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Help From The Gods: Changing Course

Would you like to find out? You should wish to walk the up part and put away failure from your mind
Putting away failure doesnt mean one is not going to fail anymore, but i agree theres no worth on losing ones mind in just his failures, but when you constantly fail in the same topic it makes you start to think why does that happen and how can you solve it, at the same time it feels like one disappoint it self which becomes very frustrating, even if you feel you are doing great in the rest of your life
What if a person ask the gods for help but fails (a lot and long), but keep trying and keep asking for help for the same topic over and over, could there be a moment when the god gave up on him? or will the gods keep helping this person no matter how much times fails to conquer himself?

cat GIF

One will fail many times before they reach the height of success that awaits them if they never cease their journey.
Now I want to write a brief message here. There are a few people, who make certain agreements with the Gods. The Gods almost in every case, if the agreement is agreed by them, will follow through completely. But there is more into it.

I will give a very direct example here.

Let us say someone summons Valefor to get them to heal from drugs or severe obesity that will lead to cardiac arrest. Valefor will clearly help you. But if you want to insist on taking copious amounts of drugs, and you called him in because your teeth were falling out, and you keep taking them or eating like there is no tomorrow, Valefor can only do too much.

Because you are creating a damnation of your own. How can Valefor help exactly? That can in some cases leave the Gods with few choices, that will utterly violate your free will, which is not something they will choose to do.

If the Gods see that you might need to die/get smacked/suffer incessantly in order to change a course [their Goodness fails to save you, because you are acting foolish] that might indeed by the only way you are allowing yourself to be saved. In other words, they cannot save you if you dig your hole too low.

Another person might be addicted to speeding with their vehicle. If you go with 300 miles per hour on a Motorbike without a suit and helmet, you can do many times your Aura of Protection and have 5 Demons protecting you; but the time will come due to these habits, where you will pay consequences anyway.

The protection of the Gods might help you 99 times, but on the 100th, you will get it. That one time it won't be the mistake of the pavement or another driver if you speed that much, but yours.

You want to save your marriage; but you have severe anger issues, and this destroys your marriage. Even if you summon the Gods, but you keep not doing void meditation and modulating your anger, you will destroy your marriage regardless.

You want to make friends, but you have a very bad mouth, which you do not intend to ever control, another example here. How can many people tolerate this?

There is a limit to how much the Gods can help if one is making a category of life very bad for themselves. That's why when you ask the Gods for help in an area, you will start seeing your mistakes in that area after you ask them.

If someone goes from the 10th story of a building now, and one decides to jump, all the protection of the Gods cannot stop them. If one jumps from it, do not expect "Angels to raise you" like the evil enemy Bible claims the "Divine Beings" would do. The laws of physics will come into effect. You triggered these laws.

Humans since they want to constantly insist on erroneous paths, do continue strongly on these paths, fix nothing, and then they also blame the Gods. I have seen many cases as I describe above, keep doing the same mistakes over and over again; the Gods helping them many times, and then eventually the final time comes, they get ruined, and then they blame the Gods on top of it, after also having denied their help all along the way.

That is a big mistake that no intelligent Spiritual Satanist should do. If you ask for help, do also help yourself to stop doing the mistakes that already harmed you. Then the power of the Gods can multiply your good efforts and bless you with good outcomes.

But deep inside cases such as above, they know that they requested the help of the Gods to change a course; and sometimes they are totally unwilling to change this course. This wrong course is building Karma on you [which cracks down on you when you request help]. And one must change the course, or suffer the consequences.

The Gods can delay the damage, mitigate the damage, or even save you when you are close to the blade. But if you stick it in your own body, they can only help that far. The first and foremost controller of your own existence, in some areas, is yourself. The Gods can help from other dangers. But the Gods cannot get you out of the grave you are actively digging for yourself.

When you seek to improve in some area, you might be too deep in with mistakes in it. In that example, one must change their course to improve that area. If one is unrepentant, they will pay a related price to this.

Overall these situations are extremely complex and individual, so one must take the above points in their simplicity and gather the deeper message here.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I was reading this and could only think of the first Satanic Virtue of Freedom. I regularly have conversations with certain individuals, especially christians and I’m frequently told that Satanism is too difficult because we rely “too much” on ourselves and what we can do on our own.

