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Hearing strange rings in my ears after meditations...

Sep 2, 2003
Anyone else experiencing this? Whether that be vibration meditations (vibrating words of power) or just void or visualization meditations, but lately I been experience a lot of ringing in my ears, after I get done meditating... What could this mean?
I think that may be the minor chakras for astral hearing. I get the same thing, more so when I focus on those points specifically. Sent on my Boost Mobile Phone.
On Apr 13, 2015 2:29 AM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  Anyone else experiencing this? Whether that be vibration meditations (vibrating words of power) or just void or visualization meditations, but lately I been experience a lot of ringing in my ears, after I get done meditating... What could this mean?
I've always heard ringing sounds my whole life. I believe it is your astral hearing.


On Monday, April 13, 2015 10:12 PM, "FienyxW fienyxwillow@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I think that may be the minor chakras for astral hearing. I get the same thing, more so when I focus on those points specifically. Sent on my Boost Mobile Phone.
On Apr 13, 2015 2:29 AM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  Anyone else experiencing this? Whether that be vibration meditations (vibrating words of power) or just void or visualization meditations, but lately I been experience a lot of ringing in my ears, after I get done meditating... What could this mean?

Interesting. Seems I had that since I was born just like Fake Name. Shame the kikes push it off as some illness. Motherfuckers. How many people have been led astray because of this jew propaganda of it being a problem?

Got ear ringing, get an operation, we even throw in free coupons for penis enlargement say the kike.
Yeah, these assholes call it tonitis even though it's actually your astral hearing. I also always had synesthesia where my hearing and touch senses are connected and I can even use it to see through walls. the slightest movement in my surroundings never goes unnoticed nor has it ever even in my sleep.Sadly this also leads to insomnia in my case :/

On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 10:51 PM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Interesting. Seems I had that since I was born just like Fake Name. Shame the kikes push it off as some illness. Motherfuckers. How many people have been led astray because of this jew propaganda of it being a problem?

Got ear ringing, get an operation, we even throw in free coupons for penis enlargement say the kike.

leave it to a jew to try and sell you a drug after convincing you your soul is a disease......

On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 7:53 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

Lol! I hear ya... fuck them.

Yeah, sometimes I can see through things as well ehh heh heh heh... Seriously though. What exactly is synesthesia like just curious?
synesthesia=blending of the senses example:hearing+touch=sonar vision etc

On Thursday, April 16, 2015 9:41 PM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Yeah, sometimes I can see through things as well ehh heh heh heh... Seriously though. What exactly is synesthesia like just curious?

You mean through walls and other solid objects? Because there use to be a time in my life I was able to do this, not (really good) but just enough to know I'm seeing through a solid object... that's if I concentrate hard.
I'm about at that level, although it doesn't take a lot of concentration. Having something like X-Ray vision is fun,  along with what Fake Name mentioned in the above. But, it's still kinda... weak.. heh. I just kinda got the idea to try it one day and it worked.

