved with like how best to run a country.

A weak manipulator going by unnoticed until just now, how he is now and is being received by people is how he has been his whole life and no different other than just not as cognitive. Also stuff like 11th ruler Venus in 12th house of secrecy saying the obvious, and Algol opposite his Scorpio Sun from the Western half suggesting those shitty energies coming to him from others he would be involved with as well as intensity coming at him from how anyone else sane would perceive the kike.

There are also many other things about him that are self-revealed, which will divide the wheat from the chaff and like you said, bring about the hardship of awakening.
13th_Wolf said:
Stormblood said:
Gear88 said:
Understandable [@member]: Stormblood, very understandable.

But whom is the lesser of two evils? Biden or Trump?

And president Harris is waiting in the back to gain power. The first blackish female president not shillary, folks, no Commie Harris.

You gotta put this in better perspective that Trump might have all these things behind him but for the most part many of the fuck ups are actually the media creating situations. For example taking out Israeli Secret Intelligence Services and Al-baghdadi in fact ISIS/ISIL had to change their name to Daesh just to compensate for their disintegration. And YES! I know the fuck up originally is the U.S./Russia and many of the World's powers Israel included in creating irregular forces to dominate the Arab Nation-Race to rouse them against the West.

Maybe Biden's victory is due to our rituals showing the World what a deranged person he is in power. But with Trump at least the fuck ups were in many ways the constructs of media, Oy vey orange man bad. Now the media is collapsing at the seams and having Post-Trump Stress Disorder. Whatever the judenpresse means by that.

So in essence as much as I'd love to see a Hitlerite in power. We are not gonna see that for a long time. Might as well pick the lesser of two evils at least Trump did some good things.

Trump would've been marginally better only because he's not as deranged as Biden. Biden only removed the good and half-good stuff Trump did. Conveniently, he left the bad ones. I think Biden is in charge now as both a manifestation of jewish panic and to bring about the final hardships we need to finally awaken the rest of the planet.

Biden has multiple indications in his chart of being a pedophile. 8th house ruler Moon in 5th house of children, aspected by Neptune along with his 12th house Scorpio emphasis of which at the cusp of it is also the ruler of the 5th house Mars. And then there is Neptune as his 4th house ruler, placed at early degrees in the 10th house (co-ruler Jupiter also placed in the 8th house) which suggests he had a very odd, shallow and outward deception focused upbringing supported also by the position of Uranus right on his descendant. That one also gives it that he divides and shocks others opinions on him, as well as stuff he is involved with like how best to run a country.

A weak manipulator going by unnoticed until just now, how he is now and is being received by people is how he has been his whole life and no different other than just not as cognitive. Also stuff like 11th ruler Venus in 12th house of secrecy saying the obvious, and Algol opposite his Scorpio Sun from the Western half suggesting those shitty energies coming to him from others he would be involved with as well as intensity coming at him from how anyone else sane would perceive the kike.

There are also many other things about him that are self-revealed, which will divide the wheat from the chaff and like you said, bring about the hardship of awakening.

Kudos to you for reading his chart. I'd rather stick a thousand pins in my eyes or drink a gallon of bleach. I always called him a paedophile worsen than that guy a couple of years ago, whose name I don't remember now. All these criminals should be subjected to damnatio memoriae. They don't deserve to exist in anyone's mind or be remembered.
This was a hilarious thread.
Aquarius said:
This was a hilarious thread.

Thanks for bumping I had a good chuckle haha
Funny! The only April Fool's joke I saw today! :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
