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High heels, makeup, and masculinity

Ol argedco luciftias said:

At this point I am convinced you can't read.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

I suggest you use the quote function and show us accurately exactly where we have written ourselves these things you claim about our arguments, rather than continue with this intensive logical fantasy that you have created and making a mess of this thread. Refer to my comment to Jack (which as I write this is pending) that gives you a full visual explanation of what we are actually talking about.

I also suggest to cancel your course in psychoanalyzing people and their thought patterns because you thoroughly suck at it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:

This specific situation, I do not see it as having anything to do with "transgender."

What I see is a man who seems to have never had a good relationship with other men. Who is extremely uncomfortable with any man who has a "manly" personality. Sees every "manly" man as being some kind of enemy, or as being a bad person.

He is convinced that every action that a man does every moment of every day is entirely motivated by not wanting to be girly, and thinks that most men are like this. But this can not be thought of as an exaggeration, and I am the only person who exaggerates. How could this even be possible? The amount of mental energy and focus to maintain every moment of every day thinking "don't be like a girl." When almost every situation has nothing to do with male or female anyway. I honestly can't imagine any possible way for a healthy person to maintain that type of focus on such a strange or ridiculous thought pattern for 100% of the time, especially when nearly all situations that take up most percentage of time of the day have no relation to manly or girly, but jrvan is convinced that most men are like this. I don't think even the sickest and most insane transgender person spends as much time and focus thinking about being seen as manly or girly as jrvan believes that most men spend.

And if I say that this is ridiculous, or that the amount of choices determined by this reasoning can not possibly be as high as 100%, then I am the person who is exaggerating? And if I question this, I am dismissive or I am closed minded, or I am just wrong. And they could very easily prove me wrong at any moment, and I guess the only reason they haven't is to be nice.

Am I the only person who sees all of this as just being insane? And just plain ridiculous? The situation is the jrvan seems to be a deeply obsessed person, and he seems to be the kind of guy that he describes. But instead of always having to avoid doing anything girly, jrvan is always having to avoid anything manly. Which I am not judging him, and I have never said anything is bad about this behaviour. I have never said anything bad about him. But he takes his own personal obsession of purposefully not being manly, and he tries to invent all kinds of fake spirituality around it to justify it, or to act like it is the correct way to be. He tries to act like this is something that will help him to become a god, and help his soul to be better.

I have never said anything about the way jrvan chooses to act. I have never joked about him not being manly, and never said anything bad about it. Because I don't care how he acts or what he does in his life. But the one thing that does make me angry is when a person lies and invents fictional and nonsense things, and then pretends that it is spiritual laws or that these things are required for spiritual advancement. I have no patience for this, and I will not try to allow this to happen. I will not allow this guy to harm and confuse and lie to people, just because he has his own emotional problems he wants to force the same ones onto everyone else.

I guess I am not allowed to say anything "personal" even if it is directly related to the conversation and is directly related to all of jrvan's mindset. I can not mention his mother, or the opinion that she very strongly had, or the things she used to do. But anybody can search old comments and see for themself. It does seem to be very strongly related to his current mindset.

The part that is most important, is that he is inventing fictional things and pretending that they are spiritual laws. Lying about what people have to do, and lying that these things will help anybody. It is a lie that wearing a dress will help you spiritually. It is a lie that having makeup on your face will help you spiritually. It is a lie that wearing certain shoes will help you spiritually. All of these things are direct lies, and they do not have good intentions. These kinds of ridiculous lies are harmful to people. Any jew who walks in here and invents some retarded ritual and promotes it as being necessary, this is harmful to everybody. And I am not saying jrvan is a jew, he is not, that was just an example for something similar.

At the very least, if somebody is going to lie like this and invent nonsense shit, they should at least be able to reasonably describe how it works, what all of the parts and influences are, and how it has the effect that they claim it to have. And if it was something real, it would be able to be described. And yes, all spiritual things are able to be completely described in full detail how they work. Spirituality is science, and spirituality is physics, and it can be clearly explained. It is very similar to biology the level of details that it can be explained with. Maybe some person does not know enough to be able to describe it in that detailed of a way, but none of this is a mystery where "you put this in, and you get this out, and nobody can explain how it happens."

If you believe that wearing a dress is helpful for your soul, and it gets you closer to being a goddess, please explain to me why you think this and how does it do this. I am able to explain in very fine detail all of the reasons why this is not true. But if I am wrong and you are right, it should be even easier to prove me wrong. Just explain one single beneficial effect that it does for anybody's soul. It should be extremely easy to prove me wrong because I am saying there are zero things that it does spiritually. So if you can come up with an example of just one thing, I am proven wrong. And I will accept and admit that if I am wrong. But if nobody is able to explain a single benefit that it gives to wear a dress, then it looks like it is time to admit that this was just lies and fictional spirituality.

And I do not care what kinds of dresses have been worn by men in different cultures around the world. And I do not care what kinds of dresses have been worn by women in different cultures around the world. This means nothing to me. I have never said that it is a bad thing to wear a dress, and I do not care what anybody wears. The only thing I said all along, is that there is zero effect on your soul, and zero improvement towards becoming a god, that is achieved by wearing a dress.

I am conducting a purge of problematic JoS members, and you are first on my list after Jack.

Plead guilty, witch.

Just kidding.
Ninrick gets priority.

After that it's Aquarius. Then Stormblood. Then Dahaarkan. Then VoE. Then Lydia. Then Arcadia. Then One Wire Phenomenon. Then Crystallized Mushroom. Then Egon. Then Central Force. Then NakedPluto. Then FancyMancy. Then Sundara. Then Inflorescentia. Then Tabby. And thennnnn...

Oh wait. You're actually not on this list. Must not be very important. Carry on.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
A genius is not someone that can just remember easily and reproduce on a high level. A genius is the one that uses a creative process whilst doing so, going above and beyond. Finding solutions to things, and thinking out of the box whilst doing so.
... Creating brand new solutions.
That is what a genius is.

Yes, I agree with this.

But can you also agree that a man making himself look like some drag queen kike will give him zero improvement towards becoming a genius? And it will give him zero improvement towards becoming a god? And that this has zero connection to any kind of spirituality? I honestly can't imagine why people work so hard to try to defend such stupid nonsense.

If a man wants to dress like a woman, he is allowed to do that. I don't give a fuck what anybody wants to wear. I have never said for anybody to wear, or to not wear, anything. But I can not imagine why you pretend that a man dressing like a woman is some kind of spiritual ritual or that it is going to help him at all.

I'm going to put you in a dress, Ol. I'm going to make you wear it all day every day in public, and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm going to violate your will, and you're going to have your own Sailor Moon transformation sequence as I smear lipstick on your face and turn you into a god.
hailourtruegod said:
jrvan said:
Understanding is only half the picture. There are scholarly types who understand everything with the left brain, but they won't ever practice it with the right brain. That's why Maxine said it's about knowledge AND applying that knowledge. You can understand everything and still be completely powerless because you don't do anything with the understanding. Likewise, what good is power if you don't understand how to use it properly?
Yes I agree.

