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Health/Chronic skin disease

Shane Butler

New member
Feb 16, 2014
How would i go about curing the skin on my face it keeps producing too much oil and its oily after 9ne hiur of washing with my paulas choice cleanser and my pores keep getting blocked and its red around my forehead and nose/cheeks and white thingy shit comes out of i when it squeeze it, i had it for ages now and was wondering being a Satanist is there anyother way of going about curing it??? Cause it makes me depressed to be honest even though i know i shouldn't also i try to avoi mirrors whwn possible when it gets realy bad. Probably sound like fool but i just need help guys please!!
Thanks to anyone who replys with helpful information.
Hail SatanHail HitlerHail all the Gods and Demons of Hell

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
I feel so sorry for you! But you should never feel like a fool for something like that. I totally understand where you are coming from, it's hampering your self-esteem.

This may or may not work, but you should try it anyways.

Start with breathing in powerful white-gold energy from the sun into your facial skin. Visualize your skin/face brighten up and cleansing. And try to picture it in your head of how you will look.
Finish it with an affirmation that is present tence and wiill remove your problems.

Also, you can try vibrating words of power, raising your energies and direct that to your face, and state am affirmation. You can use Aum Suryae for an example.

Now, it is very important that you do this everyday to reinforce it. Skipping a day may ruin your working. Do breathing exercises, yoga and other meditations that really builds your energy. This will further healing your body amd such. But this is mandatory for everyone.

If not this works after a period of a month or so, you may want to ask Satan for guidance.

Hope I helped you, and wish you good luck and take much care! It is a possibility it could be nutritional problems.

Hail Satan!!!!
Well...I had a melanoma thing appear on my face. It was the size of a quarter and raised up off my face and turned black. It was skin cancer. It was disfiguring and hideous and I refused to accept it. I spent every night for, oh, eight weeks at least (I forget how long - I just did it every night till it worked) meditating on it, every night before sleep I would concentrate ALL my will on it, visualizing it as something coming from outside - an invader - trying to sink its roots into me. I would mentally trace its roots that it had sunk into me, down from my face I felt it spreading into my chest till I traced the roots of it to their end. And then when I felt the ending and the fine filaments still trying to spread, when I felt the very end of it, I focused on and commanded those roots to retract back up to the mother mass sitting on my face. I saw it as some alien invader trying to sink its roots in. I saw it as something separate and apart from me. This was not how I was supposed to be and I refused to accept it. I saw underneath this invader was pure fresh skin. As it should be. I concentrated on that pure baby skin. THAT was mine. NOT this invader.

And one day it peeled off like a bandage and I had fresh baby skin under it! It took about six to eight weeks, maybe longer. I did it for as long as it took. Not sure how long, really. I just focused everything I had on it every night right before sleep - so that I could keep working on it as I slept - I even began to dream of it - we have the power to alter our physical selves....I know this for FACT. It's not a belief, or a wish. It's true and I know it is from personal experience. So I would think you can do something like that, to help yourself, too. Visualize every night how you want your face to be, and that the stuff on it is NOT a part of you, and has no business there, visualize how your skin ought to be, and command the stuff tormenting you to leave you....I don't know how else to describe it. It WILL work. I know it does. We are very powerful.

Hope this helps.