Coming from a christian this way of thinking is understandable because they may rave on about free-will and how they’re “god” wouldn’t force them to do anything they don’t want to; however, it becomes painfully obvious to me that these people aren’t even close to understanding what free-will truly is.

They literally “give their souls to god” and “do whatever god says they must do with their lives” and yet they believe they have free-will. They’re psychologically dependent on their beliefs and have no identity outside of that.

They can’t even imagine owning their own souls and it’s to an extent where true free-will seems difficult for them. They wouldn’t know what to do with their lives as they are helplessly dependent on their “god” to fix all their problems for them. A symptom of spiritual stagnation I’d say.

For the Satanist however, there is true spiritual growth as through free-will we are able to properly learn from our mistakes. To grow into a proper human beings on the road to godhead.

From the outside looking in, our beliefs may appear difficult but in essence, one only needs to apply free-will in knowing themselves and what’s good for them. Obey the Gods who have their best interests at heart and enjoy the fruits that come with applying free-will for one’s own good
Then who can help us when we can’t help ourselves?

I mean I’m sure the obese or addicted person don’t want to be like this. Do we choose to suffer? Do we want it? I don’t know.

Sometimes when I feel too low and depressed and I choose and do all the wrong choices and can’t lift a finger to do the good, I don’t feel usually in control, I don’t choose it, I just do or do not.

Sometimes, I feel I need miracles to save me from some addictions or negative stuff and stop them permanently. Because no matter how much I try I can’t do it on my own.

I keep trying, but I get tired, sometimes.
Firstly, my apologies if someone has already answered this.

I just want to say that from my understanding and personal experience, the Gods indeed do help us when we struggle to help ourselves. They don’t intervene directly (that being in a way that infringes on our free-will), but they instead help us understand the root cause of our issues and how to deal with them.

Mediation is obviously a big help but a bit of self-introspection can also help a bit from my experience. With the guidance of the Gods and with meditation, you go through a deep transformation that will certainly not be easy as you could face traumas that cause the coping mechanism/addiction in the first place.

Although difficult, you will certainly get passed the need to engage in whatever addictive behaviour you’re struggling with. If the root cause is gone, the addiction will no longer have a foundation and will naturally fall away.

I believe this is how the Gods help us. They wouldn’t fix anything by some miracle as we wouldn’t truly learn or outgrow any deep seated issues.

I see their immense love in how they help us deal with certain issues. If you have a child, you would want them to grow up to be very much capable on their own. You do your best to guide them and teach them.

The love of a parent is shown in how the parent wants what’s best for the child, not by handing them whatever they ask for but by teaching them to get what they want themselves (like teaching a child to cook so they can feed themselves). It’s how growing up is and I don’t see why it should be any different between human beings and the Gods.
Firstly, my apologies if someone has already answered this.

I just want to say that from my understanding and personal experience, the Gods indeed do help us when we struggle to help ourselves. They don’t intervene directly (that being in a way that infringes on our free-will), but they instead help us understand the root cause of our issues and how to deal with them.

Mediation is obviously a big help but a bit of self-introspection can also help a bit from my experience. With the guidance of the Gods and with meditation, you go through a deep transformation that will certainly not be easy as you could face traumas that cause the coping mechanism/addiction in the first place.

Although difficult, you will certainly get passed the need to engage in whatever addictive behaviour you’re struggling with. If the root cause is gone, the addiction will no longer have a foundation and will naturally fall away.

I believe this is how the Gods help us. They wouldn’t fix anything by some miracle as we wouldn’t truly learn or outgrow any deep seated issues.

I see their immense love in how they help us deal with certain issues. If you have a child, you would want them to grow up to be very much capable on their own. You do your best to guide them and teach them.