I didn't feel the need for me to expand on the other side since I was only going on with the topic in hand. It's on me that I keep thinking people will get the whole picture I'm conveying and part laziness of me not wanting to write a wall of text and just getting to the point. Which is what I wrote in another unrelated post.

This is correct, and also reflects having the lower, masculine chakras balanced with the higher, feminine chakras through the heart chakra. As we know, the heart chakra is ruled by Venus, which also rules Libra, all pertaining to harmony.

This also relates to the Dagaz rune, which symbolizes the genius that comes from combining the logical and intuitive parts of our brain. This relates to Aquarius and Uranus, which bring sudden transformations or genius thoughts. Mercury is exalted in Aquarius for this reason.
Dagaz: https://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/dagaz

Uranus also rules telepathic communication, which is the "higher level" of communication, and much easier than both writing and reading walls of text.
jrvan said:
existentialcrisis said:
The fact is repression can go both ways. Jack once repressed the feminine. Jrvan represses the masculine.

This results in a backlash and going to extremes. Not all men are brainwashed to think that feelings, self care and fashion is for fags. That was once the majority case in history and in the 20th century, and currently the case in the third world. But it is not the case for everyone.

On the contrary, quite alot of men are brainwashed to hate being men, to hate masculinity and put femininity on a pedestal, which leads to repression of masculinity, especially in the west. So they overcompensate by swinging to the other side. Especially when they are lacking in Yang traits. To be fair, the feminine role is passive and easier to play. Developing masculinity requires hard work, decisive action and self responsibility, you cannot become a man, or become masculine for that matter, by growing a beard, putting on a pair of pants, boots and some flannel and chopping a block of wood.

Look at all the soyboy cucks with beards and flannel. These superficial things have nothing to do with promoting masculinity in oneself. Neither does putting on yoga pants and eyeliner develop the feminine side of the soul, only meditation can do that. They can be expressions of a dominant polarity in oneself, but they do not affect the balance specifically. Furthermore, "feminine" in the spiritual sense is allegorical, this is not a matter of gender as it is in the material world.

That is really what's going on here. As long as people are repressing the traits that they are weak in, there can not be fruitful discourse, because they are tied up in guarding their vulnerabilities and trying to keep the repressed at bay. The jungian shadow rears its ugly head.

I'm not repressed in jackshit other than money flow and sex drive. I'm in the process of getting revenge on the monsters who caused that to me.

I was a fucking Centurion in my past life. Get@me.
And I'm Donald Duck.
jrvan said:
I'm going to put you in a dress, Ol. I'm going to make you wear it all day every day in public, and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm going to violate your will, and you're going to have your own Sailor Moon transformation sequence as I smear lipstick on your face and turn you into a god.

Good luck bro. :lol:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:
I'm going to put you in a dress, Ol. I'm going to make you wear it all day every day in public, and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm going to violate your will, and you're going to have your own Sailor Moon transformation sequence as I smear lipstick on your face and turn you into a god.

Good luck bro. :lol:

I don't need luck. I have chloroform.
tabby said:
Men and designs that do it right:



Men have become so rigid on wearing anything associated with girls out of fear of being called a girl that they won't even break out of the xtian mind of how to dress, and insist that men who are not afraid of these things are total sissies and cucks with identity issues. Then we have the ignorance and enemy brainwashing problem. Skirts, dresses, makeup etc, the kinds men once wore were not called "women's wear" they were called men's wear, and the style and cut of the clothing was designed for a man's body. The application of the makeup was for a man's face. Not this "gender bending" nonsense that you claim it all is. The modern idea is that for men to wear dresses or skirts or makeup, since it's "women's' wear" they have to wear the ones made for women, designed for women. No. Just plain no. If the dress, or skirt, or makeup is specifically done with the MALE BODY in mind NOT the woman's body, you don't get your clown or drag queen situation.

I personally still disagree with the modern example you showed here. I find all of them to look completely ridiculous and still be very wrong.

It is a forceful attempt to push feminine wear on men through calling it fashion, destroying in my opinion the masculine image just the same as those strange heel wearing crossdressing trannies attempt to do.

If someone feels it suitable for themselves due to the person being a feminine man, some of those examples aren't necessarily negative, but in most of those cases there is a clear agenda behind it targeting masculinity and perpetuating the feminization of men which is a real issue in the west.

The ancients were the only ones who did it right, because the clothes were designed in a unisex manner for the most part, with slight differences between the male and female variants due to physiological differences.

The ancient greek clothes for example don't look neither feminine or masculine on their own, it is the person who wears them that makes the clothes lean either way. Inherently the long clothes are unisex at the base.

Same with the Chinese Hanfu, which actually looks very handsome and clean when worn by the right person. These clothes were also designed with comfort in mind. As someone who has worn robe like clothes similar to those ancient clothes before, I can say it certainly is more comfortable than a modern jeans or pants in most cases.

Just because they are long clothes doesn't make it the same as a dress however. Modern dresses are designed quite differently with the textures of the clothes and the overall look of them.

A kilt for example has a very different impression than a thin white summer skirt, or a suave texture dress.

There's also the history behind the garment. Kilts for example were worn by Scottish men because of the advantages they had for freedom of movement, and due to the damp climate, other forms of wear were simply too cumbersome, standard pantaloons would get soaked and restrict movement.

The kilt could also be used during marches in war time as a blanket by soldiers, thus being a very versatile piece of equipment with multiple purposes for men during that time.

The Roman or Ancient Greek army "skirts", same as the Egyptian ones that men wore were worn by men for the same reasons.

Clearly, we can all agree the history of the garment makes it very much a masculine piece of clothing even though it is designed to look like a skirt which is today considered a feminine piece of wear.

Just because the shape of the garment is the same, doesn't mean the nature of it is similar, this is a fallacy of the modern views on masculinity and femininity.

The modern notion on what is masculine or feminine is what causes confusion here on this topic, not the design of the clothes.

Modern views on this are completely corrupted by deranged delusions and ideas thanks to the jews and all the creative repression within people nowadays.

Hail Satan!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:
I don't need luck. I have chloroform.

I meant good luck in general. With everything in your life.

Yeah, that's great. Now what do you have to say for yourself and your behavior today? You've been a naughty boy.
jrvan said:
You should also review our 10 year charter, and watch as we fulfill it. If you don't believe in the strength and value of these forums and this community then you will soon enough. It will become even more obvious than it already is.
I understand but my point was that oftentimes the forum is used for other things that sacrifice it’s integrity
tabby said:
Men and designs that do it right:



Men have become so rigid on wearing anything associated with girls out of fear of being called a girl that they won't even break out of the xtian mind of how to dress, and insist that men who are not afraid of these things are total sissies and cucks with identity issues. Then we have the ignorance and enemy brainwashing problem. Skirts, dresses, makeup etc, the kinds men once wore were not called "women's wear" they were called men's wear, and the style and cut of the clothing was designed for a man's body. The application of the makeup was for a man's face. Not this "gender bending" nonsense that you claim it all is. The modern idea is that for men to wear dresses or skirts or makeup, since it's "women's' wear" they have to wear the ones made for women, designed for women. No. Just plain no. If the dress, or skirt, or makeup is specifically done with the MALE BODY in mind NOT the woman's body, you don't get your clown or drag queen situation.