Hello, Shane. We have a JoyofSatan health group with which members can join and speak more in detail about health related issues.
There is a thread there centered around skin ailments. The link to the health group is below my signature.
Anyway, skin aliments are due to a faulty or sluggish digestive system and toxins being dumped back into the blood. It can also be your skin producing to much oil due to your skin being dryed out and lacking in moisture. When the skin suffers from dryness, the skin gland over produce. Your lymph may also be blocked too.
There a couple of ways to go about treating this.
Look to your diet and externally, you may want to use natural soaps(free of sulphates and drying chemicals that strip the skin of its natural oils). Topically you can look to coconut oil(which is very absorbant, and anti microbial. It will also balance your skins PH.) This is good for acne and toning the skin. Jojoba oil is an wax substance that is identical to the skins oils and will work wonders. There is also the method of skin exfoliation..
Now, I do not know your financial situation but these things can be accessed at a local food or health food store. 
As other members have mentioned, using energetic/magickal means in combination can help. I use the energy from my palm chakras, charge up the energy and then immediately rub and massage my face. This infuses my skin with energy and then I program it to heal and keep my skin clear and balanced. The energy will also work to stimulate the lymph glands in the face to clear it up..
As I said, you can join the health group for more information and healing treatments.
Be well.
High Priestess Shannon
If anyone can help: I started university abroad. I live with a brother and last week i came home a bit tipsy. Yeah i know, as parents, they have all the right to get mad. However, my parents want me to go back with them saying i´m not responsible enough to be alone and that i´ll go back and i won´t study until i´m more mature. geez i know i did wrong but for them to not let me go to school. I have straight A´s and i want to continue school. I don´t know what else to do because i´ve tried talking to them and i apologized but i can´t convince them. I´m getting desperate, I don´t want to be drop out of school. Is there any way that i can do a ritual in order to make my parents change their minds? 
Alkalizing your body. The human body is supposed to have an alkaline ph.  Drink hella alkaline water. Everything we eat is acidic. Acidic environments are a breeding ground for virus and bacteria that cause every human ailment. Why do you think Magic Johnson is HIV NEGATIVE? He has 9 Kangen machines (water alkalizer) On a side note most of the psychiatric disorders like bipolar and physical disabilities like MS are cause by the spirochetes class of virus, aka Lymes Disease. It's congenital and transfered thru sex. Apitherapy and Bee Venom Treatment will heal all of your ailments.
On Mar 6, 2016 6:12 PM, "soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello, Shane. We have a JoyofSatan health group with which members can join and speak more in detail about health related issues.
There is a thread there centered around skin ailments. The link to the health group is below my signature.
Anyway, skin aliments are due to a faulty or sluggish digestive system and toxins being dumped back into the blood. It can also be your skin producing to much oil due to your skin being dryed out and lacking in moisture. When the skin suffers from dryness, the skin gland over produce. Your lymph may also be blocked too.
There a couple of ways to go about treating this.
Look to your diet and externally, you may want to use natural soaps(free of sulphates and drying chemicals that strip the skin of its natural oils). Topically you can look to coconut oil(which is very absorbant, and anti microbial. It will also balance your skins PH.) This is good for acne and toning the skin. Jojoba oil is an wax substance that is identical to the skins oils and will work wonders. There is also the method of skin exfoliation..
Now, I do not know your financial situation but these things can be accessed at a local food or health food store. 
As other members have mentioned, using energetic/magickal means in combination can help. I use the energy from my palm chakras, charge up the energy and then immediately rub and massage my face. This infuses my skin with energy and then I program it to heal and keep my skin clear and balanced. The energy will also work to stimulate the lymph glands in the face to clear it up..
As I said, you can join the health group for more information and healing treatments.
Be well.
High Priestess Shannon
There are more than one way to heal. What reference or article do you have that blacks up evidence the MS and such is congenital. I do not believe that. Hail Satan!
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Tuesday, March 8, 2016 9:30 PM, "Barry Morgan barryomorgan@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Alkal[/IMG]soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" class="y[/IMG][email protected] wrote:
  Hello, Shane. We have a JoyofSatan health group with which members can join and speak more in detail about health related issues.
There is a thread there centered around skin ailments. The link to the health group is below my signature.
Anyway, skin aliments are due to a faulty or sluggish digestive system and toxins being dumped back into the blood. It can also be your skin producing to much oil due to your skin being dryed out and lacking in moisture. When the skin suffers from dryness, the skin gland over produce. Your lymph may also be blocked too.
There a couple of ways to go about treating this.
Look to your diet and externally, you may want to use natural soaps(free of sulphates and drying chemicals that strip the skin of its natural oils). Topically you can look to coconut oil(which is very absorbant, and anti microbial. It will also balance your skins PH.) This is good for acne and toning the skin. Jojoba oil is an wax substance that is identical to the skins oils and will work wonders. There is also the method of skin exfoliation..
Now, I do not know your financial situation but these things can be accessed at a local food or health food store. 
As other members have mentioned, using energetic/magickal means in combination can help. I use the energy from my palm chakras, charge up the energy and then immediately rub and massage my face. This infuses my skin with energy and then I program it to heal and keep my skin clear and balanced. The energy will also work to stimulate the lymph glands in the face to clear it up..
As I said, you can join the health group for more information and healing treatments.
Be well.
High Priestess Shannon
<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" class="y[/IMG]groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

