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Hemp is not "muh weed"


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2021






And also, hemp is one of the 50 fundamental herbs in Chinese Traditional Medicine.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It would be more helpful if you would post something other than pictures that were created by either drug addicts trying to promote drug use, or people trying to make money by selling supplements.
If I would have posted links to researches, no one would read them. Pictures are easier for people to read.
Hemp consumption is not "drug use".
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Interesting, one of the points is that (((UN))) was against hemp :lol:
Wonder why?

Also, there is mention of THC, not CBD
Hemp is not miraculous either. There's too much misplaced enthusiasm about this. If you have cancer, hardcore chronic illnesses, extraordinary choice. Talk to the doctors and the Gods.

This stems from cultural brainwashing. Wellness and comfort are only buzzwords for drug acceptance. I have wrote enough about this to be educational.
NakedPluto said:
Hemp is not miraculous either. There's too much misplaced enthusiasm about this. If you have cancer, hardcore chronic illnesses, extraordinary choice. Talk to the doctors and the Gods.

This stems from cultural brainwashing. Wellness and comfort are only buzzwords for drug acceptance. I have wrote enough about this to be educational.
The cultural brainwashing is quite the opposite. Hemp has been under attack for decades. I wouldn't call studies "only enthusiasm".
CBD is not only used for hardcore illnesses, it can help with stuff as simple as a normal cold or just sleeping problems.
Serbon said:

Yes, there are many uses for herbs and foods in medicine. Hemp is but only one of them.

In regards to Marijuana itself, this is not useful in the slightest, not in any medical sense.

"Let's take a look at how cannabis affects the elements of the body. Using cannabis takes Jing and rapidly turns it into Qi and Shen, thus you lose a lot of essence over time, since you're body is releasing Jing faster than the body can assimilate it. This would be similar to going to college with a large trust fund only to overspend it and find yourself pennyless after a mere two years into your four-year degree. Over spending your allotted Jing makes one understand why people who consume a lot of drugs might look like they are aging faster than is normal.

Wood Disharmony
Cannabis users are many times the deepest visionaries of society. They want to be in deep alignment with their spirit and shine bright into the world. The liver is the General and Force of Direction. The impact on liver yang is that in the short term, there is a creativity and expanded visionary process. Longer term, there is a weakened visionary process and inability to take action. When the liver, an emotional organ, gets upset, red eyes, irritability and depression set in. Women have a disruption in menses with worsened PMS symptoms.

Fire Ablaze
In Chinese, the word for "heart" (hsin) is also used to denote "mind." The Shen resides in the heart, and as one sleeps, blood goes into the heart and calms the Shen. Upon awakening, they feel refreshed. When cannabis goes into fire of the heart, it might seem innocuous at first. While awake, sudden flashes of anger arise and paranoia sets in. Without a strong Shen, one seems "lost" and sleep becomes restless and disturbed with nightmares and heart palpitations.

Earth Scorched
When fire scorches the earth, the yin of earth gets depleted, and the body has similar symptoms of hypoglycaemia; blood sugar drops and the appetite is constantly hungry. If one is not in touch with what nourishes them, then they will eat random things, and might gain weight. Women will be prone to yeast and bladder infections because of the dampness from accumulated sugars eaten.

Metal, Too Weak To Cut
Cannabis affects the lungs, skin and immunity. Specific symptomology are: the lungs and skin get dry and there will be deep red-hot pimples on the large intestine meridians on the face (around the mouth) and chest/upper back area surrounding the lungs. There is typically a chronic cough with mucus. Long term, there might be asthma/eczema or random staph infections. Regular cannabis smokers have respiratory issues such as lung qi deficiency with heat (sometimes producing little yellow phlegm nuggets in the mornings).

Water Depleted
By tapping into the water of the kidneys, the Jing is depleted. There is fire from the heart meridian and vision from the liver, but not enough energy to produce a result. Long-term users might suffer from lower back achiness, which is a sign that reserves are being tapped heavily. The continuous depletion of the Jing and kidney energy diminishes sex-drive in both men and women. In some cases of over consumption, erectile dysfunction (ED) has been noted in men as early as their twenties.

Lastly, vaporizers are gaining much momentum, but are just as bad as it takes Jing and uses it the same way that regular cannabis smoke does.

Other Issues
Cannabis has a cooling effect over time; it stimulates the liver yang in the beginning, but it depletes it in the long run, so the net effect is cooling, which the body counteracts by producing heat. Thus, women who overuse cannabis might find themselves suffering from hot flashes, similar to that of a pre-menopausal woman. A combination of birth control pills and cannabis has created one of the worst female reproductive health issues of all time with a surge of ovarian cysts, fibroids and dysmenorrhea. Additionally, as stated above, the continuous depletion of the Jing, or kidney energy, diminishes sex-drive.

The problem is that HEMP Marijuana only helps with the symptom relief you get from having chemotherapy injected into your body if you are a cancer patient. Chemotherapy e.g. makes you nauseous and you will lose appetite. HEMP Marijuana can help counteract some of the negative symptoms, but in no way helps against the cancer as a whole.

I am rather skeptical that HEMP Marijuana improves the immune system considering other negative effects it has on the body and mind.

It seems completely illogical that it can improve cognitive performance as well as having anti-inflammatory properties. Which studies confirm this? From Jews or drug addicts themselves?

Please read my post on drugs. This includes Marijuana among other drugs:


Has it ever dawned to anyone why Marijuana is being pushed as something "great" as a symptom relief to an already existing problem? To further create a deeper problem for the stupid Goyim. This smells Jew Marketing by far.

Wake up.
"In the United States, the Jewish population is over-represented among the recreational cannabis using population"

Article: Rabbi steps into the family (marijuana) business

Rabbi James Kahn has stepped into the family business — literally and spiritually.