The love of a parent is shown in how the parent wants what’s best for the child, not by handing them whatever they ask for but by teaching them to get what they want themselves (like teaching a child to cook so they can feed themselves). It’s how growing up is and I don’t see why it should be any different between human beings and the Gods.
Thank you
In short: our Gods show us the path, but take this path is our choice,HP...like good parents ^^
note: delete the same past message with mistakens, was sended for error!
this topic is very close to my heart for my own reasons and i want to say that if one needed to be crushed and they allow the gods finally help them, sometimes all the pain of one's failures can make the foundation of their success.
Now I want to write a brief message here. There are a few people, who make certain agreements with the Gods. The Gods almost in every case, if the agreement is agreed by them, will follow through completely. But there is more into it.

I will give a very direct example here.

Let us say someone summons Valefor to get them to heal from drugs or severe obesity that will lead to cardiac arrest. Valefor will clearly help you. But if you want to insist on taking copious amounts of drugs, and you called him in because your teeth were falling out, and you keep taking them or eating like there is no tomorrow, Valefor can only do too much.

Because you are creating a damnation of your own. How can Valefor help exactly? That can in some cases leave the Gods with few choices, that will utterly violate your free will, which is not something they will choose to do.

If the Gods see that you might need to die/get smacked/suffer incessantly in order to change a course [their Goodness fails to save you, because you are acting foolish] that might indeed by the only way you are allowing yourself to be saved. In other words, they cannot save you if you dig your hole too low.

Another person might be addicted to speeding with their vehicle. If you go with 300 miles per hour on a Motorbike without a suit and helmet, you can do many times your Aura of Protection and have 5 Demons protecting you; but the time will come due to these habits, where you will pay consequences anyway.

The protection of the Gods might help you 99 times, but on the 100th, you will get it. That one time it won't be the mistake of the pavement or another driver if you speed that much, but yours.

You want to save your marriage; but you have severe anger issues, and this destroys your marriage. Even if you summon the Gods, but you keep not doing void meditation and modulating your anger, you will destroy your marriage regardless.

You want to make friends, but you have a very bad mouth, which you do not intend to ever control, another example here. How can many people tolerate this?

There is a limit to how much the Gods can help if one is making a category of life very bad for themselves. That's why when you ask the Gods for help in an area, you will start seeing your mistakes in that area after you ask them.

If someone goes from the 10th story of a building now, and one decides to jump, all the protection of the Gods cannot stop them. If one jumps from it, do not expect "Angels to raise you" like the evil enemy Bible claims the "Divine Beings" would do. The laws of physics will come into effect. You triggered these laws.

Humans since they want to constantly insist on erroneous paths, do continue strongly on these paths, fix nothing, and then they also blame the Gods. I have seen many cases as I describe above, keep doing the same mistakes over and over again; the Gods helping them many times, and then eventually the final time comes, they get ruined, and then they blame the Gods on top of it, after also having denied their help all along the way.

That is a big mistake that no intelligent Spiritual Satanist should do. If you ask for help, do also help yourself to stop doing the mistakes that already harmed you. Then the power of the Gods can multiply your good efforts and bless you with good outcomes.

But deep inside cases such as above, they know that they requested the help of the Gods to change a course; and sometimes they are totally unwilling to change this course. This wrong course is building Karma on you [which cracks down on you when you request help]. And one must change the course, or suffer the consequences.

The Gods can delay the damage, mitigate the damage, or even save you when you are close to the blade. But if you stick it in your own body, they can only help that far. The first and foremost controller of your own existence, in some areas, is yourself. The Gods can help from other dangers. But the Gods cannot get you out of the grave you are actively digging for yourself.

When you seek to improve in some area, you might be too deep in with mistakes in it. In that example, one must change their course to improve that area. If one is unrepentant, they will pay a related price to this.

Overall these situations are extremely complex and individual, so one must take the above points in their simplicity and gather the deeper message here.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Very good sermon
Hail Satan
The Gods can delay the damage, mitigate the damage, or even save you when you are close to the blade. But if you stick it in your own body, they can only help that far.
Not that They'd lack the power to do so, I imagine, this is about getting you to see your mistakes.
Like a child that has to actually burn his fingers to fully grasp that boiling water will burn your fingers.