Some bacteria actually thrive in an alkaline environment. Candida Albicans Is one of them. Normally a natural gut an mucous membrane commensal this fungus can overgrown into life threatening proportions in an alkaline environment. Systemic thrush...

Most 'alkalizing' foods are also acidic so it's also possible that many of the foods which are alkaline are also acidising...
What you describe is acne caused by excess testosterone. You must drink tea made of herbs that lower the testosterone levels: 
1. mint tea (drink only mint tea and no other drink all day long, practically replace any kind of liquids you use to drink with mint tea) and it will lower your testosterone levels. 
Testosterone overstimulates the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. The pores get clogged with sebum excess and get infected, hence the redness, causing infection (the white puss) which is called acne.

If your condition looks like this, it is acne:http://1.media.collegehumor.cvcdn.com/1 ... g-zits.jpg   
- the second choice is to eat at least 2 oranges a day. For an unknown reason they seem to have the same effect (to cure the acne), although, unlike in the mint case, it is not scientifically proven that oranges lower testosterone levels. - The third is also a plant but you can find it only in mountains areas. It is called wild thyme, I guess. It is from the mint family and it is more powerful than mint. It looks like this:
http://www.leifgoodwin.co.uk/Flora/_DSC ... 0Thyme.jpg  If you can find wild thyme that grows in mountain areas it's great, but unfortunately it is pretty hard to find and it gets in bloom just once a year or so (in may-june), so it is not a handy alternative, but it's the best. You need to boil those purple flowers in water and drink that tea. 
Mint seems the most handy choice, since it doesn't cause acidity in the guy like the oranges (which might be a problem for some), but make sure that what you drink is cultivated mint, not wild mint. The teas from the pharmacy are quite dry, it is better to buy fresh mint from somebody who cultivates it in his garden. If you have a garden you can cultivate it yourself. 
If you're a guy you might not really want to lower your testosterone levels too much, but I assume that if your sex drive decreases you'll feel it and you ca lower the dose or discontinue the cure for a while. This is the only potential side effect of mint. 
Here is an article about mint lowering testosterone levels: 
Effects of peppermint teas on plasma testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone levels and testicular tissue in rats.   

Best of luck!   

What he is saying is general bullshit. There are no scientific articles that proof any of what he said and drinking alkaline water is one of the dumbest things you can do. Your body doesn't have a set PH, the stomach has a very acidic PH because that is the best enviorement for the enzymes to break down food, however the colon and other parts of the digestive system have a basic PH. Drinking normal water is the best way to go. Also drinking overly basic drinks is bad for the stomach, as such drinking a lot of coffee can upset the stomach and the natural enviorement that is best for the enzymes in the body.

Like HP Shannon Outlaw said, there are more ways than one to heal! Fist of all I suggest not doing anything that is stated in mainstream medical articles. Use your common sense. The information given by Jl_Rona is actually quite good. 

The causes for the condition you discribe can be from various sources, but the most common ones are an unbalanced diet with a high amound of saturated fatts or refined sugars, or having high testosterone levels because of puberty and it can also be because you are taking in too much proteïn. 

Eating a good balanced diet is very hard these days especially with all the crap they are selling and even when you think you are eating quite healthy because your next door neighbor is 20 kilo's more obese than you and you are in good shape, you are most likely still not eating a balanced diet.. 