Kahn, 38, is the director for Liberty, a medical cannabis dispensary with plans to open in early March in Rockville. He is also the son of Rabbi Jeffrey Kahn, co-owner of Takoma Wellness, a medical cannabis dispensary in the District of Columbia.

“Our goal — and it’s in the name — is to liberate the cannabis experience,” Kahn said. “Cannabis has been helping people for a long time, but the process of acquiring it has been difficult, shady, and with a lack of choices and information. And we’re seeking to change that.”

Article: How a Jewish Business School Drop-Out Created a Marijuana Empire

Hartfield launched Weedmaps in 2007 at the age of 23, just as he was beginning an MBA at the University of California, Irvine. He dropped out a couple of years later to dedicate himself to Weedmaps full time.

Earlier this year, Hartfield announced that Weedmaps was donating $1 million to establish a referendum committee and a political action committee to push for marijuana legalization in California in the 2016 election.

For Hartfield, marijuana is not just an entrepreneurial pursuit — it’s a social justice issue. He wants to stop what he sees as the unnecessary criminalization of hundreds of thousands of people. And he believes that marijuana is a medical miracle that is being needlessly withheld from patients.
Another article which proceeds to attack Nixon's claims that Jews are overrepresented with Marijuana then proceeds to list multiple different Jewish Marijuana businesses and efforts to support it
I think it's probably better like a lot of things can be better than something else. Eating a whole box of ice cream in one setting probably is better than smoking a pack of cigarettes. But who needs any of this. Why can't we look to things that are different and actually more helpful. There is a reason they are getting all this stuff accepted now. The same reason that the Jews are falling and they are panicking. It's a last ditch attempt at taking back some of their control. This is one of the ones that allows the enemy to take control over the mind and strongly weakens the soul. In fact I was always kind of scared of it.

Just think about it.
slyscorpion said:
I think it's probably better like a lot of things can be better than something else. Eating a whole box of ice cream in one setting probably is better than smoking a pack of cigarettes. But who needs any of this. Why can't we look to things that are different and actually more helpful. There is a reason they are getting all this stuff accepted now. The same reason that the Jews are falling and they are panicking. It's a last ditch attempt at taking back some of their control. This is one of the ones that allows the enemy to take control over the mind and strongly weakens the soul. In fact I was always kind of scared of it.

Just think about it.

Hemp tbh has been tampered genetically with by Jews and drug addicts so I wouldn't suggest hemp, but if one could get their hands on pure hemp, there is so much one can do with hemp that doesn't require smoking it.

In case anyone was wondering where has this come from. I don't understand how you can tell SS teens in private discord, unprompted, to use CBD, Hemp, as harmful as already stated on the forum multiple times.

Maybe there's cognitive dissonance regarding this and people don't understand what real illnesses means. Ignoring also the fact that on a real basis of illnesses, you cannot hold responsibility over medical prescriptions and drugs as you are not a doctor. Or the actual - not habitual - use which again is very sensible and needs a very analytical assessment done by a mature mind not by stimulated cannabis propaganda.

You stated that you used it for sleep, once again this is debunked by neurologists who state that the sedation effect of hemp bypasses certain steps of sleep and in reality is the illusion of good sleep.

By posting images of marketing schemes you do nothing but confuse yourself mainly and some teens. To get another very straight point across, CBD and all of the other derivates, are, in fact very real "drugs" with very real harmful effects if used habitually, inappropriately. The fact that you perception is not altered means no less harm than the actual psychoactive chemicals.

This has been known for many many years, decades, hundreds of years in this form. This is nothing new under the Sun and the marketers and jews behind all of this CBD insanity (which skyrocketed during the pandemic as they pushed it very much) is just that, a form of brainwashing and pushing drug agenda onto people.

Hemp is mainly for external material uses. "Rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, and biofuel." It just happens we found use in a medicinal way that is only that, strictly medicinal. Grand-grand-grand parents used teas and tinctures for different uses. It is not for wellness, comfort and sleep.

It certainty isn't for you to promote it to teens with growing body and in need of good parenting and not you influencing stupid things. Doctors are also very well aware of this and you can ask them.

There's a list on the internet with the top 500 geniuses of the world. One of them is alive and a doctor. I have happened to talk to this person and ask and receive advice. You know what response did I get when asked about cannabis? He told me that Cannabis produces psychic illnesses to teens. Can produce cerebral atrophy. Some mild benefits to hardcore illnesses, otherwise good for the flu. That's it.

The media jerks this bullshit wellness but when it comes to actual purpose and treatment, it does extreme harm if you are healthy, not in need, and is mildly good for somethings, which again are not the purpose of this bullshit promotion.
All this thing with marijuana is so simple. Why someone will bother even thinking about consume it when it's such a controversial subject. F*ck those possible benefits wich will never be miraculous and other variants like hemp will never worth a thing either
Serbon said:






And also, hemp is one of the 50 fundamental herbs in Chinese Traditional Medicine.

I think you are right about Hemp 100% it feels almost ridiculous that people are arguing with you from a religious community that promotes self indulgence and individual freedom. Just because one doesn't agree that it can't be medically beneficial doesn't mean that it's not. Even alcohol has medical benefits. But let's just all assume it doesn't, who are we to judge others for such a simple act of indulgence.
I knew 2 people, both were incredibly talented, we are talking super-star talented. One was highly talented in multiple areas, had all sorts of trophies from competitions.

Both got into marijuana in their teens (one was late teens, the other was early teens).

Both killed their passion and desire to take their talents to a higher level. The younger one got mental illness from it (doctors confirmed it was from weed, it caused holes in his brain).

Marijuana is very yin-heavy and kills the drive to succeed, this has been confirmed by others here too.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=382626 time=1661065003 user_id=57]
I knew 2 people, both were incredibly talented, we are talking super-star talented. One was highly talented in multiple areas, had all sorts of trophies from competitions.

Both got into marijuana in their teens (one was late teens, the other was early teens).