People nowadays, especially those that don't make it to the "Human" category, are very much like children in the grand scheme of things.
If you continuously do drugs, you have to learn some way that it is bad for you. If the Gods were there to magically shield you from overdose, the only lesson you'll learn is "Hell yeah I can drug myself so much and nothing bad will happen to me". Which of course makes no sense and that's not what really happens.

The Gods are not here to bend the Laws of the Universe and Nature to accommodate the whims of a loser on Earth who enjoys heroin a bit too much.
The Gods are not here to bend the Laws of the Universe and Nature, period.
The Gods uphold these Laws, and have used them to get to the point They are at now.
The Gods teach us how to follow these Laws so we can get to Their Level.

This is what I understand when reading this sermon. It's like the saying "God helps those who help themselves", used by the xians but of Ancient Greek origin as many more things. Funny how this was considered basic knowledge, proverbial, in Ancient Greece, while for the xians this is some super-duper concept, according to the link many American xians believe the quote to be the central message of the bible, while it's not even written there.
Now I want to write a brief message here. There are a few people, who make certain agreements with the Gods. The Gods almost in every case, if the agreement is agreed by them, will follow through completely. But there is more into it.

I will give a very direct example here.

Let us say someone summons Valefor to get them to heal from drugs or severe obesity that will lead to cardiac arrest. Valefor will clearly help you. But if you want to insist on taking copious amounts of drugs, and you called him in because your teeth were falling out, and you keep taking them or eating like there is no tomorrow, Valefor can only do too much.

Because you are creating a damnation of your own. How can Valefor help exactly? That can in some cases leave the Gods with few choices, that will utterly violate your free will, which is not something they will choose to do.

If the Gods see that you might need to die/get smacked/suffer incessantly in order to change a course [their Goodness fails to save you, because you are acting foolish] that might indeed by the only way you are allowing yourself to be saved. In other words, they cannot save you if you dig your hole too low.

Another person might be addicted to speeding with their vehicle. If you go with 300 miles per hour on a Motorbike without a suit and helmet, you can do many times your Aura of Protection and have 5 Demons protecting you; but the time will come due to these habits, where you will pay consequences anyway.

The protection of the Gods might help you 99 times, but on the 100th, you will get it. That one time it won't be the mistake of the pavement or another driver if you speed that much, but yours.

You want to save your marriage; but you have severe anger issues, and this destroys your marriage. Even if you summon the Gods, but you keep not doing void meditation and modulating your anger, you will destroy your marriage regardless.

You want to make friends, but you have a very bad mouth, which you do not intend to ever control, another example here. How can many people tolerate this?

There is a limit to how much the Gods can help if one is making a category of life very bad for themselves. That's why when you ask the Gods for help in an area, you will start seeing your mistakes in that area after you ask them.

If someone goes from the 10th story of a building now, and one decides to jump, all the protection of the Gods cannot stop them. If one jumps from it, do not expect "Angels to raise you" like the evil enemy Bible claims the "Divine Beings" would do. The laws of physics will come into effect. You triggered these laws.

Humans since they want to constantly insist on erroneous paths, do continue strongly on these paths, fix nothing, and then they also blame the Gods. I have seen many cases as I describe above, keep doing the same mistakes over and over again; the Gods helping them many times, and then eventually the final time comes, they get ruined, and then they blame the Gods on top of it, after also having denied their help all along the way.

That is a big mistake that no intelligent Spiritual Satanist should do. If you ask for help, do also help yourself to stop doing the mistakes that already harmed you. Then the power of the Gods can multiply your good efforts and bless you with good outcomes.

But deep inside cases such as above, they know that they requested the help of the Gods to change a course; and sometimes they are totally unwilling to change this course. This wrong course is building Karma on you [which cracks down on you when you request help]. And one must change the course, or suffer the consequences.

The Gods can delay the damage, mitigate the damage, or even save you when you are close to the blade. But if you stick it in your own body, they can only help that far. The first and foremost controller of your own existence, in some areas, is yourself. The Gods can help from other dangers. But the Gods cannot get you out of the grave you are actively digging for yourself.

When you seek to improve in some area, you might be too deep in with mistakes in it. In that example, one must change their course to improve that area. If one is unrepentant, they will pay a related price to this.

