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Has anyone noticed this?

Dec 17, 2007
It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!
Well, some men are feminine, which is considered holy in Satanism I do believe, since it is simply being allied with your female side, it might be, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. Men being feminine is okay.
Hail Satan!

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:41:50 AM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?

It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!

Maybe I could have explained better. I am not talking about men who are naturally feminie by nature, I am talking about 'weak' sissy's. feminine is not weak. And in general is more what I mean the tough strong hero charactor the role model. I am not talking about homsexuals either who some have a more feminine nature that is natural for them and again that dosn't equal 'weakness'. I mean I have noticed a trend in society and in the media toward men in general being portrayed in a weaker way. As if to be masculine is a bad thing. Does that make more sense?

I don't think it is just about actual men but what the masculine energy of the soul or strength. When people see a strong male charactor in a hero role they think of things like fighting power, strength, will power that raw natural edge. The fighting warrior image. The ultimate brave powerfull Aryan. Instead an image of inferior weakness is projected at the masses weak in spirit, in charactor and physically as 'role models' because kids look up to these things.
It is like a fashion to be skinny, this isnt masculine or feminine it is just plain unhealthy. Building strength is physical mental spiritual. Portraying weak looking features and bodies speaks to the mind that I should be like that to the average sheep. Being feminine is not about being weak either. Women do have a different energy to men generally but I weight train, I can lift over half my own body weight. When I run into men day to day who are flabby and out of shape or just look like they have been living in starvation camp who are weaker than me, thats a worry that isnt natural. Its an attitude thing aswell. People don't have any truly powerfull positive role models, young people are looking up to what they see on TV and the movies. Does this make more sense? My Gods are my role models.

This Sermon is similar in a way to what I mean.


Remember in the Saga's of the Heroes of our Heathen/Satanic ancestors, the path to the Godhead is the Heroic one and those brave ones who walk that path where exalted as great Warriors and Kings and the highest example of honor and courage and all that is really noble in men. Become Gods with a God-like attitude, not as slaves.

Just look to our own Father Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Hell to see the right attitude to live by. Not to new aged wimpy shit of the slave morality. Think of how many creeplings of the new aged bowel movement are really just cowards, weaklings and freaks who hide their inferiority and weakness behind the "halo" of slave morality.

"The man who is born to be King shall be King, the man who was born to be a slave.....that man does not know Satan."

Hail Satan!
Hail Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Kael Meier <meierkael@... wrote:

Well, some men are feminine, which is considered holy in Satanism I do believe, since it is simply being allied with your female side, it might be, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. Men being feminine is okay.

Hail Satan!

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:41:50 AM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!
Maybe I can also use an example from nature. When I look at animals generally in herd and social animals the males are the big strong protectors. The females go for the biggest, strongest, healthiest most powerfull male. There is a reason. It is the genes they instinctively want the best genes to improve the species. The males fight to prove themselves so the females make the best choice for the future of the species.
The weak die and don't breed. In a horse herd, If you have Stallions, mares and geldings (desexed male) if the herd senses a threat it is the uncut stallion that goes out front between the herd and the threat. He is also the one most likely to stand and fight. Stallions, are by nature big, strong aggressive, bold and proud. Geldings depending on what age they are cut can vary, if cut early they are often even lower ranking in the herd than the mares. If cut later and have more stallion features and attitude they will act more like a stallion. But in general you will see stallion, then the highest mare behind or with him, followed by usually a higher gelding or mares, older mares moreso.
The mares and geldings will group around the foals while the stallions get out front in deffence.

Lions. It is obvious here the males are bigger and stronger and usually much more sggressive. Their job is protect the pride from intruders and sometimes babysit the cubs while the females hunt. The females hunt in a group. They have their natural roles. None of which are 'weak' or inferior.

Parrots. I was watching some of my parrots the past few weeks make their nests. The female sits on the eggs and the male gaurds the entrance to the nest box and brings her food. If a threat came the male would attack it first and warn his mate.

Nowhere in nature is weakness rewarded. Nowhere is it encouraged. Animals fight to be and to mate with the best, strongest bravest they can find.

So it does not suprise me if indeed kikes are pushing ideals of 'weakness' on Gentiles to discourage our fighting warrior spirit and weaken our race. The leading roles in film are often idolised by the young generations so what better age to push inferior examples of humans at them as ideals to look up to? Encourage women to choose inferior men, weaker softer examples of men. This is just what I see.
Like you said some men are naturally feminine and some male animals are natural gentler or more feminine. Sometimes lone males display homosexual behaviour and sometimes join together with a pride to protect it if they have females aswell. Often they are bisexual. I have 2 male horses a stallion and a gelding and the stallion tries to mate the gelding they are both very close. But they are not wimps or weak. My geldings are very gentle to me and also very protective.

When I hear a woman was attacked in public and men just walked past too scared to help her that really pisses me off. If I hear of a child attacked or injured like that incident in China and noone has the balls to step in that is not natural either. The natural roles of Gentiles have been badly fucked up where is our proud warrior spirit?

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

Maybe I could have explained better. I am not talking about men who are naturally feminie by nature, I am talking about 'weak' sissy's. feminine is not weak. And in general is more what I mean the tough strong hero charactor the role model. I am not talking about homsexuals either who some have a more feminine nature that is natural for them and again that dosn't equal 'weakness'. I mean I have noticed a trend in society and in the media toward men in general being portrayed in a weaker way. As if to be masculine is a bad thing. Does that make more sense?

I don't think it is just about actual men but what the masculine energy of the soul or strength. When people see a strong male charactor in a hero role they think of things like fighting power, strength, will power that raw natural edge. The fighting warrior image. The ultimate brave powerfull Aryan. Instead an image of inferior weakness is projected at the masses weak in spirit, in charactor and physically as 'role models' because kids look up to these things.
It is like a fashion to be skinny, this isnt masculine or feminine it is just plain unhealthy. Building strength is physical mental spiritual. Portraying weak looking features and bodies speaks to the mind that I should be like that to the average sheep. Being feminine is not about being weak either. Women do have a different energy to men generally but I weight train, I can lift over half my own body weight. When I run into men day to day who are flabby and out of shape or just look like they have been living in starvation camp who are weaker than me, thats a worry that isnt natural. Its an attitude thing aswell. People don't have any truly powerfull positive role models, young people are looking up to what they see on TV and the movies. Does this make more sense? My Gods are my role models.

This Sermon is similar in a way to what I mean.


Remember in the Saga's of the Heroes of our Heathen/Satanic ancestors, the path to the Godhead is the Heroic one and those brave ones who walk that path where exalted as great Warriors and Kings and the highest example of honor and courage and all that is really noble in men. Become Gods with a God-like attitude, not as slaves.