Both killed their passion and desire to take their talents to a higher level. The younger one got mental illness from it (doctors confirmed it was from weed, it caused holes in his brain).

Marijuana is very yin-heavy and kills the drive to succeed, this has been confirmed by others here too.
They were using some very bad sorts of marijuana with THC. Lydia, hemp has no THC in it (or some very very small amount). Of course you shouldn't use it in large amounts, but in normal amounts. Everything used in big amounts can be harmful. As I also said before, you even have hemp used in Chinese Traditional Medicine.
NakedPluto said:

In case anyone was wondering where has this come from. I don't understand how you can tell SS teens in private discord, unprompted, to use CBD, Hemp, as harmful as already stated on the forum multiple times.

Maybe there's cognitive dissonance regarding this and people don't understand what real illnesses means. Ignoring also the fact that on a real basis of illnesses, you cannot hold responsibility over medical prescriptions and drugs as you are not a doctor. Or the actual - not habitual - use which again is very sensible and needs a very analytical assessment done by a mature mind not by stimulated cannabis propaganda.

You stated that you used it for sleep, once again this is debunked by neurologists who state that the sedation effect of hemp bypasses certain steps of sleep and in reality is the illusion of good sleep.

By posting images of marketing schemes you do nothing but confuse yourself mainly and some teens. To get another very straight point across, CBD and all of the other derivates, are, in fact very real "drugs" with very real harmful effects if used habitually, inappropriately. The fact that you perception is not altered means no less harm than the actual psychoactive chemicals.

This has been known for many many years, decades, hundreds of years in this form. This is nothing new under the Sun and the marketers and jews behind all of this CBD insanity (which skyrocketed during the pandemic as they pushed it very much) is just that, a form of brainwashing and pushing drug agenda onto people.

Hemp is mainly for external material uses. "Rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, and biofuel." It just happens we found use in a medicinal way that is only that, strictly medicinal. Grand-grand-grand parents used teas and tinctures for different uses. It is not for wellness, comfort and sleep.

It certainty isn't for you to promote it to teens with growing body and in need of good parenting and not you influencing stupid things. Doctors are also very well aware of this and you can ask them.

There's a list on the internet with the top 500 geniuses of the world. One of them is alive and a doctor. I have happened to talk to this person and ask and receive advice. You know what response did I get when asked about cannabis? He told me that Cannabis produces psychic illnesses to teens. Can produce cerebral atrophy. Some mild benefits to hardcore illnesses, otherwise good for the flu. That's it.

The media jerks this bullshit wellness but when it comes to actual purpose and treatment, it does extreme harm if you are healthy, not in need, and is mildly good for somethings, which again are not the purpose of this bullshit promotion.
Can you give links/sources about the claims of CBD helping sleep being debunked? I'm genuinely very interested to read that.
As I've also mentioned earlier, hemp has been also used in Chinese Traditional Medicine for centuries. Of course, this does not mean you should consume it in large amounts, but normal amounts, as in everything.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=382471 time=1661005704 user_id=21286]
Serbon said:

Yes, there are many uses for herbs and foods in medicine. Hemp is but only one of them.

In regards to Marijuana itself, this is not useful in the slightest, not in any medical sense.

"Let's take a look at how cannabis affects the elements of the body. Using cannabis takes Jing and rapidly turns it into Qi and Shen, thus you lose a lot of essence over time, since you're body is releasing Jing faster than the body can assimilate it. This would be similar to going to college with a large trust fund only to overspend it and find yourself pennyless after a mere two years into your four-year degree. Over spending your allotted Jing makes one understand why people who consume a lot of drugs might look like they are aging faster than is normal.

Wood Disharmony
Cannabis users are many times the deepest visionaries of society. They want to be in deep alignment with their spirit and shine bright into the world. The liver is the General and Force of Direction. The impact on liver yang is that in the short term, there is a creativity and expanded visionary process. Longer term, there is a weakened visionary process and inability to take action. When the liver, an emotional organ, gets upset, red eyes, irritability and depression set in. Women have a disruption in menses with worsened PMS symptoms.

Fire Ablaze
In Chinese, the word for "heart" (hsin) is also used to denote "mind." The Shen resides in the heart, and as one sleeps, blood goes into the heart and calms the Shen. Upon awakening, they feel refreshed. When cannabis goes into fire of the heart, it might seem innocuous at first. While awake, sudden flashes of anger arise and paranoia sets in. Without a strong Shen, one seems "lost" and sleep becomes restless and disturbed with nightmares and heart palpitations.

Earth Scorched
When fire scorches the earth, the yin of earth gets depleted, and the body has similar symptoms of hypoglycaemia; blood sugar drops and the appetite is constantly hungry. If one is not in touch with what nourishes them, then they will eat random things, and might gain weight. Women will be prone to yeast and bladder infections because of the dampness from accumulated sugars eaten.

Metal, Too Weak To Cut
Cannabis affects the lungs, skin and immunity. Specific symptomology are: the lungs and skin get dry and there will be deep red-hot pimples on the large intestine meridians on the face (around the mouth) and chest/upper back area surrounding the lungs. There is typically a chronic cough with mucus. Long term, there might be asthma/eczema or random staph infections. Regular cannabis smokers have respiratory issues such as lung qi deficiency with heat (sometimes producing little yellow phlegm nuggets in the mornings).

Water Depleted
By tapping into the water of the kidneys, the Jing is depleted. There is fire from the heart meridian and vision from the liver, but not enough energy to produce a result. Long-term users might suffer from lower back achiness, which is a sign that reserves are being tapped heavily. The continuous depletion of the Jing and kidney energy diminishes sex-drive in both men and women. In some cases of over consumption, erectile dysfunction (ED) has been noted in men as early as their twenties.

Lastly, vaporizers are gaining much momentum, but are just as bad as it takes Jing and uses it the same way that regular cannabis smoke does.