I personally still disagree with the modern example you showed here. I find all of them to look completely ridiculous and still be very wrong.

It is a forceful attempt to push feminine wear on men through calling it fashion, destroying in my opinion the masculine image just the same as those strange heel wearing crossdressing trannies attempt to do.

If someone feels it suitable for themselves due to the person being a feminine man, some of those examples aren't necessarily negative, but in most of those cases there is a clear agenda behind it targeting masculinity and perpetuating the feminization of men which is a real issue in the west.

The ancients were the only ones who did it right, because the clothes were designed in a unisex manner for the most part, with slight differences between the male and female variants due to physiological differences.

The ancient greek clothes for example don't look neither feminine or masculine on their own, it is the person who wears them that makes the clothes lean either way. Inherently the long clothes are unisex at the base.

Same with the Chinese Hanfu, which actually looks very handsome and clean when worn by the right person. These clothes were also designed with comfort in mind. As someone who has worn robe like clothes similar to those ancient clothes before, I can say it certainly is more comfortable than a modern jeans or pants in most cases.

Just because they are long clothes doesn't make it the same as a dress however. Modern dresses are designed quite differently with the textures of the clothes and the overall look of them.

A kilt for example has a very different impression than a thin white summer skirt, or a suave texture dress.

There's also the history behind the garment. Kilts for example were worn by Scottish men because of the advantages they had for freedom of movement, and due to the damp climate, other forms of wear were simply too cumbersome, standard pantaloons would get soaked and restrict movement.

The kilt could also be used during marches in war time as a blanket by soldiers, thus being a very versatile piece of equipment with multiple purposes for men during that time.

The Roman or Ancient Greek army "skirts", same as the Egyptian ones that men wore were worn by men for the same reasons.

Clearly, we can all agree the history of the garment makes it very much a masculine piece of clothing even though it is designed to look like a skirt which is today considered a feminine piece of wear.

Just because the shape of the garment is the same, doesn't mean the nature of it is similar, this is a fallacy of the modern views on masculinity and femininity.

The modern notion on what is masculine or feminine is what causes confusion here on this topic, not the design of the clothes.

Modern views on this are completely corrupted by deranged delusions and ideas thanks to the jews and all the creative repression within people nowadays.

Hail Satan!
That shit looks stupid lol not even in a feminine way a women would look odd wearing those things.
The Outlaw Torn said:
That shit looks stupid lol not even in a feminine way a women would look odd wearing those things.

Then discover your own taste. She came up with examples to illustrate the points made.

In the interest of productive discussion: I believe part of it is also the materials used in a lot of cases. If you look at most polyester clothing, it looks like absolute trash on anyone. Personally I think most modern clothing is terrible.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Ol, you commit this same mistake all the time. Not just with me, but with other people too. You don't properly read what people say, and you end up putting words in their mouth and accusing them of shit they didn't do. You're arguing against points I haven't made, and saying I said things that I didn't say. Worst of all is that I have to do the guesswork of whether you are just too lazy to actually read and thoroughly digest what I have ACTUALLY said without having knee jerk reactions and thinking there are implications where there are none, or if you are doing this maliciously against me. Most of the time I give you the benefit of the doubt, and that's why I end up thinking you're really stupid.

You also have a karmic pattern of always feeling like you're on trial. Clearly you have current life or past life trauma of having to argue against unfair and absurd charges and accusations made against you. Every time someone argues against you, you freak out and try to prove that you're Snow White through long texts defending against every little thing. Listen to me... you are not innocent. And you are not on trial.

I suggest you work on that pattern because it's a problem to yourself and others. In the meantime, please stop lying about me and what I have said. Don't use my past against me. Show me basic respect, and I will show you the same.
VoiceofEnki said:
I personally still disagree with the modern example you showed here. I find all of them to look completely ridiculous and still be very wrong.

It is a forceful attempt to push feminine wear on men through calling it fashion, destroying in my opinion the masculine image just the same as those strange heel wearing crossdressing trannies attempt to do.

If someone feels it suitable for themselves due to the person being a feminine man, some of those examples aren't necessarily negative, but in most of those cases there is a clear agenda behind it targeting masculinity and perpetuating the feminization of men which is a real issue in the west.

The ancients were the only ones who did it right, because the clothes were designed in a unisex manner for the most part, with slight differences between the male and female variants due to physiological differences.

The ancient greek clothes for example don't look neither feminine or masculine on their own, it is the person who wears them that makes the clothes lean either way. Inherently the long clothes are unisex at the base.

Same with the Chinese Hanfu, which actually looks very handsome and clean when worn by the right person. These clothes were also designed with comfort in mind. As someone who has worn robe like clothes similar to those ancient clothes before, I can say it certainly is more comfortable than a modern jeans or pants in most cases.

Just because they are long clothes doesn't make it the same as a dress however. Modern dresses are designed quite differently with the textures of the clothes and the overall look of them.

A kilt for example has a very different impression than a thin white summer skirt, or a suave texture dress.

There's also the history behind the garment. Kilts for example were worn by Scottish men because of the advantages they had for freedom of movement, and due to the damp climate, other forms of wear were simply too cumbersome, standard pantaloons would get soaked and restrict movement.

The kilt could also be used during marches in war time as a blanket by soldiers, thus being a very versatile piece of equipment with multiple purposes for men during that time.

The Roman or Ancient Greek army "skirts", same as the Egyptian ones that men wore were worn by men for the same reasons.

Clearly, we can all agree the history of the garment makes it very much a masculine piece of clothing even though it is designed to look like a skirt which is today considered a feminine piece of wear.

Just because the shape of the garment is the same, doesn't mean the nature of it is similar, this is a fallacy of the modern views on masculinity and femininity.

The modern notion on what is masculine or feminine is what causes confusion here on this topic, not the design of the clothes.

Modern views on this are completely corrupted by deranged delusions and ideas thanks to the jews and all the creative repression within people nowadays.

Hail Satan!

Fair enough. The modern wear for either men or women disgusts me completely, which is why I decided to pick up making my own clothes a long time ago using older and far better techniques and styles incorporated from history. These examples were the best ones I could find in a sea of modern retardedness, and I wouldn't personally style a man in these designs if he didn't like them or suited him.

Everyone has a unique body. I wonder if you might be subconsciously picking up on the energies of the modern examples compared to the historical ones. The following might not make much sense, but the fabrics are out of alignment with nature and spirituality, as are the minds of the people wearing them. Even if the design is similar, the energy feels wrong which throws off the entire look. The energy that gets imbued into the clothing and the person who makes the clothing plays an important role, because even if an outfit has nothing wrong with it, bad energy and intention will ruin it anyway. Because there is a forceful attempt currently in society to ruin masculinity, clothing that would be fine for masculinity, turns into further enemy programming because of the dross imbued into it. Synthetic fabrics have a horrible energy to them compared to natural fabrics as well.