Just look to our own Father Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Hell to see the right attitude to live by. Not to new aged wimpy shit of the slave morality. Think of how many creeplings of the new aged bowel movement are really just cowards, weaklings and freaks who hide their inferiority and weakness behind the "halo" of slave morality.

"The man who is born to be King shall be King, the man who was born to be a slave.....that man does not know Satan."

Hail Satan!
Hail Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Kael Meier <meierkael@ wrote:

Well, some men are feminine, which is considered holy in Satanism I do believe, since it is simply being allied with your female side, it might be, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. Men being feminine is okay.

Hail Satan!

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:41:50 AM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!
Yes they are trying to emasculate men and domesticate men further. Walking around looking like and acting like a catty, metrosexual is also a cheap way to sell men a lot more crap they don't need as well. It takes a lot of time and money to look like that. Being "femine" in reality for men has nothing to do with behaving like a women. But simply acessing and empowering the positive or yin aspect of the psyche.  Looking back at the Aryan archetype of Men in our race back to the start. Its always been the Grail Knight from Hercules and on.  Infact the entire Grail Saga survived in our Western Culture thanks to the Templars and their associated Pagan orders. The church when they could not stamp it out [they tried] then tried to corrupt it with making into a jewsus tale. Which is a easy to detect as bullshit. This is also a propaganda weapon that jews use to further isolate and spread hatred of non-heterosexual men. They push the idea they are all "sissies."  The reason being called a "fag" or "gay" in an insult to men is because its being called a wimp. Meaning no musculine power or respect. Its an insult to manhood,  and a direct challenge to fight in many cases. There are miles of graves full of men who where killed over such words. No fucking man in his right mind wants to be thought of as weak, cowardly and whipped. Its an insult to male honor. And women don't respect or desire such a man either. The "nice guy" is a psychological eunuch, hence they find no attraction on their end, they are not looking for another girlfriend. In Aryan history this attitude did not exist. Achilles was the perfect warrior and was not heterosexual and either where some of the great and conqueroring Godmen who obtained Oymplus [The Magnum Opus] by their own hand. The Sworn Band of Thebes and on across the Aryan world. Even in the Aryan East there was a sacred cult of homosexual warriors who followed the warror God Skanda [who was considered to be homosexual]. And many of the SA fighters where a modern return to this literally. The fighting in the period of struggle in Germany was so violent after one street battle between the reds and the SA over three hundred men on both sides where laying dead. Thousands of non-heterosexual and heterosexual Aryans gave their lives to create the Third Reich and defend it.  Today women are being conditioned to act like men [Feminsim] and men are being conditioned to act like women. And the frustation or war between the sexes is building up. And this is being used to push race mixing as the two sexes start looking outside the race for women and men who still have attributes of tradtional masculinity and feminity. Divide and conqueror. And in general is used to support all kinds of anti-Aryan, communist causes. Our honor as Aryan Men is sacred.
From: Kael Meier <meierkael@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 1:44:05 PM
Subject: Re: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?

  Well, some men are feminine, which is considered holy in Satanism I do believe, since it is simply being allied with your female side, it might be, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. Men being feminine is okay.
Hail Satan!

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:41:50 AM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?

It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!

You put my thoughts into better words and clarified a lot.
What you said about women looking outside their race, I have 2 female friends who keep going for black men who are big and strong and treat them better. I guess they like the ruggedness and feel protected. It wasn't so much that they are black its that they had the qualities of a man they wanted and were not finding in the white men they met. This is a tragedy.
We see 2 extremes of women either being treated like dogshit under islam and women as you said trying to be like men and this feminism and man hating bullshit at the other. Men and women are different we have different roles naturally there is nothing wrong with this. I am not 'weak' if I wear a dress. Ive not found a suitable partner and I have to do everything myself including what I would call mans work that Im not physically built for. I struggle with it but I have to do it.
The men I see and have had relationships with are seriously messed up. They don't know who they are or what the want in life, they seem to be either wimpy lazy wingers or angry and abusive.
Feminism has pissed men off it has created a rift. One woman tried to argue with me that the bible and religion are bad because they were written by men and men are horrible abusive assholes. No it is bullshit because it was written and created by kikes and her attitude toward men is a result of this.
This hatred of men and masculinity seems to be pushing men to be more like women only they see women as weak and act that way. It is not attractive in the slightest.

To be blunt the cute nice guys that wreak of perfume and moisturisers they do not get the blood pumping in a woman. A woman who has been abused and is scared of men might go for that because it feels safer. But she is secretly wanting what people call 'the bad boy' not bad as in a criminal or an asshole but a big strong man who acts like a man, smells like a man and fucks like a man. A man that will and can protect her and their children if need be who will treat her with respect who can be gentle with her and still able to beat the living shit out of someone, who would beat his way through a brick wall to get to her, a man like that dosnt need to ask for his dinner on the table. A lot of women will never admit it but it's the brutal truth. A real man that knows how to treat his woman does not need to beg her for sex, he does not get nagged at, he does not get bitching. He gets respect not out of force or violence he gets treated well in return because his woman wants to be there for him and do these things.

Maybe I sound old fashioned but I am not talking about the way religion portrays and perverts these things, I am saying what is natural and instinctive. The kikes messed this up and we get all these stereotypes and stigmas about housewives being bored and abused and supressed, weak etc. It is about living life with someone you truly love who deserves it and treating each other with respect. About being able to live in a way that suits what you naturally desire and are made for. Allowing the qualities of both sexes to compliment each other and work together instead of in conflict.

Well thats how I see it.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Yes they are trying to emasculate men and domesticate men further. Walking around looking like and acting like a catty, metrosexual is also a cheap way to sell men a lot more crap they don't need as well. It takes a lot of time and money to look like that.
Being "femine" in reality for men has nothing to do with behaving like a women. But simply acessing and empowering the positive or yin aspect of the psyche.
Looking back at the Aryan archetype of Men in our race back to the start. Its always been the Grail Knight from Hercules and on.  Infact the entire Grail Saga survived in our Western Culture thanks to the Templars and their associated Pagan orders. The church when they could not stamp it out [they tried] then tried to corrupt it with making into a jewsus tale. Which is a easy to detect as bullshit.
This is also a propaganda weapon that jews use to further isolate and spread hatred of non-heterosexual men. They push the idea they are all "sissies."  The reason being called a "fag" or "gay" in an insult to men is because its being called a wimp. Meaning no musculine power or respect. Its an insult to manhood,  and a direct challenge to fight in many cases. There are miles of graves full of men who where killed over such words.
No fucking man in his right mind wants to be thought of as weak, cowardly and whipped. Its an insult to male honor. And women don't respect or desire such a man either. The "nice guy" is a psychological eunuch, hence they find no attraction on their end, they are not looking for another girlfriend.
In Aryan history this attitude did not exist. Achilles was the perfect warrior and was not heterosexual and either where some of the great and conqueroring Godmen who obtained Oymplus [The Magnum Opus] by their own hand. The Sworn Band of Thebes and on across the Aryan world. Even in the Aryan East there was a sacred cult of homosexual warriors who followed the warror God Skanda [who was considered to be homosexual]. And many of the SA fighters where a modern return to this literally. The fighting in the period of struggle in Germany was so violent after one street battle between the reds and the SA over three hundred men on both sides where laying dead. Thousands of non-heterosexual and heterosexual Aryans gave their lives to create the Third Reich and defend it.
Today women are being conditioned to act like men [Feminsim] and men are being conditioned to act like women. And the frustation or war between the sexes is building up. And this is being used to push race mixing as the two sexes start looking outside the race for women and men who still have attributes of tradtional masculinity and feminity. Divide and conqueror. And in general is used to support all kinds of anti-Aryan, communist causes.
Our honor as Aryan Men is sacred.