Other Issues
Cannabis has a cooling effect over time; it stimulates the liver yang in the beginning, but it depletes it in the long run, so the net effect is cooling, which the body counteracts by producing heat. Thus, women who overuse cannabis might find themselves suffering from hot flashes, similar to that of a pre-menopausal woman. A combination of birth control pills and cannabis has created one of the worst female reproductive health issues of all time with a surge of ovarian cysts, fibroids and dysmenorrhea. Additionally, as stated above, the continuous depletion of the Jing, or kidney energy, diminishes sex-drive.

Doesn't this article talk about overuse of it?
The enemy assaults the youth with endless barrage of pro Marijuana things. This was started as a mentality from the drugs community of hippies and so on. They have disabled and reduced the effectiveness of generations for decades with this.

The situation realistically and despite what any idea pro or against doctors might claim, as they claimed even Tabacco was good for decades, is that unless for medical use, weed and derivatives do make people numb, dumb, or otherwise slow down the mind too much.

Smoking this and so on also has other negative effects. Your post was approved so others could answer you. Numerous things have been written on this.

Lastly in regards to the argument that "Hemp has this", there are a hundred other things you can eat or consume that have all the positives without the numbing effects.

Most people have built a religion around hemp merely because its a cannabis derivative and not because it provides the anticipated or claimed benefits.

I do not know of one consistent longterm user of any of this that I can tell has not been mentally impaired somehow and has had drawbacks from using these. Weed is indeed a suspicious plant and the fact it is forcibly promoted everywhere is a cultural byproduct as it creates fog of mind and docility. Hemp if consumed orally could easily have a similar effect.

Most people are also brainwashed from this plant that they cannot comprehend it could do any of the above. There seems to be strong dopamine addiction involved.

Try to cut the otherwise harmless and falsely claimed hemp, and you will see how you might react to this. Many potards claim its natural and other lies until they are severed from this. Then it becomes apparent the situation is suspicious.

Lastly I was informed on even more Discord nonsense and other worthless shit.

I would recommend for your own situation to not poison your track record by hanging around with potards, retards, and infiltrators.

Jews laugh when you do all of these cannabis derivatives as they stay clean of everything and you lose faculties one step at a time.

Anyone sensible would want to derive the benefits from less suspicious sources.

JoS is strongly against what weakens and is being used as a destructive or degenerating manner. Promoting this is foolish. Doing this is also not really becessary. Pottasium, Magnesium, whatever, can be gained from healthier sources.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=382626 time=1661065003 user_id=57]
I knew 2 people, both were incredibly talented, we are talking super-star talented. One was highly talented in multiple areas, had all sorts of trophies from competitions.

Both got into marijuana in their teens (one was late teens, the other was early teens).

Both killed their passion and desire to take their talents to a higher level. The younger one got mental illness from it (doctors confirmed it was from weed, it caused holes in his brain).

Marijuana is very yin-heavy and kills the drive to succeed, this has been confirmed by others here too.

Yes, i had a friend (hes still alive, just not friends with me anymore). He too got into marijuana.

For a month or two nothing happened, but then i would always feel his aura really weak and he had this “lazy” and demotivating/self destructing vibes.

His memory also got severely effected, to the point where he wont even remember when i talked to him about something we did or somewhere we went just a month ago.

He lost his hair(and no he was not old), dropped all the goals and gave up on all the desire and motivation to do something in life, he looks almost a decade older than he is.

I tried explaining him the negative effects of it just when he started told him to do yoga and start exercising, that will get his will power going,he didnt listen. When i felt he has gone too far to be saved i stopped talking to him.

Anything that messes with bio-electricity of brain in any way is a huge no.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy assaults the youth with endless barrage of pro Marijuana things. This was started as a mentality from the drugs community of hippies and so on. They have disabled and reduced the effectiveness of generations for decades with this.

The situation realistically and despite what any idea pro or against doctors might claim, as they claimed even Tabacco was good for decades, is that unless for medical use, weed and derivatives do make people numb, dumb, or otherwise slow down the mind too much.

Smoking this and so on also has other negative effects. Your post was approved so others could answer you. Numerous things have been written on this.

Lastly in regards to the argument that "Hemp has this", there are a hundred other things you can eat or consume that have all the positives without the numbing effects.

Most people have built a religion around hemp merely because its a cannabis derivative and not because it provides the anticipated or claimed benefits.

I do not know of one consistent longterm user of any of this that I can tell has not been mentally impaired somehow and has had drawbacks from using these. Weed is indeed a suspicious plant and the fact it is forcibly promoted everywhere is a cultural byproduct as it creates fog of mind and docility. Hemp if consumed orally could easily have a similar effect.

Most people are also brainwashed from this plant that they cannot comprehend it could do any of the above. There seems to be strong dopamine addiction involved.

Try to cut the otherwise harmless and falsely claimed hemp, and you will see how you might react to this. Many potards claim its natural and other lies until they are severed from this. Then it becomes apparent the situation is suspicious.

Lastly I was informed on even more Discord nonsense and other worthless shit.

I would recommend for your own situation to not poison your track record by hanging around with potards, retards, and infiltrators.

Jews laugh when you do all of these cannabis derivatives as they stay clean of everything and you lose faculties one step at a time.

Anyone sensible would want to derive the benefits from less suspicious sources.

JoS is strongly against what weakens and is being used as a destructive or degenerating manner. Promoting this is foolish. Doing this is also not really becessary. Pottasium, Magnesium, whatever, can be gained from healthier sources.
This will be my last post on this thread because I realized this is only creating infighting between Satanists, I don't want to create this and it was not my intention to.

But I will make some points.

As another member pointed out here, it is indeed really unnecessary for a religious organization, especially for us. This will only create problems, especially for topics about a plant that even specialists disagree on.

I never advocated smoking anything, never in my life. All I did was to recommend using tea and oil, I NEVER suggested inhaling any kind of smoke to anyone.