Having a strong aura also helps greatly in getting a healtier look and body. If you aren't already working out I suggest you start doing this, especially doing cardio which is very good for getting your blood flowing and for getting your lympf system working better, which will hydrate the skin better and cause more blood to flow through the skin to carry off the chemicals that might be piling up there. 

Take a look at your diet and check if you are consuming foods with large amounts of saturated fatts or refined sugars or just large amounts of sugar on a daily basis, try to reduce the amounts of this food and try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits instead of those. 

Perform aura cleansing meditations daily and strenghten the chakra's daily aswell, doing all this you should see your condition improving very quickly. 

Also rinsing your skin with water and a natural scrub will do wonders for your condition, don't use soaps that dry the skin out, like soaps that have large amounts of laureth sulfate and such, use natural oil based soaps to clean the skin and hydrate it so the skin doesn't over produce the skin oils to counter act the workings of conventional soaps (Conventinal soaps remove the skins natural oils and cause the skin to over produce those oils to compensate which get's you this oily skin) 

And lastly maybe the most simple piece of advice, get ample sunlight on your skin. This is something that is always over looked by everyone, but it seriously works better than anything else. I had severe acne on my face and back when I was younger, but one summer I went to Greece on vacation and spend 2 weeks bathing in the salt ocean water in the hot mediterainian sun and after those 2 weeks my skin was completely fresh and clean. Not a single little pustule was left. Natural sea water and salt water rinse the skin better than anything and the sun is just very healthy as long as you take care not to get burned. 

There was a guy named BARRY morgan on here pushing suicidally retarded advice?
Barry is a JEWISH name.
If a guy named BARRY is giving you detrimental advice then he is a JEW.PERIOD

On Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:31 AM, "luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:


What he is saying is general bullshit. There are no scientific articles that proof any of what he said and drinking alkaline water is one of the dumbest things you can do. Your body doesn't have a set PH, the stomach has a very acidic PH because that is the best enviorement for the enzymes to break down food, however the colon and other parts of the digestive system have a basic PH. Drinking normal water is the best way to go. Also drinking overly basic drinks is bad for the stomach, as such drinking a lot of coffee can upset the stomach and the natural enviorement that is best for the enzymes in the body.

Like HP Shannon Outlaw said, there are more ways than one to heal! Fist of all I suggest not doing anything that is stated in mainstream medical articles. Use your common sense. The information given by Jl_Rona is actually quite good. 

The causes for the condition you discribe can be from various sources, but the most common ones are an unbalanced diet with a high amound of saturated fatts or refined sugars, or having high testosterone levels because of puberty and it can also be because you are taking in too much proteïn. 

Eating a good balanced diet is very hard these days especially with all the crap they are selling and even when you think you are eating quite healthy because your next door neighbor is 20 kilo's more obese than you and you are in good shape, you are most likely still not eating a balanced diet.. 

Having a strong aura also helps greatly in getting a healtier look and body. If you aren't already working out I suggest you start doing this, especially doing cardio which is very good for getting your blood flowing and for getting your lympf system working better, which will hydrate the skin better and cause more blood to flow through the skin to carry off the chemicals that might be piling up there. 

Take a look at your diet and check if you are consuming foods with large amounts of saturated fatts or refined sugars or just large amounts of sugar on a daily basis, try to reduce the amounts of this food and try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits instead of those. 

Perform aura cleansing meditations daily and strenghten the chakra's daily aswell, doing all this you should see your condition improving very quickly. 

Also rinsing your skin with water and a natural scrub will do wonders for your condition, don't use soaps that dry the skin out, like soaps that have large amounts of laureth sulfate and such, use natural oil based soaps to clean the skin and hydrate it so the skin doesn't over produce the skin oils to counter act the workings of conventional soaps (Conventinal soaps remove the skins natural oils and cause the skin to over produce those oils to compensate which get's you this oily skin) 

And lastly maybe the most simple piece of advice, get ample sunlight on your skin. This is something that is always over looked by everyone, but it seriously works better than anything else. I had severe acne on my face and back when I was younger, but one summer I went to Greece on vacation and spend 2 weeks bathing in the salt ocean water in the hot mediterainian sun and after those 2 weeks my skin was completely fresh and clean. Not a single little pustule was left. Natural sea water and salt water rinse the skin better than anything and the sun is just very healthy as long as you take care not to get burned. 