From: Kael Meier <meierkael@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 1:44:05 PM
Subject: Re: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


Well, some men are feminine, which is considered holy in Satanism I do believe, since it is simply being allied with your female side, it might be, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. Men being feminine is okay.

Hail Satan!

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:41:50 AM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!
I will mention that what is called honor in its pure form is intrinsic to our Race. And part of our racial psyche. The enemy tries to destroy and manipulate this. In my own experience most women I deal with in life are a write off of pathologies and I know what they want at the core and how they express it is dysfunctional. I don't approve of racial mixing. But I can understand why White men would go for certian Asian women like they do. I once met a lady from S.Korea and she was very femine and charming to be around and talk with, she had that femine grace. That White Women used to be famed for in our society. In my whole life,  I can count on a finger the women I have met like that. One thing that is pushed today as femine for men but is actually very masculine is long hair. The Spartan men where famed for their long hair which they considered as their Lions mane. Before the 300 went into battle against the Persians, they groomed their long hair expertly as a battle custom. This was common among our Aryan ancestors.
  From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:09:53 PM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Re: Has anyone noticed this?

  You put my thoughts into better words and clarified a lot.
What you said about women looking outside their race, I have 2 female friends who keep going for black men who are big and strong and treat them better. I guess they like the ruggedness and feel protected. It wasn't so much that they are black its that they had the qualities of a man they wanted and were not finding in the white men they met. This is a tragedy.
We see 2 extremes of women either being treated like dogshit under islam and women as you said trying to be like men and this feminism and man hating bullshit at the other. Men and women are different we have different roles naturally there is nothing wrong with this. I am not 'weak' if I wear a dress. Ive not found a suitable partner and I have to do everything myself including what I would call mans work that Im not physically built for. I struggle with it but I have to do it.
The men I see and have had relationships with are seriously messed up. They don't know who they are or what the want in life, they seem to be either wimpy lazy wingers or angry and abusive.
Feminism has pissed men off it has created a rift. One woman tried to argue with me that the bible and religion are bad because they were written by men and men are horrible abusive assholes. No it is bullshit because it was written and created by kikes and her attitude toward men is a result of this.
This hatred of men and masculinity seems to be pushing men to be more like women only they see women as weak and act that way. It is not attractive in the slightest.

To be blunt the cute nice guys that wreak of perfume and moisturisers they do not get the blood pumping in a woman. A woman who has been abused and is scared of men might go for that because it feels safer. But she is secretly wanting what people call 'the bad boy' not bad as in a criminal or an asshole but a big strong man who acts like a man, smells like a man and fucks like a man. A man that will and can protect her and their children if need be who will treat her with respect who can be gentle with her and still able to beat the living shit out of someone, who would beat his way through a brick wall to get to her, a man like that dosnt need to ask for his dinner on the table. A lot of women will never admit it but it's the brutal truth. A real man that knows how to treat his woman does not need to beg her for sex, he does not get nagged at, he does not get bitching. He gets respect not out of force or violence he gets treated well in return because his woman wants to be there for him and do these things.

Maybe I sound old fashioned but I am not talking about the way religion portrays and perverts these things, I am saying what is natural and instinctive. The kikes messed this up and we get all these stereotypes and stigmas about housewives being bored and abused and supressed, weak etc. It is about living life with someone you truly love who deserves it and treating each other with respect. About being able to live in a way that suits what you naturally desire and are made for. Allowing the qualities of both sexes to compliment each other and work together instead of in conflict.

Well thats how I see it.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:666BlackSun%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Yes they are trying to emasculate men and domesticate men further. Walking around looking like and acting like a catty, metrosexual is also a cheap way to sell men a lot more crap they don't need as well. It takes a lot of time and money to look like that.
Being "femine" in reality for men has nothing to do with behaving like a women. But simply acessing and empowering the positive or yin aspect of the psyche.
Looking back at the Aryan archetype of Men in our race back to the start. Its always been the Grail Knight from Hercules and on.  Infact the entire Grail Saga survived in our Western Culture thanks to the Templars and their associated Pagan orders. The church when they could not stamp it out [they tried] then tried to corrupt it with making into a jewsus tale. Which is a easy to detect as bullshit.
This is also a propaganda weapon that jews use to further isolate and spread hatred of non-heterosexual men. They push the idea they are all "sissies."  The reason being called a "fag" or "gay" in an insult to men is because its being called a wimp. Meaning no musculine power or respect. Its an insult to manhood,  and a direct challenge to fight in many cases. There are miles of graves full of men who where killed over such words.
No fucking man in his right mind wants to be thought of as weak, cowardly and whipped. Its an insult to male honor. And women don't respect or desire such a man either. The "nice guy" is a psychological eunuch, hence they find no attraction on their end, they are not looking for another girlfriend.
In Aryan history this attitude did not exist. Achilles was the perfect warrior and was not heterosexual and either where some of the great and conqueroring Godmen who obtained Oymplus [The Magnum Opus] by their own hand. The Sworn Band of Thebes and on across the Aryan world. Even in the Aryan East there was a sacred cult of homosexual warriors who followed the warror God Skanda [who was considered to be homosexual]. And many of the SA fighters where a modern return to this literally. The fighting in the period of struggle in Germany was so violent after one street battle between the reds and the SA over three hundred men on both sides where laying dead. Thousands of non-heterosexual and heterosexual Aryans gave their lives to create the Third Reich and defend it.
Today women are being conditioned to act like men [Feminsim] and men are being conditioned to act like women. And the frustation or war between the sexes is building up. And this is being used to push race mixing as the two sexes start looking outside the race for women and men who still have attributes of tradtional masculinity and feminity. Divide and conqueror. And in general is used to support all kinds of anti-Aryan, communist causes.
Our honor as Aryan Men is sacred.