I remember HPS Shannon telling me how it most probably were the jews that murdered Dr. Sebi. Do you know why? They murdered him for curing every chronic disease with just herbs and alkaline forming food. Dr. Sebi was one of major advocates of using hemp for many things, even stating that hemp milk is one of the best alkaline milks in the world. He also stated that he drinks hemp every day.

I think it would be best for us as an organization to just stay out of topics like this, since there are very clear disagreements on many levels on this. If hemp is really a plant with both advantages and disadvantages, we are going only to work against ourselves if we continue advocating against it. Everything has both advantages and disadvantages.

As for the discord situation:
1. I saw some people say that I promote drugs to kids. Firstly, the guy who I talked to is even older than me, but that's not important, to stay on the topic. He told me about his problems and I recommended him what I think is the best solution. I NEVER said that I'm recommending it in the name of JoS or that it will cure all of his problems 100%

2. Someone said that I was using discord because I was trying to hide what I promote to people. This is not true, I suggested many others here to use CBD as well. Why I used discord is a totally another topic, I didn't even know at first who the person on discord was, all I did was trying to help him, with good intention.
CBD doesn’t do shit I’ve taken 7 gummies in the past 24 hours literally no difference mental physical nothing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy assaults the youth with endless barrage of pro Marijuana things. This was started as a mentality from the drugs community of hippies and so on. They have disabled and reduced the effectiveness of generations for decades with this.

The situation realistically and despite what any idea pro or against doctors might claim, as they claimed even Tabacco was good for decades, is that unless for medical use, weed and derivatives do make people numb, dumb, or otherwise slow down the mind too much.

Smoking this and so on also has other negative effects. Your post was approved so others could answer you. Numerous things have been written on this.

Lastly in regards to the argument that "Hemp has this", there are a hundred other things you can eat or consume that have all the positives without the numbing effects.

Most people have built a religion around hemp merely because its a cannabis derivative and not because it provides the anticipated or claimed benefits.

I do not know of one consistent longterm user of any of this that I can tell has not been mentally impaired somehow and has had drawbacks from using these. Weed is indeed a suspicious plant and the fact it is forcibly promoted everywhere is a cultural byproduct as it creates fog of mind and docility. Hemp if consumed orally could easily have a similar effect.

Most people are also brainwashed from this plant that they cannot comprehend it could do any of the above. There seems to be strong dopamine addiction involved.

Try to cut the otherwise harmless and falsely claimed hemp, and you will see how you might react to this. Many potards claim its natural and other lies until they are severed from this. Then it becomes apparent the situation is suspicious.

Lastly I was informed on even more Discord nonsense and other worthless shit.

I would recommend for your own situation to not poison your track record by hanging around with potards, retards, and infiltrators.

Jews laugh when you do all of these cannabis derivatives as they stay clean of everything and you lose faculties one step at a time.

Anyone sensible would want to derive the benefits from less suspicious sources.

JoS is strongly against what weakens and is being used as a destructive or degenerating manner. Promoting this is foolish. Doing this is also not really becessary. Pottasium, Magnesium, whatever, can be gained from healthier sources.

This is a bit unrelated, but is alcohol going to be banned in the future satanic world along with marijuana, and the rest of these other harmful substances?

I mainly ask because of how i noticed habitual use of alcohol was sometimes the case in Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, and Rome.

I could be completely wrong. But I am slightly confused when it comes to that subject. Because I'm certain the spiritualists in these great civilizations were aware it was no good, yet some still consumed it.

Of course not in the quantities of today, or as often.

I want to be clear though, I am in favor of alcohol prohibition, and all other substances. I want whatever is best for the satanic world, and our people.

Just was trying to understand better the situation in regards to this for the new world we intend to create.
Jjkillerxx said:
Serbon said:






And also, hemp is one of the 50 fundamental herbs in Chinese Traditional Medicine.

I think you are right about Hemp 100% it feels almost ridiculous that people are arguing with you from a religious community that promotes self indulgence and individual freedom. Just because one doesn't agree that it can't be medically beneficial doesn't mean that it's not. Even alcohol has medical benefits. But let's just all assume it doesn't, who are we to judge others for such a simple act of indulgence.

Everyone brought arguments that it is bad for you to smoke weed. It really does more harm than good.
Speaking of experience here.

You can do whatever, you are a free human. Just know that this is detrimental for you.
Serbon said:
Doesn't this article talk about overuse of it?

No, these are the basic properties.

Usually, when TCM describes the properties of something, it gives the basic properties. Of course, you can extrapolate how an abuse of something can hurt something in the body, based on this.

In this case of Marijuana, however, it proves how the majority of "positive effects" are actually negative. For example, over-consumption of Ginger can lead to an excess of dispersing factors in the body, but Ginger would not just blatantly destroy your Jing and give you stomach heat, as immediately occurs from Marijuana.

Someone could also make the claim that current forms of Marijuana are much higher in potency than before, already hitting this "danger zone". If your solution is then to go back and get a minuscule amount for "safe" use, then that should prove how it is simply not effective.


Although this is different from hemp, just know that the benefits of CBD/Hemp are not exactly surprising when looked at from a TCM view. It is an herb that has yin properties. All the problems which it solves are yin-deficiency related.

While CBD/Hemp is less dangerous than MJ, proponents will abuse this to shove MJ alongside them as "safe". In reality, there is nothing super special about CBD/Hemp, just as I wouldn't call Ginger a "super food" because it does many things.

If you wish to have a safe form of a Yin supplement, look at something like this: https://www.activeherb.com/liuwei/
You can also see many other examples of herbal formulas on that site.


In regards to the illegality of it, this seems to be originally enforced by the conservative culture of the time. However, one can also point to the suppression of holistic medicine, which was sufficiently oppressed without widespread legal obstacles. It was never illegal to possess other medicinal herbs, yet the market for treatment by them was destroyed due to disinfo campaigns.

