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Rituals HELP ME


Dec 3, 2024
Since dedicating myself to Satan, I have started seeing frightening entities and hearing terrifying sounds on a daily basis. I am very afraid of them, as they even try to attack me. I didn’t take my progression seriously, and now I am unable to fight or ignore these beings. I am not asking for advice; I am asking how I can cancel my dedication so that these beings will stop attacking me.
Since dedicating myself to Satan, I have started seeing frightening entities and hearing terrifying sounds on a daily basis. I am very afraid of them, as they even try to attack me. I didn’t take my progression seriously, and now I am unable to fight or ignore these beings. I am not asking for advice; I am asking how I can cancel my dedication so that these beings will stop attacking me.
The obvious question you should be asking is, why are they attacking you? Are you doing something they don't want you to? If so, why stop? As the dedication page states, it is permanent, although no one will stop you from leaving or force themselves on you to keep you here. Or are you one of those people who didn't read a word on the website and dedicated just to be edgy? If so, you were never a Satanist to begin with, so don't worry.
The obvious question you should be asking is, why are they attacking you? Are you doing something they don't want you to? If so, why stop? As the dedication page states, it is permanent, although no one will stop you from leaving or force themselves on you to keep you here. Or are you one of those people who didn't read a word on the website and dedicated just to be edgy? If so, you were never a Satanist to begin with, so don't worry
No, I just do my meditations, that's all, I also spent a lot of time doing research here or on the site, then I did the dedication ritual, now I'm continuing my research, that's all.
No one's going to answer? Okay, I get it, the ritual is a one-time thing, but how do I fight these things? Or how do I ignore them, are there techniques to ignore them?
No, I just do my meditations, that's all, I also spent a lot of time doing research here or on the site, then I did the dedication ritual, now I'm continuing my research, that's all.
Listen to what you're saying. "I meditate and do research on true soul development." This is literally the one thing that puts you in the crosshairs of the enemy, and the website states that endless times. So you have two options: forget everything you have seen here and quit or build an aura of protection, do some God rituals, and meditate. When the enemy sees that they are wasting their time, they will quit.
Aura of Protection for a few mins every day. For your situation I suggest 10 mins:

Also use the Algiz rune and visualise wearing the vibrations around you, vibrate it 108x. Algiz is good for banishing negative energies and protecting your aura from them:

Finally, pray to your Guardian Demon to ward any enemies off if that’s what’s going on or ask him/her to guide your mind out of the subconscious state of fear as your mind might still be on a subconscious abrahamic state and it may be reacting to the dedication in a negative manner through hallucinations.
Listen to what you're saying. "I meditate and do research on true soul development." This is literally the one thing that puts you in the crosshairs of the enemy, and the website states that endless times. So you have two options: forget everything you have seen here and quit or build an aura of protection, do some God rituals, and meditate. When the enemy sees that they are wasting their time, they will quit.
Hmm, so the enemy senses that I'm evolving and wants me to get scared and turn back to disgusting holy religions?
Listen to what you're saying. "I meditate and do research on true soul development." This is literally the one thing that puts you in the crosshairs of the enemy, and the website states that endless times. So you have two options: forget everything you have seen here and quit or build an aura of protection, do some God rituals, and meditate. When the enemy sees that they are wasting their time, they will quit.
Okay ,i got it ,I need to get stronger, so my question is, I'm doing arua clearing and protection, but I don't know how to visualize it better, for example, in cleaning, can I visualize it like in the gif below?
Listen to what you're saying. "I meditate and do research on true soul development." This is literally the one thing that puts you in the crosshairs of the enemy, and the website states that endless times. So you have two options: forget everything you have seen here and quit or build an aura of protection, do some God rituals, and meditate. When the enemy sees that they are wasting their time, they will quit.
Thanks for motivation and advice, Father Zeus bless you
Hmm, so the enemy senses that I'm evolving and wants me to get scared and turn back to disgusting holy religions?
Yes. Read the http://templeofzeus.org/ website, this has been explained countless times.

