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jax911 asks :
High Priest Hooded Cobra :
JG Alexandros Iowno says :
High Priest Hooded Cobra :
So if Tengri is Beelzebul and Bellzebul is Satan, then Tengri is Satan right? Also, the "TEN" radical of the word Tengri seems to exist in all Asian languages even in they don't fit in the same language groupe. For example, for heavens or sky, it's Ten in Japanese and Tien/Tian in chinese. Can this be traced back to Sanskrit or any ancient word?
High Priest Hooded Cobra :
The Tengri and other question about Satan and Beelzebul is the same thing.
Let me explain, you will see what I mean.
The world is divided in two aspects: Created Universe, Uncreated Universe.
Satan and anything Spiritual, does fall under the uncreated universe (supernal, transcedental, spiritual)
Beelzebul is on the "manifested universe", ie, physical, set rules of the astral or material, and so on.
These two are One insofar the universe is one, in the same way potential and reality are connected.
Satan, Beelzebul, Astarte and Azazel (4 Crowns) symbolize 4 things: Supernal Spirituality (Ultimate Truth beyond space-time, Satya)
Beelzebul: Authority, power, structure of the Universe, the "Created", the existing, what "Is"
Astarte equals to Form: Design, beauty, formation of things, divine laws like the fibonacci structure (how the universe is created)
Azazel finally is the evident face of creation (the Light, Sun, visible power, natural laws of light, the very manifest)
However, all of these forces, IN PRINCIPLE, are how the universe works.
In the 12 house "Ancient Greek Pantheon", it's these 4 primary underlying principles, but broken into further 3 Gods each.
6 Males, 6 Females
In Ancient Hinduism, they break this into Three Powers (Creation, Maintenance, Destruction) - Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu
But the underlying message is always the same, in deep Hinduism, they know "Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu" are the same "ultimate being" or merely, Satya or the Truth
However, they also operate in a subsequent and non invasive to each other, basis.
Creation cannot be "destruction", "Destruction" is not the same as Maintenance (Vishnu)
However, primarily, they all boil down to "One Universal Power".
JG Alexandros Iowno says :
"3 body problem" of the Universe in quantum physics
High Priest Hooded Cobra :
Yes, in Quantum Physics, you have the Positive, Negative and "Potential" co-existing AT THE SAME TIME and DIVIDED.
This is of course confusing logically, because our logic is very "linear".
Now, in regard to the "voices people hear" and so on. What you hear or what you see, can be very close to others, but the experience can be PSYCHOLOGICALLY DISTINCTIVE.
That's because communication goes through this filter: you.
The message one receives, is unavoidably affected by them. In order to surpass this, one must be exceptionally advanced, and past the point of where one's own psychology interferes.
A person watching a lot of anime, might legitimately pray and see an anime figure. Another influenced by Ancient Statues, might see that force. A man who has no idea, might see something else. They however all receive the same "Input".
The underlying message, is however from the same being and same entity, so there is nothing to worry about.
So this should not worry us on a fundamental level.
I have said in a seminar of JoS donors about this topic. For example, you pray to Satan or Zeus, to send you help for lets say, coding on your computer (this is a topic ruled over by Thoth)
"What" God will be sent is not relevant, this is up to the office of the Gods (they can send a minor Demon, answer directly, or send another one) but in the end of the day, you will get your help.
When you open up more, you can know the details of this and that's the whole point. But fundamentally, the Gods operate as a large family of distinct entities that cover each their post, and operate as "One".
For example, if I call the "government" for fixing lightbulbs in the street, not necessarily the President will arrive, but the presidential mandate will send the lightbulb expert electrician.
The only thing I see, is that the Government responded.
If I go down and I talk with the man maybe his name is not President maybe they are called Tom or it's someone else. Doesn't matter. But if we have to take a specific lightbulb fixing project, it's important to know. That's for later on in spiritual advancement.
So one must not stress over these details almost at all.
There are spiritual cultures in the past who were far more elaborate in these topics and others less elaborate.
The reason subsequent Gods exist, is to help you also focus the mind. For example, when one wants to pray for victory in a dispute or a war, they would refer to a God of War.
But as many of you have noticed, if you just generally pray to your GD or Satan, whether the topic is "inside their office" or not, you still get helped. They direct other Gods to the task.
For psychological purposes or depending on what we need, we pick a God. This centers us.
When the culture is removed and/or too simplified, people don't know many details. The Gods still us very clearly from above, but we do not.
The important thing therefore becomes to create a solid culture, through which, these things are proper and distinct and accurate, for our own mind's operation also.
The hierarchy of the Gods is important also here, for example, on very large affairs, we inquire straight to Presidential higher up authority. But you will not ask Zeus what color to paint your fingernails (nor you will likely receive an answer about this topic).
A lesser God whose task is for aesthetics, can help in that regard. When we know, we can go to them.
Hope this clarifies this question
By definition when you ask for "material" favors, the Gods send lower ranking Gods who are closer to the material realm.
When you ask for example on what to advance on spiritually, then you will be sent a being that is in accordance to that dimension of existence.
Zeus in the case, was picked because as I said, they refer to him as "Pantokrator" which means "He who holds the whole universe". They ascribe to him 345+ epithets for everything. They also call him the "One" in the same one calls a president a president. Regardless, many of the subsequent Gods deserve massive reverence of their own right.