I hate it.

We are all individuals. Even I'm not perfectly happy and in favor of the modern examples I found. I wish I could safely share the examples I have in cue to sew together in my personal time, and the designs I create in my thoughts. It may be a bias, but personally, society would come alive so much more just from changing how people understand and wear clothing. No target and walmart cheap shit or crazy enemy ideas. Real and natural, and meant for the body.
The Outlaw Torn said:
That shit looks stupid lol not even in a feminine way a women would look odd wearing those things.

Sue me.
tabby said:
Fair enough. The modern wear for either men or women disgusts me completely, which is why I decided to pick up making my own clothes a long time ago using older and far better techniques and styles incorporated from history. These examples were the best ones I could find in a sea of modern retardedness, and I wouldn't personally style a man in these designs if he didn't like them or suited him.

Everyone has a unique body. I wonder if you might be subconsciously picking up on the energies of the modern examples compared to the historical ones. The following might not make much sense, but the fabrics are out of alignment with nature and spirituality, as are the minds of the people wearing them. Even if the design is similar, the energy feels wrong which throws off the entire look. The energy that gets imbued into the clothing and the person who makes the clothing plays an important role, because even if an outfit has nothing wrong with it, bad energy and intention will ruin it anyway. Because there is a forceful attempt currently in society to ruin masculinity, clothing that would be fine for masculinity, turns into further enemy programming because of the dross imbued into it. Synthetic fabrics have a horrible energy to them compared to natural fabrics as well.

I hate it.

We are all individuals. Even I'm not perfectly happy and in favor of the modern examples I found. I wish I could safely share the examples I have in cue to sew together in my personal time, and the designs I create in my thoughts. It may be a bias, but personally, society would come alive so much more just from changing how people understand and wear clothing. No target and walmart cheap shit or crazy enemy ideas. Real and natural, and meant for the body.

I agree completely with what you said here.

It is unfortunate you can't really safely share your designs/ideas as it could be identifying, but from what you say about clothing design, you have a much more balanced and better view of it than the modern ideas around it today.

It is also true what you said about the energy being out of whack with the people wearing those clothes shown in the modern examples. I do automatically pick up on that, since I cannot really look at things any other way unless I make a conscious effort to ignore that.

Appearance is more than purely the physical. To me especially. A balance between all the outwardly expressive qualities of the person is necessary in order to have a harmonious appearance.

I have the same qualms about modern clothes as you for the most part. Unnatural fabrics also irritate me, not physically, but mentally/psychically as if something is out of place, the clothes don't feel comfortable because of that.

Cotton, wool, leather (for jackets), etc are fine, but polyester and similar fabrics feel awful to wear to me.

In my mind's eye while meditating, I always see myself wearing Ancient Greek style robes rather than a pants with jeans or whatever. Likely due to past life preference being ingrained within my subconsciousness.

I'd prefer to wear that in my daily life as well if I could, but I don't since it would look far too much out of place today (where I live at least).
VoiceofEnki said:
I personally still disagree with the modern example you showed here. I find all of them to look completely ridiculous and still be very wrong.

It is a forceful attempt to push feminine wear on men through calling it fashion, destroying in my opinion the masculine image just the same as those strange heel wearing crossdressing trannies attempt to do.

If someone feels it suitable for themselves due to the person being a feminine man, some of those examples aren't necessarily negative, but in most of those cases there is a clear agenda behind it targeting masculinity and perpetuating the feminization of men which is a real issue in the west.

The ancients were the only ones who did it right, because the clothes were designed in a unisex manner for the most part, with slight differences between the male and female variants due to physiological differences.

The ancient greek clothes for example don't look neither feminine or masculine on their own, it is the person who wears them that makes the clothes lean either way. Inherently the long clothes are unisex at the base.

Same with the Chinese Hanfu, which actually looks very handsome and clean when worn by the right person. These clothes were also designed with comfort in mind. As someone who has worn robe like clothes similar to those ancient clothes before, I can say it certainly is more comfortable than a modern jeans or pants in most cases.

Just because they are long clothes doesn't make it the same as a dress however. Modern dresses are designed quite differently with the textures of the clothes and the overall look of them.

A kilt for example has a very different impression than a thin white summer skirt, or a suave texture dress.

There's also the history behind the garment. Kilts for example were worn by Scottish men because of the advantages they had for freedom of movement, and due to the damp climate, other forms of wear were simply too cumbersome, standard pantaloons would get soaked and restrict movement.

The kilt could also be used during marches in war time as a blanket by soldiers, thus being a very versatile piece of equipment with multiple purposes for men during that time.

The Roman or Ancient Greek army "skirts", same as the Egyptian ones that men wore were worn by men for the same reasons.

Clearly, we can all agree the history of the garment makes it very much a masculine piece of clothing even though it is designed to look like a skirt which is today considered a feminine piece of wear.

Just because the shape of the garment is the same, doesn't mean the nature of it is similar, this is a fallacy of the modern views on masculinity and femininity.

The modern notion on what is masculine or feminine is what causes confusion here on this topic, not the design of the clothes.

Modern views on this are completely corrupted by deranged delusions and ideas thanks to the jews and all the creative repression within people nowadays.

Hail Satan!

Unisex... you just made me realise something. The largest notable changes in time when clothing started becoming stricter in what appeared to be more heavily defined men's wear and women's, started happening in a similar time frame of enemy programming of xtianity.

I'm beginning to suspect this could be another tactic by the enemy to divide men and women, because not only has clothing terribly degraded since the introduction of xtianity, so has the heavily gendered nonsense on these things increased at a similar rate. I don't know if this will make sense to anyone who reads this. But following clothing changes in history follows the same path of degeneracy that has fallen on humanity. Clothing for men has degraded to colorless and boring, but the women's clothing is becoming far too eccentric, as are the designs for either. Splitting them further apart and then using programming to get people low enough to do a total switch with gender bending. The whole thing is unnatural.

I think I will dive into this more personally for self-study. For now this is a theory. Thank you.
VoiceofEnki said:
tabby said:
Fair enough. The modern wear for either men or women disgusts me completely, which is why I decided to pick up making my own clothes a long time ago using older and far better techniques and styles incorporated from history. These examples were the best ones I could find in a sea of modern retardedness, and I wouldn't personally style a man in these designs if he didn't like them or suited him.

Everyone has a unique body. I wonder if you might be subconsciously picking up on the energies of the modern examples compared to the historical ones. The following might not make much sense, but the fabrics are out of alignment with nature and spirituality, as are the minds of the people wearing them. Even if the design is similar, the energy feels wrong which throws off the entire look. The energy that gets imbued into the clothing and the person who makes the clothing plays an important role, because even if an outfit has nothing wrong with it, bad energy and intention will ruin it anyway. Because there is a forceful attempt currently in society to ruin masculinity, clothing that would be fine for masculinity, turns into further enemy programming because of the dross imbued into it. Synthetic fabrics have a horrible energy to them compared to natural fabrics as well.