Okay ,i got it ,I need to get stronger, so my question is, I'm doing arua clearing and protection, but I don't know how to visualize it better, for example, in cleaning, can I visualize it like in the gif below?View attachment 5833
Aura of Protection for a few mins every day. For your situation I suggest 10 mins:

Also use the Algiz rune and visualise wearing the vibrations around you, vibrate it 108x. Algiz is good for banishing negative energies and protecting your aura from them:

Finally, pray to your Guardian Demon to ward any enemies off if that’s what’s going on or ask him/her to guide your mind out of the subconscious state of fear as your mind might still be on a subconscious abrahamic state and it may be reacting to the dedication in a negative manner through hallucinations.
Thank you for your answer, should I vibrate like the one in this photo?

Like this ?
Look at my signature.
Since dedicating myself to Satan, I have started seeing frightening entities and hearing terrifying sounds on a daily basis. I am very afraid of them, as they even try to attack me. I didn’t take my progression seriously, and now I am unable to fight or ignore these beings. I am not asking for advice; I am asking how I can cancel my dedication so that these beings will stop attacking me.
Interesting, for me it was the opposite.
There's probably no way to undo the dedication, you read the page, right?
You could have expected it, based on everything you've read here about the enemy and their attacks.
You could have stood by.
The only way to stop this is to attain a healthy mind.
No one's going to answer? Okay, I get it, the ritual is a one-time thing, but how do I fight these things? Or how do I ignore them, are there techniques to ignore them?
the problem starts when you believe that satanism is responsible for this since as you say you studied before you started what are you coming to tell us now since you know that it cannot be undone. now regarding the attacks you receive, I imagine you are referring to the meditation piece, I want to emphasize that it is a quite sensitive piece and deserves attention.I'm new to Satanism and I've been attacked, the thing is to have a strong mind to fight it, otherwise you're not on this path if you don't believe it, so here are clear instructions on how to go about it and what can happen with it
Perfect gift what you need is aura cleansing and protection they have referred you and the other members will help you. we are waiting for your self-improvement
Hmm, so the enemy senses that I'm evolving and wants me to get scared and turn back to disgusting holy religions?
Exactly that.
To my experience, after dedication there was for me and "adjustment time". The Gods are mostly on another Planet and the manifestation of their will and energies sometimes may take a while. What I mean is, keep doing the meditations that other suggested on here, and wait a bit while staying strong. Slowly things will adjust, and the enemy influence will be less and less perceived, but your effort is needed.
The enemy entities cannot harm you that much, but they want to scare you and induce you to leave.
Most happens also because people may be uncertain or still have some fears at the beginning of the Satanic Journey, and the enemy exploits them.
Since dedicating myself to Satan, I have started seeing frightening entities and hearing terrifying sounds on a daily basis. I am very afraid of them, as they even try to attack me. I didn’t take my progression seriously, and now I am unable to fight or ignore these beings. I am not asking for advice; I am asking how I can cancel my dedication so that these beings will stop attacking me.
In fact, I dedicated myself to Satan nineteen days ago and began a forty-day meditation program at the same time. If what happened to you had happened to me, I would have opened my astral senses (sight and hearing) and tried to summon a specific demon countless times (since I do not know my guardian demon). Seeing those things is proof of your astral openness. So, my advice to you is: do not give up and try to communicate with the gods after opening your astral senses.
In fact, I dedicated myself to Satan nineteen days ago and began a forty-day meditation program at the same time. If what happened to you had happened to me, I would have opened my astral senses (sight and hearing) and tried to summon a specific demon countless times (since I do not know my guardian demon). Seeing those things is proof of your astral openness. So, my advice to you is: do not give up and try to communicate with the gods after opening your astral senses.
How to communicate with the guardian Demon?
How to communicate with the guardian Demon?
Read this:
This will help clear up misunderstandings and misconceptions regarding our dear Guardian Demons.

1. You do not choose your GD, they choose you.

They are far more advanced, wise, and psychic than we are, they know more than you do about yourself and what you need in order to advance. As you advance you will understand why your GD is more suited for you, rather than a Demon you wanted to choose as your GD.

Just because you admire the traits or personality of a Demon, does not mean they must be your GD. You can definitely keep other Demons in mind as role models though!

2. Everyone has a GD from the moment of dedication to Satan.

Sometimes even before we dedicate, because they are highly psychic and know we are on the Path, or we may have already established a relationship with them from past lives.