Overall these situations are extremely complex and individual, so one must take the above points in their simplicity and gather the deeper message here.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yeah you half to go to half way
With the Demon you petition
To show them your willing to show
Them your willing to work with them
Greetings Brother will do as promised after I start back to work.Job interview is today.Hail Satan
Hail Satan Get to Go back to work tomorrow back as a Master Grill operator in the US.know I can try to figure out the Donation process
I can personally testify to this. With quite a few of my mistakes over the long years, the Gods were always by my side. In hindsight, I see with perfect clarity Their initially gentle nudging, which slowly but surely grew in intensity and urgency as I persisted on going a wrong path. They were never forceful, however much I or others may wish in our relatively unadvanced and foolishly youthful selves that They had been. They never force you, but They are still our beloved parents and in fact, at the height of my idiocy, I could swear that one of Them may have slapped me. I don't mean this in a stupid "attack" kind of way, but it felt exactly like a parental slap that may be administered at the height of idiocy, when nothing but possibly a shock could set the child straight.

I do not advocate for beating children, naturally, and I don't think I myself can fathom doing that, but if the Gods do something, it is right and I can personally say that not only was it deserved at the time, but I also wish it came sooner and more. I've seen many children with parents (especially fathers) they respect who did hit them, seldom, and always with good reason, always lament that they weren't slapped more, or sooner.

I know this is absolutely not the message of the Sermon and I am but a normal Satanist, but know this, Brothers and Sisters. None of us are immune to error by default, we can only hope to reach this stage through dedicated practice over the years as we become more and more Godlike. I pray that not one of any of my Siblings ever come into a situation where their final and only recourse is to wish and hope against all realism, logic and prudence that the Gods had literally taken over the wheels only to save them from their own stupidity. Even we as mages work within the Laws of Nature and there aren't so many what ifs in the world.

Stay in the clear and walk with your head on high. The very worst punishment one can receive is the disappointment of the Gods. Even death is preferable, and I pray none of you have to suffer either - not even the latter, for long.
Hail Satan For me correction is understanding my stupidity about the hoax of xainty as it played apart of my suffering with bullshit like going to Hell.Today I am thankful for the correction of The True Original Demon Gods.Hail Satan
I have to quit smoking cigarette as soon as possible, I've tried a few methods that didn't work, I'm still looking for other methods to atleast lessen it.
As a former nicotine addict who smoked more than 10 cigarettes a day and also used various other nicotine products, I know that quitting smoking is definitely not easy. My advice to you is to keep trying. You will fail. Possibly even multiple times. But don't give up! It's extremely worth it and I feel extremely proud of myself now that I am completely clean, for like 4 years now.

Good idea is to first try to reduce your cigarette consumption to just in a day and then go like that for a week or two. Keep going on one a day and vow to never increase it. If you are now comfortable with it, stop entirely. Get rid of your cigarettes, you don't need them if you don't smoke. If you feel a compulsion to smoke, think about something else, do something else. Like meditation, for example. Or reward yourself in other way. If you fail, and smoke one, don't worry. Just don't smoke another one. Keep trying. You will succeed.

There is nothing impossible to him who will try.
- Alexander the Great
As a former nicotine addict who smoked more than 10 cigarettes a day and also used various other nicotine products, I know that quitting smoking is definitely not easy. My advice to you is to keep trying. You will fail. Possibly even multiple times. But don't give up! It's extremely worth it and I feel extremely proud of myself now that I am completely clean, for like 4 years now.

Good idea is to first try to reduce your cigarette consumption to just in a day and then go like that for a week or two. Keep going on one a day and vow to never increase it. If you are now comfortable with it, stop entirely. Get rid of your cigarettes, you don't need them if you don't smoke. If you feel a compulsion to smoke, think about something else, do something else. Like meditation, for example. Or reward yourself in other way. If you fail, and smoke one, don't worry. Just don't smoke another one. Keep trying. You will succeed.