I hate it.

We are all individuals. Even I'm not perfectly happy and in favor of the modern examples I found. I wish I could safely share the examples I have in cue to sew together in my personal time, and the designs I create in my thoughts. It may be a bias, but personally, society would come alive so much more just from changing how people understand and wear clothing. No target and walmart cheap shit or crazy enemy ideas. Real and natural, and meant for the body.

I agree completely with what you said here.

It is unfortunate you can't really safely share your designs/ideas as it could be identifying, but from what you say about clothing design, you have a much more balanced and better view of it than the modern ideas around it today.

It is also true what you said about the energy being out of whack with the people wearing those clothes shown in the modern examples. I do automatically pick up on that, since I cannot really look at things any other way unless I make a conscious effort to ignore that.

Appearance is more than purely the physical. To me especially. A balance between all the outwardly expressive qualities of the person is necessary in order to have a harmonious appearance.

I have the same qualms about modern clothes as you for the most part. Unnatural fabrics also irritate me, not physically, but mentally/psychically as if something is out of place, the clothes don't feel comfortable because of that.

Cotton, wool, leather (for jackets), etc are fine, but polyester and similar fabrics feel awful to wear to me.

In my mind's eye while meditating, I always see myself wearing Ancient Greek style robes rather than a pants with jeans or whatever. Likely due to past life preference being ingrained within my subconsciousness.

I'd prefer to wear that in my daily life as well if I could, but I don't since it would look far too much out of place today (where I live at least).

I'm glad to be on the same page. I always worry when I talk or express my thoughts like this if others will understand.

You as well? I have the same thing happen, especially when I focus heavily during cleaning. Suddenly I will see myself wearing garments like the Ancient Greek robes, and my soul looks brighter and healthier in that image.

It makes me feel like I'm suffocating in the clothes I have to wear currently whenever I see it.
tabby said:
Unisex... you just made me realise something. The largest notable changes in time when clothing started becoming stricter in what appeared to be more heavily defined men's wear and women's, started happening in a similar time frame of enemy programming of xtianity.

I'm beginning to suspect this could be another tactic by the enemy to divide men and women, because not only has clothing terribly degraded since the introduction of xtianity, so has the heavily gendered nonsense on these things increased at a similar rate. I don't know if this will make sense to anyone who reads this. But following clothing changes in history follows the same path of degeneracy that has fallen on humanity. Clothing for men has degraded to colorless and boring, but the women's clothing is becoming far too eccentric, as are the designs for either. Splitting them further apart and then using programming to get people low enough to do a total switch with gender bending. The whole thing is unnatural.

I think I will dive into this more personally for self-study. For now this is a theory. Thank you.

This is indeed very evident when observing the clothing changes throughout history. Dividing men and woman is always one of the main goals of the enemy, to destroy the unity of our society.

They did so in everything, clothing is one of many examples where it is very noticeable.
Imagine if jack had come on this thread and state that he disagreed, and presented his reasons for disagreeing and had a real discussion.

Instead it's far superior to be like "hurrr tranny faggot put on sum makeup LOL XD NICE JOB". And create shitshows like this this, starting arguments of a personal nature where there were none. And then blame people for the shitshow he started, simply because they responded to him and his retarded comments.

Jack's way of debating is like that annoying feminist bitch that constantly goes "sO yOu'Re SaYiNg" and then putting words in your mouth and arguing these same points that no one made.

This is what happens when you have a person who became too comfortable with dishing out disrespect and getting no backlash for it. Well oopsie daisy there's a thread with over 10k views proving that nobody has to tolerate this kind of disrespect and low tier bullying. So your days of verbally degrading Satanists to satisfy your ego are over, and you've been exposed for being two-faced and enforcing principles on others that you yourself don't follow.

Now people are standing up to him and not putting up with his bs and he's sad. Owh boohoo. You brought this on yourself.

Jack hates talking to "these people" so much that he chases those same people around every thread they make barking insults and verbal degradation constantly. And now is feeling sad because those same people he disrespects on a daily basis are standing up to him and telling him to fuck off.

Sorry o rabbi dictator but this isn't your communist slave state of your dreams where you get to piss on people and they can't do or say anything about it.
Dahaarkan said:

To argue and let the words of others bother you is also a choice. When people argue endlessly, there are two parties participating, which means there is responsibility for the "mess" on both sides regardless whether one beliefs they are right or wrong.

One can simply say their piece and leave it at that, rather than always desire to have the last word and continue arguing in perpetuity.

Think about that next time you enter a discussion with someone.

If one believe one is right, and especially if one knows one is right, there is no need to argue, as the truth speaks for itself.

Say what you must, and let the truth speak.

Hail Satan!
tabby said:
Men and designs that do it right:

Chinese hanfu:

American founders and soldiers:
(note the black bow in their powdered wigs, and frills for the collar and such)

Correct me if I'm wrong, I believe this is called a kurta:

Scottish kilt:

Ancient Greek:




From the 'modern' thing I only like the first picture, the picture with the white top and black bottom, the picture with the black long top and the black bottom.

The picture of the green cloak or whatever... is usually pictured as what one would wear as a witch or what sort of is worn in LOTR ... tbh I think its a poor excuse for a proper garment. It may feel like you wear pjs though, that kind of garment, but its not very practical.

I once saw a guy with an a-line long black skirt, with loads of chains and belts on it. I forgot what kind of top he was wearing, if it was just a plain black tank top or something else but I thought it looked pretty cool.

Also Sadhguru mentions the same thing, (and he's not even .. on our level/from the JoS/more of a cult thing nowadays) about the clothes feeling restrictive. That it should be one piece, no seams. That it doesn't flow well or something.
He has a shop though, and one set of clothing is easily 300 euros or more. Also Indian clothing.. also often have one big scarf like piece which is draped, with a fitted top (for women). (Got suggestions from that after having watched a sadhguru vid or two. Note: I do not follow what he said, but sometimes helpful answers can be found within such things)

I can't say I've had the same feeling as you, wearing ancient greek robes of some sort..
The Outlaw Torn said:
hailourtruegod said:
Lastly since you're new it's understandable why you have a misconception as to why Maxine isn't here. Better to learn why than to say ignorant things that will only give you flak from the advanced members which I'm sure will roll their eyes seeing that part of your comment.
The official answer for absence is that she is more focused on doing the magnum but who said you can’t do that while participating on the forum?

Actually that makes a lot of sense to me. Just look at some the ego battles on here. Do you think any of them have the maturity or enlightenment to become Gods? I do think it is better to stay away if you want to advance faster.

She and the other truly advanced don’t want to become clowns of the ancient forums circus.

Just imagine how much of a drain it is to be someone like cobra that has to read through and approve all of this every single day. Not even the drama just all of the trolls and other ridiculous things you have to deal with.