Likewise, cocaine, heroine, alcohol, and other drugs went through legal battles, yet are still mainly destructive influences on society, regardless of legal status. If they become decriminalized, we are still obligated to advocate against their use. Instead, we can point to yang-building herbs, rather than allow someone to self-treat their lethargy with cocaine.
Jjkillerxx said:
I think you are right about Hemp 100% it feels almost ridiculous that people are arguing with you from a religious community that promotes self indulgence and individual freedom. Just because one doesn't agree that it can't be medically beneficial doesn't mean that it's not. Even alcohol has medical benefits. But let's just all assume it doesn't, who are we to judge others for such a simple act of indulgence.

Indulgence also has degrees of beneficence, relative to what you are consuming. All forms of modern entertainment abuse your dopamine system, for example. Yet, I am sure the Gods enjoy entertainment which is safer, yet even more enjoyable than what we have today.

Despite recognition of individual freedom, we must also recognize how we are interconnected and interdependent on one another. If my neighbors decide to metaphorically bash their head into a wall, then I am left in a subpar condition, unable to rely on them for services which I may need.

Not all actions deserve the consent and support of others. Even in the realm of entertainment, we should not accept the awful standard that any form of fun comes with a degree of damage to the body, such as that from video games, candy, or drugs.
Serbon said:
Hemp consumption is not "drug use".

You talk about physical effects it has on the body. You talk about mental effects with mood, emotions, and sleep schedule all being affected.

Does it do these things or does it not do anything? Because this is the definition of a psychoactive drug. So you can't promote it by saying possible benefits that the drug does, and then at the same time also pretend that it isn't a drug.

Don't be dishonest.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=382926 time=1661179586 user_id=21286]
In regards to the illegality of it, this seems to be originally enforced by the conservative culture of the time. However, one can also point to the suppression of holistic medicine, which was sufficiently oppressed without widespread legal obstacles. It was never illegal to possess other medicinal herbs, yet the market for treatment by them was destroyed due to disinfo campaigns.

There was corruption with making hemp illegal. And none of it had to do with drugs because nobody in America in that time knew about smoking or consuming hemp. Hemp is a miraculous building material and it was used for hundreds of years to make very strong ropes, fabric, and paper. And can also be used to make plastic. And in America, this is what it was used for so it was a very important and expensive crop to grow to be used in many industries. Nobody was smoking it because they were all smoking tobacco instead.

And there was some family paper company that was cutting down trees to make paper. And this was one of the richest families in the country at that time. And this family worked to bribe congressmen and get them to vote to make hemp illegal because hemp would put this company out of business. Hemp makes a much stronger paper than wood, and it is much cheaper and easier to grow. So if there was real fair market competition, the company would lose everything.

It wasn't made illegal to try to suppress use of a natural medicine, or anything like that. Nobody in America even knew about using it for any medical reasons or consuming it. It is not natural in this country and it was originally imported from Asia. So that is why in Asia they have talked for hundreds of years about what it does to your body when consuming it. But Europeans only saw it to be an industrial material.
NakedPluto said:

In case anyone was wondering where has this come from. I don't understand how you can tell SS teens in private discord, unprompted, to use CBD, Hemp, as harmful as already stated on the forum multiple times.

Maybe there's cognitive dissonance regarding this and people don't understand what real illnesses means. Ignoring also the fact that on a real basis of illnesses, you cannot hold responsibility over medical prescriptions and drugs as you are not a doctor. Or the actual - not habitual - use which again is very sensible and needs a very analytical assessment done by a mature mind not by stimulated cannabis propaganda.

You stated that you used it for sleep, once again this is debunked by neurologists who state that the sedation effect of hemp bypasses certain steps of sleep and in reality is the illusion of good sleep.

By posting images of marketing schemes you do nothing but confuse yourself mainly and some teens. To get another very straight point across, CBD and all of the other derivates, are, in fact very real "drugs" with very real harmful effects if used habitually, inappropriately. The fact that you perception is not altered means no less harm than the actual psychoactive chemicals.

This has been known for many many years, decades, hundreds of years in this form. This is nothing new under the Sun and the marketers and jews behind all of this CBD insanity (which skyrocketed during the pandemic as they pushed it very much) is just that, a form of brainwashing and pushing drug agenda onto people.

Hemp is mainly for external material uses. "Rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, and biofuel." It just happens we found use in a medicinal way that is only that, strictly medicinal. Grand-grand-grand parents used teas and tinctures for different uses. It is not for wellness, comfort and sleep.

It certainty isn't for you to promote it to teens with growing body and in need of good parenting and not you influencing stupid things. Doctors are also very well aware of this and you can ask them.

There's a list on the internet with the top 500 geniuses of the world. One of them is alive and a doctor. I have happened to talk to this person and ask and receive advice. You know what response did I get when asked about cannabis? He told me that Cannabis produces psychic illnesses to teens. Can produce cerebral atrophy. Some mild benefits to hardcore illnesses, otherwise good for the flu. That's it.

The media jerks this bullshit wellness but when it comes to actual purpose and treatment, it does extreme harm if you are healthy, not in need, and is mildly good for somethings, which again are not the purpose of this bullshit promotion.

I agree with you NP, I smoked cannabis from 17 until around 21-22. All it caused was psychoses, lung problems, laziness, perception disorientations, and other things.

I'm 24 now and in the short time I have been clean from it I have exceled in most areas of being. I thank the Gods for this.

I think this whole 'Hemp" and "CBD" thing is a ruse
GoldenxChild1 said:
NakedPluto said:

In case anyone was wondering where has this come from. I don't understand how you can tell SS teens in private discord, unprompted, to use CBD, Hemp, as harmful as already stated on the forum multiple times.