Eating a balanced diet is very important indeed. As for the saturated fats, they are good for you. I think you are referring to hydrogenated refined rancid vegetable oils they use today in these foods. These fats are high in carcinogens and oxides the body. they also contain an imbalance of too much omega 6. They throw the body out of wack and disrupt the endocrine system and hormones hence too much testosterone and such. This goes both ways or men and women.
The brains, cells and hormones are made of healthy saturated fats. Grass fed butter, tallow, coconut oil to name a few. I consume saturated fats everyday and have noticed an improvement in mood, nice weight, health hormones and female reproductive system and better skin. It also helps to keep you feeling full longer.

As was mentioned by Luka, balance in everything. Although I do consume alot of saturated fats when I am stressed because they refuel the components on my body that is used during stress or sickness if it comes down to it. Hail Satan!
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:59 AM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  There was a guy named BARRY morgan on here pushing suicidally retarded advice?
Barry is a JEWISH name.
If a guy named BARRY is giving you detrimental advice then he is a JEW.PERIOD

On Thursday, March 10, 2016 8:31 AM, "luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:


What he is saying is general bullshit. There are no scientific articles that proof any of what he said and drinking alkaline water is one of the dumbest things you can do. Your body doesn't have a set PH, the stomach has a very acidic PH because that is the best enviorement for the enzymes to break down food, however the colon and other parts of the digestive system have a basic PH. Drinking normal water is the best way to go. Also drinking overly basic drinks is bad for the stomach, as such drinking a lot of coffee can upset the stomach and the natural enviorement that is best for the enzymes in the body.

Like HP Shannon Outlaw said, there are more ways than one to heal! Fist of all I suggest not doing anything that is stated in mainstream medical articles. Use your common sense. The information given by Jl_Rona is actually quite good. 

The causes for the condition you discribe can be from various sources, but the most common ones are an unbalanced diet with a high amound of saturated fatts or refined sugars, or having high testosterone levels because of puberty and it can also be because you are taking in too much proteïn. 

Eating a good balanced diet is very hard these days especially with all the crap they are selling and even when you think you are eating quite healthy because your next door neighbor is 20 kilo's more obese than you and you are in good shape, you are most likely still not eating a balanced diet.. 

Having a strong aura also helps greatly in getting a healtier look and body. If you aren't already working out I suggest you start doing this, especially doing cardio which is very good for getting your blood flowing and for getting your lympf system working better, which will hydrate the skin better and cause more blood to flow through the skin to carry off the chemicals that might be piling up there. 

Take a look at your diet and check if you are consuming foods with large amounts of saturated fatts or refined sugars or just large amounts of sugar on a daily basis, try to reduce the amounts of this food and try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits instead of those. 

Perform aura cleansing meditations daily and strenghten the chakra's daily aswell, doing all this you should see your condition improving very quickly. 

Also rinsing your skin with water and a natural scrub will do wonders for your condition, don't use soaps that dry the skin out, like soaps that have large amounts of laureth sulfate and such, use natural oil based soaps to clean the skin and hydrate it so the skin doesn't over produce the skin oils to counter act the workings of conventional soaps (Conventinal soaps remove the skins natural oils and cause the skin to over produce those oils to compensate which get's you this oily skin) 

And lastly maybe the most simple piece of advice, get ample sunlight on your skin. This is something that is always over looked by everyone, but it seriously works better than anything else. I had severe acne on my face and back when I was younger, but one summer I went to Greece on vacation and spend 2 weeks bathing in the salt ocean water in the hot mediterainian sun and after those 2 weeks my skin was completely fresh and clean. Not a single little pustule was left. Natural sea water and salt water rinse the skin better than anything and the sun is just very healthy as long as you take care not to get burned. 