Higher level of the Magnum Opus require more time during the day. They also cannot be performed on this planet, as the level of the planet is so low that it's extremely difficult (if at all possible) to even keep the kundalini raised at all time. You need to get to another planet in the Gods' empire after a certain point, and then you'll have the opportunity to break certain plateaus.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=341706 time=1649125905 user_id=21286]

This also relates to the Dagaz rune, which symbolizes the genius that comes from combining the logical and intuitive parts of our brain. This relates to Aquarius and Uranus, which bring sudden transformations or genius thoughts. Mercury is exalted in Aquarius for this reason.
Dagaz: https://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/dagaz

Uranus also rules telepathic communication, which is the "higher level" of communication, and much easier than both writing and reading walls of text.

I am convinced Mercury is the secondary ruler of the sixth chakra.

VoiceofEnki said:
tabby said:
Men and designs that do it right:



Men have become so rigid on wearing anything associated with girls out of fear of being called a girl that they won't even break out of the xtian mind of how to dress, and insist that men who are not afraid of these things are total sissies and cucks with identity issues. Then we have the ignorance and enemy brainwashing problem. Skirts, dresses, makeup etc, the kinds men once wore were not called "women's wear" they were called men's wear, and the style and cut of the clothing was designed for a man's body. The application of the makeup was for a man's face. Not this "gender bending" nonsense that you claim it all is. The modern idea is that for men to wear dresses or skirts or makeup, since it's "women's' wear" they have to wear the ones made for women, designed for women. No. Just plain no. If the dress, or skirt, or makeup is specifically done with the MALE BODY in mind NOT the woman's body, you don't get your clown or drag queen situation.

I personally still disagree with the modern example you showed here. I find all of them to look completely ridiculous and still be very wrong.

It is a forceful attempt to push feminine wear on men through calling it fashion, destroying in my opinion the masculine image just the same as those strange heel wearing crossdressing trannies attempt to do.

If someone feels it suitable for themselves due to the person being a feminine man, some of those examples aren't necessarily negative, but in most of those cases there is a clear agenda behind it targeting masculinity and perpetuating the feminization of men which is a real issue in the west.

The ancients were the only ones who did it right, because the clothes were designed in a unisex manner for the most part, with slight differences between the male and female variants due to physiological differences.

The ancient greek clothes for example don't look neither feminine or masculine on their own, it is the person who wears them that makes the clothes lean either way. Inherently the long clothes are unisex at the base.

Same with the Chinese Hanfu, which actually looks very handsome and clean when worn by the right person. These clothes were also designed with comfort in mind. As someone who has worn robe like clothes similar to those ancient clothes before, I can say it certainly is more comfortable than a modern jeans or pants in most cases.

Just because they are long clothes doesn't make it the same as a dress however. Modern dresses are designed quite differently with the textures of the clothes and the overall look of them.

A kilt for example has a very different impression than a thin white summer skirt, or a suave texture dress.

There's also the history behind the garment. Kilts for example were worn by Scottish men because of the advantages they had for freedom of movement, and due to the damp climate, other forms of wear were simply too cumbersome, standard pantaloons would get soaked and restrict movement.

The kilt could also be used during marches in war time as a blanket by soldiers, thus being a very versatile piece of equipment with multiple purposes for men during that time.

The Roman or Ancient Greek army "skirts", same as the Egyptian ones that men wore were worn by men for the same reasons.

Clearly, we can all agree the history of the garment makes it very much a masculine piece of clothing even though it is designed to look like a skirt which is today considered a feminine piece of wear.

Just because the shape of the garment is the same, doesn't mean the nature of it is similar, this is a fallacy of the modern views on masculinity and femininity.

The modern notion on what is masculine or feminine is what causes confusion here on this topic, not the design of the clothes.

Modern views on this are completely corrupted by deranged delusions and ideas thanks to the jews and all the creative repression within people nowadays.

Hail Satan!

I don't see the appeal of wearing a curtain/blanket all the time. Sure, traditional Asian dresses should be worn during particular occasions (and only by Asians, since they are a manifestation of their soul traits), but I find them really impractical for daily wear. Trousers are much more suited. This is one of the things that is actually an evolution, rather than a regression in my eyes. Skirts/kilts are also not that comfortable for daily wear for the male physiology. There are ways to make any fabric to be "moisture-wicking", including cotton, wool, etc.

On the other hand, I am very much for the possibility of being shirtless in some climates like in some Egyptian traditional fashion. If the majority was actually physically fit like in their times (or even athletic), it wouldn't be an issue and it shouldn't frowned upon. Unfortunately, too big of a portion of the population is fat/chubby and they are right to be ashamed about it, yet they should do something about it. Unfortunately still, people from toxic body "positivity" would make it a statement to encourage fat people to be shirtless, which should be considered a form of psychological terrorism against people with a pronounced Neptune. Another reason against it is the fact many people nowadays are into self-harm (i.e. tattoos) and hate their skin so much they have to fill it with ink. You also have bodybuilders who are another type of overweight and they look completely dysmorphic. I saw one yesterday and their shoulder width was literally 3 times his head (on each side!), making him look completely disproportionate at only 19 years old. He had also neglected upper back muscles, which made his shoulders look like a straight line perpendicular to his neck. Ew.

Anyway, that's how I see it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
But the one thing that does make me angry is when a person lies and invents fictional and nonsense things, and then pretends that it is spiritual laws or that these things are required for spiritual advancement.
The part that is most important, is that he is inventing fictional things and pretending that they are spiritual laws. Lying about what people have to do, and lying that these things will help anybody. It is a lie that wearing a dress will help you spiritually. It is a lie that having makeup on your face will help you spiritually. It is a lie that wearing certain shoes will help you spiritually. All of these things are direct lies, and they do not have good intentions. These kinds of ridiculous lies are harmful to people.
And yes, all spiritual things are able to be completely described in full detail how they work. Spirituality is science, and spirituality is physics, and it can be clearly explained. It is very similar to biology the level of details that it can be explained with. Maybe some person does not know enough to be able to describe it in that detailed of a way, but none of this is a mystery where "you put this in, and you get this out, and nobody can explain how it happens."

If you believe that wearing a dress is helpful for your soul, and it gets you closer to being a goddess, please explain to me why you think this and how does it do this. I am able to explain in very fine detail all of the reasons why this is not true. But if I am wrong and you are right, it should be even easier to prove me wrong. Just explain one single beneficial effect that it does for anybody's soul. It should be extremely easy to prove me wrong because I am saying there are zero things that it does spiritually. So if you can come up with an example of just one thing, I am proven wrong. And I will accept and admit that if I am wrong. But if nobody is able to explain a single benefit that it gives to wear a dress, then it looks like it is time to admit that this was just lies and fictional spirituality.

Look if you are constantly hammering onto something, it'd show up like 'its only x or y' way. You're not even listening.
Also I won't even mention the contradictory things in this post just now.

They have NOT been saying 'Putting make-up on your face is feminine'.