From: Kael Meier <meierkael@...
To: "mailto:666BlackSun%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:666BlackSun%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 1:44:05 PM
Subject: Re: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


Well, some men are feminine, which is considered holy in Satanism I do believe, since it is simply being allied with your female side, it might be, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. Men being feminine is okay.

Hail Satan!

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@...
To: mailto:666BlackSun%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:41:50 AM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!

Wow firebird, you really moved me. I hope Satan brings you a man worthy of you. If I were Heterosexual I would be proud to call you my woman. I am not a sissy, I am a real man. I could be faithful to a woman but I "prefer" to be with a man.

You are in Australia? I thought there were more "real" men there than the US, you know, the Outback-Beer drinking type. LOL


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

You put my thoughts into better words and clarified a lot.
What you said about women looking outside their race, I have 2 female friends who keep going for black men who are big and strong and treat them better. I guess they like the ruggedness and feel protected. It wasn't so much that they are black its that they had the qualities of a man they wanted and were not finding in the white men they met. This is a tragedy.
We see 2 extremes of women either being treated like dogshit under islam and women as you said trying to be like men and this feminism and man hating bullshit at the other. Men and women are different we have different roles naturally there is nothing wrong with this. I am not 'weak' if I wear a dress. Ive not found a suitable partner and I have to do everything myself including what I would call mans work that Im not physically built for. I struggle with it but I have to do it.
The men I see and have had relationships with are seriously messed up. They don't know who they are or what the want in life, they seem to be either wimpy lazy wingers or angry and abusive.
Feminism has pissed men off it has created a rift. One woman tried to argue with me that the bible and religion are bad because they were written by men and men are horrible abusive assholes. No it is bullshit because it was written and created by kikes and her attitude toward men is a result of this.
This hatred of men and masculinity seems to be pushing men to be more like women only they see women as weak and act that way. It is not attractive in the slightest.

To be blunt the cute nice guys that wreak of perfume and moisturisers they do not get the blood pumping in a woman. A woman who has been abused and is scared of men might go for that because it feels safer. But she is secretly wanting what people call 'the bad boy' not bad as in a criminal or an asshole but a big strong man who acts like a man, smells like a man and fucks like a man. A man that will and can protect her and their children if need be who will treat her with respect who can be gentle with her and still able to beat the living shit out of someone, who would beat his way through a brick wall to get to her, a man like that dosnt need to ask for his dinner on the table. A lot of women will never admit it but it's the brutal truth. A real man that knows how to treat his woman does not need to beg her for sex, he does not get nagged at, he does not get bitching. He gets respect not out of force or violence he gets treated well in return because his woman wants to be there for him and do these things.

Maybe I sound old fashioned but I am not talking about the way religion portrays and perverts these things, I am saying what is natural and instinctive. The kikes messed this up and we get all these stereotypes and stigmas about housewives being bored and abused and supressed, weak etc. It is about living life with someone you truly love who deserves it and treating each other with respect. About being able to live in a way that suits what you naturally desire and are made for. Allowing the qualities of both sexes to compliment each other and work together instead of in conflict.

Well thats how I see it.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Yes they are trying to emasculate men and domesticate men further. Walking around looking like and acting like a catty, metrosexual is also a cheap way to sell men a lot more crap they don't need as well. It takes a lot of time and money to look like that.
Being "femine" in reality for men has nothing to do with behaving like a women. But simply acessing and empowering the positive or yin aspect of the psyche.
Looking back at the Aryan archetype of Men in our race back to the start. Its always been the Grail Knight from Hercules and on.  Infact the entire Grail Saga survived in our Western Culture thanks to the Templars and their associated Pagan orders. The church when they could not stamp it out [they tried] then tried to corrupt it with making into a jewsus tale. Which is a easy to detect as bullshit.
This is also a propaganda weapon that jews use to further isolate and spread hatred of non-heterosexual men. They push the idea they are all "sissies."  The reason being called a "fag" or "gay" in an insult to men is because its being called a wimp. Meaning no musculine power or respect. Its an insult to manhood,  and a direct challenge to fight in many cases. There are miles of graves full of men who where killed over such words.
No fucking man in his right mind wants to be thought of as weak, cowardly and whipped. Its an insult to male honor. And women don't respect or desire such a man either. The "nice guy" is a psychological eunuch, hence they find no attraction on their end, they are not looking for another girlfriend.
In Aryan history this attitude did not exist. Achilles was the perfect warrior and was not heterosexual and either where some of the great and conqueroring Godmen who obtained Oymplus [The Magnum Opus] by their own hand. The Sworn Band of Thebes and on across the Aryan world. Even in the Aryan East there was a sacred cult of homosexual warriors who followed the warror God Skanda [who was considered to be homosexual]. And many of the SA fighters where a modern return to this literally. The fighting in the period of struggle in Germany was so violent after one street battle between the reds and the SA over three hundred men on both sides where laying dead. Thousands of non-heterosexual and heterosexual Aryans gave their lives to create the Third Reich and defend it.
Today women are being conditioned to act like men [Feminsim] and men are being conditioned to act like women. And the frustation or war between the sexes is building up. And this is being used to push race mixing as the two sexes start looking outside the race for women and men who still have attributes of tradtional masculinity and feminity. Divide and conqueror. And in general is used to support all kinds of anti-Aryan, communist causes.
Our honor as Aryan Men is sacred.

From: Kael Meier <meierkael@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 1:44:05 PM
Subject: Re: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


Well, some men are feminine, which is considered holy in Satanism I do believe, since it is simply being allied with your female side, it might be, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. Men being feminine is okay.

Hail Satan!

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:41:50 AM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!
Speaking of the Spartans, I get angry when these liberals who deserve to be called "pansies" freak out at the idea of eugenics. The Spartans were mostly non-heterosexual, and yet they respected "mating season," they respected and protected Aryan women and society's natural roles, and they practiced EUGENICS. Eugenics is Pagan, and there are websites [namely 'islamdenouncesantisemitism'] that talks about this, and how Spartan culture was an example of National Socialism in the ancient world. National Socialism isn't new. It is as old as White civilization, itself. Such websites, like the one I just mentioned, try to paint the Spartans as women-haters and haters of decent culture, but this is not true. The Jews are the falsifiers of history.

Something I might add about Christianity and non-heterosexuals/heterosexuals, and how this affects EVERYONE... The Christian religion FORCES hetero and non-heteros together into marriages of conveniences [with the exception of pedophile priests and nuns]. In this unnatural process, the sexes begin to hate each other, thus, turning the sexes against each other, and playing such a large role in sexual, not to mention emotional confusion.

