I am on a spiritual journey for truth. This is why I want to share my current beliefs so that I can discuss them with you all and see where my ideas can be refined. I came from a traditional Christian background - as an adult found my way out of that to atheism (short lived) and then to spirituality/pantheism (god is all things) which is where I am now. I understand that this group is a Spiritual Satanist group, which is one of the main reasons I am attracted to it. Lucifer/Eosphoros in their role as Morning Star / Light bearer / Truth giver in his rebellion against Yahweh (lesser god/demiurge who seeks to steal worship through deception and tyranny and control) speaks to my being and core values. I may not understand everything correctly yet, but I would like to refine by beliefs through discussion.
Please read the basis of my beliefs and let me know your thoughts. I understand that what I believe now may be different than what you believe here, but I am open to the truth - let's find it together.
My current spiritual understanding:
Spirituality is a journey through layers with each its own degree of complexity and fragmentation. At the lower layers, closest to the physical realm, the divine expresses itself in multiplicity—spiritual entities take on countless names, roles, and forms, like actors on a stage. Here, they manifest as archetypes, myths, and symbols, reflecting the fractured nature of human perception. The gods and spirits we name—Zeus, Satan, Inanna —are not separate beings but facets of a greater whole, distorted by the lens of our understanding. This is the realm of duality, where light and shadow, good and evil, seem to clash, though they are merely parts of the same unfolding drama.
As you ascend through these layers, the complexity begins to dissolve. The higher you rise, the more the divisions blur, and the apparent contradictions of the lower realms reveal themselves as harmonies. Entities that once seemed distinct merge into shared essences; the archetypes shed their masks, and the illusions of separation fade. The gods are no longer many but one, their myriad forms collapsing into singular truths. This is the realm of synthesis, where the soul begins to perceive the interconnectedness of all things.
At the highest layer, there is no complexity, no division, no conflict—only unity. Here, the source of all existence resides, a boundless light or energy that transcends name and form. It is the origin of all that is, the point where duality dissolves into oneness, where the dance of creation and destruction ceases, and only the infinite remains. This is not a place of gods or archetypes but the essence from which they spring, the ultimate truth beyond all veils. To reach this layer is to return to the source, to know that all paths, all beings, all layers were but ripples in the same eternal sea.