There is nothing impossible to him who will try.
- Alexander the Great
For me I vibrated r n a k 60 times and after that I was able to set them down.for 9 days straight.saying my body no longer craves tar and Though I have slipped with it but the actual cravings have slowed down alot.just Don't get up on your energy to defeat it.Hail Satan
Thank you for this sermon, this came as confirmation for the immense work I've done this last year, with a lot of it being for the JoS, while the rest being the application of its teachings in my personal life. Most of the time, I had to take a risk and transcend my limitations, while the Gods provided everything for me to succeed. Hail Satan!
Then who can help us when we can’t help ourselves?

I mean I’m sure the obese or addicted person don’t want to be like this. Do we choose to suffer? Do we want it? I don’t know.

Sometimes when I feel too low and depressed and I choose and do all the wrong choices and can’t lift a finger to do the good, I don’t feel usually in control, I don’t choose it, I just do or do not.

Sometimes, I feel I need miracles to save me from some addictions or negative stuff and stop them permanently. Because no matter how much I try I can’t do it on my own.

I keep trying, but I get tired, sometimes.
First virtue is freedom. Understand it and keep reading and pondering on it.
First virtue is freedom. Understand it and keep reading and pondering on it.
There's this good feeling from choosing the upward choices. Pray to valefor also, he can make you see the futility of the bad choice, how needless it is. Practice void meditation too even when you're faced with a choice and lastly know you can keep making the upward choice. And be closer to introspection too to keep speaking with yourself about your power of freedom
Now I want to write a brief message here. There are a few people, who make certain agreements with the Gods. The Gods almost in every case, if the agreement is agreed by them, will follow through completely. But there is more into it.

I will give a very direct example here.

Let us say someone summons Valefor to get them to heal from drugs or severe obesity that will lead to cardiac arrest. Valefor will clearly help you. But if you want to insist on taking copious amounts of drugs, and you called him in because your teeth were falling out, and you keep taking them or eating like there is no tomorrow, Valefor can only do too much.

Because you are creating a damnation of your own. How can Valefor help exactly? That can in some cases leave the Gods with few choices, that will utterly violate your free will, which is not something they will choose to do.

If the Gods see that you might need to die/get smacked/suffer incessantly in order to change a course [their Goodness fails to save you, because you are acting foolish] that might indeed by the only way you are allowing yourself to be saved. In other words, they cannot save you if you dig your hole too low.

Another person might be addicted to speeding with their vehicle. If you go with 300 miles per hour on a Motorbike without a suit and helmet, you can do many times your Aura of Protection and have 5 Demons protecting you; but the time will come due to these habits, where you will pay consequences anyway.

The protection of the Gods might help you 99 times, but on the 100th, you will get it. That one time it won't be the mistake of the pavement or another driver if you speed that much, but yours.

You want to save your marriage; but you have severe anger issues, and this destroys your marriage. Even if you summon the Gods, but you keep not doing void meditation and modulating your anger, you will destroy your marriage regardless.

You want to make friends, but you have a very bad mouth, which you do not intend to ever control, another example here. How can many people tolerate this?

There is a limit to how much the Gods can help if one is making a category of life very bad for themselves. That's why when you ask the Gods for help in an area, you will start seeing your mistakes in that area after you ask them.

If someone goes from the 10th story of a building now, and one decides to jump, all the protection of the Gods cannot stop them. If one jumps from it, do not expect "Angels to raise you" like the evil enemy Bible claims the "Divine Beings" would do. The laws of physics will come into effect. You triggered these laws.

Humans since they want to constantly insist on erroneous paths, do continue strongly on these paths, fix nothing, and then they also blame the Gods. I have seen many cases as I describe above, keep doing the same mistakes over and over again; the Gods helping them many times, and then eventually the final time comes, they get ruined, and then they blame the Gods on top of it, after also having denied their help all along the way.

That is a big mistake that no intelligent Spiritual Satanist should do. If you ask for help, do also help yourself to stop doing the mistakes that already harmed you. Then the power of the Gods can multiply your good efforts and bless you with good outcomes.

But deep inside cases such as above, they know that they requested the help of the Gods to change a course; and sometimes they are totally unwilling to change this course. This wrong course is building Karma on you [which cracks down on you when you request help]. And one must change the course, or suffer the consequences.