Some members believed that you do not have a Guardian until you are psychic enough to spiritually communicate with them; this is false. Leading to the next point…

3. You can communicate with your GD, even if you don’t know who He/She is yet!

Simply speak, either mentally or aloud, something like “To my Guardian Demon aligned with Satan, [say what you want to say].” Make sure you are focused. I did this often until I found out who mine was.

Doing this helps to establish a bond. As you are putting in effort to reach out to them, you are opening your mind and soul to them, and putting yourself on the path to knowing them and receiving guidance from them, even if you don’t know who they are yet.

4. Some members think they do not need to find out who their GD is, or otherwise completely dismiss the idea of being guided by a GD.

These mindsets are actually caused by something psychological. Perhaps you did not get enough guidance from your parents or teachers while growing up, leading you to subconsciously believe that nobody can or will help you, that you must go it alone. Or perhaps you had bad advice from those you looked up to, causing you to feel like you must figure out everything on your own.

When advancing, there is only so far we can go alone. Your Guardian will be the one to advise certain things you should do, and to point out areas you need to work on, and give you advanced knowledge and lead you through the journey of advancement. Humans were not created to do everything by ourselves; we were created by Satan to advance through Satan!

As a bonus effect, when we develop a strong relation to such advanced beings, we are able to heal ourselves from various problems we may have. Connecting and bonding to your GD will help you better understand yourself and what is best for you. Your Guardian always wants what is best for you, to help you heal and advance to your fullest potential. (This is not to say that our Guardians show us everything or do everything for us, we still make our own lives.)

5. Feeling drawn to a God does not necessarily mean they are your Guardian.

We feel drawn to the Gods because this is human nature; the Gods created us and were with us in the Ancient Days. Perhaps you’ve been to their temple in a past life, or they have attributes you admire and want for yourself. It’s human nature to want role models to look up to, who inspire us to do better.

The above is very important to understand because there are members who think they have many Guardians. Leading to the next point…

6. Demons often reach out to us, even if they are not our Guardian!

This is because they are interested in humanity and our development, and because they want us to remember them. I have had many of our Gods reach out to me over the years. When this happens, you have established a friendship with them; but this does not mean they are your GD, even if they help you with something. You can still honor them when you do a thanksgiving ritual on our holidays, for example.

7. You might not feel drawn to your GD at first.

Not until a closer bond has been established. This means that if you look through the list of Gods and Goddesses, your GD might actually be one that you do not yet feel drawn to. The reason for this could have something to do with the next point…

8. For those of you who have had much difficulty in finding out who your GD is:

There could be a blockage in your soul or mind that needs to be worked on. Ask to be led to finding out what you need to work on, in order to find out who your GD is. It will all be worth the time and effort once the issue is resolved. You will also become more healed and advanced as a result.

Another factor is that many people these days are always in a rush. Set aside some time every week to sit quietly and be open to receiving a sign from your Guardian.

And make sure your chakras are clean! Dirty chakras keep us back in every way.

9. You cannot tell who your GD is by your birth chart.

Sometimes it is shown, but quite often it is not.

10. Your GD is not based on your gender or sexual orientation.

For many people, their GD might be of the opposite gender. Or it might be based on which gender you feel more comfortable in the company of. Or it might be based on other factors. Regardless, there is no set rule for what your Guardian’s gender will be, and your sexual orientation does not make a difference either.

11. Your GD is not about your ego.

Some members only want one of the Crowned Princes to be their GD, in order to feel more important. This is not how it works. All the Demons, even the lower ranking ones, are still incredibly more advanced and powerful than humans are. You are blessed and fortunate to have whomever your Guardian might be!

12. Who your Guardian is might change.

Some members might have the same GD for their entire lives; some members might have one GD for a certain period of time, and another GD for a different stage of their advancement. This is completely individual and up to Satan and our Guardians themselves. Some Guardians specialize in newer members, some specialize in members who have certain things to work on for a certain stage of their advancement, and so on.

Regardless, the Guardian you have at the time is perfect for you for that time. It is all carefully planned and considered, so there is no need to worry about anything.

13. Don’t disregard the lower ranking Demons of the races of Bes and Pazuzu!

These Demons are protectors, guardians, friends to humanity, and often have more time for us than the main Gods. They can help give us information regarding various things in life. They also act as messengers for the main Gods.