Damn, Thank you HP Shannon for correcting me on this! I was indeed referring to these kinds. 
Thank you for clarifying this to me and the other people her! 

Haha, that is very true Fake name. 
To be fair though, my last name is jewish, but it belongs to my father in law. Thanks mom.

Acid kills harmful organisms. Acidic foods have a longer shelf life because bacteria have a hard time actually growing and surviving there. Your mouth and stomach, the FIRST 2 places food comes into are very acidic because it KILLS bacteria. Like I said, drinking alkaline or basic water (water with ph values above 9) is bad because it upsets the natural environment in the stomach. 

So yeah, use your brain and you won't end up killing yourself. Just to make another example, have you ever seen cola go bad? Appart from it becomming stale and disgusting to drink it actually almost never gets fungus growing in it, this is because it is extremely acidic. Not to mention very chemical too, but it's mostly the extremely loew PH value that makes it so resistant to bacterial growth. 

Poop is alkaline or basic and it is the most filthy and bacterial rich matter that our bodies produce. It also breaks down naturally very quickly because it is actually an enviorement where bacteria and fungus thrive in. 
So sorry that I don't have time to read all that you typed cos it is very late here, but I must get back with a few mentions. 
1. I misspelled, it was "acidity in the gut", not "acidity in the guy". lol
2. I've tried all these 3 cures on my own skin and they work. I am a woman, now I am over acne, but I struggled to death with this condition. I was looking literally like a monster in my youth and I took penicillin for years daily until I found these natural cures. If you have acne, do not take penicillin! 
3. By the description it seems to be acne, but maybe he/she should go to the doctor first. If the idiot doctor gives birth control pills to keep acne in check, do not take birth control! Birth control has very bad side effects and should not be used for such a trivial condition like acne which can be majorly alleviated with herbs. 
4. The acne doesn't disappear over night, after just a cup of mint tea/ an orange/ a cup of wild thyme tea. It takes up to a week for the effects to be seen. In me it was a major improvement and I discovered the mint cure by accident, when my mom gave me to drink it against diarrhea. Since the diarrhea persisted, being caused by stress, I drank only and I underline only mint tea for about 4-5 days in a row and my face cleared significantly. It sounds simple but it is like a diet. While your friends drink a coke or a beer, you need to stick to your bottle of mint tea. Non sweetened is better, since it doesn't ferment fast and it can be fresh for a whole day. 
One needs to carry with him/her the mint tea bottle at school or wherever he/she goes, which is quite an effort. Also one will get sick and tired of that mint taste, but if he/she cares that much to look all right, it does worth the effort.
5. And last but not the least: the good news is that you can eat anything. There is no difference if you eat just proteins or just salad. The testosterone levels will tend to stay where they are programmed to stay regardless of the diet, unless that diet in itself is a testosterone tamer. And if you are a teenager, you need proteins. The diet really doesn't make any difference, maybe it is good to avoid coffee, and you need to avoid it, since the only thing that you are allowed to drink is the damn tea. You are allowed to drink a cup of milk/day though (if you use to drink milk). The only reason why you need to drink the damn tea all day long (the more, the better) is because it is pretty weak and you need to drink a considerable quantity so it has effect. 
Trust me, it does worth a try. 
Try it for one week and see how it goes. In one week it won't do any harm, guaranteed.I drank just mint tea for more than 5 full years and I was perfectly safe and sane. 
And I love to share my discovery. I should patent it and make money with it. :) I was looking like an ugly frog before finding this cure by accident. 
K, bye for now guys. See ya! Nice forum btw, just joined it at the advice of a friend :) 
I'd also like to add that coffee is actually very acidic and assists the stomach in emptying - obviously too much emptying is harmful and the caffeine is another story.. but coffee is far from alkalizing or basic in any sense of the words.

Also note that most of the digestive system is highly acidic, due to the gastric acid which dumps into it frequently - gastric ph is about 1.6 which is nearly the same as hydrochloric acid, one of the strongest acids.