The kikes add this dysfunction among purely heterosexual people, too. The kikey religions promote treating women like dogs, and the sham of racial equality, as well as racial tension, so that the outcome is feminism, black history month, and sensitivity training.

Feminism doesn't help women at all, no more than homosexual rights help homosexuals [or anyone else but the Jews]. These kikey programs for Gentiles have the goal of turning Whites into a slave minority with a slave morality, and MORE persecution of non-heteros and women through BACKLASHES. The Jews know exactly how to calculate their programs and how to unleash them, all while keeping the "goyim" divided and distracted.

As a non-heterosexual Aryan, I say that we oversee that the special rights groups are knocked down and made into White Rights to organize and unite Aryan men and women [hetero or non-hetero], mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

I will mention that what is called honor in its pure form is intrinsic to our Race. And part of our racial psyche. The enemy tries to destroy and manipulate this.
In my own experience most women I deal with in life are a write off of pathologies and I know what they want at the core and how they express it is dysfunctional. I don't approve of racial mixing. But I can understand why White men would go for certian Asian women like they do. I once met a lady from S.Korea and she was very femine and charming to be around and talk with, she had that femine grace. That White Women used to be famed for in our society. In my whole life,  I can count on a finger the women I have met like that.
One thing that is pushed today as femine for men but is actually very masculine is long hair. The Spartan men where famed for their long hair which they considered as their Lions mane. Before the 300 went into battle against the Persians, they groomed their long hair expertly as a battle custom. This was common among our Aryan ancestors.

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:09:53 PM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Re: Has anyone noticed this?


You put my thoughts into better words and clarified a lot.
What you said about women looking outside their race, I have 2 female friends who keep going for black men who are big and strong and treat them better. I guess they like the ruggedness and feel protected. It wasn't so much that they are black its that they had the qualities of a man they wanted and were not finding in the white men they met. This is a tragedy.
We see 2 extremes of women either being treated like dogshit under islam and women as you said trying to be like men and this feminism and man hating bullshit at the other. Men and women are different we have different roles naturally there is nothing wrong with this. I am not 'weak' if I wear a dress. Ive not found a suitable partner and I have to do everything myself including what I would call mans work that Im not physically built for. I struggle with it but I have to do it.
The men I see and have had relationships with are seriously messed up. They don't know who they are or what the want in life, they seem to be either wimpy lazy wingers or angry and abusive.
Feminism has pissed men off it has created a rift. One woman tried to argue with me that the bible and religion are bad because they were written by men and men are horrible abusive assholes. No it is bullshit because it was written and created by kikes and her attitude toward men is a result of this.
This hatred of men and masculinity seems to be pushing men to be more like women only they see women as weak and act that way. It is not attractive in the slightest.

To be blunt the cute nice guys that wreak of perfume and moisturisers they do not get the blood pumping in a woman. A woman who has been abused and is scared of men might go for that because it feels safer. But she is secretly wanting what people call 'the bad boy' not bad as in a criminal or an asshole but a big strong man who acts like a man, smells like a man and fucks like a man. A man that will and can protect her and their children if need be who will treat her with respect who can be gentle with her and still able to beat the living shit out of someone, who would beat his way through a brick wall to get to her, a man like that dosnt need to ask for his dinner on the table. A lot of women will never admit it but it's the brutal truth. A real man that knows how to treat his woman does not need to beg her for sex, he does not get nagged at, he does not get bitching. He gets respect not out of force or violence he gets treated well in return because
his woman wants to be there for him and do these things.

Maybe I sound old fashioned but I am not talking about the way religion portrays and perverts these things, I am saying what is natural and instinctive. The kikes messed this up and we get all these stereotypes and stigmas about housewives being bored and abused and supressed, weak etc. It is about living life with someone you truly love who deserves it and treating each other with respect. About being able to live in a way that suits what you naturally desire and are made for. Allowing the qualities of both sexes to compliment each other and work together instead of in conflict.

Well thats how I see it.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:666BlackSun%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Yes they are trying to emasculate men and domesticate men further. Walking around looking like and acting like a catty, metrosexual is also a cheap way to sell men a lot more crap they don't need as well. It takes a lot of time and money to look like that.
Being "femine" in reality for men has nothing to do with behaving like a women. But simply acessing and empowering the positive or yin aspect of the psyche.
Looking back at the Aryan archetype of Men in our race back to the start. Its always been the Grail Knight from Hercules and on.  Infact the entire Grail Saga survived in our Western Culture thanks to the Templars and their associated Pagan orders. The church when they could not stamp it out [they tried] then tried to corrupt it with making into a jewsus tale. Which is a easy to detect as bullshit.
This is also a propaganda weapon that jews use to further isolate and spread hatred of non-heterosexual men. They push the idea they are all "sissies."  The reason being called a "fag" or "gay" in an insult to men is because its being called a wimp. Meaning no musculine power or respect. Its an insult to manhood,  and a direct challenge to fight in many cases. There are miles of graves full of men who where killed over such words.
No fucking man in his right mind wants to be thought of as weak, cowardly and whipped. Its an insult to male honor. And women don't respect or desire such a man either. The "nice guy" is a psychological eunuch, hence they find no attraction on their end, they are not looking for another girlfriend.
In Aryan history this attitude did not exist. Achilles was the perfect warrior and was not heterosexual and either where some of the great and conqueroring Godmen who obtained Oymplus [The Magnum Opus] by their own hand. The Sworn Band of Thebes and on across the Aryan world. Even in the Aryan East there was a sacred cult of homosexual warriors who followed the warror God Skanda [who was considered to be homosexual]. And many of the SA fighters where a modern return to this literally. The fighting in the period of struggle in Germany was so violent after one street battle between the reds and the SA over three hundred men on both sides where laying dead. Thousands of non-heterosexual and heterosexual Aryans gave their lives to create the Third Reich and defend it.
Today women are being conditioned to act like men [Feminsim] and men are being conditioned to act like women. And the frustation or war between the sexes is building up. And this is being used to push race mixing as the two sexes start looking outside the race for women and men who still have attributes of tradtional masculinity and feminity. Divide and conqueror. And in general is used to support all kinds of anti-Aryan, communist causes.
Our honor as Aryan Men is sacred.

From: Kael Meier <meierkael@
To: "mailto:666BlackSun%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:666BlackSun%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 1:44:05 PM
Subject: Re: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


Well, some men are feminine, which is considered holy in Satanism I do believe, since it is simply being allied with your female side, it might be, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. Men being feminine is okay.

Hail Satan!