The Gods can delay the damage, mitigate the damage, or even save you when you are close to the blade. But if you stick it in your own body, they can only help that far. The first and foremost controller of your own existence, in some areas, is yourself. The Gods can help from other dangers. But the Gods cannot get you out of the grave you are actively digging for yourself.

When you seek to improve in some area, you might be too deep in with mistakes in it. In that example, one must change their course to improve that area. If one is unrepentant, they will pay a related price to this.

Overall these situations are extremely complex and individual, so one must take the above points in their simplicity and gather the deeper message here.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great Post (y)

There is a modern proverb in my country:
"Help yourself, then God will help you".
Now I want to write a brief message here. There are a few people, who make certain agreements with the Gods. The Gods almost in every case, if the agreement is agreed by them, will follow through completely. But there is more into it.

I will give a very direct example here.

Let us say someone summons Valefor to get them to heal from drugs or severe obesity that will lead to cardiac arrest. Valefor will clearly help you. But if you want to insist on taking copious amounts of drugs, and you called him in because your teeth were falling out, and you keep taking them or eating like there is no tomorrow, Valefor can only do too much.

Because you are creating a damnation of your own. How can Valefor help exactly? That can in some cases leave the Gods with few choices, that will utterly violate your free will, which is not something they will choose to do.

If the Gods see that you might need to die/get smacked/suffer incessantly in order to change a course [their Goodness fails to save you, because you are acting foolish] that might indeed by the only way you are allowing yourself to be saved. In other words, they cannot save you if you dig your hole too low.

Another person might be addicted to speeding with their vehicle. If you go with 300 miles per hour on a Motorbike without a suit and helmet, you can do many times your Aura of Protection and have 5 Demons protecting you; but the time will come due to these habits, where you will pay consequences anyway.

The protection of the Gods might help you 99 times, but on the 100th, you will get it. That one time it won't be the mistake of the pavement or another driver if you speed that much, but yours.

You want to save your marriage; but you have severe anger issues, and this destroys your marriage. Even if you summon the Gods, but you keep not doing void meditation and modulating your anger, you will destroy your marriage regardless.

You want to make friends, but you have a very bad mouth, which you do not intend to ever control, another example here. How can many people tolerate this?

There is a limit to how much the Gods can help if one is making a category of life very bad for themselves. That's why when you ask the Gods for help in an area, you will start seeing your mistakes in that area after you ask them.

If someone goes from the 10th story of a building now, and one decides to jump, all the protection of the Gods cannot stop them. If one jumps from it, do not expect "Angels to raise you" like the evil enemy Bible claims the "Divine Beings" would do. The laws of physics will come into effect. You triggered these laws.

Humans since they want to constantly insist on erroneous paths, do continue strongly on these paths, fix nothing, and then they also blame the Gods. I have seen many cases as I describe above, keep doing the same mistakes over and over again; the Gods helping them many times, and then eventually the final time comes, they get ruined, and then they blame the Gods on top of it, after also having denied their help all along the way.

That is a big mistake that no intelligent Spiritual Satanist should do. If you ask for help, do also help yourself to stop doing the mistakes that already harmed you. Then the power of the Gods can multiply your good efforts and bless you with good outcomes.

But deep inside cases such as above, they know that they requested the help of the Gods to change a course; and sometimes they are totally unwilling to change this course. This wrong course is building Karma on you [which cracks down on you when you request help]. And one must change the course, or suffer the consequences.

The Gods can delay the damage, mitigate the damage, or even save you when you are close to the blade. But if you stick it in your own body, they can only help that far. The first and foremost controller of your own existence, in some areas, is yourself. The Gods can help from other dangers. But the Gods cannot get you out of the grave you are actively digging for yourself.

When you seek to improve in some area, you might be too deep in with mistakes in it. In that example, one must change their course to improve that area. If one is unrepentant, they will pay a related price to this.

Overall these situations are extremely complex and individual, so one must take the above points in their simplicity and gather the deeper message here.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The whole of this is really a natural law of the world. You must take your own life into your hands. You must not be acting foolish.
The last few paragraphs spoke volumes to me, thank you for your guidance HPHC
Greetings Brother Having trouble with the BC Exedas to do as I agreed to Please need Help Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