They've been saying 'Putting make-up on your face as ART is an EXPRESSION of the feminine part of the soul.'
Entirely different.
Also I am not having this discussion with you too. Its done, an end needs to be seen to this.

Harmful shoes, can change the anatomy of the feet. It is not unimaginable that that'd have an impact on the chakras of/in the feet, and therefore it is not a lie to say that modern shoes or modern high heels (as was the topic about) are shitty and should preferably not be worn *obviously*.
Im pretty sure you were just ranting there, but I did want to point it out.

There are many things in spirituality that we do not have the proper words for, nor is everyone taking the exact same path to reach the same goal. Therefore it cannot be connected to 'modern science' in any way shape or form.
Note: I didn't look into metaphysics, yet, I will have to leave that for another time. As it is right now, I consider metaphysics something on its own, not so much connected to 'modern science'.

Yes wearing a dress it helpful for me. Why?
Because it makes me happy. If I am happy I do not invite negative energies nor do I create them and as thus I do not create disastrous situations around me nor do I invite enemy attacks onto me by weakening my aura by having loads of negative energy in it because I absolutely despite what I wear.

Your turn.

Also I wanted to add "what someone wears or does in their private time is no one elses business" - of the JoS.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
But can you also agree that a man making himself look like some drag queen kike will give him zero improvement towards becoming a genius? And it will give him zero improvement towards becoming a god? And that this has zero connection to any kind of spirituality? I honestly can't imagine why people work so hard to try to defend such stupid nonsense.

If a man wants to dress like a woman, he is allowed to do that. I don't give a fuck what anybody wants to wear. I have never said for anybody to wear, or to not wear, anything. But I can not imagine why you pretend that a man dressing like a woman is some kind of spiritual ritual or that it is going to help him at all.

Look I don't think that dressing like a woman *imagine Freddie Mercury in 'I want to break free'* is a great thing either. It was ridiculous and it was never meant to promote men dressing up like a woman daily.
Maybe it originally has had to do more with 'perhaps these clothes are comfy' or 'the clothes look so pretty' but nothing else.. I don't know.
I've never had this gender confusion issue myself.

(Also a lot of things done in the '80s' are said to 'break traditional views' and also things that are 'scandulous'. But somehow, seemingly, a lot of the things that the teens back then were let free in are now restricted in the children/teens of today. Or are expressed in different forms, not necessarily better ones..)

People are so very lost and confused nowadays and because we all have to 'accept' these special snowflakes ... you can't even say 'I disagree' because they'd whine about it and get you kicked off a public space.
Stormblood said:
I don't see the appeal of wearing a curtain/blanket all the time. Sure, traditional Asian dresses should be worn during particular occasions (and only by Asians, since they are a manifestation of their soul traits), but I find them really impractical for daily wear. Trousers are much more suited. This is one of the things that is actually an evolution, rather than a regression in my eyes. Skirts/kilts are also not that comfortable for daily wear for the male physiology. There are ways to make any fabric to be "moisture-wicking", including cotton, wool, etc.

I suppose this is down to preference. To me, a himation or chiton looks very comfortable, and I'd wear it all day (depending on the make and the density of the cloth).

Pants and especially jeans feel less comfortable to me personally. Possibly because I have soul memory of wearing clothes that didn't restrict the legs, and thus developed a preference for this.

That is not to say I condemn pants or jeans. They have advantages that other clothes don't have, especially when they are made in such away not to restrict mobility (the NS SS uniform lower wear comes to mind).

I've always had issue with tight form fitting clothes, which many clothes are these days. As such I always buy shirts 1 or 2 sizes larger than I need.

But there is no right or wrong in that sense, it is mostly preference.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
But the one thing that does make me angry is when a person lies and invents fictional and nonsense things, and then pretends that it is spiritual laws or that these things are required for spiritual advancement.
The part that is most important, is that he is inventing fictional things and pretending that they are spiritual laws. Lying about what people have to do, and lying that these things will help anybody. It is a lie that wearing a dress will help you spiritually. It is a lie that having makeup on your face will help you spiritually. It is a lie that wearing certain shoes will help you spiritually. All of these things are direct lies, and they do not have good intentions. These kinds of ridiculous lies are harmful to people.
And yes, all spiritual things are able to be completely described in full detail how they work. Spirituality is science, and spirituality is physics, and it can be clearly explained. It is very similar to biology the level of details that it can be explained with. Maybe some person does not know enough to be able to describe it in that detailed of a way, but none of this is a mystery where "you put this in, and you get this out, and nobody can explain how it happens."

If you believe that wearing a dress is helpful for your soul, and it gets you closer to being a goddess, please explain to me why you think this and how does it do this. I am able to explain in very fine detail all of the reasons why this is not true. But if I am wrong and you are right, it should be even easier to prove me wrong. Just explain one single beneficial effect that it does for anybody's soul. It should be extremely easy to prove me wrong because I am saying there are zero things that it does spiritually. So if you can come up with an example of just one thing, I am proven wrong. And I will accept and admit that if I am wrong. But if nobody is able to explain a single benefit that it gives to wear a dress, then it looks like it is time to admit that this was just lies and fictional spirituality.

Look if you are constantly hammering onto something, it'd show up like 'its only x or y' way. You're not even listening.
Also I won't even mention the contradictory things in this post just now.

They have NOT been saying 'Putting make-up on your face is feminine'.

They've been saying 'Putting make-up on your face as ART is an EXPRESSION of the feminine part of the soul.'
Entirely different.
Also I am not having this discussion with you too. Its done, an end needs to be seen to this.

Harmful shoes, can change the anatomy of the feet. It is not unimaginable that that'd have an impact on the chakras of/in the feet, and therefore it is not a lie to say that modern shoes or modern high heels (as was the topic about) are shitty and should preferably not be worn *obviously*.
Im pretty sure you were just ranting there, but I did want to point it out.

There are many things in spirituality that we do not have the proper words for, nor is everyone taking the exact same path to reach the same goal. Therefore it cannot be connected to 'modern science' in any way shape or form.
Note: I didn't look into metaphysics, yet, I will have to leave that for another time. As it is right now, I consider metaphysics something on its own, not so much connected to 'modern science'.

Yes wearing a dress it helpful for me. Why?
Because it makes me happy. If I am happy I do not invite negative energies nor do I create them and as thus I do not create disastrous situations around me nor do I invite enemy attacks onto me by weakening my aura by having loads of negative energy in it because I absolutely despite what I wear.

Your turn.

Also I wanted to add "what someone wears or does in their private time is no one elses business" - of the JoS.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
But can you also agree that a man making himself look like some drag queen kike will give him zero improvement towards becoming a genius? And it will give him zero improvement towards becoming a god? And that this has zero connection to any kind of spirituality? I honestly can't imagine why people work so hard to try to defend such stupid nonsense.

If a man wants to dress like a woman, he is allowed to do that. I don't give a fuck what anybody wants to wear. I have never said for anybody to wear, or to not wear, anything. But I can not imagine why you pretend that a man dressing like a woman is some kind of spiritual ritual or that it is going to help him at all.