Maybe there's cognitive dissonance regarding this and people don't understand what real illnesses means. Ignoring also the fact that on a real basis of illnesses, you cannot hold responsibility over medical prescriptions and drugs as you are not a doctor. Or the actual - not habitual - use which again is very sensible and needs a very analytical assessment done by a mature mind not by stimulated cannabis propaganda.

You stated that you used it for sleep, once again this is debunked by neurologists who state that the sedation effect of hemp bypasses certain steps of sleep and in reality is the illusion of good sleep.

By posting images of marketing schemes you do nothing but confuse yourself mainly and some teens. To get another very straight point across, CBD and all of the other derivates, are, in fact very real "drugs" with very real harmful effects if used habitually, inappropriately. The fact that you perception is not altered means no less harm than the actual psychoactive chemicals.

This has been known for many many years, decades, hundreds of years in this form. This is nothing new under the Sun and the marketers and jews behind all of this CBD insanity (which skyrocketed during the pandemic as they pushed it very much) is just that, a form of brainwashing and pushing drug agenda onto people.

Hemp is mainly for external material uses. "Rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, and biofuel." It just happens we found use in a medicinal way that is only that, strictly medicinal. Grand-grand-grand parents used teas and tinctures for different uses. It is not for wellness, comfort and sleep.

It certainty isn't for you to promote it to teens with growing body and in need of good parenting and not you influencing stupid things. Doctors are also very well aware of this and you can ask them.

There's a list on the internet with the top 500 geniuses of the world. One of them is alive and a doctor. I have happened to talk to this person and ask and receive advice. You know what response did I get when asked about cannabis? He told me that Cannabis produces psychic illnesses to teens. Can produce cerebral atrophy. Some mild benefits to hardcore illnesses, otherwise good for the flu. That's it.

The media jerks this bullshit wellness but when it comes to actual purpose and treatment, it does extreme harm if you are healthy, not in need, and is mildly good for somethings, which again are not the purpose of this bullshit promotion.

I agree with you NP, I smoked cannabis from 17 until around 21-22. All it caused was psychoses, lung problems, laziness, perception disorientations, and other things.

I'm 24 now and in the short time I have been clean from it I have exceled in most areas of being. I thank the Gods for this.

I think this whole 'Hemp" and "CBD" thing is a ruse

CBD oil seemed like nothing but a health fad to me from the start when I heard it being talked about by family, friends, and online. Some tried to promote it to me if I recall, and I never tried it. I never had any interest, and it seemed really stupid to me. Better to spend money on a Yoga membership or physical therapy for those who are in so much distress that they believe they need CBD oil. Isn't it the same idea as weed? Numbing someone out. Numbing something doesn't remove the problem, and the pain is there for a reason. Weed numbs the mind, and CBD oil numbs the body... is that it?
serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy assaults the youth with endless barrage of pro Marijuana things. This was started as a mentality from the drugs community of hippies and so on. They have disabled and reduced the effectiveness of generations for decades with this.

The situation realistically and despite what any idea pro or against doctors might claim, as they claimed even Tabacco was good for decades, is that unless for medical use, weed and derivatives do make people numb, dumb, or otherwise slow down the mind too much.

Smoking this and so on also has other negative effects. Your post was approved so others could answer you. Numerous things have been written on this.

Lastly in regards to the argument that "Hemp has this", there are a hundred other things you can eat or consume that have all the positives without the numbing effects.

Most people have built a religion around hemp merely because its a cannabis derivative and not because it provides the anticipated or claimed benefits.

I do not know of one consistent longterm user of any of this that I can tell has not been mentally impaired somehow and has had drawbacks from using these. Weed is indeed a suspicious plant and the fact it is forcibly promoted everywhere is a cultural byproduct as it creates fog of mind and docility. Hemp if consumed orally could easily have a similar effect.

Most people are also brainwashed from this plant that they cannot comprehend it could do any of the above. There seems to be strong dopamine addiction involved.

Try to cut the otherwise harmless and falsely claimed hemp, and you will see how you might react to this. Many potards claim its natural and other lies until they are severed from this. Then it becomes apparent the situation is suspicious.

Lastly I was informed on even more Discord nonsense and other worthless shit.

I would recommend for your own situation to not poison your track record by hanging around with potards, retards, and infiltrators.

Jews laugh when you do all of these cannabis derivatives as they stay clean of everything and you lose faculties one step at a time.

Anyone sensible would want to derive the benefits from less suspicious sources.

JoS is strongly against what weakens and is being used as a destructive or degenerating manner. Promoting this is foolish. Doing this is also not really becessary. Pottasium, Magnesium, whatever, can be gained from healthier sources.

This is a bit unrelated, but is alcohol going to be banned in the future satanic world along with marijuana, and the rest of these other harmful substances?

I mainly ask because of how i noticed habitual use of alcohol was sometimes the case in Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, and Rome.

I could be completely wrong. But I am slightly confused when it comes to that subject. Because I'm certain the spiritualists in these great civilizations were aware it was no good, yet some still consumed it.

Of course not in the quantities of today, or as often.

I want to be clear though, I am in favor of alcohol prohibition, and all other substances. I want whatever is best for the satanic world, and our people.

Just was trying to understand better the situation in regards to this for the new world we intend to create.

I doubt it. Our side will not ban things and outlaw them. But what is negative will be strongly highlighted.

What is best for people is to use the proper things in moderation. Even alcohol in proper moderation cam have stress releasing properties. Making these illegal has a backfire effect.

Certain illegal drugs might be prohibited except if proven to work for healing uses. Research will have to happen.

Things that leave people fried and dead like Fentanyl etc will be banished from this world.