Think I was born with it but was unaware.
Calcification and blockages.  Your pineal gland is calcified and unable to work correctly until it is empowered again.  In addition, I've had ear blockages I didn't no about, deep inside my ear.  Best you have a doctor mess with that.  It's very easy to damage your ear drum and other small parts of the ear if you attempt doing anything about it yourself.  You can't see it.  I've had large pieces of buildup in my ear before, that my doctor removed for me during the course of a normal physical examination.  Normally they let it go unless you tell them that you want any blockages removed. You just have to ask him/her.  Other than that its the calcification being broken up not only on your pineal gland but in your inner ear tracts and sinus tracts.  Those with an open 3rd eye have improved performance of their sinus tracts.  Their are many of these tracts.  If you have any one tract being effected by allergies, that will improve too.  For a person in really good shape, these allergies and so forth will simply go away.  After all, they are merely psychosomatic illnesses.  Which is a good thing, because then you can quit screwing up your progress by having to take allergy drugs and so forth.
Dude,if you can see trugh walls you should show people and tell them how and why you can do it...then again,perhaps not.
We are all on different levels man, my level is still pretty damn low due to my drug addiction... but I'm getting there. It use to be higher, (before my drug addiction). Visualizations were much more easier, concentration, void meditation, even my astral sight was better... Sometimes I worry if I will ever get back to that level I use to be at, and that the meth addiction caused this damage to be permanent. That's why I try to tell fellow SS, or anyone for that matter just how dangerous meth is... That drug is as deceiving as angels themselves. Once you're hooked on it, it makes you feel like you're becoming more powerful, but when the high wears down you become weaker then you were before you were high, and then you do it again just to get that boost in power that you *think* you have, but in reality, you just get weaker, and weaker, until you fall into a hole you can't get out of and it's a continuous cycle from there... To the point where there is so many holes in your aura negative energy (curses) just seep through like it's open season on your ass... Not to mention the damage it does to your brain, especially when one has OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and High Functioning Autism (Aspergers Syndrome) like I do, then it's even worse... I am now even a little schizophrenic because of that piece of shit drug, and enemy spirits (like angels) definitely played a part in that role as well... Before my addiction, I remember my aura would repel their attacks easily and even then I thought life was hard, I never realized how good I had it until now (after my addiction). Man, if I could reverse back time... I would in a second. Hey, at least I still look good though... As far as skin and teeth go, I got a few stains on my teeth from the meth, but that's about it... and I was doing the drug for about 5 years, most people go to shit (sores all over their face, rotten teeth, ect. ect.) in a matter of months, depending how strong your mind is and how often you do it. Luckly, in my case, I had Satan and his Demons watching over my ass (I think lol), so I didn't die in the process (even though I almost did in more than one different occasion), let alone not ending up looking like the crypt keeper or skeletor for that matter, Lmao. Anyways, i just wanted to bring this up to let other SS know my experience, take it from me dudes... My life became 100 times worse then it was before, to the point where I have mental break downs EVERY WEEK, and this message goes to all my Satanic Brothers and Sisters, meth is NOT a fucking game, ESPECIALLY if you're a Spiritual Satanist. Eventually you will lose ALL your powers, even when it comes down to the strength of your aura and your mind, and then you will get the ASS BEATING of your life from the enemy, even perhaps die... So, if there is any of you out there (SS that do meth), take it from me... Quit while you're ahead... Man, I wish there was a way I can put my experiences into your guys's heads (like telepathy), but unfortunately I'm not nearly that advanced, but if I could, I would, just so you guys know just how bad that fucking drug is... it ruined my life. :) And the only reason I did it was because I thought I that was an easier way to become open to the astral, let alone more powerful, and boy was I wrong... it totally back fired on my ass... Man, I wish I can let you guys know... If there is one of you out there that is addicted to this drug, I PRAY to Father Satan to help GUIDE and PROTECT you, because you're going to need it... Anyways... Yeah... Good luck...
Hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Duat!

---In [email protected], <descipleofthegods13@... wrote :

I'm about at that level, although it doesn't take a lot of concentration. Having something like X-Ray vision is fun,  along with what Fake Name mentioned in the above. But, it's still kinda... weak.. heh. I just kinda got the idea to try it one day and it worked.

Think I was born with it but was unaware.

You can see through walls.  And you'll remember how.  So quit talking shit to people that know they can.  

---In [email protected], <illkillyou138@... wrote :

Dude,if you can see trugh walls you should show people and tell them how and why you can do it...then again,perhaps not.
Heightened energy levels maybe? I get an extreme ringing and buzzing right before i astral project
Why in the world would you want to do that? That is some pretty unwise advice right there buddy. If you have powers that the average person doesn't, like telekinesis, levitation, the ability to see through walls, ect. ect. then the last thing you want to do is to go out in public and show it off... Are you trying to get your ass snatched up by the government? lmao.
Uhh... I'm.. not sure how I do it exactly. I just eh.. do it.. Eh heh heh heh... :/

Like I said, it's very weak. Either that, or I remembered patterns well when I orginize things...
Still not sure about that one. it 'seems' like I can, I haven't really concluded yet. Probably reading informative articles about it would help me to understand better...
It's a hunch really based on what I believe I can do I really do think I see through walls, and certain things 'sometimes'. And, I'd rather not have that put in my head, I got a really bad feeling that made me move back somewhat as I read it and I have been through the thorough goddamn works with these shitheads..