Look I don't think that dressing like a woman *imagine Freddie Mercury in 'I want to break free'* is a great thing either. It was ridiculous and it was never meant to promote men dressing up like a woman daily.
Maybe it originally has had to do more with 'perhaps these clothes are comfy' or 'the clothes look so pretty' but nothing else.. I don't know.
I've never had this gender confusion issue myself.

(Also a lot of things done in the '80s' are said to 'break traditional views' and also things that are 'scandulous'. But somehow, seemingly, a lot of the things that the teens back then were let free in are now restricted in the children/teens of today. Or are expressed in different forms, not necessarily better ones..)

People are so very lost and confused nowadays and because we all have to 'accept' these special snowflakes ... you can't even say 'I disagree' because they'd whine about it and get you kicked off a public space.

I have a decent example that jrvan spoke to me about. Imagine the Gods attempting to wear the modern clothes we have today. Imagine how badly that would impact them spiritually. Restrictive, unflattering, synthetic, poor quality, poor energy. Yikes. Some things just don't need to be explained in logical mathematical detail to intuitively understand how something would affect spirituality.

Imagine living in a terrible environment, a trashed house, and a toxic neighborhood. It wears you down energetically, makes you feel awful, and starts to cause ill health. Clothing affects us in the same way. You wouldn't stay around a toxic individual because of how it affects you spiritually, so why would you do the same with clothing?
VoiceofEnki said:
Dahaarkan said:

To argue and let the words of others bother you is also a choice. When people argue endlessly, there are two parties participating, which means there is responsibility for the "mess" on both sides regardless whether one beliefs they are right or wrong.

One can simply say their piece and leave it at that, rather than always desire to have the last word and continue arguing in perpetuity.

Think about that next time you enter a discussion with someone.

If one believe one is right, and especially if one knows one is right, there is no need to argue, as the truth speaks for itself.

Say what you must, and let the truth speak.

Hail Satan!

I agree with you. Although it is in my nature to speak up for what I think is right. In truth I think I just let myself be baited into pointless discussions that drag on forever.
VoiceofEnki said:
Stormblood said:
I don't see the appeal of wearing a curtain/blanket all the time. Sure, traditional Asian dresses should be worn during particular occasions (and only by Asians, since they are a manifestation of their soul traits), but I find them really impractical for daily wear. Trousers are much more suited. This is one of the things that is actually an evolution, rather than a regression in my eyes. Skirts/kilts are also not that comfortable for daily wear for the male physiology. There are ways to make any fabric to be "moisture-wicking", including cotton, wool, etc.

I suppose this is down to preference. To me, a himation or chiton looks very comfortable, and I'd wear it all day (depending on the make and the density of the cloth).

Pants and especially jeans feel less comfortable to me personally. Possibly because I have soul memory of wearing clothes that didn't restrict the legs, and thus developed a preference for this.

That is not to say I condemn pants or jeans. They have advantages that other clothes don't have, especially when they are made in such away not to restrict mobility (the NS SS uniform lower wear comes to mind).

I've always had issue with tight form fitting clothes, which many clothes are these days. As such I always buy shirts 1 or 2 sizes larger than I need.

But there is no right or wrong in that sense, it is mostly preference.
Same, I'd love to be able to dress with those.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=341706 time=1649125905 user_id=21286]

This also relates to the Dagaz rune, which symbolizes the genius that comes from combining the logical and intuitive parts of our brain. This relates to Aquarius and Uranus, which bring sudden transformations or genius thoughts. Mercury is exalted in Aquarius for this reason.
Dagaz: https://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/dagaz

Uranus also rules telepathic communication, which is the "higher level" of communication, and much easier than both writing and reading walls of text.

That would explain a lot as to why im the way i am since I know what my natal chart says. Thank you for your input :D
VoiceofEnki said:
Stormblood said:
I don't see the appeal of wearing a curtain/blanket all the time. Sure, traditional Asian dresses should be worn during particular occasions (and only by Asians, since they are a manifestation of their soul traits), but I find them really impractical for daily wear. Trousers are much more suited. This is one of the things that is actually an evolution, rather than a regression in my eyes. Skirts/kilts are also not that comfortable for daily wear for the male physiology. There are ways to make any fabric to be "moisture-wicking", including cotton, wool, etc.

I suppose this is down to preference. To me, a himation or chiton looks very comfortable, and I'd wear it all day (depending on the make and the density of the cloth).

Pants and especially jeans feel less comfortable to me personally. Possibly because I have soul memory of wearing clothes that didn't restrict the legs, and thus developed a preference for this.

That is not to say I condemn pants or jeans. They have advantages that other clothes don't have, especially when they are made in such away not to restrict mobility (the NS SS uniform lower wear comes to mind).

I've always had issue with tight form fitting clothes, which many clothes are these days. As such I always buy shirts 1 or 2 sizes larger than I need.

But there is no right or wrong in that sense, it is mostly preference.

Jeans feel very uncomfortable for me as well, and they each. For about 10 years, I have moved to casual cotton trousers which don't itch and I find them very comfortable. I do agree with personal preference. That's why I talked about "not seeing the appeal" earlier, and said other things. I don't see jeans as an advantage. They are a little restrictive (being tighter than other types of trousers). I could do splits in my khakis, but I could never do them in jeans: they'd rip and feel uncomfortable because of what I see as excessive tightness. I also see them as a lazy choice of someone who doesn't want to bother with choosing a suitable colour for their bottom part of the body to look well with the top and shoes.

I found someone who sells allegedly-more-comfortable jeans (and other clothes). The brand is called "Olympus Fit", and it caters specifically to people with athletic bodies, rather than focusing on NPC bodies. The price of their garments is mid-range but I still consider it too expensive, as no type of trousers is worth more than 40 USD in my opinion. An upside, other than the target audience, is how plains their stuff is. Some other downsides are the lack of enough colour options, and the lack of attention to detail (such as sleeve length, plackets, and so on, making them no different than unappealing brands in this aspect).

I have issues with both tight and loose clothes. I just want them to fit my body. However, since I'm taller than average and with a wider shoulder span, I always had to buy bigger sizes and have them tailored by my grandmother, which is now an issue because my grandmother has dementia and a dysfunctional arm, so she cannot do anything anymore at all. What I find annoying with shirts is that many brands don't consider neck size at all, which is essential. Sometimes I had to buy even 2 or 3 sizes higher to have a fitting collar size to wear a tie, because it seems they assume that all tall people are just taller and fatter, and the rest of the body doesn't change in proportion to do that.

I wish we went back on tailor-made options where one choose the style they want, tailor takes stock of measurements and personal preference, then I guess either the tailor can make it (more expensive) or it can be industrially produced anyway. Serial production has too many downsides in my opinion. I think in the future everyone will have a 3D printer at home which can also scan your body for measurements and be customised for adjustments. This way all one will need to do is either buy a style from a stylist or create their own style of something, then buy the resources needed and the printer will make clothes for them (among many other things).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