Instead of focusing on useless laws and nonsense bans however our side will focus ob meditation and a proper good life will automatically sever many people from these substances. So they might fall out of revelance in time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Things that leave people fried and dead like Fentanyl etc will be banished from this world.
I decided to do a quick Internet search for fentanyl, and at the top of the page is news, and the very first result from 5 hours ago is Epic Research: Only 5% of Overdose Patients Tested for Fentanyl, #1 Killer of Americans 18-45. Another from also 5 hours ago is Greenville County Detention Center deaths: Men found dead suffered from fentanyl toxicity. (There are other recent articles, like from 20 minutes to a few hours ago, regarding crimes related to fentanyl.) I bet substances, more accurately items on the period table, can be used for other things which we don't know or are not "allowed" to know. The use of substances like this can either be a good thing, if researched into it properly and administered properly, or can not be good so would need to be left alone altogether. Either way, we won't need drugs and medicinal/Magickal herbs one day, surely.
jrvan said:
CBD oil seemed like nothing but a health fad to me from the start when I heard it being talked about by family, friends, and online. Some tried to promote it to me if I recall, and I never tried it. I never had any interest, and it seemed really stupid to me. Better to spend money on a Yoga membership or physical therapy for those who are in so much distress that they believe they need CBD oil. Isn't it the same idea as weed? Numbing someone out. Numbing something doesn't remove the problem, and the pain is there for a reason. Weed numbs the mind, and CBD oil numbs the body... is that it?

There are two different chemicals in Marijuana. One is THC which is psycho active, and the other is CBD with is "allegedly" non-psycho active. They work by binding to your own endocannabinoid system; which if I remember, NakedPluto said can be activated naturally by the working on the fourth chakra without the draw backs. The whole mind and body thing has to do with two different types of weed, one is Indica (Body High) and the other is Sativa (Head High), and there are also hybrids now.

Either way, it is acutely and chronically one of the worst things you can do to yourself.
GoldenxChild1 said:
jrvan said:
CBD oil seemed like nothing but a health fad to me from the start when I heard it being talked about by family, friends, and online. Some tried to promote it to me if I recall, and I never tried it. I never had any interest, and it seemed really stupid to me. Better to spend money on a Yoga membership or physical therapy for those who are in so much distress that they believe they need CBD oil. Isn't it the same idea as weed? Numbing someone out. Numbing something doesn't remove the problem, and the pain is there for a reason. Weed numbs the mind, and CBD oil numbs the body... is that it?

There are two different chemicals in Marijuana. One is THC which is psycho active, and the other is CBD with is "allegedly" non-psycho active. They work by binding to your own endocannabinoid system; which if I remember, NakedPluto said can be activated naturally by the working on the fourth chakra without the draw backs. The whole mind and body thing has to do with two different types of weed, one is Indica (Body High) and the other is Sativa (Head High), and there are also hybrids now.

Either way, it is acutely and chronically one of the worst things you can do to yourself.

Also Thc on its own has a very different effect on the body, and people do not know that in reality is just a few percent of the whole "high" people want from recreational use. The true "recreational", in the more appropriate meaning of the word, are the other chemicals in the plant including CBD. So just by taking out the THC from this does not change the nature of the drug from recreational to not recreational. Ironically the opposite would be true, but since they cannot promote anything of high volume regarding THC as medicinal, they focus on butchering the chemicals from the hemp and promote recreational use.

CBD is definitely psychoactive but not in the definition of those who do drugs as they cannot asses their tolerant body to a satisfaction of sorts. The nature of a psychoactive substance is within altering the "mood" and the perception of the body, which with these chemicals it happens in a direct way and also messes with the basis of our brain functions. Sleeping, eating, pain, pleasure etc.

THC binds violently on the receptors and it is the incapacity of the body to waste this perceived toxin out of the body that creates the "stoning" effect. The other chemicals act to balance the bodies response in a way.

If you are educated on the above, in the proper need and with the proper reasoning behind this, yes this can be used (hemp), as with anything in this world, anything can be used positively. But it is not a specialty, not a cure, not a wonder of the nature. Sage is more healing by far to any other ailment than this, for example.

It is good that you overcome this, I am very happy to hear that. Now look at it maturely, you can educate others. You will definitely have no real damage since you are young. The body is a wonderful and very capable system, it heals and the mind heals. Do not focus on the past mistakes and focus on what you can excel now that you are so much more mature and capable, and with life experience of this kind.
Serbon said:

The main point here is that there are many safe alternatives to these products. Hemp is probably fine, CBD is perhaps questionable, as NakedPluto has described, and Marijuana itself is destructive. Yet, there are many other herbs who can provide these same benefits, and more. There is no reason to try to defend these things to any extreme amount.

Yet, I hope you have learned something, and do not feel attacked or alienated from JoS. To be fair, this may be hard to do considering all of the replies towards you. In reality, this is due to people being upset at what they consider an affront to their beliefs, and a loss of one of their own.

I don't want you to feel lonely, but I did wish to give you additional insight on these items. Besides everything that happened, I do wish for your continued presence on JoS. This is just a minor upset and nothing more.
I did a little research, and it turns out that CBD and THC are so similar chemically, that all it takes is a strong acid (like in the stomach) to turn CBD into THC.

Notice how the molecular formula is the same: C₂₁H₃₀O₂

The only difference is that the hydroxide (HO) on the CBD is detached, but on THC it is connected to form a third ring.

Because a fully-connected ring has lower potential energy, CBD wants to be like that. CBD is like a ball on a table. Given the chance, it will fall to the ground (convert to THC). All that's needed is to give it a little push to the edge, which is called activation energy, and is provided by acid in this case.

This is easy in test tubes, but studies are inconsistent regarding the human stomach. The conversion ratio varies from 2% to 80%. Many "experts" like to choose the lower end and say that, "no, CBD doesn't convert to THC in the stomach." However, this is false. 2% is NOT ZERO! 2% is small enough that you probably won't get high from it, but the fact remains:
If you eat CBD, you will be exposed to THC.
And THC is psychoactive in any amount, and has been shown to cause developmental problems in children and teens, even from low-level exposure over a long time.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