Fuck... Yeah, I believe your hardships top mine somewhat, or maybe I remembered something from my past...
Not sure which....

yeah, drugs are definitely evil. Cigarettes are fuckin' bad enough. I've never done hardcore drugs, and only tried weed twice growing up. You'll get better in time. Just keep on getting stronger. At least my words helped back then when you still had the initial jerkwads harassing you intensely. I'm guessing they just come and go now eh?
Oh, these enemy angels are always here with me, everyday... if not them, definitely their thought form. I see those Greys every once in a while, there always in groups of three... Something about the number '3' they like... I don't know why... As for cigarettes. yeah, I use to smoke, but gave that up as well like 2 months ago. Cigarettes (or kike sticks I heard someone call them before lmao!) puts holes in your aura as well... I recommend giving that shit up too, if you're a Spiritual Satanist, speaking to all my Satanic Brothers and Sisters on that one. They're just as bad as meth when it comes to destroying your aura, if you want my opinion anyways... cigarettes will put as many holes in your aura as there are in the bible, and that's a lot... Lol. Not good for anyone.
okay ,what are you saying .

On Friday, April 17, 2015 5:37 PM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  synesthesia=blending of the senses example:hearing+touch=sonar vision etc

On Thursday, April 16, 2015 9:41 PM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Yeah, sometimes I can see through things as well ehh heh heh heh... Seriously though. What exactly is synesthesia like just curious?

@RichardLester, as many holes as there are in the bible. Damn that's funny. But seriously, I didn't know they were that damaging, I just knew they were as addictive as heroin..

I only smoke two a day typically. I'm working on it. I truly hate the things really. Dipshits are pushing me to buy them but I refuse. I just smoke my parents to ween off it them. As in dip ships I mean the enemy.

Those goddamn greys are as ugly as ball sacks...  Yeah, I've seen them... Yick...

Their eyes are kinda creepy as well..
Yeah dude, I didn't think so either, until my aura became damaged enough to realize it was the cigarettes doing it (plus with the meth, it was even worse). It's best just to give it all up I think. Start chewing the nicotine gum for a couple weeks in replace of the smokes, then after two or three weeks of the gum, just give up entirely. That's what I did... As for the Greys, I was amazed when I first saw them, I never really believed them, I thought they were a Hollywood invention, and I also thought the JoS (Joy of Satan) ministries were batshit crazy when they said they controlled the world, until the night I did see them with my own eyes... let's just say my beliefs quickly changed after that... I saw them sucking the energy from people, including myself, I use to see them in the reflections of mirrors and windows... I didn't know they were Greys when I first saw them, I thought they were just some strange astral entities with enlarged heads... until I got a closer look at them, I noticed their round big black eyes, their little atrophied mouths, and every other characteristics about them, I was even seeing the little veins through their skin, like for example, have you ever saw an old person? And you can see their veins through their skin due to old age? Yeah, that's what their skin looked like, although it was wrinkly and they were white (like a white man)... but that's just how much detail I was seeing... The Night I saw them was also the most amazing night of my life, also one of the most scariest (considering the fact I thought I was going to die by them that night), and that wasn't my first run in with the little cock suckers, I've had a few more run ins with them as well. I hope one day I'll kill one of them... Anyways,
Hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Duat.
I too was literally just attacked in my sleep by 3 greys who kept chanting "vinasa" and every time I tried
to wake up or thought I woke up it was part of the dream.This confirms they have been fucking with me directly from the astral my entire life and they're pissed that they can't reach me anymore unless I get sick.They actually tried to use the banishing word I threw at them to cleanse my house permanently with blue fire!
They're still trying to bypass the barrier around my house by hacking my mind even while I'm typing this.I suspect they're responsible for every case of food poisoning and now the flu I've contracted since dedicating.
They can't penetrate my aura from the outside anymore so they keep trying to spike my food supply and attack it from the inside!

On Tuesday, April 21, 2015 6:45 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

Oh, these enemy angels are always here with me, everyday... if not them, definitely their thought form. I see those Greys every once in a while, there always in groups of three... Something about the number '3' they like... I don't know why... As for cigarettes. yeah, I use to smoke, but gave that up as well like 2 months ago. Cigarettes (or kike sticks I heard someone call them before lmao!) puts holes in your aura as well... I recommend giving that shit up too, if you're a Spiritual Satanist, speaking to all my Satanic Brothers and Sisters on that one. They're just as bad as meth when it comes to destroying your aura, if you want my opinion anyways... cigarettes will put as many holes in your aura as there are in the bible, and that's a lot... Lol. Not good for anyone.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