And the theory that the body has a specific pH is one which is used as a marketing scam based loosely on the truth that every body part has a different pH requirement, the blood having a very narrow range of pH between 7.35 and 7.45, outside of which a person experiences acidosis or alkalosis which can lead to death - what is left out of that however is the buffer system within the body which enables the body to quickly adjust to rapidly rising levels of acidity or alkalinity with buffer compounds like bicarbonate and carbonic acid for which the ingredients hydrogen water and carbon dioxide are abundant in the body and attempting to control your pH by drinking alkaline water is probably just as likely to create the same problem (but on the other end of the scale) as drinking carbonated beverages will give.
I have more information in my Apitherapy books I'll send it when I get off work but basically MS is a symptom of late stage lymes disease.
On Mar 9, 2016 11:43 AM, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  There are more than one way to heal. What reference or article do you have that blacks up evidence the MS and such is congenital. I do not believe that. Hail Satan!
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Tuesday, March 8, 2016 9:30 PM, "Barry Morgan barryomorgan@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Alkal[/IMG]soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect">[email protected] wrote:
  Hello, Shane. We have a JoyofSatan health group with which members can join and speak more in detail about health related issues.
There is a thread there centered around skin ailments. The link to the health group is below my signature.
Anyway, skin aliments are due to a faulty or sluggish digestive system and toxins being dumped back into the blood. It can also be your skin producing to much oil due to your skin being dryed out and lacking in moisture. When the skin suffers from dryness, the skin gland over produce. Your lymph may also be blocked too.
There a couple of ways to go about treating this.
Look to your diet and externally, you may want to use natural soaps(free of sulphates and drying chemicals that strip the skin of its natural oils). Topically you can look to coconut oil(which is very absorbant, and anti microbial. It will also balance your skins PH.) This is good for acne and toning the skin. Jojoba oil is an wax substance that is identical to the skins oils and will work wonders. There is also the method of skin exfoliation..
Now, I do not know your financial situation but these things can be accessed at a local food or health food store. 
As other members have mentioned, using energetic/magickal means in combination can help. I use the energy from my palm chakras, charge up the energy and then immediately rub and massage my face. This infuses my skin with energy and then I program it to heal and keep my skin clear and balanced. The energy will also work to stimulate the lymph glands in the face to clear it up..
As I said, you can join the health group for more information and healing treatments.
Be well.
High Priestess Shannon
<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect">groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth
Coffee is not bad for u. Maxine actually said it was good for u and recommended it one time as something healthy. Please drink coffee along with a good daily multivitamin such as green source multivitamins from puritans pride. Any food u eat is good for u is the idea. Some more than others tho. There are no diet restrictions in satanism. Drugs are bad for u. Don't ever do Any drugs they destroy the soul. Unless there life saving drugs such as antibiotics. Don't let ur soul be destroyed. 
On Mar 11, 2016, at 4:57 AM, "ivan.folghera@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I'd also like to add that coffee is actually very acidic and assists the stomach in emptying - obviously too much emptying is harmful and the caffeine is another story.. but coffee is far from alkalizing or basic in any sense of the words.

Also note that most of the digestive system is highly acidic, due to the gastric acid which dumps into it frequently - gastric ph is about 1.6 which is nearly the same as hydrochloric acid, one of the strongest acids.

And the theory that the body has a specific pH is one which is used as a marketing scam based loosely on the truth that every body part has a different pH requirement, the blood having a very narrow range of pH between 7.35 and 7.45, outside of which a person experiences acidosis or alkalosis which can lead to death - what is left out of that however is the buffer system within the body which enables the body to quickly adjust to rapidly rising levels of acidity or alkalinity with buffer compounds like bicarbonate and carbonic acid for which the ingredients hydrogen water and carbon dioxide are abundant in the body and attempting to control your pH by drinking alkaline water is probably just as likely to create the same problem (but on the other end of the scale) as drinking carbonated beverages will give.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