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@
To: mailto:666BlackSun%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:41:50 AM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!
Quite small population here actually and the good men are few and far between often by thousands of kilometers. In between fat lazy beer drinkers, metro sexuals, race mixed middle eastern muslims, asians it is spot the white person when you go to some areas. Then there are the ones that try and look the part of the long haired leather clad Aryan with the sword collection and think they are 1000 year old vampires with special powers.
Then theres the drug addicts and then when you get away from that to the country... you find it becomes more xian and people are quite boring and one dimensional. being SS complicates things further.

Interestingly some of the best men I have met were homosexuals. Even the ones that dressed in womens clothes mostly did it for a bit of fun and they were actually quite manly level headed and intellegent. Quite a few I have known were quite into the occult and one guy had developed quite a bit of power in himself by himself. I went to gay nightclubs a lot in former years because I enjoyed the energy and vibrance of the place everyone was very up and there was no violence I met some great people. Of course a lot also had drug problems which is pushed like the ecstacy and such in these places. Even with the drugs they were further ahead than a lot of straight men I used to think how great they would be without the hangups. They seemed a lot more secure in themselves they knew what they wanted and who they were, this is me deal with it or fuck off. A lot of these guys while people might think they are weak and 'sissi' they would kick your ass with a smile and party on your broken body. Interestingly a lot of women are attracted to homosexuals.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Richard" <mokarran@... wrote:

Wow firebird, you really moved me. I hope Satan brings you a man worthy of you. If I were Heterosexual I would be proud to call you my woman. I am not a sissy, I am a real man. I could be faithful to a woman but I "prefer" to be with a man.

You are in Australia? I thought there were more "real" men there than the US, you know, the Outback-Beer drinking type. LOL


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

You put my thoughts into better words and clarified a lot.
What you said about women looking outside their race, I have 2 female friends who keep going for black men who are big and strong and treat them better. I guess they like the ruggedness and feel protected. It wasn't so much that they are black its that they had the qualities of a man they wanted and were not finding in the white men they met. This is a tragedy.
We see 2 extremes of women either being treated like dogshit under islam and women as you said trying to be like men and this feminism and man hating bullshit at the other. Men and women are different we have different roles naturally there is nothing wrong with this. I am not 'weak' if I wear a dress. Ive not found a suitable partner and I have to do everything myself including what I would call mans work that Im not physically built for. I struggle with it but I have to do it.
The men I see and have had relationships with are seriously messed up. They don't know who they are or what the want in life, they seem to be either wimpy lazy wingers or angry and abusive.
Feminism has pissed men off it has created a rift. One woman tried to argue with me that the bible and religion are bad because they were written by men and men are horrible abusive assholes. No it is bullshit because it was written and created by kikes and her attitude toward men is a result of this.
This hatred of men and masculinity seems to be pushing men to be more like women only they see women as weak and act that way. It is not attractive in the slightest.

To be blunt the cute nice guys that wreak of perfume and moisturisers they do not get the blood pumping in a woman. A woman who has been abused and is scared of men might go for that because it feels safer. But she is secretly wanting what people call 'the bad boy' not bad as in a criminal or an asshole but a big strong man who acts like a man, smells like a man and fucks like a man. A man that will and can protect her and their children if need be who will treat her with respect who can be gentle with her and still able to beat the living shit out of someone, who would beat his way through a brick wall to get to her, a man like that dosnt need to ask for his dinner on the table. A lot of women will never admit it but it's the brutal truth. A real man that knows how to treat his woman does not need to beg her for sex, he does not get nagged at, he does not get bitching. He gets respect not out of force or violence he gets treated well in return because his woman wants to be there for him and do these things.

Maybe I sound old fashioned but I am not talking about the way religion portrays and perverts these things, I am saying what is natural and instinctive. The kikes messed this up and we get all these stereotypes and stigmas about housewives being bored and abused and supressed, weak etc. It is about living life with someone you truly love who deserves it and treating each other with respect. About being able to live in a way that suits what you naturally desire and are made for. Allowing the qualities of both sexes to compliment each other and work together instead of in conflict.

Well thats how I see it.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Yes they are trying to emasculate men and domesticate men further. Walking around looking like and acting like a catty, metrosexual is also a cheap way to sell men a lot more crap they don't need as well. It takes a lot of time and money to look like that.
Being "femine" in reality for men has nothing to do with behaving like a women. But simply acessing and empowering the positive or yin aspect of the psyche.
Looking back at the Aryan archetype of Men in our race back to the start. Its always been the Grail Knight from Hercules and on.  Infact the entire Grail Saga survived in our Western Culture thanks to the Templars and their associated Pagan orders. The church when they could not stamp it out [they tried] then tried to corrupt it with making into a jewsus tale. Which is a easy to detect as bullshit.
This is also a propaganda weapon that jews use to further isolate and spread hatred of non-heterosexual men. They push the idea they are all "sissies."  The reason being called a "fag" or "gay" in an insult to men is because its being called a wimp. Meaning no musculine power or respect. Its an insult to manhood,  and a direct challenge to fight in many cases. There are miles of graves full of men who where killed over such words.
No fucking man in his right mind wants to be thought of as weak, cowardly and whipped. Its an insult to male honor. And women don't respect or desire such a man either. The "nice guy" is a psychological eunuch, hence they find no attraction on their end, they are not looking for another girlfriend.
In Aryan history this attitude did not exist. Achilles was the perfect warrior and was not heterosexual and either where some of the great and conqueroring Godmen who obtained Oymplus [The Magnum Opus] by their own hand. The Sworn Band of Thebes and on across the Aryan world. Even in the Aryan East there was a sacred cult of homosexual warriors who followed the warror God Skanda [who was considered to be homosexual]. And many of the SA fighters where a modern return to this literally. The fighting in the period of struggle in Germany was so violent after one street battle between the reds and the SA over three hundred men on both sides where laying dead. Thousands of non-heterosexual and heterosexual Aryans gave their lives to create the Third Reich and defend it.
Today women are being conditioned to act like men [Feminsim] and men are being conditioned to act like women. And the frustation or war between the sexes is building up. And this is being used to push race mixing as the two sexes start looking outside the race for women and men who still have attributes of tradtional masculinity and feminity. Divide and conqueror. And in general is used to support all kinds of anti-Aryan, communist causes.
Our honor as Aryan Men is sacred.

From: Kael Meier <meierkael@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 1:44:05 PM
Subject: Re: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


Well, some men are feminine, which is considered holy in Satanism I do believe, since it is simply being allied with your female side, it might be, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. Men being feminine is okay.

Hail Satan!

