I'm 17 years old, but I want to start now. I want to rise in everything, I want to surpass myself, for example, to be more hardworking, more intelligent, more disciplined, more spiritually developed, more mature. I want to strive to be someone who makes important breakthroughs for our gods in our war. I want to contribute to our war. I want to destroy humanity, I want to destroy the absurd system of the Jews. Can I get your advice on this?
First, you have to now differentiate between your drives in life, and what you need for yourself and life, and be prepared to work, judge, and change as much as you can. Be open to criticism, build your self-reliance, build good friendships, and learn to behave and trust yourself. It is a time when you need to let life experience you as much as you need to experience her.
Do not let the thought that being you are young, you are justified to do certain behaviors, because it is not true. Already you will make mistakes by default yet this is all a process of life, the meaning here is that you do things and experience life based on inner judgment and care about your drives, needs, desires, and very Importantly governing logic.
Always be logical and approach things logically. After a conscience of the above, life must be also gripped by having and building power of all kinds. As opposed to many searching for happiness in life, you have to understand that power is much more desirable and key to life's mysteries. From knowledge and wisdom power, financial, physical, material, spiritual, creative, of character and of anything of your life, you must seek this power and accept it, conquer it, and use it for the betterment of yourself and humanity. Everything must be done by epitomizing our Satanic Ethics, as much as you can.
Without this building of power, which is proof of ones validity of the being in face of the laws of the Universe, as impersonal laws, you cannot do impact or influence much anything in this world or yourself.
For the spiritual part, here you will have all the tools and most powerful ways to achieve every other kind of power as well. Read all the JoS and High Priests sermons. Ask questions, fight to understand and comprehend, remember to let time and relaxation also reveal to you the paths. Stay close to the Gods, build unwavering faith and be articulate in your existence.