I personally have a very good Demon Friend of the same race as Bes, and he always comes to my aid when needed. When one of the God Rituals came out, as I was doing the ritual for the first time, an enemy entity came to me. My Demon Friend immediately showed up and chased it off so I could continue the ritual uninterrupted.

Hail Satan!
Hail to all of our Guardians who guide us!
I also advise you to try summoning a demon while working on your astral senses. You will find all this on jos.
Read this:

I also advise you to try summoning a demon while working on your astral senses. You will find all this on jos.
Thank you for the advice, but I don't think I will do rituals, I don't intend to work with demons and get help, there is no place where I can do it, and the probability of finding a place is zero percent
Thank you for the advice, but I don't think I will do rituals, I don't intend to work with demons and get help, there is no place where I can do it, and the probability of finding a place is zero percent
I also have problems with privacy and circumstances that can't allow me 'for now' to vibrate and proper do things, but we got to keep strong mental and optimistic and mostly , realistically speaking , finding ways of making this not a problem anymore. Find new ways to make money , get out ,be by yourself , that's what I am planning and doing and shall be done more. Wish you good luck !

Also , you can always just speak and connect with the Gods , you don't need to do something in specific, They truly understand circumstances , nobody should ever give up and lose hope, this is one of the most disastrously thing to do, losing hope.
I also have problems with privacy and circumstances that can't allow me 'for now' to vibrate and proper do things, but we got to keep strong mental and optimistic and mostly , realistically speaking , finding ways of making this not a problem anymore. Find new ways to make money , get out ,be by yourself , that's what I am planning and doing and shall be done more. Wish you good luck !

Also , you can always just speak and connect with the Gods , you don't need to do something in specific, They truly understand circumstances , nobody should ever give up and lose hope, this is one of the most disastrously thing to do, losing hope.
My desire is to develop alone, the focus is possible up to a certain point and it is enough for me to develop up to that point, I have no intention of reaching the magnum opus.
My desire is to develop alone, the focus is possible up to a certain point and it is enough for me to develop up to that point, I have no intention of reaching the magnum opus.
Before I start saying what I want to say , I just want to mention that I do not judge or tell you what to do with your life.

Listen , I don't get why one would not try to aim for the greatest possible form of evolution [ MO ] in this case , we cannot take everything upon our shoulders , remember that in Mythology , even Zeus Himself have had help and the Gods work together not separately. Myself, I will always push it to the max possible way , regardless if I am worthy or not , If I would let's ay were not to be , at least for now, then I am open to any criticism from people and the Gods and I am willing to change , understand and to do better.

Many things that I have learned in this lifetime , was a lot from the people themselves and at my turn, I want to return the favor because if we were not to think it as such , then imagine keeping all of the information's and power and then when I die and come back , there would be nobody to help me again , therefore we have to help each other , if we truly want to live in a better world as we keep saying we want to.

I think having no intention to go after MO and even beyond is just a blockage set up by yourself , this will change with meditations and in time , you will see that you will like and love life more and therefore would feel the fire to go for more then what you've already got. We are blessed to exist in the first place , life has been given to Us to live it and that's what we all shall do.
Before I start saying what I want to say , I just want to mention that I do not judge or tell you what to do with your life.

Listen , I don't get why one would not try to aim for the greatest possible form of evolution [ MO ] in this case , we cannot take everything upon our shoulders , remember that in Mythology , even Zeus Himself have had help and the Gods work together not separately. Myself, I will always push it to the max possible way , regardless if I am worthy or not , If I would let's ay were not to be , at least for now, then I am open to any criticism from people and the Gods and I am willing to change , understand and to do better.

Many things that I have learned in this lifetime , was a lot from the people themselves and at my turn, I want to return the favor because if we were not to think it as such , then imagine keeping all of the information's and power and then when I die and come back , there would be nobody to help me again , therefore we have to help each other , if we truly want to live in a better world as we keep saying we want to.

I think having no intention to go after MO and even beyond is just a blockage set up by yourself , this will change with meditations and in time , you will see that you will like and love life more and therefore would feel the fire to go for more then what you've already got. We are blessed to exist in the first place , life has been given to Us to live it and that's what we all shall do.
Good luck to you then, I'm fine, and I don't want to get help from the gods

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