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:41:50 AM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!
I have had homosexual both male and female friends who were more bonded and protective of me and each other than my straight friends and partners.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hammerofthegods_666" <hammerofthegods_666@... wrote:

Speaking of the Spartans, I get angry when these liberals who deserve to be called "pansies" freak out at the idea of eugenics. The Spartans were mostly non-heterosexual, and yet they respected "mating season," they respected and protected Aryan women and society's natural roles, and they practiced EUGENICS. Eugenics is Pagan, and there are websites [namely 'islamdenouncesantisemitism'] that talks about this, and how Spartan culture was an example of National Socialism in the ancient world. National Socialism isn't new. It is as old as White civilization, itself. Such websites, like the one I just mentioned, try to paint the Spartans as women-haters and haters of decent culture, but this is not true. The Jews are the falsifiers of history.

Something I might add about Christianity and non-heterosexuals/heterosexuals, and how this affects EVERYONE... The Christian religion FORCES hetero and non-heteros together into marriages of conveniences [with the exception of pedophile priests and nuns]. In this unnatural process, the sexes begin to hate each other, thus, turning the sexes against each other, and playing such a large role in sexual, not to mention emotional confusion.

The kikes add this dysfunction among purely heterosexual people, too. The kikey religions promote treating women like dogs, and the sham of racial equality, as well as racial tension, so that the outcome is feminism, black history month, and sensitivity training.

Feminism doesn't help women at all, no more than homosexual rights help homosexuals [or anyone else but the Jews]. These kikey programs for Gentiles have the goal of turning Whites into a slave minority with a slave morality, and MORE persecution of non-heteros and women through BACKLASHES. The Jews know exactly how to calculate their programs and how to unleash them, all while keeping the "goyim" divided and distracted.

As a non-heterosexual Aryan, I say that we oversee that the special rights groups are knocked down and made into White Rights to organize and unite Aryan men and women [hetero or non-hetero], mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

I will mention that what is called honor in its pure form is intrinsic to our Race. And part of our racial psyche. The enemy tries to destroy and manipulate this.
In my own experience most women I deal with in life are a write off of pathologies and I know what they want at the core and how they express it is dysfunctional. I don't approve of racial mixing. But I can understand why White men would go for certian Asian women like they do. I once met a lady from S.Korea and she was very femine and charming to be around and talk with, she had that femine grace. That White Women used to be famed for in our society. In my whole life,  I can count on a finger the women I have met like that.
One thing that is pushed today as femine for men but is actually very masculine is long hair. The Spartan men where famed for their long hair which they considered as their Lions mane. Before the 300 went into battle against the Persians, they groomed their long hair expertly as a battle custom. This was common among our Aryan ancestors.

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 5:09:53 PM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Re: Has anyone noticed this?


You put my thoughts into better words and clarified a lot.
What you said about women looking outside their race, I have 2 female friends who keep going for black men who are big and strong and treat them better. I guess they like the ruggedness and feel protected. It wasn't so much that they are black its that they had the qualities of a man they wanted and were not finding in the white men they met. This is a tragedy.
We see 2 extremes of women either being treated like dogshit under islam and women as you said trying to be like men and this feminism and man hating bullshit at the other. Men and women are different we have different roles naturally there is nothing wrong with this. I am not 'weak' if I wear a dress. Ive not found a suitable partner and I have to do everything myself including what I would call mans work that Im not physically built for. I struggle with it but I have to do it.
The men I see and have had relationships with are seriously messed up. They don't know who they are or what the want in life, they seem to be either wimpy lazy wingers or angry and abusive.
Feminism has pissed men off it has created a rift. One woman tried to argue with me that the bible and religion are bad because they were written by men and men are horrible abusive assholes. No it is bullshit because it was written and created by kikes and her attitude toward men is a result of this.
This hatred of men and masculinity seems to be pushing men to be more like women only they see women as weak and act that way. It is not attractive in the slightest.

To be blunt the cute nice guys that wreak of perfume and moisturisers they do not get the blood pumping in a woman. A woman who has been abused and is scared of men might go for that because it feels safer. But she is secretly wanting what people call 'the bad boy' not bad as in a criminal or an asshole but a big strong man who acts like a man, smells like a man and fucks like a man. A man that will and can protect her and their children if need be who will treat her with respect who can be gentle with her and still able to beat the living shit out of someone, who would beat his way through a brick wall to get to her, a man like that dosnt need to ask for his dinner on the table. A lot of women will never admit it but it's the brutal truth. A real man that knows how to treat his woman does not need to beg her for sex, he does not get nagged at, he does not get bitching. He gets respect not out of force or violence he gets treated well in return because
his woman wants to be there for him and do these things.

Maybe I sound old fashioned but I am not talking about the way religion portrays and perverts these things, I am saying what is natural and instinctive. The kikes messed this up and we get all these stereotypes and stigmas about housewives being bored and abused and supressed, weak etc. It is about living life with someone you truly love who deserves it and treating each other with respect. About being able to live in a way that suits what you naturally desire and are made for. Allowing the qualities of both sexes to compliment each other and work together instead of in conflict.

Well thats how I see it.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:666BlackSun%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Yes they are trying to emasculate men and domesticate men further. Walking around looking like and acting like a catty, metrosexual is also a cheap way to sell men a lot more crap they don't need as well. It takes a lot of time and money to look like that.
Being "femine" in reality for men has nothing to do with behaving like a women. But simply acessing and empowering the positive or yin aspect of the psyche.
Looking back at the Aryan archetype of Men in our race back to the start. Its always been the Grail Knight from Hercules and on.  Infact the entire Grail Saga survived in our Western Culture thanks to the Templars and their associated Pagan orders. The church when they could not stamp it out [they tried] then tried to corrupt it with making into a jewsus tale. Which is a easy to detect as bullshit.
This is also a propaganda weapon that jews use to further isolate and spread hatred of non-heterosexual men. They push the idea they are all "sissies."  The reason being called a "fag" or "gay" in an insult to men is because its being called a wimp. Meaning no musculine power or respect. Its an insult to manhood,  and a direct challenge to fight in many cases. There are miles of graves full of men who where killed over such words.
No fucking man in his right mind wants to be thought of as weak, cowardly and whipped. Its an insult to male honor. And women don't respect or desire such a man either. The "nice guy" is a psychological eunuch, hence they find no attraction on their end, they are not looking for another girlfriend.
In Aryan history this attitude did not exist. Achilles was the perfect warrior and was not heterosexual and either where some of the great and conqueroring Godmen who obtained Oymplus [The Magnum Opus] by their own hand. The Sworn Band of Thebes and on across the Aryan world. Even in the Aryan East there was a sacred cult of homosexual warriors who followed the warror God Skanda [who was considered to be homosexual]. And many of the SA fighters where a modern return to this literally. The fighting in the period of struggle in Germany was so violent after one street battle between the reds and the SA over three hundred men on both sides where laying dead. Thousands of non-heterosexual and heterosexual Aryans gave their lives to create the Third Reich and defend it.
Today women are being conditioned to act like men [Feminsim] and men are being conditioned to act like women. And the frustation or war between the sexes is building up. And this is being used to push race mixing as the two sexes start looking outside the race for women and men who still have attributes of tradtional masculinity and feminity. Divide and conqueror. And in general is used to support all kinds of anti-Aryan, communist causes.
Our honor as Aryan Men is sacred.

From: Kael Meier <meierkael@
To: "mailto:666BlackSun%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:666BlackSun%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 1:44:05 PM
Subject: Re: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


Well, some men are feminine, which is considered holy in Satanism I do believe, since it is simply being allied with your female side, it might be, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. Men being feminine is okay.

Hail Satan!

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@
To: mailto:666BlackSun%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:41:50 AM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Has anyone noticed this?


It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!
Women are also taught to me more masculine. I've seen some good examples with liberal couples where the man is a complete bitch and the woman wears the pants so to speak. The woman I knew was disgusted with the idea of having kids and practically bragged about having an abortion believing she was so liberated, she even referred to the fetus as a parasite. It's disgusting how some people fall for this jewish unnatural behavior taught to the herd.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!
I also grew up watching masculine movies, I've noticed theres a few actors whose movies tend to have the feel of the 70's or 80's movies where the main character is uncompromising. But your right, jewry is trying to turn us into overly sensitive crying whinning, make up wearing pussies. Not me, whenever I would make my girlfriend watch one of my movies 1st she never understood the concept the movie was getting across, and 2nd she always said the character in the movie reminded her of me.
Something else thats growing probably thanks to jewry, is reversing the gender roles. My aunt has a job, and my uncle stays home and cleans the house and takes care of the kids. With this example he lost his job, and they found by not having to pay a babysitter the saved money. Point is theres more families like this out there, this is just a further attempt to emasculate men.
One the topic of homosexuality, it seems to me it was "intended" for guys who preferred the masculine. There also seems to be a push to make some of those guys think their a women in a mans body, which is probably where the shemale trend came from. I've also noticed the "gay voice" that those who are involved in "gay culture" is the same nasally voice that jews typically have. Which is probably why the guys who are involved in gay culture is completely artificial and completely out of touch.
I remember when I was a kid once in a great while I saw a black/white couple, and myself and others around looked at them the way when look at people who are retarded. Somehow jewry has conditioned our Gentile society to not even take notce of it. The only time I even see a tv is when I'm at my girlfriends place, but the commericals I see typically involve a white women and a black man side by side. Its not said their a couple I think its more subliminally messaging. People seem to base their lives on what they see on the jewtube, anyone remember the movie animal farm (I know it was a book first)
I think part of the reson jewry wants men (namely white men) to be more passive, is people who are very masculine are also born leaders. Masculine and uncompromising people are the ones who give everyone else the courage when they charge into battle, they have that fire (element) that strengthens those around them.

Hail Satan!!!
Hail Buer!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!
Masculine women or bimbos, really skinny or really fat. No strong feminine charactors that are fit and smart and self respecting that make good role models for girls. They always show blonde women as bimbos and play up being dumb and materialistic. It's fucking insulting. I have no problem with the naked body and sexuality but some of the shit on TV music videos is just gross. I enjoy seeing a beautifull body but not what someone had for breakfast. It's cheap and nasty. Black rappers with half naked white girls all over them yuck, calling them bitches and sluts. young girls watching this and thinking they should be like that. They see the anorexic women in magazines selling a whole bunch of shit made in china clothes and cosmetics, there is nothing nastier than skin draped on a skelleton with breast implants and a face full of botox. Plastic people.

The clothes in the shops are crap its all mass produced rubbish made in china by underpaid slave workers. The stitching falls apart the fabric is cheap and it all looks the same. It's boring people all wearing the same crap whatever is 'in fashion' spending a fortune on it where is individuality and creativity? Ive started learning to make my own clothes because I was fed up. I want to make some nice dresses with velvet and beading and it's relaxing to do at night instead of watching whatever rubbish is on TV it's not that hard to do.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kvnfidler" <kvnfidler@... wrote:

I also grew up watching masculine movies, I've noticed theres a few actors whose movies tend to have the feel of the 70's or 80's movies where the main character is uncompromising. But your right, jewry is trying to turn us into overly sensitive crying whinning, make up wearing pussies. Not me, whenever I would make my girlfriend watch one of my movies 1st she never understood the concept the movie was getting across, and 2nd she always said the character in the movie reminded her of me.
Something else thats growing probably thanks to jewry, is reversing the gender roles. My aunt has a job, and my uncle stays home and cleans the house and takes care of the kids. With this example he lost his job, and they found by not having to pay a babysitter the saved money. Point is theres more families like this out there, this is just a further attempt to emasculate men.
One the topic of homosexuality, it seems to me it was "intended" for guys who preferred the masculine. There also seems to be a push to make some of those guys think their a women in a mans body, which is probably where the shemale trend came from. I've also noticed the "gay voice" that those who are involved in "gay culture" is the same nasally voice that jews typically have. Which is probably why the guys who are involved in gay culture is completely artificial and completely out of touch.
I remember when I was a kid once in a great while I saw a black/white couple, and myself and others around looked at them the way when look at people who are retarded. Somehow jewry has conditioned our Gentile society to not even take notce of it. The only time I even see a tv is when I'm at my girlfriends place, but the commericals I see typically involve a white women and a black man side by side. Its not said their a couple I think its more subliminally messaging. People seem to base their lives on what they see on the jewtube, anyone remember the movie animal farm (I know it was a book first)
I think part of the reson jewry wants men (namely white men) to be more passive, is people who are very masculine are also born leaders. Masculine and uncompromising people are the ones who give everyone else the courage when they charge into battle, they have that fire (element) that strengthens those around them.

Hail Satan!!!
Hail Buer!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

It is probably the kike run media at work but the roles of men and the way men are portrayed in movies and society I have noticed a trend towards 'de masculinity' I remember The terminator, Die hard, Rambo, batman, John Wayne westerns and rough and tough cowboys, war films with big beefy men strong jawed and with hair on their chests playing the hero. Now its weak weedy little sissy's. I don't watch that many new movies anymore but its what I have noticed. The girly boys. And this push of the sensitive new age guy all waxed and groomed and pretty. Where have the hercules and Rambo's and cowboys gone? is this another kike thing? My generation of women don't like it we miss the real men. I see the younger ladies flocking after the sissy boys. I don't get it I'm old school. It just seems to me like they are taking the manly out of men.

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
